Diamand Hacia Un Cambio en El Paradigma Económico 1977

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Journal of Development Economics 5 (1978) 19-53.

0 North-Holland Publishing Company

Centro de Esrudios de la Realidad Argentina
Received January 1977, revised version received June 1977
1. Intruduction
The economic problems which appeared during the last years in the industrial
world defy current economic thought. According to the established theory,
governments can and should preserve full employment of productive capacity
regulating global demand by monetary and fiscal policies, without inflationary
consequences as long as this demand does not exceed full employment level.
Yet our times are charactbrized by the reappearance 01 intense unemployment
periods, jointly with virulent inflation - contradictory phenomena against which
governments seem to be powerless.
Those who are acquainted with the problems of developing countries readily
perceive their close similarity with these new maladies of the industrial world.
The central thesis of this paper is that in both cases the disturbances originate in
bottlenecks, phenomena as yet not integrated into the established economic
thought. The objective of this analysis is to make a contribution to this inte-
gration, using as a starting point the experience of developing countries.
The remainder of this paper is divided into three sections. Section 2 analyzes
the new type of recessive inflation that appears when the forces of the market,
which tend to neutralize the bottlenecks, provoke a regressive distribution of
income and clash with the social pressure arisen in support of real wages.
Section 3 deals specjfically with the problems of primary-exporting countries in
process of industrialization, their chronic trend towards external bottlenecks
and the resulting phenomena, such as chronic and cumulative foreign indebted-
ness, recurrent stop-and-go cycles and conflicts about distribution of income
which are solved through the aforementioned recessive inflation. On the basis of
this analysis an economic policy is outlined with a view to making external
equilibrium compatible with a reasonable distribution of income and with full
employment. The blocking role of the prevailing paradigm is also analyzed.
Finally, section 4 applies these concepts to the world-wide inflation since 1932,
M. Diamand, l%e economic paradigm
the present oil crisis and to the new phenomenon of stop-and-go inflationary-
recessive cycles, this time at a worldwide level.
2. Bottlenecks and inflation
2.1. The three universes of economics
A bottleneck may be defined as the insticiency of an item not very significant
in terms of its own value but essential for the carrying out of an activity of a
much greater value. 2 In macroeconomics, the main bottleneck appears when a
country lacks the foreign exchange required to maintain its productive capacity
fully employed. If the problem is not solved, domestic production is forced to
diminish in a magnitude several times greater than the original insufficiency of
foreign exchange. This phenomenon will hereafter be called external bottleneck.
Similar bottlenecks appear when some raw materials or other essential goods -
for example, petrochemicals, chemicals, steel, food-stuffs, etc. - are in short
supply. This phenomenon will be called productive bottleneck.
Prevailing economic thought accepts two kinds of limitation to production.
The main and permanent one is given by global productive capacity, fully
employed. The second and circumstantial limitation, responsible for the oc-
casional under-utilization of this productive capacity, appears as a result of the
insufficiency of demand. On the basis of the first kind of limitation the whole
classical theory is built, with its own analytical pattern and all the priorities of
conventional wisdom : saving, efficiency, balanced budget and free enterprise.
On the premise of the limitation by demand rests the Keynesian model, with its
diametrically opposed system of analysis and priorities: stimuli to expenses and
IThe analysis of the bottlenecks, of their origin, effects and implications in primary-
exporting countries in process of industrialization contained herein is the result of more than
ten years work, reflected in subsequent articles and publications, and summed up in the book
entit!?d Doctrinas Economicas,Desarrolio e I ndependencia (JZconomic Doctrines, Development
and Independence). See M. Diamand (1962,1963, 1968a, 1968b, 1969, 1970, 19714 1971b,
?971c, 1971d, 1972a, 1972b, 1973) and C.A.R.T.A. (1966). In the present case I have tried
to attain three simultaneous objectives: to give an abridged version of the above analysis,
to place special emphasis on the conflict between market forces and the income distribution
created by rhe bottlenecks, and to provide a conceptual frame for the analysis of the present
in ernational crisis. This last comparative approach originated in two seminaB I gave in 1975
at Boston University, during my stay at the Center for Latin American Development Studies
as a visiting professor of economics. In this respect, it was particularly enriching to be able
to have a broad exchange of ideas with Professors Christopher Clague, Gustav Papanek,
Faul Rosenstein-Rodan and Daniel Schydiowsky. Independently from this, the final version
of the paper benefited from the valuable comments and suggestions of Carlos Carballo,
Raul CueHo, Juan Carlos De Pablo, CZarlos Diaz Alejandro, Abraham Stein and, again,
Daniel Schydlowsky. Of course, all errors and deficiencies are solely my responsibility.
ZWhich presupposes a production function of (approximately) fixed coefficients, at least
in the short run.
M. Diamtand, 77ze economic paradigm 21
consumption, unbalanced budget and deliberate state intervention in favor of
full employment. The synthesis of the two models makes up what we could call thz
traditional paradigm of economy.
The phenomenon which we are analyzing creates a third universe in which
production is also restricted below full employment, but because of the in-
sufficiency of an essential input. This third type of limitation produces another
analytical framework with a set of priorities emerging from the need to solve the
bottleneck and as different to the other two sets as they are different to each
other. 3
The bottlenecks, although accepted, described and analyzed in their partial
aspects in literature and, in the specific case of external bottlenecks, thoroughly
dealt with in numerous treatises on the international monetary system, are not
incorporated into economic thought as a legitimate limitation on the lvasis of
which a new analytical framework should be developed. They are rather de-
nounced as a pathological phenomenon, which appears as a consequence of
erroneous economic policies. That is why economic theory, even when applied to
bottlenecked economies, operates as if this crucial limitation did not exist, with
the consequent inability to understand reality.
This lack of recognition of bottlenecks by institutionalized economic theory4
is due to an a priori premise according to which bottlenecks cannot exist. It is as-
sumed that, if market forces are allcwed to operate freely, the rise in the prices of
scarce items reduces demand and boosts supply, thus re+,tablishing equilibrium.
Actual bottlenecks are viewed, then, as pathological phenomena which demon-
strate previous interferences with market forces.
2.2. Bottleneck or structural injation
The belief in the balancing capacity of market forces is based on two non-
realistic and implicitly assumed premises. Any balancing action on bottlenecks,
whether external or productive, implies changes in relative prices which enta.11
transfers of income in favor of the suppliers of scarce items, to the detriment ~6
the rest of the community, mainly of the wage earners. This restriction is not
taken into account by economic thought, according to which real wages are not
an objective but an equilibrating variable to be adjusted according to market forces.
If the market, in order to reallocate resources, forces a new and more regressive
distribution of income, then the latter becomes as per definition the correct one
and the previous distribution turns out to have been wrong. The first implicit
jSee Diamand (1971a).
41ndividually, there are very important elaboratic,ns in this respect, for example by the
ECLA school. The inflationary derivations can be seen in Olivera.
%ee Diamand (1971~).
M. Diamand, The ecor:omic pat-ad&m
premise supporting the belief in the balancing action of the market is that this
regres&e redistribution o~income is always acceptable ?U society.
In fact, in the real world, any attempt to diminish real wages runs into great
resistance. The social pressure which always appears in support of higher real
wages becomes multiplied in intensity when it means opposing measures designed
to lower them. Psychologically, the level once achieved by real wages becomes a
normal standard of reference and its reduction is felt as an attempt against
acquired rights. Therefore, while economic thought treats real wages US an equili-
bra@ variable to be adjusted according to the forces of the market, to modera
society their preservation is ~~a~dornent~~objee~ive.
Once a regressive redistribution of income has taken place, society will sooner
or later react via an increase in nominal wages, a~ulling in this process the
alteration of relative prices imposed by the bottleneck. But if the bottleneck
persists, once again it will gain the upper hand by means of a new rise in the
price of the scarce item, that will propagate to the rest of the system. A new turn
of tbe inflationary spiral will thus be initiated, in a race between the price of the
scarce item and the purchasing power of wages.
The second implicit premise supporting the belief in the balancing action of
the .market, which also frequently collides with reality, is that the adjustment is
s~~,~~e~~~y e~cf~ve so as to avoid ~nem~~oyme~t. The balancing action via prices
has ~5 recessive effect by itself. A brusque regressive redistribution of income
always leads to a fall in demand, since the sectors with the highest propensity
to cor;sume are those which lose part of their income, This unemployment could
be partially compensated by monetary expansion and greater fiscal spending.
But there exists an intrinsic need for recession.
Even when society is ready to accept a fall in real wages as a balancing mech-
anism, this mechanism - as we shall see - does not always work and, if it does
work, it is not effective in the short run. In the external sector, exports do not
rise overnight and creation of the new import-substituting capacity takes time.
The same happens to the investments required to overcome productive bottle-
necks. This delay in the response can be overcome if there is assistance from
abroad: foreign capital to rravide lacking foreign exchange and physical goods
which can be imported in order to efiminate productive bottlenecks. When this
possibility becomes exhausted (which, as we shall see elsewhere in this paper,
occurs in developing countries and - after 1973 - also in indust~al~~ed counties)
the only balancing mechanism left is the recessive one: a fall in the production
6We should distinguish again between some economists and institutionalized economic
science. For example, in 1956 E/ieade analyzed the Australian model setting as an explicit
goal the attainment of compatibility between external equilibrium and income distribution
in a way most reIevant to Argentina. But the resistance of the institutionalized paradigm
prevented the diffusion of the model so that it arrived in Buenos Aires with some ten years
delay and by chance. Much earlier and from a more genera1 point of view, the eotict
external equilibrium-wages can be seen in Kalecky.
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm 23
which utilizes the scarce input to the point in which it becomes adjusted to the
level of the existing bottleneck. In other words, theprice efict in practice bedomes
replaced by the income efict, based on recession and on the drop of global pro-
duction to the level of the external bottleneck. In the specific case of a foreign
exchange bottleneck, this means the reappearance of the allegedly dead and
buried gold standard mechanism.
This fall arises as a result of 3 slump in demand, provoked by the governments.
