Idt-Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Grade and Topic: &entor Teacher:

Kierstyn Spears !irst Grade Science C' (ea)er

Date: April 27, 201 Len"th o# Lesson: $0 %inutes #or 1 day

School: *ni)ersity o# &e%phis

*+,T-C.APT/0 123/CT,4/-G/+/0AL,5AT,1+-2,G ,D/A: A rich )ariety o# co%ple6 or"anis%s ha)e de)eloped in response to a continually chan"in" en)iron%ent' L/SS1+ 123/CT,4/: The students 7ill 8e a "i)en a 7or9sheet 7ith di##erent ha8itats #ro% around the 7orld and a 7e8site #or re#erence http:--9ids'national"eo"raphic'co%-9ids-ani%als-creature#eature- and then 7ill decide 7hich ani%als li)e in 7hat ha8itat 7ith 100 percent accuracy' STA+DA0DS ADD0/SS/D: 0107':'2 Create a chart o# di##erent ha8itats and %atch ani%als to speci#ic locations' GL/ 0107':'2 0eco"ni;e that so%e or"anis%s 7hich #or%erly li)ed are no lon"er #ound on earth' &AT/0,ALS: < Co%puter < Toondoo 7e8site: http:--777'toondoo'co% < 0e#erence 7e8site: http:--9ids'national"eo"raphic'co%-9ids-ani%als-creature#eature< (or9sheet 7ith ha8itats < Pencil 2ACKG01*+D and 0AT,1+AL/: Students 7ill 8e a8le to reco"ni;e 7hich ani%als li)e in 7hat ha8itat and ho7 they are di##erent' Creatin" a chart 7ill help the% distin"uish 8et7een the ani%als and 7ill 8e 8ene#icial in %o)in" #or7ard in our lesson on ha8itats' Acade%ic lan"ua"e is not addressed in ,DT =$00' , a% a7are that the lesson 7ill 8e di##erentiated #or students 7ho did not %aster the o8>ecti)es and #or those ready #or enrich%ent' .o7e)er, %odi#ications are not co)ered in this course and are not part o# this particular lesson' P01C/D*0/S A+D T,&/L,+/: ,ntroduction : %inutes: (e 7ill #irst start o## 8y ha)in" a discussion a8out the di##erent ha8itats and seein" i# the students can na%e so%e o# the%' (e 7ill then discuss so%e o# the ani%als that li)e there' This 7ill "et the% thin9in" o# the types o# ani%als li)e in 7hat ha8itat' Procedures: 2e#ore the Co%puter 10 %inutes Teacher Procedures: 1' 1nce 7e ha)e discussed the di##erent ha8itats and ani%als, distri8ute the 7or9sheets 7ith the ani%als and ha8itats' Student Procedures:

1' The students should 8e"in 8rainstor%in" the di##erent ani%als that li)e ,n the ha8itats' At the co%puter =0 %inutes Teacher Procedures: 1'Direct students to open up Toondoo' 2'Direct students to open up resource 7e8site ='Sho7 students ho7 to create a toon and the si%ple #eatures' '&onitor and assist the class' Student procedure: :' Students should open up the Toondoo 7e8site and the internet 8ro7ser $' The should 8e"in loo9in" at the 7or9sheet at 7hat ha8itats they need to research 7' Go to Toondoo and select the layout 7ith a = pa"e spread' ?'They need to #ind 8ac9"rounds #or the ha8itats o#: 1cean, Grassland, and !orest @' La8el the 8ac9"rounds 7ith its speci#ic na%e 10' *sin" the 7e8site #or re#erence to #ind ani%als that 8elon" in the ha8itat 11' Continue this process until all ha8itats ha)e ani%als each' 12'Correct any errors 1='Sa)e 7or9 1 'Print a copy o# your toon A#ter the co%puter A10 %inutesB Teacher Procedures: 1:' Put the students in "roups o# = 1$'As9 the students to discuss 7hich ani%als they put in their toon 17' The "roups should then co%e up 7ith = other ani%als they could ha)e chosen #or each ha8itat and 7rite it on the 8ac9' Student Procedures: 1?' (hile 7or9in" in their "roups the students should co%e up 7ith = %ore e6a%ples #or each ha8itat that they could ha)e put in their toon < Closure : %inutes: The "roups 7ill then )olunteer to share 1 di##erent ani%al #or each ha8itat that their "roup ca%e up 7ith ASS/SS&/+T /4,D/+C/: Criteria Graphic images are the appropriate picture for the habitats listed The animal pictures are placed into the correct habitat 1 No picture was added 2 Some pictures were not there Few pictures were not in the correct categories Most examples were correct The background was correct but not labeled correctly 3 All pictures were accurately pictured All pictures were correct All examples were correct Both the background and label were correct

No pictures were adequately placed

The given examples are No examples given correct. The background was correct and labeled appropriately The background was not correct

&1D,!,CAT,1+S: , a% a7are that the lesson 7ill ha)e %odi#ications #or students 7ho did not %aster the o8>ecti)es and #or those ready #or enrich%ent' .o7e)er, %odi#ications are not co)ered in this course and are not part o# this particular lesson' .ere is an e6a%ple o# 7hat the students 7or9 could loo9 li9e: http:--777'toondoo'co%-cartoon-7 :=$? 1n the 8ac9 o# their printed toon they could ha)e chosen ani%als includin": < !orestC2utter#ly, Gorilla, 2at < GrasslandCCheetah, Gira##e, Alli"ator < 1ceanC3elly#ish, (ale, 1ctopus

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