Monoethanolamine Design 2520of 2520equipments

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Process design of distillation column for the separation of Monoethanolamine and Water is given as below. Feed entering the column consist of amine mixture and water. Boiling points of the compounds entering the column at operating pressure i.e. 1atmosphere are: Monoethanolamine Diethanolamine Triethanolamine Water 172.2oC 270oC 360oC 100oC

Hence the boiling temperature difference between water and DEA,TEA is very large, so it is assumed that the DEA and TEA entering the tower directly go into the residue without vaporization. Hence the separation is done between MEA and water. Hence feed entering is taken as only water and MEA. Terminology: Some of the terms used in the following calculation are defined here as follows:

F = Flow rate of Feed, Kg/day. D = Molar flow rate of Distillate, Kg/day. W = Molar flow rate of Residue, Kg/day. xF = mole fraction of water in feed. yD = mole fraction of Water in Distillate. xW = mole fraction of Water in Residue. MF = Average Molecular weight of Feed, Kg/kmol MD = Average Molecular weight of Distillate, Kg/kmol MW = Average Molecular weight of Residue, Kg/kmol Rm = Minimum Reflux ratio R = Actual Reflux ratio L = Molar flow rate of Liquid in the Enriching Section, kmol/day.

G = Molar flow rate of Vapor in the Enriching Section, kmol/day. L = Molar flow rate of Liquid in Stripping Section, kmol/day. G = Molar flow rate of Vapor in Stripping section, kmol/day. q = Thermal condition of Feed L = Density of Liquid, kg/m3. V = Density of Vapor, kg/m3. qL = Volumetric flow rate of Liquid, m3/s qV = Volumetric flow rate of Vapor, m3/s L = Viscosity of Liquid, cP. TL = Temperature of Liquid, K. TV = Temperature of Vapor, K.


Basis: One-day operation.

F = 349500.0 Kg/day D = 197480 Kg/day

xF = 0.57 xD = 0.99

(wt%) = 0.82 (mol%) (wt%) = 0.997 (mol%)

W = 152020.0 Kg/day

xW = 0.0262 (wt%) = 0.084 (mol%)

Here the liquid entering the tower is coming from the of ammonia flash, it is assumed that vapor and liquid leaving are in equilibrium. Hence the feed entering is saturated. From T,x,y diagram: ToC x,wt% y,wt% 100 105 0.0 0.0 0.35 110 0.5 115 0.6 120 0.68 125 130 135 140 145 155 165 170

0.74 0.78 0.825 0.86 0.88 0.4

0.93 0.97 1.0

0.025 0.05 0.075 0.125 0.18 0.25 0.32

0.475 0.70 0.90 1.0

From the graph: intercept of enriching section operating line for minimum reflux is obtained from the graph, is given by: xD / (Rm+1) = 0.925

Rm+1= xD/ 0.925 = 0.99/ 0.925

Rm = 0.0656

Let R = 1.5Rm Therefore, R= 1.50.0656 = 0.1 Number of Ideal trays = 6 (excluding the reboiler). Number of Ideal trays in Enriching Section = 3 Number of Ideal trays in Stripping Section = 3

Now, we know that, R = Lo/ D => Lo = RD i.e., Lo= 19748.0 Kg/day i.e., Lo =1089 kmol/day Since feed is Liquid, entering at bubble point i.e. saturated liquid. Hence q= (HV-HF) / (HV-HL) = 1

We know that slope of q-line = q/ (q-1) = \ Hence q line is vertical. Liquid flow rate in the stripping section is given by _ L=Fq +L _ i.e., L = 14629.0 kmoles/day Also, we know that, _ G = [(q-1) F] + G _ i.e., G = [(1-1) F] + G _ i.e., G = [0F] +G _ i.e., G = 0 +G _ G=G

Now, we know that,

G=L+D i.e., G = Lo +D

i.e., G = 1089+ 10893.7 kmol/day i.e., G = 11982.7 kmol/day. Since the liquid entering the tower is saturated gas flow rate in both the section is same. Hence the flow rate in the stripping section is: _ G = G = 11982.7 kmol/day

Parameters at the top and at the bottom of the enriching as well as stripping section.


ENRICHING SECTION TOP BOTTOM 27174 246455.6 1089.0

STRIPPING SECTION TOP 420876.0 254192.4 14629.0 BOTTOM 840601.0 687966.0 14629.0

Liquid,L kg/day Vapor,G kg/day Liquid, L kmol/day Vapor, G kmol/day x (mol%) y (mol%) Mavg.liquid kg/kmol Mavg.Vapor kg/kmol
038 9 038 9

19742.7 217055.9 1089.0





0.997 0.997 18.13 18.11 956.97 0.58 100 102 26.059 0.00223

0.8386 0.98 24.9 20.56 979.8 0.64 106 112 26.059 0.00281

0.75 0.925 28.76 21.21 987.8 0.637 112 127 26.059 0.042

0.084 0.084 57.46 57.41 1014.15 1.565 163 168 26.14 0.0479

l kg/m3 g kg/m3

T liquid, 0C T vapor, 0C dynes/cm

g l)0.5


Sieve tray column is designed for the separation of the MEA and water. 1. Plate Spacing, (ts) : Range can be selected is 0.15 to 1 m. Let ts = 500 mm.

2. Hole Diameter, (dh): Let dh = 5 mm is within the range of 2.5 to 12 mm.

3. Hole Pitch (lp): Range for the selection of hole pitch is 2.5 to 4 times hole diameter. Let lp = 3 dh i.e., lp = 35 = 15 mm 4. Tray thickness (tT): Let tT = 0.6 dh i.e., tT = 0.65 = 3 mm. 5. Ratio of hole area to perforated area (Ah/Ap): Triangular pitch is selected. Ratio of hole area to perforated area (Ah/Ap) = (/4dh2)/ [(3/4) lp2] i.e., (Ah/Ap) = 0.90 (dh/lp)2 i.e., (Ah/Ap) = 0.90 (5/15)2 i.e., (Ah/Ap) = 0.1


Plate Diameter (Dc): The plate diameter is calculated based on the flooding considerations L/G {g/l}0.5 = 0.00281 ---------- (maximum value) (From fig. 18.10 p-18-7 Perry hand book 6th edition ) L/G {g/l}0.5 = 0.00281 and for a tray spacing of 500 mm. Flooding parameter, Csb, flood = 0.29 ft/s From eqn. 18.2, page 18.6, 6th edition Perry hand book Unf = Csb, flood ( / 20) 0.2 [(l - g) / g]0.5

where, Unf = gas velocity through the net area at flood, m/s (ft/s) Csb, flood = capacity parameter, m/s (ft/s, as in fig.18.10) = liquid surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm.) l = liquid density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) g = gas density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) Now, we have, = 26.059 mN/m = 26.059 dyne/cm. l = 979.8 kg/m3. g = 0.64 kg/m3. Hence Unf = 0.28 (26.059/20)0.2 [(979.8-0.64)/ 0.64]0.5 i.e., Unf = 11.95 ft/s = 3.58 m/s. Let Actual velocity, Un= 0.8Unf Un = 2.864 m/s Volumetric flow rate of Vapor at the bottom of the Enriching Section = qo = 246455.6 / (3600240.6) = 4.45 m3/s. Net area available for gas flow (An) Net area = (Column cross sectional area) - (Downcomer area.) An = Ac - Ad Thus, Net Active area, An = qo/ Un = 4.45/ 2.864 = 1.55 m2. Let Lw / Dc = 0.75 is in the range of 0.6 to 0.85 Where, Lw = weir length, m Dc = Column diameter, m Now,

2sin-1(Lw / Dc) = 2sin-1 (0.75) = 97.180

Column cross sectional area


Dc2= 0.7854Dc2 , m2

Ad = [(/4) Dc2 (c/3600)] - [(Lw/2) (Dc/2) cos (c/2)] i.e., Ad = [0.7854 Dc2 (97.180/3600)]-[(1/4) (Lw / Dc) Dc2 cos(97.180)] i.e., Ad = (0.2120 Dc2) - (0.1241 Dc2) i.e., Ad = 0.088Dc2, m2 Since An = Ac -Ad 1.55 = (0.7854- 0.088) Dc2 Therefore Dc2 = 2.22 m2 Dc = 1.49 m Lw = 0.75 Dc = 1.1175 m. Taking , Lw = 1.12 m. then Ac = 0.78541.492 = 1.743 m2 Ad = 0.0879Dc2 = 0.0881.492 = 0.1953 m2 7. Perforated plate area (Ap): Aa = Ac - (2Ad) i.e., Aa = 1.743- (20.1953) Aa = 1.56 m2 We have, Lw / Dc = 0.75