At times, the governmental maseures take an active form. But, more often, the
procedure is a passive one: the governments abstain from expanding the means
of payment in step with price increases, create monetary illiquidity and thus
reduce demand, adding this demand reduction to the recessive effect already
originated in the regressive redistribution of income. Thus the presumably dis-
appeared pre-Keynesian recessive tool is reborn. The difference from the gold
standard proper lies in that, instead of a nominal monetary restriction, here we
have a monetary restriction in real terms. Its origin i.s the rise in the price of the
scarce good which, after spreading to the other prices, collides with a monetary
ceiZing strictly maintained by the governments.
Thus, in a bottlenecked economy, the balancing action of the market has a
regressive effect on income distribution and a recessive effect on employment.
Consequently, the social pressures which strive to annul this action have double
motivation: one is to attain the recovery of the purchasing power of wages and
the other to reactivate the economy. Inversely, when these uressures achieve their
goals, they simultaneously annul the incentivating price elLecl and the recessive
effect. Since both effects are necessary to level supply and demand .- in the long
and in the short term, respectively - when they disappear, a new rise in prices
becomes inevitable and the whole cycle starts all over again. The struggle between
the regressive and recessive effects of the market mechanism in a bottlenecked
economy and the political and sociul pressures which strive to annul them leud to
thephenomenon - already remarked upon - of recessive injlation, which exploded
throughout the world in the last years.
Essentially, this structural or bottleneck inflation reveals a situation of
intrirrsic incompatibility between stability and full employment in a bottlenecked
economy. in the cases of bottlenecks with low or zero price elasticity, it reflects a
situation in which full employment becomes physically impossible even when
society is ready to tolerate inflation.
This bottleneck inflation differs from both demand-pull and cost-push
inflations. In being essentially recessive and in operating below full employment,
it differs from the first, because it is not due to excess demand with respect to
the full employment level of productive capacity; excess demand appears with
respect to the bottlenecked supply of a specific item which does not suffice to
meet the requirements of fully employed productive capacity.
But i! also differs from cost-push inflation, where price increases originate in
decisional mechanisms, such as the pressure exerted by unions and oligopolistic
M. Dkmwd, The economic ptm&m
and ~nonopolis~ic corporations. In their struggle for a bigger share of income
unions and big companies try to get ahead with respect to the reference level
which, by virtue of historical antecedents, they already consider as normal.
Bottleneck irdation, in turn, is essentially a reslEI t of market jbr~e.~, which cause
prices to increase in response to sectorial ~sequi~b~a between supply and de-
mand. Decisional pressures also exist, but confine themselves to propagate the
original impulse and are exerted in retreat, in defense of the income levels which
by virtue of historical precedents different sectors consider as their acquired right.
Why is it that this phenomenon has only become evident in recent times?
During some 25 years following Bretton Woods, the system worked reasonably
well in industrialized countries, at least in appearance. Devaluations were not
frequent. Instead, these countries resorted to short-term capital. The few
devaluations which did take place found an elastic response of exports and of
import substitution. The time span required by the new measures to be effective
was covered also by short-term capital so that, with some exceptions, unemploy-
ment periods were also :infrequent, Finally, the smooth and permanent inter-
national interconnection of the markets of goods allowed productive bottlenecks
to be swiftly overcome through imports.
The situation changed only in recent years. Because of the world-wide
shortage of raw materials in 1973-74 and the oil crisis there appeared productive
bottlenecks and external bottlenecks, coincidently with increased union power
and mounting social resistance to any fall in real wages.
However, the phenomenon is not new, since for many years it has been a
constant in many primary-exporting countries undergoing industrialization.
In these countries both exports and imports are rather inelastic to alterations in
the exchange rate and there exists, in addition, a marked propensity to productive
bottlenecks. That is why bottlenecks and all problems related to recessive infla-
tion emerge in theye countries with particularly sharp contours. Therefore, the
analysis of their problems acquires a twofold importance. On the one hand, as a
contribution to the solutions of crises of a major part of the developing world.
On the other, as an illustrative and useful ~ontribu~on towards a change in the
paradigm that would bring the present world crisis in industrialized countries
into adequate focus. 8
3.1. Urrbalanced productine structures (UPS).
In the pre-industrial stage of their development, primary-exposing countries
7As per Harry Johnson, if Western economists were not so parochial, they would have
realized that stagflation is a repetition of the Latin American phenomenon.
aAccording to Olson and Clague, science proceeds in a cumulative way and any change
in a paradigm adds more than it takes away, utilizing most of the concepts used today and
incorporating new variables which at present are not taken into account.
gSee Diamand (1969).
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm 25
are faced with a lack of employment capacity in their primary sectors, with the
vulnerability of their monoproduction to oscillations and limitations of world
demand, and with the lack of the modernizing plolitical, social and technological
element represented by industry.
In order to fully employ their labor force, to diversify their production and,
simultaneously, to learn by doing, many of these countries embark upon a
process of industrialization.1o But the relative productivity of the new and
immature industrial sector is always much lower than that of the traditional
primary sector - minerals, tropical goods, farm products, etc. - which works,
under the shelter of natural advantages, for the export market. This circumstance
implies an option: either industrialization is given up or it is undertaken, but
deliberately ignoring the classical principle of comparative advantages (at least,
in its static and simplistic version which overlooks externalities and the alter-
native social. cost of idle resources). The option to industrialize implies industrial
prices higher than international prices. Due to historical precedents, the ex-
change rate is based on the costs of the more productive primary sector. When
expressed in dollars based on the primary exchange rate, relatively lligher
industrial costs and prices turn out to be much higher than those in force on the
international market. So as to enable industry to be born and to subsist, it is
indispensable to protect it by means of high import duties, which amount to
a system of multiple exchange rates for imports, with an industrial dollar costing
more than the primary one.
One thus arrives at peculiar productive structures. Th-it main tr.lit is the co-
existence of two sectors with very different productivities: the less dynamic
primary sector which w&rks at international prices and exports, and the pro-
tected and more dynamic industrial sector which works at prices higher than
imernational ones and, unless it is given special industrial exchange rates for
export, produces only for domestic consumption. In previous papers, I called
these configurations unbaiancedpraductive sttwctures or UPS. 2
Economic growth in UPS is mainly concentrated in the industrial sectors. But
their capacity to generate foreign exchange rests upon the primary sectors which
usually have a much lower growth rate than industry. In many cases, primary
exports are faced with a rigid world demand. In others, there are supply limita-
tions. Primary production, at least in the short term, works at increasing costs.
More intensive production is also more expensive. For example, the cost of
1oSee Kaldor.
llf policies are rational from the very beginning, this jump1 can be less violent than those
c;hich can be seen in practice. Members of the structuralist school were the first to approach
the topic of differential productivities. See Grunwald.
12Strictly speaking, all productive structures are somehow unbalanced. One of the dis-
tinguishing features, in this case, but not the main one, is the large discontinuity between
sectorial productivities (if this were the main criterion, Germany and France would be UPS
too, although the other way round). The most relevant hallmarks that justify a special name
are the higher rate of growth of the less productive sector and its high content of imports.
agricultural production rises in step with the yield demanded per hectare or
when marginal lands are resorted to. The same thing happens in the case of
mining, when less accessible depoGts are being exploited. But the exchange rate
is generally adjusted to extensive production, and its improvement so as to
adjust export prices to the higher costs of intensive exp!oitation would imply a
fall in real wages which societies arc; reluctant to accept. 3
Whatever the cause of the relative delay of primary exports may be - rigidity
of the world market or social resistance to a repressive redistribution of income
or both - the capacity to generate foreign exchange &onically lags behind the
growth of productive capacity aed the need for foreign exchange which the
latter entails.
In the first stages of import substitution the delay is compensated by the
reduction of the import coefficient. But when substitution reaches intermediate
and basic stages with high content of capital and technology and hallmarked by
large production scales, the import coefEcient tends to stabilize.14 As from this
point there appears a permanent lag between economic growth and the capacity
to generate foreign exchange. The chronic bottleneck in the externalsector is born,
which induces Q full of the growth rate and often leads to a general demotion of
economic activity and unemployment.
3.2. Devaluations and exchange inflation6
In UPS devaluations operate in a conventional way only when it is necessary
to preserve the exporting and import-substituting sectors from an impairment
of incentives brought about by a previous domestic inflation. But they hardly
serve to remedy the external imbalance arising from the secular divorce between
imports and exports, induced by economic growth. Nearly all imports are
indispensable, since they have practically been reduced to the minimum level
compatible with the normal functioning of local productive activity. Later sub-
stitution implies stages with high capital density, csils for great incentives and is
not attainable in the short run, Industrial exports, provided they do not enjoy
any kind of special treatment, turn out to be virtually impossible because the
gap between the prices of the industrial sector and those prevailing on the world
market is io wide that it cannot be bridged by devalua~on, Tradit~~onal exports,
when limited by world demand, do not respond to local incentives. When they
13This latter is the Argentine case (except for cattle raising). ECLA, with its thesis on the
deterioration of the terms of trade, only concentrated on the first limitation, without paying
attention to the second. In both cases, mention should also be made of fluctuations in world
For limitations to the substitutive process, see Felix.
ISThe concept of external limitation, under different names, was created by ECLA. It
propagated through structuralist literature. See Frebisch, Fur&do, Hirschman and Ferrer.
M. Diamund, The economic paradigm 27
are limited by supply, they do respond - in principle - but with low elasticity,
with a considerable time lag and at the cost of a strong redistribution of income.
