The Stony Brook Press - Volume 29, Issue 10
The Stony Brook Press - Volume 29, Issue 10
The Stony Brook Press - Volume 29, Issue 10
The University is reviewing its Campus-wide beverage contract, and is interested in Are you a(n)…?
your preferences for national brand beverages that will be offered on campus. The sur-
vey will take just a couple of minutes to complete. Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
The study is being conducted by the Center for Survey Research at Stony Brook Uni- Medical School Student
versity. Dental Student
Other (Please Specify)
As you progress through the survey, please do not use your browser’s navigation but-
tons like “Back” or “Reload,” since this will erase all of your responses. Instead, you What is your age? ____
should only use the buttons included within the survey.
What is your gender?
Your participation is completely voluntary and survey responses will be strictly confi-
dential. If you press “Continue” button below and complete the following online survey, Female
it means that you have read the information contained in the email sent to you and Male
would like to be a volunteer in this study.
We thank you for participating in this study.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
If you have any additional thoughts regarding your national brand beverage prefer-
I have read the above information and I agree to participate in this study. By ence, please write them in the box below:
continuing, I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age or older.
Overall, which of the following national beverage brands do you prefer? Do you feel the survey effectively measured your opinion regarding murders in Colom-
Coca Cola Products, including Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid juices, Yes, entirely
Barq’s Root Beer, Nestea Iced Tea, Power Aid, and Dasani water Sort of
Pepsi Products, including Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Tropicana Not really
Juices, Mug Root Beer, Lipton Iced Tea, SoBe, and Aquafina water Not at all
No Preference – Drink both brands
Neither – Do not drink either brand Do you feel the survey effectively measured your opinion regarding responsible water
resource management in India?
What is the most important factor in determining which beverage brand you would pre- Yes, entirely
fer to purchase? Sort of
Not really
Price Not at all
Nutritional Content
Taste Do you feel the survey effectively measured your opinion regarding independent re-
Something else (Please specify) gional beverage distributors, Big Geyser?
Yes, entirely
How often do you purchase beverages from vending machines on campus? Sort of
Not really
More than once a day Not at all
Once a day
More than once a week Do you feel the survey effectively measured your opinion regarding monopolies which
Once a week exploit students who can’t get off campus?
Several times a month Yes, entirely
Once a month Sort of
Less than once a month Not really
Never Not at all
How convenient are the locations of the beverage vending machines? Do you feel the survey effectively measured your opinion regarding 10-year exclusive
contracts, which prevent fully 8 class years of students from participating in contracting
Very Convenient decisions on campus?
Somewhat Convenient Yes, entirely
Somewhat inconvenient Sort of
Very inconvenient Not really
Don’t use vending machines Not at all
Are you a Commuter or a Resident Student? How hard do you think it would have been to send this survey (shitty as it may be) to
every student on campus?
Commuter Excruciatingly difficult
Resident Very difficult
Kinda easy
Mind numbingly simple
4 News Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Beverage for Thought
Did you know that in his final speech before he died, Martin Luther King Jr. called for a boycott of Coca-Cola products? Then he was
assassinated. Coincidence? You decide.
Ballroom Skating?
By Nick Eaton bit to illustrate his point “It takes a lit- ice. It’s good, I think the kids will like which only gives credence to the rinks
tle more leg muscle, but it’s a lot like it.” mimicking ability.
The event was originally listed on
SAC Ballroom A has “hosted a the events calendar as costing $1, but
multitude of events from formal ban- upon waiting at the doors until roughly
quets and awards dinners, to student 7:30 (half an hour later than the listed
club parties, concerts, movies, food time) the fee was dropped and students
and trade show exhibits, and national were able to obtain a ticket at the box
dance competitions.” On Friday, Feb- office enabling them to skate for fifteen
ruary 29, however, the room was trans- minutes at a time. Attendance seemed
formed into an indoor “ice” skating scarce at first glance, a group of eleven
rink. The 20’x40’ cutting board mate- people waiting at the door that quickly
rial misted with water acted as an ice reduced to four individuals after fif-
substitute, but how did it fare against teen minutes of waiting. As things
actual ice? Andrew Washington, for- warmed up, the room gained roughly
mer head coach of the Farmingdale thirty inhabitants, most of them spec-
State hockey team, expressed only tators. Smiles filled the room for the
minor differences between the $3,500 most part. The only concerned gazes
Nick Eaton Nick Eaton
A little bit of this. And that.
rink and actual ice. “It’s a little came from first-time skaters who
tougher,” Washington said, skating a struggled on the pseudo ice, a point
6 News Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Beverage for Thought
Did you know that Fanta was created by Nazis when they couldn’t import Coke syrup after the start of WWII? Just drink Shasta. It’s named
after a mountain, not a narcotic.
University Hedgehogging
New York’s efforts to become a leader in from which will be mostly spent here on term—and when it is successfully up
By Alex H. Nagler innovation and excellence in higher ed- Long Island. It will also sponsor special and running, those visitors will bring
ucation.” programs that will involve the entire home with them the memory of the
Stony Brook has joined the ranks of campus community.” good work they did and the good time
In an unprecedented moment of Columbia, MIT, UC Berkley, and Yale This new center will be used for the they had at Stony Brook. Our name has
generosity, Forbes’ 57th Richest Person for institutions that the Simons have study of string theory, which is essen- been spread around the world that way
in America and former chairman of the given money to. Now with the addition tially the study of the fundamental un- by summer workshops and we think the
math department Jim Simons gave of this gift, the Simons Center for derpinning of all physics. In the Center will add to Stony Brook’s world
Stony Brook a sixty million dollar do- Geometry and Physics will be built ad- creation of the center, the University has reputation at an even greater level.”
