Vocabulary For TOEFL iBT

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The key takeaways are that the book aims to help readers improve their vocabulary for the TOEFL exam by combining their reading, listening, and speaking vocabularies. It covers topics like vocabulary in context, prefixes/suffixes, word roots, commonly confused words, idioms, and includes practice tests.

The purpose of the book is to help readers improve their vocabulary for the TOEFL iBT exam by providing lessons and exercises on a variety of vocabulary-related topics.

The book covers topics like vocabulary in context, using prefixes and suffixes, word roots, commonly confused words or homonyms, idioms and vocabulary variations, and includes two practice tests.


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for TOEFL® iBT

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Copyright © 2007 LearningExpress, LLC.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Pub-
lished in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT.
p. cm.
ISBN: 978-1-57685-632-1
1. Test of English as a Foreign Language—Study guides. 2. English language—
Examinations—Study guides. 3. Vocabulary—Examinations—Study guides. 4.
English language—Ability testing. I. LearningExpress (Organization)
PE1128.V63 2007

Printed in the United States of America

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN: 978-1-57685-632-1

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Introduction v

1 About TOEFL iBT 1

2 Vocabulary in Context 12

3 Using Prefixes and Suffixes 31

4 Word Roots 45

5 Commonly Confused Words—Homonyms 61

6 Idioms and Vocabulary Variations 74

Practice Test 1 81

Practice Test 2 99

Appendix A: Word List 117

Appendix B: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots 174

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E veryone has three vocabularies in every language he or she speaks: a
reading vocabulary, a listening vocabulary, and a speaking vocabulary.
You’ve read words you have never heard, and heard words you’ve never read. Your
speaking vocabulary may ignore many words you have either read or heard but do
not use. As you explore the vocabulary in this book, think about bringing these three
large sets of words together into a rich and useful database that will serve you well.
Discovering words you don’t know may send your anxiety level soaring, and
nobody does their best work when they’re anxious. With practice, though, you can
learn to take unknown words in stride. Here’s how to start.

1. Start small. Don’t tackle the whole sentence at once. There are several tech-
niques for breaking sentences into smaller units. One way you can do this
is to find a verb (an action word that tells you what’s happening) and grad-
ually incorporate the words around it into an increasingly longer phrase as
you decipher its meaning. The verb provides an anchor for the meaning
because it tells you what is being done.
You can also use trial and error to find islands of meaning in a sentence.
Find a word or a phrase you understand and start adding a word or two on
either side. As you discover several such islands and gradually enlarge each
one, you will eventually see how they fit together; and then you will under-
stand the dynamics of the whole sentence.
2. If the vocabulary in a sentence is a problem, look at the words around it.
Usually you can figure out what function a word is serving in the sentence.
Ask yourself if it’s an action word. If so, it’s a verb. Is it describing some-
thing? Then it’s an adjective or adverb. Is it the subject—the person, place
or thing performing the action in the sentence? It’s a noun or pronoun.
Use the surrounding context to help you guess the meaning or at least the
part of speech of an unfamiliar word.
3. As you are reading a sentence with blanks or with words you don’t know, it
can ease your anxiety to substitute words or sounds of your choosing in
place of the unknown words. The words something and whatever work well

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in many situations. You may find you prefer nonsense words instead. As the
meaning of the sentence gradually becomes clear, you can start substitut-
ing words that might work in the sentence.

Obtaining a better vocabulary doesn’t have to be hard work. It mostly takes

curiosity. Remember those unfamiliar words you encounter in conversations or
while reading. Take them apart. Welcome them to your world. Share them with
your coworkers, friends, or family. You’ll be greatly rewarded for your efforts—
because long after you have finished this book and taken the TOEFL iBT, you’ll
still possess a wealthy vocabulary of English words!


If you are trying to gain admission into universities where instruction is in English
and this is not your native language, you will have to pass the TOEFL iBT (Test
of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based test). The reason for this is sim-
ple: Academic institutions want to be sure that you can read, write, and comprehend
spoken English so that you can succeed in the college classroom. Sometimes, this
test will also be used to evaluate you by many government, licensing, and certifi-
cation agencies, or exchange and scholarship programs.
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT will help nonnative speakers build or renew vital
vocabulary skills. Vocabulary is a broad topic, and it forms the foundation for read-
ing comprehension, grammar, and spelling. For the TOEFL iBT, you will not be
allowed to use a dictionary, thesaurus, or other reference tool to help you with unfa-
miliar words. In general, the better your basic vocabulary skills are, the better you
will do on the entire TOEFL iBT.
Whether your exam is months away or coming up in a few weeks, this book
will help you prepare. Begin getting ready for the TOEFL iBT by creating a
study plan for yourself. Determine how much time you have until the test day,
and then decide how much time you can devote to studying each week. With
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT, we suggest that you choose a time each day to improve
your vocabulary. Think about when would be the best time for you. It may be
first thing in the morning, during your commute to work, or before you go to
bed at night. Whenever the time is right, just make sure you do it regularly—at
least five days a week for a month. Once you establish a study plan for yourself,
you should stick as closely as you can to your plan. Always keep your end goal
in mind. If you study hard the first time, chances are you will not have to take
this exam again—ever!
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Now, once you have set a study plan for yourself, look at the table of contents to
see the types of vocabulary topics covered in this book. You may want to tackle the
chapters in sequence, or you may decide to study the sections that give you the most
difficulty early on in your test preparation.
Each chapter is filled with practice questions to test the new skill you just read
about. As you work through the practice questions, you may want to have a dic-
tionary or thesaurus handy. This can help expand your bank of vocabulary words.
After you answer the practice questions, you will undoubtedly want to check your
answers against the answer explanation section at the end of each chapter.
Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT contains two practice tests at the end of the book.
These tests will give you the chance to measure what you have learned and review
any problem areas that you find. If after answering all the questions you feel like you
need more practice, reread the questions and try responding one more time. Rep-
etition is often the key to success and studies show that most repetitive tasks become
part of a person’s inventory of skills over time.
The book finishes with a helpful word list of more than 650 commonly tested
vocabulary words (Appendix A). It will be very beneficial for you to add these
words to your current vocabulary. We advise tackling the words on the list as you
move through Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT, not waiting until the end of the book.
Another helpful list—entitled Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots—is included in
Appendix B. Understanding the parts that make up a word can give you a clue
about a word’s definition, and this can help you make educated guesses when tak-
ing the TOEFL iBT.
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T he Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is used to measure

your ability to use English in an academic setting. The TOEFL is designed
to indicate your ability to communicate by measuring the impact of reading, lis-
tening, speaking, and writing on effective communication. Strong ability in each of
these four areas will be necessary as you continue learning in English.


Proficiency in English is essential if you are to follow class discussions and complete
the reading and writing assignments in most college classes. In many courses, you
may also be required to deliver oral presentations. And if you are applying to a grad-
uate program, you may be given a position as a teaching assistant, which means you
will be expected to help undergraduate students with their schoolwork, instruct
them, and grade their assignments. In order to ensure that you can succeed even
though you are not studying in your native language, and that you will be a com-
petent teaching assistant if you are applying to graduate school, colleges and other
institutions may require you to take the TOEFL. To determine if you need to take
the TOEFL, you should contact each institution to which you are applying for
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The entire TOEFL iBT will take approximately four hours to complete and all test
sections will be completed in one day. The test is not computer-adaptive. In other
words, each test taker receives the same range of questions. The test is worth a total
of 120 points.
The first test section is Reading, followed by Listening, Speaking, and Writing.
There will be a ten-minute break after the Listening section. After completing a
section of the test, you will not be able to return to that section to finish or change
your answers.

(approximately 60–100 minutes) 30 total points
This section contains 3–5 reading passages, each followed by 12–14 questions.

Language Source for

Question Types Skills Used Topics Response
Factual information Reading Identify information Reading
• 3–6 per set from text passage
• 4 answer choices each
• worth 1 point each

Negative factual information Reading Identify information Reading

• 2 per set at most in the text that is passage
• 4 answer choices each not true
• worth 1 point each

Inference Reading Identify information Reading

• 2 per set at most that is strongly passage
• 4 answer choices each suggested but
• worth 1 point each not stated

Rhetorical purpose Reading Identify why author Reading

• 2 per set at most makes a statement passage
• 4 answer choices each
• worth 1 point each

Vocabulary Reading Identify the meaning Reading

• 3–5 per set of a word in the text passage
• 4 answer choices each
• worth 1 point each
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Language Source for

Question Types Skills Used Topics Response
Reference Reading Identify the Reading
• 2 per set at most grammatical relationship passage
• 4 answer choices each between two words
• worth 1 point each in the text

Sentence simplification Reading Identify the choice Reading

• 1 per set at most that restates the passage
• 4 answer choices each sentence indicated
• worth 1 point each

Insert text Reading Insert a sentence in Reading

• 1 per set at most the most appropriate passage
• 4 answer choices each place in a passage
• worth 1 point each

Prose summary Reading Choose the three Reading

• 1 per set at most most important ideas passage
• 6 answer choices each in the passage
• worth 2 points each

Fill in a table Reading Complete a table Reading

• 1 per set at most organizing the passage
• multiple answer choices main ideas
• worth 3–4 points each

As you begin the Reading section of the TOEFL iBT, a passage will appear on
the computer screen. A scrollbar on the right side of the screen will allow you to
move to the end of a passage.
At the top of the computer screen is a navigational toolbar. (You should note that
your time does not stop when you are using the toolbar feature.) The heading on
the left of the toolbar will state the section of the test on which you are working:
Reading. The center of the toolbar will state the question you are working on as
well as the number of questions in the section. On the right will be a clock, indi-
cating your remaining time. You may choose to hide the clock by clicking the Hide
Time button located next to the clock. Above the clock function are six navigation
buttons. Clicking on the View Text button will let you view the entire passage when
answering questions. The Review button will allow you to review the questions that
you have answered and make changes. You can adjust the volume by clicking the
Volume button. A Help button will provide some additional assistance for you.
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Finally, there are Back and Next buttons, which allow you to move back and forth
between questions.

(approximately 60–90 minutes) 30 total points
Language Source for
Stimulus Skills Used Topics Response
4–6 lectures, each followed by Listening Arts, life sciences, Details from
6 questions physical sciences, lecture
and social science

2–3 conversations, each followed Listening Nonacademic situation Details from

by 5 questions on campus conversation

For the Listening section of the TOEFL iBT, you will listen to the lectures and
conversations through a headset. An image depicting the lecture or conversation
will appear on the screen. This picture is designed to help you imagine the situa-
tion. Difficult words or phrases in the passage may be defined for you. When the
listening passage is complete, a question will appear on the screen.
A toolbar will appear at the top of the screen. The heading on the left of the tool-
bar will state the section of the test on which you are working: Listening. Like the
toolbar for the Reading section, the Listening section toolbar will state which ques-
tion you are working on, the number of questions in the section, and your remain-
ing time. You may choose to use the Hide Time button located to the left of the
clock. Above the clock are four navigation buttons. There is a Volume button that
allows you to adjust the volume, a Help button that will provide some additional
assistance, and a Next button that allows you to move to the next question. After
selecting Next, you are asked to click the OK button to confirm that you want to
move to the next question. In the Listening section, you may not go back and
review questions.

(approximately 20 minutes) 30 total points
Language Source for Preparation Response
Tasks Skills Used Topics Response Time Time
Task 1 Speaking Familiar Opinion 15 seconds 45 seconds
(independent) things

Task 2 Speaking Choose Opinion 15 seconds 45 seconds

(independent) a side
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Language Source for Preparation Response

Tasks Skills Used Topics Response Time Time
Task 3 Reading, Nonacademic Details from 30 seconds 60 seconds
(integrated) Listening, situation materials
and Speaking on campus given

Task 4 Reading, Academic Details from 30 seconds 60 seconds

(integrated) Listening, topic materials
and Speaking given

Task 5 Listening School-related Opinion about 20 seconds 60 seconds

(integrated) and Speaking problem materials
with two given

Task 6 Listening Academic Details from 20 seconds 60 seconds

(integrated) and Speaking topic materials given

To take the Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT, you will be required to wear a
headset with a microphone. For four of the speaking tasks, you will listen to the
spoken materials through a headset. An image depicting the lecture or conversation
will appear on the screen. For all of the speaking tasks, you will speak into the
microphone to record your responses, which will be digitally recorded and sent to
the ETS Online Scoring Network.

(approximately 50 minutes) 30 total points
Language Source for Response
Tasks Skills Used Topics Response Time
Task 1 Reading, Listening, Academic topic Details from 20 minutes
(integrated) and Writing materials given

Task 2 Writing Choose a side Opinion 30 minutes


For the Writing section of the TOEFL iBT, you will type your response to two
tasks. For the integrated writing task, you will listen to the spoken materials
through a headset. Human raters rate writing responses through the ETS Online
Scoring Network.
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Because test centers fill up quickly, you should begin the TOEFL registration
process right away.

Before you register for the TOEFL, you should obtain the Information and Regis-
tration Bulletin. The ETS created this document to provide you with all the impor-
tant information you will need to know before you take the TOEFL iBT. It includes
a list of test sites in all countries; institution codes, which you will need to report
your scores to the colleges and universities you would like to attend; and other
information you will find useful, such as sample questions, test instructions, and a
list of writing topics. Request a bulletin as soon as possible if you have not already
done so. You can pick up or request a bulletin:

• from admissions or international student offices at most colleges and

• from ETS representative offices
• from the TOEFL website, www.toefl.org
• by calling the ETS at 1-609-771-7100

You can register online at the TOEFL website, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
After completing the registration form, you will receive an instant e-mail confir-
mation. Payment methods include a valid credit card or an electronic check (if you
have a bank account in the United States or its territories).
To register by phone, you must call at least seven days before the test date and
pay using a valid credit card. You will be given a test date, reporting time, test cen-
ter address, and a registration number, which you must bring to the test center
on test day. To schedule a test date in the United States, Canada, or U.S. territo-
ries, call 1-800-GO-TOEFL (1-800-468-6335). If you live outside the United
States and want to test in the United States, call 1-443-751-4862. To schedule a test
date elsewhere, call the Regional Registration Center (RRC) for your area or coun-
try. A list of RRCs is printed in the Information and Registration Bulletin.
To register by mail, fill out the registration form in the Information and Registra-
tion Bulletin. You should receive a registration confirmation. If you do not, you must
call the location where you mailed your registration at least three full business days
before the registration deadline for your earliest test choice. To schedule a test date
in the United States, Canada, or U.S. territories, mail your completed registration
form and payment to the ETS at the following address:
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ETS-TOEFL iBT Registration Office

P.O. Box 6152
Princeton, NJ 08541–6152, USA

To schedule a test date elsewhere, call the RRC for your area or country.
Although the ETS makes it possible to register by mail, online and phone reg-
istrations are quicker processes. Online and phone registrations must be completed
one week before the test, while mailed registrations must be received at least four
weeks before the test.


At no cost, you can get one examinee score report and up to four official score
reports sent to the institutions of your choice. You may choose those institutions up
until 10 P.M. (local test center time) on the day prior to your test date. Fifteen days
after you take the test, the examinee score report will be sent to you and official
score reports will be sent to your selected institutions. The printed score report that
is mailed to you will contain all of the final section scores as well as your total score.
You can have official score reports sent to institutions other than those you indi-
cate when you register. Requests must be made online, by mail, or by fax. Reports
requested online are mailed about four working days after your request. Reports
requested by mail or fax are mailed about two weeks after receipt of your request.
The cost is $17 for each report ordered.
Fifteen business days after completing your TOEFL iBT, you may view your
scores online. TOEFL test scores are kept on file for two years after the test date.
Scores more than two years old can’t be reported.


The fee for the TOEFL iBT is $140. This includes an examinee score report and four
score reports sent to institutions that you designate when you register for the test.


If your schedule changes and you can’t make it to the test you have registered for,
you can either reschedule or cancel your test date. If you reschedule, you will be
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charged a $40 rescheduling fee. If you call to cancel at least three business days
before your appointment, you will receive a refund of $65. In the United States,
Canada, or U.S. territories, call 1-800-468-6335 to cancel or reschedule. For test-
ing elsewhere, contact your RRC.


You will earn between 0 and 30 points for each of the four test areas. Your total
score is calculated by adding the four skill area scores together. So, the total score
will range from 0 to 120.
The Reading and Listening sections of the test consist of objective test items,
meaning each question has a correct answer(s). The Speaking and Writing sections
are subjective. This means that there is not one correct answer to these questions.
Each of the six speaking tasks is awarded between 0 and 4 points based on a rubric.
Each of the two writing tasks is awarded between 0 and 5 points based on a rubric.
For each test section, the points are converted to a 0- to 30-point scale. All tasks are
graded by trained human raters.


There is no single passing score on the TOEFL iBT. The institutions to which you are
applying determine the minimum acceptable score. However, some colleges provide
ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) classes. If you score below what is
required by the institution of your choice, you may be able to register for ESOL classes
your first semester and continue on to other classes when you successfully complete
the ESOL course. Alternatively, you can take the TOEFL iBT again. But one of the
goals of this book is to prepare you to do your best and succeed the first time around.


If, after taking the exam, you feel that you didn’t perform to the best of your abil-
ity and that your score is not high enough to get you into the program of your
choice, you can cancel your score at the test center. If you do cancel your scores,
they will not be reported to you or any institutions, and you will not receive a
refund. After canceling your scores, you will be able to reinstate them provided that
your request is received within ten days of your test date.
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You may reinstate your scores by:

1-877-863-3546 (United States, Canada,
and U.S. Territories)
1-609-771-7100 (all other locations)


TOEFL Services
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA

Your request should include your name, date of birth, daytime phone number,
registration number, and payment of the $20 reinstatement fee. The reinstatement
will take approximately two weeks to be reported online, and the score report will
be mailed shortly thereafter.


If you disagree with your score on the Writing and Speaking sections, you can
request that your answers be rescored up to three months after your test date. You
will be charged $60 for a Writing or a Speaking section rescore by scoring special-
ists. Complete the TOEFL iBT Rescoring Request Form, which is found on the
TOEFL website. Rescoring results will be available about three weeks after the
receipt of your rescoring request.
If the rescoring confirms your original score, you will be notified via mail. If there
is a change in your score, you will receive a revised examinee score report. The
institutions that you selected as score recipients will receive new official score
reports. These revised scores will become your official scores.
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The ETS is very strict about identification for TOEFL test takers. If you fail to pro-
vide proper registration and identification documents on the day of the test, you will
most likely not be admitted to the test center. To make sure your hard work and
studying don’t go to waste because you forgot a piece of paper, collect all the items
you are taking to the test in advance and put them in a safe place. Read the identi-
fication requirements in the Information and Registration Bulletin. In most cases, a
passport that has your photograph and signature will do. Your identification will be
checked before you are admitted. You will also need your registration number.


On the day of your exam, arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes early to allow
time for registration and identification.
Before the test session, you will be required to write your signature and sign a
confidentiality statement. Your picture will be taken and reproduced on your score
report and the computer monitor you are using. If, for some reason, you have to
leave your seat at any time other than the break, raise your hand. Timing of the sec-
tion will not stop during an unscheduled break.
To receive an official score report, you must answer at least one question in each
section. If, at any time during the test, you believe you have a problem with your
computer or need the administrator for any reason, raise your hand. All testing ses-
sions are subject to videotaping.


Here is a list of things you are not allowed to do during the exam or exam breaks.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in your dismissal from the test cen-
ter and canceling of your scores without a refund.


• bring cellular phones, beepers, pagers, watch alarms, or electronic or pho-

tographic devices of any kind to the test session.
• eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum, except as permitted in designated areas of
the testing center during breaks.
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• refer to or use any testing materials or aids at any time during the testing
session or break. The following are considered testing aids: pencils or pens,
dictionaries, calculators, watch calculators, books, pamphlets, rulers, high-
lighter pens, translators, notes, or any other electronic or photographic
devices or keyboards.
• leave the test center during the test session and break.
• exceed the time permitted for the break.
• attempt to take the test for someone else or fail to provide acceptable
• create a disturbance or behave inappropriately.
• give or receive unauthorized help.
• attempt to tamper with the computer.
• attempt to remove test questions (in any format) from the testing room.

Follow these guidelines, and be sure to comply with the test administrator’s
directions at all times.
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Vocabulary in Context

O ne of the most fundamental vocabulary skills is how to use context to

determine meaning. Using a dictionary is, of course, the best way to define
a word. But if you’re in a testing situation and you are not allowed to use one, you
must rely on the context clues in the sentence.

context: the words and sentences that surround a word or phrase and help con-
vey its meaning

Ever since you learned your first English words, you have been determining
meaning from context. Context refers to the words and sentences that surround a
particular word and help convey its meaning.
You can use the context of a sentence—or context clues—to help you detect
the meaning of a word. Simply put, this means that you can look for clues in and
around the vocabulary word. The term context clues means that other words in the
sentence “give away” or “give clues” to the definition. For example, sometimes
you’ll find synonyms (words that mean the same thing) or antonyms (words
that mean the opposite), or details that lead you to identify the vocabulary word
in question. Once in a while, you’ll find a group of words set off by commas
(called an appositive), which gives you a very clear definition of the word.
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There’s really only one rule for building your vocabulary: Use it or lose it. When you
are learning a new word, if you don’t use it, you will soon forget what it means. Write
new words down on a vocabulary list. Use them in e-mails or letters to friends. Intro-
duce them to members of your family. Use the words you learn in your everyday com-
munications as much as possible so they become a permanent part of your

Now, notice how the context of the sentence below helps give the word candor
its meaning:

➥ I admire Arun’s candor, but sometimes, he can be a bit too honest.

Candor means
a. irritability.
b. frank, sincere speech.
c. readiness to judge or criticize others.
d. comfort with speaking in front of people.

Based on the context of the sentence, only b can be the correct answer. The
speaker tells you that Arun is sometimes too honest, thus signifying that candor
means frank, sincere speech—Arun tells people exactly what he thinks.
Even if you can’t figure out exactly what candor means, you can tell from the con-
text whether it is something positive or negative, and this can help you narrow down
your answer choices on an exam. In this case, because the speaker admires Arun’s
candor, you can assume that candor is a positive thing. You can therefore eliminate
choices a and c.
There a four types of context clues that can help you:

1. Restatement
2. Positive/Negative
3. Contrast
4. Specific Detail

This sentence uses two types of context clues: restatement and positive/negative.
The first part of the sentence tells you that candor is a good thing (positive/negative),
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while the second part essentially restates the meaning of the word. Here’s another
example of a sentence that uses these two types of context clues:

➥ Hani suddenly found himself destitute, so poor that he could barely afford
to eat.

The context clearly reveals that destitute is not a positive word; it is not a good
thing to be so poor one can barely afford to eat. The context also restates the mean-
ing of destitute, essentially defining the word within the sentence, so that you can
tell exactly what destitute means—extremely poor.
There are two other types of context clues to watch for. Read the following para-
graph as an example (but don’t look up the italicized words!):

Sarah had worked so hard for the past few weeks that she decided she owed
herself a day of complete indolence. Saturday, she slept until noon, ordered
take-out so she wouldn’t have to cook, and left the dishes in the sink. She
left her chores for another day and spent the afternoon lying on the couch,
reading and watching television. But on Sunday, she was back to her old
assiduous self, and by noon, she had already cleaned her whole apartment,
done her grocery shopping, and paid her bills.

How do you know what indolence means? From two more types of context clues:
contrast and specific detail. The first sentence suggests that indolence is in contrast
to working hard, while the second and third sentences confirm this with specific
details. Thus you can determine what indolence means. Let’s say you were given the
choices below:

a. luxurious
b. hard labor
c. deep sleep
d. laziness

The correct answer is d, laziness. The specific details tell you that Sarah did her
best to laze around the house all day. Besides, you know the other answers are incor-
rect because Sarah didn’t do anything luxurious (choice a) and she didn’t do any
work or chores (choice b). There’s no mention of sleep in the paragraph, so choice
c is also incorrect.
Now let’s look at the context in which assiduous is used. Again, you have two kinds
of context clues: contrast and specific detail. You know that the assiduous Sarah of
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Sunday was very different from the indolent Sarah of Saturday (contrast). You also
know what the assiduous Sarah does: She is very, very busy on Sunday, cleaning and
working around the house (specific detail). Assiduous means diligent, hardworking;
or persevering, unremitting.


The denotation of a word is simply its dictionary definition. For instance, look at
the dictionary definitions of the following words.

➥ procrastination: to postpone or delay needlessly

➥ lazy: to be resistant to work or exertion; slow moving or sluggish
➥ inactive: not active or not tending to be active; not functioning or operating

Some English words, however, have more than one meaning. A quack, for exam-
ple, is the sound a duck makes, but a quack is also an untrained or unqualified per-
son who pretends to be a doctor.
Words also have another meaning beyond their denotation. Each word also has
a connotation—an implied meaning or emotional impact. Sometimes, the conno-
tation can be favorable or positive. Other times the connotation can be unfavorable
or negative. Then again, some words do not arouse any emotion at all and have a
neutral connotation.
For example, if you were to look up the word playful in the dictionary, you might
get a definition similar to that of two of its synonyms, spirited and mischievous. But
all three of these words have different connotations and bring to mind different
feelings. Spirited has a positive connotation and mischievous a negative connotation,
while playful is neutral in tone.

denotation: a word’s exact meaning or dictionary definition
connotation: a word’s implied meaning or emotional impact

When you come across an unfamiliar word, the context will often reveal a great
deal about the connotation of that word, even if it does not provide enough infor-
mation for you to determine its denotation. At a minimum, the connotations of the
surrounding words will usually tell you whether the vocabulary word is positive or
negative. Therefore, when you are looking for context clues, make sure you look
at the surrounding words carefully and consider their denotations and connotations.
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Synonyms are words that share the same meaning or nearly the same meaning
as other words. It is important to know that there are often many synonyms for
one word. While some synonyms can be similar, they are rarely identical. For
instance, the words bountiful, ample, plentiful, and glut suggest abundance. How-
ever, one of these words suggests an overabundance. While you can have a boun-
tiful, ample, or plentiful supply of food on the table for a dinner party, a glut of
food is an excessive amount of food that suggests there will be waste involved.
It is important to choose your words carefully and to be as clear as possible when
choosing synonyms.
Although some synonyms are interchangeable, most words have their own
unique connotation. So while test questions will often ask you to identify synonyms
such as laconic, terse, and succinct, when it comes to your own communications,
you should choose your words carefully. Terse, for example, has the most positive
connotation of these three words, suggesting brevity with a sense of polish or ele-
gance. Succinct is more neutral, conveying a sense of compactness or tightness in
how an idea has been expressed. Laconic, on the other hand, conveys the same
basic idea but with the suggestion of brusqueness or abruptness. Thus, although
these words are effectively synonymous, each word carries its own specific con-
notation and leaves a slightly different impression.


In the passage about Sarah, you would still be able to understand the main idea of
the passage even if you did not know—or could not figure out—the meanings of
indolence and assiduous. In some cases, though, your understanding of a sentence or
paragraph depends on your understanding of a particular word or phrase. For
example, you can’t understand what inept means from the following example
sentence—it simply does not provide sufficient context. In fact, you can’t even fig-
ure out if it is something positive or negative, because the sentence provides almost
no context at all:

➥ Sabina is an utterly inept dancer.

Is Sabina a graceful dancer? An awkward dancer? Or an accomplished dancer? You

simply cannot tell from the context. But you could figure out what inept means by
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breaking down the word into its prefix (in-) and word root (ept). That’s the subject
of Chapters 2 and 3. Meanwhile, however, here’s a sentence that does give you the
context you need to determine the meaning of the word:

➥ Despite years of lessons, Sabina remains an utterly inept dancer who sim-
ply stumbles across the dance floor.

Now we can tell through context that inept means awkward or clumsy. Being able
to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words from their context is an essential
vocabulary skill. Sometimes you will find unfamiliar words whose meanings are
indecipherable without a dictionary. More often than not, though, a careful look at
the context will give you enough clues to interpret the definition.
By looking for the way the words are used in the paragraph, you can figure out
what these words mean. Even if you have no idea what a word means, you can still
tell something about the word by how it is used—by examining the words and ideas
surrounding it. Like detectives looking for clues at a crime scene, you must look at
the passage for clues that will uncover the definition of the word.


Deciphering some sentences can seem like an impossible mission, but like every-
thing else worth doing, it’s hard at first and gets easier as you practice. There are
some basic skills you need to acquire, though. Think of yourself as a detective try-
ing to decode a secret message. Once you have the key to the code, it’s easy to deci-
pher the message. The following sections will give you the keys you need to unlock
the meanings of even the most complex sentences. The great thing is that these are
master keys that can unlock any and all sentences, including the many complex sen-
tences you will encounter in your college reading.

◗ Sentence Structure
The single most important key to the meaning of a sentence is its structure.
The best and easiest way to determine sentence structure is to look at its
Sentence completion questions always have one or more commas or semi-
colons. The basic strategy is to separate the sentence into units divided by punc-
tuation. Often, one of the units will express a complete thought, then at least one
unit will have one or two blanks. The unit that expresses a complete thought will
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tell you what the unit(s) with blank(s) need to say. For example, consider this sam-
ple question:
Select the word that best fills in the blank.

➥ After finding sacred objects inside numerous Mayan caves, archaeologists

have begun to revise their opinion that the Maya used the caves solely for
________ functions.
a. reverent
b. theological
c. religious
d. secular

When you divide this sentence into punctuation-defined units, you have:

After finding sacred objects inside numerous Mayan caves,


archaeologists have begun to revise their opinion that the Maya used the caves solely
for ________ functions.

The first unit, the unit without the blank, tells you that the second unit has
something to do with what happened 1) after finding sacred objects and 2) in
Mayan caves. The second unit, the one with the blank, tells you that 1) archae-
ologists have begun to revise their opinion and 2) their opinion (before being
revised) was that Mayan caves were used only (solely) for some kind of function.
Your mission is to figure out what goes in the blank, namely what kind of func-
tion archaeologists used to think the caves were exclusively used for.
Now you’re ready to use the first unit to illuminate the second. If scientists used
to think one thing until they found sacred objects, it means they used to think the caves
were not used for sacred purposes. Now you know you need to fill in the blank with
a word that means “not sacred,” a word such as civic, or secular. Your final step is to
look at the answer choices to find the one that matches the idea you have formed
about what needs to be in the blank(s). Choice d, secular, is the best answer choice.
Here’s an example of a sample question that doesn’t divide neatly into a complete
unit and an incomplete unit. This question has a blank in each of its two units.
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Select the words that best fill in the blanks:

➥ The famous daredevil was actually quite _______ by temperament, as illus-

trated by the fact that he did not _______ until he was two years old.
a. reckless . . . amble
b. careful . . perambulate
c. adventurous . . . rest
d. daring . . . scuttle

The first unit is The famous daredevil was actually quite _______ by temperament.
The word actually tells us that there is something unexpected going on. If actually
were to be removed from the sentence, there’d be no way you could know what
kind of words go in the blanks. Actually is a clue word, one that points you toward
the meaning of the sentence. The famous daredevil actually had an unexpected kind
of temperament. What kind of temperament would you expect a famous daredevil
to have? Adventurous, bold, daring, right? So the word that goes in the first blank
will be one that has a contrasting relationship to that expected temperament.
The second unit of the sentence, as illustrated by the fact that he did not _______ until
he was two years old, uses a phrase of comparison, as illustrated by, to let us know that
the word that goes in the blank should complete the idea of the daredevil’s having a
temperament that is not bold. Think of a synonym for “not bold.” Put it in the first
blank. Now read the sentence using your word in the first blank. Think of something
that, if not done before age two, would indicate that kind of temperament. The next
thing you do is look at the answer choices for words that are similar to the ones you
chose. The best answer to this question is choice b, careful . . . perambulate. Even if
you didn’t know that to perambulate is to walk, or move about on one’s own, you could
be fairly confident that you had the right answer because careful is such a good choice.

◗ A Clue for You

The second important skill you must master for sentence completion questions is
the ability to identify key words and phrases. These are the words that most help
you decode the sentence. Think of them as clues to a mystery. Among the most use-
ful of these are the words that enable you to identify the logical relationship
between the complete unit(s) of the sentence and the incomplete unit(s). As in the
preceding example, sometimes you have to complete one portion of a two-blank
sentence before you can work on the logical relationship of another unit.
There are three types of logical relationships commonly expressed in sentence
completion questions: contrast, comparison, and cause and effect. Mastering these
three relationships will help you succeed on sentence completion questions.
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Some words that logically signal a relationship of contrast are: though, although, how-
ever, despite, but, and yet. Can you think of others? There are also phrases that sig-
nal a contrast between the units of the sentence, such as on the other hand, but,
however, despite, or on the contrary.
Try making a sentence using these words and phrases. See how the two parts of
your sentence oppose each other. This is the logical relationship of contrast, or
opposition. No matter how complex a sentence completion question seems at first
glance, when you see one of these words or phrases, you will know you’re looking
at a sentence that expresses one thought in its complete unit and a contrasting
thought in the incomplete unit. First you decipher the thought in the complete unit,
then fill in the blank in the incomplete unit with a word that expresses a contrast-
ing thought. For example:

➥ Although the tiger is primarily a solitary beast, its cousin the lion is a
________ animal.

First divide the sentence into two units, using the punctuation to guide you. Now
you have as the first unit, Although the tiger is primarily a solitary beast, and, its cousin
the lion is a ________ animal, as the second unit. The first unit tells you by the use
of the word although that the second unit will express a relationship of opposition
or contrast. You can see that tigers and lions are being contrasted. The word that
goes in the blank has to be an adjective that describes animal in the way that soli-
tary describes beast. Therefore the word that will contrast with the idea in the first
unit is in opposition to solitary. What is an antonym of solitary? Solitary means
alone. You might choose the word social. Friendly, gregarious, or sociable are other
options, all meaning “not solitary.” Then you look for the word in the answer
choices that is a synonym of the word you chose.


There are two kinds of comparison relationships: comparison by similarity and com-
parison by restatement. Words that signal comparison include likewise, similarly, and
and. Phrases that introduce comparisons are just as, as well as, for example, as shown,
and as illustrated by. Words and phrases that precede restatement are namely, in other
words, in fact, and that is. Relationships of logical comparison are straightforward.
The idea expressed in the complete unit of the sentence is similar to or the same as
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the idea that needs to be expressed in the incomplete unit. When you know what the
complete unit says, you know what the incomplete unit needs to say—the same
thing, or very nearly so. Here’s an example of a comparison sentence:

➥ Until he went to military school, Foster never stood up straight; as illus-

trated by his ________ in this photograph.

This sentence has three units, two complete and one incomplete. The first two
units tell you that before military school, Foster slouched. The blank in the third
unit, therefore, needs to be filled by a word that will illustrate his slouching. The
correct answer will be posture, or its synonym.



Some of the best resources for nonnative English speakers trying to increase their
vocabularies are CDs or audiotapes. English is a difficult language because it is so visu-
ally confusing. One of the ways you most often encounter vocabulary is by listening.
Vocabulary CDs and tapes are available in libraries and bookstores. You may
also find it helpful to use a nonfiction or fiction book and the same book in audio
form (CD or audiotape). Play the audio version of the book as you read along in the
book. This will help you match the word to its written form.


