Wolfenstein Game Guide

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Remember BJ Blazkowicz? Of course you do. Having made his first appearance way
back in 1992 in Wolfenstein 3D, the original first-person shooter, Blazkowicz has been
a largely dormant character since that game's release, with the exception of the
"Return to Castle Wolfenstein" games released nearly a decade later. But now, our
good friend, the American spy, is back. Ready to take on the Nazi regime once more
in an alternate history storyline, Wolfenstein (the third game in the base Wolfenstein
series) is as heated a first-person shooter as you'll find on the market today.
Blazkowicz's fight takes place in an alternate history storyline, but that doesn't mean
there's some semblance of truth to what's going on. The SS Paranormal Division is
back in full force, and conducting crazy experiments to give the Axis the edge in
World War II. Think the SS Paranormal Division is fictional? Think again. Based on the
very real SS Ahnenerbe, the Paranormal Division in Wolfenstein is after the occult
knowledge hidden by something called The Black Sun. And while the SS Ahnenerbe
was never quite this out of control during World War II, rest assured that the Nazis'
fascination and obsession with archaeology, the paranormal, the occult, and ancient
history is quite, quite real, indeed.
Wolfenstein is the biggest game in the small series yet, by far. With over a dozen
missions, there's plenty to do during the main course of events. And that doesn't even
take into account the hundreds of collectibles to be found throughout the game's
various maps, from gold, to intel, to special occult-based items called Tomes of Power.
There is also an entire arsenal of weapons to uncover and upgrade, and a vast
multiplayer element to the game that will certainly require your full attention as well.
Naturally, our guide covers all of this, and more, to ensure that you take down the
Nazi regime once and for all in this unique take on World War II shooters.
Are you ready, soldier? The German Resistance awaits your arrival.
In this Wolfenstein strategy guide, you'll find:
• BASICS // Because to take on the Nazis, you have to know the fundamentals
• WALKTHROUGH // Each mission covered to help you bring down the Nazis'
occult ambitions.
• ARSENAL // All of the game's weapons thoroughly covered. Upgrade
information included.
• COLLECTIBLES // Locations for each and every piece of gold, intel folder, and
Tome of Power.
• Q&A // Your questions, our answers.
Wolfenstein Basics
« Fundamentals

Killing Nazis Ain't Easy

BJ Blazkowicz, Wolfenstein's famed protagonist, is in an unenviable situation yet

again. With World War II blazing around him, the Nazis are making aggressive moves
in an attempt to turn the war permanently in favor of the Axis. Naturally, in
Wolfenstein's epic lore, this means that the Nazis are chasing after the supernatural
and occult via the SS Paranormal Division, modeled after the very real Nazi SS squad
that existed during the equally-real battles of World War II, known as Ahnenerbe.
Specifically, the Nazis in Wolfenstein are after powers granted by something called
the Black Sun. And that is where you, playing as Agent Blazkowicz, come into play.

There's nothing even remotely easy about Wolfenstein, not if you're playing on a
challenging difficulty level (and why wouldn't you?) There's a lot to be seen and done
in Wolfenstein. There are myriad missions to complete, side quests to undertake,
weapons to find and upgrade, and of course, a plethora of secret items to uncover all
over the place (in the form of gold, intel and Tomes of Power). This Basics section is
designed to help you understand some of the game's finer points, so that you know
precisely what you're getting yourself into. Below this are a few more fundamentals.
Switch over to the next page to find some information on Advanced Tactics. And
finally, a page removed from there, you'll find our typical Ten Tips section, outlining
ten points you should keep in mind moving forward.

Your Environment

This iteration of Wolfenstein is quite far removed from its predecessors. While it's still
a first-person shooter full of extraordinary action and adventure, Wolfenstein has
opened up somewhat, into something far less linear, and far more customizable.
Events in the game take place primarily from a town in Germany called Isenstadt.
More specifically, Isenstadt is located in Austria, but during the course of World War II,
the two countries were essentially one, indistinguishable locale (Hitler was Austrian,
after all). Isenstadt is home, in Wolfenstein, to a resistance group known as the
Kreisau Circle. And yes, the Kreisau Circle was also a real group during World War II.
They were one of the extremely rare German-based resistance groups that carried out
a guerilla campaign against the Nazis.
Unfortunately, the Kreisau Circle was broken up before the Nazis were defeated in
1945, but perhaps their involvement in this fictional storyline will turn out a little bit
more... positively. From Isenstadt, you'll conduct your operations. There, you'll find
black market dealers that will upgrade your weapons, plenty of people to talk to, and
stray Nazi soldiers to fight (they're looking to gain total control of the rebellious city).
Most importantly, however, we'll undertake our main missions and varied side quests
from Isenstadt. So as you'll learn early on in the game, knowing your home
environment will help you tremendously.

Questing in Isenstadt

Speaking of Isenstadt, there sure sounds like there's a lot to be done there. Well,
there is, for not only can you upgrade your gear at the black market or undertake new
missions at the behest of Caroline, the Kreisau Circle's leader. You can also scour the
gigantic city's multiple maps for plenty of hidden items, in the form of gold, intel and
Tomes of Power. All three types of items will help you in different ways, but it's the
first item mentioned that is perhaps the most important. With gold, which you will
convert into American dollars in the game, you can buy those aforementioned
upgrades for all of your varied gear. Unfortunately, there's not enough to go around to
do everything you want to do with it, but gold is a commodity you don't want to miss
-- anywhere.

The important thing to keep in mind when working your way around Isenstadt is that
hostile Nazi soldiers can be around every corner. While not everyone you meet will
like you or want you around -- even some resistance fighters in the Kreisau Circle --
you'll never meet a Nazi soldier who doesn't want to blow your head off. So while
Isenstadt is about as friendly a place as you're going to find in Wolfenstein, always
have your firearm at the ready, because you never know when a detachment of
enemies will rifle you down at a moment's notice.
Wolfenstein Basics
« Advanced Tactics »

Upgrading Your Arsenal

Upgrading your gear, and more notably, your weapons, is one of the most satisfying
features in Wolfenstein. By thoroughly searching each map in the game (or by using
our handy-dandy guide to find all of the items for you), you'll find lots of gold, in
addition to Intel and Tomes of Power. This gold is converted into American dollars, and
will allow you to pay off various black market merchants you find to upgrade your
weapons. There are multiple black market merchants, and they all charge the same
for upgrades, so no worries about finding the cheapest guy to do the work. Do keep in
mind, however, that you're going to need to unlock upgrades during the course of the
game before actually being eligible to buy them.

Upgrading gear is the only thing in the game you should be spending money on. This
isn't a hard rule to stick to, because there's only one other thing to spend cash on in
the game. Black market dealers will sell you ammunition for your weapons, which as
Ten Tips will reiterate, is something you should never, ever do. Because of the finite
monetary resources in the game, wasting precious cash on ammunition is asinine, and
should never be done. Instead, save that money for upgrades, and upgrades only. If
you know precisely where to look on just about any mission in the game, or even in
the vast city you'll call home, you should be able to reload on needed ammunition
rather easily.

Finding Collectibles

Speaking of gold, there are two other types of collectibles you'll want to keep a keen
eye out for during your adventure. While gold, as we've already said, is no doubt the
most valuable commodity in the game, and is by far the most important type of
collectible to obtain, intel and Tomes of Power will also help you tremendously during
the course of your quest. Intel has a rather unimportant role as far as gameplay is
concerned, since intel simply gives you additional information on things not covered
in the game, or only briefly touched upon. However, Tomes of Power are another story
As the rarest type of collectible, Tomes of Power will be much harder to come by than
gold or intel, but there's a good reason for that. Tomes of Power will allow you to
unlock additional features for your Veil powers. The Veil is something that you'll
acquire early in the game, a supernatural power unlocked by the Nazis and now
controlled by you. The Veil is an absolutely integral part of the game, and you'll be
using it and its associated powers (like Mire) often. By collecting Tomes of Power, your
supernatural abilities become more and more powerful, giving you an important
added edge in the fierce fight for freedom.

Surviving the Onslaught

With all of this said, the most important thing in the game now is to survive. Surviving
is easy when you've taken all of our tips into account. But if you need more help, then
you need to keep reading on to Ten Tips, where our final words of wisdom will whisk
you away to a place of pure strategy.
Wolfenstein Basics
« Fundamentals Advanced Tactics Ten Tips »

1.) Reload Your Arms - This should go without saying, but you want
to reload your equipped weapon as much as possible. This means not
waiting until you need to reload out of necessity, but rather reloading
when all is quiet. Let's say you just capped a couple of Nazis with your
Kar98, expending only two bullets in the five bullet loading cycle. Why
wait to expend those other three bullets before reloading? Instead,
reload when you can, so that you have five fresh bullets waiting for
the next group of thugs. This, as you'll find, will work wonders for you.

2.) Aim Properly - Don't just wantonly shoot at the enemy, or you
won't get the desired effect. Instead, use the corresponding button on
your set-up to aim in at the enemy, and then fire. Doing so will ensure
that you hit your target, as it will narrow down your gun's reticule.
Obviously, the zoom-in effect of many weapons won't be dramatic, but
for a bolt-action weapon like the Kar98, aiming is a necessity. And
also, be sure to aim at the head or chest of enemies, as this will do, by
far, the most damage.

3.) Scour for Ammo - Ammunition is valuable in this game, and since
you should never, ever buy it (as you'll read below), you should
instead scour dead soldiers for their ammunition. Virtually all firearm-
equipped enemies will drop their weapon for you to use once slain,
and you can also find ammunition lying around in plenty of
predetermined locations on all of the maps, as well. And for the
record, this goes for grenades too. You shouldn't buy those, either.
Find 'em, instead.

4.) Collect Those Collectibles - The three types of collectible items

in the game each have their own use, and while their uses are
certainly varying, you should go out of your way to find everything
you can on each map, even if you have to use our guide to help you
find everything. Gold is obviously the most important, since you can
convert it to money and use that cash to buy upgrades. But finding
and reading intel will significantly advance the game's story, while
Tomes of Power will unlock all sorts of supernatural abilities for you to
take advantage of. Don't blaze through missions. Search!
5.) Use Cover - Virtually all first-person shooters are extremely
unrealistic in the amount of damage you can take, and the amount of
damage you can dish. And while you'll heal automatically after only a
few seconds, try never to get to that point in the first place. Don't run
into areas with guns blazing, but instead, take a methodical approach
to uncovering new areas. Use cover, be stealthy, and don't get in over
your head.

6.) Never Rush - #4 and #5 are now nicely consolidated in this tip.
Rushing is a dumb idea, and as the old saying goes, haste makes
waste. Don't rush around for both reasons discussed above, as it will
only result in not only an incomplete experience, but it will probably
get you killed rather quickly as well. Wolfenstein is a flashy, action-
packed first-person shooter, but it's probably in your best interest to
let that flash and action find you, and not the other way around. After
all, this is a man-versus-the-world shooter in the truest sense.

7.) Upgrade! - Horde money all you want, but it only has one use in
the game, and that's to upgrade all of your weapons. Upgrading is a
good thing, as long as you're positive that you'll want to use that
upgrade for the rest of the game. This is because, while acquired
upgrades can be sold, they will only net you 50% of what you paid for
it, which is a massive amount of money. And the more expensive a
sold-back upgrade is, the more you end up losing out. Upgrade your
weapons regularly, but be sure you actually want the upgrade in
question. If you're unsure, it's better to hold onto your money until
you are.

8.) Don't Buy Ammo - Probably the most important tip in the game
in terms of your money is to never, ever purchase ammunition... ever.
There's a finite amount of money in the game to spend, and you won't
be able to buy everything. But by wasting money on something like
ammunition, you're digging yourself into an even deeper hole,
ultimately excluding yourself from purchasing more and more
upgrades. Ammunition can always be found if you really want to find
it. Don't buy it.

9.) Use the Right Weapon - There's always a right and wrong
weapon for the job, and you never want to go into a situation using
the wrong weapon when you have the right one at your fingertips. For
instance, the MP40 is a weak submachine gun, but is great for
shooting bursts at nearby groups of enemies. Meanwhile, you may
want to holster that weapon and go to something like the Kar98 for
sniping enemies at a moderate distance behind cover. Get to know
your arsenal, and pull out the proper weaponry at the right time for an
easier experience.

10.) Follow the Marker - If worse comes to worse, and you don't
know what to do next, the star icon at the top of the screen,
embedded in your compass, will provide you with all of the
information you need. The star will point you in the direction you're
supposed to be going, whether it's to complete the objective at hand
or undertake a new one. The star marker, therefore, should always be
your fallback when you're not quite sure how to advance or what to do
Wolfenstein Arsenal
Welcome to the Arsenal section of our guide, where all of the game's weapons and
special powers are chronicled. Use the links below to find information on any of the
thirteen weapons or skills available in the game, with complete upgrade information.


Penetrating Crystal ($2,000) - "This red crystal burns with an inner

fire. Used with Empower, your attacks can also pass through metal,
stone, and concrete."


Piercing Crystal ($1,000) - "The edges of this red crystal are razor
sharp. Used with the Empower ability your attacks can pass through
most light cover."


Carburetion ($2,000) - "Adds an air pump and blending apparatus

which improve the fuel-air mixture and produce a hotter flame that
inflicts greater damage."

Expanded Tank ($1,000) - "Expands the weapon's main fuel reserves

with an auxiliary storage tank, increasing the total ammunition


Improved Fuel Tank ($1,000) - "Upgrades the weapon's fuel pump,

increasing the pressure in the fuel reservoir and thus increasing
maximum burst duration."

Pump Override ($500) - "Overhauls the fuel pumping system to

produce a more powerful jet at the nozzle, significantly increasing the
weapon's range."

Bayonet ($500) - "Mounts an eight inch blade to the lug at the end of
the weapon's barrel, making it a far more effective melee weapon."

Big Bore ($1,000) - "Refits the barrel and firing mechanisms of the
weapon to support heavier slugs and larger powder charges, greatly
increasing damage."

Improved Rifling ($500) - "Upgrades the weapon with tighter rifling

which produces more spin on the bullet, significantly improving basic


Silencer ($500) - "Adds a combination flash and noise suppressor

which makes enemies much less likely to spot the firer, especially
when firing from hiding."

Sniper Scope ($2,500) - "Fits the weapon with a high quality

telescopic scope, providing a far better view of distant targets when

Stripper Clip ($1,500) - "Refits the weapon's breach to accept a five

round stripper clip, eliminating the need to load rounds individually
and speeding reloading overall."

Leichenfaust 44

Gallium Transformer ($1,000) - "Upgrades the weapon's power

stepping and transfer systems, reducing the time the weapon takes to
recharge after firing."


Iridium Canister ($1,500) - "Enhances the weapon's power storage

canisters with an Iridium casing, allowing them to take greater charge
and yield more shots."
Nacrite Resonator ($1,000) - "Produces resonant waves within the
weapon's reaction chamber, generating a faster moving energy front
when released."

Planck Refractor ($2,000) - "Refracts the weapon's energy pulse

through an energized particle field just prior to release, producing a
wider radius of effect."

Mdl. 44

Ammo Satchel ($2,000) - "Provides a carrying pouch designed

special for Mdl. 24 greandes, keeping it ready at hand and allowing
you to carry more of them."

Fragmentation ($1,000) - "Augments the lethality of the weapon

with a housing designed to produce metal fragments on detonation,
increasing damage."

High Explosives ($3,000) - "Packs the grenades with an increased

quality of high grade explosives, significantly expanding the weapons'
blast radius."


Shearing Crystal ($3,000) - "Light seems to take minutes to pass

through this crystal. When Mire is activated, temporal flux from this
crystal obliterates nearby foes."


Slowing Crystal ($1,000) - "Concentric rings are visible within this

yellow crystal. Used with the Mire ability it will bring time to a virtual

Big Bore ($2,000) - "Refits the barrel and firing mechanisms of the
weapon to support heavier slugs and larger powder charges, greatly
increasing damage."

Drum Magazine ($500) - "Replaces the standard stick magazine with

a light weight drum style clip that holds twice as many rounds as the
common version."

Improved Rifling ($1,000) - "Upgrades the weapon with tighter

rifling which produces more spin on the bullet, significantly improving
basic accuracy."

Recoil Compensator ($1,000) - "Adds a muzzle break and gas

venting system in order to reduce the recoil and muzzle climb
experienced with each shot."

Silencer ($500) - "Adds a combination flash and noise suppressor

which makes enemies much less likely to spot the firer, especially
when firing from hiding."


Ammo Pouch ($750) - "Provides a carrying pouch designed for the

weapon's ammunition, keeping it ready at hand and allowing to carry
significantly more."

Big Bore ($1,500) - "Refits the barrel and firing mechanisms of the
weapon to support heavier slugs and larger powder charges, greatly
increasing damage."
Drum Magazine ($500) - "Replaces the standard stick magazine with
a compact drum style clip that holds twice as many rounds as the
common version."

Improved Rifling ($500) - "Upgrades the weapon with tighter rifling

which produces more spin on the bullet, significantly improving basic

Recoil Compensator ($1,000) - "Adds a muzzle break and gas

venting system in order to reduce the recoil and muzzle climb
experienced with each shot."

Tactical Scope ($3,000) - "Fits the weapon with a medium power

telescopic scope, providing good magnification without impairing the
ability to aim at closer targets."


Ammo Pouch ($500) - "Provides a carrying pouch designed for the

weapon's ammunition, keeping it ready at hand and allowing you to
carry significantly more."

High Explosives ($500) - "Upgrades the warhead carried by the

weapon's rockets with a more powerful explosive, increasing blast
radius and damage."

Light Weight Build ($1,000) - "Refits the weapon with exhaust

systems that eliminate the need for the cumbersome blast shield,
improving sighting and movement."

Magazine ($2,000) - "Replaces the weapon's standard open breach

with a three round magazine and feed mechanism to facilitate rapid

Seeker Crystal ($2,500) - "Combines a veil infused crystal in each

rocket with a special sighting mechanism to allow rockets to lock on to
targets and seek them out."

Stabilized Rockets ($500) - "Improves the aerodynamic features of

the weapon's rockets, greatly improving accuracy, and thereby
increasing effective range."

Particle Cannon

Beam Intensifier ($1,000) - "Improves the weapon's particle

reservoir, increasing the particle density of the beam and delivering
much greater damage."

Flux Arc ($2,000) - "Tunes the particle beam to a frequency that

resonates with living matter, causing it to bend towards enemy

Improved Veil Capacitor ($1,000) - "Replaces the weapon's

standard power pack with improved Veil based technology, increasing
total ammo capacity."

Particle Lens ($1,500) - "Adds a magnetic lensing device to the

weapon's forward armature, improving beam coherency and
increasing maximum range."

Veil Catalyst ($500) - "Introduces a crystal catalyst to the weapon's

particle generation system, reducing the time it takes the weapon to
spin up and fire."

Reactive Crystal ($3,000) - "This blue crystal hums with energy. The
organic resonance of this crystal can disintegrate certain enemies who
touch your shield."


Reflective Crystal ($1,000) - "This blue crystal is flawlessly clear.

Used with the Shield ability, this crystal reflects bullets back at those
who shot them."

Tesla Gun

2 Arc Nodes ($500) - "Equips the weapon with metal reinforced nodes
at the device's muzzle, giving it powerful melee capabilities that
electrocute and stun foes."

Coil Upgrade ($2,000) - "Enhances the weapon's primary Tesla coil

with improved materials, allowing it to generate a much greater
number of arcs."

Current Induction ($2,000) - "Improves the weapon's total voltage

output, allowing the weapon's arcs to chain through multiple

Mk2 Generator ($500) - "Replaces the weapon's conventional

generator with a more responsive second generation device,
decreasing spin up time."

Step Transformer ($1,000) - "Upgrades the weapon's main

transformer unit with an improved module that produces greater
amperage, increasing damage."
Upgraded Battery ($1,000) - "Swaps out the weapon's standard
battery back with an advanced unit that retains a greater charge,
increasing ammo capacity."


Crystal Harmony ($2,000) - "The ultimate secrets of the ancient

tomes have revealed how these crystals may be tuned to increase
energy pool regeneration."

Inner Brilliance ($1,500) - "More research into the ancient tomes has
revealed that these crystals can increase your veil energy pool even


Inner Light ($1,500) - "The information uncovered in the ancient

tomes allows you to store power in these crystals, increasing your veil
energy pool."

Veil Sight ($2,000) - "With the knowledge you have gained from the
ancient tomes, you can tune these crystals to reveal enemies even
through solid matter."
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Welcome one, welcome all, to our walkthrough for Wolfenstein. You can navigate the
walkthrough by clicking on the desired link below. To start at the beginning of the
mission, you'll naturally want to seek out the first part of the walkthrough for any
given section. However, feel free to jump around to any part of any mission from here.
Accompanying the links, you'll find what secrets are in any given section of the
walkthrough. So if you're searching for a specific piece of gold, article of intel, or Tome
of Power, that will help you out immensely.
And now, without further ado... our walkthrough.

Mission One: Trainyard Totals: Gold = 11 | Intel = 5 | Tomes = 0

01 PART 1 Gold #1-3, Intel #1

02 PART 2 Gold #4-7, Intel #2-3

03 PART 3 Gold #8-9, Intel #4-5

04 PART 4 Gold #10-11

Mission Two: Dig Site Totals: Gold = 11 | Intel = 6 | Tomes = 1

05 PART 1 N/A

06 PART 2 Gold #1-3, Intel #1

07 PART 3 Gold #4, Intel #2-3

08 PART 4 Gold #5-9, Intel #4, Tome #1

09 PART 5 Gold #10-11, Intel #5-6

Mission Three: Church Totals: Gold = 19 | Intel = 6 | Tomes = 1

10 PART 1 Gold #1-3

11 PART 2 Gold #4-9, Intel #2

12 PART 3 Gold #10-14, Intel #3-4

13 PART 4 Gold #15-17, Intel #5

14 PART 5 Gold #18-19, Intel #6, Tome #1

Mission Four: Farm Totals: Gold = 19 | Intel = 5 | Tomes = 2

15 PART 1 Gold #1-2, Tome #1

16 PART 2 Gold #3-5, Intel #1-2

17 PART 3 Gold #6-9, Intel #3-4

18 PART 4 Gold #10-#13, Intel #5

19 PART 5 Gold #14-18

20 PART 6 Gold #19, Tome #2

Mission Five: Hospital Totals: Gold = 23 | Intel = 6 | Tomes = 2

21 PART 1 Gold #1-10, Intel #1-2, Tome #1

22 PART 2 Gold 11-15, Intel #3

23 PART 3 Gold #16-18, Intel #4-5

24 PART 4 Gold #19-22, Intel #6

25 PART 5 Gold #23, Tome #2

Mission Six: Cannery Totals: Gold = 20 | Intel = 6 | Tomes = 1

26 PART 1 Gold #1, Intel #1, Tome #1

27 PART 2 Gold #2-8

28 PART 3 Gold #9-15, Intel #2

29 PART 4 Gold #16-17, Intel #3

30 PART 5 Gold #18-20, Intel #4-6

Mission Seven: Castle Totals: Gold = 16 | Intel = 6 | Tomes = 2

31 PART 1 Gold #1, Intel #1

32 PART 2 Gold #2-3, Intel #2

33 PART 3 Gold #4-7

34 PART 4 Gold #8-13, Tome #1

35 PART 5 Gold #14-15, Intel #3-6

36 PART 6 Gold #16, Tome #2

Mission Eight: Air Field Totals: Gold = 21 | Intel = 8 | Tomes = 0

37 PART 1 Gold #1-3, Intel #1

38 PART 2 Gold #4-8, Intel #2

39 PART 3 Gold #9-12, Intel #3-4

40 PART 4 Gold #13-19, Intel #5-6

41 PART 5 Gold #20-21, Intel #7-8

Mission Nine: Zeppelin Totals: Gold = 0 | Intel = 9 | Tomes = 0

42 PART 1 Intel #1-2

43 PART 2 Intel #3-4

44 PART 3 Intel #5

45 PART 4 Intel #6-9

Mission Ten: The Black Sun Dimension Totals: Gold = 0 | Intel = 0 |

Tomes = 0

46 PART 1 N/A

47 PART 2 N/A

And now, side quests...