Let us start with the case of limitation by the world market. Devaluation in-
creases the domestic prices of exported and imported products, thus raising both
costs and prices in the whole productive system. The impact is always much
greater than the one which apparently might be deduced from Ihe percentage of
international trade in the GNP for three reasons: the automatic drag efict of the
prices of the actually exported production on those oj exportable but locally con-
sumed products; the automatic drag e#ect of the prices of imported goods on
importable, but in part locally supplied productions; and also, frequently, a rise
in amortizations because of a revaluation of the stcck of capital goods.17 In this
respect, foodstuffs have nearly always a specific weight: either they are exported,
in which case devaluation leads to a dragged-on increase in domestic prices, or
they are imported, and their prices rise because of increased costs.s
However, because of exogenous limitation of exports which was assumed,
devaluation fails to bring about the sought-after equilibrium. Real wages fall,
apparently without any limit. Finally, something has to give. Tile limit appears,
but not because of the price effect. It appears due to the income effect. The fall
in real wages and progressive illiquidity reduce global demand. Production
declines and, together with it, so does demand of foreign exchange. The equili-
brium is attained when recession is sufficiently deep so as to adjust the demand of
foreign exchange to its bottlenecked supply. Since by hypothesis exports are
limited by world demand, not even in the long run does the sacrifice stimulate
exports and the system can only be maintained in external equililnrium by per-
manent recession and stagnation.
Let us now analyze the second case, that of UPS with primary exports limited
by domestic supply. Although the limitation is different, the unavoidable time
lag in the response of exports to devaluation leads to short term effects identical
to those of the previous case - that is, to a fall in real wages and to recession. In
the longer term, if society were prepared to endure indefinitely the sacrifice of a
strongly regressive income redistribution imposed on it, primary production -
and consequently, exports - could rise.19 However, both in the first and in the
second case, societies resist any regressive redistribution of income and unem-
ployment, forcing wage increases and the adoption of reactivating monetary
policies. But this procedure neutralizes the regressive and recessive effect on
which external equilibrium has been based. Thus, governments have no other
choice than to push for (or to admit) a further devaluation. Real wages drop
again, as do the levels of monetary liquidity, demand and employment; popular
L The latter is a particular case of mark-up pricing which, though not included in text-
books, is applied by most companies in order to preserve their rea: capital.
1 *The cases of Argentine and of Chile, respectively.
19This is the Argentine case. For an exhaustive analysis of Argentine devaluations and,
particularly, of income transfers, see Diaz Alejandro (1965).
Aft Di amand, 37i e economic paFax&m
pressures gain new momentum and so on, in the fashion of the i~ationary-
recessive spiral already described, with inflation rates which can skyrocket to
several hundred percent a year. *
In all my previous papers I called this particuZar type of bottleneck inflation,
origbzated in the external bottleneck and in a subsequent recessive race between
d~vol~o~ion~ and wages, exchange i~~a~io~~. 21
Summing up, in the case of exogenous limitation by world demand, and
always within the stated terms, the external bottleneck turns out to be insoluble,
whether with price stability or with exchange inflation. In the case of limitation
by domestic supply, a~rhough th.7 bot~~e~eck could be a~~evi~~ed in the lorzg run
by rneans of permanent change in relative prices, this change is made impossible by
the conflict with income distribution.
Similar spirals arise from the bottleneck~supplyof foodstuffs or raw materials.
Here, imbalances could eventually be eliminated via imports. Bnzd in UPS rhis
road is blocked by rhe i~sfff~cien~y uffure~gF~ e~~~~ange. In response to the bottle-
neck, domestic prices rise. But supply, if it does respond at all, does not respond
immediately. Demand, in turn, is very inelastic to prices; in the case of foodst~~ffs
because they are essential goods and in that of industrial raw materials, because
demand does not depend on their prices but on the production volume of the
subsequent productive stages which employ them.
Therefore, equilibrium is attained through a sort of sectorial income effect.
In the case of foodstuffs, when prices rise sufficiently so as to si~~cantly affect
the available income of consumers, displacing demand for other goods in the
process. In the case of raw materials, when their price is sufficiently high so as to
reduce demand as well as production in the final stages which utilize them as
inputs. Thus, the price of steel stabilizes not when it reacnes a level unacceptable
to buyers, but when it increases the price of cars and machinery to such an extent
that their demand and production declirie, thus inducing - indirectly - a similar
drop in the demand for steel.
One of the main traits of bottleneck inflations is d pronounced budget deficit.
This deficit, an endemic ailment of developing countries, rises suddenly as a
result of this process. In the same way as it happens with cost-push inflation, the
cause-effect relationship is exactly opposite to that which appears in demand
inflations: it is not the budget deficit which causes inflation but it is i~ation
which creates, or at least aggravates, the deficit. This is because, in the first place,
whilst fiscal expenditures are made at current prices (they keep their value in
ZaAbout 9W:,, from April 1975 through April 19% in Argentina. To the regressive re-
distributive effects already mentioned another one is to be added, deriving from inflation itself,
to the detriment of sectors with fixed income and owners of monetary assets.
zThe existence and main traits of this inflation were tackled by several authors, but never
in depth. See Diaz Alejandro (1965), Prebisch and Seers. However, according to the communi-
cation 1 received irom Dudley Seers after he read the preliminary draft of this paper, an EcIa
team, that included Seers and Sunkel, has done in 1959-60 a more complete work on this
subject, which was never published.
M. Diumand, The economic paradigm
real terms), reenue is collected at the price level of the previous period (that is,
it drops in real terms). In the second place, due to recession both taxable incomes
and transactions decline. Finally, illiquidity prevents the taxpayers from dis-
charging their tax liabilities.
3.3. Foreign cc:pita12
In order to avoid the problems of recessive inflation described before, UPS
resort to investments and loans from abroad. But rather than being a remedy,
this is a very dangerous palliative. At a private company level, the attempt to
solve a permanent deficit with the help of loans leads to cumulative indebtedness
and, in the long run, to bankruptcy. This outcome can be avoided if these loans
and investments become self-amortizable, that is to say, if they are so invested
that their utilizatron allows to overcome the original deficit that made them
necessary. There is a tendency to believe that this result can be generalized at the
level of countries, and that, in order to give foreign capital self-amortizable
standing, it suffices simply to invest it in the expansion of productive capacity.
It is assumed that in this case there would be sufficient production to pay for the
cost of the capital and to leave, in addition, a benefit to the host country.
This would be true, should insufficiency of investment capital be the original
obstacle. But in UPS the urgency to obtain foreign capital and loans does not
stem from a desire to increase the countrys growth rate beyond the national
capacity to save, but from a less ambitious and at the ame time more pressing
need to remove the external bottleneck, thus avoiding a drop in production
below the levels reached by already existing productive capacity.
Consequently, foreign capital and credit is necessary, not J O muclz in its role
of investment capital required for growth, as in its role of foreign exchange,2 3 in
order to avoid recession. In this second role, even if it is put to work in a way
which, in conventional terms, could be considered highly productive, it is not
necessatilv self-amortizable. The main deficit of the country is not in terms of
real resources, but in terms of foreign exchange, so that the condition of being
self-amortizable is only met if the capital contributes to overcome the insuffi-
ciency of foreign exchange which made it necessary. In order to do this, such
capital should not only be productive in general terms; it is essential that it
should also be productive in specific foreign exchange terms. But since it is
2 ?3ee Diamand (1970).
23Althou& this distinction is paramount to the admission of the limiting role of the
external sector, it does not explicitly appear in the ECLA school which had been a pacesetter
in diagnosing this limiting role, In the academic world, it arises for the first time in the double
gap school, founded by Chenery in 1963. In an independent way, a few months earlier it
appears in one of my papers, and later repeats itself in all of my publicattons. See Chenery
(1963 and 1966). McKinnon, Felix (1968), Nbmina de Expcrtos and Diamand(l963). The
antecedents can be seen several decades before in The German Transfer Problem by Keynes.
Less explicitly the two gap model for developing countries was anticipated by several authors
(for example, see Furtado and Hirschman).
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
mostly dedicated to expand the domestic market, which rather tends to consume
foreign exchange, the above condition calls for a deliberate channeling of
investment by the government, which only seldom occurs.
The foreign investments and loans allow to postpone the external bottleneck,
but generally without solving it and rather making it worse. In order to palliate
the situation and to cope with the financial burden generated by former foreign
contributions, a constantly rising inflow of new credits and investments is
called for. The result is cumulative foreign indebtedness and progressive de-
nationalization of the productive structure. The continuity of new loans and
investments - especially that of short-term capital and sometimes of con-
tinually renewable swap operations - depends, in turn, on the confidence in the
countrys capacity to repay its debts; a confidence which fades away simultane-
ously with growing debts and financial services. Sooner or later the process is cut
off. There appears a retraction of new loans, former ones cease to be renewed
and there arises a new balance of payments crisis, generally deeper than that
which the country had attempted to avoid by the influx of foreign capital. There
is no possibility of avoiding devaluation, with its sequel of declining real wages
and recession, and at a higher level of foreign indebtedness and of denationafi-
zation of the productive structure,
3.4. Tht solutions
Bottlenecks can be removed nearly always by means of an appropriate and
timely concentration of social effort, at the cost that is always low when com-
pared with the benefit obtained by avoiding paralyzation of the rest of production.
The conflict between the policies needed to eliminate the bottlenecks and real
wages is not fully removable. However the two objectives can be made compat-
ible much better than it has usually been done. The condition is a more sophisti-
cated combination of instruments than that which can be provided by tile
market alone.
Structuring these measures calls for clear diagnosis and objectives. The
priority must be to remove the external bottleneck whilst affecting employment
level and wages as little as possible. The countries whose primary production is
faced with limitations by world demand should, as the only way out, concentrate
upon industrial exports. In so doing, they must take into account that obstacles
to these exports are not originated in the physical and unremobvale traits of
UPS but in the pattern of exchange rates habitually used by them.
We have seen that industrialization in UPS is based on industrial dollars
costing more than primary ones, with a difference arising from import duties.
But these exchange rates, which recognize and aiso determine a structure of
domestic industrial costs and prices higher than international ones, only apply
to imports and not to exports.