A third kind of logical relationship often expressed in sentence completion ques-

tions is the cause and effect relationship. In other words, the sentence states that one
thing is a result of something else. Again, you can rely on key words to point you
in the right direction. Words such as thus, therefore, consequently, and because, and
phrases such as due to, as a result, and leads to signal a cause and effect relationship.
Try making some cause and effect sentences to see how they work.
Here’s an example of a cause and effect sample question.
Select the word that best fills in the blank.

➥ Scientific knowledge is usually _______, often resulting from years of hard

work by numerous investigators.
a. cumulative
b. illogical
c. decreasing
d. irrelevant
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The complete unit of the sentence, often resulting from years of hard work by numer-
ous investigators, tells you that the other unit results from numerous investigators
working hard for years. The incomplete unit, the one with the blank, tells you that
you are looking for a word to describe scientific knowledge as a result of those years
of hard work. You know that whatever word the test makers are looking for, it must
have something to do with lots of stuff, because years of hard work by numerous
investigators would produce a lot of something. The best answer choice for this
question is choice a, cumulative, which, of course, applies to lots of stuff.

To help you remember some important verbs and adjectives, match verbs and
adjectives together in pairs that will help you recall their meaning. Here are several

• You abhor what is odious.

• You might disdain something that is banal.
• You won’t be daunted if you are intrepid; you will be daunted if you are
• You might tout something about which you are fervent.
• You might vacillate if you are timid or diffident.
• You might grovel if you are servile.

You can also mix and match words to create synonym and antonym pairs. Abate
and ebb, for example, have nearly the same meaning, while disdain and revere are

Once you learn how to identify the complete and incomplete units of a sentence
using punctuation to guide you, you’ve made a good start. Next you determine the
logical relationship of the units, using key words and phrases; and then you under-
stand what the sentence is saying, even if there’s some vocabulary you don’t under-
stand. But if you keep working on building your vocabulary, chances are you will
understand the crucial words.


As you might expect, vocabulary in context questions ask you to determine the
meanings of particular words. To prepare for these types of questions on the
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TOEFL iBT, it is a good idea to become an active reader. This is a skill you can
practice every day. As you read an English-language newspaper or magazine, have
a dictionary handy. Look up as many unfamiliar words as you can so that your bank
of vocabulary words becomes as large as possible.
This may sound like a contradiction, but if you make a habit of taking the time
to read carefully and actively, you will actually spend less time learning the mean-
ing of new vocabulary words. By reading carefully, you will often be able to deter-
mine meaning from context. By reading actively, you will continually expand your
bank of vocabulary words—and the bigger your word base, the more you will com-
prehend, and the less time you will spend looking up words.


Vocabulary-in-context questions are common on standardized tests, like the

TOEFL iBT. Here are some specific tips and strategies to use while preparing for
and taking the exam:

● On any vocabulary-in-context question on an exam, there will be some kind

of context clue to help you determine meaning. Remember the four types:
restatement, positive/negative, contrast, and specific detail.
● Remember that you have a very powerful tool on a multiple-choice exam:
the process of elimination. From the start, you can usually eliminate one or
two answers that you know are incorrect. For example, you can eliminate
negative choices if the context suggests the word is positive.
● To help you eliminate answers, read the sentence with each answer choice
substituted for the vocabulary word. Often, putting the word in the context
of the sentence can help you determine whether an answer is right or wrong.
● Consider the tone and connotation of the other words in the sentence. At
a minimum, this can often help you determine whether the vocabulary word
is positive or negative.
● Look for introductory words and phrases such as unfortunately, however, sur-
prisingly. These words often tell you whether the word is positive or nega-
tive and/or set up contrast clues.
● Read carefully. Look for specific details that provide clues to meaning.
● If you have heard the vocabulary word before but aren’t sure what it means,
try to remember the context in which you heard it used before. This may
help you better use the context as it is presented on the exam.
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Choose the best vocabulary word to fill the blank. Circle your choices or write your
answers on a separate piece of paper. Then compare your selections to the correct
answers at the end of the chapter.

1. The _____________ president differs from the past president on healthcare

reform issues.
a. talkative
b. accomplished
c. artificial
d. incumbent

2. The _____________ data supports the belief that there has been an increase
in population in the county.
a. nominal
b. demographic
c. practical
d. nocturnal

3. The _____________ collected from real estate taxes helped to balance the
town budget.
a. domain
b. remainder
c. revenue
d. assessment

4. She pretended to be _____________ about the new job opportunity, but

secretly she was very excited.
a. dedicated
b. receptive
c. candid
d. blasé
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5. We were tired when we reached the _____________, but the spectacular

view of the valley below was worth the hike.
a. circumference
b. summit
c. fulcrum
d. nadir

6. The suit had a(n) _____________ odor, as if it had been stored in a trunk for
a long time.
a. aged
b. scented
c. musty
d. decrepit

7. Because his workplace was so busy and noisy, he longed most of all for
a. solitude
b. association
c. loneliness
d. irrelevancy

8. The teacher put the crayons on the bottom shelf to make them
_____________ to the young children.
a. accessible
b. receptive
c. eloquent
d. ambiguous

9. My computer was state-of-the-art when I bought it three years ago, but

now it is _____________.
a. current
b. dedicated
c. unnecessary
d. outmoded
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10. Visiting all the tea shops in the city, they were on a _____________ to find
the perfect cup of tea.
a. surge
b. quest
c. discovery
d. cadence

11. Make sure the directions are very explicit so that no one makes a mistake.
Explicit means
a. intricate, complex.
b. clearly and fully stated.
c. chronologically ordered.
d. ambiguous or implied.

12. The hotel is teeming with security personnel because the leaders of several
countries are here for a summit meeting. Teem means
a. to close down temporarily.
b. to lose business due to circumstances beyond one’s control.
c. to be full of, nearly overflowing.
d. to be under close scrutiny.

13. Karen was relieved to learn that the chemicals in her well water were all
benign. Benign means
a. natural.
b. dangerous.
c. of local origin.
d. harmless.

14. Although it was futile because he didn’t meet half of the requirements,
Jensen applied for the job anyway because it was his dream position. Futile
a. useless.
b. fruitful.
c. radical.
d. insane.
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15. The editor, preferring a more terse writing style, cut 500 words from the
2,000-word article. Terse means
a. elegant.
b. factual.
c. descriptive.
d. concise.

16. Victor Frankenstein spent the last years of his life chasing his elusive mon-
ster, who was always one step of his creator. Elusive means
a. difficult to compare.
b. difficult to capture.
c. difficult to forget.
d. difficult to avoid.

17. Xiu’s timely joke served to diffuse the tension in the room, and the rest of
the meeting was highly productive. Diffuse means
a. to refuse.
b. to intensify.
c. to create.
d. to soften.

18. I completely lost track of Tula’s point because she kept digressing to unre-
lated topics. Digress means
a. to deviate, stray.
b. to regress, revert.
c. to change the tone.
d. to express concisely.

19. The senator evaded the question by changing the subject and accusing his
opponent of misconduct. Evade means
a. to escape or elude.
b. to answer indirectly.
c. to refuse to answer directly.
d. to deceive.
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20. Samantha hasn’t said why she’s been so withdrawn lately, but I would sur-
mise that it is because she is still upset about not being able to go to camp.
Surmise means
a. to confirm.
b. to surprise.
c. to believe.
d. to guess.

21. Their conversation was considered playful _______ between two old
a. antics
b. banter
c. behavior
d. activities

22. He tried to ______________ the sinking morale of his friend in the hospital.
a. sustain
b. foster
c. bolster
d. nourish


How did you do on identifying context clues? Check your answers here, and then
analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this topic.

1. d. Incumbent means holding any post or position.

2. b. Demographic data is the branch of research that deals with human popu-
3. c. Revenue is the income of a government.
4. d. Blasé means bored or unimpressed by things after having seen or experi-
enced them too often.
5. b. The summit means the highest point, where the hikers would have a
good view.
6. c. A musty odor is one that is stale or moldy.
7. a. Solitude, unlike loneliness, can be a desirable thing, and it would be
something a person who works in a busy office would crave.
8. a. Accessible means capable of being reached or being within easy reach.
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9. d. Outmoded means no longer in style or no longer usable.

10. b. A quest is a search or pursuit of something, in this case for the perfect
cup of tea.
11. b. Explicit means clearly and fully stated; straightforward, exact. The con-
text tells you that the directions need to be clear to prevent an error. If the
directions are clearly and fully stated, it will help ensure that no one makes
a mistake.
12. c. To teem means to be full of, to be present in large numbers. Numerous
security personnel typically surround the leader of a country. If there is a
meeting of several foreign leaders, there is likely to be a great number of
security officers in the hotel.
13. d. Benign means not harmful or malignant; gentle, mild, having a beneficial
effect. Choice d is the only answer that makes sense in the context of the
sentence; Karen would logically be worried about chemicals in her water
and relieved if she learned those chemicals were harmless.
14. a. Futile means useless, producing no result, hopeless, vain. Jensen’s appli-
cation is useless because he does not meet the minimum requirements for
the job.
15. d. Terse means concise, using no unnecessary words. The main clue is that
the editor cut the article by 25%, dramatically reducing its wordiness.
16. b. Elusive means evasive, eluding the grasp; difficult to capture. The sen-
tence tells you that Dr. Frankenstein was never able to catch the creature,
who constantly escaped his grasp.
17. d. To diffuse means to spread throughout, disperse; to soften or make less
brilliant. Xiu’s joke softened the tension so that the meeting could be more
18. a. To digress means to turn aside, deviate; to stray from the main subject in
writing or speaking. The speaker loses track of the point because Tula
keeps shifting from the main topic to unrelated subjects.
19. a. To evade means to elude or avoid by cleverness or deceit; to avoid fulfill-
ing, answering, or doing. The senator avoids answering the question by
changing the subject.
20. d. To surmise means to form a notion from scanty evidence. The narrator is
guessing that Samantha has been withdrawn because she is upset about not
being able to go to camp.
21. b. Banter is defined as remarks or talk that is playful and teasing. Choice a
is incorrect because antics are unpredictable behavior or actions. Choices c
and d are incorrect because their definitions are too broad and do not focus
on conversation.
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22. c. If the friend has a “sinking morale,” this means that the friend’s feelings
or attitude are overwhelmed or defeated. The speaker would, thus, want to
raise or bolster this morale. Choice a, b, and d are all incorrect. The speaker
would not want his friend’s morale to continue to sink.
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Using Prefixes and Suffixes

W hen you come across unfamiliar words without context, breaking

those words into their parts can help you determine their meaning. This
chapter reviews prefixes and suffixes and how you can use them to add new words
to your vocabulary—and better understand words you already know.
A good knowledge of prefixes and suffixes is essential to building an effective
vocabulary. The more familiar you are with these fundamental word parts, the eas-
ier it will be to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
There are dozens of prefixes and suffixes in the English language. Learning pre-
fixes and suffixes in another language may seem like a daunting task, but the job may
be easier than you think. Though prefixes and suffixes often appear in books like
this with sophisticated vocabulary words, you are already using the same prefixes
and suffixes with simple words that you already know well.


Prefixes are syllables attached to the beginning of words to change or add to the
meaning of the root word in some way. For example, the word prefix itself uses the
prefix pre-, meaning before. Thus the meaning of the root word, fix, changes:

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fix: to place securely or firmly

prefix: something placed at the beginning of a word

Several of the vocabulary words you studied in Chapter 2 used prefixes, includ-
ing inept, which uses the prefix in-, meaning not—not suitable or competent.



Get in the habit of noticing words all the time. Carry a small notebook with you and
write down interesting words as you encounter them in your daily life. Don’t know
how to spell a word you hear? It doesn’t matter—write it down just as it sounds to
you and look it up later.

Knowledge of prefixes can help you in many ways as you build your vocabulary
and as you prepare for the TOEFL iBT. Although you can’t determine meaning
based on a prefix alone—you also need to know the root of the word—you can often
use a prefix to determine whether a word is positive or negative, to eliminate incor-
rect answers, and to provide partial context for the meaning of the word. For exam-
ple, take the word polyglot. If you know that the prefix poly- means many, you can
eliminate all but the correct answer in the following question:

➥ A polyglot is someone who

a. is an expert in global issues.
b. administers lie detector tests.
c. is easily frightened.
d. speaks many languages.

Choice d is the only answer that includes the idea of many or multiple. Thus, it
is the only possible correct answer.

root: the main part of a word; the base upon which prefixes and suffixes are added
prefix: syllable(s) attached to the beginning of a word to change or add to its
suffix: syllable(s) attached to the end of a word to change or add to its meaning

You will not always be so lucky as to eliminate all of the incorrect answers, but
even eliminating two or three will be a great help. For example, knowing that the
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U S I N G P R E F I X E S AN D S U F F I X E S 33

prefix mal- means bad, evil, or wrong can help you significantly narrow down your
choices in the following question:

➥ To malign means
a. to arrange.
b. to speak badly about.
c. to charm, enchant.
d. to cast an evil spell.

With your knowledge of prefixes, you can eliminate choices a and c, leaving you
with a 50–50 chance of choosing the correct answer. If you recall any context in
which you have heard the word malign before, you may be able to choose the cor-
rect answer, b. To malign is to say evil, harmful, and often untrue things about
someone; to speak ill of.

Probably among the most easily recognized of the prefixes are the numerical pre-
fixes; that is, those that can tell something about the number represented by the
word. Take a look at some words that contain numerical prefixes: bipartisan (two
parties), triage (responding to the needs in order of priority, traditionally in three
orders of priority), and trilogy (a series of three plays). Among the most common
number related prefixes are:

un-, mono-: one (unique, unity, monotonous, monopoly)

bi-: two (bigamy, bilateral, bicameral, bicycle)
tri-: three (trivial, trident, trinity, triple)
quad-, quar-: four (quadrant, quarter, quart, quartet)
deci-: ten (decade, decathlon, decimal, decibel)
cent-: hundred (century, centipede, centennial)
mil-: thousand (millipede, millennium, millimeter)

Following is a list of the prefixes. For each prefix, we have provided two exam-
ples of words that use that prefix. With a few exceptions, these examples are not
test-prep words; rather, they are basic words that are probably already a part of your
vocabulary. This will help you remember the meaning of each prefix—and show
you just how well you already know them.
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◗ Common Prefixes
a-, an-: not, without
amoral (not moral), atypical (not typical)

ab-, abs-: from, away, off

abduct (to take by force), abnormal (away from or apart from the standard)

ante-: prior to, in front of, before

anterior (placed before), antedate (to proceed in time, come before)

anti-, ant-: opposite, opposing, against

antibiotic (substance that kills microorganisms), antidote (remedy for counter-
acting the effects of a poison)

circ-, circum-: around, about, on all sides

circumference (the outer boundary of a circle), circumstance (the conditions or
state of affairs surrounding or affecting an event, a particular incident, or
an occurrence)

co-, com-, con-: with, together, jointly

cooperate (to work together, comply), connect (to bind or fasten together)

dis-: away from, apart, reversal, not

dismiss (to send away from, eject), disobedient (not obedient)

ex-: out, out of, away from

exit (go out), expel (to drive out or away)

in-: not
inaccurate (not accurate), informal (not formal)

inter-: between, among, within

intercept (to stop someone or something between its starting point and desti-
nation), intervene (to come, occur, appear, or lie between two points of time
or things)
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mal-: bad, abnormal, evil, wrong

malfunction (to fail to function properly), malpractice (wrongdoing, especially
improper or negligent treatment of a patient by a physician)

mis-: bad, wrong, ill; opposite or lack of

misbehave (to behave badly), misspell (to spell incorrectly)

multi-: many, multiple

multimedia (the combined use of several media), multiple (having several or
many parts or elements)

neo-: new, recent, a new form of

neonatal (of or relating to a newborn child), neologism (a new word or phrase)

non-: not
nonfiction (the genre of literature that includes all types of books other than fic-
tion), nonsmoker (someone who does not smoke)

poly-: many, much

polygamy (the system of having more than one wife at a time), polysyllabic (hav-
ing three or more syllables)

pre-: before
precaution (something done in advance to avoid risk), predict (to forecast, make
known in advance)

re-: back, again

rebuild (to build again after destruction), replace (to put back in its former posi-
tion; to take the place of)

sub-: under, beneath, below

subdue (to overcome, bring under control), submarine (a ship that can operate
under water)

super-: above, over, exceeding

superb (grand, magnificent, of unusually high quality, excellent), superman (a
man with powers exceeding ordinary human capacity)
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A more comprehensive list of the most common English prefixes is located in

Appendix B. After you have completed this chapter, make sure you review the list
carefully and study any prefixes that are unfamiliar to you.

As you use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine meaning, see if
you can recall hearing or using any words with similar roots or sounds. For exam-
ple, you may realize that agrarian sounds like it shares a root word with
agriculture—and it does. Even if you don’t know exactly what agriculture means, you
might know that it has something to do with land and its cultivation. You may also
realize that the suffix -ian calls for an adjective, not a verb.

The point of learning about prefixes is to be able to notice how they can change
word meanings in recognizable ways. Some prefixes immediately change the entire
meaning of a word. For example, the prefixes un-, in-, dis-, and il- immediately sig-
nal that the word is the opposite of its root, as in unhappy, inconsiderate, displeasing,
and illegible.
Other prefixes only remotely affect word meaning. For example, there is only a
distant hint of the prefix deci-, which means “ten,” in the word decimate, which
means “to completely destroy.” Historically, the word decimate meant to destroy a
tenth of someone’s property. Now we hardly recognize that meaning in the pres-
ent definition.
The important point to remember is that in learning prefixes, you are not look-
ing to memorize a long list of disconnected word parts, but to recognize familiar
examples that you can apply to new words when you encounter them.



The more you listen to English being spoken, the more you will understand. Visit a
local park or museum where you will hear English around you. Go to the movie the-
ater to see a film in English, or rent a film in your native language and watch it with
English subtitles. Try watching the evening news. Listening well will improve your
English vocabulary.
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Suffixes are syllables added to the end of words to change or add to their meaning.
They often change a word’s part of speech, thereby also changing how the word
functions in a sentence. Suffixes tell you whether a word is a person, place, or thing
(a noun); an action or state of being (a verb); or a modifier, which is a word that
describes (an adjective or adverb).

The following table offers a quick reference guide for the main parts of speech.

Part of
Speech Function Examples
noun names a person, place, cloud, Helen, car, Elm Court,
thing, or concept brush, valor

verb shows an action, occurrence, go, jump, feel, imagine, interrupt

or state of being

adjective describes nouns and pronouns; white, oblong, ancient,

can also identify or quantify; exhilarating
tells what kind, which one, that (e.g., that dog)
how many, how much several (e.g., several dogs)

adverb describes verbs, adjectives, slowly, clumsily, never, very,

other adverbs, or entire clauses; here, soon
tells where, when, how and to
what extent

For example, look how the suffixes in the following table change the word
antagonist from a noun to an adjective to a verb (and don’t forget to notice the prefix,

Part of
Word Speech Definition
antagonist noun one who opposes or contends with another;
an adversary, opponent
antagonistic adjective opposing, combating, adversarial
antagonize verb to oppose actively, contend; to provoke the
hostility of
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Likewise, the word venerate changes from a verb to an adjective to a noun,

depending upon its suffix.

Part of
Word Speech Definition
venerate verb to regard with deep respect or reverence; to
honor with a sense of awe, revere
venerable adjective worthy of deep respect or reverence; deserv-
ing of honor and respect;
venerator noun one who shows deep respect or reverence

Again, just knowing suffixes won’t enable you to determine the full meaning of
an unfamiliar word, but it can help you determine the function of the word, zero
in on its meaning, and eliminate incorrect answers on an exam. For example, if you
know that the suffix -ity means state of being, you know that a word with this end-
ing is probably a noun describing a state of being, such as equality (state of being
equal). Similarly, if you know that -ish is a common suffix for adjectives, you can
eliminate answer choices that do not match that part of speech.
Select the best answer to the question.

➥ Squeamish means
a. to scream or squeal.
b. recurring illness.
c. extremely shy.
d. easily disgusted.

Choices a and b are definitions for other parts of speech—a verb and a noun,
respectively. Only choices c and d define adjectives, and only choice d is correct.
Squeamish means easily sickened, disgusted, nauseated, or shocked.

While prefixes and suffixes are fundamental components of your vocabulary, it’s
important to remember that they are tools to use in conjunction with other vocab-
ulary skills.
For example, most words that end in -ish are adjectives describing a character-
istic. However, vanquish and varnish both end in -ish, but they are both verbs, not
adjectives. Thus, as you come across vocabulary words with common prefixes and
suffixes, use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, but look for other clues to
meaning as well, including context (see Chapter 2) and word roots (see Chapter 4
and Appendix B) to be sure you are on the right track.
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The following is a list of the suffixes you need to know for the practice questions
at the end of the chapter. For each suffix, we have again provided two examples of
words that use that suffix, and again, these examples are basic words that are part
of your everyday vocabulary.

◗ Noun Suffixes
-ance, -ence: action, process, or state of
adolescence (the state of growing up from childhood to adulthood; the transi-
tional period between youth and maturity), dependence (the state of being

-ian: one who is or does

comedian (one who creates comedy), politician (one who seeks or holds a polit-
ical office)

-ion: act or process; state or condition

detection (the act of detecting), election (the act or power of electing)

-ism: act, practice, or process; state or doctrine of

feminism (belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes),
materialism (the belief that the acquisition of material possessions is the
highest good)

-ist: one who performs, makes, produces, believes, etc.

dentist (one who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry), pianist (one who
plays the piano)

-ity: quality, state, or degree

equality (the state or quality of being equal), fidelity (the quality of being

-sis: process or action

diagnosis (the process of identifying the nature or cause of a disease or injury),
paralysis (loss of sensation or ability to move or function)

-ure: act, process, function

enclosure (an area or thing that is enclosed), failure (something that has failed
to perform as expected or requested).
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You may try to save time by memorizing a difficult vocabulary word for each prefix
or suffix. However, you can quickly and accurately learn the most common prefixes
and suffixes by remembering examples of words you already know, such as coop-
erate and dismiss. Because the words are already so familiar to you, you don’t have
to worry about forgetting their meaning and you will be able to recall them easily
even while under the pressure of an exam.

◗ Adjective Suffixes
-able, -ible: capable or worthy of; tending or liable to
dependable (worthy of being depended on, trustworthy), incredible (not credi-
ble; unable to be believed, improbable)

-al, -ial, -ical: having the quality of, relating to, or characterized by
practical (of or relating to practice or action; useful), ethical (of or relating to
ethics or morals)

-an, -ian: related to, characteristic of

humanitarian (relating to, or characteristic of a humanitarian), vegetarian
(relating to vegetarianism)

-ic: pertaining or relating to, having the quality of

dramatic (of or relating to drama, theatrical), realistic (of or relating to the rep-
resentation of things as they really are)

-ile: having the qualities of

fragile (easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail), servile (pertaining to or
befitting a slave; abjectly submissive, slavish)

-ish: having the character of

childish (characteristic of, pertaining to, or resembling a child), foolish (devoid
of good sense or judgment; exhibiting folly, in the manner of a fool)
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-ive: performing or tending towards (an action); having the nature of

cooperative (marked by a willingness to cooperate; done with or working with
others for a common purpose), defensive (serving to defend or protect)

-ous, -ose: full of, having the quality of, relating to

glorious (having or deserving glory, famous), nauseous (causing nausea, sickening)

◗ Verb Suffixes

-ate: to make, cause to be or become

deteriorate (to make worse, impair; to make inferior in quality or character),
irritate (to cause annoyance or disturbance in; to make impatient, angry,

-ify, -fy: to make, form into

beautify (to make beautiful), specify (to state explicitly or in detail)

-ize: to cause to be or become, to bring about

colonize (to establish a colony), democratize (to make or become democratic)


A good knowledge of prefixes and suffixes is an invaluable asset when you are build-
ing your vocabulary and studying for the TOEFL iBT. Here are some specific tips
and strategies to use as you develop this skill and prepare for your test.

● Take the time to memorize the most common prefixes and suffixes. By
memorizing these essential word parts, you will be able to learn new words
more quickly and better determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
● Use words that you are very familiar with as examples when you study pre-
fixes and suffixes. The more familiar the word is to you (e.g., cooperate), the
easier it will be for you to remember the meaning of the prefix or suffix.
● Remember that you use prefixes and suffixes every day, all the time. Do not
feel intimidated by the long lists in this chapter or in Appendix B. You
already know much of this material.
● Remember that prefixes and suffixes alone do not create meaning; rather,
they change or add to the meaning of the root word. Use as many
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vocabulary skills as you can to determine meaning, including prefixes and

suffixes, word roots (covered in the next chapter), and context.
● Allow for exceptions. Although most words ending in -ist are nouns defin-
ing a kind of person (one who does), not every -ist word is only a noun. Elit-
ist is an example of an adjective with this ending. Check prefixes, word
roots, and context if possible to confirm meaning.
● Use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to eliminate incorrect answers.
The more you narrow down your choices, the better your chances of choos-
ing the correct answer.
● Once you have narrowed down your answer choices, determine the part of
speech of each remaining choice. Does it match the part of speech of the
definition according to the suffix?
● If you know the prefix or suffix but still aren’t sure of a word’s meaning, try
to recall another word with a similar root. Plug in that meaning with the
prefix or suffix and see if it makes sense.


Directions: Choose the best answer to each question using your knowledge of pre-
fixes and suffixes. Circle your choices or write your answers on a separate piece of
paper. Then compare your selections to the correct answers at the end of the chapter.

1. Antecedent means
a. fighting against.
b. looking after.
c. coming before.
d. under the authority of.

2. Multifaceted means
a. two-faced.
b. many sided.
c. uniform.
d. cut into parts.

3. Circumspect means
a. relating to the circus.
b. to examine thoroughly.
c. put forth in writing.
d. looking around carefully.
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4. Consensus means
a. general agreement by a group.
b. an individual opinion.
c. a counting of individuals.
d. to issue a warning.

5. Supercilious means
a. less than the norm, disappointing.
b. exactly as expected.
c. speaking in a measured, exact tone.
d. haughty, with an air of superiority.

6. To presage means
a. to warn in advance.
b. to send a message.
c. to pressure.
d. to age gracefully.

7. Dubious means
a. one who doubts, a nonbeliever.
b. to doubt or question.
c. doubtful, questionable.
d. to be uncertain.

8. Agrarian means
a. incapable of making a decision.
b. to cultivate.
c. to be out of date.
d. relating to land or land ownership.

9. Parity means
a. to make equal in status, amount, or degree.
b. the state of being equal in status, amount, or degree.
c. one who is equal in status, amount, or degree.
d. the act of making someone or something equal in status, amount, or
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10. Galvanize means

a. to be active or aware.
b. the state of becoming active or aware.
c. one who becomes active or aware.
d. to cause to become active or aware.

11. Nonchalant means

a. challenging.
b. done with the intent of harming another.
c. not showing anxiety or excitement; indifferent.
d. reversing a previous opinion or decision.


How did you do on remembering prefixes and suffixes? Check your answers here, and
then analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering these topics.

1. c. The prefix ante- means before. Antecedent means that which precedes; the
thing, circumstance, or event that came before.
2. b. The prefix multi- means many. Multifaceted means having many facets or
aspects; complex.
3. d. The prefix circum- means around, on all sides. Circumspect means cau-
tious, wary, watchful.
4. a. The prefix con- means with, together. Consensus means general agreement
or accord; an opinion or position reached by a group.
5. d. The prefix super- means above, over, or exceeding. Supercilious means with
an air of superiority (as if one is above or better than another); haughty,
scornful, disdainful.
6. a. The prefix pre- means before. To presage means to indicate or warn of in
advance; to predict, foretell.
7. c. The adjective suffix -ous means having the quality of, relating to. Dubious
means doubtful, questionable; fraught with uncertainty, wavering.
8. d. The adjective suffix -ian means related to. Agrarian means relating to or
concerning land and its ownership or cultivation.
9. b. The noun suffix -ity means state of being. Parity means having equality
in status, amount, value or degree; equivalence.
10. d. The verb suffix -ize means to cause, to bring about. To galvanize means
to stimulate or rouse into awareness or action.
11. c. The prefix non- means not. Nonchalant means indifferent or cool, not
showing anxiety or excitement.
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Word Roots

P refixes and suffixes attach to word roots—the base parts of words that
typically convey the bulk of their meaning. The more word roots you know,
the more you will be able to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and the
better you will understand words you already know. This chapter examines some
common Latin and Greek word roots.
Just as many Americans have their roots in other countries, so, too, do many of
the words in the English language. In fact, most English words have been borrowed
from other languages throughout the centuries, and English is composed largely of
words built upon root words from other cultures. The two most important cate-
gories of roots to learn are Latin and Greek roots because so many English words
are built upon Latin and Greek word bases. For example, manual and manufacture
share the Latin root man, meaning hand; anonymous and synonym share the Greek
root nom/nym, meaning name.
Needless to say, the more roots you know, the stronger your vocabulary will be.
As you break down unfamiliar words into their parts, you will be more likely to rec-
ognize the roots and therefore more accurately determine meaning. You will also
have a better understanding of the words you already know.
Just as you can better understand a person by learning about that person’s past,
you can also better understand words and more effectively build your vocabulary
by learning about the history of words. The study of word origins and development
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is called etymology. When you break down a word and identify a root word from
another language, you are tracing the etymology or history of that word.

etymology: the history of a word, the study of its origin and development

Many words have a rich history, and a detailed etymological study will show you
not only where a word comes from but also how its meaning has changed over time.
For now, however, the focus of this chapter remains on learning some of the most
common roots so that you can better determine meaning and succeed on the

Don’t let the spelling of this word scare you! Mnemonics is a simple concept.
Meaning “memory aid,” mnemonics can be handy for helping you remember a
word’s root word, meaning, or spelling. The idea behind mnemonics is that peo-
ple remember best when more than one function of the brain is used to process
Simple mnemonics can be created from rhymes, tunes, or acronyms (words that
are made up of the first letters of a group of words or phrases. For example, the
acronym Roy G. Biv is a mnemonic used when learning the colors of the spectrum
(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Mental pictures and stories are also
useful mnemonics.
Use mnemonic devices to remember the meaning of word roots. For example,
you can use the following sentences to remember these roots:

Root Meaning Sentence

nomen name My name is Nom.

herb plants My mother plants herbs in her garden.

graph write He will write the information on a graph.

pan all All the eggs are in the pan.

phil love Phil loves to help others.

Here’s a trick to remember the difference between hetero (different) and homo
(same): homo has the same number of letters as same.
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Here are some tips on creating mnemonics that will be easy to remember and,
therefore, useful:

• Use rhymes, rhythmic patterns, or tunes.

• Try humorous or odd sayings that will stick in your mind.
• Exaggerate features or images to make them vivid.
• Make your mnemonics personally meaningful.

On occasion, Latin and Greek roots are themselves words. The Latin roots err
and pug, for example, mean to make a mistake and a boxer, respectively. But most
of the time, roots are the base to which prefixes and suffixes (and sometimes other
roots) are attached to create a rich variety of meaning. Look at the etymology of the
word homogeneous:

homo: Greek root meaning same

gen: Latin root meaning birth, kind
ous: suffix meaning having the quality of, related to

Thus, homogeneous (also spelled homogenous) means of the same or similar nature
or kind; having a uniform structure or composition throughout.
Now, take the Latin root ced/ceed/cess, meaning to go, yield, stop. Notice how
many different words can be created by adding different prefixes and suffixes to this
root and how the different prefixes and suffixes change meaning.

antecedent: that which precedes or comes before

cessation: a stopping, a bringing to an end
concede: to acknowledge or admit as true, proper, etc. (often with reluctance);
to yield, surrender
concession: the act of conceding or yielding; a thing yielded, an acknowl-
edgement or admission
exceed: to extend beyond or outside of; surpass
precede: to come or go before in time, place, rank, or importance
predecessor: one who precedes or comes before another in time (as in hold-
ing an office or position)
proceed: to go forward or onward, especially after an interruption; move on,
procedure: the act or manner of proceeding; a course of action or conduct;
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Now, try determining what the word recede means:

a. to go forward blindly
b. to stop or abandon before completion
c. to move or go back, retreat
d. to go together with others

Remember your prefixes from Chapter 3. Re- means back, again; ced means to go,
yield, stop. Recede means c, to move back, withdraw, retreat. Now add the noun suf-
fix -sion, meaning the act or state of, and you get:

➥ recession: the act of withdrawing or going back

With your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, you can also answer the following

➥ Incessant means
a. yielding readily under pressure.
b. not stopping, continuing without interruption.
c. to move or go below the surface, subliminal.
d. going between, through, or among; not direct.

The correct answer is b. The prefix in- means not; cess means to go, stop, or yield;
and the suffix -ant means being in a state or condition of; performing or causing an
action. Thus, incessant means continuing without interruption; ceaseless, continuous.
Here are several words formed from another Latin root, plac, meaning to please.
Again, notice the rich variety of meaning created by adding different prefixes and
suffixes to the root word.

placate: to appease, pacify; to allay the anger of, especially by making concessions
implacable: incapable of being placated or appeased; inexorable
placid: calm and peaceful; free from disturbance or tumult
complacent: contented to a fault; self-satisfied, unconcerned
placebo: an inactive, harmless substance of no medicinal value given to
patients to reassure them or to members of a control group in experiments
testing the efficacy of a drug
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For many people, especially visual learners, the best way to memorize words is to
create a picture in the mind associated with that word. For example, to remember
the root pug, you might picture a pug dog in a boxing ring, or a boxer with a pug
nose. Similarly, you might picture a stop sign with the root ced written on it instead
of stop, or a yield sign with cess instead of yield. You could also picture a traffic light
for the root ced/ceed/cess, because the colors of the traffic light correspond with
the three meanings of this root: go, stop, yield. If you are a visual learner, again, use
pictures to help you remember words. To remember that eu means good or well,
you can picture the letters EU on a well.
If you are an auditory learner, you can come up with rhymes or short sentences
to help you remember root meanings. For example, you could try one of these sen-
tences for the root am, meaning love:

I am love.
I love Amy.
I love ham.