Side Quest One: SS Headquarters Totals: Gold = 7 | Intel = 4 | Tomes =


01 PART 1 Gold #1-2, Intel #1-2

02 PART 2 Gold #3-7, Intel #3-4

Side Quest Two: SS Paranormal Base Totals: Gold = 10 | Intel = 4 |

Tomes = 1

03 PART 1 Gold #1-4, Intel #1, Tome #1

04 PART 2 Gold #5-10, Intel #2-4

Side Quest Three: Warehouse Totals: Gold = 7 | Intel = 4 | Tomes = 0

05 PART 1 Gold #1-3, Intel #1

06 PART 2 Gold #4-7, Intel #2-4

Side Quest Four: Officer's Mansion Totals: Gold = 11 | Intel = 4 | Tomes


07 PART 1 Gold #1-4, Intel #1-2

08 PART 2 Gold #5-11, Intel #3-4, Tome #1

Side Quest Five: Radio Tower Totals: Gold = 8 | Intel = 4 | Tomes = 1

09 PART 1 N/A

10 PART 2 Gold #1-2, Intel #1

11 PART 3 Gold #3-6, Intel #2, Tome #1

12 PART 4 Gold #7-8, Intel #3-4

And finally, exploration-based walkthroughs, to guide you through areas rife with
collectibles, but low on linearity.

Exploration One: Midtown West Totals: Gold = 23 | Intel = 9 | Tomes = 4

01 PART 1 Gold #1-4, Intel #1-4, Tome #1-2

02 PART 2 Gold #5-11, Intel #5

03 PART 3 Gold #12-18, Intel #6-7

04 PART 4 Gold #19-23, Intel #8-9, Tome #3-4

Exploration Two: Midtown East Totals: Gold = 21 | Intel = 5 | Tomes = 5

05 PART 1 Gold #1-6, Intel #1-2, Tome #1-3

06 PART 2 Gold #7-14, Intel #3, Tome #4

07 PART 3 Gold #15-21, Intel #4-5, Tome #5

Exploration Three: Downtown Totals: Gold = 33 | Intel = 9 | Tomes = 2

08 PART 1 Gold #1-7, Intel #1-2

09 PART 2 Gold #8-14, Intel #3-4, Tome #1

10 PART 3 Gold #15-23, Intel #5-6

11 PART 4 Gold #24-33, Intel #7-9, Tome #2

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission One: Trainyard

You'll gain control of Agent BJ Blazkowicz for the first time on a train. After playing
with the control scheme to best meet your preferences (invert controls, change button
commands, et cetera, as needed), move forward through the train car you're on. The
door on your left will open, and you can follow the resistance fighter on the other side
of the platform to a hole in the ground, where you can escape from some nearby
curious Nazi soldiers. Move quickly, or the soldiers will begin firing on your position
from the right.

The murky passage you find yourself on hereafter is, in fact, some sort of old-style
European sewer. Thankfully, the path you'll need to take to safety is a linear one,
though you'll hear the constant chatter of Nazi soldiers above and behind you, so
keep moving. The Nazis will talk of the Kreisau Circle -- this is the German resistance
group that's helping you escape from the Nazis. And indeed, history buffs will know
that the Kreisau Circle is a real resistance group from World War II, one of the very
few based in Germany itself. En route to the ladder that leads back up into a house,
be sure to explore behind a waterfall, where your first stash of Gold can be found
(1/11), giving you your very first money in the form of $250.

Once you've arrived up the ladder and in the (temporary) safety of the Kreisau Circle
hideout, you'll run into a friendly man named Erik Engle. Erik will quickly brief you on
the situation before telling you to arm yourself and follow him. Follow his instructions
and pick up the MP40 submachine gun from the table adjacent to the hole in the
ground, as well as the Mdl. 24 Grenades sitting next to the firearm (popularly known
as Potato Mashers). These will mark your first -- but certainly not even remotely your
last -- weapon options in the game. Also be sure to grab the Gold from the nearby
counter (2/11), worth $100. You can then move to the adjacent room, where Nazi
soldiers are beginning to gather around a nearby door. Go ahead and join the friendly
resistance fighters in their position at the far end of the building, but not before
bearing rightward and grabbing the Intel sitting on the table there (1/5).

Given enough time, the Nazi soldiers crowding the room on the other side of the door
along the train platform will eventually open fire on your position, and the position of
your friends. Naturally, you'll want to return fire, in what will end up being your first
conflict in this conflict-laden game. Take a few Nazi soldiers down and then pour into
the room they were occupying. You'll quickly realize that the bulk of their force in your
vicinity is actually out on the train platform itself. This should give you plenty of time
to scoop up more Gold from a bag directly in front of the doorway (3/11), worth a
paltry $100.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission One: Trainyard (Continued)

When you're ready to take out the Nazi contingent outside, first clear their ranks from
the relative safety of the outer facade of the building. You can also use the short
concrete wall lining the stairs away from the building for more cover as you begin to
push your way outside. None of the Nazi soldiers here should give you even the
remotest of hard times, so taking them out should be a no-brainer, even this early in
the game. Just constantly seek cover, keep moving to avoid being pinned down, and
for the time being, anyway, rely on your friends to help you take out some of the
When the train platform is all quiet, your friend Erik will implore you to set an
explosive device on a door on the right side of the tunnel (if your back is facing the
way you came), but there are too many stray items sitting around to go that route just
yet. In fact, two pieces of intel and three stashes of gold are all around you. From the
stairs leading away from the building, head rightward. On your left as you head
rightward, a red poster and a map pasted to a wall will get your attention. Grab the
Intel (2/5) from this board. Then, search the area on your right. A wooden box is
blocking your way into a secret chamber. Within this dark chamber is some Gold
(4/11), worth a staggering $500. Adjacent to the entrance of the chamber, along the
wall with the door you'll eventually proceed through, $100 worth of Gold can be found
as well (5/11).

Now, get across to the far train platform by jumping in between two train cars, or by
simply going to where the door is that you have to destroy and jumping over to the
other side from there. As long as all of the Nazis in the area have been killed already,
you should have no issues on the other side of the train. Search along the side of the
platform closest to the train, and you'll encounter some Intel to collect (3/5). In
addition, on the far wall of this platform furthest from the train, near the middle of the
platform, you can find more Gold, $500 worth (6/11). Be sure to grab that before

Now it's time to blow through that door we've been avoiding while we collected all of
the goods around us. Approach the door and follow the on-screen prompt to set your
explosives. Then, back up a bit while the explosives do their work. Head into the next
area, and you'll meet another small detachment of Nazi soldiers. You'll also acquire a
Kar98 bolt-action rifle. This is a powerful weapon, and we recommend using it,
though you can stick with your MP40 if that makes you more comfortable. Either way,
once you've eliminated all of the Nazis here, you can make a break for the building
they were all streaming in from across the tracks. Just be sure to go to the left end of
the tracks closest to the building you'll soon be breaching. You can find a case tucked
in a dark corner here which contains $500 worth of Gold (7/11).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission One: Trainyard (Continued)

As you enter the building and begin to approach the staircase leading up to the
second floor, you'll encounter about four or five more Nazis attempting to stop you.
Once again, seek what cover you can while you put these baddies down, retreating
temporarily if you begin taking too much damage. Then, climb up the stairs they were
guarding. For a brief time, you won't have to worry about any enemies. As the stairs
wind around, keep an eye out for a desk on your left, where you can find some more
Intel (4/5). Then, proceed up to the second floor itself, where another gunfight begins
in earnest.

When you reach the top floor, you'll first want to explore the far end of the office,
away from the windows where the newest gunfight will take place. There, you'll find
more Gold (8/11), though it's only $100. After grabbing that, you'll want to turn your
attention to the firefight your friends in the resistance have no doubt already been
waging. Even if you prefer your MP40 over the Kar98, break out the latter and use its
moderate aiming ability to fire at and kill the Nazis on the far side of the series of
catwalks bridging the two buildings. You should be able to clear all enemies from the
far building before actually running towards it yourself.
Head over the crisscrossing catwalk towards the other building. Nothing is hidden in
any corner or crevasse anywhere on this catwalk, so no worries missing anything. You
will, however, have to deal with any residuals from the Nazi force in the building that
you didn't defeat on the second floor. You can also take some potshots at the Nazis on
the first floor from your heightened position to thin their ranks down there. Once in
the building formerly occupied by the Nazis, you'll want to head to the staircase
leading downstairs. But first, seek out the Intel (5/5) hanging on the wall to the right
of the desk you find. Also, near a mechanical device adjacent to the desk closest to
the area you've yet to breach, you'll find some Gold sitting rather inconspicuously on
the ground (9/11). It's worth $500.

There's a machinegun nest on the ground in front of the first floor of the building and
to the left (if you're facing the entrance/exit). Your job is to clear the enemies using it,
and any other Nazi soldiers guarding the position. This is easy enough to do,
especially with some help from your ever-reliable friends. Run down the stairs and
start thinning out the enemy ranks through the windows. There's a conveniently-
placed explosive barrel near a group of them you can use as well. Then, focus on the
machinegun nest on your right. Once cleared, you'll be able to use it against the
enemies who controlled it mere moments earlier.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »
Mission One: Trainyard (Continued)

Follow the on-screen prompt to take control of the machinegun once you're in front of
it. Then, keep an eye out for Nazis directly ahead of you. They will stream into the
room wantonly, without much regard for themselves, so you can mow them down
rather indiscriminately. As long as you keep the gunfire going (your stash of ammo for
this stationary weapon is infinite), you should have absolutely no issue dealing with
the entire enemy contingent, without so much as a shot being fired in your direction.

When the Nazis stop streaming onto the train platform, and when your friends have
successfully set the explosive device on the train, you can proceed through the door
behind you. This leads into a burning building. Simply run down the corridor and swing
rightward to go up some stairs. This is where things start to get, well... a little fishy.
You'll encounter some Nazi soldiers, who will be thrust into the air, floating. In fact, so
will you. But you'll be able to control yourself better. Shoot the Nazi soldiers out of the
air, grab $250 worth of Gold sitting in a crevasse in the wall at the top of the first
staircase (10/11), and then run up the next staircase to reach the final room you'll
have to work your way through.

Once you reach this large chamber, you're ultimately going to have to work your way
forward and to the right, navigating all sorts of rubble to reach the exit out to the
Midtown district on the far right of the station's main room. More interesting
phenomena will occur here, as Nazi soldiers again take flight, helplessly floating in
midair. Go ahead and take potshots at all half-dozen or so Nazis in the air as you
move forward through the left side of the room. At the first chance you get, head
rightward and enter a small, fiery structure in the middle of the room. You can spring
off from here to kill the final contingent of Nazis guarding the station, but be sure to
grab the final piece of Gold in that very area (11/11), worth a paltry $100.
The area where you found the last piece of gold will no doubt act as good cover, as
you'll have Nazis shooting at you from multiple angles. Take out the foes on the right
first (if you're facing the entrance/exit you're seeking), and then work around the
structure and the rubble to the left, dealing with more Nazis en route. The final force
you'll deal with here will no doubt be entrenched behind some sandbags ahead. Kill
more soldiers, grab whatever ammunition you may need, and then go through the
door to find yourself back outside. The mission has concluded, and you'll be awarded
with an additional $500. If you collected all of the gold in that mission, you should now
have $3,500, a healthy sum indeed.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Two: Dig Site

The outset of this mission will introduce you to the freeform section of Wolfenstein.
That is to say, unlike the first two games in the series, you'll actually have access to a
(mostly) resistance-controlled town, where you can buy weapon upgrades, talk to
people, undertake side quests (in addition to your main quests), trade information,
and find plenty of gold, intelligence, and even special books called Tomes of Power
that we'll get into in just a moment. Your friend Erik will be right in front of you as you
gain control here. Simply follow him briefly through the alleyway to reach one of the
Black Market buildings, where you'll meet some interesting people.

You can talk to just about anyone you meet in the Black Market, but there are three
people in particular that you're going to want to speak to. Anton and Stefan Kriege are
the ones who run the dangerous Black Market operation, and they have absolutely no
problem selling anything to the highest bidder -- even to the Nazis, as they quickly
indicate to you, referring to the substantial bounty on your head. You'll also want to
speak with the actual arms dealer nearby, who can upgrade your weapon. Under no
circumstance should you EVER purchase ammo refills. Just throwing that out there. It's
a complete waste of gold, and remember, there's only a finite amount of money to
use in the game in the first place.

When you're done at the Black Market, Erik will then walk you briefly through town so
you can reach one of the Kreisau Circle's bases. Here, you can talk to plenty of
Kreisau Circle resistance fighters, but who you're really seeking out, in fact, is a
woman named Caroline. Caroline is the leader of the resistance movement, and will
speak with you briefly before sending you on your way to an archaeological dig site,
where your target was last seen. She'll even arrange for you to get a ride to said dig
site, though you'll need to work your way to the location of the driver. And that, of
course, is where things start to get complicated.

The idea here is to follow Erik through the streets towards the location of the truck
headed to the dig site. It's not too far away at all, but you'll need to fight your way
there, unfortunately. It will require the death of about a dozen Nazis, perhaps more,
and these guys won't hold back. Armed with both MP40s and Kar98s, they will prove
to be a force to be reckoned with, but the good news is that they drop plenty of
ammunition for both of your arms, so you should be refilled nicely by the time you
reach the truck. The first thing you're going to want to do is follow Erik. He'll
eventually stop and lean against a wall with a tunnel next to him, indicating that Nazis
are nearby. Look down the tunnel and you'll see two soldiers with their backs turned
to you. Quickly kill one with a headshot, and then turn your ire on the other.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Two: Dig Site (Continued)

With the two initial soldiers downed, all other Nazis in the area will be alerted to your
presence. Suddenly, as you work your way forward and to the left, you'll find yourself
under fire from multiple angles. Seek out the origin points of the gunfire and begin to
return it in kind, as you push forward, slowly but surely. Always seek cover and never
rush out ahead of where you should be. The latter technique will almost definitely
ensure that you are flanked by persistent thugs. So, take it slowly and methodically,
never neglecting to use cover as you take on one enemy at a time. Erik will be able to
fire on enemies, too, but don't count on him taking out more than a soldier or two. His
gunfire is erratic, at best.
The path towards the large wooden door leading to the truck is a linear one, and if
you're lost, you can always seek out Erik, who will guide the way simply by the
direction he's currently going in (you can also refer to your map). The one hazardous
place you're going to encounter en route to the truck is a Nazi-occupied house on the
right side of the road moving forward. Enemies with Kar98s will shoot down on the
road below, so you'll need to prioritize their deaths, if possible. If you're extra brave,
you can run into the house and clear it on your own, taking care of all enemies on the
first floor before moving up to the second floor. Using that technique, however, is
entirely up to you.

Ultimately, you'll reach the truck and be transported, in turn, to the Dig Site. It's at
this point that you meet a young archaeologist, a scholar who has given away the
location of a vital artifact the Nazis are now chasing after. He implores you to chase
after the medallion in question, and BJ agrees. It's at this point that you'll gain control
in the Dig Site for the very first time. Search the tent you're in for $100 worth of Gold
(1/11), and then bail to the outside world. You'll see a lone Nazi soldier ahead of you
with his back turned. Melee him when the game prompts you to, and then quietly run
to your left, seeking out another, completely empty tent, with beds within. Searching
won't only net you some valuable Kar98 ammunition, but it will also net you more
cash. Search for Gold in between beds on the left (2/11), and Gold in between beds
on the right (3/11). Both are worth $100 each.

Leave the second tent where the money and ammunition was found, and begin to
press towards the far side of the dig site's entrance (the star, as always, will guide
you). You'll see another soldier standing ahead with his back facing you. Shoot either
him or the barrel next to him to eliminate him. Either way, other Nazi soldiers in the
area will be alerted to your presence. Settle in where that second soldier was killed,
using the sandbags there as cover, and return fire on the half-dozen or so Nazis that
confront you. Thankfully, this will also draw out a few enemies from the cave we're
about to penetrate, thinning their ranks considerably in the section ahead. When all of
the enemies are downed here, scour their bodies for any needed ammunition. Also,
proceed forward to a large, open-air tent, where more ammunition and grenades can
be found, in addition to some Intel sitting on a table there (1/6).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Two: Dig Site (Continued)

With the first piece of intel acquired, it's time to head on inside the cave, which will be
back and on the right, if you're at the location of the piece of intel. As long as you
managed to draw out the few Nazi soldiers guarding this initial corridor in the cave
during your earlier firefight, you should have absolutely no adversaries to deal with for
a while. However, still keep your firearm at the ready, since you never know if you
drew all of them out or not. As you head down this corridor, keep an eye out for a
table on your left, where another piece of Intel can be found (2/6). You can also find
more potato mashers and ammunition on the far side of the same table. As you
continue forward, you'll eventually hear some mysterious talk from an unknown, dark-
sounding voice. This will let you know that you're headed in the right direction.

As soon as you turn the corner, you'll see what's going on in the room. Some sort of
priest is speaking Latin, casting some sort of spell as two Nazi soldiers and two Nazi
officers look on. Using your Kar98, carefully aim at the back of the priest's head, and
do him in -- he's the biggest threat here. Once he collapses to the ground, you'll need
to deal with the other four adversaries in the room. Thankfully, there's plenty of cover
to utilize here, so you have little to actually worry about. When all hostiles are
downed, approach the center altar and activate it. You'll be able to grab the Thune
Medallion from it, the artifact the scholar talked about earlier. Speaking of that
scholar, he'll now show up and give you another artifact, which when combined with
the medallion will give you incredible powers. Intrigued? You should be.

The medallion creates something known as a Veil, which will allow you to see things
and access areas that would otherwise be completely obscured from vision. Your
scholar friend will give you a quick rundown on its various uses, including how to turn
it on and off, what to expect when you're "wearing" it, how to refill its energy, et
cetera and so on. Thus, you'll want to be sure to pay close attention to just what is
being said. When you're prepared, put on the Veil and move through the room behind
where the scholar was once standing. This will lead into a hidden corridor that has
nothing of interest, except two primary exceptions. The first is an area where you can
refill the Veil's energy, and the second is another door that you can go through. Take
off the Veil, and you can't see it. Put it on, and you can see it just fine. Just be certain
you never remove a Veil when in limbo; that is to say, when you're in one of these
doors. Doing so will force an instant death sentence upon yourself.

Once through the door into the next room, you can remove the Veil and go to town on
the standard soldiers you encounter. You may run into some extraordinary enemies
that will require the use of the Veil, so be on the lookout for those types of foes.
Remember that you can always retreat back through the door behind you using the
Veil to escape any danger you may run into. When the enemy threat is finally
nullified, you can move forward through the area, but not before grabbing a few
items. Directly in front of the Veil-specific doorway, you'll find Intel (3/6). If you go to
the right from there, to a dead end, you'll find a nice cache of Gold (4/11), $500
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Two: Dig Site (Continued)

Move towards the far side of the chamber now, which represents the only place in this
room you've yet to explore. Any Nazis you didn't kill upon getting into this room will
be slain in short order, as none of the enemies you encounter here will give you too
much of a hard time. Scour fallen enemies' corpses for any ammunition you may
need, and then put on your Veil once more. Past the obstructed tunnel on your left
with mine cart tracks running out of it, you'll see a secret door. Run through it and
follow the short, linear passageway to a small shrine. Here, you'll find your first Tome
of Power (1/1), the third and final type of collectible in the game. Unfortunately,
that's the only Tome you'll find on this map.

Once the very first Tome of Power is acquired, backtrack to the previous room. No
more enemies are awaiting you here, but some treasure certainly is. If you move
forward from the secret door and look at the base of some tables on your left, you'll
run into $100 worth of Gold (5/11). And if you climb up the series of scaffolds directly
above and near the secret door where the Tome of Power was hidden, you'll also find
more Gold, this time $250 worth (6/11). After grabbing both of these valuables, run
forward over the makeshift bridge in front of where the fifth piece of gold was found.
Run underneath the careening waterfall and into the subsequent corridor.
This corridor should be devoid of any enemy presence, unless you somehow pushed
some frantic Nazis into here during your previous fray. The first thing you'll want to do
is mount the nearby scaffold, using ladder after ladder until you reach the very top.
You can now head down the linear pathway from atop the scaffold, which will grant
you access to the $500 worth of Gold sitting in a case on your left as you press
forward (7/11). With that in hand, you're free to head back down to solid ground. At
the end of the corridor, you'll encounter a door on your right. This leads to another
area rife with enemies, with some more weird ceremonies taking place. Watch a
soldier or two get crushed by some large mechanism atop an altar, and at will, begin
opening fire on the other enemies within. The priest foe is, as usual, the biggest

To take out the priest easily, don your Veil and pepper him ceaselessly with gunfire.
Then, turn your ire on any remaining soldiers in the room. These guys are mostly
strapped with MP40s and are soldiers are of the standard variety, so once the priest is
felled, you shouldn't expect anything else too extraordinary to happen. When the
place is quiet, take the time to acquire the three collectibles around you. Intel (4/6)
can be found on a table on the left side of the room, where it clearly sits. Also on the
left side of the room, you should be able to find $100 worth of Gold sitting on the
ground (8/11). On the right side of the room is a bigger catch, with more Gold sitting
in a broken-open crate on the ground, worth $500 (9/11). Now, climb up the stairs
and, before reaching the top, don your Veil. This is the only way the concrete pillar
above won't come down and crush you. Examine the altar at the top of the stairs.
When you regain control in a new area, quickly drop down to a spiral staircase and
walk through a new doorway you come across, all before the ceiling comes down from
above and crushes you.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Two: Dig Site (Continued)

The end result of this interaction at the altar is that you'll be granted a new power to
use while in Veil mode. This option is called Mire, and it slows down time when
activated, allowing you to move in realtime throughout. This is extra useful, and now,
the game will show you precisely how it's supposed to be used, forcing you to run
through a gauntlet of puzzles. The first you encounter are walls that will smash you to
bits. Simply slow down time to run through them with ease. The other type of puzzle
that you'll encounter, multiple times in fact, are these arrow-shooting devices which
shoot from one side, and then the other, over and over again. By slowing down time,
you can bob and weave through with ease. Otherwise, this test of your mettle will only
last a few brief moments. Before you know it, you'll find yourself back in a "normal"
section of the mine.