The absurdity could not be greater. Were a small portion of manufactured
production exportable - let us say 10 to 15 % - it would be enough to provide
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm 31
the country with sufficient foreign exchange and to avoid the external bottleneck
which paralyzes the rest of industrial production. But these exports cannot be
carried out because of that small portion, in spite of being essential and deserving
top priority, receives a much less favorable exchange treatment than the rest of
industry which is destined for the domestic market.24
The first measure should thus consist in restructuring the industrial exchange
rates for exports. The starting point must be an exchange rate adequate for the
primary sector. But there is no reason why this primary exchange rate for ex-
ports should coincide with the nominal exchange rate. The nominal exchange
rate can be based on a more expensive dollar, reconstructing the primary ex-
change rate for exports which had been set as a starting point by means of the
application of adequate export duties. Thus, we would have two basic exchange
rates. On the one hand, the nominal rate which would be used for financial
transactions, industrial exports and, with the correspouding import duties (much
lower than in the conventional system), also for imports. On the other hand, we
would have the primary exchange rate for exports, determined by the nominal
rate less export duties. This reform would bring the nominal exchange rate
substantially closer to the structure of industrial costs and would improve the
possibility to export manufactured goods.25
Another alternative or complementary procedure is to build up a de facto
exchange system for exports with tax reimbursements and other fiscal stimuli. 26
Both procedures (the second one more explicitly) often collide with the apparent
priority of a balanced budget. Yet the budget defii ;! depends not only on state
expenditures but also on revenues. And the latter, as we have already seen,
decline sharply during the inflationary-recessive phenomena originated in bottle-
necks. Therefore, when the increase in fiscal expenditures is aimed at an increase
of the bottlenecked supply (in this case of foreign exchange), it is justified not
only in economic but also in strictly fiscal terms.27 Generally, and due to the
great amplifying effect of the bottleneck on production (ten times in Argentina),
the increase in revenues, which is attained thanks to the reversion of the infla-
tionary recessive process, largely exceeds fiscal cxpcllditure.
Apart from the above basic guidelines, the magnitude of the incentives to
industrial exports must be related to the locally added export value so as to
assure the proper efficiency of stimuli in terms of net foreign exchange earnmg.
Direct promotional and negotiating action by the State tending to,open up new
markets is also of great importance As from another point of viem, the perman-
ence of incentives is as important as their magnitude. The greater the confidence
24The procedure is also incongruent from the viewpoint of static efficiency. Guido Di Tella
placed great emphasis on this point.
25This kind of exchange reorganization was proposed by many authors, in&din< the plan
drawn up under my direction. See Kaldor, Prebisch, Schydlowsky (1966) and C.A.K.T.A.
*%e Schydlowsky (1957) and Diamand (1965b).
See Schydlowsky (1967,197l).
ikf. Diamand, The economic parac; :m
jn the stability of the rules of the game, the smaller will the incentives needed to
induce exports or import substitution have to be. Finally, there are scores of
nontraditional products, such as specialized regional crops, flowers, fruits, etc.
which, although not industrial exports, offer the most favorable prospects for
promotion, and generally at relatively low cost.
Independently from the action on nontraditional exports and as long as the
external bottleneck is not definitely elirlinated, efforts should be made to reduce
the percentage of imports in the GNP. Usual import policies, despite their
global protectionist nature, do not ensure this reduction because they always
arise as a result of pressures exerted by conflicting interests and ideologies and
are hallmarked by serious inconsistencies. In many cases, a lower level of
protection is given to finished products and capital goods than to the raw
materials they incorporate (a long-standing problem in Argentina). It is also
usual that while purchases by the private sector are protected, those to be made
by the State and state enterprises are duty-free. Finally, due to frequent changes
in the orientation of governments, similar products generally receive a very
inconsistent treatment.
All this action in the field of inds&isi imports and exports should be integrated
with the fiscal and credit tools of industrial promotion as well as with the creation
of proper mechanisms for the mobilization of local savings with a view to
enabling investments in high capital concentration and high risk productive
sectors. Particularly, a permane L: promotional effort is called for in order to
avoid the process of de-substitution of imports which arises when local pro-
duction of already substituted basic and intermediate goods grows more slowly
than final production which employs them as inputs.
So as to forestall apparent conflicts with the static efficiency implicit in in-
creased protection, it should be made clear that the priority assigned to efficiency
by the traditional paradigm is only valid in the premise of fully-utilized re-
sources.28 A bottleneck lowers the dynamic efficiency of the whole system to
such an extent that its removal and the consequent putting into operation of
idle resources become much ,more important than a rise in the static efficiency of
those resources which continue working. Therefore, when the two objectives
seem to be opposed, one should always decide in favor of the action against the
bottleneck, although between two different alternatives which allow to rzmove it,
it is always preferable to choose that which offers greater static eBciency.
The above considerations in no way discard the use of foreign capital as a
soun:e of foreign exchange in emergency cases and as a more permanent com-
plement of local investment capital. The dl#erence with respect to the tmditional
procedure should consist in the emphasis of the self-amortizable nature of foreign
contributions. Either foreign funds directly, or the time they allow to gain, must
2BClassic authors did not need to spell out this premise, since to them resources were
always fully utilized (see Robinson).
M. Diamand, i%e economic paradigm 33
be employed to generate exports and to substitute imports, thus making them
self-financing in terms of foreign exchange. In other words, it is neicessary to
avoid the danger of the indissn-iminate and longterm use of the foreign funds
instead of exports and import stibstitution, at the same time stressing the co~lvcti-
ewe of utilizing them to develop more exports and agreater su:bstitution.
All this refers to the case of UPS with primary exportslimited by world dema.nd.
Countries with primary exports limited by supply are in a better position ?e-
cause they also have the possibility of increasing their primary production. The
respective policy, so as to be viable in the long term, must be made compatible
with real wages. If a certain transfer of income in favor of the primary sector
turns out to be inevitable, it is necessary to ensure that each dollar transferred to
the detriment of real wages allows the attainment of a maximum dollar increase
in primary supply.
Let us take the case of Argentine agriculture. As we have said before, agri-
culture operates at increasing costs. When a higher price is indiscriminately
granted tbr all agricultural products, the larger incentive not only applies to the
second ton of grain per hectare, which really needs it, but is also given as a
windfall gain to the first ton of grain whose cost had not risen. In other words,
the general price rise not only implies a marginal stimulus needed to ccmpensate
the higher costs of intensive production but also an intramarginal gain cor-
responding to the extensive production which has already been carried out
To obtain the maximum profit of the income transfer in terms of increased
production, incentives should be marginal. The simplest procedure is to set very
remunerative prices for production but to establish, at the same time, fixed
compensatory taxes on land, on the basis of its potential rent or market value.
The fixed tax would be quantified in relation to the price increase so as to give
the same income as before to the usual extensive production (the first ton of
grain per hectare). In this manner, additional production (the second ton) would
automatically enjoy a greater marginal incentive since it would have a higher
price without paying any tax. A similar effect could be achieved in marginal
zones, by virtue of a lower rax on land than that which would be applicable to
The scheme proposed, when applied to exportable prim: products which
are also consumed locally - for instance, foodstuffs - neu: -dzes an excessive
increase in the income of the primary sector but as yet does not avoid the
rise in domestic prices and the fall in real wages. Income equilibrium is re-
established by means of channeling increased tax revenue so as to increase
the purchasing power of wages: replacing contributions to social security fu:.ds
made by wage earners; subsidizing some foodstuffs - for example,nonexportal !e
lgThis was the procedure folloilred by Brazil in the last years: heavy indebtedness, followed
by intense promotion of exports and of import substitution.
34 M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
beef cuts, etc. - reducing taxes on some mass consumption goods, thus cutting
their prices. In a longer term, the trend should be to reduce taxes also on the
industrial sector so as to lower industrial prices and thus compensate the in-
crease registered in food prices. The very important implication of this reyro-
gramming of prices would be the approximation of industrial prices to primary
ones and a lesser dispersion of the whole structure of primary and industrial
exchange rates. 3
Concerning productive bottlenecks, the more fluent supply of foreign exchange
would help to remove them. On the other hand, procedures similar to those
outlined for the external sector, tending to provide greater marginal incentives,
would open up a way for direct action upon them.
However, the adoption of a line of action such as has been outlined is far from
being easy. The implementation and quantification of the measures passes
th.-ough multiple technical levels of public administration, where they systemati-
c~lly collide with opposite priorities emerging from the traditional paradigm.
3.5. The b,locking role of the traditional paradigm
According to the traditional thought bottlenecked economy, instead of being
visualized as a peculiar configuration, subject to different laws and priorities, is
perceived as a conven tionnleconomy with some temporaryand not too significast
deviations from equilibrium which can be overcome in the short term by merely
submitting the economy to the action of market laws.
The unemployment of resources, the acceptance of which would call for a
reconsideration of the whole analytical framework, disappears through a
semantic trick, by defining as the full employment of productive capacity the
level given by the full utilization of the scarcest item. Thus, the level of foreign
exchange supply ceases to be recessive and is transformed into a normal level
of full employment. Bottlenecks cease to exist as if by magic. Production which
pretends to exceed this re-defined level of full employment becomes over-
expansion. The inflation arising from the gap between demand and bottlenecked
supply is not a bottleneck inflation but a simplt: demand inflation. Disequili-
brium in the external sector is not a bottleneck but the consequence of an
inadequate exchange rate and of an excess demand which spills over onto
imports.3 The increase in budget deficit is not caused by inflation but vice versa:
it leads to inflation. The decrease in liquidity aimed at reducing demand to the
level of the bottleneck is not a recessive measure but a return from over-expansion
to normality. Neither is the resulting transfer of income regressive; it is the
return to the distribution compatible with real possibilities. Increased protection
30See Alfano and Cuello.
3This concept appears, more or less explicitly, in all papers which justify the thesis of the
International Monetary Fund (see Corstanzo).
M. Diamand, Tfi, economic paradigm 35
or increased dispersion of exchange rates are not specific measures designed to
overcome the bottleneck, but steps which further aggravavate the original sin
of interference with international free trade.
As far as foreign capital is concerned, by ignoring the gap between foreign
exchange supply and full employment, there is no reason why any difference
should be made between the role of foreign contributions as foreign exchange
and as investment capital. So neither is there any need for these contributions to
be productive in terms of foreign exchange. The danger of cumulative foreign
indebtedness disappears by merely giving them a productive use in conventional
terms. Confidence of foreign investors becomes a universal panacea, etc.