Many different words can be built from a single root. For example, look at the
number of words and the rich variety of meaning that comes from the Greek root
chron, meaning time.

chronic: continuing for a long time; on-going, habitual; long-lasting or recur-

chronology: the arrangement of events in time; the sequence in which events
chronicle: a detailed record or narrative description of past events; to record
in chronological order, make a historical record
chronological: relating to chronology; arranged in order of time of occurrence
chronometer: an exceptionally accurate clock; a precise instrument for meas-
uring time
synchronize: to cause to occur at the same time or agree in time; to occur at
the same time, be simultaneous

By changing the suffix of synchronize, we can create even more words. For exam-
ple, we can turn it into the noun synchronicity, which is the state or fact of being syn-
chronous, an adjective that means occurring or existing at the same time.
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What follows is a list of some of the most common Latin and Greek word roots.
Review the list carefully, taking note of the examples, which once again are mostly
everyday words. A more comprehensive list of the most common Latin and Greek
word roots is located in Appendix B. After you have completed this lesson, make
sure you review the list carefully and study any roots that are unfamiliar to you.


ac, acr: sharp, bitter

acid (something that is sharp, sour, or ill natured), acute (extremely sharp or
severe; keenly perceptive)

am: love
amorous (inclined to love; romantic, affectionate), enamored (inflamed or
inspired by love; captivated)

bel: war
antebellum (before the war, especially the American Civil War), rebel (to resist
or defy authority)

cast, chast: cut

caste (a social class separated from others by hereditary rank, profession, etc.),
chastise (to punish severely, as with a beating; to rebuke)

ced, ceed, cess: to go, yield, stop

antecedent (that which precedes), exceed (to extend beyond or outside of; surpass)

culp: blame
culprit (person accused or guilty of a crime), mea culpa (Latin, “my fault”)

dic, dict, dit: to say, tell, use words

dictate (to say or read aloud; to issue orders or commands), predict (to foretell,
make known in advance)

equ: equal, even

equate (to make or consider two things as equal), equidistant (equally distant)
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err: to wander
err (to make a mistake), error (a mistake; an incorrect or wrong action)

ferv: to boil, bubble, burn

fervid (very hot, burning; ardent, vehement), effervescent (bubbling up, as a car-
bonated liquid; high spirited, animated)

loc, log, loqu: word, speech

dialogue (a conversation between two or more people), neologism (a new word
or phrase)

luc, lum, lus: light

illuminate (to brighten with light; enlighten), translucent (almost transparent;
allowing light to pass through diffusely)

lug, lut, luv: to wash

dilute (to make thinner or weaker by adding a liquid such as water; to lessen
the force or purity of), pollute (to make impure or unclean; to make unfit or
harmful to living things)

mag, maj, max: big

magnify (to increase in size, volume or significance; to amplify), maximum (the
greatest possible quantity or degree)

man: hand
manual (operated by hand), manufacture (to make by hand or machinery)

min: to project, hang over

prominent (standing out, conspicuous; projecting or jutting beyond the line
or surface), eminent (towering above or more prominent that others; lofty,

nas, nat, nai: to be born

native (a person born in a particular country), innate (possessed at birth;
inborn, inherent)

nec, nic, noc, nox: harm, death

innocent (uncorrupted by evil; free from guilt; not dangerous or harmful),
obnoxious (offensive, hateful)
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omni: all
omnipresent (everywhere at once), omnipotent (all powerful)

plac: to please
placid (calm and peaceful), placate (to appease or pacify)

pon, pos, pound: to put, place

deposit (to put or set down; place), transpose (to reverse or transfer the order or
place of; interchange)

pug: to fight
pug (a boxer), repugnant (highly offensive or distasteful; hostile, disposed to

qui: quiet
quiet (making little or no noise; calm, still), tranquil (free from disturbance,
anxiety, or tension)

rog: to ask
interrogate (to examine by asking a series of questions), prerogative (an exclu-
sive privilege or right belonging to a person or group)

sci: to know
conscious (knowing and perceiving, aware), science (knowledge, especially that
gained through systematic study)

tac, tic: to be silent

tacit (not spoken; implied), taciturn (habitually untalkative, reserved)

ver: truth
verdict (the findings of a jury in a trial; decision or judgment), verify (to con-
firm the truth of)

vi: life
vivid (evoking lifelike images in the mind; true to life; bright, brilliant, dis-
tinct), vigorous (energetic, forceful, active, strong)

voc, vok: to call

vocal (of or pertaining to the voice; tending to express oneself often and freely,
outspoken), revoke (to cancel, call back, reverse, withdraw)
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Some TOEFL test questions ask you to find the synonym or antonym of a word. If
you are lucky, the word will be surrounded by a sentence that helps you guess what
the word means (this is vocabulary in context), but the test question could list just
a synonym or antonym and four answer choices. In this case, you have to figure out
what the word means without any help from context clues. Questions that ask for
synonyms and antonyms can be difficult because they require you to have a rela-
tively large vocabulary. Not only do you need to know the word in question, but you
may be faced with four choices that are unfamiliar to you, too.
Usually the best strategy is to look at the structure of the word. See if a part of
the word—the root—looks familiar. Often you will be able to determine the meaning
of a word within the root. For instance, the root of credible is cred, which means to
trust or believe. Knowing this, you will be able to understand the meaning of incred-
ible, sacred, and credit. Looking for related words that have the same root as the
word in question can help you choose the correct answer—even if it is by process
of elimination.
Another way to dissect meaning is to look for prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes
come before the word root, and suffixes are found at the end of a word. Either of
these elements can carry meaning or change the use of a word in a sentence. For
instance, the prefix can change the meaning of a root word to its opposite: neces-
sary, unnecessary.
A suffix like -less can change the meaning of a noun: pain to painless. To iden-
tify most word parts—word root, prefix, or suffix—the best strategy is to think of
words you already know that carry the same root, suffix, or prefix. Let what you
know about those words help you find the meaning of words that are less familiar.
Antonym questions can be problematic because you can easily forget that you
are looking for opposites and mistakenly choose the synonym. Very often, syn-
onyms will be included as answer choices for antonym questions. The secret is to
keep your mind on the fact that you are looking for the opposite of the word given
in the question. If you are completing practice exercises like those in this book, cir-
cle the word antonym or opposite in the directions to help you remember.
Otherwise, the same tactics that work for synonym questions work for antonyms
as well. Try to determine the meaning of part of the word, or try to remember a con-
text where you have seen the word before.
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anthro, andro: man, human

android (a very humanlike machine or robot, especially one made of biologi-
cal materials), anthropology (the social science that studies the origins and
social relationships of human beings)

arch, archi, archy: chief, principal, ruler

architect (one who plans or devises; one who creates plans for buildings),
monarchy (a state ruled by a monarch—a sole and absolute ruler, such as a

auto: self
automatic (operating without external influence or control; having inherent
power of action or motion), autopsy (examination of a dead body to deter-
mine cause of death; seeing with one’s own eyes)

card, cord, cour: heart

cardiac (of or relating to the heart), encourage (to inspire with hope, courage,
or confidence; to give support, hearten)

chron: time
chronic (continuing for a long time; ongoing, habitual; long-lasting or recur-
rent), chronology (the arrangement of events in time; the sequence in which
events occurred)

cli, clin: to lean toward, bend

incline (to lean, slant, slope, or cause to do so; to have a tendency or disposi-
tion toward something), recline (to lie back or down)

cryp: hidden
crypt (an underground vault or chamber, especially one used as a burial place),
cryptography (secret writing; the process or skill of communicating in or
deciphering coded messages)

dem: people
democracy (government by the people through elected representatives), epidemic
(a widespread outbreak of a disease affecting many people at the same time)
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di, dia: apart, through

diameter (a straight line passing through the center of a circle; thickness,
width), digress (to turn aside, deviate, or swerve; to stray from the main sub-
ject in writing or speaking)

dog, dox: opinion

dogged (stubbornly unyielding, obstinate), dogma (a system of principles or
beliefs, a prescribed doctrine)

dys: faulty, abnormal

dysfunctional (impaired or abnormal in function), dyslexia (an impaired ability
to read)

eu: good, well

eulogy (a verbal or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has
died), euthanasia (the act of painlessly ending the life of someone suffering
from a terminal illness)

(h)etero: different, other

heterosexual (a person sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex), het-
erodox (disagreeing with or departing from accepted beliefs)

(h)omo: same
homogeneous (of the same or similar nature or kind; having a uniform structure
or composition throughout), homophone (a word that sounds the same as
another but has a different meaning)

hyper: over, excessive

hyperactive (highly or excessively active), hyperventilate (to breathe excessively
and abnormally fast)

morph: shape
metamorphosis (a transformation, a marked change of form, character, or func-
tion), polymorphous (having or assuming a variety of forms)

nom, nym: name

nominate (to name as a candidate), synonym (a word having the same or nearly
the same meaning as another)
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pan: all, everyone

panorama (a complete view in every direction), pantheon (a temple dedicated to
all the gods; all the gods of a people or region)

pas, pat, path: feeling, suffering, disease

compassion (deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering), sympathy
(sharing another person’s feelings; feeling pity or tenderness toward
another’s pain or suffering; harmony, agreement between two people)

ped: education, child

encyclopedia (a comprehensive reference work on a wide range of subjects), pedi-
atrician (a physician specializing in the care of infants and children)

peri: around
perimeter (the outer limits or boundary of an area), periscope (an optical instru-
ment that provides a view of an otherwise obstructed field)

phil: love
bibliophile (a lover of books), philosophy (love and pursuit of wisdom; a system-
atic investigation of questions about knowledge, existence, and ethics)

phone: sound
phonics (a method of teaching reading by training beginners to associate letters
with their sound values), symphony (a long and complex sonata for an
orchestra; a large orchestra)

theo: god, religion

atheist (one who denies the existence of a god or supreme being), theology (the
study of god(s) and religion)

When working on your vocabulary, remember to focus first on roots, prefixes,

and suffixes. You will be surprised to see how quickly learning these will increase
the size of your vocabulary.

Not everyone “sees” words in the same way. You might, for example, respond to a
visual clue in a word, or you might instead hear a familiar sound in that word.
Another person reading that same word might recognize a structural clue in the
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word; for instance, she might grasp its meaning by associating the word’s prefix
with that same prefix on another word she knows. The bottom line is that because
you can’t be sure which strategy will work for you or when, try them all!


Need more help memorizing word roots? Use the power of association. A rebel,
for example, fights in a war; the meaning of the root bel is war. The acute pain you
felt in your ankle when you sprained it was very sharp; the root ac means sharp,
Similarly, as you are learning roots and trying to determine the meaning of
unfamiliar words, especially on an exam like the TOEFL iBT, think of other words
that sound like they might share a root word. For example, if you don’t know the
meaning of amiable but you do know what enamored means, you can at least deter-
mine that amiable is probably a positive thing and that it probably has something
to do with love or friendship.
Now you have the tools to really break down words and work out their mean-
ings. By memorizing common prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, you will be able to
accurately guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words, and this will both dra-
matically expand your vocabulary and significantly improve your score on the

Remember to use word parts to help you determine and remember meaning.
For example, fervent has the root ferv, which means to boil, bubble, burn. The
prefix im- in impervious means not, and this tells you that impervious means not


Many words in the English language come from Latin or Greek word roots. Here
again are some specific strategies for using your knowledge of word roots to build
your vocabulary and improve your vocabulary skills. When you are faced with an
unfamiliar word in your reading or on an exam, your best strategy is to break it
down into its parts and look for a familiar word root. Here are some specific strate-
gies for sharpening this skill and using it in a test situation.
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● Take the time to memorize as many Latin and Greek roots as you can. By
memorizing these word bases, you will be able to learn new words more
quickly and better determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
● Use words that you are very familiar with as examples when you study word
roots. The more familiar the word is to you (e.g., predict, equate), the easier
it will be for you to remember the meaning of the root word. Or use words
that create a vivid picture in your imagination.
● Remember that you use common word roots every day, often without real-
izing it. Do not feel intimidated by the long lists in this chapter or in
Appendix B. You already know much of this material.
● Remember that word roots work with prefixes and suffixes—and sometimes
other root words—to create meaning. Look at all parts of the word and the
context, if possible, to determine meaning.
● Remember the power of elimination on an exam. Use your knowledge of
word roots to eliminate incorrect answers. The more you narrow down
your choices, the better your chances of choosing the correct answer.
● Use the power of association. If you don’t know or can’t remember the root
word, try to recall the meaning of another word with a similar root.


For each question, use the word root to determine the meaning of the italicized
word. Circle your choices or write your answers on a separate piece of paper. Then
compare your selections to the correct answers at the end or the chapter.

1. An amiable person is
a. talkative, loud.
b. truthful, honest.
c. highly educated.
d. friendly, good natured.

2. A lucid argument
a. is very clear and intelligible.
b. is loosely held together, tenuous.
c. frequently digresses.
d. errs repeatedly in its logic.
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3. A complacent person
a. frequently makes mistakes, but does not accept responsibility.
b. likes to pick fights.
c. is contented to a fault, self-satisfied.
d. is known to tell lies, embellish the truth.

4. To exacerbate a problem means

a. to solve it.
b. to analyze it.
c. to lessen it.
d. to worsen it.

5. To measure the veracity of something is to measure its

a. value or worth.
b. truthfulness.
c. weight.
d. circumference.

6. Something that is eloquent is

a. dull, trite, hackneyed.
b. expressed in a powerful and effective manner.
c. very old, antiquated.
d. not fit for consumption, inedible.

7. To indict someone is to
a. pick a fight with that person.
b. stop or block that person from doing something.
c. harm that person.
d. charge that person with a crime.

8. A quiescent place is
a. very isolated.
b. tumultuous, chaotic.
c. harmful, dangerous.
d. still, at rest.
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9. A noxious odor is
a. harmful.
b. unscented.
c. tantalizing.
d. refreshing.

10. A person with equanimity

a. has a violent temper.
b. is very stubborn.
c. enjoys the company of others.
d. is even-tempered and composed.


How did you do on identifying word roots? Check your answers here, and then
analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this topic.

1. d. The root am means love. Amiable means friendly and agreeable; good
natured, likeable, pleasing.
2. a. The root luc/lum/lus means light. Lucid means very clear, easy to under-
stand, intelligible.
3. c. The root plac means to please. Complacent means contented to a fault;
self-satisfied (pleased with oneself).
4. d. The root ac means sharp, bitter. To exacerbate means to make worse; to
increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of.
5. b. The root ver means truth. Veracity means truth, truthfulness.
6. b. The root loc/log/loqu means word, speech. Eloquent means expressed in a
powerful, fluent, and persuasive manner.
7. d. The root dic/dict/dit means to say, tell, use words. To indict means to for-
mally accuse of or charge with a crime.
8. d. The root qui means quiet. Quiescent means inactive, quiet, at rest.
9. a. The root nec/nic/noc/nox means harm, death. Noxious means unpleasant
and harmful, unwholesome.
10. d. The root equ means equal, even. Equanimity means calmness of tempera-
ment, even-temperedness; patience and composure, especially under stress.
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Commonly Confused

D o you know when nail means something used with a hammer and when
it means a part of your finger? When to use ensure instead of assure? Incred-
ulous instead of incredible? Using the right word can make the difference between
confusion and clarity—and have a huge impact on your TOEFL iBT score. This
chapter reviews commonly confused words that you might encounter on your
One thing to watch for are words that sound the same and may look alike but
mean different things. They are called homonyms. For example, the word sea-
son has several meanings:

➥ a part of the year (n): spring, summer, fall, or winter

➥ to flavor food (v): I will season the sauce with some curry.
➥ to make experienced (v): Several months touring with a jazz band will sea-
son a young trumpet player because every night, he will learn something new about
his craft.

The term homonym comes from Greek roots meaning:

homo (same)
nym (name)
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A specific type of homonyms are called homographs—words that look alike but
that sound different and mean different things. Notice that the different sound in
these words can come from the accent, or stress, on one part of the word. For exam-
ple, conduct has two distinct meanings and pronunciations:

➥ kun-DUKT (v) means to lead or direct. I will conduct the orchestra for the
last song.
➥ KON-dukt (n) means behavior. His conduct in school was terrible.

Another type of homonyms are pronounced the same way, but have different
spellings and meanings. The term for these words, homophone, is exactly what its
two Greek roots suggest:

homo (same)
phone (sound)

It is a word that sounds the same as another but has a different meaning. Night
and knight, for example, are homophones, as are slay and sleigh, great and grate, and
bear and bare. There are dozens of homophones, many of which you may already
know, while others that you may still find confusing. If so, this chapter will help you
get them straight.

homonyms: a group of words that share the same spelling or pronunciation (or
both) but have different meanings

Standardized tests, like TOEFL iBT, will often test you on the correct homonym
for a given context—whether you should use whether or weather in a sentence, for
example, or piece or peace. It is very important to know your homonyms and use
them correctly. Otherwise, you may confuse your readers with sentences that are
at best incorrect and at worst unintelligible. So take some time to review the fol-
lowing list of frequently confused words carefully.
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The following table lists some of the most frequently confused word pairs along
with a brief definition of each word.


accept to recognize
except excluding

access (verb) to gain entry to

access (noun) means of approaching
excess extra

adapt to adjust
adopt to take as one’s own

affect to influence
effect (noun) result
effect (verb) to bring about

all ready totally prepared

already by this time

all ways every method

always forever

among in the middle of several

between in an interval separating (two)

assure to make certain (assure someone)

ensure to make certain (to check for yourself)
insure to make certain (financial value)

beside next to
besides in addition to

bibliography list of writings

biography a life story
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breath (noun) respiration

breathe (verb) to inhale and exhale
breadth width

capital (noun) money

capital (adjective) most important
capitol government building

complement (noun, verb) match

compliment (noun, verb) praise

disinterested no strong opinion either way

uninterested unengaged; having no interest in

envelop to surround
envelope paper wrapping for a letter

farther beyond
further additional

immigrate to enter a new country

emigrate to leave a country

imply to hint, suggest

infer to assume, deduce

its belonging to it
it’s it is

loose not tight

lose unable to find

may be something may possibly be

maybe perhaps

overdo to do too much

overdue late
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personal individual
personnel employees

precede to go before
proceed to continue
proceeds profits

principal (adjective) main

principal (noun) person in charge; sum of interest-earning money
principle standard

stationary still, not moving

stationery writing material

than in contrast to
then next in time

their belonging to them

there in a place
they’re they are

weather climate
whether if

who substitute for he, she, or they

whom substitute for him, her, or them
whose belonging to whom
who’s who is

your belonging to you

you’re you are
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Another important reason to review homonyms like team/teem and waive/wave is

to avoid a “trap” sometimes set by the test developers. That is, you might encounter
questions that use the definition of a familiar homonym as a distracter. Here’s an

To waive means
a. to signal with an up and down or back and forth movement.
b. to return to the original starting point.
c. to relinquish a right or claim.
d. to swell up or rise to the surface.

The correct answer is c. Waive means to give up (a right or claim) voluntarily,

relinquish; to refrain from enforcing or insisting upon (a rule, penalty, standard pro-
cedure, etc.). If you don’t know the meaning of waive, however, you might be
tempted to choose a, which is the definition of its homophone wave, or d, which is
related to the definition of a wave. These answer choices are tempting because they
sound familiar. You need to be able to recognize the familiar homophone and recall
its definition.
Not all commonly confused words are homonyms. Take disinterested and unin-
terested as an example. They don’t sound the same because they have very distinct
prefixes. But the prefixes are attached to the same root, and the prefixes seem to
have essentially the same meaning: dis- means away from, apart, reversal, not; un-
means not, against. Thus many people assume that both words mean the same
thing: not interested. However, only uninterested has this meaning. Disinterested
means impartial or unbiased, free of selfish motives or interests—a different word
Some commonly confused words are particularly puzzling because the words not
only sound similar, but they also have similar meanings. Take the homophones cue
and queue, for example. Both mean a line of waiting people or vehicles, although
queue is used far more often than cue for this meaning. However, cue also means a
signal, such as a word or action, given to prompt or remind someone of
something—and this is its most common usage. And queue can also mean an
ordered list of tasks to be performed or sequence of programs awaiting processing
on a computer.
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These verbs confuse even native speakers of English. To keep them straight, think
about which verb in a pair needs an object (a noun or pronoun that’s acted on by
a verb). Practice using these verbs in context and you will become more comfort-
able with them.

Lie Lay
Lie means to rest, to recline. Lay means to place, to set down.
(subject) (needs an object)
past tense: lay, had lain I always lay my purse on the table.
Don’t just lie there, do something!

Sit Set
Sit means to rest. Set means to put or place.
(subject) (needs an object)
She always sits in the third row. He set the newspaper on the desk.

Rise Raise
Rise means to go up. Raise means to move something up.
(subject) (needs an object)
After it is filled with helium, the The state is raising taxes this year.
balloon rises.

You already know many homophones and commonly confused words inside and
out. The ones you don’t know, you simply need to memorize. The question is, how
do you remember these differences in meaning, especially when the words seem so
much alike? The key is to capitalize on the differences in the words. And when it
comes to frequently confused words, mnemonic devices come in especially handy.
Take the commonly confused pair ingenious and ingenuous, for example:

➥ ingenious: marked by inventive skill or creativity; showing inventiveness

and skill, remarkably clever
➥ ingenuous: 1. not cunning or deceitful, unable to mask feelings; artless,
frank, sincere. 2. lacking sophistication or worldliness

The only difference in the spelling of these words is the i/u. You can use this dif-
ference to remember key words in the definition of each word.
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➥ ingenious: inventive
➥ ingenuous: unable to mask feelings

Similarly, the difference between disinterested and uninterested is the prefix. Use
this to help you remember the meaning: a disinterested person is distanced from the
situation and is therefore impartial.
Here is a list of more commonly confused word sets that include important
vocabulary words for your TOEFL iBT test preparation.

allude (ă·'lood) v. to make an indirect reference to

elude (i·'lood) v. 1. to escape from or evade, especially by cleverness, daring,
or skill. 2. to be incomprehensible to, escape the understanding of

appraise (ă·'prayz) v. 1. to evaluate. 2. to establish value or estimate the worth of

apprise (ă·'pr¯z) v. to give notice or information to; to make aware of, inform

ascent (ă·'sent) n. 1. an upward slope. 2. a movement upward, advancement

assent (ă·'sent) n. agreement; concurrence; consent

censor ('sen·sŏr) v. to forbid the publication, distribution, or other public dis-

semination of something because it is considered obscene or otherwise polit-
ically or morally unacceptable. n. an official who reviews books, films, etc.
to remove what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable
censure ('sen·shŭr) n. expression of strong criticism or disapproval; a rebuke
or condemnation. v. to criticize strongly, rebuke, condemn
sensor ('sen·sŏr) n. a device that receives and responds to a stimulus such as
light, smoke, etc.

cue (kyoo) n. 1. a signal, such as a word or action, given to prompt or remind

someone of something; a hint or suggestion. 2. a line of waiting people or
vehicles; a queue
queue (kyoo) n. 1. a line of waiting people or vehicles. 2. (in information pro-
cessing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or sequence of programs
awaiting processing
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decent ('dee·sĕnt) adj. 1. conforming to what is socially or morally suitable or

correct. 2. meeting acceptable standards; sufficient, adequate
descent (di·'sent) n. 1. the act of descending or moving downward; a down-
ward slope or movement. 2. hereditary derivation; lineage
dissent (di·'sent) v. 1. to differ in opinion, disagree. 2. to withhold approval
or assent. n. 1. a difference of opinion. 2. nonconformity

deprecate ('dep·rĕ·kayt) v. to express disapproval of; to belittle, depreciate

depreciate (di·'pree·shi·ayt) v. 1. to diminish in price or value; to lessen the
worth of. 2. to think or speak of as being of little worth; to belittle

disburse (dis·'burs) v. to pay out

disperse (dis·'spurs) v. 1. to separate and scatter in different directions; to
cause to do so. 2. to distribute widely, disseminate

elicit (i·'lis·it) v. 1. to call forth or draw out; to provoke. 2. to deduce or derive

by reasoning
illicit (i·'lis·it) adj. illegal, forbidden by law; contrary to accepted morality or

eminent ('em·˘ ·nĕnt) adj. towering above or more prominent than others, lofty;
standing above others in quality, character, reputation, etc.; distinguished
imminent ('im·˘ ·nĕnt) adj. about to occur; impending
emanate ('em·ă·nayt) v. to come or issue forth, as from a source

extant ('ek·stănt) adj. still in existence; not extinct, destroyed or lost

extent (ik·'stent) n. the range, distance, or degree to which something reaches
or extends. 2. a wide and open space or area

fain (fayn) adv. with joy; gladly

feign (fayn) v. to pretend, to give the false appearance of

faux (foh) adj. artificial, fake; not genuine or real

foe (foh) n. an enemy, adversary, or opponent

hoard (hohrd) n. a hidden store or stock, cache. v. to collect and lay up; to
amass and store in secret
horde (hohrd) n. a large group or crowd; a vast multitude
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incredible (in·'kred·˘ ·bĕl) adj. 1. implausible, beyond belief. 2. astonishing

incredulous (in·'krej·ŭ·lŭs) adj. skeptical, unwilling to believe

ingenious (in·'jeen·yŭs) adj. marked by inventive skill or creativity; showing

inventiveness and skill, remarkably clever
ingenuous (in·'jen·yoo·ŭs) adj. 1. not cunning or deceitful, unable to mask
feelings; artless, frank, sincere. 2. lacking sophistication or worldliness

meddle ('med·ĕl) v. to intrude in other people’s affairs; interfere

mettle ('met·ĕl) n. courage, fortitude, spirit

peak (peek) v. to reach its highest point or maximum development, activity,

or intensity. n. 1. the sharp end of something tapering to a point. 2. the
pointed top of a mountain, summit. 3. the highest possible point of devel-
opment, activity, or intensity
peek (peek) v. to glance quickly or peer at furtively. n. a brief or furtive look.
pique (peek) v. 1. to cause annoyance or irritation; to vex or create resentment.
2. to provoke or arouse

persecute ('pur·sĕ·kyoot) v. to oppress, harass, or mistreat, especially because

of race, religious or political beliefs, or sexual orientation
prosecute ('pros·ĕ·kyoot) v. 1. to bring a criminal action against. 2. to carry
on, continue, practice

prescribe (pri·'skr¯b) v. 1. to issue commands, order something to be done;

dictate. 2. to order a medicine or other treatment
proscribe (proh·'skr¯b) v. to prohibit, forbid by law

raise (rayz) v. 1. to lift, make higher; put in an upright position 2. to increase

in size, quantity, intensity, degree, or strength. n. 1. the act of raising or
increasing. 2. an increase in salary
raze (rayz) v. 1. to level to the ground, demolish completely. 2. to erase,

team (teem) v. to join together so as to form a team. n. a group organized to

work together; a cooperative unit
teem (teem) v. to be full of; to be present in large numbers
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waive (wayv) v. 1. to give up (a right or claim) voluntarily, relinquish. 2. to

refrain from enforcing or insisting upon (a rule, penalty, standard proce-
dure, etc.); dispense with
wave (wayv) v. 1. to move up and down or back and forth; undulate. 2. to sig-
nal with an up and down or back and forth movement of the hand. n. 1. a
ridge or swell on the surface of a body of water. 2. a back-and-forth or up-
and-down movement, especially of the hand. 3. a surge, rush, or sudden
great rise


Homonyms and other frequently confused words can be particularly challenging,

especially when you have a limited amount of time to prepare for an exam. Here are
some specific tips and strategies to help you make the most of your study time.

● Spelling is often the key to distinguishing between commonly confused

words. Meddle, for example, differs from mettle only because it contains the
letter d instead of t. Use this key difference to help you remember the dif-
ference in meaning as well. For example, you might remember that meddle
with a d is something you don’t want to do unless you want to annoy others.
● Review, review, review. Use flash cards or other study strategies to review
these commonly confused words until you have them memorized. And then
review them again.
● Use these words. If you use these words in your everyday writing and con-
versations, you will remember which word has which meaning. Or teach
them to someone else. Teaching something to another person is one of the
most effective ways to master that material.
● Remember to make the most of your learning style. Use whatever study or
memorization techniques work best for you. For example, if you are a visual
learner, create pictures that will help you remember word meanings. If you
are an auditory learner, rhymes will be more effective.
● Pay attention to details, and use them to help you remember the words and
their meanings. The more carefully you read each definition and the closer
you look at the spelling of each word, the more likely you are to find a “key”
for you to remember the differences between them. For example, appraise
has the word praise in it. You can associate praise with a good evaluation, and
appraise means to evaluate.
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● Use your ears for the commonly confused words that aren’t homophones,
and use the difference in pronunciation to help you further differentiate
between the words.
● Don’t forget to use word parts to remember meaning. Both prescribe and
proscribe, for example, have the root scrib/script, meaning to write. Then you
can remember that proscribe is a (written) law that prohibits something.


Choose the correct word in the parenthesis to complete each sentence. Circle your
choices or write your answers on a separate piece of paper. Then compare your
selections to the correct answers at the end of the chapter.

1. Lilin (alluded/eluded) to problems with her boss, but she didn’t say anything

2. Xiu is coming this afternoon to determine the (extant/extent) of the problem.

3. The checks were (disbursed/dispersed) this morning.

4. Once again, Luna has come up with an (ingenious/ingenuous) solution to the


5. We will (waive/wave) the late fee because of your extenuating circumstances.

6. Please (precede/proceed) with caution through the construction zone.

7. Reina is in (eminent/imminent/emanate) danger and needs our help right


8. Jillian met with a lawyer to see if her landlord could be (persecuted/prosecuted)

for his negligence of her building.

9. It was a grueling six-hour (ascent/assent) from our camp to the top of the

10. Here is a list of the books the school librarian would like to
(censor/censure/sensor) because she feels they are inappropriate for children.
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How did you do on identifying the correct word? Check your answers here, and
then analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this topic.

1. alluded. To allude means to make an indirect reference to.

2. extent. Extent means the range, distance, or degree to which something
reaches or extends.
3. disbursed. To disburse means to pay out.
4. ingenious. Ingenious means marked by inventive skill or creativity; showing
inventiveness and skill, remarkably clever.
5. waive. To waive is to give up (a right or claim) voluntarily, relinquish; to
refrain from enforcing or insisting upon (a rule, penalty, standard proce-
dure, etc.).
6. proceed. To proceed means to go forward or onward, especially after an
interruption; move on, advance.
7. imminent. Imminent means about to occur, impending.
8. prosecuted. To prosecute is to bring a criminal action against someone.
9. ascent. An ascent is an upward slope; a movement upward, advancement.
10. censor. To censor is to forbid the publication, distribution, or other public
dissemination of something because it is considered obscene or otherwise
politically or morally unacceptable.
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Idioms and Vocabulary

S ometimes you will hear English expressions that sound familiar but are
hard to define outside of the context in which they are used. They’re called
idioms. Although they don’t always follow the general rules of word usage, they are
an integral part of any language and are important for you to know.
An idiom can sometimes mean one of a number of things, depending on how it’s
used within a sentence. In its simplest form, an idiom is an everyday term or expres-
sion whose meaning evolved over time as it was used in conversation and informal
writing. You will get a better idea of what idioms are by looking at these examples:

➥ I was tied up at the office until late last night.

➥ He was on the phone when I got to his house.
➥ The candidate’s spin doctors were on hand to offer comment on the

Taken literally, these sentences bring to mind peculiar pictures of people roped
to their office chairs, perched on top of telephones, or whirling through hospitals!
When you look at them in context, however, you know that the first means that
someone was delayed at work, the second, that a man was talking on the phone, and
the third, that there were people able to interpret a political office seeker’s actions
in a favorable light. All of these expressions are idioms.
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You are likely to encounter certain words on a college campus or in any post-high-
school program. Some of the words you’ll find in the world of academia, or the
world of education, might also appear on the TOEFL iBT. These include:

• tenure: protected employment for professors who have reached a certain

level of rank or experience. A related term is tenure track, which means that
the position carries with it the possibility of tenure.
• prerequisite: requirements needed before a promotion or the granting of a
job. In college, the word (sometimes shortened to prereq) refers to the course
or courses that you must take in order to qualify for an advanced course.
• semester: one of two terms in an academic year
• bursar: the financial officer of a college
• tuition: the cost of attending courses

On your own, try and locate the definitions of the following words, which are fre-
quently heard around campus.

syllabus transcript master’s degree

practicum core curriculum credit
alumni liberal arts sabbatical
registrar elective dormitory

You might want to use the Internet to locate these definitions, or even ask a uni-
versity representative.

The word idiom is from the Latin word idio, referring to the self. An idiosyncrasy,
for example, is a habit or custom peculiar to one’s self. An idiom is seen as any kind
of language use that has gained wide usage in that particular language. An idiom is
peculiar not to an individual person but to an individual culture’s use of language.
Here are some things to keep in mind about idioms:

➥ Idioms can be confused with clichés, colloquialisms, and slang.

• Clichés are overused phrases that have remained in the language for
a long time. “Pretty as a picture,” “right as rain,” and “selling like hot-
cakes” are examples of clichés. They are too well known to English
speakers. Through overuse, their impact is lessened.
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• Colloquialisms are expressions that may be appropriate in informal

speech but are incorrect in formal writing. The use of “should of” for
“should have” and “plan on going” instead of “planning to go” are
examples of colloquialisms.
• Slang is informal language that is often peculiar to a particular age or
occupational group. Examples of slang are “tellin’ it like it is” or
“What’s up?”
➥ Idiomatic phrases in English include hundreds of verbs paired with
smaller words (prepositions) that change the meaning of the verb. Watch-
ing out for (being alert to) something is different than watching over
(attending to) something. You might get up early one morning so you can
get away on a vacation to France, where you hope to get by with your high
school French so you can get along with the locals.
➥ All languages have their own idioms, which can make translation from one
language to another a bit difficult. Even different cultures that speak the
same language can have trouble understanding each other’s idioms. For
instance, people in the United Kingdom use idioms that are different from
those used in the United States. What people in the United States call an
“apartment building,” the British call a “block of flats.”

cliché: an overused word or phrase that has lost its impact in the language; it is a
French word used in English

Some idioms are derived from images rooted in experience; it makes sense that
cool heels would refer to excessive waiting because, presumably, hot heels result from
running hard. You could see that laughing off something would have to do with not
taking it very seriously.
Then there are idioms that have evolved over a long period of time and have no
particular logic or origin: for example, up to the job. Somewhere in between are
idioms whose meanings made sense once upon a time but are now lost. Spitting
image has nothing to do with saliva. It’s a corruption of “spit and image,” and spit
simply meant “exact likeness.”
Here are some idioms with their definitions.

give it a shot: try for the first time

watch out: be careful
take a stab at: attempt
laugh off: ignore with good humor
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hold off: delay

burnout: a point of physical or emotional exhaustion
fly off the handle: to get angry
life of the party: a person who makes things enjoyable for a group of people
cool his heels: wait a long time
be a wash: even out
spitting image: exact likeness
up to the job: capable of doing the work
by and large: as a general rule
give the slip to: escape
once in a blue moon: very seldom
keep your ears open: to stay attuned
all of a sudden: suddenly
boil down: summarize; amount
catch up: to complete something belatedly
drop off: deposit or deliver
find out: discover, learn
have on: wear
keep + -ing verb: continue without interruption
jump in: begin or enter eagerly
make up your mind: settle, decide
put off: to hold back to a later time
show up: arrive, appear
sleep on it: delay making a decision until the next day
take place: happen, occur
used to + verb: something accomplished in the past, but not in the present

All words have some point of origin. Words that gain sudden popularity in the lan-
guage often do so because they’ve grown out of a common new experience or
observation. Some of the ways new words are made include:

• shortening longer words—for example, from gymnasium to gym

• making up acronyms—such as snafu, which means “an error” and derives
from the phrase “situation normal, all fouled up.”
• blending two words together—as in camcorder from camera and recorder
• adapting people’s names to ideas that are associated with them—for exam-
ple, Reaganomics, from Reagan and economics.
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Idioms and vocabulary variations are likely to appear on standardized tests like
TOEFL iBT and occur regularly in newspaper articles, textbooks, and other day-
to-day communications. Here are some specific tips and strategies to use as you add
these words to your vocabulary and prepare for your exam.