Work your way rightward, jumping atop a fallen pillar to proceed down the otherwise
completely linear passageway before you. You'll see a large opening on your right,
which will allow you to continue with the mission at hand, but first, continue down the
path until you come across a great chasm that would be impossible to cross. At your
feet, you should see $500 worth of Gold for you to acquire (10/11). With that in hand,
backtrack to the aforementioned opening and walk forward, towards the bridge. To
cross this bridge, which will begin crumbling as soon as you approach it, activate your
Veil and then activate Mire. You'll still need to run over the bridge (not walk), and
you'll need to bob and weave even with time slowed down, but crossing this bridge
isn't nearly as hard as it may initially seem. Once on the other side of the bridge, be
sure to snag the Intel sitting on your left (5/6) before proceeding up the short
staircase towards the horizontal flaming pillar.
When you reach the flames, you'll be forced to head rightward. The circular room you
find yourself in presents you with a bit of a quandary, albeit a simple one to
overcome. There's a temperamental door on the far side of the room. As you
approach the center of the room, the door gets higher and higher, but when you walk
towards it, the door suddenly shuts. The key, of course, is to use your now-familiar
Veil-Mire combination to dash through the door before it closes. On the other side of
the door is a Nazi-ridden corridor. If it's too dark, consider turning Veil on, though
none of the enemies you encounter here will be of the supernatural variety. Once
you've cut down the defending Nazi soldiers, you can approach the device they were
guarding. This device must be destroyed, so approach it and follow the on-screen
prompt to plant dynamite on it. Once the dynamite explodes, you're free to leave the
Dig Site. Just be sure to distance yourself from the dynamite-strapped device before it
explodes, or it may just take you with it.

Of course, leaving isn't quite as easy as it sounds. You'll need to backtrack a ways, all
the way to where the bridge was that you crossed (that bridge, as you know, no
longer exists). It's at this point that you will meet all new enemy resistance streaming
from the direction you're going to have to head, which is to your left once you come
out of the tunnel in front of the bridge. Fend off Nazi soldiers as they appear, using
cover whenever possible. As you enter the tunnel where the Nazis will make their last
stand on this map, you'll come across the final two items of the mission. When you
see a red explosive barrel sitting in front of some shabby wood blocking a blue-
colored location, shoot it out and grab the Gold you find there, worth $250 (11/11). In
addition, you'll want to keep an extra close eye out on the left wall as you move
forward through the tunnel, since the final piece of Intel can also be found there
When you finally emerge from the tunnel, you'll find yourself back at an early, early
part of the stage. There's an elevator lift ahead and to the left -- you ignored this
earlier because it wasn't functioning, but now, it'll prove to be your only conduit out of
this place. Of course, a new, fresh contingent of Nazi soldiers, possibly numbering six
or more, will be guarding the area. Ultimately, you'll want to steamroll through these
foes and hit the switch on the elevator to make your grand escape. If you missed it
earlier, you'll also want to make sure you grab the MP43 machinegun from the table
on your left. Don't leave without it!
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Three: Church

To catalyze the opening events of this mission, before ever arriving at the church
itself, you should head to the Kreisau Circle safe house where you initially started your
game. Head to the basement and speak to the female leader, Caroline. She'll tell you
that the Nazis are planning something at a nearby church, and implore you to go
check things out for her. When you head back out to the street and begin trotting to
the designated location shown on your map, south and to the east, you'll inevitably
run into plenty of Nazi resistance. That's where things undoubtedly get interesting.

As usual, the Nazi resistance you encounter shouldn't exactly challenge you. Yes,
you'll run into more pesky, dangerous Nazi Priests, in addition to more and more Nazi
soldiers equipped not with MP40s, but with Kar98s instead. The latter situation
actually benefits you, since Kar98 ammunition can be relatively rare, and that is by far
your best weapon at this time. The predetermined locations you meet the Nazis en
route to your location (which is actually on another map, Midtown East) will bring you
across some stationary machineguns as well. You can use these nests to clear
enemies ahead, but rest assured, it won't be necessary.

Ultimately, you'll come to a warehouse where a vehicle is waiting to bring you to the
Nazi church. Within, you can find a black market arms dealer if you want to utilize his
services. Feel free to buy any needed upgrades, but follow, as always, the golden
rules -- don't buy ammunition, and don't waste money on questionable upgrades.
There's a finite amount of money to be used in the game, and selling back upgrades
will only get you back half of what you actually used to buy it in the first place. So, be
smart! Then, when you're prepared, head to the church.
As you can see, there's supernatural stuff going on here, but more importantly, the
building you're holed up in is being absolutely peppered by nearby Nazi machinegun
nests. Believe it or not, the only thing of interest to find within this entire starting
building is $100 worth of Gold, which can be found tucked behind a teetering
bookshelf a couple of floors below where you begin (1/19). After getting that item,
simply walk down to the ground floor, doing your best to stay away from windows, as
you'll find bullets careening through you before too long if you stay visible to the
enemy. When you reach the doorway leading outside, one of your fellow resistance
fighters will inform you of the machinegun nests, telling you that working your way up
the middle is purely suicidal. As a result, you'll need to figure out a way to flank that

But before we worry about the guns, let's worry about acquiring two more treasures.
From the door leading outside, immediately book it to the right, and rapidly run up the
stairs you find to a small, isolated patio. Duck down and use the nearby sandbags as
cover, because you're going to be gunned at incessantly while at this position. Tucked
along the far wall of the patio is a silver case containing $250 worth of Gold (2/19).
Now, head back to the stairs and run straight across to another set of stairs, lit by
nearby fires. Walk up the stairs and immediately head to your right, down a small,
isolated alleyway. A bag containing $100 worth of Gold can be found there (3/19).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Mission Three: Church (Continued)

Instead of heading back towards the starting house, ease out of the alleyway where
the third stash of gold was found, and continue forward along due eastward, up the
stairs and into the first door you see. Ahead and on the left, you'll see a doorway
leading into a small room. From here, you can kill the Nazi machinegunner and his
friends rather easily, downing the first of a couple stationary machinegun nests we
need to take care of. After being dumbfounded by the blue shield surrounding the
front of the gun turret (indicating that the other position must be flanked), you can
head back outside. Be sure to grab the Intel amongst the debris on the floor before
doing so, however (1/6).

Scramble back to the starting building after eliminating the threat from the first
machinegun nest. This time, head in the other, yet-unexplored direction, parallel to
the building. You'll come across another barely-lit patio with stairs leading up to it.
More Gold, $100 worth, can be found tucked in the corner of this patio (4/19). Now,
seek out a ladder leading up the second floor of a building straight across the small
road from your current position. Once atop the platform the ladder leads to, swing
left, equip Veil, and go through the opening you find there. The debris-ridden room
contains $100 of Gold to grab (5/19).

It seems as if you won't be able to fit, but the small, square-shaped window on the far
side of the room, right next to where you just found the gold, can be crawled through.
This leads to yet another patio. While you can easily turn your ire on the Nazi soldiers
collecting in the road below, you may want to eliminate the other machinegun nest
before you do anything else. When you've satiated yourself with Nazi blood for the
time being, you can then move forward and swing rightward. At the location in which
you turn right, you should be able to grab Intel from the wall (2/6). The machinegun
nest is actually below you, but don't commit to going down through the hole just yet.
Instead, carefully navigate the barely-there wooden platforms on the left. On the far
side of some boxes there, you can grab $100 worth of Gold (6/19). Then, drop
through the hole and eliminate the machinegunner and any friends that are with him.
As you work your way into the adjacent room to your left, don't neglect opening the
silver case on one of the shelves, where a $250 piece of Gold can be found (7/19).

With both machinegun nests destroyed, it's time to move on. Go back down to the
street (you'll hear your resistance friends imploring you to do so), and eliminate any
remaining Nazis in the area, though you and your friends should have already taken
care of their initial force by now. Down at ground level, your friends will set an
explosive charge on a door so you can proceed through the next part of this
obliterated townscape. Follow the linear corridors hereafter, collecting ammunition
(including valuable MP43 ammo), as well as $100 worth of Gold tucked
inconspicuously in a corner (8/19). Then, when you reach a corridor where you can go
either right or left, ignore the path on your left, and run rightward instead, towards
the position of some resistance fighters. Before joining the fray, bear leftward when
you reach their location, into a little nook, where $100 of Gold can once again be
found (9/19).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Three: Church (Continued)

Looking forward into the next area, your next target is the blown-out building on the
right side. There are a few Nazi enemies occupying the building and the surrounding
environs, but nothing you shouldn't be able to rapidly handle, especially now that you
can use the MP43 with regularity, in addition to the ever-powerful Kar98. Before
running up the staircase in this blown-out building, search for Gold underneath the
staircase, $250 worth (10/19). Then, climb up to the second floor. There's plenty of
ammunition up here, but perhaps most importantly, you'll find more Intel on one of
the desks there, as well (3/6).
As you push your way leftward, your crew will start to pile through another door, but
you won't be fortunate enough to follow them just yet. Crashing out of a wall to your
left is a well-armored Nazi soldier, in some interesting armor, and packing a weapon
called a Particle Cannon. This weapon can destroy you, easily, so you're going to want
to keep moving. Keep steady gunfire on the enemy, aiming for the torso, chest, or
better yet, for the head itself, and as we just said, keep moving, so that you can avoid
being pinned down and turned to a crisp by that Particle Cannon. This enemy is an
ammunition suck, there's no doubt about it. But he's also more daunting in
appearance than he is in actuality. And better yet, his Particle Cannon will be yours
when he falls. Before proceeding through the wooden door hereafter, be sure to
search behind the wall the armored soldier crashed through. $100 worth of Gold can
be found tucked snuggly in a corner within (11/19).

Proceed through the doorway and begin to fend off the massive amount of Nazis that
will engage you in battle here. The resistance they put up will be staunch, indeed.
Armed with MP43s and Kar98s, they have the potential to do a lot of damage to you.
Thankfully, the fact that they're equipped with such items simply means that you can
collect all of that valuable ammunition once they're downed. Just be sure to stay
behind cover as best you can. When you finally reach the warehouse they were so
adamantly guarding, you're going to have your hands full with even more soldiers. So,
be sure to comb the outside area for any stray ammunition or grenades, so that
you're fully prepared for the continuation of the fray that you'll encounter ahead.

Because of the catwalk overlooking the inside of the warehouse, you're going to need
to use cover wisely, and clear the entire structure of enemies before you go about the
task of collecting items within (there are four collectibles here, if you're curious). As
was the case outside, the Nazi thugs here are armed with Kar98s and MP43s. Holster
your Particle Cannon, as there's no need to use it here, and instead, focus on using
another weapon. When you've managed to clear both upstairs and downstairs of foes,
you can then begin searching for items. The first bag of Gold you'll find downstairs is
directly in front of the entrance. Move forward and look for a cordoned-off area to your
left. You'll find what you seek on a shelf there (12/19). More Gold can be found on the
other side of the warehouse's first floor. Search in the garage area behind a couple of
antique vehicles to find another $100 bag (13/19). And finally, when you work your
way upstairs to the catwalk, you'll find a desk near a shelf which contains Intel (4/6).
Next to the desk, nestled in between the wall and the desk, is a case containing $250
worth of Gold (14/19).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Three: Church (Continued)

So now that we've cleared the warehouse of enemies and collected all of the vital loot
within, how do we get out? Well, seek out a huge hole in the wall, visible with the
naked eye, that's on the second floor directly above the garage on the first floor.
When you arrive at this area, the game will prompt you to use Mire, in order to slow
down time. This is integral, since the mortar bombardment coming from a distance is
ceaseless, and will cut you to shreds if you aren't careful. Use Mire and, with your
back facing the warehouse, book to the left. Once inside the blown-out structure, you
should be safe for a time. With your back facing the bombardment area, seek out the
left corner of this building. You'll find $100 worth of Gold there (15/19). Then, run in
the other direction, seeking out a well-lit corridor on your left that will allow you to
escape this precarious, dangerous situation.
Funnel through this surprisingly-well lit area. You'll encounter a couple of Nazi soldiers
behind a turned-over table en route, but nothing else too noteworthy (be sure to scour
the area around them to find more ammunition if needed, however). When you
emerge back outside in the warzone, head leftward (there's nothing to your right of
any interest, other than a dead end). As you head leftward, expect to meet more
resistance ahead of you in a building to your right, as well as behind some sandbags
on your left. Eliminate all visible enemies, and equip Veil to see a secret entrance into
the building straight ahead. Kill any remaining soldiers within this tight corridor, and
claim the $250 worth of Gold tucked in the far corner before returning to the fray
outside (16/19).

Now, the idea is to get to the second floor of the building where the last piece of gold
was found, but you can't do it from where you are. Use Veil to get back outside, and
then run forward down the street towards a couple of houses you've yet to breach.
These houses are the key; particularly, the one farthest from your current location.
While occupied by a fair number of soldiers, the staircase in the far house leading up
to the second floor of that building will allow you to climb various rubble and fallen
debris to cross above the area you just traversed, granting you access to the second
floor, above where Gold #16 was found. Grab a piece of Intel near the base of the
stairs before running up yourself (5/6). Be certain to take things slowly once you're
back outside and working your way towards that building, as Nazi sharpshooters will
be taking potshots at you from multiple windows. As usual, your Kar98 is probably
going to be your best friend here, with its accurate fire and ability to moderately zoom

As long as you were thorough in taking out Nazi soldiers from afar before actually
entering the fabled second story yourself, you'll run into minimal -- if any -- resistance.
As soon as you enter the building, you'll find yourself walking up to the third floor,
then back down to the second floor, over debris, et cetera and so on. Thankfully, the
route you're taking through and around these various buildings is of a completely
linear nature, so getting lost is virtually impossible. Eventually, you'll reach a dead
end in a bedroom, with a brick chimney to your left, and a bed nearby. A blue hue
emanates through broken floorboards to your location. To get down there yourself,
you'll need to shoot these faulty wooden boards and drop down. Just be sure to grab
the $100 bag of Gold in the adjoining bathroom before doing so (17/19).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Three: Church (Continued)

You're back on the first floor, but you won't be there for long. Move to the far side of
the room and seek out a staircase leading down into a basement. You'll now, for a few
moments, be on a completely linear pathway through this dungeon-like series of
corridors. Some parts are better lit than others, but rest assured that for the time
being, anyway, you won't run into any enemies. What you will run into, however, is
the sixth and final piece of Intel found on this mission (6/6). To find it, simply keep an
eye on your left in a well-lit room early on in your cellar trek. After grabbing it,
continue down the linear passageways until you come to a more wide open chamber.
On your right, you'll see a skull-laden altar. Use Veil to examine the side of the altar
closest to the wall. You'll see a red-glowing tile. Shoot it out and grab the mission's
lone Tome of Power from the crevasse the tile was blocking off (1/1).

From the altar, you can move to the other side of the room, where you'll run into the
only surviving member of the resistance team dispatched to this location to help you.
After meeting up with him, you'll be given the option to run back outside, which you
should do immediately. You're now finally at the church we've been seeking out for
the duration of this mission. Within the church itself is where you'll find the device we
need to destroy. Unfortunately, getting to the entrance to the church will require
moving around the graveyards surrounding it. And not only is the graveyard infested
with the dead. It's also infested with soon-to-be-dead Nazis, that will die at your hand.
The resistance you meet here is staunch, there's no doubt about that. Nonetheless,
you'll want to progress quickly, since there's plenty of cover to work with here,
including concrete barriers surrounding the walkways, and of course, graves. For the
latter, be cautious, as some graves, in addition to other cover like vases, can be
destroyed easily if you aren't careful. As always, scour your surroundings for
ammunition, and before bearing leftward into the church entrance you eventually
come to, be sure to continue forward to the gate, with a bench in front of it. Gold can
be found in between the gate and the bench, $100 worth (18/19).

Once you enter the church, deal with any residual enemies in the area that might
have holed up there. Then, take a look at the startling device before you, which you're
charged with destroying. Before doing that, be absolutely certain you search the dark
area directly behind the device -- the final piece of Gold can be found here, and it's
worth $500, so you won't want to miss it (19/19). Then, shoot the small trinket on the
front end of the device, which will then let you turn your ire on the clasps on the rings
above. Use Mire to slow down time and quickly down the rings, which will cause one of
the Nazi generals to turn into... something. Dodge his attacks and eliminate him
quickly, and the mission will conclude thereafter. Because of the ridiculous amount of
ammunition in the church, be sure to refill your ammo before fighting the last enemy,
so that you leave the mission with as much ammunition in all of your weapons as
humanly possible.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Four: Farm

Undertaking this mission will require an investigation into another secret anti-Nazi
group working under the ever-watchful eye of the enemy. This group, called The
Golden Dawn, is a group of scholars who investigate the occult and paranormal. In
fact, you met one of their members earlier, when you were at the Dig Site. Now, when
you finally get to their secret hideout, you'll get to meet not only that man again, but
their leader, and other scholar members of this organization. When you arrive, you'll
learn that the Nazis are up to something out in the country, on a farm. And it's up to
you to go investigate.

As usual, when in Isenstadt, your best friend will be your map, in addition to the star
marker on the compass at the top of the screen. Using both, you can triangulate
where you need to go, as you cross back and forth in between Midtown West and
Midtown East. En route to the truck that will bring you to the farm, you'll need to stop
in a bar, and even witness a Nazi soldier pulverize a resistance fighter without being
in a position to do anything about it. More importantly, however, you'll run into plenty
of Nazi resistance on the streets. You should be fine in dealing with a majority of the
foes you encounter, but rest assured you'll run into a few heavily-armored enemies
equipped with dangerous Particle Cannons. These guys are bona fide ammunition
sucks, but you may want to engage them in battle anyway, especially if your own
Particle Cannon's ammunition needs filling.

When you arrive at the Farm itself, it's time to get down to business. Ahead of you,
across a small creek, is a tiny stables-like structure, replete with its very own dozen-
strong Nazi contingent guarding it. Thankfully, even with you driving up in a truck, the
soldiers won't notice you unless you make yourself overtly seen. Use this to your
advantage, and open up hostilities with the foes, shooting any roving guard from afar
with your Kar98. The first shot you get off will alert all Nazis in the area to your
presence, so make the shot count. Then, continue to move forward, using various
cover, such as bales of hay, as you pinch closer and closer to the small building in
question. Remember -- Nazis will come at you not only from ahead, but from the left,
so watch your flank.

Once you get to the hay-riddled stable, run inside and clear it of any enemies that
may be hiding within it. Then, for the time being, leave the building and with your
back facing the way you came, run to the left. You may have to deal with more foes
here, hiding amongst more bales of hay. When you can't head to the left anymore,
head rightward (while facing the dead end on your left). Use Veil as you move into the
heavy foliage, and you'll no doubt spot a red-colored tile covering up a small opening.
Shoot it out, and claim a Tome of Power from within (1/2). Then, backtrack to the
small stable and use a ladder in front of the entrance to climb up to the hay storage
area on the second floor. Tucked in one of the corners is a silver case holding $250
worth of Gold (1/19).

The next item on the docket is to run along the road that travels leftward along the
building you just cleared, and then behind it to the right. Unfortunately, there's a
machinegun nest down the road, and it will cut you to shreds if you stay along the
road for too long. To avoid being cut down, seek out a place behind the stable where
you can jump onto the roof using some nearby boxes to help you get enough height.
You can shoot down at the machinegun nest's gunner and other Nazi soldiers in the
area from the relative safety of the rooftop, using the trees ahead and on the right, as
well as the entire left side of the rooftop for cover. When you've finally eliminated the
machinegunner and his friends, you can then storm their position, collecting their
ammunition. More importantly, however, is the $500 worth of Gold tucked behind the
sandbags there (2/19).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Four: Farm (Continued)

After grabbing the gold, and when you're sure there are no other Nazi soldiers left
behind, continue to move forward along the linear road, as it slants up a small hill
ahead. However, when you begin to come over the hill, a truck will come barreling
down the road towards you, full of elite SS troopers armed with MP43s. Immediately
back up and seek cover down behind the hill, peppering the enemy position with a
grenade or two as you flee. Methodically work your way back up the hill and begin
sniping away at the SS troopers on the truck, and the Nazi soldiers guarding the
compound ahead. Coincidentally, the very truck the enemies drove forward will act as
great cover for you, especially when you're only dealing with enemies that are further
down the road (naturally, you'll want to kill the enemies closest to you first).

With the area around the truck cleared, you should press forward down the road to
deal with any enemies shooting at you from afar, including the pesky gunner behind
the machinegun nest. However, when you reach said nest, you'll actually want to
backtrack to the truck instead of going forward to one of the yet-unexplored buildings
in front of you. Doing so is worth your while. With your back facing the front of the
truck, head leftward, and you'll run into another small, out-of-the-way building. The
only way in is with Veil, so equip it and seek out the entrance into the building. Once
inside, kill both occupying enemies, and then look for a ladder leading up to the
storage area. Two bags of Gold can be found right next to each other up here, worth
$100 each (3/19) (4/19).
As long as you were thorough in clearing the road ahead when the first truck
appeared (and we say first truck for a reason, as you'll soon find out), you won't have
anything to worry about moving forward to the manor. The manor building, flanked on
one side by a red barn and on the other side by a stable, is your primary target here,
as neither of those other buildings can yet be breached. Once inside the building,
you'll find more enemies, but since most of them will have been drawn outside in a
previous firefight, you won't have an incredible amount of foes to deal with. But by
going inside, you've catalyzed another important event -- the arrival of another truck
full of Nazi soldiers.

When the truck shows up in the manor's driveway, you essentially have two options,
though you should utilize one option at the start, and then the other option later on.
About a dozen (or perhaps even more) soldiers appear on the scene. Many of them, in
overt aggression, will enter the manor and come looking for you. A great technique to
utilize here is to stand atop the staircase leading back down to the first floor, and let
enemies funnel towards you. This lets you shoot them like fish in a barrel. Then, when
the enemies stop streaming in, you can go outside and take care of the residuals, who
have likely spread out from the truck, to both a location to the left of the truck, where
hay makes some great cover, and behind the far end of the red barn on your right. Be
careful that no wily soldier or soldiers flank you from behind, as well. This is a location
where the enemy is surprisingly maneuverable.

Now, if you thought there we collectibles in the manor, then you'd be right. As soon as
you go back through the front door, ease left into the first room you encounter. On a
table directly in front of you is a piece of Intel (1/5). In the opposite corner of the
room, near a window, is a filing cabinet. Examine it to find another piece of Intel
(2/5). Before leaving this room, seek out the closet along the opposite side of the wall
from the last piece of Intel to find $100 worth of Gold (5/19). With those three items
in hand, head up to the manor's second floor, where more items can be found.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Four: Farm (Continued)

When you've reached the second floor, you're looking for three more treasures, and
they're all quite easy to find. The first room you come to directly in front of the top of
the staircase contains a piece of Intel, one that's easily found on top of a map
sprawled out on a desk (3/5). Proceed through the next room, and then into yet the
next room with all of the bunk beds to find the last two treasures. Tucked underneath
one of the beds is $100 worth of Gold (6/19), while more Intel can be found atop a
small table in the corner of the room (4/5).