nation. The gift is the largest donation jacent to the Math Tower in the near fu- already poached Dr. Michael R. Dou- Having a center like this opens the
ever made to both Stony Brook and a ture. glass from Rutgers University. Dr. Dou- University up to further national and
single SUNY institution. It was an- When asked for comment on what glass helped create the first solvable international acclaim. A specialized
nounced at a press conference keynoted this will do for the school, and the model of string theory, and will be re- building that serves the primary pur-
by Governor Eliot Spitzer at Stony physics department, Professor George turning home to Stony Brook to teach pose of something, like an emerging
Brook’s Man- field such
hattan Cen- as string
ter. t h e o r y,
This gift is would do
one of the wonders
many recent for the
developments University,
that the Uni- giving it a
versity has sort of na-
touted over t i ona l
the past year. prestige in
Starting with the subject
the 50th an- area. Also,
niversary of Nova and
the campus Discovery
itself and the Channel
declaration by Governor Spitzer in the F. Sterman, Distinguished Professor and in the same department that his father specials always need experts to inter-
State of the State Address in January, Director of the C.N. Yang Institute for worked in, back when Dr. Simons was view for their latest programs. Having a
where he called for Stony Brook to be- Theoretical Physics stated that he feels in charge. few somewhat familiar faces would
come a “flagship” of the SUNY system, “…the Center, will further strengthen Parts of the money will also be used make for a nice change of pace in a field
the school has had a good year. Spitzer the related departments in physical sci- to bring in visiting faculty members to that’s dominated by the UCals and
called on other philanthropists to in- ences, making Stony Brook more at- serve a term or to spearhead a work- Columbias of the world.
crease their donations to Stony Brook tractive to the best faculty in all fields, shop or conference. On this, Professor
and the SUNY and CUNY systems, and will bring new opportunities in Sterman said, “The center will bring Alex H. Nagler thinks Dr. Brian
stating that “the donation will bolster graduate study, new grants, the funds faculty, but also visitors—long and short Greene and his strings are dreamy.
You’re Hired?
Berluti added, “I was looking for some and opportunities in all fields. We had childcare related. In terms of the job fair
By Najib Aminy jobs in the medical field, but I found to find opportunities outside of Stony as a whole, “I think it is a great oppor-
mostly financial stuff and insurance Brook.” tunity to get to know employers and ask
companies.” Although there were com- Of the medical companies that were questions about positions unheard,”
Dressed to garnish a good first im- panies related to the medical field, they in attendance was Kathy Barrish from said Zaveri.
pression, many Stony Brook students were largely outnumbered by business the Human Resource Department of Representing Aerotek, a leading
flocked to the Student Activities Center related companies. “If you are not a Memorial Sloan Kettering, a cancer re- provider of profession recruiting and
for the Job and Internship Fair this past business major you are not going to get search institution. Barrish looks for stu- staffing, Pinar Senyilmaz looks for cer-
Wednesday and Thursday. Résumés in noticed.” Said Berluti. Cerasini added dents that know what they want. Rather tain qualities in the students that come
hand, ties tied, and shoes polished, stu- ,“Stony Brook should help students with than asking questions of what a certain up to her. “Someone who is profes-
dents flocked to hundreds of companies building their resume with internships company does, Barrish prefers students sional, has good communication skills,
that were present at the job fair, such as who come up to her and ask questions and knows what they are looking for
Ameriprise, Geico, Liberty Mutual, such as “I am graduating with a psy- and knows where they want to be in the
Madison Square Garden, and the Social chology degree, what can I do?” next couple of years.” The résumé, Seny-
Security Administration. With over 130 Josefina Salguero and Zahabiya Za- ilmaz adds, helps, but it is not the de-
companies represented in the span of veri of the Stony Brook Child Care Cen- ciding factor, rather a way to help
two days, the opportunity presented ter say that of the students that come up strengthen a candidate. Senyilmaz ad-
ambivalent for students with specific to their booth, many of them do wind vises students to “check out the infor-
majors. up working for them. The Stony Brook mation beforehand, and stop at every
However, for seniors Mark Cerasini Child Care Center is a non-profit or- table because you don’t know who you
and Dan Berluti, of the many compa- ganization that provides childcare serv- are going to meet.”
nies represented, none had suited their ices for staff, faculty, and employees of Of the consumer companies present
health science majors. Cerasini sug- Stony Brook University. According to was Abercrombie and Fitch. Roxanne
“Check out my mustache.”
gested that the career center should Zaveri, such a program is a foundation
“bring in more companies with variety.” and experience necessary for anything HIRED continued on page next page
The Stony Brook Press News 7
Editorial Board
Executive Editor
Bryan Hasho
Managing Editor
James Laudano
No to Coke
Associate Editor
Alex H. Nagler On April 1, the Faculty Student As- portant human rights concerns, which consists of a four-year program, ten-
sociation (FSA) will make a decision to are the priority in this discussion. How- year contracts mean that six class years
Business Manager award a new, ten year, exclusive bever- ever, we have additional issues with the of students will spend their full four
Adina Silverbush age contract either to our current beverage contract. At no point did the years at Stony Brook without ever wit-
Production Manager provider, Coca-Cola, or to a competi- university even consider a non-monop- nessing a contract renegotiation. If any
Jesse Schoepfer tor—Pepsi or the independent regional oly arrangement, or a contract lasting of these students are dissatisfied with
News Editor
company Big Geyser. The FSA should fewer than ten years—both unfortunate the terms of the contract, they will
Najib Aminy repudiate Coke and award the contract provisions are required of bidders by never have a single chance to voice
to a competitor. Human rights advo- the FSA. those concerns in a venue that matters.
