Janet L Lang and Lit Final Activity

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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity: My License Plate
Curriculum Area: Language and Literacy
Length of Activity: 15-20 minutes
Learning !"ectives #s$ecify at least three%:
1. &he child 'ill !e a!le to $oint out ho' they trac( $rint from left to right) #Measure 1*+ Conce$ts
a!out $rint)%
2. &he child 'ill !e a!le $oint out the letters in their name !y their sign and name) #Measure 21+
,ym!ol+ letter+ and $rint (no'ledge)%
3. &he child 'ill !e a!le 'rite do'n their o'n name 'ith fe' mista(es) #Measure 22+ -mergent
Material.-/ui$ment Needed:
? ,hoe !o0 lids
? Letter and num!er s$onges
? Paints
? Maga1ines
? License $lates
? Magnetic letters
Pre$aration #2hat do you need to do !eforehand3%:
? 4 'ill need to have gathered different license $lates the children can loo( at for ins$iration or trace
? &hrough donations 4 'ill have gathered enough sho'ed !o0 lids for the children to use)
? 4 'ill also have found a !oo( related to land trans$ortation)
Procedures #ste$ !y ste$% 5 6e ,$ecific
76eginning #8o' 'ill 4 introduce activity3%
? 4 'ill introduce this activity on the third day of the theme related 'ee() 4t 'ill !e introduced at the
end of large circle time as one of the t'o activities children can choose to 'or( on in the literacy
? 9Class today 'e 'ill tal( a!out land trans$ortation) Can anyone tell me 'hat ty$es of land
trans$ortation there is3: &hey 'ill ho$efully reflect !ac( on 'hat they learned the first day of the
theme related 'ee( and they should ans'er !uses+ trains+ cars+ !i(es+ and motorcycles) 9&hat is
correct) 4 see you remem!ered) 2ell every car+ !us+ or motorcycle must have one thing;a license
$late) A license $late is im$ortant !ecause it tells us 'here that car+ !us+ or motorcycle is from and
'ho it !elongs too):
? 4 'ill then $ull out a fe' license $lates that are in state and out of state+ and allo' the children to
$ass them around to feel their te0tures and to guess 'hat state they are from)
? 4 'ill then collect them and read a story 4 found called+ Little 6lue &ruc( Leads the 2ay+ 'ritten
!y Alice ,chertle) 4t is a !oo( a!out a little !lue truc( ma(ing its 'ay through the city) 4t names a
fe' other ty$es of land trans$ortation) 4 'ill get the children involved !y allo'ing them to hel$ me
ma(e the different noises each vehicle ma(es)
? &he safety rules 'e 'ill go over !efore 'e start the activity is the three main rules: 2e use our
listening ears+ hel$ing hands+ and indoor voices)
7Middle: #8o' 'ill 4 su$$ort.enhance.scaffold3% 5 &he $erson reading your lesson $lan should !e a!le to
identify 'hat you are saying or doing to su$$ort your stated learning o!"ectives) &84, 4, <-=>
? 2e 'ill allo' a certain amount of children at a time for each activity so that it is easier to o!serve
them and guide them in the activity) &'o adults 'ill !e 'al(ing around and o!serving children in
their free $lay and one 'ill !e at the activity ta!le) Children 'ill get to choose if they 'ould li(e to
do a license $late ru!!ing or 'or( on ma(ing their o'n $ersonali1ed license $late)
? 4 'ill su$$ort the children !y o!serving and offering assistance if needed) 4 'ill model ho' to do a
license $late ru!!ing !y 'or(ing my 'ay from left to right so they understand ho' to read $rint) 4
'ill encourage the children to follo' and as 'ell let them (no' that it is the 'ay 'e read 'ords)
? ?or this activity 4 'ill as( /uestions li(e: 8o' did you ma(e the letters a$$ear3 2hat letter is
that3 8o' do you (no'3 2hat are some other things 'e could use to transfer those letters on your
$a$er3 Can you hel$ me ma(e the sound3
? @uring the activity 'here they are ma(ing their o'n name license $lates 4 'ill !egin 'ith hel$ing
them 'rite do'n their o'n name on a se$arate $iece of $a$er) ?or every letter 4 'ill let them
(no' the name and as( them to hel$ me sound it out) 4 'ill also as( o$en ended /uestions li(e: 4n
'hat 'ays are these letters different3 2hat sound does that letter ma(e3
? 4 'ill encourage children to 'or( together !y sharing materials3 Aamie did you notice ho' Casey
did her license $late ru!!ing) 2ould you li(e her to sho' you ho' she did it3
? &o su$$ort each individual child 4 'ill hel$ them reflect on their 'or( and as( /uestions a!out the
materials they used and 'hat the letters they used stand for3
? Additional materials 4 'ill use are stencils and stam$s and maga1ines so that children can !ecome
familiar 'ith the letters of the al$ha!et)
7-nd: #8o' 'ill 4 !ring this activity to a conclusion and transition to the ne0t activity3 6e very s$ecific
in ho' you 'ill transition the children)%
? 4 'ill give the last remaining children 'or(ing on the activity a 5 minute 'arning that 'e 'ill !e
? After a child is done 'ith their license $late or ru!!ing they 'ill !e as(ed to $ut the materials they
used !ac( 'here they 'ent for the ne0t child to !e a!le to use) &hey 'ill also $lace their license
$lates on a shelf !y the literacy ta!le to allo' for drying)
? &o transition 4 'ill as( the children to sit 'ith an aid !ac( on the large circle time matt so that 'e
can get ready to move on to snac( time) 2e 'ill sing the 'heels on the !us song and a fe' children
'ill leave at a time to 'ash their hands after hel$ing us act out a $art of the song) An aid 'ill !e
'aiting !y the sin( to assist them) 2hen they are done 'ashing their hands they 'ill find a seat to
!egin eating)
&hroughout the day.'ee(+ 'hat o$$ortunities 'ill the children have to reflect !ac( on this activity3
? &he children 'ill !e allo'ed to $lace their license $lates for dis$lay in their cu!!ies+ or on the
school !i(es)
? &hroughout the class 4 'ill add ne' materials related to the license $lates) 4 'ill add a ne' activity
li(e the license $late matching game and 4 'ill also $lace the license $lates the children used for
the ru!!ing activity in the literacy center)
25.25 J Nice 'or(B

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