From here, you may be confused as to how to proceed. After all, the red barn is still
locked, as is the small stable on the other side of the manor. Believe it or not, your
answer lies on the top floor of the manor. There are three main rooms on the top floor
of the manor, and you want to go to the one that didn't contain any intel or gold.
Here, you'll find a sun icon on the wall, a telltale sign that you need to break out the
Veil. Doing so will allow you to walk through the wall here, across a wooden board,
and into the otherwise closed-off stable. Once inside, you won't run into any enemies,
so worry not. What you're seeking out here is a hatch that leads into a secret corridor.
But before dropping into said corridor, be certain to explore the far side of the stable's
first floor, where $100 in Gold can be acquired (7/19).
Once you've dropped into the hidden corridor, move forward from the hole and turn to
enter a room full of more bunk beds. Unfortunately for you, however, that's not all
that's within this room. You'll also encounter a slew of elite SS soldiers with MP43s and
Kar98s, and there are a lot of them in here -- perhaps eight or more. They'll flip a
table over and begin firing at you, but you'll actually find yourself in a pretty
advantageous position as long as you stay back in the corridor. A good technique to
use here, which could theoretically kill the entire group of enemies, is to cook a potato
masher or two and chuck them into the fray. If this doesn't kill all of the enemies
outright, it will certainly thin their ranks considerably. You can then clean up the
residuals the old-fashioned way, collecting all of that dropped ammunition when the
coast is clear. As you push through this room to the next chain of corridors, be sure to
collect the Gold on the ground en route, tucked on the left side of the room (8/19). It's
worth a measly $100.

As you press down the next corridor and turn right, you'll run into another thickly-
numbered detachment of Nazi soldiers, a mix of standard infantry and elite SS units.
Also in the mix is a Nazi Priest, a type of foe you should be plenty familiar with by this
point in the game. If you can, make killing that thug priority number one, because
while his offensive attacks are potent and obnoxious, what's even more annoying is
his ability to shield his comrades from attack with those blue shields. If you're having
trouble, you may want to backtrack to the corridor where you initially dropped into
this series of tunnels from. From here, you can let the foes come to you one or two at
a time, and eliminate them accordingly. Nonetheless, when that latest detachment of
enemies is felled, proceed rightward down the warehouse-like area you're now in.
Keep an eye on your right, since a $100 bag of Gold can be acquired, tucked next to
one of the many wooden crates in the area (9/19).
You'll shortly be emerging from this hidden tunnel, but first, you need to find the final
contingent of enemies down here, and engage them in battle. They can be found
down a series of linear corridors at the far end of the wooden crate-laden area you
just traversed. Here, you'll again meet a mixed bag of foes, from your typical Nazi
grunts to elite SS soldiers. You'll even encounter a foe who is wielding a
Panzerschreck, a Nazi bazooka-like weapon that will completely obliterate you if its
ordnance lands anywhere around you. As a result, taking out that foe in particular is a
priority, though you can actually bait him to shoot a rocket at his own friends, if you're
ballsy enough to run around in their ranks without having first taken them out.
Nonetheless, if you survived the previous encounter with the Nazi Priest, this one
should be of no consequence to you. Run at the ladder leading back up to the surface
they were guarding, and be sure to grab that Panzerschreck en route, so that you can
add it to your ever-growing arsenal of weapons.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Four: Farm (Continued)

Where are you now? Well, presumably, you're in that red barn to the left of the manor
we couldn't access earlier. In fact, you'll find that you're most definitely in that
location soon after following the U-shaped corridor away from the ladder. Just be sure
to grab the bag of Gold, worth $100, off of a shelf en route to the barn's interior itself
(10/19). Here, you'll run into a small detachment of enemies, perhaps six or so, but
nothing that should prove to be insurmountable. The foes here are all of the elite
variety, strapped with MP43s, so if you're in want of that type of ammunition, be
certain you grab some while you can. Believe it or not, there's no treasure to be found
within the barn's interior, so when the enemies are slain here, work your way up to
the extensive catwalk surrounding the ground floor, where an elevator can be found.
Kill the two Nazi soldiers you find on the elevator, and then take it down to the area
far, far below. It appears this is what the Nazis were hiding -- a secret, underground

When the elevator comes to a stop, quickly run off of it. This compound is huge, and
there are enemies crawling around the catwalks ahead. It's a dangerous situation.
There should be a ladder on your right. Climb it to the area above. The oil tanks here
will act as great cover when you're dealing with the many enemies on the catwalks.
There are several conveniently-placed explosive barrels all over the place, so try to
detonate them with a well-placed bullet when one or more enemy gathers around
them. Take cover and be patient here, because these enemies are dealing with high-
powered rifles that will tear you apart if you're exposed too long. Once it seems like
you've thinned out their ranks considerably (or completely), drop back down to the
bottom of the ladder, but not before claiming the $250 worth of Gold sitting in a silver
case to your right (11/19).

Now it's time to cross the catwalks ahead. This is done easily, as long as you were
thorough in eliminating as many enemies as you could from your heightened, fortified
position earlier. You'll no doubt run into a couple of stray enemies en route, especially
funneling up the stairs ahead and on the right. But otherwise, all should be relatively
quiet in this gigantic facility. Before running down the stairs in the far right corner, go
through the door to the right of the stairs. This room will be devoid of enemies, but
you can find a $100 bag of Gold on the left side of the room (12/19). Grab it before

Run down the stairs and have your weapon at the ready; preferably your Kar98. Using
it, you can snipe at the enemies down another flight of stairs that stream in from a
doorway on the right. There's little to use as far as cover is concerned here, so to
ensure that you aren't quickly cut to shreds, you may want to consider getting your
shots off as quickly as humanly possible. Then, run down the stairs towards the now-
deceased soldiers' previous position, and run rightward through the door. This leads
to an office-like area with a jail cell ahead. This is where a friendly prisoner is located,
but you're still going to need to kill off the enemies here first before you'll have a
chance to free the prisoner from his bindings. When the enemies are dead, head for
the jail cell, but be sure to deviate for a moment to the adjacent office. You may run
into more enemies here, primarily of the officer variety, but more importantly, you'll
get to find the fifth and final piece of Intel found during this mission sitting atop a
gray box (5/5).

Now it's time to focus on the prisoner. Enter his cell and follow the on-screen prompt
to free him. Then, speak with him, and he'll give you some information, most notably
about the blue barrier blocking the path forward. After finagling with a little bit, he'll
be able to lower the barrier so you can proceed. Move forward and take the first left
you can. This leads to a seemingly-empty room full of only ammunition. However, a
sun icon on the far wall indicates that you can use Veil to pass through it. Use Veil and
head to the secret corridor on the other side. To the left is a dead end, so you'll need
to head rightward, where more ammunition can be found. When the path turns
leftward from there, you'll find a $100 bag of Gold sitting there (13/19).

With the gold in hand, backtrack through the secret passageway and back to the main
corridor. This linear corridor, shooting away from the location where the prisoner was
being held, should contain no more foes. So, simply walk forward until you reach
another elevator, which you can take down into a new area. As you branch away from
this subsequent elevator, move forward along yet another linear hallway. You'll
eventually run into a contingent of about eight Nazi soldiers controlling the area
ahead. They have some cover to work with, but you should be able to initiate
hostilities before they even spot you, ensuring you can take one of them out right
away. They are concentrated together enough that a grenade or two could take out
the whole crew in one or two blasts.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Four: Farm (Continued)

From that location, the rest of the corridors you encounter will run into each other in a
completely linear fashion. There's nothing to discover and no ways to get lost here.
You'll run into more scattered resistance, but it will be far lighter than the enemies
you just blew to pieces with a couple of potato mashers. The one dangerous location
you'll run into is a corridor with a machinegun nest at the far end of it. Unfortunately,
there's a concrete wall and a blue barrier protecting the gunner, meaning you'll just
have to grin and bear it as you run down the corridor (you could use Mire if you
wanted, but it's really not necessary). The room you come to from there will have a
device identical to the one we found in the church, that turns your screen black and
white. Destroy this item to make things go back to normal, and before you head out of
this room, kill all enemies within, and grab the $100 bag of Gold from the far left
corner of the room (14/19). You'll need to jump down to the dirt-ridden area below the
main floor to grab it.

Now, there are two ways out of this room, one obvious, and one not so obvious. On
the far side of the room, look to your right, and you'll see a sun icon on the wall,
meaning that you can use Veil to work your way through the wall. When you do, you'll
come to some sort of supernatural generator room, though it will be completely
devoid of enemy presence. What's important here is ahead on the raised corridor.
Search the table you find for a $100 bag of Gold (15/19), as well as a bigger haul of
Gold right next to it, worth $500 (16/19). Don't continue through the door out of this
room, as it will lead you back to a corridor we've already traversed. Instead, work your
way back through the secret wall and through the door on the other side of the
previous room. The corridor leading outward from this door will ultimately lead you to
another gigantic, enemy-filled room.
The catwalk ahead of you is what you're going to have to cross now. While you can
bear rightward and up some stairs using a perpendicularly-sitting catwalk, you should
ignore it, since it leads nowhere you need to be right now. As you begin to cross the
catwalk over the chasm, expect to be attacked by a great many Nazi soldier. Indeed,
you won't only be attacked from ahead, but from behind and, perhaps most
annoyingly, from above as well. So try to keep an eye on the blood markers that will
indicate where you're being hit from if bullets start careening towards you from
mysterious locales. Work your way over the catwalk, collecting whatever ammunition
you need en route, and enter the door on the other side. You'll encounter a couple of
more enemies on this next set of corridors, but it's when you run into a long corridor
with a machinegun nest shooting down at you that you'll know you're on the right

Getting around the machinegun can be tricky, and while you can again use Mire to
slow down time and give yourself an advantage, it once again isn't necessary. The
idea is to run forward and then immediately bear leftward into a little nook with
another of those black sun icons painted on the wall. You know what to do -- use Veil
to get through the wall and explore the isolated corridor on the other side. A lone
soldier should be patrolling here, and he was the source of the machinegun fire, so
eliminate him, and be sure to grab the $100 Gold sack lying in the corner next to the
gun (17/19). Then, backtrack through the secret hole in the wall and cross the hallway
to the small office on the other side, where a few Nazi officers and soldiers are holed
up. Kill them and proceed onward, until you reach a rather bizarre blue-shining device
that the Nazis have concocted.
You're safe in this room, so run past the blue machine and down the staircases that
wraps around it. At the base of the stairs, you'll encounter a couple of Nazi scientists,
who won't attack you, and will cower in fear. It's unclear what killing them does (or
not killing them), but if you're curious what we did, we killed 'em. They're working for
the Third Reich, after all. Bear out of this room and work your way forward down the
next corridor. A hallway will branch out to your right, and next to that hallway is an
office. Expect to find several Nazis occupying both areas. Deal with them, and then
run up the stairs on your right at the end of the hallway. Up here, you'll encounter a
square-shaped series of catwalks surrounding an area below. We'll actually traverse
that area below in just a moment, but for now, you'll want to work your way leftward
once you emerge up here. You'll encounter three SS troopers up here, in addition to a
few soldiers below that you can deal with later. Use the explosive barrels here to your
advantage! When you reach the control room at the far end of the catwalks, kill the
enemy in there, and grab the $100 bag of Gold sitting on the floor as well (18/19).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Four: Farm (Continued)

Now, backtrack and head back down the stairs, going leftward down the only yet-
unexplored corridor you find there. Swing through the door you encounter, and you'll
now be in the room that the previous catwalks were overlooking. Any soldiers you
didn't shoot down on and kill earlier will be here to greet you, so hold your ground,
use cover, and return fire on the foes in question when it's safe. Then, press to the far
side of this machine-filled room. Go leftward down some stairs and through another
door on your left. The corridor will linearly take you past a blue force field and towards
the position of two cowering Nazi scientists. Kill them or leave them alone, and swing
leftward through the door near them to proceed.
This large, subterranean room contains a great many Kar98-equipped soldier shooting
at your position, so you're going to have to return the favor rather methodically with
an identical weapon. Hold your ground and hide behind the corner where the door is if
you're taking too much fire. When you've eliminated all of the enemies from afar, you
can proceed, but you'll want to keep an eye out for the final stash of Gold on the
mission, which is perhaps the most inconspicuously-placed treasure yet found in the
game. To get it, you're going to need to jump on top of the railing extending towards
the far area of the room on the right. Use the height the railing gives you to jump atop
the cage ahead, and then jump on top of the large storage container adjacent to the
cage, where $250 sits inside a silver case (19/19). With that in hand, you can then
head leftward over the raised platform towards the door ahead. Be sure to take out
the four enemies that suddenly appear on a separate platform to your left as you go.

Through the door are some blue barriers that won't allow you to continue. Use the
control panel you find to lower them, and then continue along either the right or left
path to the room ahead. This room contains no enemies, so run to the back end of the
room and examine the device at the back end of the room. This is the crystal you've
been seeking out, and with it, you'll be able to call up a protective shield to surround
you, protecting you from bullets. Use it immediately, as a dozen or so Nazi soldiers
pour into the poorly-fortified room shooting at you. You can shoot out of the shield, so
fire away at the enemies in the room with complete immunity. Then, backtrack to the
previous room. You'll see some Nazi soldiers funnel from a door on your right to a new
area underneath the cage we used to get the final stash of gold. They won't see you,
so simply follow them down this new path to proceed with the mission's endgame.

You're basically going to be backtracking from here on out, through areas that have
almost all been traversed already. Little explanation is really needed, because
electrical shortages, fires, and falling debris will restrict your path completely,
meaning that the only way you can forge forward is via the only given path. You'll run
into Nazi-created creatures along the way (very indicative of creatures found in FEAR
2, if you ask me), and they are pesky. Because they move fast, you should use your
MP43 to quickly nullify the threat they pose when they appear. Use Mire and Shield
when the game recommends you do, jump over gaps in crumbling bridges, and
ultimately, work your way back to an elevator we earlier ignored, which will prove to
be your salvation in getting out of this place.
The one thing you'll want to keep an eye out on as you move towards the elevator
itself are some pipes working their way leftward to the far wall, and an isolated
platform. By jumping over the protective railing and climbing up the upward-sloping
pipe, you can reach a secret area on your left. Use Veil, and you'll see one of those
red tiles glowing on your right. Shoot it out and grab the Tome of Power from the
other side, this mission's final treasure (2/2). Then, work your way to the elevator.
Once on the surface, jump on the gun-armed rail car and shoot at the numerous
monsters chasing after you as you head to the outside world. If the enemies here are
giving you trouble, keep an eye out for explosive barrels along the way that should
help you.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Five: Hospital

After breaching the Nazi-controlled hospital and watching the rather brutal
introduction to the area, you'll gain control. No worries at the outset -- that stealthy
Nazi soldier you watched slay the two nurses won't be around to deal with initially, so
let's start out instead by grabbing a couple of collectibles. To the right of the area
where you begin, you can find a $100 bag of Gold inserted amongst the furniture in
the waiting room there (1/23). With that in hand, move forward from your starting
position. You'll see a couple of doctors working on a patient through the glass ahead.
Shoot through the glass, or use the door on the left to work your way into the room.
Kill the doctors or not -- it's up to you -- but be sure to grab the Intel within that room
before continuing (1/6).

You still won't encounter any enemies, so there's still nothing to worry about. Work
your way leftward down the corridor (if your back is facing the way you came), and
open the next door on your right that's unlocked (many doors here, as you'll find, are
permanently barred shut). In the room you encounter on your right, you can find $250
worth of Gold, but it's a bit obnoxious to locate. Specifically, it's on the floor
underneath an object at the far end of the room (2/23). With that in hand, head back
to the hallway and move straight up to the dead end. On the left side of the dead end,
you can grab a $100 bag of Gold (3/23). Turn left down the hallway now, and you'll
see a ruckus on the far side of the glass. The room on your right before the glass is
empty, so you can ignore it, but on the left, you can proceed through. Be sure to grab
the Intel on the desk at the far end of the room en route (2/6).

Go through the door at the far end of the office, near where the last piece of Intel was
found. You'll find an extremely bloody scene on the other side of the door. Here is
where the Nazi stealth soldier killed those two nurses. Press rightward and continue
forward through the darkened operating room. Here, a man who was about to become
a Nazi experiment sits cowering in a corner. Speak with him if you want, but it's the
room on the left that's of real interest, since it contains a silver case holding $250
worth of Gold (4/23). In addition, the room on the other side from where the man was
found contains $100 worth of Gold sitting in a locker (5/23). Grab those, and then
backtrack to the previous corridor, and with your back facing the dead nurses, head to
the right. In one of the lockers on your left, you'll find a $100 bag of Gold (6/23). Next
to that locker is a red tile that can be seen when you activate your mystical powers.
Shoot the tile out to find a Tome of Power (1/2). Acquire that, and then head down
the corridor in the other direction. Swing leftward, and you'll see a staircase leading
up on your right.

You need to go up the staircase to proceed, but don't neglect to open the locker next
to the foot of the steps, where yet another $100 bag of Gold can be found (7/23).
Once upstairs, continue rightward and around the corner. Search the lockers on your
left to find -- you guessed it -- a $100 bag of Gold (8/23). And then, if you continue
forward and swing rightward down the next segment of hallway, you'll find yet
another $100 bag of Gold tucked away in a locker on your right (9/23). What is it with
the Nazis and their bags of gold in this hospital? Thankfully, you'll be able to explore
some other rooms en route and free some more medical prisoners to break up the
monotony. If you haven't noticed, you still haven't fought any enemies here yet.

Forward from the location of the ninth stash of gold is a bit of a quandary for you to
overcome. On your right at the corner of the hallway is a door that's sealed off by way
of a blue electrical boundary. However, if you examine it ever-so-closely, you'll notice
that there are intermittent, extremely rapid gaps to be found in the seal, meaning
that it drops and then comes back up. The answer, of course, is Mire. Using Mire, you
can make those gaps in the seal last much, much longer than they actually would.
When the seal drops while Mire is active, you can sneak on through, and then use the
lever on your left to permanently drop said seal. You can now proceed out of the room
to your left, and up the stairs to the third floor, but don't neglect to grab the well-
hidden treasure in the room with the switch. A $500 stash of Gold can be found
underneath the shelf closest to the previously-sealed door. The shelf juts out from the
wall, so work behind it and search the dark area underneath to claim your prize
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Five: Hospital (Continued)

At the top of the stairs, you still won't run into any enemies... well, yet anyway.
Proceed forward through the wreckage and fire to the lockers ahead. Open the
lockers, and within one of them, you'll find a $100 bag of Gold to acquire (11/23).
After grabbing that, head leftward and up the rest of the corridor. You'll find a room
full of hospital beds and blood on your left. In will pour the very first contingent of Nazi
soldiers you'll have to deal with on this mission, and all can be easily killed, even if
they tip over beds and the like to create some cover for themselves. Your Kar98, as
usual, is your best friend here. Once the half-dozen or so Nazi soldiers are downed,
run through the room (collect ammunition from fallen enemies if you need it), and
then bear left down the next corridor.

As you head down this dim corridor, you'll come to a room on your left. One of the
Nazi's experimental patients is writhing in pain on the ground, and informs you that
the Nazi stealth soldier you've been tracking thusfar is in your vicinity. Not
surprisingly, the stealth soldier in question then drops in, ends the life of said patient,
and scampers off once more. It's now time to take on this threat. Dart across this
room to the stairs on the far end, and run up to the fourth floor. In this isolated area,
the stealth soldier sits and waits. The idea here is to draw him out, and then tuck
yourself in a corner. You'll know he's around you if you get stabbed once, or see some
blue smoke in the distance. Tucking yourself in a corner will ensure that you see him
coming towards you. When you do, immediately hit Mire to slow down time as much
as you can (though it doesn't have much effect on this event) and, with an automatic
weapon like an MP43, aim at and shoot the living crap out of the stealth soldier's
head. You have to be quick here, because his ability to do massive damage to you and
kill you is staggering. Let him stab you all he wants, but keep firing. This will prove to
be a pyrrhic victory for you, but a victory nonetheless.

With the stealth soldier slain, head back down the stairs. There's a locked door on one
side of the room that's now open, and through it came a lone soldier. Cap the soldier,
grab the $100 bag of Gold next to the door, and then head on through to the
adjoining corridor (12/23). With your back facing the way you came, head rightward
towards the dead end. While you can't proceed that way, you can collect another
$100 stash of Gold in a locker on your right (13/23). With that in hand, backtrack to
the other end of the corridor and look at the far wall, where a black sun icon can be
seen. You know what to do -- use your Veil to head through the wall, and then proceed
up the linear hallway towards some stairs that lead downward. Be sure to grab the
Intel hanging next to a door on your right en route (3/6).

At the bottom of the stairs, you'll encounter a lone Nazi grunt. Kill him. On your left,
you'll find a huge blast door, and on your right, a switch. When you activate the
switch, the door will quickly open, and then close. Naturally, now's a good time to use
Mire. Flip the switch, activate Mire, and dash through the door before it closes again.
You're now in some sort of prison ward of the hospital, where the mentally unstable --
or perhaps simply the unfortunate -- reside. All of the doors leading into cells here are
locked, save one. Go down to the far end of the corridor where it turns left, and open
the door on your right. In here, you can find $100 of Gold being hidden in a corner by
a prisoner (14/23). Grab it, and then rejoin the corridor heading leftward. Crack open
the lockers you find on your right to find another $100 bag of Gold (15/23). Then,
head down the stairs, and you'll reach a set of double doors.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Five: Hospital (Continued)

When you emerge through the doors, immediately run to the left and seek cover,
because you've walked into a bit of a hornet's nest here (though you can initiate
hostilities by capping the Nazi officer standing in front of the door with his back turned
towards you). The big threat here is actually twofold, because not only does a Nazi
machinegun emplacement have you pinned down at the far side of the room, but
mixing in with regular infantry is a Nazi priest as well, and as you know, that guy can
create all sorts of trouble for you. Thus, those two targets should be taken out first.
Then, you can concentrate on killing all of the standard infantry, while keeping an eye
on the machinegun nest to make sure nobody's trying to be a hero. When all is quiet,
scour the ground for ammunition. Then, let's look for treasure. The bed-ridden unit to
the right of the area contains a $250 piece of Gold, though you'll need to look under a
bed tucked in a corner to find it (16/23). Additionally, the lockers behind the
machinegun nest contain more Gold, in the form of a $100 bag (17/23).

Run up the stairs to the top floor and move forward and to the right. On your right is
another machinegun nest, well-guarded by Nazi infantry and officers alike. The idea
here is to throw a grenade or two towards the machinegun nest, where most of the
enemies are gathered, in order to kill them all in a single blow. Any survivors can then
be easily capped by your Kar98. Before proceeding to the left and around the catwalk
overlooking the area below, be sure to grab the Intel off of the wall directly next to
the machinegun nest you just cleared (4/6). As you push your way around into the far
area of this floor, you'll run into a couple of more soldiers, as well as a Nazi priest and
another stealth soldier. Don't hesitate to run around, back up, and when necessary,
use explosives. The combination of the priest and stealth soldier is a deadly one, so if
at all possible, take out one and then the other, and not both simultaneously. If you
have to deal with both of them at the same time, the odds are certainly against your
Press through the double door at the far end of the area to find another connection of
this corridor. This time, it will bend leftward, and expect to find about a half-dozen
soldiers at the far end of the corridor as soon as you turn. Eliminate these foes from
afar with shells and grenades, and then push towards their location. One of the
lockers on your left will contain a $100 sack of Gold for you to grab en route (18/23).
Then, proceed rightward and down the stairs. Down here, you'll have to clear an
entirely new contingent of enemies, especially the guys to your right on the ground
floor, who are manning a machinegun nest. Killing the gunner of said machinegun,
and all of his friends (who can theoretically pick up the reigns when the initial gunner
is felled) should be priority number one.

