12th Computer Science Important 2 5 Marks English Medium

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Star Office

1) What is meant by text editing?
2) How would you switch over from Insert
mode to Type over mode?
3) What is word processing?
4) How can we work with Multiple
5) Give keyboard shortcut to move, copy the
6) What is the use of highlighting the text?
7) What are the various types of paragraph
alignments that can be made?
8) What does indenting the text mean?
9) What purpose does Backspace and Delete
Key serve in correcting mistakes?
10) How will we Increase an indent, Decrease
an Indent using tool bar?
11) What is a style? Mention the advantages
of working with styles.
12) Give the steps involved for chance the
line spacing?
13) How would you create the bullets and
numbered list?
14) What is meant by Auto spell check?
15) What is meant by auto correct option?
16) What is use of page preview?
17) What is meant by Hanging indent?
18) How will you create a table in the
19) How to make the selected rows and
columns of the same size?
20) How will you delete a required number of
rows and columns in a table?
21) What is meant by Margin?
22) What are the two types of page
23) What is meant by header and footer?
24) What is meant by electronic spreadsheet ?
25) Differentiate the terms Spreadsheet and
Worksheet ?
26) Define Visicalc
27) Define Cell Pointer & Active Cell
28) Can we change the data present in a cell?
If so, how?
29) What is Range?
30) Name some popular spreadsheet software.
31) Differentiate Relative and Absolute cell
32) What are Functions? Give an example?
33) What is Date arithmetic?
34) Define 3-D formula.
35) What is a Database?
36) What are the steps involved in data
37) Define File, Record, and Field.
38) What is a Database Management system?
39) What is a primary key?
40) What is sorting? What are the steps
involved in sorting process?
41) What is meant by multiple sorting?
42) What is meant by SQL?
43) Write Out the three general categories of
44) What are forms?
45) What is report?
46) What is multimedia?
47) What is MMS?
48) Write a note on inline sound and video?
49) Define compression
50) Compare lossless and lossy video
51) Expand 1. MIDI2. AIFF 3.MPEG4. AVI.
52) Compare AVI and MIDI.
53) Write a note on multimedia Hardware and
54) What is morphing and warping?
55) Differentiate GIF and JPEG.
56) What is the use of morphing and
57) What is the use of master page in
58) How will you insert pictures in
59) How to change the slide background?
60) What is Rehearse Timings? Explain in
61) Explain about custom slide show in
62) How will we if slide sorter view?
63) What is the use of slide sorter view?
64) How will we include a picture, movie and
OLE object in a presentation?
65) How will we start a slide show?
66) How will we insert a slide? How will we
rename a slide?
67) Name the different icons in Media
Playback toolbar?


1) Define Encapsulation?
2) What is Polymorphism ?
3) Define Object?
4) Define Class?
5) What is Inheritance?
6) What is Data hiding or Data Abstraction
7) What do you mean by the Tokens ?
8) What are Keyword in c++? List a few
Keyword in c++?.
9) What is meant by the Identifiers? Give an
example What is String Literal? Give
10) What is an Operator and Operand? Give
suitable example.
11) What are Logical Operators? Give exampl
12) What are Conditional Operators? Give its
13) What are three categories of Data Types?
14) What is Storage Class and how many
storage specifiers are there?
15) Write short notes on auto storage class
with example.
16) What is static storage class? Give exampl
17) What is the use of Void Data type?
18) What is a Pointer Variable?
19) What is the use of Compiler?
20) What is type cast?
21) What are the three kinds of section in
22) What are Control statements or control
23) What are loops? What are the three kinds
of loop in C++?
24) Write the different between while,
dowhile loops.
25) 9. What is use of continue statement?
What is use of break statement?
26) What the different are between continue
statement and break statement?
27) What is nested loop and what are the rules
for the formatting of nested loop?
28) What is meant by the compiler?
29) What is the different between ifelse and
switch statement?
30) What are functions?
31) What are the advantages of function?
32) What is call by value method in
33) What is an inline function?
34) What is variable scope? List out types
35) What is call by reference method in
36) What is an array? Write its different
37) Write about getline, gets.
38) What is the use of write input stream?
39) Give the syntax and purpose of the
functions strlen(),strcpy(),strcmp()?
40) How will you declare Two dimensional
array? Give an example.
41) What is matrix ?
42) What is a class? What are the use of
class? Give example.
43) Write the characteristics of member
44) What are the three access specifiers of
class members?
45) What is the use of a dot operator? What is
difference between Data Member and
Member Function?
46) Define Function Overloading? Give
47) What are the rules for function
48) What is operator overloading?
49) Write down the steps involved in the
process of operator overloading?
50) What is a Constructor?
51) What are the types of constructor?
52) What is a Destructor?
53) When does a copy constructor get
54) What is inheritance?
55) What are the advantages of inheritance?
56) What is a base class and derived class?
57) What is meant by accessibility?
58) What are abstract classes?
59) What is ATM?
60) What is e-Banking?
61) What is e-Shopping?
62) What is e-Learning?
63) What is Tele-Medicine?
64) List out some keys IT enabled services.
65) What is e-Governance?
66) What is call centre?
67) What is medical transcription?
68) What is data management?
69) What is data digitization?
70) What are ethics?
71) What is a computer crime?
72) List out some of the common computer
73) What is piracy? Why do we generally
tend to pirate?
74) What is a computer Virus?

75) What is called theft of Computer time?
76) What is cracking? What are the reasons
for committing this crime?
Star Office
1) Explain about moving around the
document in star office writer?
2) How will you find and replace a given
word in star office writer?
3) What are the formatting changes that can
be made with respect to the fonts?
4) How would you create the bullets and
numbered list?
5) How would you carry out the spell check
after the entire document is typed?
6) How would you add a word in the Auto
Correct list of the star office writer?
7) What are the Various function of the
icons in the table formatting tool bar?
8) Explain the process of changing the
margins using rulers
9) How will you make use of page style
dialog box to change margin?
10) List out the Applications of Spreadsheet.
11) Explain the type of operators of star office
calc with an example.
12) How can you generate a series of values?
Explain with an example.
13) What are Functions? Explain with an
14) Explain the procedure for Inserting a
Picture or a Special character in a
15) What are the various icons in the Insert
Object floating tool bar? Mention their
16) How will you Insert Rows, Columns and
cells in a worksheet? Give exampl
17) What are the various manipulations of a
database in star office base?
18) Explain different Database types.
19) What is a filter? What are the
20) Types of filters available in star base?
Give its function
21) What are the steps involved in designing a
form in star base?
22) What are the steps involved in generating
a report?
23) How will you insert a calc cell range into
text document?

1) What is switch statement explain with
2) What are loops? Explain its type?
3) Explain Nested If Statement with
4) Explain Entry-check loops? with
5) Explain do-while loops? with example?
6) Explain Inline function with example
7) Explain the call by value method in
function with suitable example.
8) Explain the call by reference method in
function with suitable example.
9) Write about the different scopes of a
variable in C++.
10) List out the rules for overloading
11) Explain the function overloading with
their rules
12) Explain the advantages of inheritance?
13) Explain the different types of inheritance.


Use proper subheading for the answers.

Split paragraphs into points.

Dont overwrite letters or words.

Avoid spelling mistake.

Think before you ink.

Draw straight lines between answers.

Answer all the questions as per instructions in the
question paper.

Quote example, wherever needed.


P. Chandrasekaran M.C.A, B.ED..,
Pugal Guys
MOB: 95781 90256

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