Features Editor cates, from Stony Brook’s Social Justice The next beverage provider will, Second, given the tremendous turnover
Jonathan Singer
Alliance (SJA) and other groups, have once again, face virtually no competi- in student populations and organiza-
Arts Editor conducted a well-argued publicity cam- tion in the campus beverage market- tions, the long term of the contract is
Andrew Fraley paign, over the past two years, to draw place. With a monopoly contract, Coke, virtually guaranteed to prevent any con-
Photo Editors attention to Coke’s irresponsible behav- Pepsi or Big Geyser will be free to ex- tinuity in student leadership. No one
John ‘Caboose’ O’Dell ior worldwide—most significantly their ploit students who can’t conveniently representing students in any of the rel-
Roman Sheydvasser collusion with murderous paramili- get off campus, facing no pressure what- evant committees will remember the
Copy Editors taries in Colombia. Readers can find soever to provide quality products or process or the outcome of the last con-
Nick Eaton some of their arguments in this issue of reasonable prices. This arrangement is tract negotiations—there will be no in-
Katie Knowlton The Press. Page two features the article convenient for the cash-starved admin- stitutional memory allowing students to
Webmaster “The Killing Joke of Killer Coke”, which istration, which is bought off with pay- learn from their mistakes or build on a
Chris Williams details a recent SJA-organized speaking offs in the form of secretive scholarships coherent policy. The FSA should never
appearance by Colombian unionist that can be used to supplement the uni- sign any contract on terms longer than
Audiomaster Camilo Romero, in which he described versity’s inadequate state funding, but it three years, which would allow for
Vincent Michael Festa
the devastating consequences of Coke’s is unacceptable to campus consumers— meaningful student participation in
Ombudsman irresponsibility on slain union organiz- we’ve been gouged enough in the form campus decision-making. Power in
Sam Goldman ers in his native land. On page nine, the of multiplying fees, parking fine in- university decision-making should be
‘letters to the editor’ section opens with creases and countless other indignities. distributed fairly among those who will
a piece from our former news editor, The decision by the FSA to arrange be impacted by the decisions—and
Jackie Hayes, who is currently involved for a ten-year contract can only be seen since most of the people served by con-
in a campaign, similar to the SJA’s, at the as an effort to undermine democracy tractors like the beverage provider are
Minister of Archives University at Albany. We find their ar- on campus. The great majority of the undergraduates, we deserve effective in-
Alex Walsh guments, for using the University’s eco- campus population consists of under- struments to have a say in contracting
Distribution Manager nomic position to hold Coke graduates. Ten-year contracts under- decisions proportional to our predomi-
David K. Ginn accountable, quit convincing. mine student participation in public nance in the community.
We appreciate the attention the decision-making in two important
University seems to have paid to the im- ways. First, as the typical college career
To the Stony Brook Community, But, there’s so much more to Roger than just his running. He and his wife are
part of the Stony Brook family. Our Stony Brook family. He fell in love and mar-
This past weekend, Stony Brook lost two of its great alumni and two special ried Annette Hicks (’96), who is also a SB alumni, and they have shared over ten
men, Roger L. Gill (’95) and Warren Davies (’97) in a tragic car accident. Both years of marriage together. During her time at SB, Annette was elected SGA vice-
men were just thirty-five years old. We have been friends, no brothers, of Roger president and president. To us, the Gill family reminds us of how unique our SB
and Warren since during our days at Stony Brook from 1990 to the present and experience has been to all of us. Roger and Annette have four beautiful daugh-
while we send our condolences to both families at this time, we wanted to share ters, ranging from 10 to 1 years old. And, they are expecting twins in the coming
a little bit about the man we all knew as Roger and the type of husband, father, son, months. This is truly a tragic event in all of our lives and for the Stony Brook
friend and student athlete that the University community can be proud to call one community.
of its own. We were with Roger the night of his death, and as usual he spoke of his wife,
Roger was recruited by some of the top track programs in America (including his daughters and becoming a new father again. That night he also spoke of Stony
UCLA & Georgia Tech), yet chose Stony Brook for its educational and athletic Brook, and discussed why it was that neither he nor any of the Express members
opportunities. Roger was a 4 time All State high school track athlete in high were in the Athletic Hall of Fame at Stony Brook. In some ways, it bothered not
school and decided to attend Stony Brook with 4 other freshman. These fresh- only him, but all of us, and its ironic to know that during his final day, he still had
man, along with senior Jean Massilon became known as the “Stony Brook Ex- Stony Brook on his mind. He truly admired our University and lived a beautiful
press.” The Stony Brook Express brought forth a golden age at Stony Brook for the life.
men’s track and field team and this group still currently holds over 12 university Given all of what the Gill family has accomplished and meant for Stony Brook,
men’s track and field records, captured the ECAC track championships in 1991 the time is now for the University to take action and acknowledge to Roger’s fam-
(the first one ever), and has several All-Americans and Olympians. Roger grad- ily how special Roger was to our University. Everyone of our past, current and fu-
uated from Stony Brook with a BA in Human Resource Management and took ture students should aspire to live life as Roger did. Therefore, we are sure that the
graduate classes at Stony Brook. University will join us and our friends to help Roger’s family at this time. We
Roger epitomizes the notion of student athlete, husband, father and a quality hope that the University is willing to recognize Roger and Annette’s efforts in life
person in America that we can all honor. While at Stony Brook, Roger was Stony by providing their children with scholarships to the University, and additional
Brook’s first ever Freshman All-American. Roger was also one of two members support, as we all take this time to honor one of Stony Brook’s greatest alumni.
of the Express to run in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. One of our proud- Roger’s additional accomplishments: First Freshman All-American, 6 time All-
est moments in life was seeing him and Anderson Vilien on television as they American, 2 time SBU Athlete of the Year, 2 time ECAC- MVP, Senior Athlete
marched in the Olympic Stadium during the opening ceremonies. It brought tears of the Year, Milrose Games- Madison Square Garden- 1st Place- 4x400M, Guyana
to our eyes see our former teammates at the Olympics when knowing just two National Record Holder- 4x400M, Bronze Medal CAC (Central American and
years before we would all speak, not in jest, about how they would run in the Caribbean) Games- 4x400M.
Olympics. That was typical Roger, setting goals and achieving them. He was also involved in the following activities at Stony Brook: Polity Senator,
Roger was truly a special student athlete. We all drew strength from Roger’s Vice President- Caribbean Student Organization, Gospel Choir, Faculty / Staff
ability and desire to be the best. He was known for his ability to bring our relay Advisor- Caribbean Student Organization, Student Manager- Campus Catering,
teams back from 4th or 5th place to first in a blink of an eye. We also remember Assistant Foodservice Manager, Part of Opening Team for the Student Activities
watching his performance at the Penn Relays, where he passed 6 teams, many of Center, Foodservice Director- Stony Brook Union, Humanities Café.
which were Division I programs to lead our relay to victory. It was because of Roger was also a deacon at his church, Corona Seventh Day Adventist Church,
Roger that our team continued to get better, stronger and faster. We had no fear where he and his family often participated in many of the church’s activities.
with our leader by our side, and Roger never showed any fear. With love, brotherhood, and admiration. We will always miss you Roger and
Clearly, if you look at the university record books, Roger is the best athlete that Warren.