After eliminating the machinegun nest's threat, go back up the stairs. A group or five
or six Nazi soldiers have run down the corridor you just cleared. These guys are
reinforcements, and can prove to be quite dangerous in the next engagement if they
aren't killed first, so don't storm the empty machinegun nest until these guys are
felled. Why? Well, the answer is quite simple. When you get to the machinegun nest
and mount the gun yourself (grabbing more Intel off of the protective sandbags
(5/6)), some of those creatures we fought earlier in the game will appear, in addition
to more soldiers, and another Nazi priest. The Nazi priest, as usual, should absolutely,
positively be your priority, in addition to the monsters. Don't let anything flank the
machinegun nest, or you'll be forced to abandon this advantageous position.
Otherwise, mow down any enemies that appear, and then head leftward from the
machinegun nest to continue.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Five: Hospital (Continued)

Once you go through this next door, you'll almost immediately be confronted by a pair
of Nazi soldiers. Quickly take them both out, and bear rightward through the door they
were guarding. In here, you can find some Bacta Tank-like devices (for all you Star
Wars nerds out there) with human experiments being nurtured within. On the right
wall in here, you can find the mission's final piece of Intel (6/6), but it's to the room
on the right that you must go to proceed. In here, you'll see a device that's keeping
you from using Veil. We've run into these before, so you should know what to do --
simply destroy it with some gunfire. This will allow you to proceed through the black
sun-marked wall adjacent to your position.

In here, you'll see an electrical storm to your left, and you'll need to figure out a way
around it. Start by taking the ladder nearby down to the area below (climb carefully --
falling will cause you to die automatically). Once down here, run down the narrow
pathway ahead to the control switch, killing or sparing the Nazi scientist there. Once
the switch is flipped, immediately switch away from the Tesla Gun you just acquired
and to the MP43. Then, prepare for a stealth soldier to storm your position. Once he's
felled, backtrack to the ladder, climb back up, and again, wait patiently for another
stealth soldier. Kill him, and then run down the corridor where the electrical storm was
previously barring you from, and head rightward through another door.

In this isolated room, you'll find another of those devices that restricts your usage of
Veil, as well as all related powers. Destroy it, and then head back through the door.
Directly across from you is another black sun-marked doorway. With Veil, head on
through to the other side, and immediately arm yourself with your weapon of choice
(preferably, as usual, the Kar98). As you move forward, to the right, and down some
stairs, expect to run into plenty of Nazi soldiers, although all should be easy enough
for you to slay at this point in the game. At the foot of the stairs, the Nazis will put up
a final fight before the lights go out, which works to your advantage. Your visibility
won't be great here, but your enemies can't see a thing. Move rapidly to kill as many
clueless soldiers as possible before the lights turn back on, and be certain you keep
pressing ever-forward through the linear path set before you, to draw out more and
more vulnerable soldiers. Before running down another set of stairs, be sure to raid
the nearby office, where two bags of Gold can be found, worth $200 total (19/23 &

As soon as you run down the next set of stairs, have your MP43 ready and start
cooking a grenade. Cook it for a couple of seconds and toss it down the corridor in
front of you. If timed properly, you will have taken out a Nazi priest in addition to
some more monsters running at you. Anything you missed with the potato masher
can then be quickly cleaned up with the MP43. With those monsters and the Nazi
priest felled, you'll only run into some Nazi officers down here (well-hidden because of
their dark uniforms), but little else. Pressing forward, be sure to open a locker on your
left for a $100 bag of Gold (21/23), as well as picking up another $100 stash of Gold
in the first alcove on your right as you move forward (22/23).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Five: Hospital (Continued)

The only way out of this room is on the far end of the area, via a door on your right. As
soon as you go through, expect to run into a final contingent of Nazi officers
protecting their turf. A well-placed grenade supplemented by some gunfire will do
them in quickly, even in their relatively well-protected position. From there, look
behind the door, and you'll find the final stash of Gold of the mission, worth $100
(23/23). After grabbing that, wrap around to the corridor ahead and head leftward to
the double doors, where this mission's final enemy, a boss, as it were, can be found.
You'll witness a cutscene where a Nazi officer throws a helpless Nazi scientist into a
portal the enemy has been working on. What comes out of the portal is anything but
human, however. After turning his ire on the officer, the monster will turn his attention
to you. A few Nazi soldiers will show up at this point, but in fact, your enemy is
identical. However, for the most part, you can holster your weapon, because the idea
here isn't to eliminate the enemy, but rather to use him to destroy the four pillars on
the main floor that are holding up the portal. This is the only way to destroy it. So,
while dodging the enemy at all costs, shoot at him just enough to get his attention.
Then, stand between him and one of the yet-destroyed pillars, letting your foe do the
rest of the work. Each pillar takes two hits, meaning you'll need to reproduce this
technique eight times for the portal to fall, and with it, the monster it most recently

Once the beast is slain, you can head to the control panel near the far end of the
room. Activate the switch and grab the crystal from the holder, which will give you the
Empower ability, giving your firearms more power, and more importantly, giving you
the ability to shoot through shields. First, turn your attention on the enemies that
stream out of both previously-locked doors on the far side of the room. The shields
they set up should be of no consequence to you if you use your new skill. When all is
quiet, scour their bodies for needed ammunition, and then head through either door
they came through. On the right side of this new, yet-explored isolated room, you'll
find a red-glowing tile on the wall if you're using Veil. Shoot it out and grab the Tome
of Power from the small crevasse it was hiding (2/2).

That second Tome of Power marks the final valuable you can find here, so with it in
hand, backtrack to where the boss melee just took place. Now that you have Empower
available to you, you can use it to shoot through shields, including the one shielding
the doorway at the top end of the room. Three red barrels on the far side of the
shielded door are the key -- lay into all three with machinegun fire, and they will
explode, destroying the mechanism keeping the shield in place. You can then proceed
through the shield and to the end of the mission.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Six: Cannery

Getting to the Cannery is a simple endeavor, though you'll want to make sure that you
always have the proper active objective selected from your menu. That's because, at
this point in the game, you're going to start getting side quest requests from various
people as well. So, the first thing you want to do is head to the Kreisau Circle safe
house and again speak with Caroline. She'll thank you for your hard work and proceed
to give you new instructions, to infiltrate the Nazi Cannery in town. You can then walk
to it rather easily, following the star on your compass. You'll be busting through a
barely-covered hole in the ground to infiltrate the sewer under the Cannery for
starters, so if it appears you're at a dead end, look downward. Chances are, you're at
the right spot.

Once you drop into the sewers, our mission begins in earnest. For a moment, you
won't have to deal with any enemies. Head forward down the linear sewer and shoot
leftward into the adjoining room. In here, you'll run into a pair of Nazi infantrymen.
Eliminate both foes, and then shoot the barrel next to the hole in the wall to expand it.
You may see a blue flash shooting leftward by the hole in the wall. You know what
that means -- a Nazi stealth soldier is nearby. Head through the hole in the wall and,
with the MP43 equipped, head leftward and nestle yourself into the corner. Keep an
eye ahead of you and wait for the stealth soldier to rush your position. When he does,
end him. Remember that even if you can only see the foe's apparition, you can still
damage him, but he's up on top of you, you need to move quickly to get the job done
before he flips the script on you.

From that location, head forward and you'll see a slight staircase leading downward.
Before going downstairs, seek out a $100 bag of Gold on your left (1/1). It will be
behind a box-shaped piece of wood along the wall. With that in hand, you can then
head down the stairs. Quickly flip the switch you encounter, and then seek cover from
the gunfire below and to your left. Flipping this switch allows some fans to kick into
high gear, sucking all enemies from below into the blades and ending their lives
rather brutally. Once that's done, be sure to flip the switch again, and then climb
down the ladder to where the fans are located. To the left of the fans is a small
corridor with a ladder leading back up.

Follow this next linear passageway as it twists and turns. Eventually, a room will open
up on your left, with two Nazi soldiers within it. Quickly storm the room, take out the
foes, and then grab everything the room has to offer up. In addition to lots of
ammunition, you can also find some Intel on one of the tables within the room (1/6),
as well as the mission's only Tome of Power, which can be acquired behind a red-
glowing tile on one of the room's walls. Simply turn on your Veil to spot it easily, and
then claim your prize. With both of those items in hand, continue down the previous
corridor until another room opens up around you, where you'll need to reinitiate
hostilities with the enemy.

You'll encounter a new type of enemy here, equipped with a weapon that you'll be
able to claim for your own once you've slain him. This enemy is equipped with a
flamethrower, known in German as a Flamenwerfer. When this heavily-armored
enemy shows up, back up down the corridors you just traversed to give yourself
plenty of space, and return fire, preferably with a powerful weapon like the Particle
Cannon. When the enemy is dead, be certain to take the weapon he was just
equipped with. Then, run into the room he emerged from, and kill the rest of the
soldiers and officers within, both around you and on the catwalks above. You can play
with the red lever on the left before entering the room to turn on steam, which will
injure and kill enemies on the catwalks, but since it will do the same to you, it's best
to leave those switches alone. When all enemies are cleared, climb up to the catwalk
above and run to the far side of it, where stairs will lead back down to ground level.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Six: Cannery (Continued)

Nervous? You should be. You no doubt noticed another blue flash fly across the screen
upon descending those last stairs, meaning there's yet another stealth soldier in your
vicinity. From the stairs, follow the linear pathway briefly before you come to a fork in
the road. First, head leftward, where a silver case holding $250 worth of Gold sits
(2/20). Claim that, and then head down the path in the other direction, keeping your
machinegun at the ready to deal with a stealth soldier. At the other end of the
corridor, you'll need to chuck a grenade to destroy the crates (or waste a bunch of
ammunition doing the same). This will reveal another silver case holding yet another
$250 stash of Gold (3/20). Then, sit tight and wait for the stealth soldier to come
towards you. Use a machinegun to take him out from up close, and if you're having
issues, consider using Mire while doing so.

After felling the first stealth soldier, follow the linear passageway for another brief
time. You'll find some burst steam pipes, and nearby is an item keeping you from
using Veil powers. Destroy that piece of equipment first, and then, to survive a trip
through the steam, use your Shield while running through. On the other side, two
soldiers will come up from the stairs ahead of you, as well as a stealth soldier from the
left. Quickly duck into the thin area to your right, where the pipes line the wall (this is
where the anti-Veil device was located), and sit in waiting for the stealth soldier and
his friends to come towards you. Mire will help you if you're having issues with this, or
any, stealth soldier. Before running down the stairs to proceed, be sure to grab the
Gold from underneath the pipes along the right wall, which is worth a paltry $100
Once you go down the stairs closest to the pipes where you retrieved the last
treasure, you can find more on your right. Obscured by darkness and a grouping of
green barrels, you can just barely squeeze through into this crevasse to claim another
$100 bag of Gold (5/20). With that in hand, you can then head down the long
staircase nearby. Swing rightward and you'll ultimately come to a huge chamber
covered in a shallow pool of water. The only imminent danger here is the
flamethrower-wielding enemy that will charge you, so pull your big guns and put him
down quickly. Then, enter the chamber and deal with as many foes on the platforms
above that you can, which will help you out later, when you actually storm their
position. Before pushing to the far side of this aqueous room, be sure to claim $250
worth of Gold behind a metal gate directly to the left of the entrance point into this
chamber (6/20).

At the far end of this area, if you haven't already destroyed it, is an anti-Veil device.
Once destroyed, the black sun-marked wall directly to the left of it can be breached.
Run up the stairs on the other side of the wall. If you dealt with the enemies from
below up here, than congratulations, you just made your life a whole lot easier. If you
neglected to do so, however, now you have to deal with the consequences, because
not only will you have to deal with these foes up here, but reinforcements will begin
taking potshots at you from below as well. As you work your way around to the far
side of these catwalks, you can begin to find treasures. Nestled in the corner diagonal
from the staircase leading up here is a $100 sack of Gold (7/20), and another $100
bag of Gold can be found on a shelf adjacent to the stairs, though you'll need to take
the long route around to grab it (8/20). With both of those in hand, you can then
proceed down the next hallway to a ladder leading up to the surface. Finally, we've
escaped the sewer.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Six: Cannery (Continued)

First things first -- as soon as you climb up the ladder, immediately book it to your
right (if your back is facing the wall). On the other side of the barrels in this little
alcove, you'll find $100 worth of Gold (9/20). Then, begin pressing forward down the
street. There's a machinegun nest and plenty of officers and SS elite troopers shooting
down at you, so you'll need to use cover to your advantage if you have any hope
whatsoever of surviving. While the machinegunner should certainly be your priority,
remember that his friends, if they're paying attention, will abandon their post to use
the machinegun emplacement. So keep a keen eye out on it moving forward. Also,
keep an eye on the fire escapes and rooftops above. If you're being shot at and can't
identify the location of the shooter or shooters, rest assured that they're likely above

As soon as you've cleared the initial contingent of enemies and are near the
machinegun nest, the train car behind and to the left of the nest will explode,
revealing an enemy in armor, packing a Particle Cannon. You've likely dealt with these
enemies back in town once or twice, but never in a true combat scenario, where his
infantrymen friends will be helping him out. The idea with him is to fall back down the
street and let him come towards you. Your entire arsenal of elite weapons should be
used here. Break out the Tesla or Particle Guns, and if you must, supplement your fire
with the MP43. Remember that when these enemies die, they explode, so be sure to
keep your distance! Good news comes from this encounter, however. Once he's dead
and the interior of the train car he was hiding in is exposed, you can find a $100 bag
of Gold hiding in there (10/20).
Press to the back end of the street now and make sure all enemies are killed. There
are likely some stragglers hanging around, and enemies you ignored earlier, but they
should all be killed before proceeding. At the far end of the road, along the right side,
you'll find a silver case holding $500 in Gold, so you don't want to miss that one
(11/20). In addition, there is another $100 bag of Gold hiding through the door to the
right of that $500 stash (if your back is facing the center of the road) (12/20). And
finally, to continue, you'll want to breach the building on the left (if your back is facing
the origin point down on the other end of the street). In here, you'll run into more
resistance, but it's all of the standard kind. Be sure to grab the Intel on the table on
your right en route (2/6), as well as yet another $100 bag of Gold, which can be found
shortly after the Intel is (13/20).

Eventually, you'll run into a door that will allow you to continue into an otherwise-
isolated building. In here, expect to find plenty more resistance. The hectic nature of
some sort of cannon firing nearby will constantly shake the screen, but continue along
undaunted, clearing all of the enemies you encounter on the entry floor, as well as
whatever enemies you can find and kill above. Then, seek out a staircase leading
down to a basin with some gigantic containers sitting within. Directly in front of the
stairs, behind some debris, is a bag of Gold worth $100 (14/20). Then, wrap around
the staircase to the far side of the basin. Sitting smack-dab in the middle of the
corridor is a silver case which contains a $250 stash of Gold for you to acquire

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Six: Cannery (Continued)

Now, how to get up to the second floor? Well, it's easy, especially if you've managed
to clear the entire area of enemies before you went and got the gold. From the basin,
head back up the stairs and head to the far corner of this large room. You'll find a
door that will necessitate that you bash it open, which will cause some explosive
barrels to detonate on the other side. Once you've busted through, detonate more
barrels to take care of any enemies laying in wait for you in the room, and then scurry
up the staircase to the second floor (if you want more Gold, be sure to collect the
$100 bag to the right of the sealed entrance) (16/20).

On the next floor, immediately arm yourself with your Kar98, if you have any
ammunition for it, and get ready for the fray ahead. A Nazi priest is mixing in with the
various standard and SS soldiers walking around the catwalks, creating shields for
them that will repel your bullets. However, now that you have Empower, these shields
should be nothing at all for you to bypass. Bring up Empower and let your bullets
careen through their shields, eliminating the threat. Naturally, you'll want to go after
the priest first, but any enemy in your sights should be shot once seen. With the
enemy threat here nullified, go forward and head rightward past some Nazi armor and
paperwork. Before busting through the door ahead to proceed, don't fail to grab the
$100 bag of Gold nearby (17/20).

Once through the door, immediately train your gun to the right and begin clipping
more enemies as they appear. Push forward and coerce any last, remaining thugs out
of their hiding spots, so you can put them into their place. When you can't go forward
anymore, your only option is to head leftward towards an office. Chances are you've
killed all of the enemies that would occupy this room already, but keep your firearm at
the ready just in case. Before going through the door ahead and on your left, be sure
to grab the Intel from the nearby desk (3/6). Then, push through the door and run
down the metal catwalk forward and to the left. Flip the switch you find to proceed
with this mission's endgame.
Flipping the switch should have caused a tank being held by hydraulic lifts to fall on
enemies below. This will, of course, cause an initiation of hostilities with the foes that
you didn't kill with the tank, however. Sadly, this will be virtually all of the enemies
nearby. The catwalk is an awful place to fire down on the enemies from, since there's
no cover to use, so immediately make way to the bottom floor and use the crates as
cover as you return fire on various foes. The Nazi priest here, once again, needs to be
killed first, but in the meantime, use Empower to rip through his shield and the shields
he creates for his fellow Nazis. When all is quiet, push to the far end of the room and
keep an eye on the catwalks behind you, as a few reinforcements will pour in. Once
they're killed, use the conveyor belt on the far side of the room to jump up to an
isolated platform. The switch here will cause the shield blocking you from leaving this
room to fall.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Six: Cannery (Continued)

Unfortunately, dropping this shield will also allow enemies to pour into the room from
the other side. However, reinforcements will only number perhaps a half-dozen, so
you shouldn't have any issues in dealing with them. Since ammunition is now running
low, no doubt, scour their bodies for MP43 ammunition before booking through the
door, where you'll emerge outside. Some sort of supernatural Nazi gun is firing at you
from your left, and believe it or not, you have to storm its position to continue. Move
through the labyrinthine concrete barriers back and forth, dodging the large gun's
rounds at all costs. Once you've flanked the gun, it can't fire, so run behind it. Before
bearing leftward up a ladder to continue, keep running towards the corner, where a
$100 bag of Gold is obscured by a staircase and some crates (18/20).
Now, climb up the nearby ladder to the control room for that large gun. As soon as
you climb up the ladder, bear leftward and enter the room, having your firearm at the
ready, as there are plenty of enemies, including yet another Nazi priest, waiting for
you. Since the room is so small, you can chuck a potato masher or two to prime your
entrance, and then equip Empower to cut through any shielded enemies. Once all foes
are downed, collect the Intel tucked in the corner near the door (4/6), and then go to
the gun's controls. You can fire the gun at the enemies ahead, which you should do
first, but what you really need to do with this powerful weapon is actually fire at the
four coils flanking the area below. These coils create power that charges the shield
stopping you from using the door behind you and to your right, so once those coils are
obliterated, you'll be able to continue.

Once through the previously-sealed door, there won't be anything too exciting for you
to find right away. Run up the staircase to the floor above, and before bearing through
the silver door you encounter, search behind some nearby crates, where a $100 bag
of Gold can be found and acquired. With that in hand, you're then free to bust
through the nearby door, where immediately ahead of you and on the right is a piece
of Intel (5/6). Grab that, and then go through the door on your left to leave this small
room. We're almost done here.

The next area you emerge in will be filled with more Nazi machinery. Speaking of
which, seek out the far right corner from where you initially enter the room, where the
mission's final batch of Gold can be found in the form of a $100 bag (20/20). Then,
seek a way up to the catwalks surrounding the area, where you'll find a small office
with a switch. Flip the switch, which will lower the shields below on the far end of the
room. Head on through the now-open room, grabbing the mission's final piece of Intel
from the floor on your left en route (6/6), and ultimately, you'll emerge in another new
room, where a boss battle will take place following an extended cutscene.

The Nazi officer you fight here will turn into a monster, necessitating some clever
thinking on just how to bring him down. Believe it or not, brute force isn't going to do
it. After all, the more you damage him, the more he enters one of the Veil energy
refilling stations and starts from scratch. The idea here is to use Veil to see the true
monstrous form of this enemy. Fire at him ruthlessly until he takes enough damage
that he goes to a refilling station, at which point you can break out a heavy weapon
like a Panzerschrek (or simply use your MP43) and shoot at the red-glowing object
above the station. This is how he's damaged. Repeat this process over and over again,
and the enemy will fall. Of course, you will need to use these stations yourself to use
Veil over and over again, but as long as you keep running around, steadily firing at
the enemy while using Veil, he won't last very long. His projectile attacks are best
avoided by jumping or crouching, which is the only real way he'll be able to damage
you if you're on the run.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Seven: Castle

Begin this rather lengthy and dangerous mission by heading to the Kriesau Circle safe
house you've been utilizing since the beginning of the game. When you arrive there,
you'll find an organization in disarray. It appears that the Nazis have captured
Caroline, the resistance's leader, by playing a trick on her. And now, they're on to the
location of the safe house as well. There's no time to lose here, because the Nazis are
on to you. The idea is to get to the downtown area of Isenstadt, where a new safe
house is being set up. Of course, getting there isn't quite as easy as it sounds, but it
still shouldn't be too much of a challenge, especially if you follow the star icon on your
compass, which should always guide you in the appropriate fashion towards the area
you need to be. Just be sure that this particular objective is marked as active via your
menu, so that you don't meander in the wrong direction.

Ultimately, you'll run into some resistance fighters who will guide you towards an
extensive network of sewer tunnels. Expect to be attacked by the Nazi's wily
monsters, as well as Nazi priests and plenty of infantrymen of both the typical and SS
varieties. Keep your weaponry at the ready and try to avoid conflict whenever
possible, by moving around slowly, quietly, and staying crouched. Only engage
enemies in battle when you need to. Otherwise, when you arrive at Isenstadt's mostly-
destroyed town hall, you'll find a truck to the left of the front steps that will bring you
to the castle where Caroline is apparently being held.

When you arrive at the castle entrance, you can dash forward to the tower ahead.
There are no enemies in between you and that tower, though you'll see plenty of your
friends in the resistance following eagerly after you (if you go too slowly, they'll pass
you by). Now, within the confines of the tower, you'll be forced to go leftward to
continue, but before you do that, head to the initial entrance to the tower, and look to
the right. You can actually shimmy around the outside of the tower in order to access
an area behind it, which contains a $500 stash of Gold (1/16). With that in hand,
shimmy back to the entrance, and this time, head left. A good technique to utilize
here, if you have a souped-up Kar98, is to use your scope to begin picking off enemies
from afar. Foes that are sniping down at your position from the castle windows ahead
and above should be priority number one; the stationary machinegun emplacement
there is equally dangerous, and its gunners should be dispatched as well.

