SWOT Analysis of Dabur India

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SWOT Analysis of dabur india

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and is an important tool
often used to highlight where a business or organisation is, and where it could be in the future. It
looks at internal factors, the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and external factors, the
opportunities and threats facing the business. The process can give you on overview of where the
business, and the environment it operates in, is strategically. This is an important, yet to simple
to understand, tool used by many students, businesses and organisations for analysis.
The following SWOT analysis looks at dabur india which is operating in fmcg industry. The
analysis shows dabur india's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT
analysis will give you a clear picture of the business environment dabur india is operating in at
the present time.
The strengths of a business or organisation are positive elements, something they do well and is
under their control. The strengths of a company or group and value to it, and can be what gives it
the edge in some areas over the competitors. The following section will outline main strengths of
dabur india
• Having alliances with other strong and popular businesses is a major plus point for dabur
india as it helps bring in new customers and make business more effective.
• Being a market leader, as dabur india is, is key to their success as it boosts reputation,
profit and market share.
• Competitive pricing is a vital element of dabur india’s overall success, as this keeps them
in line with their rivals, if not above them.
• Riding high in the niche market in fmcg industry has helped boost dabur india and raised
reputation and turnover.
• Keeping costs lower than their competitors and keeping the cost advantages helps dabur
india pass on some of the benefits to consumers.
• The services/products offered by dabur india are original, meaning many people will
return to dabur india to obtain them.
• dabur india’s marketing strategy has proved to be effective, helping to raise profiles and
profits and standing out as a major strength.
• dabur india’s innovation keeps it a front-runner in fmcg as it is regularly turning out new
patents/proprietary technology.
• Experienced employees are key to the success of dabur india helping to drive them
forward with expertise and knowledge.
• High quality machinery, staff, offices and equipment ensure the job is done to the utmost
standard, and is a strength of dabur india.
• dabur india has an extensive customer base, which is a major strength regarding sales and
• dabur india’s reputation is strong and popular, meaning people view it with respect and
believe in it.
• Being financially strong helps dabur india deal with any problems, ride any dip in profits
and out perform their rivals.
• A strong brand is an essential strength of dabur india as it is recognised and respected.
• dabur india has a high percentage of the market share, meaning it is ahead of many
• dabur india’s distribution chain can be listed as one of their strengths and links to success.
• High quality products/services is a vital strength, helping to ensure customers return to
dabur india.
• dabur india’s international operations mean a wider customer base, a stronger brand and a
bigger chunk of the global market.
• Development and innovation are high at dabur india with regard to their
products/services, which is a sure strength in its overall performance.
• dabur india’s position in the market is high and strong – a major strength in this industry
as they are ahead of many rivals.
• Having little competition, being one of very few companies providing this
service/product is a major factor in dabur india’s performance.
• The online presence of dabur india is strong, meaning it is ahead of many competitors.
• The lucrative location of dabur india adds to its strengths due to its accessibility (road,
rail, air etc).
• Supplier relationships are strong at dabur india, which can only be seen as strength in
their overall performance.
Weaknesses of a company or organisation are things that need to be improved or perform better,
which are under their control. Weaknesses are also things that place you behind competitors, or
stop you being able to meet objectives. This section will present main weaknesses of dabur india
• Reputation is important, and a damaged one like dabur india’s is a major weakness as
consumers will not trust the firm enough to spend money with them.
• A serious weakness for dabur india is the fact their products/services are of low quality,
meaning people will have better-quality substitutes.
• Not reducing costs in the same way as their competitors\' means dabur india is outlaying
more of their profits. Having higher costs than competitors is a major weakness.
• dabur india’s R&D work is low and insignificant, which is a major weakness in fmcg as
it is constantly creating new products.
• The lack of staff experience is a major downfall for dabur india as it could lead to
mistakes or negligence.
• Old and outdated technologies hold dabur india back and limits success, as other firms
are making use of better and more reliable technologies.
• Not having an effective marketing strategy seriously hampers the success of dabur india.
• Over pricing, setting too high prices for dabur india products/services makes them
uncompetitive, which is a major weakness.
• The lack of business alliances is a major weakness for dabur india, as they will struggle
to get deals, favours and partnerships.
• dabur india is in a poor financial position which makes it weaker than its competitors.
• dabur india’s lack of innovation limits its success, as there is no forward thinking.
• Good companies need loyal employees, but dabur india has a poor relationship with staff
which affects performance.
• dabur india does not function internationally, which has an effect on success, as they do
not reach consumers in overseas markets.
• Problems with stock are a weakness for dabur india as they need to keep up with demand.