Stony Brook has ever had, both pre and post the division I move. Roger not only Courtney O’Mealley, Jerry Canada, Jeremiah Ellis, Jean Massilion, Anderson
performed at meets, he was one of the hardest working students we knew. We all Vilien, Wayne Mattadeen
owe part of our own track success at Stony Brook directly to Roger, who pushed
us, reminded us that we could do better and eventually let by example on the track Donations to benefit Roger’s daughters and wife Annette should be payable to
and in life. the “Roger L. Gill Family Trust”. Donations should then be sent care of Jerry
Roger ran for the love of the sport. Back then, there were no athletic scholar- Canada, Kenyon & Kenyon LLP, One Broadway, NY, NY 10004.
ships and no additional funds for the athletic department. We even had to pur-
chase our own running shoes. But despite this, Roger ran all four years, proudly [The letter writer additionally included information about Gil’s funeral services.
wearing the Stony Brook jersey. He was even the last SB athlete to compete under Unofrtunately, due to the Press’ production schedule, we were unable to publish this
the old school mascot, the Patriots. information in time for interest readers to participate.]
10 Letters Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Dear Stony Brook Press, lems, we’re still forced to operate within the same exploitative University system.
Thank you for covering the important Graduate Student Employees Union What this means for you is this: The men and women who teach your recita-
(GSEU) victory that returned over $200,000 in Presidential Fellowships to the tions, teach your labs and grade your papers, in many cases live in illegal basement
pockets of Stony Brook’s GSEU members. Our members are frequently ignored by apartments and work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. They’re overworked
the campus media despite their tremendous efforts in teaching recitations, work- and underpaid, but more importantly, they’re forced to participate in a system in
ing in labs, grading papers and exams and working in administrative offices that which undergraduates are paying for an education where their teachers—teach-
make Stony Brook work. Basically, we’re saying that you fucking rock! ers who want to be wholly dedicated to their teaching—are unable to provide their
full energy and time.
Teaching Assistants and Graduate Assistants are underpaid according to Stony
Brook’s own Five Year Plan, which asserts that all TAs and GAs salaries should be Stony Brook and the SUNY system as a whole work because we (all) do. If we
$17,550 next academic year, not the mere $15,145 that we will be earning. GSEU stand together, we can beat back any administrative attack and the GSEU at Stony
Members have seen University administrators behave as stingy corporate man- Brook will be proud to stand with The Stony Brook Press!
agers, attempting to unilaterally cut and eliminate promised Presidential Fellow- In solidarity,
ships. Teachers in the Learning Communities have seen teaching fellowships
disappear; graduate students have seen the Graduate School fail to allocate ap- Stony Brook Graduate Student Employees Union/CWA1104 (Education Divi-
proximately $8,000 in Professional Development Funds; and teaching and grad- sion)
uate assistants are currently working without a contract with the State of New AKA, your underpaid Teaching Assistants, Graders, and administrative assis-
York. Even though graduate and undergraduate students may face different prob- tants working to help you!
Dear GSEU,
anks for putting up with us and our stupid questions. We know you’ve your own shit to deal with, but the fact that you can take time out to help us poor Under-
grads makes you (more oen, but not always the case) more awesome than the Professors.
Correction: My cartoon makes two important points. McCain’s claim that “…at no point
[in more than half a century of public service] have I ever done anything that
I’d like to apologize to readers for misleading them. would betray the public trust or make a decision that would in any way not be in
The previous issue of The Press featured a comic I wrote, entitled “Oh Yeah, Ex- the public interest that would favor anyone…” is ridiculous because its falsity is a
cept For That One Time,” lampooning the blatant dishonesty of presumptive Re- matter of well publicized public record. That the dominant media allowed his
publican presidential nominee John McCain’s sanctimonious claim to have never, comment to stand unchallenged and uncontextualized in that history, leaving
in his life, favored a special interest over the public. While the thrust of the comic young readers unfamiliar with the events of the 1980’s in the dark, betrays their
is sound—given McCain’s infamous involvement with Savings and Loan scandal failings.
figure Charles Keating it is remarkably audacious for him to characterize his po- However, a casual reading of the abbreviated summary of events in the car-
litical career as one of ideal service—in one significant way it is unfair. toon gives readers the impression that McCain is somehow responsible for cost-
In an attempt to dramatize the scope of the episode McCain was trying to ing the taxpayers the far larger figure. That’s not fair, and I’m sorry.
sweep under the rug, I wrote that he “[took] money from and [performed] favors
for crooks who fleeced the American public—who got screwed out of over one Matt Willemain
hundred billion dollars…” This simplification conflates two related, but distinct,
scandals. The first resulted from the inappropriate exchange of campaign money
for legislative favoritism between Senators, including McCain, and the notorious
Charles Keating. The second surrounded the larger mess resulting from the col- Correction:
lapse of the crooked savings & loan industry, with its parade of impoverished
grandmothers and obscene, incomprehensibly-scaled taxpayer bailout. In the previous issue of The Stony Brook Press, confusion in our graphic de-
The figure of over one hundred billion dollars represents the cost incurred to sign efforts lead to our failure to give proper attribution to one of our writers. “I
taxpayers to bail out the failed financial institutions as a group. But McCain’s im- Got Some on V-Day, Suck It, Bitches”, the inaugural entry in the new column “Ad-
propriety was only linked to the most famous individual case, that of Keating’s ventures in Euro Lesbian Land” was, of course, written by regular contributor
Lincoln Savings and Loan, the failure of which only cost the public somewhere be- Ilyssa Fuchs. Regular readers may recall Ilyssa’s previous column, “Ask a Lesbian”.
tween two and four billion dollars. Same lesbian, different continent. Our apologies to Ilyssa.