So, by means of a single key redefinition, the whole real universe of countries
with bottlenecked economies is erased and is replaced by the fictitious universe
of the traditional paradigm.
3.6. The stabilization plans
In the course of time, under the pressure of reality and the influence of
heterodox ideas, in different UPS multiple exchange rates, tax reimbursements,
compensatory taxes for primary exports, tax on 1~ -d, etc. have been appearing.
However, it still is a matter of ad hoc and improvised measures arrived at
under the pressure of circumstances, not within the framework of an integrating
paradigm, but in defiance of all that is taught at the universities. Adopted
without conviction, badly quantified and incoherent, these measures do not
suffice to counteract the basic trend towards foreign deficit and indebtedness,
that leads to the necessity of a continuing foreign aid, either as a refinancing
operation or as new loans. But international financial entities always condition
this assistance to the adoption of measures which would allow to eliminate the
foreign deficit.
The results are the well-known IMF-type stabilization plans.32 The ;nain
measures contemplated in these plans are: devaluation, generally very pro-
nounccd, monetary restriction in general and, especially, the elimination of the
budget deficits financed by monetary issue, admitting - as the only exception -
monetary expansion based on the inflow of foreign exchange. Another usual
measure is the wage-freeze. Finally, the plans nearly always include some
efficientist measures, such as rebates in tariff protection, removal of exchange
controls, the dismantling of multiple exchange rates, etc.
32The plans are very similar to one another. For their justification and description, see
Constanzo (1961). Critical view of the plans in Argentina, besides my works, already cited,
can be seen in Eshag and Thorp; in Peru, Thorp; in Chile, Echeverria; in Sudan, Green.
33At this point, there is a remarkable deviation from the doctrine of free market forces.
As per Diaz Alejandro, this doctrine is notably selective and asymmetric, and it is maintained
or left aside according to the effects purported to be attained [see Dinz Alejandro (1976)].
Viewed from the point of view of the traditional paradigm, devaluation is
necessary in order to correct the exchange rate outdated by itiation; monetary
restriction and the elimination of the budget deficit are destined to halt inflation;
lowered tariff protection and the return to a single exchange rate aim at stimu-
lating efficiency; finally, exchange freedom is aimed at restoring confidence and
at promoting loans and investments from abroad.
Applying a corrected conceptual prism, devaluation means greater incentives
for the ,iraditional exporting sector to the detriment of wages and ocher urban
incomes. Monetary restriction is aimed at inducing recession. The plan is called a
stabilization plan but its first visible effect is a heavy inflationary impact as a
result of devaIuation with which the word stablization gets a somewhat ironic
undertone. The purpose of the plan is effectively to stabilize but not from the
very beginning; stabilization should be maintained, but after the regressive and
recessive ~on~guration is arrived at by means of a previous half-turn of the
inff ationary spiral, propelled by devaluation. All measures - monetary restriction
as well as wage freeze - are precisely aimed at maintai~ng the system at this
point, avoiding reactivation.
This is also the real meaning of the presumably anti-i~ationa~ strnggle
against the budget deficit. Amidst a recession, this deficit would rather be
necessary to increase the demand and to reactivate economy. However in presence
of the external bottleneck, it would really be inflationary - not because it would
im, ;y a global excess of demand with respect to productive capacity but because
it would lead to an excess demand with respect to the production limit set by the
availability of foreign exchange. Thus, a balanced budget is sought after as a
recessive tool, that would assure the gold standard effect.
On the other hand, the efficientist measures, consisting of lower tariff pro-
tection and. a unified exchange structure, not only block the way for all the
rational solutions outlined before but also contribute to increase the proportion
of imports in the GNP and to discourage even those industrial exports which
could have opened their way to foreign markets, The result is a further aggra-
vation of the external bottleneck.
The temporary recovery in the external sector achieved usually by stabili-
zation plans is due to a drop in imports because of the crisis and to the return
flow of capital from abroad: partly because of loans to the government and
partly due to the loans to the private sector. As in the case of the gold standard,
the lack of domestic credits forces both private and public enterprises as we11 as
banks to resort to foreign ~nancing.
If the inflow of loans is intense, it can sustain a full economic reactivation and
eve11 increase Central Bank reserves. Two or three years can ensue in which the
country not only considers the external bottleneck as eliminated, but even, in
view of the bonanza, ends up by further dismantIing the protection and export
promotion mechanisms.
Unfo~~nateI~, the mechanism of cumulative indebtedness leads very soon to
M. Diamand~The economic paradigm 37
a new collapse and the whole process reinitiates again. There thus ariseperiodical
stop-and-go cycles which hallmark primary-exporting countries undergoing
industrialization, with the typical sequence of recession-conjdence--recession.
Tire balance of each one of these cycles is growing foreign indebtedness - either
explicit or impjicit in foreign capital investments.
These stop-and-go cycles are only partly due to the requirements of the
financial institutions. Ideological influence outweighs direct coercion. Developing
countries, through the economic models taught at the universities, textbooks,
mass communication media, statements of prestigious private and public
institutions abroad, briefly, through all factors which constitute informed world
opinion, receive a cultural heritage. This heritage acts as an additional growth
blocking mechanism, similar to the eficts of the classic model on Keynesian
crises before the 1930s34 and further aggravates their already serious and very
real economic problems.
The problem is further intensified because the economic cycle deriving from
the nonfeasibility of orthodox policies overlaps with a political cycle hallmarked
by pendular swings between orthodoxy and populism. This latter current is
advocated by political and union groups opposed to the establishment. Intel-
lectually based on Keynesian roots and with some, rather incoherent, Marxist
ingredients, its proclajmed aims are increase in demand and in consumption
and a progressive distribution of income. Its usual byproducts are the glorifi-
cation of everything which means low labor productivity and statism for the
sake of statism itself.
In its eagerness to distribute, populism leaves rc;ide the restrictions imposed by
productive capacity, its bottlenecks and, fundamentally, by the external sector.3 5
When bottlenecks appear, the usual reactions are direct controls on prices,
exchange rates, imports, energy, etc. These controls give the populist government
an additi.Qnal breathing lime but at the cost of growing direct intervention, of
corruption and chaos. Finally, the rCgimes fall due to their own disorder. The
net result is the discredit of heterodox mechanisms ajld ideas and a reaffirmation
of the conventional wisdom, which emerges, from the cycle stronger than ever.
Only after a few years, the new failures of orthodoxy make public opinion swing
back to populism and the political cycle repeats itself, in a destructive and
absurd pendular motion.
4. The international crisis
4.1. The 1971-73 world expansion
The response of the U.S. to persistent balance of payments deficits during the
fifties and sixties should have been to devaluate the dollar vis-a-vis gold. But
34These blocking effects are brilliantly described by Galbraith (1960).
3 %ee Canitrot.
38 M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
the most important condition of a reserve currency is its stability. The measure
would have meant sacrificing part of the prestige and hegemony of the dollar.
Therefore, the U.S. resisted devaluation for many years, taking advantage,
instead, of the reserve currency status of the dollar and using own money to
settle foreign acounts. Finally, as a response to outside pressures, restrictive
monetary and fiscal policies began to be adopted periodically. Although ration-
alized in each opportunity as anti-inflationarypolicies, their objective was similar
to the one pursued by IMF stabilization plans: to eliminate the balance of pay-
ments deficit. The comparative slow growth of North American economy and
the recession during Nixons first presidential term were the result of this
systematic sacrifice of the domestic market and of employment in pursuit of
doallar stability and U.S. financial hegemony.j6
A phenomenon of a very similar nature took place in Great Britain which
during nearly 20 years underwent pronounced stop-and-go cycles determined
by the external sector.37
The dramatic change in U.S. economic policies in 1971 eliminated the external
limitations at the cost of sacrificing the stability of the dollar and opened the
way to economic recovery. The expansion propagated to the whole industrial
world, leading to high rates of growth and high employment levels.
The expansion was held back by the bottlenecks, In 1972, due to climatic
problems, world-wide cereal output instead of growing at the historical rate of
3.5 percent, fell by 3.5 percent and agricultural prices all over the world under-
went a spectacular increase. 3
The inflationary effect was deepened by the influence of the respective devalu-
ations. Thus, in the U.S. import prices rose by 17 percent between 1971 and
1972. The generalized advent of floating exchange rates in 1973 reinforced this
local inflationary component arising from devaluations in all the countries whose
currencies were losing value.
As from mid-1973 the situation became even more complicated, since there
began to appear bottlenecks in the supply of industrial raw materials, mainly of
those corresponding to the second stage of processing, in which primary pro-
ducts undergo their first industrial transformation: steel industry, production of
electrolytic zinc and Solvay soda; as well as in the capacity of sawmills and in
the petrochemical industry. This latter bottleneck was much more serious than
the much more publicized oil shortage during the temporary supply restrictions.
The productive stages in question are hallmarked by great capital density and
by the long time required fur investments to mature. Thus, their response to
any rise in demand is very slow. In addition, decisions are never based on the
present situation, but on the foreseeable future. As till 1971 the world economy
36See Triffin, International Study Group of 32 Economists and Cooper.
3 See Lekachman (1970) and Cohen.
36The process is analyzed in detail by Bosworth, Nordhaus and Shoven, and Cooper
and Lawrence.
M. Diamond, The economic paradigm 39
was moving along the track of low demand, with a high percentage of idle
capacity and with large accumulated stocks, there were no incentives to invest-
ment. The 1971-73 boom exhausted the idle productive capacity before the
first decisions to invest could be made and, logically, long before these new in-
vestments could mature. Moreover, because of the simultaneity of the expansion
throughout the world the compensation of bottlenecks through international
trade was very limited. 3 g
When capital-intensive stages become saturated, their short-terrr suppl:, turns
inelastic to price. Demand for industrial raw materials is also inelastic to price,
since their utilization is not determined by free choice of the bu. er but by the
technological requirements of the productive stage which uses them. Under these
conditions, disequilibrium between supply and demand led to spectacular price
Although the large manufacturing companies partly respected the prices
arising from former contracts, in new sales the prices of many raw materials
increased two, three or four times, and in some cases - as in those of petro-
chemicals and plastics -the rise was tenfold. The general index of industrial
raw materials, published in The Economist, in May 1974 reached 264 as
compared to 100 in 1970. Price controls, adopted by some governments, were
made ineffective by the black market.
