Topic: Twitter Focusing Question: What Effects Do Twitter Have On Our Society As A Whole?
Topic: Twitter Focusing Question: What Effects Do Twitter Have On Our Society As A Whole?
Topic: Twitter Focusing Question: What Effects Do Twitter Have On Our Society As A Whole?
have on our society as a whole? 1. Cho, Seong Eun, and Han Woo Park. "Who Are Dominant Communicators on Twitter? A Study of Korean Twitter Users." International Journal of Contents 9.1 (2013): 49-59. Print. In-Text Citation: (Eun and Park 49-59) This was a journal entry that really stuck out to me, it talks about how people use twitter for different kind of of communication with all different types of people. It describes the kinds of attitudes and different dialects that the users use. The journal article is basically a summary of a survey in which the results indicated that people were more passive to each other on Twitter than they would be in real life. This will be an important source to put into our presentation because it would provide examples for our audience. 2. Comm, Joel. Twitter Power: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009. Print. In text citations (Comm) This book provides a lot of information about the power that twitter has over the world today. This book was mainly focused on the business and marketing aspect of twitter world. It talked about how to find and keep loyal followers and how to make you account successful. It even talks about how to handle pubic publicity due to angry consumers. We will be able to use this information throughout our final project. 3. Twitter Statistics."Statistic Brain RSS . N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. In text citation: (Twitter Statistics) This website provides a lot of information about numbers when it comes to Twitter. It talks about the amount of users on twitter, how many people sign up daily. What makes Twitter so popular? It also show people are not as they may seem on social media networks. This will be a great source to share with the class because it is one of the few websites that gives exact numbers. 4. Morris, Tee. All a Twitter: A Personal and Professional Guide to Social Networking with Twitter. Indianapolis, IN: Que, 2010. Print. This source helps provides information on using the social media. It covers how to set up an account, how and when to build an audience. Who and when can we use Twitter. Lucky for us we can use and get Twitter where ever and whenever we want it. This will be tie into our PowerPoint perfectly because we car talking about the positives and the negatives. 5.Fitzgerald, Britney. "Bullying On Twitter." The Huffington Post., 02 Aug. 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. In text citation (Fitzgerald) This website had a lot of information about cyber bulling especially with Twitter. This website had a lot of statistics dealing with twitter and the amount of people that are affected by
bulling on Twitter. It said that about 15,000 bully-related tweets are posted every day. It talked about different situations dealing with bullying that will be very helpful for our final project. 6. Murthy, Dhiraj. Twitter: Social Communication in the Twitter Age. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2013. Print. Digital Media and Society Ser. In-Text Citation: (Dhiraj) This source comes from a database in which it describes Twitters role in our political, economic, and social lives. It also discusses how Twitter and other social media networks have developed since the days where the telegraph was still around. Also, in the text it has examples such as case studies to show how twitter has shaped life by providing information about journalism, health, and national disasters. 7. "Amazon Prime Free Trial." Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business: Erik Qualman: 9781118232651: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014 The author of this book, Erik Qualman tells and explains a fascinating look at the impact of social media on business. From the short summary that I read his key points were talking about businesses taking advantage of twitter. He also explores how social media is changing the way businesses produce. Once again not a lot of this information ties into our PowerPoint but if people have questions I will know how to answer them correctly. 8. Reagan, Dusty. Twitter Application Development for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub., 2010. Print. This Twitter application development for dummies is a very interesting book. Even though none of our information in our PowerPoint can relate to this information the book is telling us. It is still good to know things like developing and monetizing apps for Twitter! Also with Twitter as one of the hottest trends in social networking it will be important later on. 9. Alvarez, Antonia. "IH8U: Confronting Cyberbullying and Exploring the Use of Cybertools in Teen Dating Relationships." Journal of Clinical Psychology V68 (2012): Web. 4 Nov. 2012. In text citations (Alvarez) This journal article talked about cyber bulling online and how is it progressing among adolescents. This article focuses on the effect of cyber bullying between intimate partners in teen dating relationships. This article provides a lot of great information and will be very helpful throughout the project because this is a big issue today. People need to start making this a big deal and they need to recognize the impact it can have on childrens lives. 10. Seo, Kay Kyeong-Ju. Using Social Media Effectively in the Classroom: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, and More. New York, NY: Routledge, 2012. Print. In-Text Citation: (Kyeong-Ju) This book was very eye catching when I first saw it. Then once I started reading about it I knew that I needed to put this into my presentation. It is a book that describes how different social media networks can affect teaching in schools. As of right now we dont have much information about it but Im sure once I start reading more about it, it will become a useful source.