O p E d : I f I t ’ s Wa r t h e A s i a n s W a n t . . .
by Tommy Yu ning, thinking, and assembling before clearly did - it ceases to become satire and going to put you through anything we
cleverness can drive it home. Let it whiz loses all credibility. Sure, it may contain haven’t put ourselves through” is just as
Editor's Note: At Colorado University, a past the border of disrespect with insults some satirical qualities, but I was forced to hurtful as giving a hate speech aimed solely
2/18/08 opinion piece in Campus News, along for the ride and animosity will un- sift through fourteen paragraphs of blatant to perpetuate racial differences.
the student newspaper, If it's war the doubtedly follow closely behind. stereotypes to locate even a smidgen of wit. Given Karson’s history of bigotry (a
Asians want... It's war they'll get, set off That is exactly what happened when Max But wait, this must be satire because quick name search on Wikipedia brings up
a firestorm of protest. There is a link at Karson published his borderline-hate piece, Jonathan Swift, a renowned satirical writer, some interesting facts), I’m not surprised he
the end this article online containing “If It’s war the Asians want… It’s war once wrote about eating homeless babies! is once again at the center of controversy.
links to all of the news coverage for those they’ll get.” After the recent media furor he Oh, the shock that reverberated through the Then again, maybe I misinterpret his
who do not know the whole story. experienced, it’s a surprise that Karson homeless community! This piece must be piece. Maybe Karson’s point is that if all
managed to sidestep out of an apology and homage to Swift - except that Swift actu- Asians conformed, they would be as racist
used to think that people were too cau- slip away, leaving those involved in bewil- ally knew how to wield his Satire Sword. as he made himself out to be, or that they
tious in our society, that no one would derment. He understood the victimized party would would all fail at satire like he did. Maybe
take a joke for what it is anymore - a I couldn’t help but feel a little disturbed never take offense; he realized that the poor he was just poking fun at himself. If that’s
joke. Why take offense to something that by Karson’s piece, as it suggests that the could not read his work, let alone acquire a the case, I apologize for everything I said
clearly isn't meant to be taken seriously? best solution to the mounting racial tensions copy. Thus, he was free from repercussions. about his article.
Political jokes, sexual jokes, self-deprecat- between Asians and Caucasians is for the Most importantly, however, he ended “A So please, Asians of America, stop over-
ing jokes, ethnic jokes, I couldn’t have latter to hunt down all the Asians with Modest Proposal” with something along the reacting and give this badmouthing, misog-
cared less about political correctness when “extra-large butterfly net[s],” lock them all lines of: “we could eat all the babies of the ynistic, Cho Seung-Hui defending, racist
it came to these. up in a room, and subject them to humilia- poor, or just find a way to feed and clothe satirical writer a chance.
How ignorant was I to believe that every- tion and ridicule until the “Asian spirit has them.”
one shared my point of view. There will al- been broken.” Of course, he writes all this Where was Karson’s redeeming line? dIfsWarTheAsiansWant.shtml
ways be people sensitive to any given under the blanket he calls satire. Okay, I get the weak satire - racism is bad ————————————————
societal issue. But when a satirical work forsakes its and there are no easy resolutions. But writ-
We all laugh when we see something duty to provoke thought and misplaces its ing an entire piece chockfull of blatantly
funny, but a good joke takes much plan- emphasis on shock value - as this article racist remarks and finishing with “we’re not OpEdIfItsWarTheAsiansWant.shtml
by David Lu to police who track down offend- many other alternatives that can be used
ers. such as,, and so on.
t has been almost twenty years since the But perhaps the worst of all these The Chinese people are not taking this
Beijing Massacre, commonly known as companies is Yahoo. It is mostly sitting down either. In fact every year the
“The Tiananmen Square Massacre”. known for its two hugely contro- numbers of demonstrations in China have
Many associate this event with the famous versial cases. One involves a Chi- increased steadily. Perhaps there is hope
photograph of “tank man”, an unknown nese journalist Shi Tao, who was yet, and that “tank man” will live on for-
rebel who stood in the path to keep these known for sending information ever.
massive tanks from advancing. However, about Chinese censorship of news
has this event changed China at all, and to the Asia Democracy Forum.
what do major internet companies have to about it in fear of imprisonment and torture. When the Chinese government found out,
do with China and us? As for the schools, under government rules, Yahoo handed over Tao's email account in-
In the years following Tiananmen Square the event is not to be even mentioned. formation as well as his IP which helped the
up until the present, China has been on the So what about the internet? In an ever ex- government track down where the message
road to a steady economic growth where panding nation, internet access has become originated. As a result he has been sen- Asian American Journal
cities have out produced and brought in more accessible to its citizens every day. tenced to serve ten years in prison.
much more revenue than small nations. The The problem therein lies with Google, The other case also caused the victim to ***
Olympics being held this summer hopes to Yahoo, Microsoft, and Cisco Systems. receive ten years in prison. Wei Xiaoning 2008
further China’s glory and presence on the These companies seek to appease the Chi- was an engineer by profession who SUBMISSIONS
international stage. With such growth, have nese government in exchange for a huge protested the one party system in China. His
the Chinese forgiven the government, or let market share of users - even if it means put- method of protesting was to post electronic
Tiananmen Square fall to the wayside? ting human rights at risk. journals expressing his ideas for democratic HARD COPY
Some have, many others haven’t. The way these companies appease the reform. As a result, the Chinese government PUBLISHED
Those of the older generation remember Communist government is to censor them- found out about this and once again Yahoo EACH SEMESTER
clearly the events of the massacre but few selves in accordance with Chinese law and assisted. The results of both these cases ***
dare to speak of it. In fact, the event was to notify the Chinese government about cer- have put Yahoo under scrutiny from human
meant to be self-contained but Western tain activity. Anything the government finds rights organizations. They label the com- ART, LIT,
journalists was able to slip it out. Therefore, anti-Communist is blocked from the web. pany irresponsible and have created move- SHORT STORIES, LIFE STORIES,
this brings us to the youth of China. When For example, a regular image search for ments for users to boycott Yahoo services, POETRY & PROSE
China’s top university students were pre- “Tiananmen Square” in the US, whether it though the effects have yet to be seen. ***
sented with a photo of Tiananmen Square be under Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft’s So what does this have to do with US?