There's plenty of cover to use as you push down this stone path towards an open gate
flanked by swastika banners. SS soldiers will be hiding behind various crates, so kill
them from afar if possible, and be sure to collect the increasingly-valuable
ammunition they leave behind once felled. A scoped Kar98 is again a great weapon to
utilize here, if you have it available to you, since you can shoot out piercing headshots
at your enemies ahead. Thinning out their ranks before engaging in close combat can
only benefit you, so try to do as much damage as humanly possible from afar. When
the next tower ahead is cleared, run in with your friends and immediately face the
right to take on the next set of Nazi threats. Before continuing, be sure to grab the
Intel from the ground in the left corner closest to the door (1/6).

Things get a little complicated here. There are plenty of enemies guarding the next
tower ahead, at the other end of the crate-littered stone pathway before you. As
usual, you don't want to rush their position, or you're going to get cut to shreds. Just
like we did earlier, we first want to thin out their numbers before proceeding, so that
you can storm their position later and have an easier time surviving. There are two
techniques you can utilize here to do just that. If you backtrack to the previous stone
bridge and look at the tower you're now attacking, you have a clear shot, with a
scoped rifle, to take out all sorts of enemies. Aim high first, shooting at foes on the
balconies above, and then work your way down to the lesser soldiers occupying the
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Seven: Castle (Continued)

Of course, if you want an even better vantage point, look no further than the small
series of wooden platforms you can climb up to on your right directly before entering
the tower we're currently occupying. Up here, you can shoot at the same enemies,
and you'll even begin to draw out the two jetpack-equipped Nazis that will begin to
fire upon you once their friends have taken enough damage. Dealing with these guys
quickly is key, because their high explosives and incredible mobility make them major
threats if you let them fly around for too long. Look to the sky and lay into those foes
with a gun of your choice before they have the opportunity to return fire on you. Then,
head back to the stone path we're waiting to work our way up, and do just that. Kill
any remaining foes that are in your path, and of course, collect ammunition strewn all
over the place as well. As you no doubt have noticed, ammunition is becoming
increasingly more valuable and rare as time goes on.

There will be a wooden door on your left once in this new tower. Head through the
door and look for another wooden door that leads back outside, to another outdoor
segment surrounding the Nazi castle. At this point, you'll run into more enemy
resistance, but it will actually prove to be pretty mild compared to what you just dealt
with. Making matters even easier is the fact that you have plenty of cover to use, and
a full group of resistance fighters ready to fight alongside you. In fact, if you search
the raised area to your left, where some crates sit, you can find a $100 bag of Gold
tucked in between one of the crates and the castle wall (2/16).
As you push forward from this location, a few more enemies will make themselves
seen, including a monstrous humanoid Nazi that looks like a skeleton in an officer's
uniform. This enemy hurls dangerous attacks at you, and should be killed rapidly,
from afar, as soon as he appears. He is certainly a nuisance, but as you've found on
this mission, scoped rifles are the key to your success. Pushing forward towards the
enemy's location, you no doubt noticed the screen has gone black and white,
indicating one of the pesky Nazi machines that keeps you from using your Veil powers
is nearby. Locate it nestled in a tight crevasse between the far wall and the castle wall
on the right side. Destroy it, and then go through the nearby black sun-marked door
on the right wall to proceed. Naturally, you'll need to use Veil to get through.

This room will prove to be pretty useless to us. Other than obtaining another piece of
Intel on your left moving forward (2/6), you won't find anything else of interest. So,
burst out of the door on the far side of the room, and get ready for another battle with
the Nazis. Of course, things will be eerily quiet when you enter this courtyard -- too
quiet, in fact -- but for the time being, take advantage of the situation. From the
doorway you emerged outside via, dash to the right, and you'll eventually run into a
corner with some boxes and crates sitting there. You can find a $100 bag of Gold
sitting in that corner (3/16).

Now, things might seem confusing from here. There are stairs everywhere, doors, and
the like. However, things are pretty easy to navigate. Begin by heading up any
staircase, and you'll undoubtedly draw out the first Nazi soldiers in the area. In fact,
this should set off a powder keg where all Nazi soldiers and officers in the area are
now ready for a battle. Retreat and deal with the enemies that immediately make
themselves known, and then begin to run around the area, clipping any enemies you
encounter. You'll want to move carefully and watch your flank to ensure that you don't
get routed from behind. Methodical clearing of areas and subsequent movement to
the next area is probably the best technique to employ here. This will ensure that you
don't get a bullet to the back from an overlooked foe.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Mission Seven: Castle (Continued)

The one doorway that's open from the bottom of the courtyard leads up a tower to the
top, so you can ignore that completely. In fact, those two doors in that tower are the
only two that will open here, so that should make things easier for you. As you press
to the upper levels of the courtyard, seek out a huge stack of hay bundles, and climb
up to the top of the small mound they create. $100 worth of Gold can be found atop
the hay (4/16). After grabbing that, head back down, and with your back facing the
way in which you entered this area, head to the right, and keep on climbing until you
run into an enemy outpost. Working your way to this area from the right is far, far
better than attempting a siege from the left. Why? Well, it's simple. By attacking from
the right, you can eliminate an entire outpost of SS soldiers not only from the tower
they're occupying, but from the nearby machinegun nest as well. Approaching from
the left will ensure that you're fired upon from the machinegun nest, and since the
nest is guarded by a shield, it'll make your life hell. So, go at it from the right. You
won't be sorry.

The walkthrough from here takes place from the machinegun nest with the shield
around it. Adjacent to the shield, to your left if you're facing it, is an area of seemingly
little interest. However, if you access this stone-laden platform and run back towards
the way you came, you can find a $100 sack of Gold tucked in a corner there (5/16).
Grab that, and then proceed leftward from behind the machinegun nest, and leftward
once more to deal with an entirely new group of enemies. These staunch SS soldiers
will put up a fight both from the street and from a balcony ahead and above. Aim at
the enemies on the balcony first, and then clear all other foes. Before running towards
the area they were guarding, head to the other end of the street and grab the $100
bag of Gold at the dead end (6/16). With that in hand, run back to the side of the
street where all of the slain Nazis lie, and go through the wooden door they were
guarding on your right.

Once inside, immediately head to the crate sitting underneath the stairs. If you look in
the small space between the wall and the crate, you'll barely make out a stash of
Gold worth $500 (7/16). With that in hand, run up the stairs and go through the first
door you encounter (continuing to climb up is useless, since the door at the top is
barred shut). Down this next corridor, you won't run into any enemies, but you will
encounter a dead end. On your right, at the dead end, you'll see a black sun icon. You
know what to do. Equip the Veil and walk through the wall to proceed onward.

Proceed through the door on your left and down a corridor to another door. As soon as
you open this door, expect to see two SS soldiers standing right in front of you, with
their backs turned. Use the brief moment you'll have here to cap one of them
immediately, and then do the other one in before he can run away and find himself an
entrenched position from which to fire. Once those two foes are dispatched, run
leftward, and then swing rightward to the railing overlooking some sort of machine
below. Take the time, if you can, to snipe at the enemies below waiting for you. Then,
jump over the railing (preferably where there are crates stacked, to pad your fall), and
storm the blue-glowing machine below. Here, you can claim the game's final weapon,
the Leichenfaust 44. Nice!
With that in hand, you can follow the linear pathway out of the weapon containment
area. Take the door to a linear passageway that will eventually lead to a locked metal
gate. This is where your next objective comes into play, because you have to use your
newfound Leichenfaust 44 to lift the gate. Simply shoot the gun at the gate and then,
when it lifts, head on through. On the other side of the gate, you'll witness quite the
melee going on, as both Nazi soldiers and resistance fighters attempt to quell the
threat posed by a mutated Nazi monster. This doesn't mean, of course, that the Nazis
here won't fire at you, because they will. But it does mean that for the most part,
everyone is occupied here. Use your own arsenal to take out some Nazi soldiers if you
want, as they are a great source for MP40, MP43 and Kar98 ammunition. However,
when you're ready to proceed, run to the far side of this outdoor area, whether on
street level or using the elevated walkway on the left. There, you'll find another locked
gate that will require the use of the Leichenfaust 44. Once this second gate is lifted,
head on through the opening to continue.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Seven: Castle (Continued)

From here, things will be quiet for a while. Follow the linear corridor you encounter as
it twists rightward. On your left will be a rather blatant hole in the wall. Head on
through, and follow this next linear passageway through the bedrock to a hidden
elevator. Before you reach the elevator, though, be sure to grab the bag of Gold
sitting in a little alcove on your left en route, worth $100 (8/16). When you reach the
elevator, activate it with the switch on board, and you'll be brought up to an area
above. You'll need to run up the spiral staircase to a door there in order to proceed,
but first, run down the stairs until you can run down no more. Look to your left for a
tiny, isolated room, where a silver case containing $250 worth of Gold can be
acquired (9/16).
When you emerge through the door, you'll find yourself outside. Don't worry -- there
are no Nazi soldiers in your vicinity, only your local neighborhood resistance fighters.
Proceed forward and to the left to find a staircase that leads up to an entrance to this
part of the castle, again on your left. However, a gate blocks the way, and there's
nothing your new-fangled weapon can do about it. There's a switch nearby that, when
pressed, will lift the door. However, the switch is pressure sensitive. The answer, of
course, rests with Mire. Hit the switch and then, with Mire activated, quickly run
towards the gate and through it just as it's closing. Then, run up the stairs on your left
and proceed down the corridor to your right.

This will bring you to another corridor that will force you leftward, but you've no doubt
noticed at this point that the screen has again gone all black and white. This means a
Nazi device stymieing your use of Veil tactics is nearby. As soon as you turn left here,
you'll see enemies, but immediately take out the machine on the right first and
foremost, so you can again use your Veil techniques if needed. Then, proceed down
the corridor, killing SS units as you go. Eventually, you'll see what they were guarding
-- a gigantic, stately dining area below, complete with fireplace, beautiful furniture,
artwork, and even an Oriental rug. That shouldn't stop you from clowning these guys
out at the first opportunity, however. You'll need to reach the stairs ahead and on the
left to get down there safely, so chug along, killing more and more foes en route.
Destroy another anti-Veil machine ahead before going down the stairs, and seek out
$250 worth of Gold atop a gray-colored crate on your left before heading down
yourself (10/16).

When you reach the ground floor, you'll have more work to do, as a Nazi priest and a
Nazi ghost both appear to support the infantrymen trying to repel your advance. The
two aforementioned enemies are priority one in the upcoming slaughter, especially
the priest and his ability to create shields for his friends (though Empower can easily
overcome that obstacle). When both of those fiends are felled, you can then
concentrate on clearing the rest of this gigantic room of any foes that might be in
your vicinity. Before proceeding up the stairs on the far end of the room to continue
with the primary mission at hand, you'll want to head to the left side of the room and
destroy another anti-Veil device. Then, focus on the fireplace, where a black sun icon
can be seen. Use Veil to cross through the fireplace quickly (to avoid being damaged
significantly by the blazing fire), and then traverse the completely linear set of
corridors on the other side, killing two monsters en route. What you'll end up finding is
a great source of rarer forms of ammunition, in addition to two bags of Gold nearby,
worth $100 each (11/16 & 12/16). You can even shoot a nearby red-glowing tile on the
wall (with Veil equipped) to expose a Tome of Power (1/2).

Now it's time to run up the stairs on the far side of this dining area, so we can
continue the search for Caroline in earnest. As soon as you run up the stairs, things
will likely go black and white for you again. We'll deal with that soon, but in the
meantime, at the top of the stairs, begin clipping the enemies you encounter, and
work your way rightward, in the only direction you can possibly proceed. Here, there's
plenty of cover to use as you snipe enemies at the far side of the hall, taking out yet
another anti-Veil machine there as well. As you continue forward, be sure to search
behind all of the stolen artwork leaning against the walls here, as one of them hides a
$250 bar of Gold for you to acquire (13/16). Then, continue along the corridor, swing
leftward at the fork, and then go rightward through the next door in order to continue.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Seven: Castle (Continued)

As soon as you're through the door, train your rifle at the lone enemy on your left, and
before running leftward yourself, be sure to collect the $100 bag of Gold directly on
your right (14/16). Proceed through the next door you encounter, and you'll hear that
the Nazis are bringing their prisoner, Caroline, up to the roof in order to avoid your
advances. Press rightward down the next hallway, staying crouched to avoid gunfire
from the area below as you deal directly with the enemies in front of you. Collect their
ammunition as you proceed forward. You'll come to a desk on your right and a
staircase leading down on your left. After grabbing the Intel from the desk (3/6),
proceed down the stairs, dealing with more enemies along the way. At the bottom of
the stairs, you'll find an office location on your right with more enemies to clear. As
you press through this room hereafter, don't neglect to grab more Intel by examining
the glowing filing cabinet on your right (4/6).

As you press leftward out of the office, be sure to grab the Intel on the wall on your
left before running rightward to proceed (5/6). When you do, you'll no doubt come
under attack from more SS officers and infantrymen. Press forward towards them, and
shoot leftward down the hallway they were guarding, and then leftward once more. A
trio of soldiers awaits you here. Shoot them all and head down to the shielded door
they were guarding on the right. To lower the shield, simply use the nearby switch,
and then enter a familiar room you've been to before.

Remember this room? It's the dining area of this large castle, a place we fought in
earlier. As was the case outside in the courtyard, you can fight here as little or as
much as you want, because there's a monster running around causing all sorts of
havoc, and there's simply nothing you can do to stop him. If you want to take out a
bunch of soldiers to collect their ammunition, however, then do so. Otherwise, from
the point in which you reenter this chamber, simply dash straight across to an open
doorway that wasn't open earlier. As soon as you pass through, a shield will show up,
both stopping you from going back and stopping the monster and any remaining
soldiers from following you. Work your way leftward down here, grabbing the $250 bar
of Gold from underneath a couple of wooden boxes on your right en route (15/16).
When you finally reach a table rife with ammunition of all sorts, you know you're
headed in the right direction.

After examining the ammunition-filled table, you'll come to a library. Dimly lit and
littered with stacks of books, things may initially seem quiet as you push on through.
But you damn well know that there are enemies here waiting for you, and
unfortunately, they're not of the basic infantry variety. Indeed, as you push through
the stacks to the stairs leading up to the catwalks overlooking the library, you'll be
assailed by multiples of two types of enemies -- Nazi priests and Nazi stealth soldiers.
Both of these guys are completely obnoxious, especially, as you know, the latter
variety. The best technique here is to use the flamethrower on these enemies -- it's
especially potent against stealth soldiers, but will work well against priests as well. Put
yourself into a corner and let the enemies come to you, so you aren't flanked and
killed before you know it. When those threats are nullified, you can then climb up the
stairs and work your way across the second floor. Be sure to grab the final piece of
Intel from a desk on your right en route (6/6).

At the far end of the library's second floor, you'll come across a door that you can use
to continue on with the endgame here at the Castle. The corridor on the other side of
the door will eventually lead to another blue shield that can be lowered with a nearby
lever. You guessed it -- once you cross through where the shield once was, you'll
come back into the large, stately dining room we've now gone through three times.
Thankfully, what you have to do here is pretty clear. Run forward, killing Nazi soldiers
lying in wait, and then, once on the ground floor, work your way to the far side of the
room and the stairs there, where you'll have to fight another wave of Nazis to get
through a doorway they're now guarding that was sealed shut before, but is now

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part Four Part Five Part Six »

Mission Seven: Castle (Continued)

As you bust through this new wave of enemies, you'll eventually be able to cross
through the newly-opened door, and will come to a dark room, with you on a catwalk
overlooking it. Your instincts might tell you to quickly dash down to the far end of the
catwalk, where a doorway will allow you to proceed with the mission at hand. But
actually, if you're interested in another treasure, you're going to want to do something
else entirely. Below you is an office area that we traversed earlier. It's where we found
a staggering three pieces of Intel. But this location has one more valuable to
surrender to you if you know how to get it. Do you see the horizontal support beams
running across the room? Jump onto the one that will lead to a small, isolated room on
the far side of the area, with a hole in the ceiling. Crossing the beam, you can drop
through the hole and find a sealed safe. Examine the safe by following the on-screen
prompt, and once it opens, grab the Tome of Power that sits within (2/2).

With the Tome of Power in hand, you're going to have to do some backtracking to get
to the location you were earlier in, atop the catwalk. Thankfully, enemies don't
respawn, so the journey back to the dining room and up to the second floor should be
a brief one. You'll be back atop that catwalk in no time, and can now journey leftward
through the doorway there to continue. From here, the linear path you need to take is
rather clear. When you reach a dead end, the wall on your right with the sun icon will
prove to be your salvation. Use Veil to get through, and then traverse the passages on
the other side as well. You'll eventually come to a room replete with more ammunition
of all kind, a veritable goldmine of ammunition for virtually all of your weapons. You
can also find the final Gold bag, worth $100, in one of the corners (16/16). When
you're ready, bust through the next set of doors, up the stairs, and through another
door, and a cutscene will ensue.

The boss battle that ensues after the cutscene is actually multi-faceted and two part,
so stay with us for a minute, and you'll know precisely what to do. You'll begin the
battle on a gun turret. There are three other gun turrets in your vicinity. Each "wave"
of the battle will destroy the gun you're currently on and force you to the next one.
The large beast will come at you each time in an identical fashion -- use the turret to
shoot the fleshy areas underneath the beasts head. When he comes at you, keep
firing, and the beast will fall to its side. Shoot the pink-colored egg sacks on the side
of the beast, and then he'll temporarily disappear, sending waves of enemies at you
(they'll be either airborne or ground-based -- simply shoot them to survive). When the
beast returns, he'll destroy the gun, so quickly run to the next corner, mount the gun,
and repeat this process until all four egg sacks are destroyed, which will end the first
wave of the battle. Easy, right?
The second wave begins at a surprising moment, because you'll be teleported back to
the entrance to the castle. Walk towards the entrance point, and this foe will show up
once more, and this time, you'll need to use your conventional weapons -- preferably
a full MP43 -- to bring it down once more. As was the case earlier, shooting its hide or
skin won't do anything, so aim at the fleshy parts underneath the head, the head
itself, and the neck. When it looks like you'll be cornered, the foe will teleport behind
you and the chase will begin once more. The main idea here is to avoid being
damaged while getting off shots when you can. Eventually, the foe will sustain enough
damage that he will fall, at which point you should rush him, follow the on-screen
prompt to plant some explosives on it, and watch the beast's final moments unfold
before your very eyes.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Eight: Air Field

Reaching the Air Field is integral if you want to see the very end of the game. To get
there, you're going to need to head through the western portion of Downtown, where
a truck is waiting to take you to the Air Field, and ultimately, to the Zeppelin flying
overhead, where this whole ordeal can be brought back down to Earth (pardon the
pun). However, you'll first need to find your friend Erik Engle. Do so by following the
on-screen marker over the compass, making sure, of course, that you first have "Find
Erik Engle" activated on your objectives screen. When you run into him, the endgame
truly begins from there.

You'll ultimately be brought out to the western edge of Downtown, where the truck
sits in wait to bring you to the Air Field. Unfortunately, getting to the truck is another
story entirely. As you walk down the quiet street towards the main thoroughfare
ahead, you'll spot a Panzerschreck on your left. While you no doubt have one of your
own already, this should indicate to you that something requiring its use is ahead, and
that something, when you turn left towards the truck's location, is a Nazi tank. Before
engaging it, clear all of the other enemies from this area, and keep moving to avoid
the ever-strafing tank. Then, stand in a secure area and launch rockets at the tank
until it's no more. Ahead and to the left of the tank, you'll find the truck you're
seeking, which will transport you to the Air Field in short order.

When you arrive at the Air Field, you'll automatically be deposited outside of the
truck. The truck itself has smashed through a closed garage door, and will act as your
first piece of cover in this hangar. Thankfully, the only enemy resistance you'll find
here is in the form of a few soldiers on the catwalks above and ahead, and a lone Nazi
priest that will attack you while giving his comrades shields to work with. If you can,
take out the priest first, though using Empower will let your bullets cut through
protective shields like a hot knife through butter, so either way, you have little to
worry about here. Use cover adequately and patiently wait until the six or so enemies
you have to deal with her are slain before starting to move about.

To continue, you're going to need to head to the right, towards the far end of the
hangar from the starting point. However, we have some collectibles that we should
seek out first. The first bag of Gold found here, worth $100, is located ahead and to
the left of the truck, along the near wall (1/21). Grab that, and then look for a truck
nearby that's on ground level. There's a pit underneath the truck so mechanics can
work on it, and it's within this pit that you can find another $100 bag of Gold (2/21).
With those in hand, you can then head to the far side of the hangar and use the stairs
you find through a door to the north to climb up to the catwalk previously occupied by
Nazi grunts.

Of course, before you get to the stairs and the catwalk thereafter, you're going to
have to bust through an auxiliary room full of armed mechanics. Thankfully, these
overall-wearing thugs aren't too much of a challenge to defeat, and there should only
be three of them. Furthermore, once slain, you'll be able to explore the room they
were occupying. On your left, as you move forward, you'll find some Intel (1/8), while
on the right, you'll no doubt run into another $100 sack of Gold (3/23). Once you go
up the stairs, turn left and immediately deal with the flamethrower-wielding enemy
running at you. He must be downed rapidly if you are to survive this encounter.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Eight: Air Field (Continued)

The area to the left, where the flamethrower-wielding enemy ran towards you from, is
where we need to go to proceed. But don't be too hasty! Instead, head towards the
dead end of the catwalk on your right. As you go, you'll no doubt notice a rather
prominent vehicle lift to your left, grounded in the hangar floor below. Believe it or
not, this lift is your ticket to the next collectible. The expanded area of this catwalk,
right in front of the door you used to emerge onto the catwalk in front of you, is the
key. Jump onto the railing surrounding this area jutting out over the hangar below,
and use the added height to jump to the top of the lift. Then, carefully run to the far
side of the lift, where clearly sitting in a precarious location is a silver case. Crack it
open and grab the $250 in Gold from within (4/21).

Backtrack carefully to the catwalk, and swing leftward down the catwalk to an office
on your right. As soon as you try to go through the office, its lone occupant, armed
with an MP40, will begin shooting at you. Quickly take him out, and then explore the
doublewide office you find yourself in. In the first room, you can find a $100 stash of
Gold atop some filing cabinets on your right (5/21). As you press forward into the next
segment of the office, keep an eye out for a desk on your left, which contains another
piece of Intel for you to collect (2/8). However, the Intel isn't likely what got your
attention here. Rather, it's the sheer amount of ammunition that likely got your
attention. It's there for a reason, so stock up one everything you need before bearing
outside via the door on your left. When you see what's waiting for you outside, you'll
be glad all of that ammunition was kindly placed there for you.

Once outside, you're going to be immediately attacked by a detachment of some ten

or twelve Nazi soldiers, accompanied by an ever-obnoxious Nazi priest, creating
shields for his team and forcing you to take him out first, or use Empower to bypass
his abilities. Either way, immediately drop down off of the platform you find yourself
on as soon as you emerge outside, and use a truck below as cover. There are
machinegun nests around you, and even some anti-aircraft guns sitting around, and
you could definitely use those on the enemies here. But chances are, you're going to
be so bogged down by enemy fire that running to one of those guns could prove to be
suicidal. If you want to make it for one of those guns, go for it, but staying behind the
truck while using your own arsenal is your best bet... if you want to survive, that is.