97.18 0



Area of distribution and calming zone (Acz) Acz = 2 Lw (thickness of distribution) Acz = 21.12 (6010-3) = 0.1344 m2 -------- (which is 7.71% of Ac)

Area of waste peripheral zone (Awz)

Taking thickness as 12 cm. Awz  i.e., Awz   

Dc2 (

)} -

(Dc -0.12)2 (

1.492 (82.82 0/360 0)}

(1.49-0.12)2 (82.82 0/360 0)}

i.e., Awz = 0.0618 m2 is 3.5 % of Ac. Which is acceptable. Perforated area Ap = Ac - (2Ad) - Acz - Awz i.e., Ap = 1.743- (20.1953) 0.1344 - 0.0618 Thus, Ap = 1.3708 m2


Total Hole Area (Ah): Ah / Ap = 0.1 Ah = 0.1 Ap Total hole area Ah = 0.13708 m2 Now we know that, Ah = nh ( nh = (4Ah

dh2 dh2)

Where nh = number of holes.

i.e., nh = (40.13708)/ ( 0.0052) nh = 6980.5 Therefore, Number of holes = 6981


Weir Height (hw): For normal pressure hw lies between 40 and 50 mm. Let hw = 50 mm.


Weeping Check

The static pressure below the tray should be capable of enough to hold the liquid above the tray so that no liquid fall through the hole.

Head loss through dry hole hd = k1 + [k2 (g/l) Uh2] --------- (eqn. 18.6, page 18.9, 6th edition Perry) where hd = head loss across the dry hole Uh =gas velocity through hole area k1, k2 are constants For sieve plates k1 = 0 and k2 = 50.8 / (Cv)2 where Cv = discharge coefficient, taken from fig. edition 18.14, page 18.9 6th Perry). (Ah/Aa) = 0.8075 and ratio of tray thickness to hole diameter tT/dh = 0.60 For above values of (Ah/Aa) and tT/dh , from fig. edition 18.14, page 18.9 6th Perry. We get Cv = 0.74 And hence k2 = 50.8 / 0.742 = 92.76 Volumetric flow rate of Vapor at the top of the Enriching Section qt = 217055.9/ (3600240.58) = 4.33 m3/s -------- (minimum at top) Volumetric flow rate of Vapor at the bottom of the Enriching Section qo = 5762.3938 / (3600240.64) = 4.45 m3/s. ---- (maximum at bottom) Velocity through the hole area (Uh): Velocity through the hole area at the top = Uh, top = qt /Ah = 4.33/0.13708 =31.59 m/s Velocity through the hole area at the bottom= Uh, bottom = qo /Ah = 4.45/0.13708 = 32.46 m/s


hd, top = k2 [g/l] (Uh,top)2 = 92.76(0.58/956.97) 31.592 Therefore hd, top = 56.1 mm clear liquid. -------- (minimum at top)

hd, bottom = k2 [g/l] (Uh, bottom)2 = 92.76(0.64/979.8) 32.462 hd, bottom = 63.84 mm clear liquid ----- (maximum at bottom) Head Loss Due to Bubble Formation h = 409 [ / ( Ldh) ] ( eqn. 18.2a, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry) where =surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm) dh =Hole diameter, mm l = density of liquid in the bottm section, kg/m3 =979.8 kg/m3 h = 409 [ 26.059 / ( 979.8 x 5)] h = 2.17 mm clear liquid Height of Liquid Crest over Weir: how = 664Fw [(q/Lw)2/3] q = liquid flow rate at top, m3/s = 2.38710-4 m3/s Thus, q = 3.785 gal/min. Lw = weir length = 1.12 m = 3.674 ft q/Lw2.5 = 3.785/ (3.674)2.5 = 0.146 For q/Lw2.5 = 0.146 and Lw /Dc =0.75 We have from fig.18.16, page 18.11, 6th edition Perry

Fw= correction factor =1.0


how = 1.0664 [(2.38710-4)/1.12]2/3 how = 2.4 mm (hd + h) = 63.84 + 2.17 = 66.01 mm (hw + how) = 50 + 2.4 = 52.4 mm (Design value)

The minimum value of (hd + h ) required is calculated from a graph given in Perry, plotted against Ah/Aa. From fig. 18.11, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry hand book for Ah/Aa = 0.0875 and (hw + how) =50 +2.4 = 52.4 mm We get (hd + h)min = 17 mm (Theoretical value) Design value of sum of head loss through dry hole and loss due to bubble formation more than the theoretically required value to avoid weeping. Hence is there is no problem with weeping. Downflow Flooding: (eqn 18.3, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry) hdc =hw + how + (hhg /2) + ht+hda ------- (eqn 18.3, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry) where, hw = weir height, mm = 50 mm hds = static slot seal (weir height minus height of top of slot above plate floor, height equivalent clear liquid, mm) how = height of crest over weir, equivalent clear liquid, mm hhg =hydraulic gradient across the plate, height of equivalent clear liquid, mm hda= head loss over downcomer apron, mm liquid ht= total pressure across plate, mm liquid

In the above equation how is calculated at bottom of the section and since the tower is operating at atmospheric pressure, hhg is very small for sieve plate and hence neglected.

Calculation of how at bottom conditions of the section: q = liquid rate at the bottom of the section, m3/s = 27174/(36024979.9) = 3.20910-4 m3/s Thus, q = 5.086 gal/min Lw = weir length = 1.12 m = 3.674 ft. q/Lw2.5 = 0.196 For q/Lw2.5 = 0.196 and Lw /Dc =0.75 Fw= correction factor =1.0 how = 1.0664 [(3.20910-4)/1.12]2/3 how = 2.88 mm clear liquid. ----- (maximum at the bottom of section). Therefore, hds =hw + how + (hhg /2) = 52.88 mm. Now, Fga = Ua g0.5 Where Fga = gas-phase kinetic energy factor, Ua = superficial gas velocity, m/s (ft/s), g = gas density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) Here Ua is calculated at the bottom of the section. Thus, Ua = (Gb/g)/ Aa = (246455.6/3600240.64) / (1.567) = 2.84 m/s g = 0.64 kg/m3 = 0.0082 lb/ft3 Therefore, Fga = 2.84 (0.0082)0.5 Fga = 0.813 From fig. 18.15, page 18.10 6th edition Perry for Fga = 0.813 Aeration factor = = 0.58 Relative Froth Density = t = 0.2 From fig.18.16, page 18.11, 6th edition Perry


hl= hds ---- (eqn. 18.8, page 18.10, 6th edition Perry)

Where, hl= pressure drop through the aerated mass over and around the disperser, mm liquid, hl = 30.67 mm. ht = hd + hl` ht = 96.68 mm Head loss over downcomer apron: hda = 165.2 {q/ Ada}2 ----- (eqn. 18.19, page 18.10, 6th edition Perry) where, hda = head loss under the downcomer apron, as millimeters of liquid, q = liquid flow rate calculated at the bottom of section, m3/s and Ada = minimum area of flow under the downcomer apron, m2 Now, q = 3.20910-4 m3/s Assuming clearance as C= 25mm hap = hds - C = 52.88-25 = 27.88 mm Ada = Lw x hap = 1.1227.8810-4 = 0.0312m2 Therefore had = 165.2(3.20910-4/0.0312)2 had = 0.0175mm Therefore hdc = 50+2.88+0.0175+96.68 =149.57 mm Average froth density is assumed as 0.5. hdc = hdc/dc = 149.57/0.5 hdc = 299.14 mm< 500 mm (tray spacing)

Hence tray spacing given is sufficient, and the design of enriching section is acceptable.

5.13 DESIGN OF STRIPPING SECTION Plate hydraulics: 1. tray spacing 2.hole diameter 3.Hole pitch 4.Tray thickness ts = 500 mm dh = 5 mm lp = 15 mm tT = 3 mm

5.Holes arrangement triangular pitch Column diameter: L/G {g/l}0.5 = 0.0479 maximum at the bottom. (From fig. 18.10 p-18-7 Perry hand book 6th edition ) L/G {g/l}0.5 = 0.0479 and for a tray spacing of 500 mm. Flooding parameter, Csb, flood = 0.28 ft/s From eqn. 18.2, page 18.6, 6th edition Perry hand book Unf = Csb, flood ( / 20) 0.2 [(l - g) / g]0.5 where, Unf = gas velocity through the net area at flood, m/s (ft/s) Csb, flood = capacity parameter, m/s (ft/s, as in fig.18.10) = liquid surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm.) l = liquid density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) g = gas density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) Now, we have, = 26.059 mN/m = 26.059 dyne/cm. l = 1014.15 kg/m3. g = 1.565 kg/m3. Hence Unf = 0.28 (26.059/20)0.2 [(1014.15-1.565)/ 1.565]0.5 i.e., Unf = 7.509 ft/s.