MSN, would return hundreds upon hun-
Check out
from an undercover BBC reporter, they Not too far back many of us were deeply
were baffled. They didn’t know what to dreds of pages of results, many of them dis- concerned with Google who was under 2006-2007
make of the photo. The students thought playing the “tank man” photo. questioning to present searches from every issues online at
that perhaps the man in front of the tank However, in China, only four pages re- user in its database. It was clear that many
was conducting some sort of ceremony, or turn. None of which contain that photo. of us were outraged, and the same should
Though Cisco isn’t known for search en-
that the photo being shown to them was be applied to Google again, as well as
simply doctored. gines, Cisco provides communication sys- Yahoo, Microsoft’s MSN and Cisco Sys- ***
How could this have happened? With tems and all different high tech equipment. tems. Every time you look up something Send submissions to
many of the massacre generation alive, how In this case with China, it helps block in- through these services you are supporting [email protected]
could the students not know? The answer is ternet websites that users try to visit, and these companies in their compliance with
that those of that generation don’t speak also provides an array of high tech gadgetry anti-human rights movements. There are excerpts in SB Press Vol 19 N 4 Feb 2008 Weekly meetings Fridays 3:30pm at our office in Student Union 071
12 Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Inside the Features section-
The Crusdaes All Over Again? Journalism Deparmtent Plants Gun- Black History Month Closing Cere-
Page 12 man on Campus! Page 14 mony Page 15
“I will find my brother Doug Little and fight the pizza criminal and Doug Little will be happy” Lou Little said out loud.
Lou Little got on his mortorcycle and zoomed off the SAC and landed in the academic mall and kept going to the place where the criminal was. He saw a wepon
under a tree and wet to pick it up. Lou Little tested the wepon by fireing it at nearby bush and the bush went BOOM. “I am ready now and this wepon makes me
ready to fight the pizza criminal and save Doug Litte” Lou Little said.
Lou Little flipped onto his motorsycle fast and rode fast to where Doug Little was. Lou Little got a call on his telephone and it was the pizza criminal “I have your
brother Doug Little and you will not find me Lou Little haha” said the criminal. Lou Litlte said “You will not laugh at me!” and heard Doug Little in the back calling
for help so he drove fast.
Lou Little found the pizza criminal and said “I have found you pizza criminal give me the pizza and Doug Little and I will not have to shoot your head” and ran fast
towards the criminal. The criminal said “I have wepon and I will shoot you head first” and wet to pull out wepon but he did not have any wepon. “Haha you have no
wepon” said Lou Little to the pizza criminal and he shot the pizza criminal and the pizza criminal died.
Lou Little said to Doug Little “I am here bro and you are saved” But Doug Little said “You got here to late and now I am angry and am a criminal to!” And Lou Little
siad “Oh yeah” and did something special… to be continued?...
The Stony Brook Press Features 15
“Ittity bittity baby, ittity bittity boat, I don’t believe it, HABEEB IT, twinkie house.” –/b
Loose Vagina-Talk In Focus:
Does It Threatens the Lord God?
women, low self-esteem, the lack of fe- standard white lights and populated shaved vagina, called pubic hair, “the
By Bryan Lew male orgasm, genital mutilations, sex only by four microphones, several lawn around the house.”
therapy and even female ejaculation. chairs, and two boards draped in red “You have to love the hair,” she
These conflicts, it seems, have been cloth. added.
When Vagina Day organizer Dr. started by men and their male-domi- The show is non-traditional; there is The audience, brimming with the
Smita Majumdar Das introduced an au- nated society. The problems were never no progressive plot or clear protagonist cast’s friends, families, and yes-men,
dience of several hundred to the play or antagonist. However, one erupted in laughter.
The Vagina Monologues, I laughed for could argue that the ac- I sat there, clueless and disgusted.
the first and last time that night. tresses and their vaginas Other monologues included “The
“We are part of a global movement serve as the protagonists. Flood,” in which one character became
to stop violence against women all over I sat there, clueless and dis- The actresses’ perceived dif- exceptionally scared of becoming sexu-
the world,” she said in a serious tone, ficulties, such as the spouse ally aroused, for fear of vaginal dis-
perhaps unaware of her extraneous use gusted…I found the con- who would only settle for a charge or female ejaculation.
of words. The Vagina Monologues, she shaved vagina or the Japan- “Because He Liked to Look At It”
reiterated, “is an effort to stop violence tent of the performance to ese soldiers who raped was a monologue about a woman telling
against women.” women, serve as the antago- of her sexual partner’s mad desire to
The Vagina Monologues is a per- be impious and unnerving. nists. thoroughly examine her vagina.
formance based on a play by Eve Ensler. The performance was “The Women Who Loved To Make
The Stony Brook version is directed by divided into about fifteen Vaginas Happy” featured a character
Natalie Cruz and is set in the modern non-progressive skits, each playing a sort of vaginal sex therapist
day in a non-descript environment. solved and are ongoing as women con- of which included monologues that who, along with three other characters,
It features a cast of about 23 ac- tinue to struggle for perceived libera- lasted for about five minutes. showed the audience a variety of sex
tresses, all clad in black and red clothes. tion. The skits – which I think lacked pro- moans.
The actresses call themselves The characters converse in mono- priety and decency – used vagina slang I found the content of the perform-
“Vagina Warriors.” Throughout the logues. They talk to the audience in an terms like “cunt” or “pussy.” One scene ance to be impious and unnerving. I
play, they largely remain unnamed, re- informal, casual tone. Sometimes they even featured statutory rape, describing found the show’s sexually-charged and
ferred to only by labels like “six year sit cross-legged on stage, as if talking to an instance when a young girl had sex promiscuous nature counter-intuitive to
old” or “old lady.” a friend. Other times, they sit on chairs with an adult woman. moral and religious values across the
The themes show the struggles and during their monologues, as if in a re- The monologues featured what I board.
daily routines of women and their vagi- laxed state. found to be dull, dry humor. Personally, I would not recommend
nas. It includes child rape, comfort The set is plain and simple, lit by An actress, distraught about her that anyone watch this show.
Not long ago I had the pleasure Tartuffe himself was nefarious and raging
Of seeing SBU’s production of Tartuffe Dan O’Reilly deserves much praise
The show was superb by any measure As the title character, he was engaging
Quite worthy of this rhyming spoof Setting the well-designed stage ablaze
Their take on Molière was modern yet refined The set’s cool colors and earth tones were perhaps meant
Thanks to Richard Wilbur’s clever translation To let the costumes and characters shine through
Yet, Deborah Mayo’s directing comes to mind But were the set walls falling over done with intent?