● Use the context of the sentences provided with the definitions to help you
understand these words and memorize their meanings.
● Solidify these words and phrases in your memory by teaching them to
someone else.
● Pronounce these words each time you go over their meaning. The more
you hear how they sound, the more familiar they will feel to you, and the
easier it will be to remember them.
● Once again, use the power of mnemonic devices and associations to help
you remember meaning.


On the lines provided or on a separate piece of paper, indicate whether each of the
following expressions represents slang, a colloquialism, or a cliché. Then compare
your selection to the correct answers at the end of the chapter.

1. “She may of gone to the movies” is an example of __________.

2. “The car battery was dead as a doornail” is an example of __________.

3. Hang a right at the next corner” is an example of __________.

Answer yes or no to the following sentences, on the basis of your knowledge of

the idioms. Then compare your selection to the correct answers at the end of the

4. If you burn out at something, it means that you need the services of an
electrician. _____

5. If it happens once in a blue moon, it happens rarely. _____

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6. If you give the slip to someone, you hand over your undergarment. _____

7. You have to stand near a window if you are going to watch out for
something. _____

8. If you give something a shot, you are willing to try. _____


How did you do on identifying idioms and word variations? Check your answers
here, and then analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this

1. colloquialism
2. cliché
3. slang
4. no
5. yes
6. no
7. no
8. yes
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Practice Test 1
T he 80 questions in this practice test will help you assess your vocabulary
skills and the topics reviewed throughout this book.
Take your time when answering each question. (We suggest not timing yourself.)
Attempt to answer the questions without using a reference tool like a dictionary;
however, if you come across words that you are unsure of, make a list of these
words. After you complete the test, look up the definitions for the words on your
list. It might be a good idea to write down the definition beside the word.
When you are finished, check the answer key carefully to assess your results.
Then, you can determine how much time you need to spend to increase your
vocabulary power.

Directions: For questions 1 through 20, choose the word that best fills in the blank.

1. George developed an _____________ plan to earn the extra money he

needed to start his own business.
a. elitist
b. irrational
c. aloof
d. ingenious

2. We knew everything about the newest member of our group; she was very
a. expressive
b. secretive
c. reserved
d. artistic

3. I have always liked your positive attitude; it has _____________ affected our
working relationship.
a. adversely
b. shamelessly
c. candidly
d. favorably
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4. Dog-sitting for Buddy is easy to do; he is a _____________ and obedient

a. delectable
b. commonplace
c. meddlesome
d. docile

5. The directions to the new office were _____________, and I had no trouble
finding it in time for work.
a. priceless
b. arduous
c. explicit
d. embodied

6. If your drinking water is not _____________, it could cause serious health

a. valid
b. quenchable
c. impure
d. potable

7. The new board member said she would vote in favor of the proposed city
ordinance because it _____________ many of the points discussed earlier
this year.
a. encompassed
b. released
c. reminisced
d. dispersed

8. Rachel _____________ a plan to become a millionaire by age 30.

a. conformed
b. devised
c. decreased
d. condoned
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P R ACTI C E T E ST 1 83

9. Wanting to make a good impression, he found himself in a _____________

about the right tie to wear to the business meeting.
a. prestige
b. redundancy
c. quandary
d. deficit

10. Because Mark needed to pass the exam, he made studying a _____________
over watching his favorite television show.
a. priority
b. conformity
c. perplexity
d. concept

11. Hoping to win a prize for the best costume, Tim dressed _____________
with bright red suspenders and a purple tie.
a. eminently
b. virtuously
c. conspicuously
d. obscurely

12. Muhammad fell asleep during the movie because it had a very
_____________ plot.
a. monotonous
b. torrid
c. ample
d. vital

13. To get the promotion she wanted, she _____________ that it was best to go
back to school to get her master’s degree as soon as she could.
a. supposed
b. surmised
c. presumed
d. resolved
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14. The narrator’s description was an accurate _____________ of a true south-

ern family.
a. portrayal
b. council
c. disguise
d. reunion

15. Due to slippery road conditions and the slope of the narrow, winding high-
way, the car _____________ down the steep mountainous road.
a. dissented
b. ventilated
c. careened
d. agitated

16. The fire alarm _____________ beckoned the volunteer firefighters of the
small community to come to action.
a. approvingly
b. significantly
c. symbolically
d. audibly

17. After running an early 5K race, Simone _____________ devoured a hearty

a. dynamically
b. voraciously
c. generously
d. beneficially

18. The car rental company considered the scratches on the driver’s door to be
caused by a minor _____________.
a. mishap
b. attraction
c. reflex
d. duplicate
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19. The participants in the road rally agreed to _____________ near the village
commons at 5:00.
a. rendezvous
b. scatter
c. filibuster
d. disperse

20. Understanding the world economic conditions, the recent graduates spoke
_____________ about job prospects for the future.
a. warily
b. luxuriously
c. measurably
d. narrowly

Directions: For questions 21 through 45, choose the best definition for the word
in italics.

21. Aswad has such a caustic sense of humor that most people find his jokes
upsetting rather than humorous.
Caustic means
a. bitingly sarcastic.
b. relentlessly funny.
c. refreshingly honest.
d. original, cutting edge.

22. Sandra is truly an enigma; although she’s lived here for years and everyone
knows her, no one seems to know anything about who she is or where she
came from. Enigma means
a. stranger.
b. enemy.
c. newcomer.
d. mystery.

23. Exorbitant means

a. belonging to a group.
b. to orbit.
c. in a new location.
d. far beyond what is normal or reasonable; very high.
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24. Denunciation means

a. to denounce or openly condemn.
b. critical, of or like a condemnation.
c. one who denounces or openly condemns another.
d. the act of denouncing or openly condemning.

25. Metamorphosis means

a. to transform.
b. one who has changed.
c. a transformation.
d. tending to change frequently.

26. To reconcile means

a. to reestablish a close relationship between.
b. to move away from.
c. to undermine.
d. to surpass, outdo.

27. Didactic means

a. a teacher or instructor.
b. intended to instruct, moralizing.
c. to preach, moralize.
d. the process of instructing.

28. Unilateral means

a. to multiply.
b. understated.
c. literal.
d. one-sided.

29. Subordinate means

a. under someone else’s authority or control.
b. organized according to rank, hierarchical.
c. something ordinary or average, without distinction.
d. repeated frequently to aid memorization.
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30. Incisive means

a. insight.
b. worthy of consideration.
c. penetrating, biting in nature.
d. to act forcefully.

31. Intermittent means

a. badly handled.
b. occurring at intervals between two times or points.
c. greatly varied.
d. a number between one and ten.

32. Miscreant means

a. someone who is unconventional.
b. someone who lacks creativity.
c. a very naïve person.
d. an evil person, villain.

33. Perennial means

a. lasting a very long time, constant.
b. one who plants a garden.
c. to establish contact.
d. the process of encoding a message.

34. Imperialism means

a. one who acquires items from other empires.
b. an empire built by acquiring other territories.
c. relating to the acquisition of territories.
d. the policy of extending an empire by acquiring other territories.

35. To abrogate is to
a. abolish, revoke.
b. fight, quarrel.
c. rest quietly.
d. know intimately.
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36. An acrimonious relationship is one that

a. has existed for a long time.
b. is extremely friendly.
c. exists only in the imagination.
d. is bitter or resentful.

37. A vicarious action is one that

a. is experienced through the life or action of another.
b. enables a guilty person to be set free.
c. surrenders the rights of others.
d. has a pleasing and lasting effect on others.

38. If there is amity between two nations, there is

a. war.
b. equality.
c. bitterness.
d. peace.

39. An edict is
a. a place to rest.
b. a place to stop.
c. the act of seeing or shining.
d. a formal proclamation or command.

40. A magnanimous person is

a. highly noble, generous.
b. extremely talkative.
c. given to wordy, rambling speech.
d. a wanderer, hobo.

41. To acquiesce is to
a. call attention to.
b. speak in a whisper.
c. mask the truth.
d. give in to, comply with another’s wishes.
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P R ACTI C E T E ST 1 89

42. A pugnacious person is best described as

a. nosy.
b. combative.
c. talented.
d. ruthless.

43. Something that is erratic

a. moves at a constant, steady pace.
b. is properly ordered; appropriate, in its proper place.
c. seems to be harmless but is actually very dangerous.
d. is unpredictable, meandering, straying from the norm.

44. To feel fervor is to feel

a. carefree, light-hearted.
b. burdened, as with guilt.
c. intense, fiery emotion.
d. calmness, peace.

45. A loquacious person

a. has good intentions, but often ends up doing things that end up hurting
b. tends to talk a great deal.
c. often has difficulty finding things.
d. tends to like everyone; is not discerning.

Directions: For questions 46 through 59, choose the correct word in the paren-
theses to complete the sentence.

46. The pond was (teaming/teeming) with tadpoles after the frog eggs hatched.

47. Anita’s (faux/foe) mink coat looked so real that a group of teenagers accused
her of cruelty to animals.

48. Jackson may act as if he is totally (disinterested/uninterested) in you, but

believe me, he is very anxious to learn more about you.

49. I am having the jewelry I inherited from my grandmother

(appraised/apprised) to find out how much it is worth.
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50. Helen entered the room right on (cue/queue).

51. You are sure to be (censored/censured/sensored) if you make such wild accusa-
tions about your colleagues.

52. I have always admired Don’s (meddle/mettle); he seems to be afraid of no

one and nothing.

53. A (hoard/horde) of angry parents attended the school board meeting and
demanded that the superintendent step down.

54. The documentary really (peaked/peeked/piqued) my interest in the Civil War.

55. With just a few hours to go before the big ceremony, Adele rushed around
(prescribing/proscribing) orders left and right.

56. Huang decided to (raise/raze) the stakes by increasing the reward.

57. Although Oscar’s story sounds (incredible/incredulous), I think he’s telling the

58. Jing-Mae gave her (ascent/assent) to the proposal, even though she did not
entirely agree with the plan.

59. This looks like a (decent/descent/dissent) restaurant; let’s eat here.

Directions: In questions 60 through 63, identify the correct synonym by looking

for word roots, prefixes, or suffixes. Choose the word that means the same or about
the same as the italicized word.

60. a partial report

a. identifiable
b. incomplete
c. visible
d. enhanced
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61. a substantial report

a. inconclusive
b. weighty
c. proven
d. alleged

62. corroborate the statement

a. confirm
b. negate
c. deny
d. challenge

63. manufactured goods

a. reverted
b. transgressed
c. regressed
d. processed

Directions: In questions 64 through 67, choose the word that means the opposite
of the italicized word.

64. prompt payment

a. punctual
b. slack
c. tardy
d. regular

65. rain delay

a. slow
b. hasten
c. pause
d. desist

66. moderate work flow

a. original
b. average
c. final
d. excessive
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67. initial impression

a. first
b. crisis
c. final
d. right

Directions: For questions 68 through 72, choose the word whose definition best
matches the description.

68. an innovative play that uses an experimental style

a. apropos
b. mélange
c. avant-garde
d. imbroglio

69. the complete works of Shakespeare

a. blasé
b. milieu
c. zeitgeist
d. oeuvre

70. a meeting at 7:00 at La Grange restaurant

a. par excellence
b. rendezvous
c. savoir faire
d. façade

71. “work like a dog,” “sleep like a baby,” and other such overused sayings
a. cliché
b. bourgeois
c. insouciant
d. gauche

72. an avid sports fan

a. gestalt
b. hiatus
c. mélange
d. aficionado
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Directions: For questions 73 and 74, choose the word that best describes the sec-
tion of the word in bold type.

73. proactive
a. after
b. forward
c. toward
d. behind

74. inscribe
a. confine
b. see
c. perform
d. write

75. A synonym for vast is

a. attentive.
b. immense.
c. steady.
d. slight.

76. A synonym for enthusiastic is

a. adamant.
b. available.
c. cheerful.
d. eager.

77. A synonym for adequate is

a. sufficient.
b. mediocre.
c. proficient.
d. average.

78. A synonym for comply is

a. subdue.
b. entertain.
c. flatter.
d. obey.
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79. An antonym for uniform is

a. dissembling.
b. diverse.
c. bizarre.
d. slovenly.

80. A synonym for ecstatic is

a. inconsistent.
b. positive.
c. wild.
d. thrilled.


1. d. Ingenious means marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in

2. a. An expressive person would be one who is open or emphatic when reveal-
ing opinions or feelings.
3. d. Favorably means gracious, kindly, or obliging.
4. d. Docile means easily led or managed.
5. c. Explicit means clearly defined.
6. d. Potable means fit for drinking.
7. a. Encompassed in this context means included.
8. b. Devised means to form—in the mind—new combinations or applications
of ideas or principles; to plan to obtain or bring about.
9. c. Quandary means a state of perplexity or doubt.
10. a. Priority means the right to receive attention before others.
11. c. Conspicuously means obvious to the eye or mind; attracting attention.
12. a. Monotonous means having a tedious sameness.
13. d. Resolved means having reached a firm decision about something.
14. a. Portrayal means a representation or portrait.
15. c. Careen means to rush headlong or carelessly; to lurch or swerve while in
16. d. Audibly means heard or the manner of being heard.
17. b. Voraciously means having a huge appetite; ravenously.
18. a. A mishap is an unfortunate accident.
19. a. A rendezvous is a meeting or assembly that is by appointment or
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20. a. Warily is a manner marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchful

21. a. Caustic means bitingly sarcastic, cutting; able to burn or dissolve by
chemical action. The main context clue is that people find Aswad’s jokes
upsetting rather than humorous; thus choice a is the only option that
makes sense.
22. d. Enigma means something that is puzzling or difficult to understand; a
baffling problem or riddle. The context tells you that people know who San-
dra is, but no one knows anything about her; thus, she remains a mystery.
23. d. The prefix ex- means out, out of, away from. Exorbitant means greatly
exceeding (far away from) the bounds of what is normal or reasonable.
24. d. The noun suffix -tion means the act or state of. Denunciation means the
act of denouncing, especially in public; to openly condemn or accuse of evil.
25. c. The noun suffix -sis means the process of. Metamorphosis means a trans-
formation, a marked change of form, character, or function. Choices b
and c are both nouns, but for choice b to be correct, it would require the
suffix -ist.
26. a. The prefix re- means back, again. To reconcile means to reestablish a close
relationship between, to bring back to harmony.
27. b. The adjective suffix -ic means pertaining or relating to, having the qual-
ity of. Didactic means intended to instruct; tending to be excessively
instructive or moralizing. Only choice b defines a quality.
28. d. The prefix uni- means one. Unilateral means one-sided. Notice also the
adjective suffix -al, meaning action or process.
29. a. The prefix sub- means under, beneath, below. The adjective subordinate
means (1) of a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary; (2) subject to the
authority or control of another. As a noun it means one that is subordinate
to another, and as a verb (notice the -ate suffix) it means (1) to put in a
lower or inferior rank or class; (2) to make subservient; subdue.
30. c. The adjective suffix -ive means having the nature of. Incisive means pene-
trating and clear; sharp, acute, biting.
31. b. The prefix inter- means between or among. Intermittent means occurring
at intervals, not continuous; periodic, alternate.
32. d. The prefix mis- means bad, evil, wrong. Miscreant means a villain, crimi-
nal; an evil person.
33. a. The adjective suffix -ial means having the quality of, related to, suitable
for. Perennial means lasting an indefinitely long time, forever; constantly
recurring, happening again and again or year after year. Choice a is the
only adjective definition.
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34. d. The noun suffix -ism means state or doctrine of. Imperialism means the
policy of extending rule of a nation or empire by acquiring other territories.
35. a. The root rog means to ask. The prefix ab- means off, away from, away,
down; the suffix -ate means to make, cause to be. To abrogate means to
abolish, do away with, formally revoke.
36. d. The root ac/acr means sharp, bitter. The adjective suffix -ous means hav-
ing the quality of or relating to. Acrimonious means bitter and sharp in lan-
guage or tone.
37. a. The root vi means life. The adjective suffix -ous means having the quality
of or relating to. Vicarious means felt through imaging what another has
experienced; acting or suffering for another.
38. d. The root am means love. The noun suffix -ity means state of being.
Amity means friendship; a state of friendly or peaceful relations.
39. d. The root dic/dict/dit means to say, tell, use words. An edict is an official
order or decree; a formal proclamation or command issued by someone in
40. a. The root mag/maj/max means big. The adjective suffix -ous means hav-
ing the quality of or relating to. Magnanimous means very noble and gener-
ous; understanding and forgiving of others.
41. d. The root qui means quiet. To acquiesce means to comply, give in, consent
without protest—thereby “quieting” the other to whom one gives in.
42. b. The root pug means to fight. The adjective suffix -ous means having the
quality of or relating to. Pugnacious means quarrelsome, combative, inclined
to fight.
43. d. The root err means to wander. The adjective suffix -ic means pertaining
or relating to, having the quality of. Erratic means moving or behaving in
an irregular, uneven, or inconsistent manner; deviating (wandering) from
the normal or typical course of action, opinion, etc.
44. c. The root ferv means to boil, bubble, burn. The suffix -or means a condi-
tion or activity. Fervor means zeal, ardor, intense emotion.
45. b. The root loc/log/loqu means word, speech. The adjective suffix -ous means
having the quality of or relating to. Loquacious means very talkative, garrulous.
46. teeming. To teem means to be full of, to be present in large numbers.
47. faux. Faux means artificial, fake; not genuine or real.
48. uninterested. Uninterested means not interested, having no care or interest
in knowing.
49. appraised. To appraise means to evaluate, to establish value or estimate the
worth of.
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50. cue. A cue is a signal, such as a word or action, given to prompt or remind
someone of something; a hint or suggestion.
51. censured. To censure is to criticize strongly, rebuke, condemn.
52. mettle. Mettle means courage, fortitude, spirit.
53. horde. A horde is a large group or crowd, a vast multitude.
54. piqued. To pique is (1) to cause annoyance or irritation, to vex; (2) to pro-
voke or arouse. This sentence uses the second meaning.
55. prescribing. To prescribe is to issue commands, order something to be
done, dictate. It also means to order a medicine or other treatment.
56. raise. To raise is to lift, make higher; to increase in size, quantity, intensity,
degree, or strength.
57. incredible. Incredible means implausible, beyond belief; astonishing.
58. assent. Assent means agreement, concurrence, consent.
59. decent. Decent means (1) conforming to what is socially or morally suitable
or correct; (2) meeting acceptable standards, sufficient, adequate. This sen-
tence uses the second meaning.
60. b. Partial means incomplete. The root of the word here is part. A partial
report is only part of the whole.
61. b. A substantial report is extensive. The key part of the word substantial is
substance. Substance means something that has significance.
62. a. To corroborate is confirm. Notice the prefix co-, which means with or
together. Some related words are cooperate, coworker, and collide. Corrobora-
tion means that one statement fits with another.
63. d. Manufactured goods are those that are made or processed from raw mate-
rial into a finished product. Facer—the word root—means to make or do.
64. c. The key here is to remember not to choose the synonym. Context clues
are important as well. You may have seen this sentence on one of your bills:
Prompt payment is appreciated. Prompt means punctual; tardy means late.
65. b. A delay is a postponement in time. If you rely on context clues to help
you answer this question, you may be reminded of a rain delay at a sporting
event. To delay is to slow; to hasten is to hurry.
66. d. Something that is moderate is not subject to extremes. Moderate means
average; excessive means extreme.
67. c. An initial impression is one that comes first. Initial means first; final
means last.
68. c. Avant-garde means using or favoring an ultramodern or experimental
style; innovative, cutting-edge, especially in the arts or literature.
69. d. Oeuvre means (1) a work of art; (2) the total lifework of a writer, artist,
composer, etc.
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70. b. The noun rendezvous means (1) a prearranged meeting at a certain time
and place; (2) a place where people meet, especially a popular gathering
place. The verb rendezvous means to bring or come together at a certain
place, to meet at a rendezvous.
71. a. A cliché is a trite or overused expression or idea.
72. d. An aficionado is a fan or devotee, especially of a sport or pastime.
73. b. The prefix pro means for. If someone is proactive, they are forward think-
ing and take action or initiative to make things happen.
74. d. The word root scribe means to write; to engrave on a surface.
75. b. Vast means very great in size; immense.
76. d. Enthusiastic means eager.
77. a. If something is adequate, it is sufficient.
78. d. Comply is synonymous with obey.
79. b. To be uniform is be consistent or the same as others; to be diverse is to
have variety.
80. d. A person who is ecstatic is thrilled.
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Practice Test 2
T he 80 questions in this practice test will help you assess your vocabulary
skills and the topics reviewed throughout this book.
Take your time when answering each question. (We suggest not timing yourself.)
Attempt to answer the questions without using a reference tool like a dictionary;
however, if you come across words that you are unsure of, make a list of these
words. After you complete the test, look up the definitions for the words on your
list. It might be a good idea to write down the definition beside the word.
When you are finished, check the answer key carefully to assess your results.
Then, you can determine how much time you need to spend to increase your
vocabulary power.

Directions: For questions 1 through 18, choose the word that best fills in the blank.

1. Being a direct relative of the deceased, her claim to the estate was
a. optional
b. vicious
c. prominent
d. legitimate

2. The hail _____________ the cornfield until the entire crop was lost.
a. belittled
b. pummeled
c. rebuked
d. commended

3. The Earth Day committee leader placed large garbage bins in the park to
_____________ Saturday’s cleanup.
a. confound
b. pacify
c. integrate
d. facilitate
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4. Her rapport with everyone in the office _____________ the kind of inter-
personal skills that all of the employees appreciated.
a. prevailed
b. diverged
c. exemplified
d. varied

5. The _____________ of the two rivers provided the perfect place to build a
new state park.
a. assumption
b. confluence
c. seclusion
d. treatise

6. Do you have the _____________ paperwork you need to register for the
a. punitive
b. grandiose
c. restorative
d. requisite

7. Do not _____________ yourself; you must pass the last exam of the semes-
ter to graduate.
a. delude
b. depreciate
c. relinquish
d. prohibit

8. When you address the members of the committee, be sure to give a

_____________ description of the new office procedures.
a. principled
b. determined
c. comprehensive
d. massive
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9. Although Hunter was _____________ about revealing information to us

when we first met him, he soon began to talk more than anyone.
a. customary
b. reticent
c. animated
d. voluntary

10. The darkening skies in the west were a _____________ to the dangerous
thunderstorm that summer afternoon.
a. tedium
b. precursor
c. preference
d. momentum

11. The news was no longer secret; Martin Kemp _____________ told the press
that he had accepted the nomination as board chairperson.
a. repulsively
b. reputedly
c. perpetually
d. principally

12. After an hour of heavy rain, the thunderstorm _____________, and we were
able to continue our golf game.
a. abated
b. germinated
c. constricted
d. evoked

13. After years of experience, Florin became a _____________ veterinarian who

could treat and operate on many different kinds of animals.
a. acute
b. superficial
c. consummate
d. ample
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14. Anthony, a meticulous young man, _____________ watered his neighbors’

plants once a week while they were on vacation.
a. terminally
b. perpendicularly
c. diligently
d. haphazardly

15. _____________ elephants from the wild not only endangers the species but
upsets the balance of nature.
a. Irritating
b. Poaching
c. Provoking
d. Smuggling

16. The two cats could be _____________ only by the number of rings on their
tails; otherwise, they were exactly alike.
a. separated
b. divided
c. disconnected
d. differentiated

17. On each slick curve in the road, I was afraid we would _____________ and
have an accident.
a. operate
b. hydroplane
c. submerge
d. reconnoiter

18. My cousin claimed to be _____________; evidently she was right because

she always seemed to know what would happen in the future.
a. dreamlike
b. comical
c. criminal
d. clairvoyant
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Directions: For questions 19 through 45, choose the best definition for the word
in italics.

19. Although the plot of the film is admittedly trite, the characters are so
endearing that the movie is highly entertaining despite the old storyline.
Trite means
a. original.
b. exciting.
c. complex.
d. overused.

20. Ilka has always emulated her older brother, so it is no surprise that she is
also pursuing a career as a neuroscientist. To emulate means
a. to support wholeheartedly.
b. to strive to equal, imitate, or outdo.
c. to be more successful than.
d. to regard as inferior.

21. Everyone loved Ilona’s idea, and she quickly garnered enough support for
her proposal to present it to the committee. To garner means
a. to create.
b. to propose.
c. to demonstrate.
d. to withhold.

22. Cy’s attempt to finally complete the marathon was thwarted when he
twisted his ankle in the 23rd mile. To thwart means
a. to injure seriously.
b. to prevent from accomplishing.
c. to support actively.
d. to be excessively competitive.

23. To subjugate means

a. to be the subject of a sentence or conversation.
b. to conquer, bring under control.
c. to be wrongly or unevenly distributed.
d. to be surrounded on all sides.
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24. Benevolence means

a. kindness, generosity.
b. a kind, generous ruler.
c. to be generous with one’s time or money.
d. kind, giving charitably.

25. To coalesce means

a. to dig up, mine.
b. to carry out an ill-conceived or poorly planned course of action.
c. to combine and form a whole; join together.
d. to withdraw silently, especially in shame.

26. Docile means

a. one who domesticates animals.
b. the management of domestic affairs.
c. obedience.
d. willing to obey, easily managed or taught.

27. Anomaly means

a. regularity, consistency.
b. something that is irregular, abnormal, or deviates from the usual form.
c. a surprising collaboration, the cooperation of unlikely individuals.
d. discontent among a specific group within a larger population.

28. Lamentable means

a. regrettable, unfortunate.
b. to regret.
c. an unfortunate occurrence.
d. to do something regrettable.

29. To abscond means

a. to create a secret hiding place.
b. to do something without telling anyone.
c. to go away secretly and hide.
d. to do something ahead of deadline.
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30. Disparate means

a. chosen from within.
b. exceeding expectations.
c. from the same origin.
d. fundamentally different, distinct, or apart from others.

31. Rectify means

a. to correct.
b. a correction.
c. a surprising error.
d. an editor.

32. Inscrutable means

a. teaching a lesson.
b. having little or no impact.
c. kept between or within members of a family.
d. not fathomable; incapable of being understood.

33. Antipathy means

a. that which occurred previously.
b. a strong aversion or dislike.
c. an examination of all aspects of an issue.
d. the act of separating from the source.

34. Neophyte means

a. original, unique.
b. something that comes from multiple sources.
c. a roommate; someone who lives with another.
d. a beginner or novice.

35. A belligerent person is

a. from another country, foreign.
b. kind, eager to help.
c. eager to fight, hostile.
d. loving, devoted.
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36. Someone who is omniscient

a. often speaks without thinking.
b. receives the maximum benefit.
c. blames others for his or her own faults.
d. is eager to please.

37. A renaissance is
a. a rebirth.
b. a punishment.
c. a lie.
d. a mistake.

38. To equivocate is to
a. burn or sting.
b. speak in a way that conceals the truth.
c. put something in its proper place.
d. calm or quiet.

39. Something that is manifest is

a. everywhere.
b. newborn.
c. obvious.
d. deadly.

40. Something that is luminous is

a. bright, shining.
b. even, equal.
c. excessive.
d. full of knowledge.

41. A person who is culpable is

a. capable.
b. vocal.
c. energetic, full of life.
d. guilty.
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42. Something that is innocuous is

a. dangerous or deadly.
b. irrelevant, wandering from the main path or point.
c. harmless, inoffensive.
d. clean, thoroughly washed.

43. To juxtapose is to
a. place side by side.
b. overwhelm, flood.
c. be born again.
d. speak in a round-about manner.

44. Someone who is reticent is

a. fair, judging equally.
b. reserved, silent.
c. bubbling over with enthusiasm.
d. deeply in love.

45. A veritable autograph is

a. very valuable.
b. an autograph by a famous person.
c. genuine.
d. a forgery or fake.

Directions: For questions 46 through 59, choose the correct word in the paren-
theses to complete the sentence.

46. I tried everything, but nothing would (elicit/illicit) a response from the

47. The Euro has (deprecated/depreciated), but the dollar is up.

48. Stop (persecuting/prosecuting) me just because I often disagree with you.

49. Tomorrow the city is going to (raise/raze) the building that I grew up in.

50. As soon as I get off the phone, I will (appraise/apprise) you of the situation.
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51. The odor quickly (disbursed/dispersed) through the room, and soon it was no
longer even noticeable.

52. I don’t like Igor because he is constantly (meddling/mettling) in things that

are none of his business.

53. Although you all seem to agree, I must (decent/descent/dissent); I think this is
a bad decision.

54. Dixie is so (ingenious/ingenuous) I don’t think she could lie if her life
depended on it.

55. I’m just going to (peak/peek/pique) in the baby’s room to make sure she’s

56. The thief managed to (allude/elude) the police for several days, but they
finally caught up with him in Reno.

57. The (cue/queue) for the movies was all the way to the end of the block and
around the corner.

58. Georgio had to (fain/feign) excitement when he opened his presents so his
parents wouldn’t know he’d already searched their room to find out what
he was getting.

59. A strange odor is (eminenting/imminenting/emanating) from Professor Van

Buren’s laboratory.

Directions: In questions 60 through 63, identify the correct synonym by looking

for word roots, prefixes, or suffixes. Choose the word that means the same or about
the same as the italicized word.

60. an incoherent answer

a. not understandable
b. not likely
c. undeniable
d. challenging
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61. covered with debris

a. good excuses
b. transparent material
c. scattered rubble
d. protective material

62. inadvertently left

a. mistakenly
b. purposely
c. cautiously
d. carefully

63. compatible workers

a. gifted
b. competitive
c. harmonious
d. experienced

Directions: In questions 64 through 67, choose the word that means the opposite
of the italicized word.

64. capable employee

a. unskilled
b. absurd
c. apt
d. able

65. zealous pursuit

a. envious
b. eager
c. idle
d. comical

66. exorbitant prices

a. expensive
b. unexpected
c. reasonable
d. outrageous
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67. belligerent attitude

a. hostile
b. appeasing
c. instinctive
d. ungracious

Directions: For questions 68 through 72, choose the word whose definition best
matches the description.

68. an artist’s first gallery showing

a. ennui
b. imbroglio
c. parvenu
d. debut

69. a temporary separation in a relationship

a. blasé
b. quid pro quo
c. hiatus
d. malaise

70. wearing a disguise

a. incognito
b. imbroglio
c. milieu
d. oeuvre

71. pretending not to be hurt by an insulting remark

a. ad hoc
b. gauche
c. cliché
d. façade

72. someone who reports students’ questions and concerns to the dean
a. aficionado
b. liaison
c. parvenu
d. vis-à-vis
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Directions: For questions 73 and 74, choose the word or phrase that best describes
the section of the word in bold type.

73. congregation
a. with
b. over
c. apart
d. time

74. wisdom
a. a state of being
b. a relationship
c. a property
d. an action

75. A synonym for affect is

a. accomplish.
b. cause.
c. sicken.
d. influence.

76. An antonym for wary is

a. alert.
b. leery.
c. worried.
d. careless.

77. An antonym for novel is

a. dangerous.
b. unsettled.
c. suitable
d. old.

78. A synonym for continuous is

a. intermittent.
b. adjacent.
c. uninterrupted.
d. contiguous.
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79. A synonym for courtesy is

a. civility.
b. congruity.
c. conviviality.
d. rudeness.

80. An antonym for fallacy is

a. truth.
b. blessing.
c. weakness.
d. fable.