Which type of inflation could the 1971-74 phenomenon be assimilated to?
Increases were clearly induced by a market mechanism, and were caused by an
actual imbalance between supply and demand. However, the large idle capacity
showed that it was not the case of an inflation originated in global excess of
demand. On the other hand, though inflation was propagated via some wage
increases, the latter were lower than price rises, thus causing the fall of real
wages virtually all over the world. Another trait, which clearly shows that the
price increases were rooted in raw materials, was the strong lead of raw-material
prices over final consumer prices shown by the lead of wholesale price indexes
over retail ones. In short, all traits point at a bottleneck inflation of a type till
then confined to developing countries.
In the second half of 1973, economic growth began to slow down, as a result
of monetary and fiscal restrictive measures some governments began to adopt in
order to halt inflation. In 1974 these measures joined and were reinforced by the
recessive effect brought about by the oil crisis.
4.2. The oil crisis: Successive models
Between late 1973 and late 1974, the oil exporting countries grouped together
in OPEC increased oil prices fourfold. In order to analyze the prccess that ensued
we must carefully distinguish between the two effects of the oil price increase:
its inflationary effect, related to income transfer, and its recessive effect.
3 gThe causes of delay in investments are analyzed by Nelson.
40 M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
The fourfold increase of oil prices meant an income transfer from oil-
importing to oil-exporting countries of slightly more than two percent of the
importing countries gross product. Had OPEC spent the full amount of the
increase registered in its income for imports from industrialized countries, the
effect would not have gone beyond the transfer mentioned before and, to im-
porting countries, the wholeproblem woyldhave been reduced to the once-and-far-
~11 loss of a portion of income recoverable with six months normal economic
But OPEC, due to its very low degree of industrial development, scarce
population and very regressive distribution of income was unable to spend its
increase of income. Thus, in 1974 a 60,000 million doliar trade deficit of oil-im-
porting countries was generated. The consequences of this deficit were recession
and a global loss of income which in 1975 led to a global fall in industrial pro-
duction ranging from 10 to 30 percent as per different countries,40 that is, of a
magnitude ir,comparably greater than the loss due to income transfer.41
The mecha!nism of this recession is complicated and, therefore, it is advisable
to analyze it by stages. Let us assume the first, most simplified, model of analysis
in which all oil-importing countries are grouped in a sole country, Importland,
with a permanent trade deficit vis-a-vis another country, which is OPEC,
and let us also assume that transactions are made in gold or in other international
means of payment. If Importland does not take specific measures to reduce or to
compensate its deficit, it gradually loses its reserves. Finally, it is forced to take
SOIR~ steps so as to balance its external sector. As the cs~e of its problem is not
its own incapacity to export but the incapacity of OPEC to absorb more imports,
the only thing it can do in order to restore equilibrium is to reduce its oil imports.
Up to a certain extent it can resort to oil rationing. It can also resort to the
substitution <Jf imported oil by its own oil or by other energy sources. But these
latter measul.es are partial and take time. The only immediate solution left is
recession which makes energy consumption fall. The point of equilibrium is
reached wheti recession is sufficiently deep SO as to make I mportlands oil imports
decline to the level of I mport/ands expor$s OPEC is able to absorb.
The recession can be avoided if OPEC reinvests or lends its surplus to Import-
land. In the same way as it occurs in UPS, Importland needs these funds not
in their role of investment capital but as external means of payment or foreign
exchange. The price it has to pay for them is also similar: cumulative financial
indebtedness, if they are loans, or a progressive denationalization of its pro-
ductive structure in the case of investments.
40From 10 percent in Germany up to 30 percent in Japan.
41The analysis of and ditFerentiation between the two effects were carried out by Chenery,
Pollack, Solomon j1974a, 1974b) and Packer. Furthermore, Pollack and Solomon rnake it
clear that the effects are alternative and not simultaneous. The income transfer proper, so
as to materialize, calls for a delivery of goods. So, as long as there exists deficit, it remains
M. Diamand, The em comic paradigm 41
If, in the time gained, Importland manages to stimulate its substitutive
activities, that is, to develop alternate energy sources, thus making future oil
imports decline, or if in the meantime OPEC raises its imports, the system tends
to return to equilibrium. Loans become self-amortizable and the scheme closes.
If this is not achieved, the only thing Importland attains is to postpone the
deficit at the cost of aggravating it and, finally, it will have to fall into a recession
mEch deeper than the one which it wanted to avoid at first. In other words, in the
first mtidel Importland behaves vis-a-vis OPEC as a typical UPS does in front
of the industrial world.
Now, let us shift to the second model, introducing two great advantages in
favor of Importland which UPS do not enjoy. The first one is that virtually the
whole financial system of the world - that is, all the great banks - is sittlated
within. its boundaries. OPEC needs this safe deposit box and even when it does
not take any deliberate decision as to invest or lend its surplus to Importland,
it actually does so by the mere fact of having it on deposit with the Western
banks.42 In other words, except for some physical filtration of the reserves to
OPEC safes, the whole trade deficit of Importland remains automatically
reinvested financially in Importland itself. The operation takes the form of a
simple! transfer of funds among different accounts of the same Western banking
system. Even the eventual filtrations can be compensated thanks to Importlands
second great advantage which consists in its capacity to print international
money - dollars or special drawing rights - with which it pays for the oil.
But the automatic return of OPEC surplus to lmportland is not enough to
avoid recession. Consumption declines due to the increased portion of income
needed to pay for oil and its byproducts. So as to keep up the former level of
aggregate demand, this fall in consumption should be compensated with an
equivalent increase of investment. But this increa.se does not take place if the
oil surplus remains immobilized in the bank accounts of OPEC holders. To
begin with, it .would thus be advisable to try to reduce this surplus by removing
obstacles to OPECs direct investments in Importland, a benefit which of course
should be weighed against the danger of denationalizing the productive struc-
ture. The productive recycling of the remaining surplus would become the re-
sponsibility of the banks. But their task would not be easy because the fall in the
demand for consumer goods also does away with incentives to investment. In
order to maintain full employment, a Keynesian @icy ofstate itzvestme~tts bawd
on a deliberate budget deficit would be needed, financed - either directly or in-
directly - by the funds remaining in OPEC accounts.
Thus, in model number two, despite the deficit with the OPEC, it is possible to
maintain full employment and growth for a substantially longer period than
would be possible in model number one. However, the working of this model is
42See Pollock (1974) and Solomon (1974a, 197413).
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
based on the assumption that OPEC deposits its surplus in Importland so that
the latter may continue buying oil, whereby the OPEC will have greater surpluses
which it will deposit once again in Importland which, with this money, will buy
again from OPEC and so on. As it can easily be seen, this process would wind
up in a cumulative indebt.Tdness which in a few years would exceed the .total
amount of the means of payment moving in the international circuit. Common
sense says that this mechanism could not be sustained in the long run. winding
up finally in the recessive situation of model one. 4 3
In practice, it is difficult to reach the final point of rupture, since another one
appears much earlier, derived from model number three. This third model arises
when we incorporate the fact that Importland is not a single country but a great
number of countries which share the aggregate deficit with the OPEC.
In the ideal distribition of this aggregate deficit, each one of these countries
would be left with its own oil deficit:P4 But, in practice, some countries manage to
reduce their deficits at their neighbors expense and sometimes, even to attah
surpluses. In these cases, the neighbors - probably countries which already had
balance of payments problems before the oil crisis - are left with greater deficits
than those which they would normally have.
The situation looks like a game of musical chairs where there are nine chairs
for ten participants. The deficit is not shared equally. Instead, each time the
music stops playing everybody runs to occupy a chair. Though it cannot be
known who, it is sure that someone will be left standing. It will even happen that
some players will occupy two chairs (that is, they will have surpluses) thus
leaving more than one participant seatless.
If funds deposited or reinvested by OPEC were channeled in proportion to
the resulting trade deficits, this inequality in the distribution of aggregate deficit
would have no major importance. Individual balances of payments would be
leveled via capital accounts and the situation could be likened to that of model
two. However, things generally occur in the opposite way, since countries with
less deficit are those which attract OPEC funds while those with higher deficit
receive less.
In order to restore internal equilibrium within importland, it is necessary to
recycle these funds at an international level, that is, to put into operation a
mechanism through which banks of the countries receiving OPEC capitals would
lend these funds to deficit-ridden countries. However, this recycling encounters
great obstacles. As long as global deficit with the OPEC persists, it will be very
difficult for countries with deficits to normalize thair situation. At best, they may
43The papers which are optimistic about the Western worlds possibility to maintain
growth despite the oil crisis, in order to justify such optimism, introduce the assumption that
the deficit vis-a-vis OPEC will be diminishing as from the early 1980s [see Chenery (1975)].
440PEC, though it does not spend all it receives, does spend part of it. Thus, the oil deficit
of each country is less than its own oil imports and its relation to them is the same as that
existing between the aggregate deficit of Importland and its total oil imports.
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm 43
improve their situation through a trade war, leaving somebody without a chair,
that is, transferring their own deficit to some other country. Thus, to grant loans
to countries with deficits is a very bad risk for private banks, which can hardly
lend money knowing that the only possibilities to recover it are to grant the
debtor new and greater loans or, at best, hoping that the latter succeeds in
making delinquent some other debtor, probably of the same bank.