Deserving credit for this splendid presentation (Those, too, were a nice greenish-blue)
A clear fan-favorite was the maid, Dorine Catherine Beckowski, the dramaturg, stated
Who without Katie Burke’s saucy execution A classic bridges present and past
Could not have been nearly as pristine This play remained poignant and updated
And humorous in her contribution It was hard not to feel the passion of the cast
18 I-CON Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Stony Brook Press I-CON 19
20 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
GLASS OF SHIT from previous page TENTACLE MONSTER from previous page
first idea was to shoot the ninja imme- blocking the president’s daughter from gin Concealment” and slap on the like the hero cowering behind trash
diately in front of me, as any bad dude harm. back of the box. In reality, it means cans the entire game.
should always go for the quickest and No one would ever, ever think to that half the time you peak over an ob- Despite all the awkwardness, I have
bloodiest resolution. Unfortunately, do that on the first try, and it’s this ab- ject to shoot someone, Jackie reaches to say I enjoyed my 10-12 hours of
the other ninja killed the president’s surd kind of design that is ultimately over with his guns-and the other time time with The Darkness. There were
daughter when I did this. In my sec- LOST‘s downfall. Well, that and the he simply peaks his head out like an enough clever little moments to keep
ond attempt, I shot the other ninja, fact that you spend most of a scant five innocent groundhog. I found that things interesting, especially if you can
surprised to find that it resulted in the hours running around barren yet armed gangsters weren’t phased by my grab it for $20 or so. Just don’t touch
president getting shot by the first beautifully designed set pieces, beg- attempts to stare them down, and they the multiplayer modes. Online play
ninja. On my third try, I noted a stick ging the game to give you something typically took the opportunity to play feels like a practical joke, with charac-
of dynamite on a box and immediately to do. The story is nice, but the actual Jackie-mole with my exposed head. ters barely animating, a complete lack
shot it, which stopped the two ninjas game, the whole point of program- These glitches and control issues of responsiveness, and everyone I
but also blew up the daughter. Going ming all of this rather than just airing were persistent, but I quickly found played with wondering what they’d
against everything in my small bad it as an episode, is horridly flawed. It’s ways around them. One of your pow- gotten themselves into. If you’re into
dude mind, I tried leaving and was im- a rental for any LOST fan who was ex- ers allows you to detach one of your story-driven shooters with a dark tone,
mediately stricken with a deadly case cited about it, and that’s as far as I can slithering sausage monsters and per- you can look past all the silly gameplay
of guilt. At last, I concluded that a bad recommend it. It seems one thing will form remote kills safely from a dis- quirks, and if you’ve already played the
dude would simply absorb the dyna- never change, and if I ever get tance. By the end of the game, I’d far-superior Riddick, I’d say The Dark-
mite explosion in his manly chest Desmond’s time travel sickness, crappy dispatched half the population of New ness is a good rental or cheap buy.
hairs, knocking out the ninjas but licensed games will be my constant. York City with the little guy. Nothing
24 Arts & Entertainment Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Inside the Opinion section-
Zombie Goasts! Warning: May Contain Peanut Allergens Starbucks V. Dunkin Donuts
With the num- computer. The congestion on our cam- such a problem. University Police are al- the oncoming wave of death. According
ber of zombie out- pus is dangerous for a multitude of rea- ready understaffed and are not given to the Zombie Survival Guide men-
breaks on the rise sons and during a zombie epidemic this the means they require to enforce the tioned above, one of the first steps to
worldwide, it is means two things; first that the infec- law on campus on a day-to-day basis. fortifying a defense is to move to a
disconcerting to tion will spread at an alarming rate, When a throng of stinking, rotting dead higher floor and destroy the staircases.
know that our es- what with the infected reanimating stu- approach the police station on Mar- Zombies can break through barricades,
teemed university dents and staff that are crammed into burger Dr., bewildered police will have but they cannot climb. Most buildings
DAN is completely inca- small places. Campus dining halls and no choice but to isolate themselves have several staircases and in some
DEPUY pable of protecting SINC sites will be primary targets, as within the police station and make a quads there are stairs leading from the
itself from an in- the instinct-driven zombies will follow stand until their ammo runs out. The ground floor all the way to the top floor;
evitable attack. The following are sev- the sounds and smell of their prey in the handful of police outside of the precinct destroying the first staircase in time
eral reasons why SBU is vulnerable to areas in which they are most concen- will be cut off from communicating both exposes the students trying to do
attack and what we can do about it. so and will prove more time-con-
Reason #1: Proximity to the Univer- suming than a hungry crowd of
sity Hospital. One might think that a flesh-eating monsters will allow. Un-
hospital would be an excellent place to fortunately, even if the stairs are de-
ride out an undead infestation. Stony stroyed, this traps the survivors
Brook’s university hospital is a tall inside the building where their meal
building, easy to fortify and full of beds, plans are useless and there’s only
food and of course, medical equipment. enough leftover Domino’s in any
This is precisely the problem. As given building to survive three days,
pointed out in Max Brooks’ Zombie Sur- tops. Additionally, SBU’s student
vival Guide, hospitals are horribly dan- body is made up of a diverse group
gerous places to be during an outbreak. that in many cases would clash when
The first thing an infected person is in a crisis situation. In theory, lan-
going to do, in theory, is seek medical guage barriers and radically different
help. When people begin feeling ill at personalities can be major liabilities
the onset of the infection, many of them in organizing a chain of command or
will immediately go to the hospital. It is formulating a plan of action during a
unfortunate that most physicians—in time of crisis. Finally, with the poor
spite of their credentials—are not cleaning and hygiene habits of many
trained to see the signs of Solanum, ra- students, disease is always a risk.
diation from fallen satellites or the T- Most male students can’t flush the
Virus. Unrecognized symptoms will toilet after they piss, not to mention
lead to patients passing away and rean- properly dress a wound or properly
Jesse Schoepfer
Weʼre not ready.
imating in their hospital beds. The uni- dispose of a body.
versity’s hospital will quickly become a There is little that can be done on
hotbed of ghoul activity. The entire staff the fly to prepare against this kind of
will be reanimated within hours, posing eventuality. It is infinitely important
a huge threat to the campus proper. A trated. Second, there is nowhere to run. with their dispatch and consequently that university staff begins organizing a
visual example of this phenomenon can When the legions of undead approach thrown to the wolves. Their firearms plan of action and prepares for an attack
be seen in Robert Rodriguez’s docu- across Nicholls Rd. and, to a lesser de- will be ineffective at best when the preemptively. Backup generators have
mentary film Planet Terror. gree, through Stony Brook Rd., students numbers of the undead begin increas- to be tested and all residence halls
The infected humans will have sev- will be caught in the quasi-urban sprawl ing into the thousands. should have a stockpile of food and
eral venues by which to approach cam- of our “modern” campus. The only av- Reason #4: Unprepared students. medical supplies. University police
pus, the most dangerous being the enue of safety will be to stay indoors SBU has a number of resident students, should be provided with adequate
tunnel that runs under Nicholls Rd. and block all the entrances until rescue upwards of 20,000. All of these people weapons and bite-resistant body armor.