Let Actual velocity, Un= 0.8Unf Un = 1.83 m/s Volumetric flow rate of Vapor at the bottom of the Enriching Section = qo = 687966 / (3600241.565) = 5.087 m3/s. Net area available for gas flow (An) Net area = (Column cross sectional area) - (Downcomer area.) An = Ac - Ad Thus, Net Active area, An = qo/ Un = 5.087/ 1.83 = 2.779 m2. Let Lw / Dc = 0.75 is in the range of 0.6 to 0.85 Where, Lw = weir length, m Dc = Column diameter, m Now,

2sin-1(Lw / Dc) = 2sin-1 (0.75) = 97.180 Dc2= 0.7854Dc2 , m2

Column cross sectional area Ac 

Ad = [(/4) Dc2 (c/3600)] - [(Lw/2) (Dc/2) cos (c/2)] i.e., Ad = [0.7854 Dc2 (97.180/3600)]-[(1/4) (Lw /Dc)Dc2 cos(97.180)] i.e., Ad = (0.2120 Dc2) - (0.1241 Dc2) i.e., Ad = 0.088Dc2, m2 Since An = Ac -Ad 2.779 = (0.7854- 0.088) Dc2 ThereforeDc2 = 3.987 m2 Dc = 1.99 m Since Lw / Dc = 0.75, Lw = 1.49 m. Then Ac = 0.78541.992 = 3.11 m2

Ad = 0.0879Dc2 = 0.0881.992 = 0.331 m2 Aa= Ac -2Ad = 2.448 m2 7. Perforated plate area (Ap): We have, Lw / Dc = 0.75

97.18 0
0 0


- 97.18 0


Area of distribution and calming zone (Acz) Acz = 2 Lw (thickness of distribution) Thickness is taken as 80 mm Acz = 21.49 (8010-3) = 0.2388m2 -------- (which is 7.6% of Ac) Area of waste peripheral zone (Awz) Taking thickness as 15 cm. Awz 

Dc2 (

)} -

(Dc -0.15)2 (

i.e., Awz = 0.1038 m2 is 3.34 % of Ac. Which is acceptable.

Perforated area We have, Ap = Ac - (2Ad) - Acz - Awz Ap = 2.1054 m2


Total Hole Area (Ah): Ah / Ap = 0.1 Ah = 0.1 Ap Total hole area Ah = 0.21054 m2 Now we know that,

Ah = nh (


Where nh = number of holes. nh = 10726.11 Therefore, Number of holes = 10726 9. Weir Height (hw): For normal pressure hw lies between 40 and 50 mm. Let hw = 50 mm.

10. Weeping Check The static pressure below the tray should be capable of enough to hold the liquid above the tray so that no liquid fall through the hole.

Head loss through dry hole hd = k1 + [k2 (g/l) Uh2] --------- (eqn. 18.6, page 18.9, 6th edition Perry) where hd = head loss across the dry hole Uh =gas velocity through hole area k1, k2 are constants For sieve plates k1 = 0 and k2 = 50.8 / (Cv)2 where Cv = discharge coefficient, taken from fig. edition 18.14, page 18.9 6th Perry). (Ah/Aa) = 0.2105/ 2.448 = 0.085 and ratio of tray thickness to hole diameter tT/dh = 3/5 = 0.60 For above values of (Ah/Aa) and tT/dh , from fig. edition 18.14, page 18.9 6th Perry. We get Cv = 0.74 And hence k2 = 50.8 / 0.742 = 92.76 Volumetric flow rate of Vapor at the top of the stripping Section qt = 254192.4/ (3600240.637) = 4.618 m3/s -------- (minimum at top) volumetric floe rate of vapor at the bottom of stripping section

qb=687966.0/(2436001.565) = 5.087 Velocity through the hole area (Uh): Velocity through the hole area at the top = Uh, top = qt /Ah = 4.618/0.2105 =21.94 m/s Velocity through the hole area at the bottom= Uh, bottom = qo /Ah = 5.087/0.2105 = 24.17 m/s Now, hd, top = k2 [g/l] (Uh,top)2 = 95.32(0.637/987.9) 21.942 Therefore Also ` hd, bottom = k2 [g/l] (Uh, bottom)2 = 92.76(1.565/1014.15) 24.172 hd, bottom = 85.93 mm clear liquid ----- (maximum at bottom) Head Loss Due to Bubble Formation h = 409 [ / ( Ldh) ] ( eqn. 18.2a, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry) where =surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm) dh =Hole diameter, mm l = density of liquid in the bottom section, kg/m3 =1014.15 kg/m3 h = 409 [ 26.14 / ( 1014.15 x 5)] h = 2.11 mm Height of Liquid Crest over Weir: how = 664Fw [(q/Lw)2/3] q = liquid flow rate at top, m3/s = 420876/ (36024987.9) hd, top = 29.58 mm clear liquid. -------- (minimum at top)

q = 4.9310-3 m3/s Thus, q = 78.16 gal/min. Lw = weir length = 1.49 m = 4.88 ft q/Lw2.5 = 78.16/ (4.88)2.5 = 1.47 For q/Lw2.5 = 1.47 and Lw /Dc =0.75 We have from fig.18.16, page 18.11, 6th edition Perry Fw= correction factor =1.01 Thus, how = 1.01664 [(4.9310-4)/1.492]2/3 how = 14.87 mm (hd + h) = 29.58 + 2.11 = 31.69 mm (hw + how) = 50 + 14.87 = 64.87mm (Design value)

The minimum value of (hd + h ) required is calculated from a graph given in Perry, plotted against Ah/Aa. From fig. 18.11, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry hand book for Ah/Aa = 0.085 and (hw + how) =50 +14.87 = 64.87 mm we get (hd + h)min = 18 mm (Theoretical value) < 31.69 i.e. design value Design value of sum of head loss through dry hole and loss due to bubble formation more than the theoretically required value to avoid weeping. Hence is there is no problem with weeping. Downflow Flooding: (eqn 18.3, page 18.7, 6th edition Perry) hdc =hw + how + (hhg /2) + ht+hda ------- (eqn 18.3, page 18.7, 6th editionPerry) Where, hw = weir height, mm = 50 mm hds = static slot seal (weir height minus height of top of slot above plate floor, height equivalent clear liquid, mm) how = height of crest over weir, equivalent clear liquid, mm

hhg = hydraulic gradient across the plate, height of equivalent clear liquid, mm. hda= head loss over downcomer apron, mm liquid ht= total pressure across plate, mm liquid In the above equation how is calculated at bottom of the section and since the tower is operating at atmospheric pressure, hhg is very small for sieve plate and hence neglected.

Calculation of how at bottom conditions of the section: q = liquid rate at the bottom of the section, m3/s = 840601.0/(360241014.15) = 9.5910-3 m3/s Thus, q = 158.85 gal/min Lw = weir length = 1.49 m = 4.88 ft. q/Lw2.5 = 158.85/ (4.88)2.5 = 8.648 now for q/Lw2.5 = 8.647 and Lw /Dc =0.75 we have from fig.18.16, page 18.11, 6th edition Perry Fw= correction factor =1.07 Thus, how = 1.07664 [(9.5910-3)/1.49]2/3 how = 24.58 mm clear liquid. ----- (maximum at the bottom of section). Therefore, hds =hw + how + (hhg /2) =50 +24.58 = 74.58 mm. since hhg is neglected. Now, Fga = Ua g0.5 Where Fga = gas-phase kinetic energy factor, Ua = superficial gas velocity, m/s (ft/s), g = gas density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) Here Ua is calculated at the bottom of the section. Thus, Ua = (Gb/g)/ Aa = (687966/(3600241.565)) / (2.448) = 2.078 m/s g = 1.565 kg/m3 = 0.0201 lb/ft3 Therefore, Fga = 2.078 (0.0201)0.5 Fga = 0.966 From fig. 18.15, page 18.10 6th edition Perry for Fga = 0.966

Aeration factor = = 0.66 Now hl= hds ---- (eqn. 18.8, page 18.10, 6th edition Perry) Where, hl= pressure drop through the aerated mass over and around the disperser, mm liquid, hl= 0.66 74.58 = 49.2 mm. ht = hd + hl` = 85.93+49.2 ht = 135.13 mm Head loss over downcomer apron: hda = 165.2 {q/ Ada}2 ----- (eqn. 18.19, page 18.10, 6th edition Perry) where, hda = head loss under the downcomer apron, as millimeters of liquid, q = liquid flow rate calculated at the bottom of section, m3/s and Ada = minimum area of flow under the downcomer apron, m2 Now, q = 9.5910-3m3/s Assuming clearance as C= 25mm hap = hds - C = 74.58-25 = 49.58 mm Ada = Lw x hap = 1.4949.5810-3 = 0.0738 m2 Therefore had = 165.2(9.5910-3/0.0738)2 had = 2.78 mm Therefore hdc = 50+24.58+2.78+135.13 =212.49 mm Average froth density is assumed as 0.5. hdc = hdc/dc = 212.49/0.5 hdc = 424.98 mm< 500 mm (tray spacing) Hence tray spacing given is sufficient, and the design of stripping section is acceptable.

