Task 6 Ieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsieltsielts

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IELTS Speaking Task Sheets

Face the IELTS Speaking Exam with confidence

IELTS Speaking: Advanced

Unit 7: Topic Education Units 4-7: Making Long Turns

Week 6: Education
Task: Part 2 Long Turn
Topic vocabulary
to attend classes bachelors degree boarding school distance learning face-to-face classes to fall behind with your studies to give feedback a graduation ceremony higher education an intensive course to keep up with your studies to learn something by heart a mature student masters degree to meet a deadline to play truant private language school public schools a single-sex school to sit an exam state school subject specialist to take a year out tuition fees to work your way through university

Heres this weeks Part 2 task Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. You should say: - when this was - where you were - what you were studying at the time and say why you were so happy. 1. Generate ideas The key part of this task is the 4th question, why you were so happy. Try recalling the time in question by closing your eyes and imagining yourself back in this period of your life. Then make notes of why you were so happy, including any key words or phrases. 2. Find the language you need Look through the vocabulary on the left and decide which expressions could be used in your talk in addition to those youve listed in (1). 3. Task focus: talking about fond memories Used to + infinitive is an appropriate structure when describing things that happened in the past, for example: I used to look forward to my maths class. However, as this talk is all about a pleasant past experience you have the chance to use would to describe something you remember fondly. For example: We would spend our time talking about music and 4. Make your long turn Practise your long turn. If possible, record yourself. When you listen back, pay attention to your use of past tenses. Did you use them accurately?

http://www.ieltsspeaking.co.uk /ielts-education-vocabulary/

Task: Part 3 Discussion

Work with other students and discuss the following questions: What qualities do you think a good teacher has? What are the advantages of studying on a distance learning course? Do all children get equal opportunities in education? People say school days are the happiest of our lives. Do you agree? Focus on using fillers to enable you to respond immediately to questions: http://www.ieltsspeaking.co.uk/using-fillers/

Listen to the students who have recorded themselves trying these tasks on the ieltsspeaking website. Look for Test 6 h t t p : / / w w w. i e l t s s p e a k i n g . c o . u k / i e l t s -s p e a k i n g practice- tests/

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