Newly turned Ghouls, smelling the arrives. As illustrated in several docu- are piled on top of one another in their Most importantly, medical staff must be
thousands of young people across the mentary films, including George A. dormitories, living on meal plans and trained on how to diagnose and treat
way, will no doubt pass both under and Romero’s Day Of The Dead, the only Domino’s pizza. A few hours into the signs of the various causes associated
across Nicholls Rd. in order to feed. way to safely escape an infestation is by episode, there will likely no longer be a with reanimation. It is highly recom-
Those crossing the road will undoubt- air. The only heliports on campus, how- Domino’s Pizzeria, least of all a delivery mended that all persons read the civil-
edly attack motorists, causing hundreds ever, are located on the hospital – a man brave enough to enter Zombie ian survival manual and that we all
more to potentially reanimate before place that will become a no-man’s land Brook University. While fortifying the learn to recognize the signs of an out-
the hordes even break the three adjacent within the first hour of the outbreak. dormitories is theoretically possible, the break before it gets out of hand. This
campus entrances. Reason #3: Underprepared police. buildings are ill-equipped to hold off a way, we can quickly escape to safety be-
Reason #2: Urbanization and Over- While it is wonderful to have a police siege. In the event of an outbreak, it is fore the hordes breach the entrances.
population. It’s hard enough to find a department on campus, it is no question unlikely that students and staff will have
parking space or get onto a SINC site that they will not be prepared to face time to equip their dormitories against
The Stony Brook Press Opinion 29
You know, maybe all we really need is to get Michael Jackson to dance with some people in
full “Thirl er” makeup, and at the end of the video, he’ll turn back into Michael Jackson!
Mascots say a stacle thrown in their way. The peanut cane. “Oh that’s great news, Planters is one likes to sully their hands with the
lot about a com- shell? A shield. A reputable journalist I going to die soon!” is what you said just blood of their victims—thus gloves
pany or sports know once told me, “Planters won’t ever now. Wrong. Look at his smile. How were invented. Who does Planters need
team. No one is let any of us in to investigate those alle- many old people do you know smile? to murder? Uh, everyone in their path.
going to root for gations from 1996 about the three mur- That’s right, none. Old people are con- Duh.
you if you’re the ders.” That seems awfully fishy to me. stantly com- His shoes look awfully classy
California Dick No, it’s not nutty, you stupid douche. for a cold-blooded killing machine.
CAN Riders and your The shell is their shield which would be And that’s exactly the point! Ask any
DASHMAR mascot isn’t even modern-day lawyers and modern-day person with a throbbing vagina, the first
riding a dick. Thus security systems. thing they notice about someone is their
I must bring attention to the Planters What does his monocle mean? shoes. It’s merely an attempt to distract
Nuts guy: Mr. Peanut. What type of It’s a monocle. you from what’s above like dan-
message are they trying to send him? His hat clearly states “Mr. gling a carrot in front of a horse
First, we must break him down piece- Peanut” on it. What kind of self- and having it run off a cliff. It
by-piece, nut-by-nut. absorbed person puts their own wants that carrot so bad that it
First of all, look at his left eye. A re- name on their clothing? Mr. kills itself. So while he dances
liable source tells me this was actually Peanut and sports players. the dance and smiles the
based off the ol’ Eye of Horus. Now Planters is trying to suggest that, smile, you’re so distracted
what in tarnation does that mean, you “We’re the best. We know it and you you end up dead like Noam
must be asking yourself? It symbolizes should know it.” The next logical step is Chomsky.
protection and royal power from the for them to start brainwashing children Let me reiterate what you
gods. Mr. Peanut might try to throw you from youth like religious organiza- just found out: Planters’ Nuts
off with his crude realization of it but tions. You’ll notice two bars of white has royal power from the
don’t be deceived–it is most definitely on his hat. Notice them. What do gods, means of killing
the Eye of Horus and they are most def- two bars of white make? The num- you, the can dodge any
initely seeking royal power from the ber 11. “Oh it’s just the number 11, obstacle, lawyers
gods. no big deal. By the way, I’m a com- make them un-
Let us now examine his nose. It plete fucking moron.” The number touchable, mono-
comes to a point. What else comes to a 11 no big deal? Here’s why it is: the cles rule, they’re
point? Swords. The message is clear eleventh moon of Jupiter is Himalia. cocky, they have
here: Those who oppose us will be Himalia was a nymph Zeus used for anal sex with
slaughtered. sexual pleasure. Therefore, Mr. Peanut your loved ones,
You’ll notice his arms and legs are is boldly exclaiming that his company they’re immor-
black and his body is in fact, a peanut. will have affairs with your loved ones plaining, tal, they kill any-
You’re completely wrong on both parts and you cannot do anything about it be- being slow and one that opposes
and I will hold it against you. His arms cause of their royal power as seen by the dying. There’s no happi- them and they
and legs are not black. He is in fact, Eye Of Horus. ness there. What they’re try- have nice shoes.
wearing a leotard. What does this Who uses a cane anyway, right? Old ing to say here is that, “Yes You’ve been warned.
mean? First of all, if you don’t know people? Yes, old people. Ever hear the we’re old, but unlike any of you The first protest is
what a leotard is, you’re a fucking riddle of the Sphinx? I’m not going to humans, we will live forever.” February 28, 2008.
moron. Secondly, it means that like explain it but people towards the end of He wears gloves just like any Be there.
gymnasts, they can hurdle over any ob- their life are on three legs, one being a other cold-blooded assassin. No
30 Opinion Vol. XXIX, Issue 10 | Thursday, March 13, 2008
Make your opinion heard! Write for The Stony Brook Press. Meetings Wednesdays 1pm
Union Building Room 060