Growing p, !amily Key Points = In this poem Isobel Thrilling is advising her da"ghter abo"t the dangers o# "nre$"ited love% The poet is telling "s abo"t her teenage da"ghter&s new game ' love% The poet tells "s abo"t all the things her da"ghter is "sing in the hope o# winning this boy&s love% She warns the da"ghter that she will not be able to (ompete with all the things that boys love% The yo"ng girl is trying to win the boy over with the help o# her weapons ' ma)e*"p and bea"ty "tensils% Symbols + The poet (ompares love to being a war*game% She (alls her da"ghters bea"ty "tensils ran)s o# lipsti()s and armies o# little ,ars% Important Quotes = -o" have #o"nd a new war*game (alled Love% brave ran)s o# lipsti()s, .ehold the miniat"re armies o# little ,ars% The Thickness of Ice by Li/ Lo0ley Themes + !riendship, Love, Relationships, 1appiness, Sadness, 2n event Key Points + In this poem we meet a yo"ng (o"ple who begin as #riends% Their relationship develops thro"gho"t the poem% The poet des(ribes to the reader what happens thro"gho"t the (o"rse o# their relationship and the emotions that she #eels% Symbols + The poet "ses the i(e as a symbol #or the relationship Important Quotes + 2t #irst we will meet as #riends%