1. d. Legitimate means in a manner conforming to recognized principles or

accepted rules or standards.
2. b. Pummeled means to pound or beat.
3. d. Facilitate means to make easier or help bring about.
4. c. Exemplify means to be an instance of or serve as an example.
5. b. Confluence means a coming or flowing together, a meeting, or a gathering
at one point.
6. d. Requisite means essential or necessary.
7. a. Delude means to mislead the mind; to deceive.
8. c. Comprehensive means covering completely or broadly.
9. b. Reticent means inclined to be silent or uncommunicative, reserved.
10. b. Precursor means something that comes before.
11. d. Reputedly means according to general belief.
12. a. Abated means to decrease in force or intensity.
13. c. Consummate means extremely skilled and experienced.
14. c. Diligently means to do something with careful attention and great effort.
15. b. To poach is to trespass on another’s property in order to steal fish or
16. d. To differentiate between two things is to establish the distinction between
17. b. When a car goes out of control and skims along the surface of a wet
road, it is called hydroplaning.
18. d. A clairvoyant is someone who can perceive matters beyond the range of
ordinary perception.
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19. d. Trite means repeated too often, overly familiar through overuse. The key
context clue is the phrase “the old storyline,” which indicates that the plot
of the movie is overused.
20. b. To emulate means to try to equal or excel, especially by imitation. The
sentence tells you that Ilka is pursuing the same career as her brother,
which indicates that she is trying to equal or outdo him through imitation.
21. d. To garner means to gather, amass, or acquire. The sentence tells you that
Ilona quickly found the support she needed to present her idea to the com-
mittee; also because the sentence states that people loved Ilona’s idea, it is
logical to conclude that she would gather their support.
22. b. To thwart means to prevent the accomplishment or realization of some-
thing. Cy’s twisted ankle kept him from realizing his attempt to complete
the marathon.
23. b. The prefix sub- means under or below. To subjugate means to conquer,
subdue, bring under control. Notice also the verb suffix -ate, meaning one
that performs, promotes, or causes an action; being in a specified state or
24. a. The noun suffix -ence means state of. Benevolence means the inclination to
be kind and generous; a disposition to act charitably.
25. c. The prefix co- means with, together. Coalesce means to combine and form
a whole; to join together, fuse.
26. d. The adjective suffix -ile means having the qualities of. Docile means will-
ing to obey, ready and willing to be taught, or easily managed.
27. b. The prefix a- mean not, without. Anomaly means something that deviates
from the general rule or usual form; one that is irregular or abnormal.
28. a. The adjective suffix -able means capable or worthy of. Lamentable means
regrettable, unfortunate; inspiring grief or mourning.
29. c. The prefix ab- means off, away from, apart, down. To abscond means to
go away secretly and hide oneself, especially after wrongdoing.
30. d. The prefix dis- means away from, apart, reversal, not. Disparate means
fundamentally different or distinct; dissimilar, varied.
31. a. The verb suffix -ify means to make. To rectify means to make right, correct.
32. d. The prefix in- means not. Inscrutable means baffling, unfathomable, inca-
pable of being understood. Notice also the adjective suffix -able.
33. b. The prefix anti- means against, opposed to. Antipathy means a strong
aversion or dislike.
34. d. The prefix neo- means new, recent, a new form of. Neophyte means a
beginner or novice.
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35. c. The root bel means war. The ending -ent is an adjective suffix meaning in
a state or condition; performing or causing a specified action. Belligerent
means hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness to fight.
36. d. The root omni means all; the root sci means to know. Omniscient means
having infinite knowledge, knowing all things.
37. a. The root nas/nat/nai means to be born. The prefix re- means back or
again; the suffix -ance means state of. Renaissance means a rebirth or revival.
38. b. The root equ means equal; the root voc/vok means to call; the suffix -ate
means to make, cause to be. To equivocate means to use unclear or ambigu-
ous language in order to mislead or conceal the truth. Thus, someone who
equivocates is “equally” lying and telling the truth (or rather, not quite
doing either).
39. c. The root man means hand. Manifest means clear and unmistakable, obvi-
ous; thus, at hand. The correct answer can be achieved here through the
process of elimination, as the other answers correspond with different
40. a. The root luc/lum/lus means light; the suffix -ous means having the qual-
ity of or relating to. Luminous means shining, emitting light; full of light,
41. d. The root culp means blame. The adjective suffix -able means capable or
worthy of. Culpable means deserving blame or censure for doing something
wrong or harmful; blameworthy, guilty.
42. a. The root nec/nic/noc/nox means harm, death. The prefix in- means not;
the suffix -ous means having the quality of or relating to. Thus, innocuous
means harmless, having no adverse or ill effects.
43. a. The root pon/pos/pound means to put, place. To juxtapose means to place
side by side, especially to compare or contrast.
44. b. The root tac/tic means to be silent. Reticent means tending to keep one’s
thoughts and feelings to oneself; reserved, untalkative, silent.
45. c. The root ver means truth. The suffix -able means capable or worthy of.
Veritable means real, true, genuine.
46. elicit. To elicit means (1) to call forth or draw out, to provoke; (2) to deduce
or derive by reasoning. This sentence uses the first meaning.
47. depreciated. To depreciate means to diminish in price or value, to lessen
the worth of. It also means to think or speak of as being of little worth, to
48. persecuting. To persecute is to oppress, harass, or mistreat, especially
because of race, religious or political beliefs, or sexual orientation.
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49. raze. To raze is (1) to level to the ground, demolish completely; (2) to
erase, obliterate. This sentence uses the first meaning.
50. apprise. To apprise means to give notice or information to, to make aware
of, inform.
51. dispersed. To disperse is (1) to separate and scatter in different directions,
or cause to do so; (2) to distribute widely, disseminate. This sentence uses
the first meaning.
52. meddling. To meddle is to intrude in other people’s affairs, interfere.
53. dissent. To dissent is (1) to differ in opinion, disagree; (2) to withhold
approval or assent. This sentence uses the first meaning.
54. ingenuous. Ingenuous means (1) not cunning or deceitful, unable to mask
feelings; artless, frank sincere; (2) lacking sophistication or worldliness.
This sentence uses the first meaning.
55. peek. To peek is to glance quickly or peer at furtively.
56. elude. To elude is (1) to escape from or evade, especially by cleverness, dar-
ing, or skill; (2) to be incomprehensible to, escape the understanding of.
57. queue. A queue is (1) a line of waiting people or vehicles; (2) in information
processing, an ordered list of tasks to be performed or sequence of pro-
grams awaiting processing. This sentence uses the first meaning.
58. feign. To feign is to pretend, to give the false appearance of.
59. emanating. To emanate is to come or issue forth, as from a source.
60. a. Incoherent means not understandable. To cohere means to connect. A
coherent answer connects or makes sense. The prefix in- means not.
61. c. Debris is scattered fragments or trash.
62. a. Inadvertently means by mistake. The key element in this word is the pre-
fix in-, which means not.
63. c. Compatible means capable of existing or performing in harmony.
64. a. The suffix -able tells you that a capable employee is one who has ability.
Capable means able; unskilled means unable.
65. c. Zealous means eager, so idle is most nearly the opposite. You may have
heard the word zeal before, which might give you a clue about the meaning
of the word. One other precaution is to be careful and not be misled by the
similar sounds of zealous and jealous. The other trick is not to choose the
synonym, eager, choice b.
66. c. The best clue in this word is the prefix ex-, which means out of or away
from. Exorbitant literally means exceeding the bounds of what is fair or nor-
mal; very high. The opposite of an exorbitant or outrageous price would be a
reasonable one.
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67. b. The key element in this word is the root belli, which means warlike. The
synonym choices—hostile and ungracious—would be incorrect. The
antonym would be appeasing.
68. d. A debut is a first appearance in or presentation to the public.
69. c. Hiatus means a gap or opening; an interruption or break.
70. a. Incognito means with one’s identity concealed; in disguise or under an
assumed character or identity.
71. d. A façade is (1) the face or front of a building; (2) an artificial or deceptive
front, especially one intended to hide something unpleasant.
72. b. Liaison means (1) a channel or means of connection or communication
between two groups; one who maintains such communication; (2) a close
relationship or link, especially one that is secretive or adulterous.
73. a. The prefix con- means to be together with. A congregation would gather
together with each other in a house of worship.
74. a. The suffix -dom is a state of being. Someone who has wisdom is someone
who is wise enough to discern or judge what is right, true, or lasting.
75. d. To affect means to influence.
76. d. To be wary is to be on guard or watchful; careless is the opposite of
77. d. To be novel is to be new; the opposite is old.
78. c. Continuous means marked by uninterrupted extension in space and time.
79. a. A courtesy is a courteous or mannerly act; it is characterized by civility.
80. a. A fallacy is a false or mistaken idea, trickery; a truth is something that
conforms to the facts.
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Word List

B y now you’ve seen that a good working vocabulary is a very important

asset when taking the TOEFL iBT. Remember that the best way to learn
vocabulary is also the easiest: make long lists of words you don’t know and then
break them down into short lists. Learn a short list every day.
You should also try and write sentences using the new words. When you learn a
new word, use it in conversation as soon as possible. Repetition is key—use a word
three times, and it’s yours!
Another alternative is to work with flash cards. Flash cards are pieces of paper or
index cards that are used as a learning aid. Write the vocabulary word on one side
and the definition on the other. Or, try writing a sentence that uses the word on one
side of the flash card and the definition of the word on the other. Flash cards are
easy to handle, they’re portable, and they’re friend-friendly, so you can study with
a buddy. You and your friends can drill each other. If you can make games out of
learning vocabulary, studying will be more fun and you will learn more as well!
Now, review the word list. After each vocabulary word, you will find the word’s
pronunciation, part of speech, definition, and a sentence using the word. (Note:
Some words have different meanings depending on how they are being used.) If the
word list looks intimidating, try the following strategy.

1. Figure out how many days there are until you take the TOEFL iBT.
2. Multiply that number by 10.
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If you have only 30 days until the test day, you can learn 300 new words, by
studying only ten new words each day! And, remember, some of these words may
already be familiar to you.


Before you review the word list, here a list of the pronunciation symbols used in the
definitions. Next to each pronunciation symbol are words chosen to illustrate how
the symbols are said aloud. You may want to photocopy the next few pages so that
you will be able to refer to this list easily.

a hat, carry, fact n sing, finger, frank

ă ago, dependable, pedal o odd, fox, trot
ah palm, father ŏ salmon, advisor
ahr car, chart, farm oh oak, boat, sew
air bare, scare, fair ohr aboard, score, coarse
aw ball, walk, draw oi oil, coin, coy
ay stage, blame, day oo ooze, noodle, super
b bat, rabbit, crib oor pour, cure, sure
ch church, preacher or for, scorn, horse
d day, puddle, bed ow out, house, how
e egg, head, cherry p pan, paper, pop
ĕ shaken, trickle r rain, marry, dear
ee eat, treat, tree s sun, listen, rice
eer ear, clear, cheer sh share, fishing, cash
f fan, stuffy, relief t tip, mutter, pot
 go, regular, fog th three, strengthen, breath
h heed, heaven, unhappy th this, father, breathe
hw whether, nowhere u cup, come, shut
i it, live, middle ŭ delicious, measure
˘ stencil, edible ur her, turn, worry
¯ icy, tire, sky uu cook, put, pull
j jug, tragic, hedge v vail, sliver, live
k kitten, shaken, track w want, aware, quaint
l lost, trolley, toll y you, yarn, yesterday
m more, summon, slim z zebra, hazy, please
n no, dinner, man zh division, treasure
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abate (ă·'bayt) v. to lessen in strength, intensity, or degree; subside. As the violent
storm abated, we began to survey the damage it caused.
aberration (ăb·ĕ·'ray·shŏn) n. deviation from what is normal, distortion. His new
scientific theory was deemed an aberration by his very conservative colleagues.
abeyance (ă·'bay·ăns) n. suspension, being temporarily suspended or set aside.
Construction of the highway is in abeyance until we get agency approval.
abhor (ab·'hohr) v. to regard with horror or repugnance, detest. I know Carlos
abhors politics, but he should still get out and vote.
abjure (ab·'joor) v. 1. to repudiate, renounce under oath. 2. to give up or reject.
When Joseph became a citizen, he had to abjure his allegiance to his country of origin.
abrogate ('ab·rŏ·ayt) v. to abolish, do away with, formally revoke. The dictator
abrogated agreements that no longer suited his purposes.
abscond (ab·'skond) v. to go away secretly and hide oneself, especially after
wrongdoing to avoid prosecution. He threw down his gun and absconded from the
scene of the crime.
absolution (ab·sŏ·'loo·shŏn) n. 1. an absolving or clearing from blame or guilt.
2. a formal declaration of forgiveness, redemption. The jury granted Alan the
absolution he deserved.
abstain (ab·'stayn) v. 1. to choose to refrain from an action or practice.
2. to refrain from voting. I have decided to abstain on this issue.
abstemious (ab·'stee·mee·ŭs) adj. 1. using or consuming sparingly; used with
temperance or moderation. 2. eating and drinking in moderation; sparing in
the indulgence of appetites or passions. After Vadeem gained 30 pounds, he
decided he needed a more abstemious diet.
abstruse (ab·'stroos) adj. difficult to comprehend, obscure. Albert Einstein’s
abstruse calculations can be understood by only a few people.
abysmal (ă·'biz·măl) adj. 1. extreme, limitless, profound. 2. extremely bad. It
was not surprising that the movie was a flop; the reviews were abysmal.
accolade ('ak·ŏ·layd) n. 1. praise or approval. 2. a ceremonial embrace in greet-
ing. 3. a ceremonious tap on the shoulder with a sword to mark the conferring
of knighthood. He received accolades from his superiors for finding ways to cut costs
and increase productivity.
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accretion (ă·'kree·shŏn) n. 1. growth or increase by gradual, successive addition;

building up. 2. (in biology) the growing together of parts that are normally
separate. The accretion of sediment in the harbor channel caused boats to run
acquiesce (ak·wee·'es) v. to comply, give in, consent without protest. After the
police officer explained why the street was closed to pedestrian traffic, I acquiesced and
walked to the next street.
acrid ('ak·rid) adj. 1. having an unpleasantly bitter, sharp taste or smell. 2. bitter
or caustic in language or manner. The burning tires in the junkyard gave off an
acrid odor.
acrimonious (ak·r˘·'moh·nee·ŭs) adj. bitter and sharp in language or tone. Jasleen
did not like her new neighbors; it was obvious in the acrimonious way she spoke to them.
acumen (ă·'kyoo·mĕn) n. quickness, keenness, and accuracy of perception, judg-
ment, or insight. With Jonelle’s acumen, she would make an excellent trial lawyer.
ad hoc (ad 'hok) adj. for a specific, often temporary, purpose; for this case only.
An ad hoc committee will be formed to investigate Stella’s allegations.
adamant ('ad·ă·mănt) adj. 1. unyielding to requests, appeals, or reason. 2. firm,
inflexible. The senator was adamant that no changes would be made to the defense
addle ('ad·ĕl) v. 1. to muddle or confuse. 2. to become rotten, as in an egg. The
prosecuting attorney’s questions addled the defendant.
ado (ă·'doo) n. fuss, trouble, bother. Without much ado, she completed her book
adroit (ă·'droit) adj. skillful, clever, or adept in action or in thought; dexterous,
deft. Priya is a very adroit seamstress; she should have your trousers fixed in no time.
agrarian (ă·'rair·ee·ăn) adj. relating to or concerning land and its ownership or
cultivation. Although his family tried to convince him to move to a big city, Greg
preferred his agrarian life as a farmer.
aficionado (ă·fish·yo·'nah·doh) n. a fan or devotee, especially of a sport or pas-
time. Sal is such an Rolling Stones aficionado that he bought tickets to all ten Giants
Stadium concerts.
alacrity (ă·'lak·ri·tee) n. a cheerful willingness; being happily ready and eager.
The alacrity she brought to her job helped her move up the corporate ladder quickly.
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allay (ă·'lay) v. 1. to reduce the intensity of, alleviate. 2. to calm, put to rest. The
remarks by the CEO did not allay the concerns of the employees.
allude (ă·'lood) v. to make an indirect reference to. The presidential candidate
alluded to the recent unemployment problem by saying, “We’ve all made sacrifices.”
altercation (awl·tĕr·'kay·shŏn) n. a heated dispute or quarrel. To prevent an alter-
cation at social functions, one should avoid discussing politics and religion.
amiable ('ay·mee·ă·bĕl) adj. friendly and agreeable; good natured, likable, pleas-
ing. Miguel was usually the first person invited to a party; his amiable personality
drew people to him.
amity ('am·˘ ·tee) n. friendship; a state of friendly or peaceful relations. Amity had
existed between Denise and Suzanne since they decided not to fight about money any-
ambivalent (am·'biv·ă·lĕnt) adj. having mixed or conflicting feelings about a
person, thing, or situation; uncertain. She was ambivalent about the proposal for
the shopping center because she understood both the arguments for and against its
ameliorate (ă·'meel·yŏ·rayt) v. to make or become better, to improve. The diplo-
mat was able to ameliorate the tense situation between the two nations.
amorphous (ă·'mor·fŭs) adj. 1. having no definite form or distinct shape; shape-
less. 2. of no particular kind or character, anomalous. Andrea looked up at the
sky, looking at the amorphous clouds.
amulet ('am·yŭ·lit) n. something worn around the neck as a charm against evil.
The princess wore an amulet after being cursed by a wizard.
anachronism (ă·'nak·rŏ·niz·ĕm) n. 1. something that is placed into an incorrect
historical period. 2. a person, custom, or idea that is out of date. With the rise
in popularity of cell phones, pagers seem like an anachronism.
anarchy ('an·ăr·kee) n. 1. the complete absence of government or control result-
ing in lawlessness. 2. political disorder and confusion. After the king’s assassina-
tion, the country fell into a state of anarchy.
anomaly (ă·'nom·ă·lee) n. something that deviates from the general rule or usual
form; one that is irregular, peculiar, or abnormal. Everyone in my family enjoys
seafood, so my uncle’s distaste for the salmon dish was an anomaly.
antagonist (an·'ta·ŏ·nist) n. one who opposes or contends with another; an
adversary, opponent. Hillary was Mike’s antagonist as they both competed for the
lead role in the play.
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antecedent (an·ti·'see·dĕnt) n. that which precedes; the thing, circumstance,

event that came before. The police are trying to determine the antecedent of the
deadly car crash.
anthropomorphic (an·thrŏ·pŏ·'mor·fik) adj. attributing human characteristics,
motivations, or behavior to animals or inanimate objects. Many mythologies are
about anthropomorphic deities, who express human characteristics such as love, envy,
and sadness.
antipathy (an·'tip·ă·thee) n. 1. a strong aversion or dislike. 2. an object of aver-
sion. After Inti stole Peter’s wallet, Peter had antipathy for his classmate.
antithesis (an·'tith·ĕ·sis) n. the direct or exact opposite, opposition or contrast.
Martin’s parenting style is the antithesis of mine; he is strict, I am not.
apathetic (ap·ă·'thet·ik) adj. feeling or showing a lack of interest, concern, or
emotion; indifferent, unresponsive. Many students were apathetic when the princi-
pal resigned after thirty years working at the school.
aperture ('ap·ĕr·chŭr) n. an opening or gap, especially one that lets in light. The
aperture setting on a camera has to be set perfectly to ensure that pictures will have
enough light.
apex ('ay·peks) n. 1. the highest point. 2. tip, pointed end. Upon reaching the apex
of the mountain, the climbers placed their flag in the snow.
apocalypse (ă·'pok·ă·lips) n. a cataclysmic event bringing about total devastation
or the end of the world. Many people feared an apocalypse would immediately follow
the development of nuclear weapons.
apostate (ă·'pos·tayt) n. one who abandons long-held religious or political con-
victions. Disillusioned with religious life, Reverend Gift lost his faith and left the
ministry, not caring if he’d be seen as an apostate by colleagues who chose to remain.
apotheosis (ă·poth·ee·'oh·sis) n. deification, an exalted or glorified ideal. Hanson
was so in love with Marge; in his daydreams, she was an apotheosis.
appease (ă·'peez) v. to make calm or quiet, soothe; to still or pacify. The only way
to appease Lawrence is to concede that he is right.
appraise (ă·'prayz) v. 1. to evaluate. 2. to establish value or estimate the worth
of. The art dealer appraised the value of the painting.
apprise (ă·'pr¯z) v. to give notice or information to; to make aware of, inform.
The teacher apprised the class about when the midterm and final exams would occur.
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approbation (ap·rŏ·'bay·shŏn) n. approval. The local authorities issued an approba-

tion to close the street for a festival on St. Patrick’s Day.
appropriate (ă·'prō·prē·˘t
 ) adj. suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion,
or place; fitting. (ă·'proh·pree·ayt) v. to take for one’s own use, often without per-
mission; to set aside for a special purpose. The state legislature will appropriate two
million dollars from the annual budget to build a new bridge on the interstate highway.
apropos (ap·rŏ·'poh) adj. appropriate to the situation; suitable to what is being
said or done. adv. 1. by the way, incidentally. 2. at an appropriate or opportune
time. Chancey’s comments may have been disturbing, but they were definitely apropos.
arcane (ahr·'kayn) adj. mysterious, secret, beyond comprehension. A number of
college students in the 1980s became involved in the arcane game known as “Dun-
geons and Dragons.”
archaic (ahr·'kay·ik) adj. belonging to former or ancient times; characteristic of
the past. The archaic language of Chaucer’s tales makes them difficult for many stu-
dents to understand.
archetype ('ahr·ki·t¯p) n. an original model from which others are copied; origi-
nal pattern or prototype. Elvis Presley served as the archetype for rock and roll per-
formers in the 1950s.
ardor ('ahr·dŏr) n. fiery intensity of feeling; passionate enthusiasm, zeal. The
ardor Larry brought to the campaign made him a natural spokesperson.
arduous ('ahr·joo·ŭs) adj. 1. very difficult, laborious; requiring great effort.
2. difficult to traverse or surmount. Commander Shackleton’s arduous journey
through the Arctic has become the subject of many books and movies.
ascent (ă·'sent) n. 1. an upward slope. 2. a movement upward, advancement. The
rock climbers made the ascent up the side of the mountain.
ascetic (ă·'set·ik) adj. practicing self-denial, not allowing oneself pleasures or
luxuries; austere. Some religions require their leaders to lead an ascetic lifestyle as an
example to their followers.
askew (ă·'skyoo) adj. & adv. crooked, not straight or level; to one side. Even the
pictures on the wall stood askew after my five-year-old son’s birthday party.
asperity (ă·'sper·i·tee) n. harshness, severity; roughness of manner, ill temper,
irritability. The asperity that Marvin, the grumpy accountant, brought to the meet-
ings usually resulted in an early adjournment.
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assay (ă·'say) v. 1. to try, put to a test. 2. to examine. 3. to judge critically, evalu-

ate after an analysis. The chief engineer wanted a laboratory to assay the steel before
using it in the construction project.
assent (ă·'sent) n. agreement; concurrence; consent. v. to agree to something
especially after thoughtful consideration. In order to pass the new law, the com-
mittee must reach an assent.
assiduous (ă·'sij·oo·ŭs) adj. diligent, hardworking; persevering, unremitting.
Omar’s teachers applaud his assiduous study habits.
assuage (ă·'swayj) v. to make something less severe, to soothe; to satisfy (as
hunger or thirst). The small cups of water offered to the marathon runners helped to
assuage their thirst.
attenuate (ă·'ten·yoo·ayt) v. 1. to make thin or slender. 2. to weaken, reduce in
force, value, or degree. The Russian army was able to attenuate the strength and
number of the German forces by leading them inland during winter.
audacious (aw·'day·sh ŭs) adj. fearlessly or recklessly daring or bold; unre-
strained by convention or propriety. Detective Malloy’s methods were considered
bold and audacious by his superiors, but they often achieved results.
augment (aw·'ment) v. to increase in size, strength, or intensity; enlarge. Arty
tried to help Ann and Stan settle their differences, but his interference only augmented
the problem.
august (aw·'ust) adj. majestic, venerable; inspiring admiration or reverence.
Jackie Kennedy’s august dignity in the days following her husband’s assassination set a
tone for the rest of the nation as it mourned.
auspice ('aw·spis) n. 1. protection or support, patronage. 2. a forecast or omen.
The children’s art museum was able to continue operating through the auspices of an
anonymous wealthy benefactor.
austere (aw·'steer) adj. 1. severe or stern in attitude or appearance. 2. simple,
unadorned, very plain. I know my dad seems austere, but he’s really just a great big
teddy bear.
authoritarian (ă·thor·i·'tair·i·ăn) adj. favoring complete, unquestioning obedi-
ence to authority as opposed to individual freedom. The military maintains an
authoritarian environment for its officers and enlisted men alike.
automaton (aw·'tom·ă·tŏn) n. someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or
robotic way. 2. a self-operating or automatic machine, a robot. Because she fol-
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lowed the same routine every morning, Natasha made coffee, cooked breakfast, and
made her children’s lunch like an automaton.
autonomy (aw·'ton·ŏ·mee) n. personal or political independence; self-
government, self-determination. The teenager desired fewer rules from her parents
and a sense of autonomy.
avant-garde (a·vahnt·'ahrd) adj. using or favoring an ultramodern or experi-
mental style; innovative, cutting-edge, especially in the arts or literature. Yvette
prefers the avant-garde style of writers like Donald Barthelme to the traditional nar-
rative technique.
aversion (ă·'vur·zhŏn) n. 1. a strong, intense dislike; repugnance. 2. the object of
this feeling. Todd has an aversion to arugula and picks it out of his salads.

baleful ('bayl·fŭl) adj. harmful, menacing, destructive, sinister. Whether it’s a
man, woman, car, or animal, you can be certain to find at least one baleful character
in a Stephen King horror novel.
balk (bawk) v. 1. to stop abruptly and refuse to go on. 2. to obstinately refuse or
oppose. Old man Jones was finally ready to capitulate and sell his land to the timber
company, but he balked when he saw that he would be compensated for only half of the
value of his property.
banal (bă·'nal) adj. commonplace, trite; obvious and uninteresting. I was expecting
something original and exciting, but the film turned out to have a banal storyline and
mediocre acting.
bane (bayn) n. 1. cause of trouble, misery, distress, or harm. 2. poison. The bane
of the oak tree is the Asian beetle.
beguile (bi·'¯l) v. to deceive or cheat through cunning; to distract the attention
of, divert; to pass time in a pleasant manner, to amuse or charm. Violet was able
to beguile the spy, causing him to miss his secret meeting.
belie (bi·'l¯) v. 1. to give a false impression, misrepresent. 2. to show to be false,
to contradict. By wearing an expensive suit and watch, Alan hoped to belie his lack of
success to everyone at the reunion.
bellicose ('bel·˘ ·kohs) adj. belligerent, quarrelsome, eager to make war. There
was little hope for peace following the election of a candidate known for his bellicose
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belligerent (bi·'lij·ĕr·ĕnt) adj. hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness to

fight. Because Omar had a reputation for being belligerent, many people refused to
associate with him because they feared confrontation.
benevolence (bĕ·'nev·ŏ·lĕns) n. the inclination to be kind and generous; a dis-
position to act charitably. Regina showed benevolence when she volunteered to help
raise money for the local soup kitchen.
benign (bi·'n¯n) adj. 1. gentle, mild, kind; having a beneficial or favorable nature
or influence. 2. not harmful or malignant. Simo’s actions toward his competitors
was never mean-spirited; he always acted in a benign manner.
bevy ('bev·ee) n. 1. a large group or assemblage. 2. a flock of animals or birds.
There was a bevy of eager bingo fans waiting outside the hall for the game to begin.
bilk (bilk) v. to deceive or defraud; to swindle, cheat, especially to evade paying
one’s debts. The stockbroker was led away in handcuffs, accused of trying to bilk sen-
ior citizens out of their investment dollars.
blasé (blah·'zay) adj. 1. uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence.
2. nonchalant, unconcerned. 3. very sophisticated. Quincy has traveled so much
that he speaks of exotic places such as Borneo in a totally blasé manner.
blasphemy ('blas·fĕ·mee) n. contemptuous or irreverent acts, utterances, atti-
tudes or writings against God or other things considered sacred; disrespect of
something sacrosanct. If you committed blasphemy during the Inquisition, you
would be tortured and killed.
blatant ('blay·tant) adj. completely obvious, not attempting to conceal in any
way. Samuel’s blatant disregard of the rules earned him a two-week suspension.
blight (bl¯t) n. 1. a plant disease that causes the affected parts to wilt and die.
2. something that causes this condition, such as air pollution. 3. something
that impairs or destroys. 4. an unsightly object or area. They still do not know
what caused the blight that destroyed half of the trees in the orchard.
blithe (bl¯th) adj. light-hearted, casual, and carefree. Rachel’s blithe attitude toward
spending money left her broke and in debt.
boisterous ('boi·stĕ·rŭs) adj. 1. loud, noisy, and lacking restraint or discipline.
2. stormy and rough. The boisterous crowd began throwing cups onto the field dur-
ing the football game.
bolster ('bohl·stĕr) v. 1. to support or prop up. 2. to buoy or hearten. Coach
Edmond’s speech bolstered the team’s confidence.
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bombastic (bom·'bas·tik) adj. speaking pompously, with inflated self-

importance. Ahmed was shocked that a renowned and admired humanitarian could
give such a bombastic keynote address.
boor (boor) n. a crude, offensive, ill-mannered person. Seeing Chuck wipe his
mouth with his sleeve, Maribel realized she was attending her senior prom with a
classic boor.
bourgeois (boor·'zhwah) adj. typical of the middle class; conforming to the stan-
dards and conventions of the middle class; hence also, commonplace, conser-
vative, or materialistic. Although she won millions in the lottery, Ada still maintains
her bourgeois lifestyle.
bowdlerize ('bohd·lĕ·r¯z) v. to edit by omitting or modifying parts that may be
considered offensive; censor. To make their collection of fairy tales suitable for chil-
dren, the Brothers Grimm had to bowdlerize the folk tales they had collected, for many
of the original tales included graphic language.
bravado (bră·'vah·doh) n. false courage, a show of pretended bravery. Kyle’s
bravado often got him in trouble with other kids in the neighborhood.
broach (brohch) v. 1. to bring up, introduce, in order to begin a discussion of.
2. to tap or pierce, as in to draw off liquid. It was hard for Sarah to broach the
subject of her mother’s weight gain.
bumptious ('bump·shŭs) adj. arrogant, conceited. The bumptious man couldn’t stop
talking about himself or looking in the mirror.
buoyant ('boi·ănt) adj. 1. able to float. 2. light-hearted, cheerful. In science class,
the children tried to identify which objects on the table would be buoyant.
burgeon ('bur·jŏn) v. to begin to grow and flourish; to begin to sprout, grow
new buds, blossom. The tulip bulbs beneath the soil would burgeon in early spring
providing there was no late frost.
burnish ('bur·nish) v. to polish, rub to a shine. When Kathryn began to burnish the
old metal tea pot, she realized that it was, in fact, solid silver.

cabal (kă·'bal) n. 1. a scheme or conspiracy. 2. a small group joined in a secret
plot. With Antonio as their leader, the members of the unit readied themselves to
begin the cabal.
cacophony (kă·'kof·ŏ·nee) n. loud, jarring, discordant sound; clamor, din. I
heard a cacophony coming from the garage where the band was practicing.
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cadge (kaj) v. to beg, to obtain by begging. Their dog Cleo would cadge at my feet,
hoping I would throw him some table scraps.
cajole (kă·'johl) v. to urge with gentle and repeated appeals or flattery; to whee-
dle. Valerie is quite adept at cajoling others to get what she wants, even if it’s some-
thing she hasn’t earned.
candor ('kan·dŏr) n. frank, sincere speech; openness. When I told my boss about my
performance concerns, he welcomed my candor.
capitulate (kă·'pich·ŭ·layt) v. to surrender under specific terms or agreed upon
conditions; to give in, acquiesce. Old man Jones was finally ready to capitulate and
sell his land to the timber company, but he balked when he saw that he would be com-
pensated for only half of the value of his property.
capricious (kă·'prish·ŭs) adj. impulsive, whimsical and unpredictable. Robin
Williams, the comedian, demonstrates a capricious nature even when he is not performing.
careen (kă·'reen) v. 1. to lurch from side to side while in motion. 2. to rush care-
lessly or headlong. Watching the car in front of us careen down the road was very
caste (kast) n. a distinct social class or system. While visiting India, Michael was
fascinated to learn the particulars of each caste and the way they related to each other.
castigate ('kas·t˘·ayt) v. to inflict a severe punishment on; to chastise severely.
When his parents caught Bryan stealing money from his classmates, they castigated
catharsis (kă·'thahr·sis) n. the act of ridding or cleansing; relieving emotions via
the experiences of others, especially through art. Survivors of war often experi-
ence a catharsis when viewing Picasso’s painting Guernica, which depicts the bombing
of a town during the Spanish civil war.
caustic ('kaws·tik) adj. 1. able to burn, corrode, or dissolve by chemical action.
2. bitingly sarcastic, cutting. The mechanic was very careful when working with the
caustic fluid around the car because it could damage the car’s paint.
censor ('sen·sŏr) n. an official who reviews books, films, etc. to remove what is
considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable. v. to forbid the
publication, distribution, or other public dissemination of something because
it is considered obscene or otherwise politically or morally unacceptable. The
librarian served as a censor, deciding what books were appropriate for the young
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censure ('sen·shŭr) n. expression of strong criticism or disapproval; a rebuke or

condemnation. v. to criticize strongly, rebuke, condemn. After Tyra was found
cheating on the exam, her mother censured her behavior.
chastise ('chas·t¯z) v. to punish severely, as with a beating; to criticize harshly,
rebuke. Charles knew that his wife would chastise him after he inadvertently told the
room full of guests that she had just had a face lift.
chauvinist ('shoh·v˘n·ist) n. a person who believes in the superiority of his or
her own kind; an extreme nationalist. Though common in the early days of the
women’s movement, male chauvinists are pretty rare today.
chimera (ki·'meer·ă) n. 1. (in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing she-monster
with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. 2. a vain or incongruous
fancy; a (monstrous) product of the imagination, illusion. Seduced by the chimera
of immortality, Victor Frankenstein created a monster that ended up destroying him
and everyone he loved.
chronic ('kron·ik) adj. 1. continuing for a long time; on-going, habitual.
2. long-lasting or recurrent. Seamus has had a chronic cough for the past six months.
chronicle ('kron·i·kĕl) n. a detailed record or narrative description of past
events. v. to record in chronological order; make a historical record. Historians
have made a chronicle of the war’s events.
chronology (krŏ·'nol·ŏ·jee) n. the arrangement of events in time; the sequence
in which events occur. The firefighter determined the chronology of incidents that
contributed to the fire.
chronometer (krŏ·'nom·i·tĕr) n. an exceptionally accurate clock; a precise
instrument for measuring time. The track coach used a chronometer to determine
the runner’s time for the marathon.
churlish ('chur·l˘sh) adj. ill-mannered, boorish, rude. Angelo’s churlish remarks
made everyone at the table uncomfortable and ill at ease.
circumspect ('sur·kŭm·spekt) adj. cautious, wary, watchful. The prison guard was
circumspect when he learned that some of the prisoners were planning an escape.
clandestine (klan·'des·tin) adj. conducted in secrecy; kept or done in private,
often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose. The private investiga-
tor followed Raul to a clandestine rendezvous with a woman in sunglasses and a
trench coat.
cliché (klee·'shay) n. a trite or overused expression or idea. Tito has an engaging
writing style, but he uses too many clichés.
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coalesce (koh·ă·'les) v. to combine and form a whole; to join together, fuse. Jay
and Jael coalesced their money to create one savings account.
coeval (koh·'ee·văl) adj. of the same time period, contemporary. The poet Ben
Jonson was coeval to Shakespeare.
cogent ('koh·jĕnt) adj. convincing, persuasive, compelling belief. Ella’s cogent
arguments helped the debate team win the state championship.
collusion (kŏ·'loo·zhŏn) n. a secret agreement between two or more people for a
deceitful or fraudulent purpose; conspiracy. The discovery of the e-mail proved
that collusion existed between the CEO and CFO to defraud the shareholders.
complacent (kŏm·'play·sĕnt) adj. contented to a fault; self-satisfied, uncon-
cerned. Renee was complacent even when she learned that her coworkers were trying
to get her fired.
concede (kŏn·'seed) v. 1. to acknowledge or admit as true, proper, etc. (often
with reluctance); to yield, surrender. 2. to grant as a right or privilege. The
leader conceded the right to vote to all her country’s inhabitants.
conciliatory (kŏn·'sil·ee·ă·tohr·ee) adj. making or willing to make concessions
to reconcile, soothe, or comfort; mollifying, appeasing. Abraham Lincoln made
conciliatory gestures toward the South at the end of the Civil War.
conclave ('kon·klav) n. a private or secret meeting. The double agent had a conclave
with the spy he was supposed to be observing.
consensus (kŏn·'sen·sŭs) n. general agreement or accord; an opinion or position
reached by a group. The school board reached a consensus about building a new high
consternation (kon·stĕr·'nay·shŏn) n. a feeling of deep, incapacitating horror or
dismay. The look of consternation on the faces of the students taking the history exam
alarmed the teacher, who thought he had prepared his students for the test.
contentious (kŏn·'ten·shŭs) adj. 1. quarrelsome, competitive, quick to fight.
2. controversial, causing contention. With two contentious candidates on hand, it
was sure to be a lively debate.
conundrum (kŏ·'nun·drŭm) n. a hard riddle, enigma; a puzzling question or
problem. Alex’s logic professor gave the class a conundrum to work on over the
copious ('koh·pi·ŭs) adj. large in number or quantity; abundant, plentiful. The
shipwrecked couple found a copious supply of coconut trees and shellfish on the island.
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cornucopia (kor·nyŭ·'koh·pi·ă) n. abundance; a horn of plenty. The first-graders

made cornucopias for Thanksgiving by placing papier-mache vegetables into a
hollowed-out horn.
corroborate (kŏ·'rob·ŏ·rayt) v. to strengthen or support with evidence or
authority; to make more certain, confirm. Both Irma’s and Ye’s statements corrob-
orate Tia’s story, so she must be telling the truth.
countenance ('kown·tĕ·năns) n. the appearance of a person’s face, facial features
and expression. As she walked down the aisle, Julia’s countenance was absolutely
craven ('kray·vĕn) adj. cowardly. “This craven act of violence will not go unpun-
ished,” remarked the police chief.
credulous ('krej·ŭ·lŭs) adj. gullible, too willing to believe things. All the tables,
graphs, and charts made the company’s assets look too good to the credulous potential
investors at the meeting.
crux (kruks) n. the central or critical point or feature, especially of a problem.
The crux of the trial was her whereabouts at the time of the burglary.
cryptic ('krip·tik) adj. having a hidden or secret meaning, mysterious; hidden, secret,
occult. Jimmy was confused by the cryptic note he found written on the refrigerator.
cue (kyoo) n. 1. a signal, such as a word or action, given to prompt or remind
someone of something; a hint or suggestion. 2. a line of waiting people or
vehicles; a queue. When the timer buzzed, Sonia realized that it was a cue to take
the hamburgers off the grill.
culpable ('kul·pă·bĕl) adj. deserving blame or censure for being or doing some-
thing wrong or harmful; blameworthy, guilty. When my prank ending up break-
ing Andrea’s lamp, I admitted that I was culpable.
cursory ('kur·sŏ·ree) adj. hasty and superficial. Although I should have proofread
the essay carefully, I only had time to give it a cursory review.

