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Inclusion and Democracy, Iris Marion Young (New York: Oxford UP,
2001.304 pages).
Reviewed by Christy Friend, University of South Carolina
In the introduction to Inclusion and Democracy, feminist political phi-
losopher Iris Marion Young laments that we live in "a paradoxical
historical moment when nearly everyone favours democracy, but appar-
ently few believe that democratic governance can do anything. Demo-
cratic process seems to paralyse policymaking" rather than effecting
change. Young's remark echoes exactly the kinds of frustrations voiced
in a meeting of my department's service-learning instructors last month.
Well versed in approaches to critical pedagogy and excited about teach-
ing courses that connect students with the larger community, most of us
nonetheless felt stymied by the difficulties we and our students had faced
in trying to enter public processes fraught with bureaucratic obstacles,
limited resources, exclusions, and indifference. No one in the group was
ready to abandon the ideal of civic participation (although some of our
students undoubtedly were), but we wished we had begun the semester
with abetter idea of what we were getting ourselves and our students into.
My colleagues and I are not alone. As the notion that college writing
courses should engage students with community issues becomes widely
accepted in our field, rhetoric and composition specialists are increas-
ingly seeking scholarship that will help them understand the broad social,
institutional, and political structures that shape public discussion.
Serendipitously, this trend has developed at the same time that political
theorists and philosophers-the group of scholars concerned with de-
scribing such structures-are showing renewed interest in communica-
tive processes. Inclusion and Democracy is one of the most recent and
most evocative contributions to this movement in political thought. The
book contributes to discussions in our field on two levels: for practitio-
ners, it offers valuable descriptions of the broader contexts within which
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public debate operates; at the same time, it works on a theoretical level to
expand the traditional scope of political models to incorporate explicitly
rhetorical concerns. .
Young-along with Benjamin Barber, Jurgen Habermas, Nancy
Fraser, and others-is one of a group of theorists who subscribe to a
"deliberative" view of democracy, which, unlike traditional "aggregative"
models focused on competition among individual interests and the
corresponding distribution of goods, holds that democracy is most
fundamentally a set of deliberative practices by which people negotiate
in order to solve public problems. In this view, democracy is all about
persuasion. Young's contribution to this school of thought has centered
on examining what constitutes ethical democratic practices, drawing
insights from feminist and postmodem social theories of difference.
In Inclusion and Democracy, she seeks to articulate a democratic
ideal of inclusion: the principle that in a democracy all those affected by
a policy should be "included in the decision-making processes" and
should have the opportunity "to influence the outcomes." The book's
seven chapters explore three overlapping dimensions of inclusion: the
first three consider what norms and conditions should guide inclusive
public discussion; the next two discuss which processes of representation
and association are most inclusive; and the last two consider how the
scope of the polity should be defined when decision-making affects
multiple jurisdictions and communities. All but one of the chapters have
been previously published in some form, but most are so substantially
revised that even faithful readers af Young's work will find plenty of new
material. Novices to political theory will also find the book accessible,
since Young grounds her discussions in clear definitions of key terms and
careful accounts of competing views.
The book's first three chapters are the most interesting from the
perspective of rhetorical theory because they take up the project of
incorporating traditionally rhetorical considerations into political mod-
els of democracy. Chapter 1, "Democracy and Justice," lays compelling
ethical groundwork for this interdisciplinary move. Here, Young draws
on Jean-Francois Lyotard's concept of the differend to critique existing
theories of deliberative democracy for their tendency to assume that
public deliberation is limited to formal arguments presented in official
state forums. She points out that foregrounding the role of formal
argumentation privileges the contributions of highly educated speakers,
falsely assumes the existence of shared premises in public disputes, and
emphasizes consensus at the expense of difference. Thus, meeting the
Reviews 451
ethical norm of maximum inclusion requires a broader account of the
various shapes public discourse can take.