PROPERTY EVALUATION: Diffusivity: 1.Diffusivity of the vapor is calculated by using following equation: DAB = 10-3T1.75 [(MA+MB)/ (MAMB)]1/2}/{P[(c;A)1/3+ (c;B)1/3]2 ------ (eqn. 3.133, page 3-281, 6th edition Perry)

2.Diffusivity of liquid is calculated by using the equation given below: D12 = 8.62110-14/( 21.14V10.589) --------(eqn. 2.159,7th edition perry) Viscosity: Viscosity data for MEA vapor is predicted by using the equation 3.85 p-3-278 Perry hand book 6th edition. And the mixture property is calculated by using equation 3-87 and 3-90from Perry hand book. Density of the liquid mixture: mix= Mavg/(xi/I) Where i is the molar density of ith component and xi is the mole fraction of that component. Mavg is the average molecular weight of the liquid. Surface tension: For aqueous solutions the mixture property, surface tension is calculated by using the following equation:




o1/4 oVo2/3/q wVw2/3)/T

8 ., .: ,90/ 4

:8 3

1472: ,0

= log [(xwVw)q(xwVw+xoVo)/xoVo]+ 0.441q

Where q is number of carbon atoms present in the organic liquid. Two for MEA. V is in cm3/mol Individual liquid surface tension is calculated by:

i = P(l-g) ------- equation (3-151) Perry hand book

Where P is Parachor of component Average Conditions and Properties: property Liquid Flow Rate (L) kmol/day kg/day Vapor Flow Rate (G) kmol/day. kg/day. Temperature (T) Tavg.,liquid (0 C) Tavg., vapor (0 C) Viscosity () avg., liquid (cP) avg., vapor (cP)
038 9

Enriching Section 1089 23458.35 11982.7 231755.75 103 107 0.2885 0.0137 968.38 0.61 26.059 1.3510-5 1.365 0.165

Stripping Section 14629 630738.5 11982.7 471079.2 137.5 147.5 0.528 0.0624 1000.98 1.101 26.09 2.2110-5 1.6 0.354

avg., liquid (kg/m3) avg., vapor (kg/m3)

$:71,.0 %038 43

mix (dyne/cm)

Diffusivities (D) Liquid Diffusivity, DL cm2/s Vapor Diffusivity, DV cm2/s Schmidt number ,Sca D) Gas NSc, g

5.14 EFFICENCY CALCULATION: (AIChE Method) A) Enriching Section:

Point Efficiency, (Eog): Eog = 1-e-Nog = 1-exp (-Nog) ----- (eqn. 18.33, page 18.15, 6th edition Perry) Where Nog = Overall transfer units Nog = 1/ [(1/Ng

---- (eqn. 18.34, page 18.15, 6th edition Perry)

Where Nl = Liquid phase transfer units, Ng = Gas phase transfer units,


Lm = Stripping factor,

m = slope of Equilibrium Curve, Gm = Gas flow rate, mol/s Lm = Liquid flow rate, mol/s Ng= (0.776 + (0.00457hw) - (0.238Uag0.5) + (104.6W))/ (NSc, g)0.5 ----- (eqn. 18., page 18., 6th edition Perry)--- * Where hw = weir height = 50.00 mm Ua = Gas velocity through active area, m/s = (Avg. vapor flow rate in kg/day)/ (3600Avg. vapor density active area) = 231755.75/ (36000.61241.567) Ua = 2.806 m/s Df = (Lw + Dc)/2 = (1.12 + 1.49)/2 = 1.305 m Average Liquid rate = 23458.35 kg/day Average Liquid Density =968.38 kg/m3 q = 23458.35/ (360024968.38) =2.804 x 10 -4 m3/s W = Liquid flow rate, m3/ (s.m) of width of flow path on the plate, = q/Df = 2.80410-4/1.305 = 2.14810-4 m3/ (s.m) NSc, g = Schmidt number = g gDg) = 0.165 Number of gas phase transfer units Ng= (0.776 + (0.0045750) - (0.2382.8060.610.5) + (104.62.14810-4))/ (0.165)0.5 Ng = 1.24 Also, Number of liquid phase transfer units Nl = kl al ----- (eqn 18.36a, page 18.15, 6th edition Perry) Where kl = Liquid phase transfer coefficient kmol/ (sm2 kmol/m3) or m/s a = effective interfacial area for mass transfer m2/m3 froth or spray on the plate, l = residence time of liquid in the froth or spray, s l = (hlAa)/ (1000q) ---- (eqn. 18.38, page 18.16, 6th edition Perry)

now, q = liquid flow rate, m3/s hl = hl = 30.67 mm Aa = 1.567 m2 kl a = (3.875108DL)0.5 ((0.40Uag0.5) + 0.17) --- (eqn. 18.40a, page 18.16, 6th edition Perry) DL= liquid phase diffusion coefficient, m2/s kl a = (3.8751081.3510-9)0.5 ((0.402.8060.610.5) + 0.17) =0.7569 per second l = (30.671.567)/ (10002.803710-4) =171.4 Therefore Nl = 0.7569171.4 =129.7 m Slope of equilibrium Curve mtop = 0.0512 mbottom = 0.192 Gm/Lm = 4.357 t = mt Gm/Lm = 0.223 b = mbGm/Lm = 0.836 Nog = 1/ [(1/Ng Nog = 1.234 Eog = 1-e-Nog = 1-exp (-Nog) = 1-e-1.234 = 1-0.2912 Eog = 0.71 Murphee stage efficiency: Ua=2.806 m/s hl =30.67 mm DE=6.67510-3 Ua1.44+0.92210-4hl-0.00562 --- (equation 18-45,p-18-17) = 6.67510-3 2.8061.44+0.92210-430.67-0.00562 = 0.0266 /Nl)] = 0.529

= 1/ [(1/1.24) + (0.529/129.7)]

Npe=Zl2/ (DEl) Zl=Dccos(/2) = 1.49cos(97.18/2) Zl=0.983 m Npe=0.9832/(0.0266171)=0.216 = 0.529 Eog=0.375 from fig. 18.299 Emv/Eog =1.08 mv= 0.766 Overall efficiency calculation: Overall Efficiency = EOC = log [1 + E ( - 1)] = NT/Na log where E /Emv= 1 + 1 EMV [/ (1- )]

----- (eqn. 18.27, page 18.13, 6th edition Perry) Emv = Murphee Vapor efficiency, E entrainment. (L/G) {g/l}0.5 = (23458.35/231755.75){0.61/968.38}0.5 = 0.00254 Thus, for (L/G){g/l}0.5 = 0.00254 and at 80 % of the flooding value, We have from fig.18.22, page 18.14, 6th edition Perry = fractional entrainment, moles/mole gross downflow = 0.12 E = = Murphee Vapor efficiency, corrected for recycle effect of liquid

Emv 1 + Emv [/ (1- )]

= 0.766/ (1+0.766[0.12/ (1-0.12)])

E = 0.693 Overall Efficiency = EOC = log [1 + E ( - 1)] EOC = log [1+ 0.693(0.529-1)]/ log 0.529 Overall Efficiency = EOC = 0.62 Actual trays = Nact = NT/EOC = (ideal trays)/ (overall efficiency) Where NT = Theoretical plates, Nact = actual trays Nact = 3/0.62 = 4.83