daunt (dawnt) v. to intimidate, to make afraid or discouraged. His austere manner
daunted the small children.
debacle (di·'bah·kĕl) n. 1. a sudden disaster or collapse; a total defeat or failure.
2. a sudden breaking up or breaking loose; violent flood waters, often caused
by the breaking up of ice in a river. Putting the bridge’s supporting beams in loose
sand caused a total debacle when the sand shifted and the bridge fell apart.
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debut (day·'byoo) n. a first appearance in or presentation to the public. v. to

make a first appearance in public. Irina’s Carnegie Hall debut received rave
decimate ('des·˘ ·mayt) v. to destroy a large portion of. Neglect and time would
eventually decimate much of the housing in the inner cities.
decorum (di·'kohr·ŭm) n. appropriateness of behavior, propriety; decency in
manners and conduct. When questions concerning decorum arise, I always refer to
Emily Post.
de facto (dee 'fak·toh) adj. & adv. in reality or fact; actual. The king is only the
nominal head of the country; the de facto leader is the prime minister.
deign (dayn) v. to condescend, to be kind or gracious enough to do something
thought to be beneath one’s dignity. Would you deign to spare a dime for a poor
old beggar like me?
delineate (di·'lin·ee·ayt) v. to draw or outline, sketch; to portray, depict,
describe. The survey will clearly delineate where their property ends.
delude (di·'lood) v. to deceive, make someone believe something that is wrong.
Nicole deluded Maria when she claimed to forgive her.
demagogue ('dem·ă·aw) n. a leader who obtains power by appealing to peo-
ple’s feelings and prejudices rather than by reasoning. The dictator was widely
regarded as an infamous demagogue.
demur (di·'mur) v. to raise objections, hesitate. Polly hated to demur, but she didn’t
think adding ten cloves of garlic to the recipe would taste good.
demure (di·'myoor) adj. modest and shy, or pretending to be so. When it was to
her advantage, Sharon could be very demure, but otherwise she was quite outgoing.
denigrate ('den·i·rayt) v. to blacken the reputation of, disparage, defame. The
movie script reportedly contained scenes that would denigrate the queen, so those scenes
were removed.
denouement (day·noo·'mahn) n. the resolution or clearing up of the plot at the
end of a narrative; the outcome or solution of an often complex series of
events. The students sat at the edge of their seats as they listened to the denouement of
the story.
deprecate ('dep·rĕ·kayt) v. to express disapproval of; to belittle, depreciate.
Grandpa’s tendency to deprecate the children’s friends was a frequent source of family
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derisive (di·'r¯·siv) adj. scornful, expressing ridicule; mocking, jeering. In order to

promote freedom of expression, derisive comments were forbidden in the classroom.
derivative (di·'riv·ă·tiv) n. something that is derived or made by derivation. adj.
derived from another source, unoriginal. The word “atomic” is a derivative of the
word “atom.”
desecrate ('des·ĕ·krayt) v. to violate the sacredness of, to profane. Someone dese-
crated the local cemetery by spray-painting graffiti on tombstones.
destitute ('des·ti·toot) adj. 1. penniless, extremely poor. 2. utterly lacking. After
the economy declined, many families were left destitute.
desultory ('des·ŭl·tohr·ee) adj. aimless, haphazard; moving from one subject to
another without logical connection. Ichabod’s desultory ramblings worsened as his
disease progressed.
detract (di·'trakt) v. to draw or take away from; to remove part of something,
diminish. Unfortunately, Helen’s slovenly appearance detracted from the impact of
her otherwise brilliant presentation.
dichotomy (d¯·'kot·ŏ·mee) n. division into two usually contradictory parts or
kinds. When the teacher broached the subject of politics, there was a predictable
dichotomy among the students.
diffident ('dif·i·dĕnt) adj. lacking self-confidence, shy and timid. Alan used to be so
diffident, but now he’s as gregarious as can be and is usually the life of the party.
diffuse (di·'fyooz) v. 1. to spread throughout, disperse, extend. 2. to soften, make
less brilliant. adj. 1. spread out, scattered, not concentrated. 2. wordy, verbose.
The perfume she sprayed diffused throughout her bedroom.
digress (d¯·'res) v. to turn aside, deviate, or swerve; to stray from the main sub-
ject in writing or speaking. Her argument digressed from the main problem she had
about her friend’s spending habits.
dilatory ('dil·ă·tohr·ee) adj. slow or late in doing something; intended to delay,
especially to gain time. Miguel’s dilatory approach to getting himself up and dressed
was his own small act of passive resistance to having to work on a holiday.
disabuse (dis·ă·'byooz) v. to undeceive, correct a false impression or erroneous
belief. Natalie needed to disabuse Chin of his belief that she was in love with him.
discern (di·'surn) v. to perceive clearly; to distinguish, recognize as being dis-
tinct. Remy discerned that Opal had no intention of calling him back.
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disconcert (dis·kŏn·'surt) v. 1. to upset the composure of, ruffle. 2. to frustrate

plans by throwing into disorder. The arrival of Miriam’s ex-husband and his new
wife managed to disconcert the typically unflappable Miriam.
disconsolate (dis·'kon·sŏ·lit) adj. 1. sad, dejected, disappointed. 2. inconsolable,
hopelessly unhappy. The disconsolate look on Peter’s face revealed that the letter con-
tained bad news.
disdain (dis·'dayn) n. a feeling or showing of haughty contempt or scorn; a state
of being despised. v. 1. to regard with haughty contempt or scorn, despise.
2. to consider or reject (someone or something) as unworthy or beneath one’s
dignity. I was humiliated by the way Angelica disdained every idea I proposed at that
disenfranchise (dis·en·'fran·ch¯z) v. to deprive of the rights of citizenship, espe-
cially the right to vote. The independent monitors were at polling locations to ensure
neither party tried to disenfranchise incoming voters.
disingenuous (dis·in·'jen·yoo·ŭs) adj. 1. insincere, calculating; not straightfor-
ward or frank. 2. falsely pretending to be unaware. Carl’s disingenuous comments
were not taken seriously by anyone in the room.
disparage (di·'spar·ij) v. to speak of in a slighting or derogatory way, belittle.
Comedians often disparage politicians as part of their comedic routines.
dissipate ('dis·˘ ·payt) v. 1. to separate and scatter completely; to disperse to the
point of disappearing, or nearly so. 2. to be extravagant and wasteful, especially
in the pursuit of pleasure; squander. The crowd dissipated when the riot police
arrived, and only the very angriest protesters remained.
dissemble (di·'sem·bĕl) v. to disguise or conceal one’s true feelings or motives
behind a false appearance. Tom needed to dissemble his goal of taking his boss’s job
by acting supportive of his boss’s planned job change.
dissuade (di·'swayd) v. to discourage from or persuade against a course of
action. I tried to dissuade them from painting their house purple, but they didn’t lis-
dither ('dith·ĕr) v. 1. to hesitate, be indecisive and uncertain. 2. to shake or
quiver. During a crisis, it is important to have a leader who will not dither.
dogma ('daw·mă) n. a system of principles or beliefs, a prescribed doctrine.
Some find the dogma inherent in religion a comfort, whereas others find it too
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dormant ('dor·mănt) adj. 1. lying asleep or as if asleep, inactive, at rest.

2. inactive but capable of becoming active; latent, temporarily quiescent. The
geology students made a surprising discovery: the volcano believed to be dormant was
about to erupt.
draconian (dray·'koh·ni·ăn) adj. very harsh, extremely severe (especially a law or
punishment). Students of international policy are often shocked by the draconian
punishments used by other countries for seemingly minor offenses.
droll (drohl) adj. amusing in an odd or whimsical way. This is a wonderful, droll
story—the children will love it!
dross (draws) n. 1. waste product, sludge. 2. something worthless, commonplace,
or trivial. Work crews immediately began the task of cleaning the dross at the aban-
doned plastics factory.
dulcet ('dul·sit) adj. melodious, harmonious, sweet-sounding. The chamber orches-
tra’s dulcet tunes were a perfect ending to a great evening.
dupe (doop) n. someone who is easily deceived, gullible. v. to deceive, trick.
Charlene was duped into buying this lemon of a car by a slick-talking salesman.

ebb (eb) n. the return of the tide to the sea. v. 1. to flow back or recede, as the
tide. 2. to fall back, decline. I hope Mark’s anger has ebbed; I am eager for a recon-
ebullient (i·'bul·yĕnt) adj. bubbling over with enthusiasm, exuberant. The ebul-
lient children were waiting to stick their hands into the grab bag and pull out a toy.
eccentric (ik·'sen·trik) adj. deviating from the conventional or established norm
or pattern; anomalous, irregular. Her artwork was unlike any other artist at the
museum; each painting had its own eccentric color scheme.
eclectic (i·'klek·tik) adj. 1. selecting or employing elements from a variety of
sources, systems, or styles. 2. consisting of elements from a variety of sources.
You’re sure to meet someone interesting at the party—Marieka always invites an
eclectic group of people to her gatherings.
éclat (ay·'klah) n. conspicuous success; great acclaim or applause; brilliant per-
formance or achievement. Even the ruinous deceit of the envious Salieri could not
impede the dazzling éclat of the young and gifted Mozart.
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edifying ('ed·˘ ·f¯·in) adj. enlightening or uplifting with the aim of improving
intellectual or moral development; instructing, improving. His edifying speech
challenged the audience to devote more time to charitable causes.
efficacious (ef·˘ ·'kay·shŭs) adj. acting effectively, producing the desired effect or
result. Margaret’s efficacious approach to her job in the collections department made
her a favorite with the CFO.
effrontery (i·'frun·tĕ·ree) n. brazen boldness, impudence, insolence. The customs
officials were infuriated by the effrontery of the illegal alien who nonchalantly carried
drugs into the country in his shirt pocket.
effusive (i·'fyoo·siv) adj. expressing emotions in an unrestrained or excessive
way; profuse, overflowing, gushy. Anne’s unexpected effusive greeting made
Tammy uncomfortable.
egalitarian (i·al·i·'tair·ee·ăn) adj. characterized by or affirming the principle of
equal political, social, civil, and economic rights for all persons. Hannah was
moved by the candidate’s egalitarian speech.
egregious (i·'ree·jŭs) adj. conspicuously and outrageously bad or offensive; fla-
grant. After her egregious accounting error cost the company thousands of dollars,
Enid was fired.
eke (eek) v. to get or supplement with great effort or strain; to earn or accom-
plish laboriously. Working two jobs enabled Quincy to eke out a living wage for his
élan (ay·'lahn) n. 1. vivacity, enthusiasm, vigor. 2. distinctive style or flair. The
new designer’s élan and originality were sure to help him succeed in the highly compet-
itive fashion industry.
elite (i·'leet) n. 1. the best or most skilled members of a social group or class.
2. a person or group regarded as superior. Within the student orchestra, there
existed a small group of musical elite who performed around the country.
eloquent ('el·ŏ·kwĕnt) adj. expressing strong emotions or arguments in a power-
ful, fluent, and persuasive manner. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is con-
sidered one of the most eloquent speeches ever given by a U.S. president.
elusive (i·'loo·siv) adj. evasive, eluding the grasp; difficult to capture, describe or
comprehend. The bank robber was not caught during his first crime spree and he
proved to be a very elusive fugitive.
eminent ('em·˘ ·nĕnt) adj. towering above or more prominent than others, lofty;
standing above others in quality, character, reputation, etc.; distinguished. The
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chairperson proudly announced that the keynote speaker at the animal rights conven-
tion would be the eminent primatologist Jane Goodall.
empirical (em·'pir·i·kal) adj. based on observation or experience rather than the-
ory. Frank’s empirical data suggested that mice would climb over the walls of the
maze to get to the cheese rather than navigate the maze itself.
emulate ('em·yŭ·layt) v. to try to equal or excel, especially by imitation. Ricky
admired his sister Joan and always tried to emulate her behavior.
enclave ('en·klayv) n. a distinct territory lying wholly within the boundaries of
another, larger territory. The country of Lesotho is an enclave of South Africa.
endemic (en·'dem·ik) adj. 1. prevalent in or characteristic of a specific area or
group of people. 2. native to a particular region. Kudzu, a hairy, purple-flowered
vine thought to be endemic to the southeastern United States, was actually imported
from Japan.
enervate ('en·ĕr·vayt) v. to weaken, deprive of strength or vitality; to make fee-
ble or impotent. Stephanie’s cutting remarks managed to enervate Hasaan.
engender (en·'jen·dĕr) v. to produce, give rise to, bring into existence. Professor
Sorenson’s support worked to engender Samantha’s desire to pursue a PhD.
enigma (ĕ·'ni·mă) n. something that is puzzling or difficult to understand; a
baffling problem or riddle. The math problem was difficult to solve and proved to be
an enigma.
ennui (ahn·'wee) n. boredom and listlessness resulting from something tedious
or uninteresting. The tour guide’s façade of enthusiasm could not hide his ennui.
enormity (i·'nor·mi·tee) n. 1. excessive wickedness. 2. a monstrous offense or
evil act, atrocity. (Note: Enormity is often used to indicate something of great
size—e.g., the enormity of the task—but this is considered an incorrect use of
the word.) The enormity of the serial killer’s crimes will never be forgotten.
ensconce (en·'skons) v. 1. to fix or settle firmly and securely. 2. to place or hide
securely, conceal. Once the spy was comfortably ensconced in his new identity, he
began his secret mission.
ephemeral (i·'fem·ĕ·răl) adj. lasting only a very short time, transitory. Summer
always seems so ephemeral; before you know it, it’s time to go back to school again.
epicurean (ep·i·'kyoor·ee·ăn) n. a person devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and
luxury, especially the enjoyment of good food and comfort. While on vacation at
a posh resort hotel, Joan became a true epicurean.
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epiphany (i·'pif·ă·nee) n. 1. a sudden, intuitive realization of the essence or

meaning of something, a perceptive revelation. 2. a manifestation of the
divine. 3. Epiphany, a Christian feast on the twelfth day after Christmas cele-
brating the divine manifestation of Jesus to the Magi. As I listened to Professor
Lane’s lecture, I had a sudden epiphany that I was in the wrong major.
epitome (i·'pit·ŏ·mee) n. 1. something or someone that embodies a particular
quality or characteristic, a representative example or a typical model. 2. a brief
summary or abstract. Einstein is the epitome of true genius.
equanimity (ee·kwă·'nim·i·tee) n. calmness of temperament, even-
temperedness; patience and composure, especially under stressful circum-
stances. The hostage negotiator’s equanimity during the stand-off was remarkable.
equivocate (i·'kwiv·ŏ·kayt) v. to use unclear or ambiguous language in order to
mislead or conceal the truth. Raj tried to equivocate when explaining why he came
home after his curfew.
eradicate (i·'rad·˘ ·kayt) v. to root out and utterly destroy; to annihilate, exter-
minate. The exterminator said he would eradicate the vermin from the house.
erratic (i·'rat·ik) adj. 1. moving or behaving in an irregular, uneven, or inconsis-
tent manner. 2. deviating from the normal or typical course of action, opinion,
etc. During an earthquake, a seismograph’s needle moves in an erratic manner.
ersatz (ĕr·'zăts) adj. artificial; being an imitation or substitute, especially one
that is inferior. Though most of the guests couldn’t tell the difference, Waldo knew
that the dish was made with ersatz truffles.
erudite ('er·yŭ·d¯t) adj. having or showing great learning; profoundly educated,
scholarly. The scholarly work of nonfiction was obviously written by an erudite young
ethos ('ee·thos) n. the spirit, attitude, disposition or beliefs characteristic of a
community, epoch, region, etc. The ethos of their group included a commitment
to pacifism.
eulogy ('yoo·lŏ·ee) n. a formal speech or piece of writing in praise of someone
or something. Richard was asked to give a eulogy for his fallen comrade.
euphoria (yoo·'fohr·ee·ă) n. a feeling of well-being or high spirits. When falling
in love, it is not uncommon to experience feelings of euphoria.
evade (i·'vayd) v. to elude or avoid by cleverness or deceit. 2. to avoid fulfilling,
answering, or doing. The thief evaded the store’s security guards by escaping out the
back door.
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evanescent (ev·ă·'nes·ĕnt) adj. vanishing or tending to vanish like vapor; transi-

tory, fleeting. The subject of the poem is the evanescent nature of young love.
evince (i·'vins) v. to show or demonstrate clearly; to make evident. The safety offi-
cer tried to evince the dangers of driving under the influence by showing pictures of
alcohol-related automobile accidents.
exacerbate (i·'zas·ĕr·bayt) v. to make worse; to increase the severity, violence,
or bitterness of. We should have known that splashing salt water on Dan’s wound
would exacerbate his pain.
exculpate (eks·'kul·payt) v. to free from blame, to clear from a charge of guilt.
When Anthony admitted to the crime, it served to exculpate Marcus.
exigent ('ek·si·jĕnt) adj. 1. urgent, requiring immediate action or attention, crit-
ical. 2. requiring much effort or precision, demanding. The late-night call on
Paul’s cell phone concerned matters of an exigent nature.
exorbitant (i·'zor·bi·tănt) adj. greatly exceeding the bounds of what is normal
or reasonable; inordinate and excessive. Three thousand dollars is an exorbitant
amount to pay for a scarf.
expedient (ik·'spee·dee·ĕnt) n. a short-lived means to an end. adj. 1. appropriate
for a purpose, suitable for a means to an end. 2. serving to promote one’s own
interests rather than principle. A quick divorce was an expedient end to the couple’s
two-month marriage.
explicit (ik·'splis·it) adj. stated clearly and fully; straightforward, exact. The terms
of the rental agreement were explicit in the document.
expunge (ik·'spunj) v. to wipe or rub out, delete; to eliminate completely, anni-
hilate. After finishing probation, juveniles can petition the courts to expunge their
criminal records.
extenuate (ik·ten·'yoo·ayt) v. to reduce the strength or lessen the seriousness of,
to try to partially excuse. The man’s desperation extenuated his actions.

façade (fă·'sahd) n. 1. the face or front of a building. 2. an artificial or deceptive
front, especially one intended to hide something unpleasant. Antoine’s stoicism
is just a façade; he is really a deeply emotional person.
facetious (fă·'see·shŭs) adj. humorous and witty, cleverly amusing; jocular,
sportive. Jude’s facetious reply angered his teacher but made his classmates laugh.
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fallacy ('fal·ă·see) n. 1. a false notion or misconception resulting from incorrect

or illogical reasoning. 2. that which is deceptive or has a false appearance;
something that misleads, deception. The “slippery slope” fallacy argues that once X
happens, Y and Z will automatically follow.
fatuous ('fach·oo·ŭs) adj. complacently stupid; feeble-minded and silly. Because
Sam was such an intellectually accomplished student, Mr. Britt was surprised to dis-
cover that Sam’s well-meaning but fatuous parents were not at all like him.
feckless ('fek·lis) adj. 1. lacking purpose or vitality; feeble, weak. 2. incompe-
tent and ineffective, careless. Jake’s feckless performance led to his termination
from the team.
fecund ('fek·ŭnd) adj. fertile. The fecund soil in the valley was able to sustain the
growing community.
feign (fayn) v. to pretend, to give the false appearance of. Walter feigned illness to
avoid attending the meeting.
felicitous (fi·'lis·i·tŭs) adj. 1. apt, suitably expressed, apropos. 2. marked by good
fortune. The felicitous turn of events during her promotional tour propelled Susan’s
book to the best-seller list.
fervor ('fur·vŏr) n. zeal, ardor, intense emotion. The fervor of the fans in the stands
helped propel the team to victory.
fetter ('fet·ĕr) v. 1. to shackle, put in chains. 2. to impede or restrict. The presence
of two security guards fettered their plans to get backstage.
flaccid ('fla·sid) adj. hanging loose or wrinkled; weak, flabby, not firm. The skin of
cadavers becomes flaccid in a matter of hours.
flippant ('flip·ănt) adj. not showing proper seriousness; disrespectful, saucy.
Ursula’s flippant remarks in front of her fiancé’s parents were an embarrassment to
us all.
florid ('flor·id) adj. 1. elaborate, ornate. 2. (of complexion) ruddy, rosy. The
florid architecture in Venice did not appeal to me; I prefer buildings without so much
flout (flowt) v. to disobey openly and scornfully; to reject, mock, go against (as
in a tradition or convention). Flappers in the early twentieth century flouted con-
vention by bobbing their hair and wearing very short skirts.
forbearance (for·'bair·ăns) n. patience, willingness to wait, tolerance. Gustaf
dreaded the security check in the airport, but he faced it with great forbearance because
he knew it was for his own safety.
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forestall (fohr·'stawl) v. to prevent by taking action first, preempt. The diplomat

was able to forestall a conflict by holding secret meetings with both parties.
forswear (for·'swair) v. 1. to give up, renounce. 2. to deny under oath. Natasha
had to forswear her allegiance to her homeland in order to become a citizen of the
new country.
fortuitous (for·'too·i·tŭs) adj. happening by accident or chance; occurring
unexpectedly or without any known cause. (Note: Fortuitous is commonly
used to mean a happy accident or an unexpected but fortunate occurrence. In
its true sense, however, a fortuitous event can be either fortunate or unfortu-
nate.) By a stroke of fortuitous bad luck, Wei chose a small, exclusive resort for her
vacation—only to find that the ex-boyfriend she wanted to get away from had also
chosen the same resort.
frugal ('froo·ăl) adj. 1. careful and economical, sparing, thrifty. 2. costing little.
My grandparents survived the Great Depression by being very frugal.
fulminate ('ful·m˘·nayt) v. 1. to issue a thunderous verbal attack, berate.
2. to explode or detonate. The Senator liked to fulminate when other legislators
questioned her ideology.
fulsome ('fuul·sŏm) adj. offensive due to excessiveness, especially excess flattery
or praise. Her new coworker’s fulsome attention bothered Kathryn.
furtive ('fur·tiv) adj. 1. characterized by stealth or secrecy, surreptitious. 2. sug-
gesting a hidden motive, shifty. Harriet’s furtive glance told me I had better keep
quiet about what I had just seen.
futile ('fyoo·t˘l) adj. useless, producing no result; hopeless, vain. My mother would
never let me attend the party; arguing with her was futile.

gainsay ('ayn·say) v. to deny, contradict, or declare false; to oppose. Petra would
gainsay all accusations made against her.
gargantuan (ahr·'an·choo·ăn) adj. gigantic, huge. It was a gargantuan super-
market for such a small town.
garish ('air·ish) adj. excessively bright or over-decorated, gaudy; tastelessly
showy. Though Susan thought Las Vegas was garish, Emily thought it was perfectly
garner ('ahr·nĕr) v. to gather and store up; to amass, acquire. Whitney garnered
enough money to buy a used car.
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garrulous ('ar·ŭ·lŭs) adj. talkative. Aunt Midge is as garrulous as they come, so be

prepared to listen for hours.
gauche (ohsh) adj. 1. lacking social graces or polish; without tact. 2. clumsy or
awkward. My little brother is so gauche that it’s embarrassing to be with him in public.
genteel (jen·'teel) adj. elegantly polite, well bred, refined. The genteel host made
sure that each entrée was cooked to each guest’s specifications.
gerrymander ('jer·i·man·dĕr) n. the act of gerrymandering. v. to divide an area
into voting districts so as to give one party an unfair advantage. The election was
rigged by gerrymandering that gave unfair advantage to the incumbent.
gestalt (ĕ·shtălt) n. a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole
that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts. One of the fundamental
beliefs of gestalt therapy is that we exist in a web of relationships to other things, and
that it is possible to understand ourselves only in the context of these relationships.
gird (urd) v. 1. to encircle or bind with a belt or band. 2. to encompass, sur-
round. 3. to prepare for action, especially military confrontation. 4. to sneer at,
mock, gibe. The negotiations had failed, and the soldiers girded for battle.
gregarious (rĕ·'air·ee·ŭs) adj. 1. seeking and enjoying the company of others,
sociable. 2. tending to form a group with others of the same kind. Alan used to
be so diffident, but now he’s as gregarious as can be and is usually the life of the party.
grovel ('ruv·ĕl) v. to lie or creep with one’s face to the ground in a servile, hum-
ble, or fearful manner. Panji, if you want your boss to treat you with respect, you’ve
got to stop groveling and stand up for yourself.
guffaw (u·'faw) n. a noisy, coarse burst of laughter. Michael let out quite a guffaw
when Jamal told him the outlandish joke.
guile (¯l) n. treacherous cunning; shrewd, crafty deceit. The most infamous pirates
displayed tremendous guile.

hallow ('hal·oh) v. to make holy, consecrate. The religious leader hallowed the new
worship hall.
hapless ('hap·lis) adj. unlucky, unfortunate. The hapless circumstances of her journey
resulted in lost luggage, missed connections, and a very late arrival.
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harangue (hă·'ran) n. a long, often scolding or bombastic speech; a tirade. v. to

speak in a pompous maner; to declaim. Members of the audience began to get rest-
less during the senator’s political harangue.
harbinger ('hahr·bin·jĕr) n. a person, thing, or event that foreshadows or indi-
cates what is to come; a forerunner or precursor. The arrival of the robins is a
harbinger of spring.
harrowing ('har·oh·in) adj. distressing, creating great stress or torment. The
turbulent flight proved to be a harrowing experience for Jane.
haughty ('haw·tee) adj. scornfully arrogant and condescending; acting as though
one is superior and others unworthy, disdainful. Stanley is so often haughty that
he has very few friends.
hegemony (hi·'jem·ŏ·nee) n. predominant influence or leadership, especially of
one government over others. The hegemony of his country borders on imperialism.
hermetic (hur·'met·ik) adj. 1. having an airtight closure. 2. protected from out-
side influences. In the hermetic world of the remote mountain village, the inhabi-
tants did not even know that their country was on the brink of war.
hiatus (h¯·'ay·tŭs) n. a gap or opening; an interruption or break. After he was laid
off by the bank, Kobitu decided to take a long hiatus from the financial world and took
a job as a middle school math teacher.
hone (hohn) v. to sharpen; to perfect, make more effective. By practicing creating
spreadsheets, I honed my computer skills.
hubris ('hyoo·bris) n. overbearing pride or presumption. In the Greek tragedy
Oedipus Rex, Oedipus’s hubris leads to his downfall.

iconoclast (¯·'kon·oh·klast) n. 1. a person who attacks and seeks to overthrow
traditional ideas, beliefs, or institutions. 2. someone who opposes and destroys
idols used in worship. Using words as weapons, the well-spoken iconoclast challenged
political hypocrisy and fanaticism wherever she found it.
ignoble (i·'noh·bĕl) adj. 1. lacking nobility in character or purpose, dishonor-
able. 2. not of the nobility, common. Mark was an ignoble successor to such a well-
respected leader, and many members of the organization resigned.
ignominious (i·nŏ·'min·ee·ŭs) adj. 1. marked by shame or disgrace. 2. deserv-
ing disgrace or shame; despicable. The evidence of plagiarism brought an ignomin-
ious end to what had been a notable career for the talented young author.
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imbroglio (im·'brohl·yoh) n. a confused or difficult situation, usually involving a

disagreement or misunderstanding. In Shakespeare’s comedies, there is often an
imbroglio caused by a case of mistaken identity.
immolate ('im·ŏ·layt) v. 1. to kill, as a sacrifice. 2. to kill (oneself) by fire.
3. to destroy (one thing for another). In order for the plants to grow, I had to
immolate the weeds.
impasse ('im·pas) n. a deadlock, stalemate; a difficulty without a solution. The labor
negotiations with management reached an impasse, and a strike seemed imminent.
impassive (im·'pas·iv) adj. not showing or feeling emotion or pain. It was hard to
know what she was feeling by looking at the impassive expression on her face.
impecunious (im·pĕ·'kyoo·nee·ŭs) adj. having little or no money; poor, penni-
less. Many impecunious immigrants to the United States eventually are able to make
comfortable lives for themselves.
imperialism (im·'peer·ee·ă·liz·ĕm) n. the policy of extending the rule or author-
ity of a nation or empire by acquiring other territories or dependencies. Great
Britain embraced imperialism, acquiring so many territories that the sun never set on
the British Empire.
imperious (im·'peer·ee·ŭs) adj. overbearing, bossy, domineering. Stella was
relieved with her new job transfer because she would no longer be under the control of
such an imperious boss.
impervious (im·'pur·vee·ŭs) adj. 1. incapable of being penetrated. 2. not able to
be influenced or affected. Hadley is such a diehard libertarian that he is impervious
to any attempts to change his beliefs.
impetuous (im·'pech·oo·ŭs) adj. 1. characterized by sudden, forceful energy or
emotion; impulsive, unduly hasty and without thought. 2. marked by violent
force. It was an impetuous decision to run off to Las Vegas and get married after a
one-week courtship.
implacable (im·'plak·ă·bĕl) adj. incapable of being placated or appeased; inex-
orable. Some of the people who call the customer service desk for assistance are
implacable, but most are relatively easy to serve.
importune (im·por·'toon) v. 1. to ask incessantly, make incessant requests.
2. to beg persistently and urgently. Children can’t help but importune during the
holidays, constantly nagging for the irresistible toys they see advertised on television.
imprecation (im·prĕ·'kay·shŏn) n. an invocation of evil, a curse. In the book I’m
reading, the gypsy queen levies an imprecation on the lead character.
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impudent ('im·pyŭ·dĕnt) adj. 1. boldly showing a lack of respect, insolent.

2. shamelessly forward, immodest. Thumbing his nose at the principal was an
impudent act.
impugn (im·'pyoon) v. to attack as false or questionable; to contradict or call
into question. The editorial impugned the senator’s reelection platform and set the
tone for the upcoming debate.
impute (im·'pyoot) v. to attribute to a cause or source, ascribe, credit. Doctors
impute the reduction in cancer deaths to the nationwide decrease in cigarette smoking.
incense ('in·sens) n. fragrant material that gives off scents when burned. (in·'sens)
v. to make (someone) angry. Marcel’s criticism incensed his coworker.
incendiary (in·'sen·dee·er·ee) adj. 1. causing or capable of causing fire; burning
readily. 2. of or involving arson. 3. tending to incite or inflame, inflammatory.
Fire marshals checked for incendiary devices in the theater after they received an
anonymous warning.
inchoate (in·'koh·it) adj. 1. just begun; in an initial or early stage of develop-
ment, incipient. 2. not yet fully formed, undeveloped, incomplete. During the
inchoate stage of fetal growth, it is difficult to distinguish between a cow, a frog, or a
human; as they mature, the developing embryos take on the characteristics of their
own particular species.
incognito (in·ko·née·toh) adj. or adv. with one’s identity concealed; in disguise
or under an assumed character or identity. The star was traveling incognito, hop-
ing to find some measure of privacy on her vacation.
incontrovertible (in·kon·trŏ·'vur·t˘·bĕl) adj. indisputable, undeniable. The
photographs showed Brad and Allison together; their relationship was an incontro-
vertible fact.
incredulous (in·'krej·ŭ·lŭs) adj. skeptical, unwilling to believe. The members of
the jury were incredulous when they heard the defendant’s farfetched explanation of
the crime.
inculcate (in·'kul·kayt) v. to teach and impress by frequent instruction or repeti-
tion; to indoctrinate, instill. My parents worked hard to inculcate in me a deep sense
of responsibility to others.
incursion (in·'kur·zhŏn) n. a raid or temporary invasion of someone else’s terri-
tory; the act of entering or running into a territory or domain. There was an
incursion on the western border of their country.
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indefatigable (in·di·'fat·˘ ·ă·bĕl) adj. not easily exhausted or fatigued; tireless.