Chapter 2, "Inclusive Political Communication," constructsjust such
an account. In addition to formal argument, Young identifies three modes
of communication as especially important to promoting inclusion: greet-
ing, which she defines as communicative gestures in which "people
acknowledge one another in their particularity" and which serve in public
forums to recognize and promote respect for "all those who should be
included in the debate"; rhetoric, characterized as "the way content is
conveyed as distinct from the assertive value of the content," including
tone, figurative language, and the use of nonverbal media. (Because
rhetoric involves attention to audience and occasion, its use can help get
issues on the agenda for deliberation and help to motivate political
action.); narratives, on the other hand, are important devices for "giving
voice to the kinds of experience which often go unheard in legal
discussions and courtroom settings."
Chapter 3, "Social Difference as Political Resource," further justifies
the importance of these alternate modes of expression by elaborating how
particular social structures and positions influence public debate. In an
argument that extends the stance she takes in her earlier book Justice and
the Politics of Difference (Princeton UP, 1990), Young refutes scholars
who fear that public discussions that foreground difference will become
mired in divisive "identity politics" rather than work toward the common
good. She maintains that the recognition of social differences-espe-
cially structural differences that affect people's opportunities for self-
development and self-determination-actually serves positive political
purposes. Citing a range of relevant examples, Young argues convinc-
ingly that, to the degree that democratic justice involves "coordinating
diverse goods and interests" across a shifting terrain of group identifica-
tions and needs, recognition of difference is a necessary condition of
inclusive decision-making.
Yet, precisely because they venture into familiar theoretical and
disciplinary terrain, I find Young's formulations in these first three
chapters not only provocative and valuable, but also problematic. While
I'm excited to see a political theorist embrace rhetoric as a key dimension
of democratic process, Young's sense of what "rhetoric" involves seems
at times too limited and at times amorphous. Rhetoric fits awkwardly into
Young's categories of "communication modes," the other three of which
are genres (argument, narrative, greeting). Recognizing that rhetoric is
not exactly a genre, Young explains it as the emotional and stylistic
452 jac
flourishes that can be added to statements in any genre-a definition that
suggests a Platonic separation of rhetoric and truth that seems a bit of an
anachronism in a book that's otherwise so thoroughly grounded in
postmodem suspicion of these sorts of binaries. At several points, Young
does suggest a wider purview for rhetoric, admitting that her categories
overlap, that no statement is entirely arhetorical, and even consigning
several kinds of activity-including the use of visual imagery and mass
protest-entirely to rhetoric. Yet, these broader connections are never
explored. For readers in our field who are steeped in a theoretical
landscape that sees rhetoric as the rich and diverse persuasive influ-
ences at work in all discourse, Young's account of rhetoric may seem
thin and uneven.
As Young pursues this important line of thought, I hope that she will
continue to think through the nature and scope of her categories and the
interrelations among them, particularly in relation to rhetoric's place in
the schema. Such rethinking might involve drawing on a wider spectrum
of resources from our field. Kenneth Burke, for example, has much to say
about the rhetorical functions served by greetings and other epideictic
rituals, and Walter Fisher convincingly documents the fact that narratives
wield persuasive force. Such sources could supplement and enrich the
relatively few sources from our field that Young cites in her book. Indeed,
the small number of citations from rhetorical studies (five) in a book so
interested in rhetorical concerns surprised me and lends credence to the
concern voiced by many in our field that few outside our discipline read
our work. This complaint does not negate the importance of Young's
project; rather, it underscores the necessity of continuing and deepening
our interdisciplinary conversations. And it opens opportunities for re-
searchers in our field who wish to contribute to the conversation that
Young has started.
