AR15 Compensators pt.2
AR15 Compensators pt.2
AR15 Compensators pt.2
A 2nd
Look At
ost every multigun com- sue of Front Sight. This article contin- duction and down force using test fix-
petitor's rifle has some ues where that one left off, only adding tures that I created to collect objective
kind of compensator or a space-age twist. (The original article data. I stress objective because if you
muzzle brake adorning appears at peruse the internet halls of AR wisdom
the end of the barrel; but how well do cles.) you will find dogmatic allegiance to
they work? Some of you may remem- brand "X" or "Y" based solely on feel
ber the article "A Question of Com- For that first article, seven different and opinion. My effort then and now
pensation" from the Nov./Dec. 2007 is- compensators were tested for recoil re- is to bring you clear and repeatable
data and let you do the feeling and
opining after you have made what I
hope is a more informed decision. As I
stated near the close of the first article
"one size does not fit all" and that
maxim has not changed. There is no
ONE best brake. Too many variables
exist between competitors and their
choice of equipment. The top 20 3-
ference! Not necessarily good or bad, just a difference. It did believe Jim Clark Senior (the patriarch of Clark Cus-
however give me an additional tool to better interpret the tom) was the first to apply that title quote to firearms.
graphs once contrasted with the others, as it illustrated when Following that logic, I will outline a few methods to
each compensator had "finished" compensating. change the way your muzzle brake behaves.
Having tested, designed, built, tuned and retested many It is about moving gas, or more specifically directing
varieties of rifle compensators over the last couple of years, I gas movement. If you want to your comp to influence the
am confident in being able to predict what attributes are ef- muzzle to the left you must release a greater percentage of
fective in reducing recoil. But I learned the rest of the story gas on the right. Keep in mind you are working with a fi-
after digesting what was revealed in the graphs. nite amount of gas. Any change in flow favoring one di-
rection reduces the gas flow and its ability to produce
The greater the recoil reduction the less the muzzle
work in all other directions.
moves, right? Not necessarily. Several of the comps ranked
near the bottom in the recoil reduction tests proved very con- How do you adjust gas flow? Break out a drill,
trollable in the graphic tests. Recoil reduction may be THE Dremel®, mill or file and remove material! Make a port
factor for a .338 Lapua bolt gun, but not for our AR bullet bigger; drill a "jet port" through a baffle or two. Tim Ubl
hoses. Our performance criterion places a greater emphasis of Nordic Components offers this "by incrementally
in making fast and accurate follow-up shots. To this, the drilling out the hole in the last baffle you can adjust the
graphs tell much but not the entire story. amount of down-force our Tactical Comp produces".
Master gunsmith and all around good guy Benny Hill vol-
It is a safe bet that each brake that holds its tracing within
unteers this advice on the tuning of his Rolling Thunder
the one-inch square would serve you well, but unless you
comp. "I've built this new comp to be tuned….While at the
share my physical attributes, shooting technique and equip-
range, drill the jet ports at 12 and 3 o'clock a little at a time
ment the same result is not a given. A tall and lean competi-
until the muzzle quits moving". The JP Enterprises "Benny
tor may want a compensator that does drive the muzzle be-
Cooley" comp can be found with a jet port located at 9 or
low the aiming square. Reduced mass tends to offer less re-
3 o'clock depending on which shoulder the shooter uses.
sistance to recoil, and muzzle lift would be more pro-
The DPMS Miculek brake has created a legion of tuners.
nounced. A compensator tracing that moves to the right (a
Due to its reasonable price and early entry into the mar-
normal physical reaction for a right shoulder shooter) may
ket, this brake is often found in some modified form.
the cat's meow for the southpaw. Spend some time looking
Heck, I use the 223 version, reamed, re-threaded, and
over the data, I bet you will find a combination based on the
tuned to fit my Spring-
information that will fit you!
field Armory M1A!
The ubiquitous
Provided the performance is there what other aspects are Miculek comp.
You can make effective
important to you? Short, long, heavy, light, loud? Brand,
changes without remov-
cool factor or price? As stated previously too many variables
ing material through
exist for me to pronounce one brake the best, so I will not. I
"Clocking". This is sim-
will say there are some excellent values if you take cost into
ply indexing where the
account. There are other factors that affect controllability
comp is positioned at fi-
but we'll leave those for the subject of another article. For
nal assembly. Many a
now, I would suggest that you pick a couple of brakes and
right shoulder shooter will report an "up and to the right"
conduct your own subjective field-testing. In the end, it is not
movement in recoil. To combat that, "clock" the comp
whose compensator you are using, it is using the right com-
(very near the 1:30 position) to vent its upward gas flow
pensator for you.
in the same direction.
Whatever the comp or method,
Clock and try,
Drill, cut or buy;
Only you know what you are compensating for!