The volunteers were indefatigable; they worked until every piece of trash was removed
from the beach.
indolent ('in·dŏ·lĕnt) adj. 1. lazy, lethargic, inclined to avoid labor. 2. causing lit-
tle or no pain; slow to grow or heal. The construction foreman was hesitant to hire
Earl because of his reputation of being indolent.
indomitable (in·'dom·i·tă·bĕl) adj. not able to be vanquished or overcome,
unconquerable; not easily discouraged or subdued. The indomitable spirit of the
Olympic athletes was inspirational.
ineluctable (in·i·'luk·tă·bĕl) adj. certain, inevitable; not to be avoided or over-
come. The ineluctable outcome of the two-person race was that there would be one
winner and one loser.
inept (in·'ept) adj. 1. not suitable, inappropriate. 2. absurd, foolish. 3. incompe-
tent, bungling and clumsy. Trying to carry all her suitcases at once was an inept way
for Amanda to save time.
infidel ('in·fi·dĕl) n. 1. a person with no religious beliefs. 2. a nonbeliever, one
who does not accept a particular religion, doctrine, or system of beliefs. Because
he did not subscribe to the beliefs of the party, the members considered him an infidel.
ingenuous (in·'jen·yoo·ŭs) adj. 1. not cunning or deceitful, unable to mask feel-
ings; artless, frank, sincere. 2. lacking sophistication or worldliness. Don’s
expression of regret was ingenuous, for even though he didn’t know her well, he felt a
deep sadness when Mary died.
inimitable (i·'nim·i·tă·bĕl) adj. defying imitation, unmatchable. His performance
on the tennis court was inimitable, and he won three championships.
inscrutable (in·'scroo·tă·bĕl) adj. baffling, unfathomable, incapable of being
understood. It was completely inscrutable how the escape artist got out of the trunk.
insolent ('in·sŏ·lĕnt) adj. haughty and contemptuous; brazen, disrespectful,
impertinent. Parents of teenagers often observe the insolent behavior that typically
accompanies adolescence.
insouciant (in·'soo·see·ănt) adj. blithely unconcerned or carefree; nonchalant,
indifferent. Julian’s insouciant attitude about his finances will get him in trouble
interdict (in·tĕr·'dikt) v. to prohibit, forbid. Carlos argued that the agriculture
department should interdict plans to produce genetically modified foods.
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intractable (in·'trak·tă·bĕl) adj. unmanageable, unruly, stubborn. The young colt

was intractable, and training had to be cancelled temporarily.
intransigent (in·'tran·si·jĕnt) adj. unwilling to compromise, stubborn. Young
children can be intransigent when it comes to what foods they will eat, insisting on
familiar favorites and rejecting anything new.
intrepid (in·'trep·id) adj. fearless, brave, undaunted. Hunger had made the cave-
man intrepid, and he faced the mammoth without fear.
inured (in·'yoord) adj. accustomed to, adapted. Trisha had become inured to her
boss’s criticism, and it no longer bothered her.
inveigle (in·'vay·ĕl) v. to influence or persuade through gentle coaxing or flat-
tery; to entice. Vanessa inveigled her way into a promotion that should have gone to
inveterate (in·'vet·ĕ·rit) adj. habitual; deep rooted, firmly established. I am an
inveterate pacifist and am unlikely to change my mind.
involute ('in·vŏ·loot) adj. intricate, complex. The tax reform committee faces an
extremely involute problem if it wants to distribute the tax burden equally.
iota (¯·'oh·tă) n. a very small amount; the smallest possible quantity. Professor
Carlton is so unpopular because he doesn’t have one iota of respect for his students.
irascible (i·'ras·˘ ·bĕl) adj. irritable, easily aroused to anger, hot tempered. Her
irascible temperament caused many problems with the staff at the office.
ire (¯r) n. anger, wrath. I was filled with ire when Vladimir tried to take credit for my
irk (urk) v. to annoy, irritate, vex. Being a teenager means being continually irked by
your parents—and vice versa.
irresolute (i·'rez·ŏ·loot) adj. feeling or showing uncertainty; hesitant, indecisive.
Sandra is still irresolute, so if you talk to her, you might help her make up her mind.

jargon ('jahr·ŏn) n. 1. specialized or technical language of a specific trade or
group. 2. nonsensical or meaningless talk. The technical manual was full of a lot
of computer jargon.
jejune (ji·'joon) adj. lacking substance, meager; hence: (a) lacking in interest or
significance; insipid or dull (b) lacking in maturity, childish (c) lacking nutri-
tional value. The movie’s trite and overly contrived plot make it a jejune sequel to
what was a powerful and novel film.
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jocund ('jok·ŭnd) adj. merry, cheerful; sprightly and lighthearted. Alexi’s jocund
nature makes it a pleasure to be near her.
juggernaut ('ju·ĕr·nawt) n. 1. a massive, overwhelmingly powerful and unstop-
pable force that seems to crush everything in its path. 2. Juggernaut, title for
the Hindu god Krishna. A shroud of fear covered Eastern Europe as the juggernaut
of communism spread from nation to nation.

laconic (lă·'kon·ik) adj. brief and to the point; succinct, terse, concise, often to
the point of being curt or brusque. Zse’s laconic reply made it clear that he did not
want to discuss the matter any further.
laissez-faire (les·ay 'fair) adj. hands-off; noninterference by the government in
business and economic affairs. Raheeb’s laissez-faire management style is not only
popular with our employees but also very successful—employee satisfaction is high and
profits are up for the third quarter in a row.
languish ('lan·wish) v. 1. to lose vigor or strength; to become languid, feeble,
weak. 2. to exist or continue in a miserable or neglected state. Lucinda lan-
guished in despair when Sven told her he’d fallen in love with another woman.
latent ('lay·tĕnt) adj. present or in existence but not active or evident. Julian’s
latent musical talent surfaced when his parents bought an old piano at a garage sale
and he started playing.
lax (laks) adj. 1. lacking in rigor or strictness; lenient. 2. not taut or rigid; flaccid,
slack. If parents are too lax with their toddlers, chances are they will have a lot of
trouble once they enter school, where the children must follow a long list of rules and
liaison (lee·'ay·zon, 'lee·ă·zon) n. 1. a channel or means of connection or com-
munication between two groups; one who maintains such communication.
2. a close relationship or link, especially one that is secretive or adulterous. I
have been elected to be the liaison between the union members and management.
libertine ('lib·ĕr·teen) n. one who lives or acts in an immoral or irresponsible
way; one who acts according to his or her own impulses and desires and is
unrestrained by conventions or morals. They claim to be avant-garde, but in my
opinion, they’re just a bunch of libertines.
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lilliputian (lil·i·'pyoo·shăn) adj. 1. very small, tiny. 2. trivial or petty. My troubles

are lilliputian compared to hers, and I am thankful that I do not have such major
issues in my life.
loquacious (loh·'kway·shŭs) adj. talkative, garrulous. The loquacious woman sitting
next to me on the six-hour flight talked the entire time.
lucid ('loo·sid) adj. 1. very clear, easy to understand, intelligible. 2. sane or
rational. Andrea presented a very lucid argument that proved her point beyond a
shadow of a doubt.
lucrative ('loo·kră·tiv) adj. profitable, producing much money. Teaching is a very
rewarding career, but unfortunately it is not very lucrative.
lugubrious (luu·'oo·bree·ŭs) adj. excessively dismal or mournful, often exag-
geratedly or ridiculously so. Irina’s lugubrious tears made me believe that her sad-
ness was just a façade.

machination (mak·˘ ·'nay·shŏn) n. 1. the act of plotting or devising. 2. a crafty
or cunning scheme devised to achieve a sinister end. Macbeth’s machinations
failed to bring him the glory he coveted and brought him only tragedy instead.
maim (maym) v. to wound, cripple, or injure, especially by depriving of the use
of a limb or other part of the body; to mutilate, disfigure, disable. The mining
accident severely maimed Antol.
maladroit (mal·ă·'droit) adj. clumsy, bungling, inept. The maladroit waiter broke a
dozen plates and spilled coffee on two customers.
malaise (mă·'layz) n. a feeling of illness or unease. After several tests, Wella finally
learned the cause of her malaise: She was allergic to her new Siamese cat.
malapropism ('mal·ă·prop·iz·ĕm) n. comical misuse of words, especially those
that are similar in sound. His malapropisms may make us laugh, but they won’t win
our vote.
malfeasance (măl·'fee·zăns) n. misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a pub-
lic official; improper professional conduct. The city comptroller was found guilty
of malfeasance and was removed from office.
malinger (mă·'lin·ĕr) v. to pretend to be injured or ill in order to avoid work.
Stop malingering and give me a hand with this job.
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malleable ('mal·ee·ă·bĕl) adj. 1. easily molded or pressed into shape. 2. easily

controlled or influenced. 3. easily adapting to changing circumstances. You
should be able to convince Xiu quickly; she’s quite a malleable person.
mar (mahr) v. 1. to impair or damage, make defective or imperfect. 2. to spoil the
perfection or integrity of. The strident sounds of Omar’s abysmal saxophone playing
marred the serenity of the afternoon.
maverick ('mav·ĕr·ik) n. rebel, nonconformist, one who acts independently.
Madonna has always been a maverick in the music industry.
meander (mee·'an·dĕr) v. 1. to move on a winding or turning course. 2. to wan-
der about, move aimlessly or without a fixed direction or course. I meandered
through the park for hours, trying to figure out how I could have made such an egre-
gious mistake.
mélange (may·'lahnzh) n. a mixture or assortment. The eclectic mélange of people at
the party made for a scintillating evening.
mellifluous (me·'lif·loo·ŭs) adj. sounding sweet and flowing; honeyed. Her mel-
lifluous voice floated in through the windows and made everyone smile.
mendacity (men·'das·i·tee) n. 1. the tendency to be dishonest or untruthful.
2. a falsehood or lie. Carlos’s mendacity has made him very unpopular with his
classmates, who don’t feel they can trust him.
mercurial (mĕr·'kyoor·ee·ăl) adj. 1. liable to change moods suddenly. 2. lively,
changeable, volatile. Fiona is so mercurial that you never know what kind of reac-
tion to expect.
meretricious (mer·ĕ·'trish·ŭs) adj. gaudy, tawdry; showily attractive but false or
insincere. With its casinos and attractions, some people consider Las Vegas the most
meretricious city in the country.
mete (meet) v. to distribute, allot, apportion. The punishments were meted out
fairly to everyone involved in the plot.
meticulous (mĕ·'tik·yŭ·lŭs) adj. extremely careful and precise; paying great
attention to detail. Tibor was awed by the meticulous detail in the painting—it
looked as real as a photograph.
mettlesome ('met·ĕl·sŏm) adj. courageous, high-spirited. Alice’s mettlesome atti-
tude was infectious and inspired us all to press on.
milieu (meel·'yuu) n. environment or setting. The milieu at the writer’s retreat is
designed to inspire creativity.
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mince (mins) v. 1. to cut into very small pieces. 2. to walk or speak affectedly, as
with studied refinement. 3. to say something more delicately or indirectly for
the sake of politeness or decorum. Please don’t mince your words—just tell me
what you want to say.
minutiae (m˘·nōō'shē·a) n., pl. very small details; trivial or trifling matters. His
attention to the minutiae of the process enabled him to make his great discovery.
mirth (murth) n. great merriment, joyous laughter. The joyous wedding celebration
filled the reception hall with mirth throughout the evening.
misanthrope ('mis·an·throhp) n. one who hates or distrusts humankind. Pay no
mind to his criticism; he’s a real misanthrope, and no one can do anything right in
his eyes.
miscreant ('mis·kree·ănt) n. a villain, criminal; evil person. The miscreant had
eluded the police for months, but today he was finally captured.
mitigate ('mit·˘ ·ayt) v. 1. to make less intense or severe. 2. to moderate the
force or intensity of, soften, diminish, alleviate. I am sure that if you tell the
headmaster the truth, the extenuating circumstances will mitigate the severity of your
mollify ('mol·˘ ·f¯) v. 1. to soothe the anger of, calm. 2. to lessen in intensity.
3. to soften, make less rigid. The crying child was quickly mollified by her mother.
moot (moot) adj. debatable, undecided. Although this is a moot issue, it is one that is
often debated among certain circles.
morose (mŏ·'rohs) adj. gloomy, sullen, melancholy. My daughter has been morose
ever since our dog ran away.
multifarious (mul·ti·'fair·ee·ŭs) adj. very varied, greatly diversified; having many
aspects. The job requires the ability to handle multifarious tasks.
mundane (mun·'dayn) adj. 1. ordinary, commonplace, dull. 2. worldly, secular,
not spiritual. If you do not have passion for your job, going to work each day can
become mundane.
myriad ('mir·ee·ăd) adj. too numerous to be counted; innumerable. n. an indefi-
nitely large number; an immense number, vast amount. To the refugees from
Somalia, the myriad choices in the American supermarket were overwhelming.
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nadir ('nay·d˘r) n. the very bottom, the lowest point. When he felt he was at the
nadir of his life, Robert began to practice mediation to elevate his spirits.
narcissism ('narh·si·siz·ĕm) n. admiration or worship of oneself; excessive inter-
est in one’s own personal features. Some critics say that movie stars are guilty of
nascent ('nas·ĕnt) adj. coming into existence, emerging. The nascent movement
gathered strength quickly and soon became a nationwide call to action.
nemesis ('nem·ĕ·sis) n. 1. source of harm or ruin, the cause of one’s misery or
downfall; bane. 2. agent of retribution or vengeance. In Frankenstein, the mon-
ster Victor creates becomes his nemesis.
nexus ('nek·sŭs) n. 1. a means of connection, a link or tie between a series of
things. 2. a connected series or group. 3. the core or center. The nexus between
the lobbyists and the recent policy changes is clear.
noisome ('noi·sŏm) adj. 1. offensive, foul, especially in odor; putrid. 2. harmful,
noxious. What a noisome odor is coming from that garbage can!
non sequitur (non 'sek·wi·tŭr) n. a conclusion that does not logically follow
from the evidence. Marcus’s argument started off strong, but it degenerated into a
series of non sequiturs.
nonchalant (non·shă·'lahnt) adj. indifferent or cool, not showing anxiety or
excitement. Victoria tried to be nonchalant, but I could tell she was nervous.
novel ('nov·ĕl) n. a genre of literature. adj. strikingly new, original, or different.
The chef’s new idea to add mango to the salad was novel.
noxious ('nok·shŭs) adj. unpleasant and harmful, unwholesome. The noxious smell
drove everyone from the room.
nullify ('nul·˘ ·f¯) v. 1. to make null (without legal force), invalidate. 2. to coun-
teract or neutralize the effect of. The opponents wanted to nullify the bill before it
became a law.

obdurate ('ob·dŭ·rit) adj. stubborn and inflexible; hardhearted, not easily moved
to pity. I doubt he’ll change his mind; he’s the most obdurate person I know.
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obfuscate (ob·'fus·kayt) v. 1. to make obscure or unclear, to muddle or make

difficult to understand. 2. to dim or darken. Instead of clarifying the matter, Wal-
ter only obfuscated it further.
obsequious (ŏb·'see·kwee·ŭs) adj. excessively or ingratiatingly compliant or
submissive; attentive in a servile or ingratiating manner, fawning. The obse-
quious manner of the butler made it clear that he resented his position.
obstreperous (ob·'strep·ĕ·rŭs) adj. noisily and stubbornly defiant; aggressively
boisterous, unruly. The obstreperous child refused to go to bed.
obtrusive (ŏb·'troo·siv) adj. 1. prominent, undesirably noticeable. 2. projecting,
thrusting out. 3. tending to push one’s self or one’s ideas upon others, forward,
intrusive. Thankfully, Minsun survived the accident, but she was left with several
obtrusive scars.
obtuse (ŏb·'toos) adj. 1. stupid and slow to understand. 2. blunt, not sharp or
pointed. Please don’t be so obtuse; you know what I mean.
obviate ('ob·vee·ayt) v. to make unnecessary, get rid of. Hiring Magdalena would
obviate the need to hire a music tutor, for she is also a classical pianist.
occult (ŏ·'kult) adj. 1. secret, hidden, concealed. 2. involving the realm of the
supernatural. 3. beyond ordinary understanding, incomprehensible. The
embezzler was good at keeping his financial records occult from the authorities.
odious ('oh·di·ŭs) adj. contemptible, hateful, detestable. Zachary found the work
in the slaughterhouse so odious that he quit after one day and became a vegetarian.
oeuvre ('uu·vrĕ) n. 1. a work of art. 2. the total lifework of a writer, artist, com-
poser, etc. Constanta’s latest oeuvre is an avant-garde symphony featuring a cow bell
officious (ŏ·'fish·ŭs) adj. meddlesome, bossy; eagerly offering unnecessary or
unwanted advice. My officious Aunt Midge is coming to the party, so be prepared for
lots of questions and advice.
oligarchy ('ol·˘ ·ahr·kee) n. form of government in which the power is in the
hands of a select few. The small governing body calls itself a democracy, but it is
clearly an oligarchy.
omnipotent (om·'nip·ŏ·tĕnt) adj. having unlimited or universal power or force.
In Greek mythology, Zeus was the most powerful god, but he was not omnipotent,
because even his rule was often held in check by the unchangeable laws of the Three
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omniscient (om·'nish·ĕnt) adj. having infinite knowledge; knowing all things. In

a story with an omniscient narrator, we can hear the thoughts and feelings of all of the
onus ('oh·nŭs) n. duty or responsibility of doing something; task, burden. It was
Clark’s idea, so the onus is on him to show us that it will work.
opprobrious (ŏ·'proh·bree·ŭs) adj. 1. expressing contempt or reproach; scornful,
abusive. 2. bringing shame or disgrace. It was inappropriate to make such oppro-
brious remarks in front of everybody.
opulent ('op·yŭ·lĕnt) adj. 1. possessing great wealth, affluent. 2. abundant, luxu-
rious. Lee is very wealthy, but he does not live an opulent lifestyle.
oscillate ('os·˘ ·layt) v. 1. to swing back and forth or side to side in a steady,
uninterrupted rhythm. 2. to waver, as between two conflicting options or opin-
ions; vacillate. The rhythm of the oscillating fan put the baby to sleep.
ostensible (o·'sten·s˘·bĕl) adj. seeming, appearing as such, put forward (as of a
reason) but not necessarily so; pretended. The ostensible reason for the meeting is
to discuss the candidates, but I believe they have already made their decision.
ostracize ('os·tră·s¯z) v. to reject, cast out from a group or from society. Kendall
was ostracized after he repeatedly stole from his friends.
overweening (oh·vĕr·'wee·nin) adj. 1. presumptuously arrogant, overbearing.
2. excessive, immoderate. I quit because I couldn’t stand to work for such an over-
weening boss.
oxymoron (oks·ee·'moh·rŏn) n. a figure of speech containing a seemingly con-
tradictory combination of expressions, such as friendly fire. The term nonwork-
ing mother is a contemptible oxymoron.

palliate ('pal·ee·ayt) v. 1. to make something less intense or severe, mitigate,
alleviate; to gloss over, put a positive spin on. 2. to provide relief from pain,
relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder. The governor tried to palliate his
malfeasance, but it soon became clear that he would not be able to prevent a scandal.
pallor ('pal·ŏr) n. paleness, lack of color. The fever subsided, but her pallor remained
for several weeks.
paltry ('pawl·tree) adj. 1. lacking in importance or worth, insignificant; con-
temptibly small in amount. 2. wretched or contemptible, pitiful. Walton could-
n’t believe the billionaire offered such a paltry reward for the return of his lost dog.
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paradigm ('par·ă·d¯m) n. 1. something that serves as a model or example.

2. set of assumptions, beliefs, values or practices that constitutes a way of
understanding or doing things. Elected “Employee of the Month,” Winona is a
paradigm of efficiency.
par excellence (pahr 'ek·sĕ·lahns) adj. being the best or truest of its kind, quin-
tessential; having the highest degree of excellence, beyond comparison. Bob
Hope was an entertainer par excellence.
pariah (pă·'r¯·ă) n. an outcast, a rejected and despised person. After he told a sexist
joke, Jason was treated like a pariah by all of the women in the office.
partisan ('pahr·ti·zăn) n. 1. a person fervently and often uncritically supporting a
group or cause. 2. a guerilla, a member of an organized body of fighters who
attack or harass an enemy. The partisan lobby could not see the logic of the opposing
senator’s argument and did not understand how the proposed legislation would
infringe upon basic constitutional rights.
paucity ('paw·si·tee) n. scarcity, smallness of supply or quantity. The paucity of
food in the area drove the herd farther and farther to the south.
parvenu ('pahr·vĕ·noo) n. a person who has suddenly risen to a higher social or
economic status but has not been socially accepted by others in that class; an
upstart. Ronnel was nice enough, of course, but because he was “new money” in an
“old money” town, he was a parvenu who struggled to be accepted by his wealthy peers.
peccadillo (pek·ă·'dil·oh) n. a trivial offense, a small sin or fault. Don’t make such
a big deal out of a little peccadillo.
pecuniary (pi·'kyoo·nee·er·ee) adj. of, relating to, or involving money. Rosen was
relieved to learn that his penalty would be pecuniary only and that he would not have
to spend any time in jail.
pedantic (pi·'dăn·tik) n. a walker adj. marked by a narrow, tiresome focus on or
display of learning, especially of rules or trivial matters. Her lessons were so
pedantic that I found I was easily bored.
pedestrian (pĕ·'des·tri· ăn) n. a walker. adj. commonplace, trite; unremarkable,
unimaginative, dull. Although the film received critical acclaim, its pedestrian plot
has been overused by screenwriters for decades.
pellucid (pĕ·'loo·sid) adj. 1. translucent, able to be seen through with clarity.
2. (e.g., of writing) very clear, easy to understand. Senator Waterson’s pellucid
argument made me change my vote.
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penchant ('pen·chănt) n. a strong liking or inclination (for something). Consuela

has a penchant for wearing the latest fashions.
pensive ('pen·siv) adj. deeply thoughtful, especially in a serious or melancholy
manner. After the terrible car accident, Anoki was pensive about what he should do
with his life.
penultimate (pi·'nul·t˘·mit) adj. next to last. There’s a real surprise for the audience
in the penultimate scene.
penury ('pen·yŭ·ree) n. extreme poverty, destitution. After ten years of penury, it’s
good to be financially secure again.
peremptory (pĕ·'remp·tŏ·ree) adj. 1. offensively self-assured, dictatorial.
2. commanding, imperative, not allowing contradiction or refusal. 3. putting an
end to debate or action. The mother’s peremptory tone ended the children’s bickering.
perfidious (pĕr·'fid·ee·ŭs) adj. treacherous, dishonest; violating good faith, dis-
loyal. The perfidious knight betrayed his king.
perfunctory (pĕr·'funk·tŏ·ree) adj. done out of a sense of duty or routine but
without much care or interest; superficial, not thorough. We were not satisfied
with his perfunctory work; we felt a more thorough job could have been done.
perjury ('pur·jŭ·ree) n. the deliberate willful giving of false, misleading, or
incomplete testimony while under oath. William was convicted of perjury for
lying about his whereabouts on the night of the crime.
pernicious (pĕr·'nish·ŭs) adj. deadly, harmful, very destructive. Nancy’s opponent
started a pernicious rumor that destroyed her chances of winning.
personable ('pur·sŏ·nă·bĕl) adj. pleasing in appearance or manner, attractive.
Sandra is personable and well liked by her peers.
pertinacious (pur·t˘·'nay·shŭs) adj. extremely stubborn or persistent; holding
firmly to a belief, purpose, or course of action. The pertinacious journalist finally
uncovered the truth about the factory’s illegal disposal of toxins.
pervade (pĕr·'vayd) v. to spread everywhere, permeate; to be diffused or present
throughout. Fear pervaded the classroom after Sally started a rumor that Mr. Hig-
gins would be their new teacher.
petrify ('pet·r˘·f¯) v. 1. to make hard or stiff like a stone. 2. to stun or paralyze
with fear, astonishment, or dread. I was petrified when I heard the door open in the
middle of the night.
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petulant ('pech·ŭ·lănt) adj. peevish; unreasonably or easily irritated or annoyed.

The pouting and sulking child could only be described as petulant.
philistine ('fil·i·steen) n. a smug, ignorant person; someone who is uncultured
and commonplace. Richards thinks he is cosmopolitan, but he’s really just a philistine.
phoenix ('fee·niks) n. 1. a person or thing of unmatched beauty or excellence.
2. a person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering
calamity or apparent annihilation (after the mythological bird that periodically
immolated itself and rose from the ashes as a new phoenix). The phoenix is often
used to symbolize something that is indomitable or immortal.
pillage ('pil·ij) v. to forcibly rob of goods, especially in time of war; to plunder.
The barbarians pillaged the village before destroying it with fire.
piquant ('pee·kănt) adj. 1. agreeably pungent, sharp or tart in taste. 2. pleasantly
stimulating or provocative. The spicy shrimp salad is wonderfully piquant.
pique (peek) v. 1. to wound (someone’s) pride, to offend. 2. to arouse or pro-
voke. The article really piqued my interest in wildlife preservation.
pith (pith) n. 1. the essential or central part; the heart or essence (of the matter,
idea, experience, etc.). 2. (in biology) the soft, spongelike central cylinder of
the stems of most flowering plants. Her brief, but concise, statement went right to
the pith of the argument and covered the most important issues.
pivotal ('piv·ŏ·tăl) adj. being of vital importance, crucial. We are at a pivotal point
in the negotiations and must proceed very carefully; the wrong move now could ruin
placid ('plas·id) adj. calm and peaceful; free from disturbance or tumult. Lake
Placid is as calm and peaceful as its name suggests.
plaintive ('playn·tiv) adj. expressing sorrow; mournful, melancholy. Janice’s
plaintive voice made me decide to stay and comfort her longer.
platitude ('plat·i·tood) n. a trite or banal statement, especially one uttered as if it
were new. Matthew offered me several platitudes but no real advice.
plethora ('pleth·ŏ·ră) n. an overabundance, extreme excess. There was a plethora
of food at the reception.
poignant ('poin·yănt) adj. 1. arousing emotion, deeply moving, touching. 2. keenly
distressing; piercing or incisive. They captured the poignant reunion on film.
polemical (pŏ·'lem·ik·ăl) adj. controversial, argumentative. The analyst presented
a highly polemical view of the economic situation.
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poseur (poh·'zur) n. someone who takes on airs to impress others; a phony. My

first impression of the arrogant newcomer told me that he was a poseur; I just had a
hunch that he wasn’t what he seemed to be.
pragmatic (pra·'mat·ik) adj. practical, matter-of-fact; favoring utility. Because we
don’t have money or time to waste, I think we should take the most pragmatic
precarious (pri·'kair·ee·ŭs) adj. 1. fraught with danger. 2. dangerously unsteady
or insecure. The crocodile hunter is constantly placing himself in very precarious
precept ('pree·sept) n. a rule establishing standards of conduct. The headmaster
reviewed the precepts of the school with the students.
precipitous (pri·'sip·i·tŭs) adj. 1. extremely steep, dropping sharply. 2. hasty,
rash, foolhardy. Driving through the state park, we spotted a grizzly bear on a pre-
cipitous cliff and wondered if he would fall.
pretentious (pri·'ten·shŭs) adj. showy, pompous, putting on airs. Hannah thinks
that being pretentious will make people like her, but she is sorely mistaken.
prevaricate (pri·'var·˘ ·kayt) v. to tell lies, to stray from or evade the truth. Quit
prevaricating and tell me what really happened.
primeval (pr¯·'mee·văl) adj. ancient, original, belonging to the earliest ages. The
primeval art found in the caves was discovered by accident.
pristine ('pris·teen) adj. 1. in its original and unspoiled condition, unadulterated.
2. clean, pure, free from contamination. We were awed by the beauty of the pris-
tine forest in northern Canada.
prodigal ('prod·˘ ·ăl) adj. 1. recklessly wasteful or extravagant, especially with
money. 2. given in great abundance, lavish or profuse. His prodigal actions led to
his financial ruin.
profligate ('prof·l˘·it) adj. 1. recklessly wasteful or extravagant, prodigal.
2. lacking moral restraint, dissolute. The profligate man quickly depleted his fortune.
proletariat (proh·lĕ·'tair·ee·ăt) n. the working class, those who do manual labor
to earn a living. The proletariats demanded fewer hours and better wages.
propinquity (proh·'pin·kwi·tee) n. 1. proximity, nearness. 2. affinity, similarity
in nature. The propinquity of these two elements make them difficult to tell apart.
propitious (proh·'pish·ŭs) adj. auspicious, presenting favorable circumstances.
These are propitious omens and foretell a good journey.
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prosaic (proh·'zay·ik) adj. unimaginative, ordinary, dull. The prosaic novel was
rejected by the publisher.
proscribe (proh·'skr¯b) v. 1. to prohibit, forbid; to banish or outlaw.
2. to denounce or condemn. The king proscribed the worship of idols in his
proselytize ('pros·ĕ·li·t¯z) v. to convert or seek to convert someone to another
religion, belief, doctrine or cause. After a few minutes, it became clear to Hannah
that the purpose of the meeting was really to proselytize as many attendees as possible.
protean ('proh·tee·ăn) adj. taking many forms, changeable; variable, versatile. In
Native American mythology, the coyote is often called the “shape shifter” because he is
such a protean character.
protocol ('proh·tŏ·kawl) n. 1. etiquette, ceremony, or procedure with regard to
people’s rank or status. 2. a first copy of a treaty or document. Jackson was fired
for repeatedly refusing to follow protocol.
provident ('prov·i·dĕnt) adj. wisely providing for future needs; frugal, economi-
cal. Because my parents were so provident, I didn’t have to struggle to pay for college.
proxy ('prok·see) n. 1. a person or agent authorized to represent or act for
another. 2. a document authorizing this substitution. The president appointed a
proxy to handle business matters during his absence.
prudent ('proo·dĕnt) adj. careful and sensible regarding one’s actions and inter-
ests; exercising good judgment, judicious. Clarissa has always been very prudent,
so her recent bout of poor choices and boisterous behavior tells me she is very upset
about something.
puerile ('pyoŏ·r˘l) adj. 1. childish, immature. 2. suitable only for children,
belonging to or of childhood. Andrew is a remarkably successful businessman for
someone so puerile.
pugnacious (pu·'nay·shŭs) adj. contentious, quarrelsome, eager to fight, bel-
ligerent. Don’t be so pugnacious—I don’t want to fight.
punctilious (punk·'til·i·ŭs) adj. extremely attentive to detail, very meticulous
and precise. One of the reasons he excels as an editor is because he is so punctilious.
pundit ('pun·dit) n. a learned person or scholar; one who is an authority on a
subject. The journalist consulted several legal pundits before drafting the article.
pungent ('pun·jĕnt) adj. 1. having a strong, sharp taste or smell. 2. penetrating,
caustic, stinging. I love the pungent taste of a good, strong curry.
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purge (purj) v. to free from impurities, especially to rid of that which is undesir-
able or harmful; to make or become clean, pure. After Leon writes a draft, he
purges the text of unnecessary words to make it more succinct.
purloin (pŭr·'loin) v. to steal. The thief purloined a sculpture worth thousands of
purport ('pur·pohrt) v. 1. to be intended to seem, to have the appearance of
being. 2. propose or intend. The letter purports to express your opinion on the

quaff (kwahf) v. to drink hurriedly or heartily; to swallow in large draughts. He
quickly quaffed three glasses of water.
quail (kwayl) v. to draw back in fear, flinch, cower. Mona quailed as soon as the
vicious dog entered the room.
querulous ('kwer·ŭ·lŭs) adj. complaining, peevish, discontented. He’s a cantan-
kerous and querulous old man, but I love him.
queue (kyoo) n. 1. a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn. 2. (in informa-
tion processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or sequence of pro-
grams awaiting processing. Look how long the queue is! We’ll be waiting for hours.
quid pro quo (kwid proh 'kwoh) n. a thing given in return for something; an
equal exchange or substitution. I won’t agree to any deal that isn’t quid pro quo—
it must be a win-win arrangement.
quiescent (kwi·'es·ĕnt) adj. inactive, quiet, at rest; dormant, latent. The volcano is
quiescent at the moment, but who knows when it will erupt again.
quintessence (kwin·'tes·ĕns) n. 1. the essence of a substance. 2. the perfect
example or embodiment of something. Maura is the quintessence of kindness.
quixotic (kwik·'sot·ik) adj. extravagantly chivalrous and unselfish; romantically
idealistic, impractical. His quixotic ways charmed all the women at the dance.
quotidian (kwoh·'tid·ee·ăn) adj. 1. daily. 2. commonplace, pedestrian. Prudence
took her quotidian dose of medicine.
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rakish ('ray·kish) adj. 1. debonair, smartly dressed or mannered, jaunty in
appearance or manner. 2. unconventional and disreputable; dissolute or
debauched. The rakish young woman charmed everyone at the table.
rancor ('ran·kŏr) n. a bitter feeling of ill will, long-lasting resentment. Greg is
full of rancor towards his brother, and this causes tension at family gatherings.
rapacious (ră·'pay·shŭs) adj. excessively greedy and grasping (especially for
money); voracious, plundering. The rapacious general ordered his soldiers to pillage
the town.
raucous ('raw·kŭs) adj. 1. unpleasantly loud and harsh. 2. boisterous, disorderly,
disturbing the peace. The raucous music kept us awake all night.
reactionary (ree·'ak·shŏ·ner·ee) n. a person who favors political conservativism;
one who is opposed to progress or liberalism. It should be an interesting mar-
riage: he’s a reactionary and she’s as liberal as they come.
rebuke (ri·'byook) v. 1. to criticize sharply; to reprove or reprimand, censure.
2. to repress or restrain by expressing harsh disapproval. After weeks of being
rebuked in front of his coworkers for minor infractions and imaginary offenses, Ameer
realized he was being persecuted by his boss.
recalcitrant (ri·'kal·si·trănt) adj. disobedient, unruly, refusing to obey authority.
The recalcitrant child was sent to the principal’s office for the third time in a week.
recidivism (ri·'sid·˘ ·vizm) n. a relapse or backslide, especially into antisocial or
criminal behavior after conviction and punishment. Allowing prisoners to earn
their GED or a college degree has been shown to greatly reduce recidivism.
recondite ('rek·ŏn·d¯t) adj. 1. not easily understood, obscure, abstruse. 2. deal-
ing with abstruse or profound matters. He loves the challenge of grasping a recon-
dite subject.
reconnoiter (ree·kŏ·'noi·tĕr) v. to make a preliminary inspection or survey of,
especially to gather military information or prepare for military operations.
My job was to reconnoiter the party and let my friends know if it was worth attending.
refractory (ri·'frak·tŏ·ree) adj. stubborn, unmanageable, resisting control or dis-
cipline. Elena is a counselor for refractory children in an alternative school setting.
regale (ri·'ayl) v. to delight or entertain with a splendid feast or pleasant
amusement. The king regaled his guests until the early morning hours.
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remonstrate (ri·'mon·strayt) v. 1. to say or plead in protest, objection, or oppo-

sition. 2. to scold or reprove. The children remonstrated loudly when their mother
told them they couldn’t watch that movie.
rendezvous ('rahn·dĕ·voo) n. 1. a prearranged meeting at a certain time and
place. 2. a place where people meet, especially a popular gathering place. v. to
bring or come together at a certain place, to meet at a rendezvous. Clarissa and
Ahmed planned a rendezvous in the park after lunch.
renegade ('ren·ĕ·ayd) n. 1. a deserter; one who rejects a cause, group, etc.
2. a person who rebels and becomes an outlaw. The renegade soldier decided to
join the guerrilla fighters.
renowned (ri·'nownd) adj. famous; widely known and esteemed. The renowned
historian Stephen Ambrose wrote many books that were popular both with scholars
and the general public.
repartee (rep·ăr·'tee) n. 1. a quick, witty reply. 2. the ability to make witty
replies. He wasn’t expecting such a sharp repartee from someone who was normally so
replete (ri·'pleet) adj. 1. well stocked or abundantly supplied. 2. full, gorged. The
house was replete with expensive antiques.
repose (ri·'pohz) n. 1. resting or being at rest. 2. calmness, tranquility, peace of
mind. The wail of a police siren disturbed my repose.
reprehensible (rep·ri·'hen·s˘·bĕl) adj. deserving rebuke or censure. The repre-
hensible behavior of the neighborhood bully angered everyone on the block.
reprieve (ri·'preev) n. 1. postponement or cancellation of punishment, espe-
cially of the death sentence. 2. temporary relief from danger or discomfort.
The court granted him a reprieve at the last moment because of DNA evidence that
absolved him.
reprisal (ri·'pr¯·zăl) n. 1. an act of retaliation for an injury with the intent of
inflicting at least as much harm in return. 2. the practice of using political or
military force without actually resorting to war. The president promised a swift
reprisal for the attack.
reprobate ('rep·rŏ·bayt) n. an immoral or unprincipled person; one without
scruples. Edgar deemed himself a reprobate, a criminal, and a traitor in his writ-
ten confession.
repudiate (ri·'pyoo·di·ayt) v. to disown, disavow, reject completely. Mrs. Tallon
has repeatedly repudiated your accusations.
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rescind (ri·'sind) v. to repeal or cancel; to void or annul. The Olsens rescinded their
offer to buy the house when they discovered the property was in a flood zone.
resonant ('rez·ŏ·nănt) adj. echoing, resounding. The new announcer at the stadium
has a wonderfully resonant voice.
resplendent (ri·'splen·dĕnt) adj. having great splendor or beauty; dazzling, bril-
liant. Sanjay stood for a long time on the deck, watching a resplendent sunset over the
reticent ('ret·i·sĕnt) adj. tending to keep one’s thoughts and feelings to oneself;
reserved, untalkative, silent. Annette is very reticent, so don’t expect her to tell you
much about herself.
revere (ri·'veer) v. to regard with reverence or awe; to venerate, hold in highest
respect or estimation. When you look at Judith’s work, it’s easy to see which painter
she reveres most; every painting is an homage to Cezanne.
rigmarole ('ri·mă·rohl) (also rigamarole) n. 1. rambling, confusing, incoherent
talk. 2. a complicated, petty procedure. We had to go through a great deal of rig-
marole to get this approved.
rogue (roh) n. 1. a dishonest, unprincipled person. 2. a pleasantly mischievous
person. 3. a vicious and solitary animal living apart from the herd. Yesterday,
that rogue hid all of my cooking utensils; today he’s switched everything around in the
roil (roil) v. 1. to make a liquid cloudy or muddy. 2. to stir up or agitate.
3. to anger or annoy. The crowd was roiled by the speaker’s insensitive remarks.
rubric ('roo·brik) n. 1. a class or category. 2. a heading, title, or note of explana-
tion or direction. I would put this under the rubric of “quackery,” not “alternative

