Pranic Body SodarshanChakraKriya

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Sodarshan Chakra Kriya p.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008
Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Eyes: The eyes are fixed at the tip of the nose. (This
meditation is not to be done with the eyes closed).
Mudra & Breath:
a) Block the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale
slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Suspend the
breath. Mentally chant the mantra WHA-HAY GU-ROO
16 times. Pump the Navel Point 3 times with each
repetition, once on WHA; once on HAY; and once on
GUROO, for a total of 48 unbroken pumps.
b) After the 16 repetitions, unblock the right nostril. Place
the right index finger (pinkie finger can also be used) to
block off the left nostril, and exhale slowly and deeply
through the right nostril.
c) Continue repeating a & b
Time: for 11-31 minutes. Master practitioners may
extend this practice to 62 minutes, then to 2-1/2 hours a
To End: Inhale, hold the breath 5-10 seconds, then
exhale. Stretch the arms up and shake every part of your
body for 1 minute, so the energy can spread.
Comments: This is one of the greatest meditations you
can practice. It has considerable transformational powers.
The personal identity is rebuilt, giving the individual a
new perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind.
According to the tantra shastras, it can purify your past
karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you
from fulfilling you. It balances all the 27 facets of life and
mental projection, and gives you the pranic power of
health and healing It establishes inner happiness and a
state of flow and ecstasy in life.
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya p.2
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008
Comments (continued): This meditation balances the
Teacher aspect of the mind. It acts on all the other aspects
like a mirror to reveal their true nature and adds
corrections. You act as a human being not just a human
doing. If the Teacher aspect is too strong, you risk a
spiritual ego, which becomes too attached to the ability to
detach and to be above normal struggles. When the
Teacher aspect is too weak, you can misuse your spiritual
and teaching position for personal advantage. When
balanced, the Teacher aspect is impersonally personal. It
starts with absolute awareness and a neutral assessment
from that awareness. The Teacher uses intuition to know
directly what is real and what is a diversion. You respond
from the Neutral Mind beyond the positives and
negatives. You are clear about the purpose and the laws of
each action. A complete Teacher is not an instructor. The
Teacher is the expression of Infinity for the benefit of all.
You master non-attachment so that you are
simultaneously in all your activities and not of them.
Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth,
dimensions, caliber, and happiness. It gives you a new
start against all odds. Of all the 20 types of yoga,
including Kundalini Yoga, this is the highest Kriya. This
meditation cuts through all darkness. It will give you a
new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the
hardest. It cuts through all barriers of the neurotic or
psychotic inside-nature. When a person in a very bad
state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work.
The pressure has to be stimulated from within. The
tragedy of life is when the subconscious releases garbage
into the conscious mind. This kriya invokes the Kundalini
to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat
the negative effects of the subconscious mind. There is no
time, no place, no space, and no condition attached to this
mantra. Each garbage point has its own time to clear. If
you are going to clean your own garbage, you must
estimate and clean it as fast as you can, or as slow as you
want. Start practicing slowly the slower the better. Start
with five minutes a day, and gradually build the time to
either 31 or 62 minutes. Maximum time is 2-1/2 hours for
practice of this meditation. - YOGI BHAJAN

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