Once the enemy threat here is quelled, it's time to search for some collectibles. Let's
start in the northwest corner of this outdoor area, on the other side from where you
emerged outside initially. You'll find a machinegun nest, with a stationary machinegun
surrounded by a wall of sandbags. Approach the machinegun as if you were going to
use it, and directly underneath it, you'll spot a $100 sack of Gold to acquire (6/21).
Believe it or not, that's the only collectible here. Not even the little hut in the middle
of this area, or any of the doors that lead into extraneous little offices around you
contain anything else worth seeing, so you can ignore them completely. Instead, seek
the side of this outdoor area where five blue shields have been erected. Eliminate
them quickly using Empower, and press through to the other side of this air field. Be
sure the shields are all destroyed, so that if you're forced to fall back in the next fight,
you're not trapped. Worse yet, enemies can use them against you if you do end up
falling back, so make sure to eliminate all of them before proceeding.

As soon as you enter this area, two jetpack-wearing Nazis will attack you from the
skies above. These foes, as you well know by now, are extremely pesky, so fall back
and take them out quickly. Thankfully, neither will take much damage before blowing
up midair. Otherwise, you're going to need to deal with some Nazi officers and
soldiers here, and perhaps most annoyingly of all, more of those small, fast-moving
mutated monsters the Nazis have been sending your way for most of the game. When
all is quiet once more, head to the left end of this tarmac from the point in which you
entered. You'll find a $100 bag of Gold tucked along the far wall near a small sentry
post (7/21). After claiming that, run diagonally across the tarmac to the opposite
point, covered in boxes, crates and other wooden obstacles. Hidden nearby is another
$100 bag of Gold, though you may find it easiest to destroy the boxes around it first
before claiming it (8/21).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Eight: Air Field (Continued)

Near where the eighth stash of Gold was found, you'll find an opening in the wall,
where you can reach an isolated area occupied by a truck, as well as any holdouts
from the early firefight you hadn't yet slain. When all is clear here, there's nothing
much to see or do. What you're looking for is a door ahead and on your right. This
door will lead you into the next building we have to explore. Once you go through the
door, walk to the right and into the next room, and then head right once more. The
staircase you encounter leading upward is the next conduit you need to utilize in
order to proceed with the mission at hand.

As soon as you run up the stairs, you'll find yourself on a catwalk overlooking a
gigantic facility. In the middle of the facility is a rather bizarre Nazi experiment -- a
huge, green-glowing orb with a being seemingly floating in the middle of it. What are
these nutjobs up to? Follow the linear catwalk until you enter a small office full of
controls and primitive computers. As soon as you enter the room, look to your left,
and you'll spot a $100 bag of Gold (9/21). After grabbing that, continue through this
office out of the far door, continue along the catwalk to some stairs leading
downward, and descend them to reach the ground level. When you reach the ground
level and begin running towards the orb, you'll run into a boss battle. Big surprise.
This boss battle can be extremely frustrating. There's a very specific technique you
should utilize here; otherwise, you might end up throwing your controller clear across
the room. The idea behind this battle is a simple one. The woman within the orb
machine ahead of you can spawn those ghastly officer enemies that shoot mystical
energies at you to damage you. One type glows green, the other glows red, and they
employ different techniques. Meanwhile, three electrical generators power the orb
itself and must be destroyed during the course of the battle as well. Your best bet,
therefore, is to identify the three generators and immediately do away with them.
Then, take the four enemies that spawn, one after the other, and deal with them
individually, roving around and using cover as best you can. When the fourth and final
enemy spawns, the female enemy will drop out of the orb to fight you herself. This is
when you should quickly dispatch the fourth of her spawned enemies, and then
quickly toggle to the Leichenfaust 44 to take out the female foe before she gets too
close. She has the ability to do an insane amount of power, so killing her before she
gets near you is key.

Once that battle concludes, believe it or not, there's little else for you to see in this
large hangar. The way out of here is through the door ahead and to the right of the
stairs you descended to arrive to the hangar floor. Once through the door, you can
bear leftward through another doorway to continue, but if you're on the hunt for
collectibles, you'll actually want to go up the stairs on your left, which will lead directly
to an office. In the first office you encounter, you can find some Intel lying around
there (3/8). However, even more can be found if you go through the door out of this
office and follow the catwalk to another office overlooking the hangar where the boss
battle just took place. In here, you'll meet a few Nazi officers you'll need to eliminate,
but once you do, you can find $100 in Gold as well (10/21). With both of those
collectibles in hand, you can then backtrack all the way back to the stairs, where you
can bear through the door into the next, yet-unexplored area.
The room you find yourself in will quickly lead to a door. Once through this next door,
you'll emerge back outside. The only enemy of consequence here is a flamethrower-
wielding enemy that will bust out of the door on your left. Draw him out and kill him
quickly to minimize the ridiculous amount of damage he's capable of doing. Then,
instead of going through the door he came through immediately, instead head to your
right, and through a door into a small, isolated office you find there. In this office, a
lone item of interest lay -- $250 in Gold sitting in a silver case on the floor (11/21).
Once you grab that, you can then backtrack through the door the flamethrower-
wielding enemy came in from. No other enemies are in here, so you have little to
worry about. As you press forward, immediately look left when you come across a
truck, where another $100 bag of Gold can be found on the ground (12/21). After
grabbing that, continue forward to a hatch with a red glow emitting from it. You'll
need to go into this hatch to proceed, but not before grabbing the Intel off of the wall
on your left en route (4/8).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Eight: Air Field (Continued)

When you emerge on the other end of the hatch (the game will load a new map, the
second half of the Air Field location), you can swing leftward. You'll encounter a
staircase leading down, and see at least one soldier walking away from you. Utilize
this opportunity to eliminate him immediately, using the nearby explosive barrel to do
so if you so desire. When you descend the stairs, be sure to claim the $100 bag of
Gold underneath the staircase before proceeding forward down the darkened corridor
ahead (13/21). When you do, you'll encounter another small detachment of SS
soldiers, as well as a flamethrower-wielding thug. Quickly eliminate both of them, and
continue to follow the linear corridor to another staircase leading back up to a new
Before going up this next set of stairs, don't miss out on the Gold, $100 worth, sitting
inconspicuously on your left, directly next to the staircase, nestled against some large
oil tanks (14/21). Then, run up the stairs, and watch as the screen turns gray. You
know what that means -- an anti-Veil device is nearby. More specifically, it's in the
room ahead and on your left. If you're quick, you can eliminate it, as well as the two
enemies within the room with it, right off the bat. Otherwise, you're going to need to
dig in, because droves of enemies will begin to pour in to this area from the far end of
the corridor. Potato mashers have the ability to do plenty of damage here, especially
when supplemented with incessant fire from your MP43. When things quiet down, first
enter the door on your left, where the anti-Veil device was, and do some exploration.
A $100 bag of Gold can be found in this small room (15/21). Then, go back to the
corridor and proceed forward, exploring a room on your right. Rife with ammunition,
this room will also surrender $250 in Gold, which can be accessed from a silver case
on the floor (16/21). Then, when all is quiet, and you've thoroughly scavenged for
needed ammunition, you can descend the stairs on the far side of the corridor to

As soon as you begin making your way down the stairs, a group of four or five SS
soldiers will greet you from ahead. This will almost certainly force you to run back up
the stairs to seek refuge above, though you can deal with them adequately running
head-on towards them, as well. Regardless of how you dispatch them, once you do,
run forward through the hallway they came from, where you'll run into another
staircase leading upward in short order. Before running up the stairs, be sure to find
another well-hidden bag of Gold, worth $100, from within a little alcove directly
underneath the staircase. Then, once up the stairs, run forward into an extremely
dark hangar, where our quest will continue in earnest.
This hangar is crawling with enemies, but since it's dark, you can actually initiate
hostilities rather easily. Move quietly and stay crouched down, and seek out an enemy
ripe for a Kar98-facilitated headshot. Once this is done, chances are, the rest of the
enemies here will be aware of your presence. The real pest in this fight, as usual, is
the Nazi priest roving around his fellow soldiers, giving them shields. So, Empower is
your friend here, though you should use it sparingly, so that you have power when
you really need it. Use cover wisely here, and of course, scour deceased enemies for
needed ammunition. The blue shield on the far end of this room, on the other side of
the high-tech Nazi aircraft, can be downed with a switch atop a catwalk on the far side
of the room. Directly to the left of that switch is some Intel for you to grab as well
(5/8). And if you want yet another $100 bag of Gold, be sure to locate a bag on the
outside of the raised area where the Nazi jet is, on the right side of the ramp leading
upward (18/21). With both of those in hand, you can then leave the room down the
next corridor.

As soon as you enter this next corridor, you'll spot more Intel sitting on a crate to
your left (6/8). Acquire that, and then move forward and to the right, where you'll find
yet another Nazi-occupied corridor that will require some cleaning. There's not a lot of
cover to use here, so you're going to have to work quickly and methodically to get
through here in one piece. Thankfully, your hard work will be rewarded. Instead of
going leftward into the control room you encounter, continue forward to a gray door.
You can't proceed forward from here, but in the right corner along the door, you can
find yet another $100 bag of Gold (19/21).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Mission Eight: Air Field (Continued)

Now it's time to look at the control room on your left, which will contain not one, but
two separate banes of your existence. Not only will you find a Nazi priest here, but
you'll also find some of his obnoxious stealth soldier friends, the ones we first ran into
way earlier in the corridors of the Nazi-controlled hospital. Because the Nazi priest can
theoretically shield these stealth enemies, your best bet is to take him out quickly
with Empower. In fact, using Empower will allow you to see and quickly cut down the
stealth soldiers as well. If these guys are bothering you, the same technique we used
earlier still applies here -- get yourself into a corner so that they can't flank you, and
wait for them to come towards you. When all is quiet, be sure to grab the Intel from a
desk on the raised section of the laboratory, and then press through the door on the
far side to continue (7/8).

As soon as you enter this next hallway, you'll be forced leftward, where you'll
encounter yet another detachment of elite SS soldiers. These guys will require you to
use whatever scant cover is around you in order to protect yourself from the incessant
gunfire coming at you from the far side of the corridor. Be certain that you grab the
Gold, $100 worth, from the right side of the corridor as you move forward (20/21).
Eventually, your screen will turn gray once more, and you might find yourself at a
loss, since a blue shielded barrier keeps you from the room with the anti-Veil device
on your right. The idea is to stand on the far end of the corridor, directly in front of the
shielded door. Use Empower to shoot the anti-Veil device, as well as the red explosive
barrel within the confines of that entrapped room. This will damage, but not destroy,
the shielded door's mechanism, forcing it to flicker every now and then. This should
be a familiar quandary for you -- use Mire to get through the door when it flickers, and
you can then emerge from the other side of this small room.

This next room seems vacant, but as you'll soon learn, it's anything but. The only way
out of this room is via an elevator, but it hasn't yet arrived. What will arrive as you
traverse this room is groups of enemies out for blood, coming from both behind the
shielded door, and from various corridors around the room -- some will even pour in
from the very elevator you'll need to reach the area above. Your primary concerns
here are the two Nazi priests that arrive on the scene, who can easily shield the
flamethrower-equipped enemy, and all other lesser foes as well. This is, of course, in
addition to their devastating attacks. Thankfully, this room will represent the final
close-quarters melee you'll have to deal with at the Air Field, so once you're able to
access the elevator, thank your lucky stars. You're almost out of here.

We say almost, because we still have to get onto the Zeppelin parked nearby to begin
Wolfenstein's endgame. There's good news to be found too, though. As soon as you
arrive where the elevator deposits you, you'll see a familiar face in front of you, a
black market vendor. And better yet, sitting on the ground near him is a silver case
containing $500 in Gold, the final monetary haul you'll find in the entire game
(21/21). Utilize this opportunity to make any last minute purchases you need to make,
as this represents the absolute final time you'll get to upgrade your weapon. So if
you've been hording money for no reason, now's the time to spend all of that cash.
When you're done, you can then emerge in the gigantic Zeppelin hangar ahead,
where a rather robust batch of enemies await.

Getting to the far side of the hangar is somewhat of a no-brainer, but in premise, it's a
lot harder than it seems. The approach you need to take here is a patient, methodical
one. You can initiate hostilities here, preferably with the two gun-wielding mechanics
on your right, but after that, anything can happen. As you cross the catwalk ahead to
the far end of the hangar, you'll encounter all sorts of nasty enemies. Try to prime
your entrance to the far side of the hangar with potato mashers, which should fell a
majority of the enemies you encounter. Then, work your way rightward to some stairs
leading up. Ultimately, you need to head to the very top of the stairs, to a room full of
primitive controls and computers. Using a control here, you can lower a bridge leading
to the Zeppelin, which allows you to begin Wolfenstein's endgame in earnest.
However, getting to this spot is tough, because you'll find yourself getting shot from
all angles. Move slowly, use Veil powers when necessary, and keep an eye out for any
wily enemies taking potshots at you. And absolutely, positively don't neglect to grab
the Intel from a control panel to the right of the control that lowers the bridge to the
Zeppelin before leaving (8/8).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission Nine: Zeppelin

At the outset of this mission, you won't begin within the confines of the Nazi Zeppelin
itself. Rather, you'll start atop a smaller blimp that's been sent up to resupply the
Zeppelin. This blimp's outer deck is occupied by a few airmen that have absolutely no
idea you're there. So, with the help of your scoped Kar98, you should be able to get
out a few headshots without the enemy being any wiser as to your position.
Thankfully, there are only a few thugs around you, and your time on this supply blimp
will be short-lived. As soon as you can, veer rightward over a ramp connecting to the
Zeppelin itself, at which point the supply ship will fly off, stranding you on this Nazi
aircraft. And it's quite hostile, indeed.

Truth be told, you can clear out a considerable amount of early resistance from the
Zeppelin itself by shooting down on it from the supply blimp, but it's not entirely
necessary. If that makes you feel more comfortable however, find a good piece of
cover and begin shooting down on the enemies on the Zeppelin. Then, move across
the bridge. Either way, once you're on the Zeppelin and the supply blimp has taken
off, you can deal with any residual enemies in your vicinity, and then swing leftward
down another ramp, where more enemies can be engaged in battle.

As you go down this ramp, have your weapon at the ready. Plenty of soldiers are
working their way around boxes and crates below, and you'll need to take care of
them quickly. However, the biggest threat will bust through the right wall as soon as
you go down the ramp. This heavily-armed soldier, as you know by now, is a force to
be reckoned with. Kill him the old-fashioned way, or shoot the devices on his
shoulders and back to force his suit to explode. Either way, once he's felled, you can
then take care of any remaining adversaries before bearing rightward through the
hole in the wall the armored soldier earlier created. As you do, be sure to grab the
Intel sitting on a box ahead of you and to the right (1/9).

From here, you can press forward and down a short staircase on your right. In fact,
from here, you can follow a lengthy, linear series of corridors and staircases leading
ever-downward into the depths of the Zeppelin. And better yet, while you're following
this linear series of corridors and staircases, you won't run into any hostile enemies.
Sure, you may run into a defenseless scientist or two, but no one wielding a gun. So
for the time being, all will be quiet. However, when you emerge in a room with a more
wide-open area on your left, you're going to run into a fairly large detachment of
enemies, so get ready for a battle. And before you fight, be absolutely certain you
grab the Intel from the wall just to the right of the previous doorway (2/9).

As you assault the enemies traversing the series of catwalks on your left, you should
do so with an automatic weapon, like an MP43. The reason for this is actually simple --
the soldiers here walk lockstep with one another in a tight group, so you can spray the
group with your assault rifle and theoretically take them all out at once without them
having the chance to respond. If you aren't able to do this, a wrench is going to be
thrown in the wheels of your plan, not only because the enemies will scatter behind
cover, but because they will be helped by the nearby Nazi priest, who you will also
have to take out. Either way, this contingent of enemies will be downed before long.
As you go along the catwalk, you can head leftward to continue, but not quite yet. In
order to ultimately proceed in that direction, you must first get the elevator to appear
in that shaft. And we know just how to do that.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission Nine: Zeppelin (Continued)

Instead of heading left for the time being, go forward and to the right. This will lead to
an isolated little control room. Before you reach the control room proper, be sure to
snag the Intel sitting on a gray box to your right (3/9). Then, move forward into the
actual control room, where two Nazi scientists can be found. You can let them live if
you want (though we couldn't resist killing them), but what's most important is that
you place an explosive charge on the control panel they're fiddling around with. This
will cause an explosion to occur, which will alert some Nazis below that you might be
in their vicinity. They'll ride up the elevator down the other path off of the catwalk to
investigate, at which point you can quickly dispatch them, and then take the elevator
back down in order to continue.

As soon as you've descended down the elevator, you'll see a lone soldier in front of
you. Cap him quickly, which will alert the myriad other enemies around that you're
here. Stay atop the staircase if you can, which provides you an advantageous position
from which to fire down on enemies below. Eventually, however, you'll be forced to
move forward along the catwalks jutting around the Zeppelin's engines. You'll deal
with standard soldiers, armed mechanics, SS soldiers and officers here, as well as a
lone flamethrower-wielding enemy. Once you've dealt with these foes, using the
sparse cover around as adequately as you can, you can move forward through the
door ahead to reenter the Zeppelin. As for those huge gun emplacements around you,
it's unclear at this point what they do, if anything.

Once through the door and back inside the Zeppelin, arm yourself with an assault rifle
and keep an eye out on the door ahead. Enemies will stream out of this door in
droves, and if you're quick, you can mow a vast majority of them down before they're
able to split off to the various cover all around them. There's a Nazi priest in their
midst, as well as another flamethrower-wielding enemy, so keep a careful eye out for
both of those enemies, and fell them as soon as they make themselves seen. Then,
whatever enemies got away from your initial butchering should be tracked down and
killed as well. You can use more huge gun emplacements here for help if you want,
but it's not even remotely necessary. When all is quiet, collect needed ammunition
from downed foes, and then press through the door ahead, being sure to collect the
Intel on your right en route (4/9).

You'll now be back outside, on another series of catwalks. Again, there are stationary
machinegun emplacements all around you, and this time, you're going to have to use
them. On either side of the Zeppelin, you'll find three or four of those pesky jetpack-
using enemies flying around and shooting at you. Apparently, these guys have no
qualms with damaging their own Zeppelin if it means finally taking you out. You'll
need to use the gun on the middle tier at both ends of the Zeppelin to completely
obliterate them. Then, when all is quiet, use the guns on the lower tier to aim at the
engines -- two per side -- and shoot them until all four engines are disabled. That
takes care of one of our more pressing objectives, but of course, it leaves us open for
even more fun thereafter.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission Nine: Zeppelin (Continued)

Climb the central staircase leading off of the catwalks to the door at the very top. This
door was locked earlier, but now that the engines are disabled, angry Nazi soldiers will
bust out of the door to engage you in battle. In addition to hardened SS soldiers, you'll
be dealing with one of those agile female soldiers who will cut you up if you aren't too
careful. When all is quiet, pass through the door your enemies emerged through. To
down the barrier ahead, use the switch on your left. Then, as you pass into the next
room, with a gigantic portal within, you'll watch a lengthy cutscene. It appears
someone you trust has indeed betrayed you. Big surprise.
Following the cutscene, you'll regain control of your character. You won't be able to go
leftward for very long, so instead, head rightward. What you'll encounter from here is
a series of linear rooms and corridors, one after the other, that will lead closer and
closer to your ultimate destination. You'll encounter some scientists en route, so
again, do what you will with them. However, when you reach a room full of a couple of
scientists and some soldiers, you'll know you're in the right place. Dispatch the threats
you encounter, and then move forward to the door on the far side of the room, being
sure you gather the Intel sitting on the far side of the room en route (5/9).

As you go down the next hallway, you'll ultimately find yourself in an isolated segment
of a large hangar. To get there, however, you'll need to use your Shield power to get
through some broken electrical lines without getting fried. Once on the other side, go
rightward, and you'll find a door blocked by a blue barrier on your right. This should
be yet another familiar quandary for you. Use Empower and shoot the barely-visible
red barrel on the far side of the door, which will detonate and fry the door's control
unit. Once you proceed, you can then head either right or left and through a door to
reach the hangar proper. We have to destroy some Nazi aircraft, and look at that,
those planes are right before your very eyes.

Eliminating these new Nazi aircraft seems more complicated than it actually is. You
don't have to, nor can you, drop them all individually. Instead, you'll need to focus on
dropping them en masse from a control unit at the far end of the hangar. Getting to
that control unit, of course, is another story entirely. The catwalks that crisscross in
and out of the various areas of the hangar, surrounding all of the planes, have plenty
of Nazi resistance to deal with. However, considering the size and scope of the room,
this area isn't as staunchly guarded as you may have thought. Indeed, once you've
eliminated the lone Nazi priest in the enemies' midst, they'll fall rather easily. You can
then storm the control room at the back end of the hangar, where a switch will glow,
letting you know you've found what you're looking for. Hit the switch, and watch as
the Nazi airplanes are dropped from the belly of the Zeppelin to the Earth far below.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Mission Nine: Zeppelin (Continued)

After heading through the back door out of the control room where the Nazi planes
were dropped, you'll find yourself in a corridor completely devoid of enemies. You can
run straight down to the elevator ahead, which will allow you to proceed with your
mission, but don't neglect to explore the tiny closet on your left en route. It's half-
open door will reveal a huge store of weapons and ammunition, allowing you to refill
virtually all of your spent weapon ammo in one place. There's also Intel in here if
you're collecting those (6/9). After raiding that room, continue onward to the
aforementioned elevator, and flip the switch to take it down to the floor below. You'll
be deposited in some sort of room where nefarious plans are being hatched, full of
Nazi officers, soldiers, and a couple of ever-pesky Nazi priests. You know what to do
by now, but unfortunately, there's little reliable cover to use here, making this battle a
difficult one. Work quickly if you can, and don't be afraid to use potato mashers. And
don't neglect to grab the Intel from the central table here, either (7/9).

After grabbing the Intel, you have to go forward and then wrap back around to the
side of the room -- either side -- to continue onward. Eventually, you'll go through
another door, back outside, and then back inside to another hangar, all the while
running into no enemies. But as soon as you walk into this hangar, expect your luck to
change, because there will be plenty of enemies to deal with here. The idea in the
early-going is to lower the bridges in front of you to proceed down one conduit. The
labyrinthine catwalks will oft lead to dead ends that can't be gotten around, even with
the help of a switch or two. Thus, you're going to have to navigate your way back and
forth as you move forward, all the while dealing with enemies both in front of you and
above you. You'll also have to deal with more Nazi priests. Before going through either
door on the far side of the hangar, be sure you don't leave the area without grabbing
the nearby Intel, which can be found on the left side of the hangar as you move back,
forth, and forward (8/9).

You'll finally end up in the room you earlier spotted, the one with the huge
dimensional portal in the middle. When you arrive in the room, however, the few
soldiers that are initially guarding the area will shut the machine down and begin to
fire on you. They'll take up positions on machinegun nests guarded by blue shields
flanking the location of the portal, so use Empower to quickly eliminate them. Then,
run up to their position and destroy the shields and machineguns so the inevitable
reinforcements that will arrive can't use them. Then, go rightward into the office you
find there, where you can acquire the game's very last piece of Intel (9/9), as well as
a switch that you must use in order to proceed.