• Online presence is vital for success these days, and lack of one is a limitation for dabur
• dabur india\'s underdeveloped distribution chain has a marked effect on performance as it
affects the distribution of their products/services.
• The lack of original products/services is a major flaw in dabur india’s future success, as it
shows a blinkered outlook.
• dabur india\'s location is weakness for the firm, as it means they miss out on many
• dabur india’s lack of patents/proprietary technology puts it behind its rivals and is
deemed as one of their weaknesses.
• The weak brand name compromises success for dabur india as it doesn\'t inspire people
to buy their products/services.
• A limited customer base is a major weakness for dabur india as it means they have less
people to sell or market to.
• The weak market position of dabur india is a limitation to their overall success, as they
are well behind their rivals.
• dabur india’s limited product line is a major weakness.
• dabur india’s weak supplier relationships also have an adverse effect on success, as it cuts
ability to negotiate.
• dabur india is behind its competitors with a low share of the market, which in turn leads
to lower turnover.
Opportunities are external changes, trends or needs that could enhance the business or
organisation’s strategic position, or which could be of a benefit to them. This section will outline
opportunities that dabur india is currently facing.
• dabur india could benefit from Governmental support, in the form of grants, allowances,
training etc.
• Looking at export opportunities is a way for dabur india to raise profits.
• Changes in technology could give dabur india an opportunity to bolster future success.
• dabur india could benefit from expanding their online presence and making more money
from online shoppers/internet users.
• The changes in the way consumers spend and what they buy provides a big opportunity
for dabur india to explore.
• dabur india is in good financial position, which is an opportunity for them to explore in
terms of investment in new projects.
• Decrease in taxation gives an opportunity for dabur india to reduce prices or increase
• The growth of the fmcg industry is an opportunity for dabur india to grasp.
• New market opportunities could be a way to push dabur india forward.
• As the economic climate improves, so do the opportunities for dabur india.
• dabur india has the opportunity to enter a niche market, gain leading position and
therefore boost financial performance.
• Reaching out into other markets is a possibility for dabur india, and a big opportunity.
• Grasping the opportunity to expand the customer base is something dabur india can aim
for, either geographically or through new products.
• Takeover and merger opportunities could be explored for dabur india and used to acquire
new customers, new resources and enter new markets.
• Expanding the product/service lines by dabur india could help them raise sales and
increase their product portfolio.
• Reduction in interest rates could benefit dabur india as business costs would come down.
• Expanding into other markets could be a possibility for dabur india.
• Forming strategic alliances and joint ventures is an opportunity for dabur india to
maximise profit and gain new business.
• dabur india has a number of highly skilled staff, which is an opportunity for them to
explore as expertise of their staff can help dabur india to bring the business forward.
• Structural changes in the industry opens other doors and opportunities for dabur india.
Threats are factors which may restrict, damage or put areas of the business or organisation at
risk. They are factors which are outside of the company's control. Being aware of the threats and
being able to prepare for them makes this section valuable when considering contingency plans
and strategies. This section will outline main threats dabur india is currently facing.
• Consumer lifestyle changes could lead to less of a demand for dabur india
• Tax increases placing additional financial burdens on dabur india could be a threat.
• Change in demographics could threaten dabur india.
• The financial burden of increasing interest rates could be a threat to dabur india.
• Regulations requiring money to be spent or measures to be taken could put financial or
other pressure on dabur india.
• New products/services from rival firms could lead to dabur india\'s products/services
being less in demand.
• Changes in the way consumers shop and spend and other changing consumer patterns
could be a threat to dabur india\'s performance.
• Being undercut by low-cost imports is a major threat for dabur india.
• Not keeping up with changes in technology could be detrimental to the future of dabur
india as they could slip behind their rivals.
• Slow growth and decline of the fmcg market is a threat to dabur india.
• Increased competition from overseas is another threat to dabur india as it could lead to
lack of interest in their products/services.
• Extra competition and new competitors entering the market could unsteady dabur india
and be a threat.
• The actions of a competitor could be a major threat against dabur india, for instance, if
they bring in new technology or increase their workforce to meet demand.
• Price wars between competitors, price cuts and so on could damage profits for dabur
• A slow economy or financial slowdown could have a major impact on dabur india
business and profits.
• A decline in demand for dabur india products, with no likelihood of resurgence could
pose a threat.
• The rise and/or fall of the foreign exchange rate could threaten dabur india with regard to
importing and exporting.
• Rising costs could be a major downfall for dabur india as it would eat into profit.
• dabur india could be threatened by the growing power customers have to set the price of
their products/services.
• Structural changes in the industry could be a threat for dabur india
• dabur india could be threatened by the growing power their suppliers have to set their
• Substitute products available on he market present a major threat to dabur india

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