It cian be objected that these criteria do not apply to the context of the new
global situation. It is true that countries with deficit cannot repay their debts as
long as aggregate deficit with the OPEC persists. But it is also true that, while
GPEC does not think of another safe deposit box for its funds, the counterpart
of this aggregate deficit will continue to be deposited with the banks of Pmport-
land, automatically ensuring sufficient funds to finance itself.45
But the above does not apply to each individual bank. When the Chase
Manhattan Bank lends money to, let us say, Italy, to finance that countrys share
of the global oil deficit, it will not suffice for the Chase to know that the financial
counterpart of this share will be available within Importland. Should OPEC corn::
to withdraw its deposits so as to channel them to some other bank, Italys
inability to repay its debt would mean a serious danger to the individual
stability of the Chase Manhattan as a bank. Therefore, so as to protect their
own security, private banks - even when they have OPEC funds - will soon be
forced to restrict credits to deficit-ridden countries. The result will be the appcar-
ante of countries with practically insoluble exter. .rl bottlenecks, with unavoidable
recessive consequences. These bottlenecks will also have a great inflationary
potential for the individual countries, inasmuch as their governments will try
to overcome them by means of devaluations and will be confronted by social re-
sistance opposing the fall of popular income.
In order to finish our progressive approach to the real world, the last step
that remains is to incorporate productive bottlenecks into model three. We
thus come to model four of Importland, the most complex of all, in which three
types of bottlenecks coexist :
(a) bottlenecks at the productive level, that lead to world-wide inflation and
limit production ;
(b) global external bottleneck at the level of Importland with recessive con-
sequences which, in the medium term - that is, as long as automatic re-
investment of OPEC funds is maintained - can be compensated by means
of Keynesian policies.
(c) clearly recessive external bottlenecks of individual countries, with a great
local inflationary potential.
The interaction of the three types of bottlenecks can be seen rc,calling what
has happened in the real world.
4 sThis argument was thoroughly developed by Solomon (1974a, 1974b).
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
4.3.. Oil crisis in thz real world
I n the real world, the recession appeared as a result of the combined effect of
the three types of bottlenecks. The first mechanism resulted from deliberate
rest:ictive policies which many countries had started to put into practice in
1973 in order to cope with productive bottlenecks. When the fist recessive
effects of the oil bottleneck appeared at a giobal level, these explicitly restrictive
measures ceased to be necessary; to depress demand it became sufficient to
refuse to take Keynesian expansive measures required to maintain demand at
the former level. This lack of expansive measures provided the second recessive
mechanism. The third one was the effect of individual bottlenecks. The OPEC
funds were mostly channeled to the U.S. and to the financial Euro-market.
Despite the ambitious U.S. proposal tending to create an international and
inter-banking financial security net at a governmental level, the international
recycling of these funds remained almost exclusively in the hands of private
banks and it became more and more difficult as indebtedness increased. As a
result, not only did external bottlenecks of the UPS grow worse but recessions
also appeared in industrial countries faced with deficits. The countries affected by
these recessions were forced to reduce their imports, thus affecting exports of
other countries and propagating this third wave of recessive effects to them.
Some of the affected countries, for example Germany and the U.S., having
international reserves, could have neutralized this wave by Keynesian expansive
policies, but they did not do so, once again because of the fear of revivicg
As usual, the recession had a balancing effect on bottlenecks. In the first place,
productive bottlenecks disappeared. The international prices of raw materials
declined again due to lower demand and, fundamentally, the black market
disappeared. In 1975, the rate of international inflation dropped to approxi-
ma:ely six percent in countries with strong currencies, such as the U.S. and
At the same time, recession reduced the physical volume of oil imports. On
the other hand, due to this drop in sales, OPEC called off the new nominal price
increases it had projected, thus reducing oil prices by approximately 25 percent
in real terms. All this, together with greater imports by OPEC in 1975 reduced
the global oil deficit of Importland to approximately half of its former value, that
is to about 30,000 million dollars.
In the meantime, internal struggle within Importland became increasingly
acute with each country trying to displace the trade deficit to others. The main
losers were the developing countries which, except for a minor portion that fell
to CQMECON in 1975, came to share nearly the ful! amount of Importlands
joint deficit. This, added to growing difficulties to obtain refinancing, led them to
deeper recessions than the usual ones and to even more violent devaluation-
wage spirals of exchange inflation.
M. Diamand, l2e economic paradigm 45
Industrial countries emerged with a small joint surplus, But this aggregate
balance conceals great inequalities. For example, West Germany had a surplus
of 15,000 dollars. Several industrial countries, in turn, became deficitary. Thus,
Great Britain and Italy shared a joint trade deficit of more than 9,000 million
dollars. Everything that happened in all the latter countries was very similar to
the phenomena familiar in UPS. First, an attitude of closing the eyes, till the
last moment, to the external disequilibrium, trying to cover it up with loans.
Second, when these credits become exhausted, attempts to solve the situation
letting the exchange rates to float and thus giving rise to successive devaluations.
Third, the weak balancing effect of these devaluations, in this case due to the
weight of former indebtedness as well as to the contraction of imports of the
other countries (either deliberate or de facto, arising from the overall recessive
situation). Fourth, a sharp rise in domestic prices due to the price increase of
imports and, occasionally, to the drag effect of exportables. In the fifth place,
drops in real wages and the appearance of social pressures tending to restore
them, with resulting spirals of exchange rnflatfon (with annual rates of 30 percent
in Italy and of 15 percent in Great Britain by mid-l976).(j In the sixth place,
anti-inflationary, which is to say reo,:ssive, monetary and fiscal measures
tending to depress production to a level compatible with the foreign exchange
bottleneck. In the seventh place, rises in budget deficit as a result of the process
(of 15 and 13 precent of GNP in Italy and in Great Britain, respectively).
This situation, similar to that prevailing in UPS, pr -vokes an also similar
reaction by foreign creditors who, so as to refinance and eveE:ually to grant
new loans, require that the house be put in order, that is, they ack for recession
and wage control.47
By mid-1976 in several industrial countries, such as the U.S., Japan, Sweden,
Italy, signs of a swift economic recovery appear. But some of them - for example,
Italy - by no means solved the problem of foreign deficit and their expansion is
based on some additional loans thr;y were able to obtain. In consequence, their
expansion will be very short-lived. Neither can recovery last much longer in
apparently more favored countries. The twofold world problems which led to
the former crisis continue to be unsolved. No world-wide program has been
undertaken to accumulate foodstuffs and raw material reserves. Neither was
there a generalized process of investments which would have allowed to eliminate
bottlenecks in the transformation capacity of primary raw materials which !;ladr:
the 1973 inflation explode.
As far as the oil crisis is concerned, though certain relief can be expected on
the basis oi futwc oil from the North Sea, Alaska and Norway, no major pro-
gress was made towards independence in the field of energy production.
461~ an extensive SL nmary of the situation in Italy, Guide Carli (1976), ex-Ceniral Bank
chairman, indent%eF i.m.ation in that country with Latin American devaluation-wage spirals.
47At the Puerto P&o meeting by mid-976, these conditions appeared at the level of heads
of state, thus evincing an important political &vision among industrial nations.
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
Thus, independently from the resurgence of some local recessions that will
raise their head as global reactivation advances, one can expect the repetition of
the whole process on a world-wide level. First, prices rises in bottlenecked pro-
ductive items. Simultaneously, an increase in oil deficit due to both greater
physical volumes and higher prices. Third, apart from local inflations, a new
inflation at international level, in terms of stronger currencies. Finally, a new
world recession. Thus, everything seems to lead to world-wide in.ationary-
recessive cycles of a stop-and-go nature originated in internal and external
bottlenecks up to now typical of UPS.
4.4. The solutions
The normalization of world economy calls for the removal of the presently
existing three types of bottlenecks. To start with, solution of the problem of
critical supplies requires a concentrated social effort to do away with bottlenecks,
similar to that shown by the U.S. during World War II in the field of the arma-
;nents industry. This calls for investments stimulated by governments at an
international level, according to a global plan. It also calls for stabilizing reserve
funds for the most important foodstuffs and extractive raw materials, including
industrial raw materials in slowly maturing lines, where market signals come too
late to orient investments and to prevent bottlenecks. The aim of these stabilizing
funds would be to avoid excessive price rises as well as to encourage investment,
maintaining a constant level of demand and preventing excessive drops in
Once productive bottlenecks are taken care of, it becomes necessary to deal
with the internal balances of payments within Importland. This means a more
equitable distribution of the aggregate deficit, removing non-oil deficits, and
solving the recycling problem.
In the first place, a rule of the game is necessary which would force oil im-
porting countries with surpluses to undertake expansive domestic policies in
order to spend them. In the second place, equilibrium within Importland
requires that the chronic non-oil external bottlenecks of the UPS which integrate
4EIt would bp _ simpler to leave the commodity stabilization to the private sector. But
private investments have always a profit motive and they call for a reasonable capacity to
forecast future fiv,: to ten years ahead, a term comparable with the time required for capital
intensive investments to mature. This future is not predictable on the basis of the rules of
the game existing today. It depends on constant changes in these rules emerging through the
complex interaction which operates at governmental levels among different countries. Thus,
sabilizing investments can hardly he made by the private sector in the amounts and with the
anticipation required. Governments, as the protagonists of the process of creation of new
rules of the game, have more chance to forecasr the future and to act accordingly. But even if
it were not so, their motive is not a specific profit but the social benefit derived from
economic stability. Therefore, they are in a better position to face the risk of eventual errors of
prediction with respect to the future development of specific markets,
M. Diamond, T&e economic paradigm 47
it be eliminated by methods already outlined in section two. In the third place,
it is necessaryalso to eliminate non-oiltrade deficits in some industrial countries -
for example, in Italy and Great Britain - where the conflict between external
equilibrium and income distribution is so acute as to sterilize the necessary
modifications in exchange rate by means of spirals of exchange inflation. In these
countries some of the compatibilizing guidelines proposed for UPS may be
applicable: concretely, marginal incentives to exports aod to import substitution
by means of a combination of exchange and tax instruments.