sacrilegious (sak·r˘·'lij·ŭs) adj. disrespectful or irreverent towards something
regarded as sacred. Her book was criticized by the church for being sacrilegious.
sagacious (să·'ay·shŭs) adj. having or showing sound judgment; perceptive,
wise. My sagacious uncle always gives me good, sound advice.
salient ('say·lee·ĕnt) adj. 1. conspicuous, prominent, highly noticeable; drawing
attention through a striking quality. 2. springing up or jutting out. Jill’s most
salient feature is her stunning auburn hair.
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salutary ('sal·yŭ·ter·ee) adj. producing a beneficial or wholesome effect; reme-

dial. To promote better health, I’ve decided to move to a more salutary climate.
sanctimonious (sank·t˘·'moh·nee·ŭs) adj. hypocritically pious or devout;
excessively self-righteous. The thief’s sanctimonious remark that “a fool and his
money are soon parted” only made the jury more eager to convict him.
sanction ('sank·shŏn) n. 1. official authorization or approval. 2. a penalty
imposed to coerce another to comply or conform. v. 1. to approve or permit;
to give official authorization or approval for, ratify. The city council has sanctioned
our request to turn the empty lot into a community garden.
sangfroid (sahn·'frwah) n. composure, especially in dangerous or difficult circum-
stances. I wish I had Jane’s sangfroid when I find myself in a confrontational situation.
sanguine ('san·win) adj. 1. confidently cheerful, optimistic. 2. of the color of
blood; red. People are drawn to her because of her sanguine and pleasant nature.
sardonic (sahr·'don·ik) adj. sarcastic, mocking scornfully. I was hurt by his sardonic
saturnine ('sat·ŭr·n¯n) adj. gloomy, dark, sullen. The saturnine child sulked for
savoir faire ('sav·wahr 'fair) n. knowledge of the right thing to do or say in a social
situation; graceful tact. Adele’s savoir faire makes her the quintessential hostess.
schism ('siz·ĕm) n. a separation or division into factions because of a difference
in belief or opinion. The schism between the two parties was forgotten as they united
around a common cause.
scintilla (sin·'til·ă) n. a trace or particle; minute amount, iota. She has not one
scintilla of doubt about his guilt.
scintillating ('sin·t˘·lay·tin) adj. 1. sparkling, shining brilliantly. 2. brilliantly
clever and animated. I had planned to leave the dinner party early, but the conversa-
tion was so scintillating that I stayed until 2:00 in the morning.
scurvy ('skur·vee) adj. contemptible, mean. That scurvy knave has ruined my plans
seditious (si·'dish·ŭs) adj. arousing to insurrection or rebellion; engaging in or
promoting sedition (conduct or language which incites resistance or opposi-
tion to lawful authority). Toby’s seditious behavior nearly started a riot at the town
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sedulous ('sej·ŭ·lŭs) adj. diligent, persevering, hard working. After years of sedu-
lous research, the researchers discovered a cure.
semantics (si·'man·tiks) n. 1. the study of meaning in language. 2. the meaning,
connotation, or interpretation of words, symbols, or other forms. 3. the study
of relationships between signs or symbols and their meanings. He claims it’s an
issue of semantics, but the matter is not open to interpretation.
sententious (sen·'ten·shŭs) adj. 1. expressing oneself tersely, pithy. 2. full of
maxims and proverbs offered in a self-righteous manner. I was looking for your
honest opinion, not a sententious reply.
servile ('sur·v¯l) adj. 1. pertaining to or befitting a slave or forced labor.
2. abjectly submissive, slavish. The climax comes when Yolanda, who had believed
she was doomed to play the role of a servile wife to a domineering husband, finds the
courage to break the engagement and marry the man she truly loves.
shiftless ('shift·lis) adj. lazy and inefficient; lacking ambition, initiative, or pur-
pose. My shiftless roommate has failed all of his classes.
simian ('sim·ee·ăn) adj. of or like an ape or monkey. Scientists have studied
humans’ simian ancestors.
sinuous ('sin·yoo·ŭs) adj. winding, undulating, serpentine. It is dangerous to drive
fast on such a sinuous road.
slake (slayk) v. 1. to satisfy, quench. 2. to reduce the intensity of, moderate, allay.
The deer slaked its thirst at the river.
sodden ('sod·ĕn) adj. 1. thoroughly saturated, soaked. 2. expressionless or dull,
unimaginative. Caught in an unexpected rainstorm, I was sodden by the time I
reached the bus stop.
solecism ('sol·ĕ·siz·ĕm) n. 1. a mistake in the use of language. 2. violation of
good manners or etiquette, impropriety. Frank’s solecism caused his debate team
much embarrassment.
solicit (sŏ·'lis·it) v. 1. to ask for earnestly, petition. 2. to seek to obtain by per-
suasion or formal application. 3. to approach with an offer for paid services. Cy
was touting the merits of the referendum as he solicited support for Tuesday’s vote.
sophistry ('sof·i·stree) n. clever but faulty reasoning; a plausible but invalid
argument intended to deceive by appearing sound. I was amused by his sophistry,
but knew he had a little more research to do before he presented his argument to the
distinguished scholars in his field.
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sordid ('sor·did) adj. 1. dirty, wretched, squalid. 2. morally degraded. This sordid
establishment should be shut down immediately.
specious ('spee·shŭs) adj. 1. seemingly plausible but false. 2. deceptively pleasing
in appearance. Vinnie did not fool me with his specious argument.
spurious ('spyoor·ee·ŭs) adj. false, counterfeit, not genuine or authentic. Ian’s
surreptitious manner makes me believe his support for you is spurious and that he has
a hidden agenda.
squalid ('skwol·id) adj. 1. filthy and wretched. 2. morally repulsive, sordid. The
housing inspectors noted such deplorable and squalid living conditions in the decrepit
building on Water Street that they were forced to evacuate the tenants.
staunch (stawnch) v. (also stanch) stopping the flow of something. adj. firm and
steadfast, unswerving; firm and constant in principle or loyalty. I have always
been a staunch believer in the power of positive thinking.
steadfast ('sted·fast) adj. 1. firmly fixed or unchanging, resolute. 2. firmly loyal
and constant, unswerving. The captain held a steadfast course despite the rough seas.
stoical ('stoh·i·kăl) adj. seemingly unaffected by pleasure or pain; indifferent,
impassive. Michael was stoical, but underneath, he is every bit as emotional as we are.
strident ('str¯·dĕnt) adj. unpleasantly loud and harsh; grating, shrill, discordant.
When he heard the strident tone of his mother’s voice, Oscar knew he was in big trouble.
stultify ('stul·t˘·f¯) v. 1. to impair or make ineffective, cripple. 2. to make
(someone) look foolish or incompetent. Of course I’m angry! You stultified me at
that meeting!
stymie ('st¯·mee) v. to hinder, obstruct, thwart; to prevent the accomplishment
of something. The negotiations were stymied by yet another attack.
sublime (sŭ·'bl¯m) adj. having noble or majestic qualities; inspiring awe, adora-
tion, or reverence; lofty, supreme. Beethoven’s music is simply sublime.
subliminal (sub·'lim·˘ ·năl) adj. below the threshold of consciousness. Subliminal
advertising is devious but effective.
subvert (sub·'vurt) v. 1. to overthrow. 2. to ruin, destroy completely. 3. to
undermine. She quietly subverted his authority by sharing internal information with
outside agents.
succinct (sŭk·'sinkt) adj. expressed clearly and precisely in few words; concise,
terse. Cole’s eloquent and succinct essay on the power of positive thinking won first
place in the essay contest.
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succor ('suk·ŏr) n. assistance or relief in time of difficulty or distress. v. to pro-

vide assistance or relief in time of difficulty or distress. The Red Cross and other
relief organizations provide succor to the needy during natural disasters.
sundry ('sun·dree) adj. various, miscellaneous. The sundry items in her backpack
reveal a great deal about her personality.
supercilious (soo·pĕr·'sil·ee·ŭs) adj. haughty, scornful, disdainful. Sunil’s super-
cilious attitude and sarcastic remarks annoy me greatly.
supplicant ('sup·l˘·kănt) n. a person who asks humbly for something; one who
beseeches or entreats. The supplicants begged for forgiveness.
surfeit ('sur·fit) n. 1. an excessive amount or overabundance; glut. 2. the state of
being or eating until excessively full. v. to feed or fill to excess, satiety, or dis-
gust; overindulge. In some countries, the leaders and a select few enjoy a surfeit of
wealth while most of the population lives in squalor.
surly ('sur·lee) adj. bad-tempered, gruff, or unfriendly in a way that suggests
menace. Emily received a surly greeting from the normally cheerful receptionist.
surmise (sŭr·'m¯z) v. to infer based upon insufficient evidence; to guess, conjec-
ture. After finding dirty footprints in her apartment, Lakisha surmised that someone
had stolen her misplaced jewelry.
surreptitious (sur·ĕp·'tish·ŭs) adj. 1. done, made, or obtained through stealthy,
clandestine, or fraudulent means. 2. marked by or acting with stealth or
secrecy. Ian’s surreptitious manner makes me believe his support for you is spurious
and that he has a hidden agenda.
surrogate ('sur·ŏ·it) n. a substitute; one who takes the place of another. Martha
agreed to be a surrogate mother for her sister.
svelte (svelt) adj. slender and graceful, suave. The svelte actress offered a toast to her
sycophant ('sik·ŏ·fănt) n. a person who tries to win the favor of influential or
powerful people through flattery; a fawning parasite. Omar realized that one of
the drawbacks of his celebrity was that he would always be surrounded by sycophants.

taciturn ('tas·i·turn) adj. habitually untalkative, reserved. I’ve always known him
to be taciturn, but yesterday he regaled me with tales of his hiking adventures.
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tangential (tan·'jen·shăl) adj. 1. only superficially relevant; of no substantive

connection. 2. of or relating to a tangent. Rudy’s thesis paper contained tangential
statements, not relevant facts.
tangible ('tan·j˘·bĕl) adj. able to be perceived by touch, palpable; real or con-
crete. There is no tangible evidence of misconduct; it’s all hearsay.
tawdry ('taw·dree) adj. gaudy or showy but without any real value; flashy and
tasteless. I’ve never seen such a tawdry outfit as the three-tiered taffeta prom gown
that the music singer wore to the awards ceremony!
teem (teem) v. to be full of; to be present in large numbers. The fisherman found a
stream teeming with bass.
temerity (tĕ·'mer·i·tee) n. foolish disregard of danger; brashness, audacity. This
is no time for temerity; we must move cautiously to avoid any further damage.
tenacious (tĕ·'nay·shŭs) adj. 1. holding firmly to something, such as a right or
principle; persistent, stubbornly unyielding. 2. holding firmly, cohesive.
3. sticking firmly, adhesive. 4. (of memory) retentive. When it comes to fighting
for equality, she is the most tenacious person I know.
tendentious (ten·'den·shŭs) adj. biased, not impartial, partisan; supporting a
particular cause or position. The tendentious proposal caused an uproar on the Sen-
ate floor.
tenet ('ten·it) n. a belief, opinion, doctrine or principle held to be true by a person,
group, or organization. This pamphlet describes the tenets of Amnesty International.
tenuous ('ten·yoo·ŭs) adj. 1. unsubstantial, flimsy. 2. having little substance or
validity. Though the connection between the two crimes seemed tenuous at first, a
thorough investigation showed they were committed by the same person.
terse (turs) adj. concise, using no unnecessary words, succinct. After our disagree-
ment, Heidi and I engaged only in terse exchanges.
thwart (thwort) v. to prevent the accomplishment or realization of something.
The general thwarted an attack by the opposing army.
timid ('tim·id) adj. lacking confidence, conviction, or courage; fearful, hesitant,
shy. Adele was so timid she could barely muster the courage to look another person in
the eye.
timorous ('tim·ŏ·rŭs) adj. fearful, timid, afraid. The stray dog was timorous, and it
took a great deal of coaxing to get him to come near the car.
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tirade ('t¯·rayd) n. a long, angry, often highly critical speech; a violent denuncia-
tion or condemnation. Since Andre was known for his temper, his tirade did not
surprise his roommate.
toil (toil) n. exhausting labor or effort; difficult or laborious work. v. to work
laboriously, labor strenuously. Evan toiled for hours before solving the problem.
totalitarian (toh·tal·i·'tair·ee·ăn) adj. of a form of government in which those in
control neither recognize nor tolerate rival parties or loyalties, demanding
total submission of the individual to the needs of the state. The totalitarian
regime fell quickly when the people revolted.
tout (towt) v. 1. to promote or praise highly and energetically, especially with
the goal of getting a customer, vote, etc. 2. to solicit (customers, votes, etc.) in
an especially brazen or persistent manner. Cy was touting the merits of the refer-
endum as he solicited support for Tuesday’s vote.
tractable ('trak·tă·bĕl) adj. easily managed or controlled; obedient, docile. In the
novel Brave New World, the World Controllers use hypnosis and a “happiness drug”
to make everyone tractable.
transient ('tran·zhĕnt) adj. lasting only a very short time; fleeting, transitory,
brief. Their relationship was transient but profound.
trenchant ('tren·chănt) adj. 1. penetrating, forceful, effective. 2. extremely per-
ceptive, incisive. 3. clear-cut, sharply defined. It was a trenchant argument, and
it forced me to change my mind about the issue.
tribunal (tr¯·'byoo·năl) n. a court of justice. He will be sentenced for his war crimes
by an international tribunal.
trite (tr¯t) adj. repeated too often, overly familiar through overuse; worn out,
hackneyed. The theme of the novel was trite; many writers had written about death
in a similar way.
truculent ('truk·yŭ·lĕnt) adj. 1. defiantly aggressive. 2. fierce, violent. 3. bitterly
expressing opposition. The outspoken congresswoman gave a truculent speech argu-
ing against the proposal.
truncate ('trun·kayt) v. to shorten or terminate by (or as if by) cutting the top
or end off. The glitch in the software program truncated the lines of a very impor-
tant document I was typing.
tumultuous (too·'mul·choo·ŭs) adj. 1. creating an uproar, disorderly, noisy. 2. a
state of confusion, turbulence, or agitation, tumult. It was another tumultuous
day for the stock market, and fluctuating prices wrought havoc for investors.
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turpitude ('tur·pi·tood) n. 1. wickedness. 2. a corrupt or depraved act. Such

turpitude deserves the most severe punishment.

umbrage ('um·brij) n. offense, resentment. I took great umbrage at your suggestion
that I twisted the truth.
unctuous ('unk·choo·ŭs) adj. 1. unpleasantly and excessively or insincerely
earnest or ingratiating. 2. containing or having the quality of oil or ointment;
greasy, slippery, suave. I left without test driving the car because the salesperson was
so unctuous that I couldn’t trust him.
undermine (un·dĕr·'m¯n) v. 1. to weaken or injure, especially by wearing away at
the foundation. 2. to destroy in an underhanded way. By telling the children that
they could eat chocolate, the babysitter undermined their mother, who had forbade
them to eat sweets.
undulate ('un·jŭ·layt) v. to move in waves or in a wavelike fashion, fluctuate.
The curtains undulated in the breeze.
untoward (un·'tohrd) adj. 1. contrary to one’s best interest or welfare; inconven-
ient, troublesome, adverse. 2. improper, unseemly, perverse. Jackson’s untoward
remarks made Amelia very uncomfortable.
upbraid (up·'brayd) v. to reprove, reproach sharply, condemn; admonish. The
child was upbraided for misbehaving during the ceremony.
urbane (ur·'bayn) adj. elegant, highly refined in manners, extremely tactful and
polite. Christopher thinks he’s so urbane, but he’s really quite pedestrian.
usurp (yoo·'surp) v. to seize, or take possession of, by force and without right; to
wrongfully take over. After the king’s half-brother usurped the throne, he executed
the king and queen and imprisoned the prince, who was the rightful heir to the

vacillate ('vas·˘ ·layt) v. 1. to move or sway from side to side, fluctuate.
2. to swing back and forth about an opinion, course of action, etc.; to be inde-
cisive, waver. Denise vacillated for weeks before she decided to accept our offer.
vacuous ('vak·yoo·ŭs) adj. empty, purposeless; senseless, stupid, inane. This TV
show is yet another vacuous sitcom.
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vehement ('vee·ĕ·mĕnt) adj. 1. characterized by extreme intensity of emotion or

forcefulness of expression or conviction. 2. marked by great force, vigor, or
energy. The senator was vehement in her denial of any wrongdoing and maintained
her innocence throughout the investigation.
venal ('vee·năl) adj. easily bribed or corrupted; unprincipled. The venal judge was
removed and disbarred.
venerable ('ven·ĕ·ră·bĕl) adj. worthy of reverence or respect because of age, dig-
nity, character or position. The venerable Jimmy Carter has won the Nobel Peace
verbose (vĕr·'bohs) adj. using more words than necessary; wordy, long-winded.
Her verbose letter rambled so much that it didn’t seem to have a point.
verisimilitude (ver·i·si·'mil·i·tood) n. the appearance of being true or real. The
movie aims for complete verisimilitude and has painstakingly recreated the details of
everyday life in the 1920s.
veritable ('ver·i·tă·bĕl) adj. real, true, genuine. Einstein was a veritable genius.
vex (veks) v. 1. to annoy, irritate. 2. to cause worry to. I was completely vexed by his
puerile behavior.
vie (v¯) v. to compete with or contend; to strive for superiority or victory. The two
scientists were vying to be the first to find concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life.
vignette (vin·'yet) n. a brief description or depiction, especially a short literary
sketch or scene or ornamental sketch in a book. The film is a series of interrelated
vignettes rather than one continuous narrative.
virulent ('vir·yŭ·lĕnt) adj. 1. extremely poisonous, injurious or infectious.
2. bitterly hostile or hateful, acrimonious. They say that the pen is mightier than
the sword; indeed, words can be every bit as virulent as the sting of a scorpion.
vis-à-vis (vee·ză·'vee) adj. 1. referring or directing attention to. 2. face to face
with or opposite to. adv. face to face. After a few minutes of pandemonium, the
lights came back on, and Suki suddenly found herself vis-à-vis with the man of her
vitriolic (vit·ri·'ol·ik) adj. savagely hostile or bitter, caustic. Her vitriolic attack on
her opponent was so hostile that it may cost her the election.
vituperate (v¯·too·pĕ·rayt) v. to criticize or rebuke harshly or abusively; to cen-
sure severely, berate. After being vituperated by her boss for something that wasn’t
even her fault, Jin handed in her letter of resignation.
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volatile ('vol·ă·til) adj. 1. varying widely, inconstant, changeable, fickle.

2. unstable, explosive, likely to change suddenly or violently. 3. (in chemistry)
evaporating readily. The stock market has been so volatile lately that I have decided
to invest in bonds instead.
voluble ('vol·yŭ·bĕl) adj. 1. talking a great deal and with great ease; language
marked by great fluency; rapid, nimble speech. 2. turning or rotating easily on
an axis. Your new spokesperson is very voluble and clearly comfortable speaking in
front of large audiences.
voracious (voh·'ray·shŭs) adj. excessively greedy, rapacious; having a great
appetite for something, devouring greedily. I have always been a voracious reader
and literally consume dozens of books every month.

wary ('wair·ee) adj. guarded, watchful, cautious. After being swindled by the street
vendor, Bridget was wary of most salespeople.
winnow ('win·oh) v. 1. to separate the grain from the chaff by using the wind or
other current of air to blow the chaff away. 2. to separate the good from the
bad; to examine or sift through to remove undesirable elements. We have win-
nowed the list of applicants down to five highly qualified candidates.

xenophobia (zen·ŏ·'foh·bee·ă) n. a strong dislike, distrust, or fear of foreigners.
Many atrocities have been committed because of xenophobia.

zealous ('zel·ŭs) adj. filled with or marked by great interest or enthusiasm; eager,
earnest, fervent. Shalom was such a zealous student that he begged his teacher to
assign him extra projects.
zeitgeist ('ts¯t·¯st) n. the spirit of the times; the general intellectual and moral
outlook or attitude characteristic of a particular generation or period of time.
The revolutionary zeitgeist of the sixties and seventies is in sharp contrast to the con-
servative zeitgeist of the fifties.
zenith ('zee·nith) n. 1. the highest point, top, peak. 2. the point in the sky
directly above the observer. She is at the zenith of her career and has won every
case this year.
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Prefixes, Suffixes,
and Word Roots

The following table lists the most common English language prefixes, their mean-
ings, and examples of words with each prefix.


a-, an- not, without atypical, anarchy, amorphous

ab-, abs- from, away, off abnormal, abduct, abscond
ante- prior to, in front of, before antedate, antecedent, antebellum
ant-, anti- opposite, opposing, against antidote, antagonist, antipathy
bi- two, twice bisect, bilateral, bicameral
circum- around, about, on all sides circumference, circumnavigate,
co-, com-, with, together, jointly cooperate, community, consensus
contra- against, contrary, contrasting contradict, contraindication
counter- contrary, opposite or opposing; counterclockwise, countermeasure,
complementary counterpart
de- do the opposite or reverse of; remove from, deactivate, dethrone, detract
dis- away from, apart, reversal, not disperse, dismiss, disinterested
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duo- two duo, duet, duality

ex- out, out of, away from expel, exclaim, exorbitant
in- (also il-, in, into, within induct, impart, inculcate
im- ir-)
in- (also il-, not invariable, incessant, illicit, inept,
im-, ir-) impervious
inter- between, among, within intervene, interact, intermittent
intra- within, during intramural, intravenous
intro- in, into, within introvert, introduction
mal- bad, abnormal, evil, wrong malfunction, malpractice, malign
mis- bad, wrong, ill; opposite or lack of misspell, miscreant, misanthrope
mono- one, single, alone monologue, monogamy, monocle
multi- many, multiple multiple, multimillionaire, multifarious
neo- new, recent, a new form of neologism, neonatal, neophyte
non- not nonconformist, nonentity, nonchalant
over- exceeding, surpassing, excessive overabundance, overstimulate
poly- many, much polytechnic, polyglot
post- after, subsequent, later (than), behind postpone, postpartum, postoperative
pre- before precaution, precede, presage
pro- (a) earlier, before, prior to; in front of (b) for, proceed, proclivity, profess
supporting, in behalf of (c) forward, projecting
pseudo- false, fake pseudonym, pseudoscience
re- back, again recall, reconcile, rescind
semi- half, partly, incomplete semiannual, semiconscious
sub- under, beneath, below subconscious, subdue, subjugate
super- above, over, exceeding superhero, superficial, supercilious
trans- across, beyond, through transmit, translate, translucent
tri- three, thrice triangle, tricycle, triumvirate
un- not unable, uninterested, unorthodox
uni- one unite, uniform, unilateral
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The following table lists the most common English language suffixes, their mean-
ings, and examples of words with each suffix.


-age (a) action or process (b) house or place of (c) drainage, orphanage, marriage
state, rank
-al action or process rehearsal, disposal, reversal
-an, -ian of or relating to; a person specializing in guardian, pediatrician, historian
-ance, action or process; state of adolescence, benevolence,
-ence renaissance
-ancy, quality or state agency, vacancy, latency
-ant, -ent one that performs, promotes, or causes an disinfectant, dissident, miscreant
action; being in a specified state or condition
-ary thing belonging to or connected with adversary, dignitary, library
-cide killer, killing suicide, pesticide, homicide
-cy action or practice; state or quality of democracy, legitimacy, supremacy
-er, -or one that is, does, or performs builder, foreigner, sensor
-ion, -tion act or process; state or condition attraction, persecution, denunciation
-ism act, practice, or process; state or doctrine of criticism, anachronism, imperialism
-ist one who (performs, makes, produces, anarchist, feminist, imperialist
believes, etc.)
-ity quality, state, or degree clarity, amity, veracity
-ment action or process; result, object, means, entertainment, embankment,
or agent of an action or process amazement
-ness state, condition, quality or degree happiness, readiness, goodness
-ology doctrine, theory, or science; oral or biology, theology, eulogy
written expression
-or condition, activity candor, valor, succor
-sis process or action diagnosis, dialysis, metamorphosis
-ure act or process; office or function exposure, legislature, censure
-y state, condition, quality; activity or laundry, empathy, anarchy
place of business
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-able, -ible capable or worthy of; tending or liable to flammable, culpable, inscrutable
-al, -ial, having the quality of; of, relating to, educational, peripheral, ephemeral
-ical or characterized by
-an, -ian one who is or does; related to, characteristic of human, American, agrarian
-ant, -ent performing (a specific action) or being (in important, incessant, preeminent
a specified condition)
-ful full of; having the qualities of; tending or liable to helpful, peaceful, wistful
-ic pertaining or relating to; having the quality of fantastic, chronic, archaic
-ile tending to or capable of fragile, futile, servile
-ish having the quality of Swedish, bookish, squeamish
-ive performing or tending towards (an action); sensitive, cooperative, pensive
having the nature of
-less without, lacking; unable to act or be acted on endless, fearless, listless
(in a specified way)
-ous, -ose, full of, having the qualities of, relating to adventurous, glorious, egregious
-y characterized by, full of; tending or inclined to sleepy, cursory, desultory


-ate to make, to cause to be or become violate, tolerate, exacerbate, emanate

-en to cause to be or have; to come to be or have quicken, lengthen, frighten
-ify, -fy to make, form into beautify, electrify, rectify
-ize to cause to be or become; to bring about colonize, plagiarize, synchronize
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The following table lists the most common word roots, their meanings, and exam-
ples of words with those roots.
There are more than 150 roots here, but don’t be intimidated by the length of
this list. To learn these roots, try breaking the list down into manageable chunks of
ten to 20 roots and memorize them section by section. Some of these roots many
already be familiar to you—you use words with these roots every day!


ac, acr sharp, bitter acid, acute, acrimonious

act, ag to do, to drive, to force, to lead agent, enact, agitate
ad, al to, toward, near adjacent, adhere, allure
al, ali, alter other, another alternative, alias, alien
am love amiable, amity, enamor
amb to go, to walk ambulatory, preamble, ambush
amb, amph both, more than one, around ambiguous, ambivalent, amphitheater
anim life, mind, soul, spirit unanimous, animosity, equanimity
annui, ennui year annual, anniversary, perennial
anthro, andr man, human anthropology, android, misanthrope
apo away apology, apocalypse, apotheosis
apt, ept skill, fitness, ability adapt, adept, inept
arch, archi, archy chief, principal, ruler hierarchy, monarchy, anarchy
auto self automatic, autonomy, automaton
be to be, to have a certain quality befriend, bemoan, belittle
bel, bell war rebel, belligerent, antebellum
ben, bon good benefit, benevolent, bonus
cad, cid to fall, to happen by chance accident, coincidence, cascade
cant, cent, chant to sing chant, enchant, recant
cap, capit, cipit head, headlong capital, principal, capitulate
cap, cip, cept to take, to get capture, intercept, emancipate
card, cord, cour heart encourage, cardiac, discord
carn flesh carnivore, reincarnation, carnage
cast, chast cut caste, chastise, castigate
ced, ceed, cess to go, to yield, to stop exceed, concede, incessant
centr center central, concentric, eccentric
cern, cert, cret, to separate, to judge, to distinguish, ascertain, critique, discern
crim, crit to decide
chron time chronic, chronology, synchronize
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cis to cut scissors, precise, incisive

cla, clo, clu shut, close closet, enclose, preclude
claim, clam to shout, to cry out exclaim, proclaim, clamor
cli, clin to lean toward, bend decline, recline, proclivity
cour, cur running, a course recur, incursion, cursory
crat, cracy to govern democracy, autocracy, bureaucracy
cre, cresc, cret to grow creation, increase, increment
cred to believe, to trust incredible, credit, incredulous
cryp hidden crypt, cryptic, cryptography
cub, cumb to lie down succumb, incubate, incumbent
culp blame culprit, culpable, exculpate
dac, doc to teach doctor, indoctrinate, docile
dem people democracy, epidemic, pandemic
di, dia apart, through dialogue, diatribe, dichotomy
dic, dict, dit to say, to tell, to use words predict, dictionary, indict
dign worth dignity, indignant
dog, dox opinion dogma, orthodox, paradox
dol suffer, pain condolence, indolence, dolorous
don, dot, dow to give donate, endow, endow
dub doubt dubious, indubitable, dubiety
duc, duct to lead conduct, induct, conducive
dur hard endure, durable, obdurate
dys faulty, abnormal dysfunctional, dystopia, dyslexia
epi upon epidemic, epigram, epigraph
equ equal, even equation, equanimity, equivocate
err to wander err, error, erratic
esce becoming adolescent, coalesce, acquiesce
eu good, well euphoria, eulogy, euthanasia
fab, fam speak fable, famous, affable
fac, fic, fig, fait, to do, to make fiction, factory, feign
feit, fy
fer to bring, to carry, to bear offer, transfer, proliferate
ferv to boil, to bubble fervor, fervid, effervescent
fid faith, trust confide, fidelity, infidel
fin end final, finite, affinity
flag, flam to burn flame, flammable, inflammatory
flect, flex to bend deflect, reflect, flexible
flu, flux to flow fluid, fluctuation, superfluous
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fore before foresight, forestall, forbear

fort chance fortune, fortunate, fortuitous
fra, frac, frag, fring to break fracture, fraction, infringe
fus to pour infusion, diffuse
gen birth, creation, race, kind generous, genetics, homogenous
gn, gno to know ignore, recognize, incognito
grad, gress to step progress, aggressive, digress
grat pleasing grateful, gratitude, ingratiate
her, hes to stick cohere, adherent, inherent
(h)etero different, other heterosexual, heterogeneous, heterodox
(h)om same homogeneous, homonym
hyper over, excessive hyperactive, hyperextend, hyperbole
id one’s own idiom, idiosyncrasy, ideology
ject to throw, to throw down eject, dejected, conjecture
join, junct to meet, to join joint, junction, juxtapose
jur to swear jury, perjury, abjure
lect, leg to select, to choose election, select, eclectic
lev lift, light, rise elevator, lever, alleviate
loc, log, loqu word, speech dialogue, eloquent, loquacious
luc, lum, lus light illustrate, lucid, luminous
lud, lus to play illusion, elude, allude
lug, lut, luv to wash lavatory, dilute, deluge
mag, maj, max big magnify, magnitude, magnanimous
man hand manual, manufacture, manifest
min small minute, diminish, minutiae
min to project, to hang over prominent, imminent, preeminent
mis, mit to send transmit, remit, intermittent
mon, monit to warn monitor, admonish, remonstrate
morph shape amorphous, metamorphosis,
mort death immortal, morbid, moratorium
mut change mutate, immutable, permutation
nam, nom, noun, rule, order economy, taxonomy, autonomy
nown, nym
nat, nas, nai to be born native, nascent, renaissance
nec, nic, noc, nox harm, death innocent, noxious, innocuous
nom, nym, name nominate, homonym, nominal
noun, nown
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nounc, nunc to announce announce, pronounce, denounce

nov, neo, nou new novice, novel, neophyte
ob, oc, of, op toward, to, against, completely, over object, obstruct, obsequious
omni all omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient
pac, peas peace pacify, appease, pacifier
pan all, everyone panorama, pandemic, panacea
par equal par, disparate, parity
para next to, beside parallel, paragon, paradox
pas, pat, path feeling, suffering, disease passionate, antipathy, apathetic
pau, po, pov, pu few, little, poor poverty, pauper, impoverish
ped child, education pediatrician, encyclopedia, pedantic
ped, pod foot pedestrian, expedite, impede
pen, pun to pay, to compensate penalty, punishment, penance
pend, pens to hang, to weigh, to pay depend, compensate, pensive
per completely, wrong perplex, permeate, pervade
peri around perimeter, peripheral, peripatetic
pet, pit to go, to seek, to strive compete, petition, impetuous
phil love philosophy, philanthropy, bibliophile
phone sound telephone, homophone, cacophony
plac to please placid, placebo, complacent
ple to fill complete, deplete, plethora
plex, plic, ply to fold, to twist, to tangle, to bend complex, comply, implicit
pon, pos, pound to put, to place expose, component, juxtapose
port to carry import, portable, importune
prehend, prise to take, to get, to seize surprise, apprehend, reprisal
pro much, for, a lot proliferate, profuse, proselytize
prob to prove, to test probe, probation, reprobate
pug to fight repugnant, pugnacious, impugn
punc, pung, poign to point, to prick point, puncture, punctilious
que, quis to seek inquisitive, conquest, query
qui quiet quiet, tranquil, acquiesce
rid, ris to laugh riddle, ridiculous, derision
rog to ask interrogate, surrogate, abrogate
sacr, sanct, secr sacred sacred, sacrament, sanction
sal, sil, sault, sult to leap, to jump assault, insolent, desultory
sci to know conscious, science, omniscient
scribe, scrip to write scribble, prescribe, circumscribe
se apart separate, segregate, seditious
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sec, sequ to follow consequence, sequel, obsequious

sed, sess, sid to sit, to be still, to plan, to plot subside, assiduous, dissident
sens, sent to feel, to be aware sense, sentiment, dissent
sol to loosen, to free dissolve, resolution, dissolution
spec, spic, spit to look, to see perspective, speculation, circumspect
sta, sti to stand, to be in place static, obstinate, steadfast
sua smooth suave, persuade, dissuade
tac, tic to be silent tacit, reticent, taciturn
tain, ten, tent, tin to hold detain, sustain, tenacious
tend, tens, to stretch, to thin extend, tension, tenuous
tent, tenu
theo god, religion atheist, theology, apotheosis
tract to drag, to pull, to draw attract, detract, tractable
us, ut to use abuse, utility, usurp
ven, vent to come, to move toward convene, venture, intervene
ver truth verdict, verisimilitude, veritable
vers, vert to turn revert, aversion, versatile
vi life vivid, vigorous, vicarious
vid, vis to see evident, survey, visionary
voc, vok to call vocal, advocate, equivocate
vol to wish volunteer, volition, benevolence
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