Thus, Actual trays in the Enriching Section = 5 Total Height of Enriching section = 5ts = 5500 = 2500 mm = 2.5 m B) Stripping Section: Point Efficiency, (Eog): Eog = 1-e-Nog = 1-exp (-Nog) Nog = 1/ [(1/Ng

Ng= (0.776 + (0.00457hw) - (0.238Uag0.5) + (104.6W))/ (NSc, g)0.5 Where hw = 50mm Ua = Gas velocity through active area, m/s = (Avg. vapor flow rate in kg/day)/ (3600Avg. vapor density active area) = 471079.2/ (36001.101242.448) Ua = 2.023 m/s Df = (Lw + Dc)/2 = (1.49 + 1.99)/2 = 1.74 m Average Liquid rate Average Liquid Density q =7.29 x 10 -3 m3/s W = Liquid flow rate, m3/ (s.m) of width of flow path on the plate, = q/Df = 7.2910-4/1.74 = 630738.5 kg/day =1000.97 kg/m3

= 4.1910-3 m3/ (s.m) NSc, g = Schmidt number = g gDg) = 0.354 Number of gas phase transfer units Ng= (0.776 + (0.0045750) - (0.2382.0231.1010.5) + (104.64.1910-4))/ (0.354)0.5 Ng = 1.53 Also, Number of liquid phase transfer units Nl = kl al ----- (eqn 18.36a, page 18.15, 6th edition Perry) l = (hlAa)/ (1000q) ---- (eqn. 18.38, page 18.16, 6th edition Perry) Now, q = liquid flow rate, m3/s hl = hl = 45.92 mm Aa = 2.448 m2 kl a = (3.875108DL)0.5 ((0.40Uag0.5) + 0.17) --- (eqn. 18.40a, page 18.16, 6th edition Perry) DL= liquid phase diffusion coefficient, m2/s kl a = (3.8751082.2110-9)0.5 ((0.402.0231.1010.5) + 0.17) =0.943 per second l = (45.922.448)/ (10007.210-3) =15.6 Therefore Nl = 0.94315.6 =14.54 m Slope of equilibrium Curve mtop = 1.42 mbottom = 3.33 Gm/Lm = 0.6 t = mt Gm/Lm = 0.852 b = mbGm/Lm = 2.0 = 1.43 Nog = 1/ [(1/Ng

= 1/ [(1/1.53) + (1.43/14.54)] Nog = 1.272 Eog = 1-e-Nog = 1-exp (-Nog) = 1-e-1.272 Eog = 0.719 Murphee stage efficiency(Mv): Ua=2.023 m/s hl =45.92 mm DE=6.67510-3 Ua1.44+0.92210-4hl-0.00562 --- (equation 18-45,p-18-17) = 6.67510-3 2.0231.44+0.92210-445.92-0.00562 = 0.017 Npe=Zl2/ (DEl) Zl=Dccos(/2) = 1.99cos(97.18/2) Zl=1.31 m Npe=1.312/(0.01715.6)=6.47 = 1.43 Eog=1.02 from fig. 18.299

Emv/Eog =1.42 mv= 1.02 Overall efficiency calculation: Overall Efficiency = EOC = log [1 + E ( - 1)] = NT/Na log

Where E /Emv= 1 +

1 EMV [/ (1- )]

----- (eqn. 18.27, page 18.13, 6th edition Perry) Emv = Murphee Vapor efficiency,

E =Murphee Vapor efficiency, corrected for recycle effect of liquid entrainment. (L/G) {g/l}0.5 = (630738.5/471079.2){1.101/1014.15}0.5 = 0.044 Thus, for (L/G){g/l}0.5 = 0.044 and at 80 % of the flooding value, We have from fig.18.22, page 18.14, 6th edition Perry = fractional entrainment, moles/mole gross downflow = 0.08 E =

Emv 1 + Emv [/ (1- )]

= 1.02/ (1+1.02[0.08/ (1-0.08)]) E = 0.936 Overall Efficiency = EOC = log [1 + E ( - 1)] EOC = log [1+ 0.936(1.43-1)]/ log 1.43

Overall Efficiency = EOC = 0.945

Actual trays = Nact = NT/EOC = (ideal trays)/ (overall efficiency) Where NT = Theoretical plates, Nact = actual trays Nact = 3/0.945 = 3.17

Thus, Actual trays in the Enriching Section = 4 Total Height of Enriching section = 4ts = 4500 = 2000 mm = 2.0 m Total number of trays in the column = 9 Five in the enriching section and four in the stripping section. Total height of the tower = 4.5 m

5.2 PROCESS DESIGN OF CONDENSER Vertical condenser is used to condense the water vapor coming at the top of the dehydration tower. Condenser is operated at the same pressure as that of dehydration tower that is one atmosphere. Amount of the vapor to be condensed is 11982.7 kmol/day i.e. 217055.9 kg/ day. Feed entering is at its dew point. Weight fraction of water in the feed is 99% and MEA is 1%. At one atmosphere (latent heat of vaporisation)for MEA =848.1KJ/Kg. for water =2265.2 KJ/Kg. 5.21 ENERGY BALANCE 1. SHELL SIDE: (VAPOR) Condensed liquid leaving the condenser is at its saturation temperature. Hence the heat load: QH = qlatent heat = m = 217055.9/(243600) 2251.03 QH = 5650.08 kW.

2. TUBE SIDE: (WATER) QC = (mwCp Hence QC=QH => mw = QH/ (Cp

%   .412610

Latent heat of the vapor entering is removed completely i.e. completelly condensed. )/ (4.187103 (40-30)) = 134.9 kg/s

Where mw is the cooling water flow rate.

5.22 LMTD calculation: Considering Counter- Current Operation. HOT SIDE (VAPOR) 102 102 COLD SIDE (WATER) 30 C 40 0C


72 C 62 0C


= ((102-30)-(102-40))/ln ((102-30)/ (102-40)) = 66.87 0C

Consider one-one pass exchanger: Routing: Tube side: cooling water Shell side: vapor. Let choose OD, 20 BWG tube from table 11-2 p-11-8, Outer diameter =19.05 mm Inner diameter = 17.27 mm Let length of tube = 12 ft.= 3.66 m External heat transfer area / ft length = 0.1963 ft2/ft length = 0.0598 m2/m length 50 mm allowance is given for the tube sheet. Hence tube length available for the heat transfer is = 3.61 m Heat transfer area of one tube = 0.0598 3.61 = 0.213 m2 Total number of tubes required = 37.199/0.213 =174.65 tubes. For TEMA P or S 1 triangular pitch from table 11-3 p-11-14 Nearest tube count = 208 tubes for that Shell diameter = 438 mm Therefore corrected area = 2080.213 =44.9 m2 Corrected Ud = 5650.8103/(66.8744.9) = 1881.8 W/(m2 K) Fluid velocity: Tube side: Np= 1 Flow area = ( Di2/4)Nt/Np = 0.0488 m2 therefore tube side fluid velocity = mW/(994.030.0488) = 134.9/(994.030.0488) Vt = 2.78 m/s 5.23 FILM TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS: SHELL SIDE: Fluid is condensing vapor Wall temperature TW=1/2[Tsat+(30+40)/2] = 1/2[102+35] TW = 68.5oC TF = (TW + Tsat )/2

Film temperature

= 85.25 oC Properties of vapor are taken at 86oC and it is assumed that amount of MEA present is negligible. l=967.97Kg/m3 Cp=4.39KJ/Kg K k=0.679 W/mK =0.33cP Reynolds number: NRe =4/=4/ W/(Nt2/3 L) = 42.512/(0.3310-33.612082/3) NRe = 240.26 We have ho= 1.51 (k32g/2)1/3NRe-1/3 = 1.51 (0.6793967.9729.81/(0.3310-3)2)1/3240.26-1/3 =7234.48 W/mK TUBE SIDE: Fluid is cooling water: Fluid velocity in the tube

Vt = 2.78 m/s

At average temperature 35 oC properties of cooling water: l=994.032Kg/m3 k=0.578 W/mK NRe =vD/ = 59655.09 Npr = Cp/k = 5.79 From Dittus Boitus equation: Nu =0.023 NRe0.8 Npr0.3 = hiDi/k Therefore hi = 8623.53 W/m2K

Cp=4.187KJ/Kg K =0.8cP

5.24 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT: Overall efficiency can be calculated by formulae: 1/Uo=1/ho+1/hiDo/Di + xwAo/(kwAw)+ dirt factor Where xw is the thickness of the tube. kw is the thermal conductivity of the material =50 W/m K Dirt factor from table11-3 =8.80510-5 1/Uo = 3.93410-4 Uo = 2541.49 W/m2K assumed value of the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1881.8 W/m2K Therefore the design value is more than the assumed value.