The final sections of the book move outward from theorizing particu-
lar communicative interactions to delineating the larger structures within
which public deliberation takes place. And, as I suggest above, they hold
the most interest for rhetoric and composition specialists looking to better
understand the political and civic structures that influence their work as
teachers and public intellectuals. Chapter 5, "Civil Society and Its
Limits," is my favorite essay in this section and the one I found most
useful in thinking about my own teaching. A significant contribution to
the ongoing debate over what consti tutes "the public sphere," this chapter
carefully distinguishes among the functions served by the state, the
economy, and civil society (which include voluntary forms of association
Reviews 453
and deliberation) in democratic governance. For example, while civil
society provides rich opportunities for people to promote self-determina-
tion, state institutions have unique capacities to coordinate and regulate
policymaking in ways that promote inclusion. For this reason, Young
rej ects the popular idea that civic society is apreferred alternative to state-
sponsored channels for promoting justice and social change. Rather,
these sectors of democracy support and balance each other: "Citizens in
a deep democracy must be aware of these ever present tensions and
liabilities, be vigilant in monitoring the actions and effects of state,
economy, and civil society, and actively promote the limitation and
balance of each by the others." Young's clear discussion of these factors
is both instructive and comforting to those who, like the service-learning
instructors in my department, have grappled with the complexity and
slow pace of public participation.
The remaining four essays are perhaps less directly relevant to the
practical concerns of composition teachers and scholars, but they are
nevertheless valuable, since they round out Young's discussion of
deliberative inclusion. Chapter 4, "Representation and Social Perspec-
tive," takes up the question of how models of political representation can
ensure maximum inclusion of disenfranchised perspectives. Emphasiz-
ing that representatives must be both authorized by and accountable to
their constituents, she illuminates the different ethical factors involved in
guiding the representation of group interests and opinions. Chapter 6,
"Residential Segregation, Regional Democracy," examines the related
problem of determining the proper scope of the policy. Here, Young finds
that the existence of geographical segregation thwarts inclusive decision-
making by marginalizing non-mainstream groups, promoting misunder-
standings among differently positioned groups, and discouraging public
talk and public spaces. Because a mathematical notion of "integration"
can perpetuate the same problems, Young instead endorses regional
governance that encourages mutual ties (or "differentiated solidarity")
across small communities while enforcing policies against coerced
segregation. In Chapter 7, she applies the principle of differentiated
solidarity on a global scale. While efforts to ensure justice for oppressed
peoples worldwide have often been articulated as claims for the right to
an independent, sovereign state, Young believes that justice for such
groups is more appropriately conceived of in terms of non-domination
rather than noninterference. A global model of differentiated solidarity
would create akey role for global governance institutions like the United
Nation to enable these conditions of inclusion.
454 jac
Ambitious and provocative, carefully and informatively argued, and
ethically charged, Young's book has much to offer both practitioners and
theorists in rhetoric and composition. Because her discussions are posi-
tioned within ongoing conversations in political theory, Democracy and
Inclusion serves as a primer on current thinking about the public and
political spheres, even as it proposes critiques of and additions to that
thinking. At the same time, Young's reach to combine political and
rhetorical models of public discourse opens possibilities for new connec-
tions between political and rhetorical theory. Like most scholarship that
crosses disciplinary boundaries, the book combines and juxtaposes the
two traditions in ways that are not always completely satisfying. None-
theless, as books like this remind us, these differences in our disciplinary
perspectives are less important than what we share-an ethical commit-
ment to taking our work public and an optimism about the power of
language to enact social justice.
Truth and Consequences: Intentions, Conventions, and the New
Thematics, Reed Way Dasenbrock (University Park: Pennsylvania State
UP, 2001.330 pages).
Kevin J. Porter, University of Texas at Arlington
Reed Way Dasenbrock's Truth and Consequences is a complex and
prophetic book, simultaneously an indictment of the incoherence ofwhat
he calls the "New Thematics" paradigm governing English studies and its
underlying conventionalist or anti-foundationalist approaches to mean-
ing, truth, and aesthetic value; an argument that the decline of English
studies is attributable to its taking "the wrong positions" about conven-
tionalism; a warning of the dire consequences that will likely follow from
the continuation of such a program; and a proposal-though perhaps
offered with little hope of its implementation-intended to revitalize the
field and restore public confidence in it.
According to Dasenbrock, the New Thematics is a kind of literary
criticism that is "overwhelmingly oriented toward discussing themes in
literary works, themes that overwhelmingly have to do with groups and
communities." For theorists of the New Thematics, "group ideology [is]

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