In the present context of everybody for himself within Importland, unilateral
measures tending to remove deficit in a sole country will be perceived as an
attempt against the external equilibrium of !he others and will be resisted. But
if the rule is adopted whereby each country must remain with its own oil deficit
and with nothing more than this deficit, the context of everybody for himself
would disappear. As from this poin.t onwards, the only concern of the inter-
national community would be to see to it that no country reduced its trade
deficit below its corresponding share of joint oil deficit (and, obviously, that
it did not accumulate surpluses), thus thwarting the previous goal. But it would
not have to worry about the methods each country utilizes to regulate its foreign
trade. In the same way as today it is admissible to reduce imports by means of a
recession, in the future each country should be free to utilize a more appropriate
combination of instruments so as to make its external equilibrium compatible
with full employment and a desired distribution of income. The fundamental
restriction would be to respect global equilibrium. The exceptions would be
those selective exchange measures which, due to their l,;gative sectorial impacts,
should be subject to additional negotiations.
As to the problem of recycling, it is indispensable to create an international
security net which would group the great world banks in a single super-institution
co-responsible for oil deposits and loans, backed by the explicit and deliberate
intervention of all governments and, thus, immune to eventual and unexpected
interbank and international movements of OPEC funds within Importland.
The measures outlined so far, complemented by a greater international
liquidity brought about by the increasing role of drawing rights, would lead us
back to Importland, model II: without productive bottlenecks, without internal
disequilibria of payments, but still dependent on refinancing by OPEC. But, as
was emphasized, neither is this model stable in the long run.
Thus, the lasi step in the conceptual sequence (but simultaneous in reality)
must be an intense international program of substitution of OPEC oil by oi l ,
coal and other power sources of Importland, giving this effort maximum priority.
The objective ,Irould be to attain energy substitution at the lowest possible cost
but witEout being held up if this cost turns out to be higher than the price of
OPEC oil. Importlands global bottleneck with the OPEC, which at present can
be eliminated by financial means, if positive measures are not taken, will finally
end in a recession whose resulting global economic cost will be much greater than
48 M. Diamand, T&e economic paradigm
the magnitude of the bottleneck in itself. Let us recall that the cost of the last
recession was a 10 to 30 percent fall in industrial production added to the
cumulative loss from the reduced growth rate. In turn, the whole direct cost of
higher oil prices does not exceed two percent of the product and it is not cumu-
lative. Therefore, in the same way as it occurs in UPS, priority should be given
to removing the bottleneck, even at the cost of paying more for the scarce item.
To conclude, it is convenient to point out that a global investment plan
intending to eliminate productive bottlenecks, to create stabilizing reserve funds
and to achieve energy substieiltion fits in perfectly with the existence of oil-fund
surpluses in Importland banks which call for a deliberate Keynesian investment
promotion policy.
4.5. Once more the blocking role of the paradigm
Most of the solutions outlined in this paper were already proposed on some
occasions and at some international forum and they run into political diffi-
culties. The reforms ca!led for are complex, they affect vested interests, involve
important modifications it1 existing institutions, alter established hierarchies
and - above all - they impiy lealning to think in a different way. Therefore, they
can only be carried out if there is a strong political pressure on the governments
which, in turn, calls for a high degree of public awareness of the cause of the
crises and of the real alternatives in case they are not eliminated.
But here we return again to the blocking role of both populist demagoguery,
with its own distributive paradigm, and of the traditional paradigm.
Yhe oil bottleneck as well as the other bottlenecks are investigated and
analyzed in depth by specialists and these contributions have influence at the
intellectual level. Nevertheless, the paradigm maintains its defenses and refuses
to integrate these new facts. The analytical contributions referring to bottlenecks
seem to move in a viscous medium. As they move away from the specific com-
partment of economics which elaborated them, they collide with the resistance
of the p;Lr;ldigm, turning into exceptions, temporary deviations, particular cases
and pathological phenomena. Significant contributions, which should cause
a revolution in tne rest of economics, end up as short mentions or footnotes in
the most advanced treatises, and do not even appear in textbooks or at the level
of mass communications media. 4g For example, the bottleneck inflation has
been analyzed by several authors50 under the name of commodity inflaticn
and even in this case its description was published in mass communicatiors
media5 However, these contributions are very slow in becoming integrated in
49As to the role of the emphasis on the spreading of ideas, see De Pablo (1972).
3oSee Nordhaus and Shoven, and Bosworth.
5iSee Tobin.
M. Diamand, The economic paradigm
economic treatises and papers of a more general nature most of which, though
they may mention bottlenecks as one of the causes of inflation, right afterwards
tend to move on to the conventional analysis of inflation, either in terms of a
global excess or demand or of the cost-push variety. 3
It is even more difficult to find any analysis which would integrate the subject
of inflation with external bottlenecks. This is not surprising, since the whole topic
of international payments is very little integrated with the rest of economics.
Already before the oil crisis, though many specialists in international payments
were showings clear knowledge of the restriction imposed on monetary and
fiscal policies and on the level of employment by tired exchange rates, once
recessions have been unleashed, the topic moved out of their jurisdiction to that
of the macro-economists. But in the education and training of macro-economists
there is an implicit assumption either of a balance of payments equilibrium,
or of a temporary disequilibrium, which can easily be solved by the adequate
management of exchange rates. The most elemental textbooks directly postulate
a closed economy, without external sector. Although the more sophisticated
ones make an attempt to integrate the external and internal sectors, they do it
assimilating exports to investment and imports to saving. The model thus
arrived at allows the possibility of recessions originating in the external sector
but the assumed equivalence between exports and investments and between
imports and saving implies that this effect can always be compensated by the
government through domestic expansive monetary and fiscal policies. An insur-
mountable external limitation immune to domestic policies does not appear in
the model.
Due to this education by compartments, the hat? of thought which ignores
external limitation is born, to such an extent, that even in countries undergoing
an acute external crisis, this limitation only gives rise to a marginal mention in
economic analyses, after which the level of employment comes to be discussed
in terms of the monetary and fiscal policies in force and of their Llfiationary
effectes4 foreign trade is analyzed in terms of static efhciency; income dis-
tribution is investigated in terms of historical series - all this as if the problem
of balance of payments did not exist.
52A very complete integration can be seen in intlation models of Hicks, that ~pecitically
distinguishes bottleneck inflation from demand and cost-push variety. For another very
interesting work or integration, which reflects the thinking of the Scandinavian school and
also tries to incorporate as an endogenous variable, the behavior of the governm$r;nts, see
53This lack of integration of the bottlenecks is common to the orthodox official line and
to its radical critics. See this latter in Crotty and Rapping.
54A good ezample is given by a compilation of works by Champerowne, Harrod, Lerner,
Reddaway, Samueison, etc., in which oscillations in the level of employment in three decades
after Keynes are discussed without taking into account the balance of payments or, at most,
by mentioning it in a very superficial way [see Lekachman (1967)]. In this field there was a
marked retreat. In the works of Kalecki, which date back some 40 years, there exists an
incomparably higher level of integration.
50 hf. Dimand, l%e economic paradigm
Grave imprecisions also persist in economic thought concerning the problem
of payments proper. In view of the practical difficulty to restore external equili-
brium via devall;:ations - due to conflicting objectives with the stability ofreserve
currencies, or income distribution or, also due to the aggregate oil deficit -
certain schemes have been postulated which purport to overcome external
bottlenecks with a permanent itiow of foreign capital, stimulated by means of
an appropriate b:end of monetary and fiscal policies. Thus, the remedy of
foreign capital, suitable for temporary disequilibria, is extended to permanent
ones, without taking into account the qualitative change this extension implies,
that is, the cumulative and explosive nature of the process of indebtedness and
rne unavoidable stop-and-,go cycles it leads to.55
All of the above has a great negative impact on the perception of the oil
crisis. In spite of solid analytical works on the subject in general, here again the
lack of perception regarding the long-term limitations of balancing capital
ir4iows leads to an overestimation of the recycling possibilities. 5 6 The absence of
a habit to reason ir_ terms ol an external limitation leads to underestimation of
tile gravity of the whole global oil disequilibrium. Finally, because of the com-
partmentalized approach the recessive results, once they have arisen, tend to be
dissociated from their original cause.
As a result of all this, when issues related to the crisis of the payment system -
either of reserve currencies or of oil - reach the level of mass communications
media, the interpretation in terms of the external bottleneck generally disappears
so as to be replaced by a sterile discussion in terms of the dilemmae between
recession and inflation or between market forces and state interventionism.
This disorientation, very similar to that prevailing in UPS, is not the most suit-
able way to mobilize political backing for the international reforms.
The world economy is undergoing a deep crisis. Contrary to what is contended
by Marxists, this crisis does not originate in the inevitable failures of the capi-
talist system. Neither is it limited to this system: COMECON countries in-
creasingly participate in it. The crisis originates in institutional, political and
ideological obstacles which prevent the understanding of the real functioning of
the industrial system and its adequation to existing bottlenecks. Modification
of the economic paradigm in itself would not suffice to ensure that this adequa-
See the schema proposed by Mundell and their criticism by De Pablo for the case of
UPS, applicable also to a more general context -also the analysis by Marina Whitman and
the ensuing debate. See Mundell, De Pablo (1976), and Whitman.
In a well-known work on the subject of the oil crisis signed by cive international special-
ists, some advance is made with respect to the usual interpretation!.. The authors prove that
an infinite refinancing of the deficits with OPEC loans and capitals is hmpossible if these funds
(or time gained) do not contribute to solve the deficit which made them necessary. But the
confusion, instead of disappearing, just changes its level, since as a solution there appears
the channeling of the funds lent or invested towards an increase in the export capacity of the
CoLintries with deficits, as if global imbalance vis-a-vis OPEC were originated in the in-
sufliciency of edPOrt capacity and not in the giobal limitation of imports by OPEC (see
Farmanfarmaian, Okita and others).
M. Diamarui,?%eeconomic pad&m
tion take place. But it would open the way for a growing public awareness of the
problems and a mounting social pressure upon the governments which could
impel the change. Therefore, without being a sufficient condition, it is a necessaq
condition to any solution.
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