5.25 PRESSURE DROP CALCULATIONS: SHELL SIDE: Tvap =102oC vap = 0.0118 cP as= (ID)CB/PT Where C = clearance between tubes= PT -Do B=Baffle spacing PT=25.4 mm By assuming baffle spacing as diameter of the shell pressure drop will be high and is more than the permissible limit. Let Nb+1=3 i.e. number of baffles are taken as two for trial calculation. Therefore B = 1.203 m Then as = 0.1296 m2 De= 4[PT/20.86PT-0.5D2/4] / ( Do/2) = 0.0182 m Gs= 2.512/ as =2.512/0.0182 Gs = 19.38 Kg/m2s Reynolds number: NRe= Gs De /vap =19.380.0182/(0.011810-3) NRe = 29595.56

f= 1.87( NRe )-0.2 = 0.238 Ps=[4f (Nb+1)Ds Gs2g]0.5/(2g De vap) = 40.23830.43819.3820.5/(20.018020.58) = 11238.2 N/m2 Ps = 11.2382 KN/m2<14 KN/m2 Shell side pressure drop is less than the permissible value for the assumed number of baffles. TUBE SIDE: Velocity of liquid water in the tube side= 2.78m/s. Properties at the average temperature 35 oC : l=994.032Kg/m3 k=0.578 W/mK Reynolds number: NRe =vD/ = 59655.09 Friction factor(f): f= 0.079( NRe )-0.25 = 5.05410-4 Pressure drop through the length: Pl = 4fLV2 lg/(2gD) = 2fLGt2/(lDi) = 45.5410-4 3.662763.42/(994.030.01727) Pl = 1645.66N/m2 Pressure drop: PR =2.5 Gt2 /(2) = 9602.8 N/m2 Total pressure drop = (Pl +PR ) PT = 11248.48 N/m2 <70000 N/m2 Pressure drop on both sides of the condenser are under the permissible limit. Hence the design is acceptable. Cp=4.187KJ/Kg K =0.8cP



a) SHELL: Diameter (Di ) Working/Operating Pressure Design pressure = 1.1Operating Pressure Working temperature Design temperature 1.99 m 1.0329 kg/cm2 1.11.0329 = 1.1362 kg/cm2 441 0K 457.8 0K 950 kg/cm2 1.88105 MN/m2 2= 50.8 mm 575 kg/m3 0.3 m 0.4 m 50 mm 25 mm

Shell material - IS: 2002-1962 Grade I Plain Carbon steel Permissible tensile stress (ft) Elastic Modulus (E) Insulation material - asbestos Insulation thickness Density of insulation Top disengaging space Bottom separator space Weir height Downcomer clearance b) HEAD - TORISPHERICAL DISHED HEAD: Material - IS: 2002-1962 Grade I Plain Carbon steel Allowable tensile stress = 950 kg/cm2 c) SUPPORT SKIRT: Height of support 1m

Material - Carbon Steel d) TRAYS-SIEVE TYPE: Number of trays = 9

Hole Diameter = 5mm Number of holes: Enriching section = 6981 Stripping section = 10726 Tray spacing: Enriching section: 500 mm Stripping section: 500 mm Thickness = 3 mm e) SUPPORT FOR TRAY: Purlins - Channels and Angles Material - Carbon Steel Permissible Stress = 1275 kg/cm2

1. Shell minimum thickness: Considering the vessel as an internal pressure vessel. ts = ((PDi)/ ((2ftJ)- P)) + C where ts = thickness of shell, mm P = design pressure, kg/cm2 Di = diameter of shell, mm ft = permissible/allowable tensile stress, kg/cm2 C = Corrosion allowance, mm J = Joint factor Considering double welded butt joint with backing strip J= 85% = 0.85 Thus, ts = ((1.13621990)/ ((29500.85)- 1.1362)) + 3 = 4.556 mm Taking the thickness of the shell as minimum specified value= 6 mm

2. Head Design- Shallow dished and Torispherical head: Thickness of head = th = (PRcW)/ (2fJ) P =internal design pressure, kg/cm2

Rc = crown radius = diameter of shell, mm=1990mm W=stress intensification factor or stress concentration factor for torispherical head W= (3 + (Rc/Rk)0.5) Rk = knuckle radius, which is at least 6% of crown radius, m Rk = 6% Rc = 0.061990 = 119.4 mm W= (3 + (Rc/Rk)0.5) = (3 + (1/0.06)0.5) = 1.7706 mm th = (1.136219901.7706)/ (29500.85) = 2.7538 mm including corrosion allowance thickness of head is taken as 6 mm Pressure at which elastic deformation occurs P (elastic) = 0.366E (t/ Rc)2 = 0.3661.88105 (6/1990)2 = 0.6255 MN/ m2 = 6.3761kg/cm2 The pressure required for elastic deformation, P (elastic)> (Design Pressure) Hence, the thickness is satisfactory. The thickness of the shell and the head are made equal for ease of fabrication. Weight of Head: Diameter = O.D + (O.D/24) + (2sf) + (2icr/3) --- (eqn. 5.12 Brownell and Young) Where O.D. = Outer diameter of the dish, inch icr = inside cover radius, inch sf = straight flange length, inch From table 5.7 and 5.8 of Brownell and Young sf =1 icr = 1 Also, O.D.= 1990 mm = 78.35 Diameter = 78.35 + (78.35/24) + (21) + (21/3) = d = 84.45 = 2144.97 mm d2 t)/4) ( 

9 41


84.452 0.2362)/4) (590/1728) = 375.2 lb

= 170.19 kg

3. Shell thickness at different heights At a distance Xm from the top of the shell the stresses are: 3.1 Axial Tensile Stress due to Pressure: fap = PDi_ = 4(ts -c) 1.13621990_ = 188.38 kg/cm2 4(6 - 3)

This is the same through out the column height.

3.2 Compressive stress due Dead Loads: 3.2a Compressive stress due to Weight of shell up to a distance X meter from top. fds = weight of shell/cross-section of shell

(Do2- Di2) s X/ (
9 41 8 0 507 :3 9 0


(Do2- Di2)


Dm (ts- c)

Where Do and Di are external and internal diameter of shell.

s = density of shell material, kg/m3

Dm = mean diameter of shell, ts = thickness of shell, c = corrosion allowance

s = 8500 kg/m3=0.0085kg/cm3
fds s x = (0.85X) kg/cm2

3.2b Compressive stress due to weight of insulation at a height X meter fd(ins)= Dins tins ins X = weight of insulation per unit height X Dm (ts - c) Dm (ts - c) where Dins, tins, ins are diameter, thickness and density of insulation respectively. Dm = (Dc+ (Dc+2ts))/2 Dins =Dc+2ts+2tins = 199+ (20.6) + (25.08) = 201.216 cm. Dm = (199+ (199+ (20.6)))/2 = 199.6 cm. fd(ins) = 201.216 5.08575X = 9815.5 X kg/m2 199.6 (0.6 - 0.3) fd(ins) = 0.98155 X kg/cm2

3.2c Stress due to the weight of the liquid and tray in the column up to a height X meter.

fd, liq. =


of liquid and tray per unit height X Dm (ts - c)

The top chamber height is 0.3 m and it does not contain any liquid or tray. Tray spacing is 500 mm. Average liquid density = 984.67 kg/m3 Liquid and tray weight for X meter fliq-tray = [(X-0.3)/ 0.5 + 1] ( Di2/4) l = [(X-0.3)/ 0.5 + 1] ( 1.992/4) 984.67 = [2X + 0.4] 3062.97 kg fd (liq) = Fliq-tray 10/ (Dm (ts - c)) = [2X + 0.4] 3062.97 10/ (1996 (6 - 3)) fd (liq) = 3.26X + 0.653 kg/cm2 3.2d Compressive stress due to attachments such as internals, top head, platforms and ladder up to height X meter. fd (attch.) = cweight of attachments per unit height X Dm (ts - c) Now total weight up to height X meter = weight of top head + pipes +ladder, etc., Taking the weight of pipes, ladder and platforms as 25 kg/m = 0.25 kg/cm Total weight up to height X meter = (170.19+25X) kg fd (attch.) = (170.19+25X) 10/ 199 (6 - 3) = 0.907 + 0.133X kg/cm2 Total compressive dead weight stress: fdx = fds + fins +fd (liq) + fd (attch) = 0.85X + 0.98155X + [3.26X+0.653] + [0.907 +0.133X] fdx = 5.225X + 1.559 kg/cm2 4. Tensile stress due to wind load in self supporting vessels: fwx = Mw /Z where Mw = bending moment due to wind load = (wind load distance)/2

= 0.7PwDX2/2 Z = modulus for the section for the area of shell Thus, fwx =1.4PwX2 Now Pw = 25 lb/ft2 = 122.06 kg/m2 Bending moment due to wind load Mwx = 0.7122.061.99X2/2 = 170.03 kg-m fwx= 1.4122.06X2 5. Stresses due to Seismic load: fsx = Msx Dm2 (ts-c)/4 Where bending moment Msx at a distance X meter is given by Msx = [CWX2/3] [(3H-X)/H2] Where C = seismic coefficient, W= total weight of column, kg H = height of column Total weight of column = W= Cv mDmg (Hv+ (0.8Dm))ts10-3 ----- (eqn. 13.75, page 743, Coulson and Richardson 6th volume) Where W = total weight of column, excluding the internal fittings like plates, N Cv = a factor to account for the weight of nozzles, manways, internal supports, etc. = 1.5 for distillation column with several manways, and with plate Support rings or equivalent fittings Hv = height or length between tangent lines (length of cylindrical section) g = gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s2 t = wall thickness 1.99 (6-3) = 3.075X2 kg/cm2 Dm (ts-c) Dm2 (ts-c)/4

--- (from table 9.1 Brownell and Young)

m = density of vessel material, kg/m3

Dm = mean diameter of vessel = Di + (t 10-3) = 1.99+ (6 10-3) = 1.996 m W= 1.5 85001.9969.81 (4+ (0.81.996))610-3 = 26341.28 N

= 2685.15 kg. Weight of plates:

! ,90 ,70, 

------- (Coulson and Richardson 6th volume)

1.992/4 0.331(is Ad) = 2.18 m2

Weight of each plate = 1.22.18 =3.336 kN Weight of 9 plates = 93.336 = 30.02 kN = 3060.55 kg. Total weight of column = 2685.15 + 3060.55 = 5745.7 kg Let C = seismic coefficient = 0.08 Msx = [0.085745.7X2/3] [((34.5)-X)/4.52] = 153.22X2 [0.66-0.049X] kg-m fsx = Msx103 Dm2 (ts-c)/4 = 153.22X2 [0.66-0.049X] 103 199.62 (6-3)/4) = [1.0771X2- 0.07997X3], kg/cm2

On the up wind side: Total stress acting on the up wind side: ft,max = (fwx or fsx) + fap -fdx Since the chances of, stresses due to wind load and seismic load, to occur together is rare hence it is assumed that the stresses due to wind load and earthquake load will not occur simultaneously and hence the maximum value of either is therefore accepted and considered for evaluation of combined stresses. Thus, ft,max =0.908X2 + 188.38- [5.225X + 1.559] i.e., 0.908X2 5.225X -1.559+188.38-0.85 950 = 0 0.908X2- 5.225X 578.56 =0 => X = 28.28 m

On the down side: Maximum stress acting on the down side is given by the following equation: fc,max = (fwx or fsx) - fap +fdx

ft,max =0.908X2 - 188.38 + [5.225X + 1.559] The column height is 4.5 m, for which the maximum value is ft,max =0.908(4.5)2 - 188.38+ [5.225(4.5) + 1.559] = -144.92 kg/cm2 This shows that the stress on the down wind side is tensile. Hence further calculation is done by taking ft,max as allowable stress to find the height up to that column can resist the maximum stress acting on it. If the height calculated is more than the actual height of the column, then selected material and hence the design will be acceptable. ft,max =0.908X2 - 188.38 + [8.852X + 1.559] Let ft,max = 0.85 950 =807.5 kg/cm2 Hence 0.908X2 - 188.38 + [5.225X + 1.559] 807.5=0 We get X=30.34 m Actual height of the column is 4.5 m. Therefore the design is acceptable because of the height up to that it can resist the maximum permissible stress is much more larger than the actual height of the column. Hence Thickness of the shell Height of the head Skirt support height Height of the tower 6.0 mm

0.4975 m (is Dc/4) 1 4.5 m m

Design of Support: a) Skirt Support: The cylindrical shell of the skirt is designed for the combination of stresses due to vessel dead weight, wind load and seismic load. The thickness of skirt is uniform and is designed to withstand maximum values of tensile or compressive stresses. Data available: (i) (ii) Diameter =1990 mm. Height = 4500 mm = 4.5 m

(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Weight of vessel, attachment =5745.7 kg. Diameter of skirt (straight) = 1990 mm Height of skirt = 1.0 m Wind pressure = 122.06 kg/m2

1. Stresses due to dead Weight: fd = c

Dok tsk)

fd = stress,
c  /0,/ 0 9 41 ;0880 .4390398 ,3/ ,99,. 20398

Dok = outside diameter of skirt, tsk = thickness of skirt, fd  

199.6 tsk) = 91.6/ tsk kg/cm2

2. Stress due to wind load: pw = kp1h1Do p1 = wind pressure for the lower part of vessel, k = coefficient depending on the shape factor = 0.7 for cylindrical vessel. Do = outside diameter of vessel, The bending moment due to wind at the base of the vessel is given by Mw = pw H/2 fwb = Mw/Z = 4 Mw (Dok)2tsk Z- Modulus of section of skirt cross-section pw = 0.7122.061.01.99 = 765.13 kg Mw = pw H/2 = 765.134.5/2 = 1721.5 kg-m Substituting the values we get, fwb = 8.2/tsk kg/cm2 Stress due to seismic load: Load = CW

C = seismic coefficient, W= total weight of column. Stress at base, fsb = (2/3) (CHW)/ ( (Rok)2 tsk C=0.08 fsb = (2/3) (0.084505745.7)/( (199.6/2)2 tsk = 6.61/ tsk kg/cm2 Maximum tensile stress: ft, max = (91.6/ tsk) (8.2/ tsk) = (83.5/ tsk) kg/cm2 Permissible tensile stress = 925 kg/cm2 Thus, 925 = (83.5/ tsk) => tsk = 0.0902 cm = 0.902 mm Maximum compressive stress: fc, max = (91.6/ tsk) + (8.1/ tsk) = (99.7/ tsk) kg/cm2 Now, fc, (permissible) <= (
0 / 54 39

= 1500/ 3 = 500 kg/cm2 Thus, tsk = 99.7/500 = 0.1994 cm = 1.994 mm As per IS 2825-1969, minimum corroded skirt thickness = 7 mm Thus use a thickness of 7 mm for the skirt.

Design of skirt bearing plate: Assume both circle diameter = skirt diameter + 32.5 =199+ 32.5 = 231.5 cm Compressive stress between Bearing plate and concrete foundation: fc = (c
c  0 w/Z) 9 41 ;0880 .4390398 ,3/ ,99,. 20398


A = area of contact between the bearing plate and foundation, Z = Section Modulus of area, Mw = the bending moment due to wind, fc = (5745.74)/( (231.52-1992))+(0.7122.06342.32)/(2 (231.54-914)/(32231.5)) = 0.133 + 0.138 fc = 0.271 kg/cm2

Which is less than the permissible value for concrete. Maximum bending moment in bearing plate Stress, f = (60.271 16.252)/ (2 tB2) = 214.68/ tB2 Permissible stress in bending is 1000 kg/cm2 Thus, tB2 = 214.68/1000 => tB = 0.463 cm = 4.63 Therefore a bolted chair has to be used.

Anchor Bolts: Minimum weight of Vessel = Wmin = 3000 kg. ------ (assumed value) fc,min = ( Wmin/A) - (Mw/Z) = [(43000) (231.52 - 1992))] - (0.7 122.06 3 42.32/(2 (231.54 1994)/(32231.5)) = 0.273 0.415 = - 0.142 kg/cm2 Since fc is negative, the vessel skirt must be anchored to the concrete foundation by anchor bolts. Pbolts=fc(min)A/n Assuming there are 20 bolts, Pbolts = (0.142/20) (( (231.52 -1992))/4) = 78.01 kg

Trays: The trays are standard sieve plates throughout the column. The plates have 6981 holes in Enriching section and 10726.11 holes in the Stripping section of 5mm diameter arranged on a 15mm triangular pitch. The trays are supported on purloins.

6.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN OF CONDENSER Fluid in the shell side is water vapor and in the tube side is liquid water. Data available:

Material carbon steel One shellone tube pass exchanger. Fluid water vapor Working pressure 1 atmosphere Design pressure 0.1114 N/m2 Temperature 102oC Diameter 438 mm Permissible stress for carbon steel is 95 N/mm2

Number of tubes 208 Number of passes one Inside diameter 17.27 mm Outside diameter 19.05 mm Length 12 ft, 3.66 m Triangular pitch 1 Working and operating pressures are same as that of shell side. Fluid on the tube side is water: Inlet temperature 30oC Outlet temperature 40 oC

ts= PD/(2fJ+P) let J=85% = 0.1114438/(20.8595+0.1114) = 0.31 Minimum thickness of shell including corrosion resistance is taken as 8 mm

Shallow dished and torispherical head. th= PRe/2fJ W= (3+ #0 # = 1.77 th= 0.535 mm

IS:4503-1967: Minimum thickness including corrosion allowance must be 10mm hence th = 10 mm


Baffle spacing =1.203 m Thickness of baffles(ts) = 6mm


These are provided to retain all cross baffles and tube support plates in position. From IS:4503-1967 For shell diameter 400-700 mm Diameter of rod is 10 mm and number of rods = 6

Flange is ring type with plain face. Design pressure = P = 0.1114 N/mm2 (external) Flange material: IS 2004-1962 Class 2 Carbon Steel Bolting steel: 5% Chromium, Molybdenum Steel Gasket Material: Asbestos composition Shell OD = 0.446m = B Shell Thickness = 0.008m = g Shell ID = 0.438m Allowable stress for flange material = 100 MN/m2 Allowable stress of bolting material = 138 MN/m2

(a) Determination of gasket width dO/di = [(y-Pm)/(y-P(m+1))]0.5 Assume a gasket thickness of 0.6mm y = minimum design yield seating stress = 44.85 MN/m2 m = gasket factor = 3.5 dO/di = 1.001m do=0.4385 m

Minimum gasket width = (0.4385-0.438)/2 = 0.000275m = N Taking minimum width as 10 mm

Then do = 0.458m Basic gasket seating width = 6 mm =b Diameter at location of gasket load reaction G = di + N = 448m

(b) Estimation of bolt loads Load due to design pressure H = G2P/4 = 0.01755 MN where P is the design pressure Load to keep joint tight under operation: Hp = G(2b)mp = (0.448)(0.00612)(3.5)(0.1114) Hp = 0.00672 MN Total Operating Load Wo = H+HT = 0.0241 MN Load to seat the gasket under bolting condition: Wg = Gby = 0.862 MN Wg > Wo Hence, the controlling load is Wg = 0.862 MN (c) Calculation of Minimum bolting area: Am = Ag = W/S = 0.862/S So = allowable stress for bolting material Am = Ag = 0.862/138 = 0.006246 m Calculation of optimum bolt size. g1 = g/0.707 = 1.415g Choose M182 Bolts Minimum number of bolts = 44

Radial clearance from bolt circle to point of connection of hub or nozzle and back of flange = R = 0.027 m Bs = 0.045m (Bolt spacing) C = nBs/ = 0.63 C =ID + 2(1.415g + R) = 0.438 +2[(1.415)(0.008)+0.027] = 0.726 m Choose C = 0.726m Bolt circle diameter = 0.726m

(d) Flange outside diameter (A) A = C +bolt dia + 0.02 = 0.764m (e) Check for gasket width AbSG / (GN) where SG is the Allowable stress for the gasket material=138 Ab is actual bolt area=441.5410-4=0.006776 m2 AbSG / (GN)=89.7MN/m2<2y condition is satisfied. (f) Flange Moment Calculations For operating condition: Wo=W1 + W2 +W3 -----equation(17.6.6) W1= B2P/4=0.01739 MN W2=H- W1=0.00016 MN W3= Wo-H=0.00672 MN Mo = W1a1 + W2a2+W3a3 For loose type lap joint flanges, a1 = (C-B)/2 = 0.14m a3 = (C -G)/2 = 0.1395m ---- equation(7.6.7)

a2 = (a1+a3)/2 = 0.139m Mo = 3.3910-3 MJ For bolting up condition: Mg = Wa3------equation(7.6.8) W =(Ab+Ag)Sg/2 Ag = Wg/Sg = 0.862/138 = 6.24610-4m2 Ag=6.77610-3 W= 897 MN/m2 Mg = 0.125 MJ Mg > Mo Hence, Mg is controlling.

(g) Calculation of flange thickness t2 = M CF Y / (B SF) --- equation(7.6.12) SF is the allowable stress for the flange material= 100MN/m2 K =A/B = 0.764/0.446= 1.71 For K = 1.71, Y = 4.4 Assuming CF =1 t2 = 0.0123 t = 0.11m Actual bolt spacing BS = C/n = (3.14)(0.726)/(44) = 0.052m Bolt Pitch Correction Factor CF = [Bs / (2d+t)]0.5 = 0.596 CF =0.772 t(act) = tCF = 0.085m Select 85mm thick flange. Both flanges have the same thickness.


Material : Carbon Steel Shell diameter = 438mm R = D/2 l = 3660mm

Torispherical Head: Crown radius = D, knuckle radius = 0.06D Total Head Depth = (Doro/2)= 75.86mm = H Shell Thickness = Head Thickness = 8mm ft = 95 MN/m2 Weight of the shell and its contents = 1542.34 kg = W Distance of saddle center line from shell end = A = R/4=109.5mm

Longitudinal Bending Moment M1 = QA[1-(1-A/L+(R2-H2)/(2AL))/(1+4H/(3L))] Q = W/2(L+4H/3) = 5800.96 Nm M1 = 621.2 kg-m M2 = QL/4[(1+2(R2-H2)/L)/(1+4H/(3L))-4A/L] = 4965.9 kg-m

Stresses in shell at the saddle f1 =M1/( R2 t) = 41.22 kg/cm2 f2 = M2/(k2 R2 t) = 329.5kg/cm2 f3 =M2/( R2 t) = 329.5kg/cm2 since k1=k2=1 All stresses are within allowable limits. Hence, the given parameters can be considered for design. Axial stress in the shell due to internal pressure: fp= PD/(4t)

= 24.87 kg/cm2 sum of fp and f3 is well within the limit of permissible stress. NOZZLE DESIGN: FOR CONDENSER: 1. Feed nozzle for cooling liquid: Assumed liquid velocity v = 3 m/s Mass of liquid in M = 134.9 kg/s Area of nozzle required A = M/ (v) = 0.04645m2 Therefore diameter of the nozzle = 0.04645 dN = 24.3 cm 2. Cooling liquid outlet nozzle: It is same as that of inlet nozzle, hence the diameter of the nozzle = 24.3 cm 3. Vapor inlet nozzle: Vapor velocity is assumed as Mass of vapor in is Density of vapor entering Area of nozzle required Therefore Diameter of the nozzle 45 m/s 2.51 kg/s 0.58 kg/m3 0.096 m2 34.9cm

4. Condenser liquid outlet nozzle: Velocity of liquid is assumed as Mass flow rate of liquid Density of the condensed liquid Area of nozzle required Hence, Diameter of nozzle 40.86 mm 2.00m/s 2.51 kg/s 956.8 kg/m3 0.00131 m2

FOR DISTILLATION COLUMN: 1. Feed nozzle: Mass flow rate of liquid Density of the condensed liquid Velocity of liquid is assumed as Area of nozzle required Hence, Diameter of nozzle 2. Nozzle for distillate: Mass flow rate of liquid Density of the liquid Velocity of liquid is assumed as Area of nozzle required Hence, Diameter of nozzle 3. Nozzle for residue: Mass flow rate of residue Density of the residue Velocity of liquid is assumed as Area of nozzle required Hence, Diameter of nozzle 39.57 mm 4.823 kg/s 1016.7 kg/m3 2.00m/s 0.00123 m2 38.99 mm 2.286 kg/s 956.97 kg/m3 2.00m/s 0.0012 m2 55.70 mm 4.823 kg/s 987.8 kg/m3 2.00m/s 0.00244 m2

Reflux liquid inlet nozzle: Liquid flow rate 0.2285 kg/s Density of the reflux 956.8 kg/m3 Liquid velocity through nozzle 1.5 m/s (assumed) Area required for assumed velocity 1.5910-4 Hence, Diameter of the nozzle 14.23 mm

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