Upon flipping that switch, expect all hell to break loose. All sorts of enemies, from
basic soldiers and officers, to SS soldiers and officers, to agile female enemies,
ghastly enemies, heavily-armored enemies, Nazi priests, and even a stealth soldier or
two will all show up at this time. Your first order of business is to flip the switch
directly in front of the portal, which will activate it and let you access the actual last
mission in the game. But first, you have to survive this ordeal. Your best bet is to hide
in one of the control rooms flanking the portal, like the one where the first switch was
flipped. This will let enemies come to you, and you can mow them down as you arrive.
Don't be afraid to use your big weapons here, as the game rarely gets much harder
than it does during this particular scenario. Once the coast is clear, you can then head
to the portal and follow the on-screen prompt to enter The Black Sun Dimension,
where you can put an end to this madness once and for all.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Mission Ten: The Black Sun Dimension

Time spend in the Black Sun Dimension before the final boss will be brief. And
thankfully, you won't have to deal with any lesser enemies en route to your
destination, so you can holster that firearm of yours. Move forward and down the
stairs towards yet another portal ahead. Don't neglect to search the area on your right
for all of the ammunition you could possibly want, for all of your weapons. Be sure
each weapon is locked and loaded, and then move forward to the portal and head on
to the other side. Here, you'll watch a cutscene. After watching it, the final boss battle
will begin in earnest.

The first part of the boss battle is a tricky one, though you can easily survive if you
follow our simple techniques. Your target will be at the center of a circular area, and
since he has a Veil-equipped device just like you, he can erect a shield around him
that will require your use of Empower to get through it. Meanwhile, moving pieces of
the portal will circle around in both a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. These
pieces have more power for your Veil when needed, and also act as awesome cover if
you choose to run alongside them. This will take a while if you choose to use
conventional firearms, so we recommend cutting to the chase, equipping Empower
and your Panzerschreck, and launching rocket after rocket at him until he falls to his
knees. It's at this point that your character will do the unthinkable. Run towards your
foe and follow the on-screen prompt, and BJ will sacrifice his own ability to use Shield
to destroy his adversary's skill to use the same, seemingly leveling the playing field.

This leaves you with only Empower, Mire and regular old Veil for the second leg of this
fight, which will take place at a circular area full of debris, with random obstructions,
like gigantic clock gears, stopping you from moving around freely. Although it doesn't
seem that you can, you can indeed rove around the center of this area as well as
around its outer circumference. In fact, you're encouraged to do so, since there's
more cover for you to utilize within the confines of the central area. Your adversary
will teleport around and shoot at you from multiple angles, and when he loses you,
he'll find you in short order. Use the on-screen markers that let you know what
direction you're being shot from to locate him quickly, and use the Particle Cannon to
damage him. The Particle Cannon is the best weapon to use here, because your
enemy will only stay put for a second or two. This weapon will both maximize the
damage dealt to him in addition to tracking him slightly when he moves away. When
he's taken enough damage, he'll again fall to his knees. Run up to him and follow the
on-screen prompts once more. This time, BJ will sacrifice his ability to use Mire to
eliminate his enemy's ability to use the same.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Mission Ten: The Black Sun Dimension (Continued)

Now, all you're left with is Empower and Veil, but thankfully, for the upcoming part
you'll require neither. You'll take a fall to an area far below, but don't worry, because
the game won't kill you because of this fall. Rather, they'll slow you down and allow
you to take some damage, but not a fatal amount. After gathering more needed
ammunition from under the random tent here, equip the Panzerschreck and begin
moving up the linear ramp ahead. You'll eventually spot your adversary far ahead,
standing atop a spire. Shoot him with the Panzerschreck once, and he'll move to a
new location. Keep an eye above as you continue forward and shoot two rockets at
the red-glowing area to knock some rocks down, sending your adversary falling again.
Then, proceed forward again from there until you reach a secret ladder, seen
automatically now that you're in the Black Sun Dimension.

Before climbing the ladder, equip your Flammenwerfer. This is the best weapon to use
against the droves of Nazi monsters unleashed at you ahead. In fact, it's the only
weapon even remotely logical to use. Droves and droves of these enemies will come
at you as you move up the next ramp, so keep on using that flamethrower to repel the
enemies' advances. Then, when you spot your primary adversary again, equip the
Panzerschreck and do away with him. We're almost done here -- there's only one leg
of this battle left to conquer on this journey through the Black Sun Dimension.

The final leg of the mission will pit you against your adversary once more, but this
time around, the battle won't last too long. Equip your Panzerschreck and begin firing
at him as soon as you identify his location. Be sure to use cover adequately, though,
because he will truly go for broke here, with complete disregard for his own safety.
Four or five well-aimed rockets is all it will take to eliminate him from here. Be careful,
though. Even though this is by far the easiest leg of the final battle, if you die, you'll
be transported back to where you first had to use the Flammenwerfer. So, while the
game was quite forgiving up to this point by saving after each leg of the endgame, it
won't be so kind this time around. When your enemy takes a knee once more, BJ will
sacrifice his Veil unit to kill his foe once and for all. Then, you'll need to quickly dash
back to the portal once you're deposited back near the beginning of the Black Sun
Dimension, where the game's ending will take place.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest One: SS Headquarters

The SS Headquarters is the destination of this aptly-named side quest. When you get
this side quest, the location will appear on your map, so follow the star icon over your
compass to get there painlessly. When you arrive at the entrance of the building,
you'll know you're in the right place. There are huge swastika banners hanging from
the building. Go through the initial set of doors, and then attempt to go through the
next set of doors into the headquarter building itself. At this point, a cutscene will take
place. You'll witness a Nazi hostage being interrogated. After the cutscene, you'll then
regain control, so head through that door again with your gun at the ready. It's time to
cap some Nazis.

As soon as you go through the second set of double doors, have your firearm at the
ready, preferably your souped-up Kar98, and take out the lone SS officer behind the
semi-circular desk ahead. Then, hold your ground, as about three or four more SS
soldiers will pour through the door on your left (you'll hear them screaming, letting
you know that they're coming). When you've felled them, all threats in your
immediate vicinity should be nullified. But before you proceed down the corridor they
were guarding, hop over the desk or go through the door on your right. Either way,
when you access the small office area behind the desk, you can find two collectibles,
and thankfully, they're right next to one another. Look left, with your back facing the
front door, and you'll see a filing cabinet. Examine the cabinet by following the on-
screen prompt and you'll acquire some Intel (1/4). Then, grab the $100 bag of Gold
sitting atop that very same filing cabinet (1/7).

Now, backtrack to the entrance and dash through the door on your left. There are no
doubt going to be more SS officers and soldiers streaming down the corridor towards
you, so again, keep your firearm at the ready. Head down the corridor, and instead of
heading up the stairs at the end of the hallway, turn rightward, and then leftward to
enter an isolated office. In addition to some women clerks that for some reason you
can't kill, you'll find any last vestiges of Nazi resistance on this floor here. It's
extremely important that you clear this room before heading up the aforementioned
stairs, because if you don't, they'll have the potential to flank you later on.
Unfortunately, however, there's nothing of interest for you to find in here.

Run up the stairs to the second floor. You'll run into even more black-clothed SS
officers and grunts up here, coming at you from rooms on both the right and the left.
While there are collectibles to find, your best bet for the time being is to try and draw
out as many enemies in your vicinity as possible, which will make your life much
simpler as you clear these rooms. Run around, open doors, and draw out foes,
gunning them down when they appear. When all seems quiet, return to the top of the
staircase, and while facing the stairs, go to the left. The isolated office on the other
side of the door you find there should be cleared of foes at this point. However, you
can find $100 worth of Gold sitting on a desk at the far end of the room (2/7), and in
one of the corners, another glowing filing cabinet will surrender more Intel for you
once examined (2/4).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest One: SS Headquarters (Continued)

While facing the staircase leading back to the first floor, this time, we implore you to
head rightward. As long as you cleared these rooms of enemies earlier, as we
recommended, you won't have any issues here, though you should keep your gun at
the ready in case any stray Nazis show themselves. Walk through the first door you
encounter on your left. There's nothing of interest in this room except for the
seemingly-innocent closet door at the left end of the room. Go through the closet, and
you'll find a ladder leading up to the building's attic. Here, you can find an anti-Veil
device that must be destroyed, so do that. But before heading back down to the
second floor, be sure to scour the attic for a glowing safe. Once examined, said safe
will give up $250 worth of Gold (3/7).

Once back down in the office, leave through either door and head to the small
perpendicular hallway stretching out to the far end of the corridor. Two doors will
greet you here, one on your right and one on your left. Ignore the door on your right
completely, as there's nothing at all of interest in there. Instead, head through the
door on your left, which again, should be vacated of any enemy presence. Grab the
Gold, worth $100, off of the desk on your left (4/7), and examine yet another filing
cabinet at the far end of the office to find even more Intel (3/4). Then, go back into
the room where the ladder leading up to the attic was found. On the right side of this
room, you'll see a sun icon. With the anti-Veil device in the attic disabled, you can now
use Veil to head on through to the adjacent room, which has a door leading out to the
hallway which is locked. In here, slay the lone officer, and claim the map off of the
bulletin board.

It's now time to make our great escape, and while you can head back through the
front door, doing so will force you to miss out on all sorts of valuables. So, run back
down the hallway with your firearm at the ready, and begin to truck down the stairs to
the first floor. When you begin running down the stairs, expect to meet a huge
contingent of angry SS officers. You can prime your walk down the stairs with a potato
masher or two if you so desire, but ultimately, it will be smart and slick gunplay that
will win the day for you. Instead of heading back to the front door once back on the
first floor, swing towards that office area at the back end of the first floor. We cleared
this room earlier, but now the SS have occupied it once more. Thankfully, the doors
leading out of the room are now open.
Unfortunately, there's bad news too, because that office is now filled with Nazis. After
all, how do you think those doors were opened in the first place? Nonetheless, you
should know what to do at this point. Find a good piece of cover and eliminate all
threats. Then, search for the first door closest to the entrance to the office on your
left. In this small closet, you can find a silver case, within which is $500 worth of Gold
(5/7). After acquiring that, look for the only other door leading out of here to the left.
This will lead to another small office that may or may not have Nazis looking for you,
depending on how thorough you were in clearing the reinforcements earlier. In this
room, you can find the final piece of Intel (4/4) and $100 worth of Gold (6/7), both
sitting on nearby desks. And finally, if you use the only door out of that room, you'll
find stairs that descend into a dark basement. Searching this basement will allow you
to use a manhole to escape the SS Headquarters, but be certain you scour the dark
areas of the basement first. When you do, you should stumble upon a barely-visible
silver case which contains $500 worth of Gold (7/7).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Two: SS Paranormal Base

After heading through the SS Headquarters and finding the map there, you'll now
know where some resistance prisoners are being held, which is key, since you're now
going to go free them. After speaking with your connection at the predetermined
location following the successful storming of the SS Headquarters, you're then free to
head to your next destination, which is the SS Paranormal Base. Getting there is
simple enough; just follow the on-screen star indicator hovering over your compass,
and seek out an entrance high above the city, with a ladder funneling in to the
compound itself.

Once you drop inside, have your firearm-of-choice, preferably a Kar98 or MP43, at the
ready. Head forward and turn to the left, where a staircase leading up will
immediately strike your field of view. Above you is the first of three prisoners we have
to free from this location, but the prisoner is heavily guarded by about four SS
soldiers, with a couple of more shooting down at your position from a staircase to the
right of the prisoner. To the right of the staircase leading up towards the prisoner is a
$100 bag of Gold (1/10), so grab that and then run up the stairs with your gun
blazing. Fell the enemies around the prisoner, as well as the soldiers shooting down
from the top of the nearby staircase. Then, free the prisoner, following the on-screen
prompt to do so. Before jetting up the stairs on your right to continue on our quest, be
sure to grab the barely-visible Intel from a large crate on your left (1/4). Also, to grab
the only Tome of Power found here, use Veil and look down the stairs you just came
up. A red tile should be directly in front of it -- shoot it and claim your prize (1/1).
Run up the staircase, and then turn around and run up another one. Keep your
weapon at the ready, because as you emerge in this next room, you're certainly going
to need it. In addition to more SS soldiers and officers, you're going to encounter a
Nazi priest, as well as one of those elusive female Nazi soldiers who use stealth and
strike quickly and brutally. Thankfully, the latter foe takes very little damage to
defeat, but as usual, the priest should be your priority, because his ability to create
protective barriers for other soldiers is obnoxious. Once you've quelled the havoc
immediately around you, you're going to need to climb the stairs to your left to
proceed. But before doing that, be certain you grab the two bags of Gold next to the
stairs, worth $100 each (2/10 & 3/10).

Depending on how thorough you were in clearing this larger area of enemies before
grabbing the two pieces of Gold we just referred you to, you may have to deal with
some more residual Nazi forces as soon as you climb the stairs. Below you and to the
left is some sort of supernatural Nazi altar. Go ahead and use the nearby staircase to
climb down to the altar. Along the wall directly across from it, you'll find a $100 bag of
Gold (4/10). Grab that, and then run back up the stairs and, with your back facing the
way you came, go through the door on your right. Here, you'll find another strange
sight -- a dead woman in lingerie sitting in the middle of a strange design etched into
the floor. At this point, Nazis in the surrounding rooms will come out and storm your
position, so sit tight and deal with the threat presented, scouring dead bodies for any
need ordnance once things calm down.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Two: SS Paranormal Base (Continued)

Stay in the room with the dead woman when all is calm. With your back facing the
way you came in, go through the door on your right. In this well-lit, isolated room, you
can find $500 worth of Gold stored in a silver case on a shelf to your right (5/10).
Backtrack out of that room now and go through the only other door out of here, which
leads to a room with nothing of interest in it. However, branching off of this room to
your left is a dark, isolated office, where barely-visible Intel can be found on a desk
(2/4), as well as $100 in Gold (6/10).

With all of those collectibles in hand, go back to the room with the dead woman and
run up the stairs. The catwalk you come to will bring you back to an area overlooking
the previous room. Ignore the area ahead and to the right, and instead, run leftward,
going through the very first door on the left you encounter. In here, you'll run into
more Nazi resistance, but nothing you haven't seen before (and thus, nothing you
can't handle). Once the enemy threat is nullified, free the prisoner sitting in this room.
You've now freed two of the three prisoners located here. Once you've done that, you
can then scour the room for a couple of collectibles. Along one wall, you'll find a
glowing filing cabinet. Examine it by following the on-screen prompt, and you'll find
some Intel to add to your ever-growing collecting of documents (3/4). And
underneath a desk along another wall, you can find a typical $100 bag of Gold simply
waiting to be acquired (7/10).

Walk out of that room when you're done freeing the prisoner and collecting goods,
and walk forward along the near wall towards the only yet-unexplored location in this
building. As you move forward, you'll come across a door, but don't go through it yet!
There's a $250 piece of Gold below you (8/10), sitting atop one of the gigantic crates
sitting there, but you need to jump down to it. There doesn't seem to be another way
to get it, so once you jump on top of the crate and claim your prize, you'll need to do
some backtracking to get back to where you were. Thankfully, if you were thorough in
clearing all of the enemies up to this point, you should run into no resistance
whatsoever. When you get back to where you were, press through into the next room
and claim another obviously-sitting $100 bag of Gold (9/10). We're almost done here.
As you bear rightward into the next room, you'll find any remaining Nazi soldiers, a
Nazi priest, and the final prisoner you have to free. You may have actually already
cleared this room of enemies from the relative safety of the catwalk, but if you
haven't, get ready to do so at this time. Once all is quiet, free the prisoner. Then,
before bearing out of the next door to leave this building, be sure to search a desk in
the corner along the windows looking into the office. By examining the desk itself,
you'll find the final piece of Intel located here (4/4), and in addition, your final $100
sack of Gold, as well (10/10).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Three: Warehouse

In Midtown West, you'll find a man fatigued from battle. When you speak with him at
the turn of a staircase leading both upward and downward, he'll plead with you to
help him out. It seems that the Nazis have stowed some important documents at a
warehouse nearby, and he desperately needs you to go to the warehouse yourself to
follow up. Agree to do just that. When you're ready to head over there, be sure your
active objective is the Warehouse, so that the star icon hovering over your compass
will direct you to the proper place. Then, simply follow the compass and enter the
warehouse to begin this side quest in earnest.

The initial room you get to search in the warehouse will be completely devoid of
enemies, so you have little to worry about off the bat. You can search all you want,
but this room only contains one collectible for you to grab, though it is quite the
collectible indeed. $500 worth of Gold can be found in a silver case at the bottom of a
shelf ahead and to your left (1/7). After claiming that, you can then head leftward
through the door and go up the stairs you encounter to the next floor. You'll
immediately run into a detachment of four or five Nazi grunts, so immediately take
them out. The first room you encounter on the second floor will contain Intel, which
you should grab by examining the filing cabinet on your right before continuing
onward (1/4).

Head through the corridor on the left and follow it through another door (be sure to
snag the Gold, worth $100, tucked in between the desks on your right en route
through (2/7). You'll now find yourself on a catwalk overlooking the initial room we
traversed when entering the warehouse. Ahead of you, you should find two more Nazi
grunts -- these guys represent the final enemy resistance you'll meet in this building.
Once you've downed them, head up the catwalk and to the left. You'll see a switch on
your left and a door on your right. Go through the door and enter the dark office to
find $100 worth of Gold sitting in a bag leaning against a wall (3/7), and then flip the
nearby switch. This will open the large loading door back on the first floor, which will
allow you to proceed on with the mission. You can either go back downstairs
manually, or just jump over the railing to get there rapidly. When you approach the
door leading outside, you'll witness a cutscene, and then shortly thereafter regain

There's actually a couple of ways you can proceed from here, but we've found a
specific technique to be, by far, the most effective. The door you want to head
through is the wide open loading door behind the truck in the middle of this small
outdoor area. As soon as you head inside, Nazi officers and soldiers will attack you en
masse, both from within that room, as well as through the door immediately to your
left. As a result, you'll need to find a safe place with lots of cover as you deal with
droves of enemies. Once the room is cleared, you can set your sights exclusively on
the door where enemies stream out of. You can shoot 'em like fish in a barrel here;
just be patient and let as many enemies as you can stand run through the door. It will
make the rest of your excursion much, much easier.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Three: Warehouse (Continued)

When you're ready, run through the door you were just shooting streams of Nazis
through, and run up the stairs you encounter there. At the top of the stairs, you'll
immediately be greeted with some options. There should be a door on your right, and
a door straight ahead of you. Start by going through the door on your right, straight
through the next room, and through another door to emerge outside on an isolated
catwalk. Go forward along this catwalk and go rightward at the end of it to enter a
room with no enemies, but with two collectibles within. The glowing filing cabinet,
once examined, will surrender to you some Intel (2/4), while a blatantly-sitting bag of
Gold can also be found in this room, worth $100 (4/7). With those in hand, backtrack
back down the catwalk, and back into the first room.

Before you go forward back to the room where the stairs deposited you, go leftward
through a yet-unexplored door (if your back is facing the catwalk). You'll have to
descend some stairs, but thankfully, any soldier occupying this room should have
already been taken out in the earlier fray. The office you end up in contains not only
more Intel in a glowing filing cabinet (3/4), but it also contains $500 worth of Gold as
well (5/7). To get the gold, simply seek out a silver case along the bottom of a shelf,
where it can be easily obtained. With both of those in hand, you can then go back to
the room where the staircase deposited you onto the second floor, and this time, head
forward through the only yet-unexplored door in your vicinity.

As soon as you enter this next room, chances are you've already cleared the room
completely of enemies in earlier combat. So, all should still be quiet (we told you it
would be worth it if you waited for enemies on the first floor to come to you!) As soon
as you enter the room, immediately turn leftward. There's a desk along the wall.
Crouch down and search under the desk, and you'll find the mission's final piece of
Intel (4/4). After grabbing that, run to the far side of the room and grab the bag of
Gold sitting there, worth $100 (6/7). Then, proceed into the next room. You'll
eventually find yourself in an extremely crowded space. To continue, crouch down and
duck in between the large wooden boxes in the room. Crawling through, be sure to
grab the $100 sack of Gold tucked in an alcove on your left (7/7). At the far end of the
linear path through the crates, you'll see a black sun icon on the ground. Use Veil to
drop through the floor. Your now back on the first floor, in a caged-off area you
couldn't access earlier. Open the glowing safe here to retrieve the documents you
came here for in the first place.
Now, it's time to make your great escape. To do so, you need to get back to the
corridor and door you used to enter this area in the first place, which is easy enough
in premise, but not when you're being assaulted by seemingly endless amounts of
soldiers coming at you from just about every angle. When you're outside, you'll be
shot at from the balconies above. When you run into the warehouses, you'll be
confronted by large groups of enemies. There's really no escaping the fray here, no
matter how hard you try. So, before you book it to the nearest door, with your
codebook and collectibles in hand, be sure to thin out the enemy presence first. It will
help you out tremendously in surviving this side quest's rather frantic endgame.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Four: Officer's Mansion

This side quest will follow the side quest at the Nazi Warehouse. After getting the
codebook there, you'll be ordered to speak with a "partisan" who will give you further
instructions. Having the codebook is all well and good, but it's still completely illegible.
The key to reading the codebook is at a local Nazi officer's estate, and that's where
going to head now. As usual, follow the on-screen prompt while running around
Midtown West to locate the entrance to the house. The star icon over your compass
will guide you. It's really that simple

As soon as you enter this rather stately home, it's immediately time to get down to
business. Before you even begin to go after collectibles and go about the main
objectives here, it's in your best interest to run around the top floor and lure out all of
the enemies around you. As soon as you initiate hostilities, all Nazi soldiers on the first
floor, as well as many from the second floor and above, will begin streaming towards
your location. This, as usual, works to your advantage, because it allows you to clear a
majority of this house of any hostile elements immediately. This will make things
much quieter for you later. So, stay in the room with the stairs leading upward, and let
the enemies come to you. Seek cover when necessary, and patiently wait for any
stragglers that may be late to the party.

When things appear to have gotten permanently quiet (well, for the time being
anyway), we can start searching for collectibles. Let's start with the first floor. From
the staircase, work back a room to the right, go forward towards the locked-up front
entrance, and then go right once more. You'll find a room with a fireplace blazing. On
the left side of the room, you'll spot $100 worth of Gold (1/11). On the right, you'll see
a desk that's glowing. Examine the desk by following the on-screen prompt, and you'll
ultimately be rewarded with some Intel (1/4). After grabbing those items, run to the
other end of the first floor. You'll eventually run into what appears to be an industrial-
looking kitchen. If you head around to the back end of the kitchen, you can find
another $100 sack of Gold hiding underneath a wash basin (2/11).

It's time to backtrack towards the grand staircase at the center of the house that
leads up to floors above. But before backtracking, seek out a door that leads to an off-
the-radar staircase from the kitchen to an isolated room above. In this room, you'll
find two scantily-clad women cowering in a corner (no -- you can't shoot them). Along
the far wall is a barely-visible $100 sack of Gold (3/11). Grab that, and then go back
downstairs, back to the kitchen, and back, ultimately, to the grand staircase where we
earlier massacred a great many Nazi soldier and officer. Climb the stairs to the second
floor, swing leftward, and you'll ultimately end up in an abandoned barracks room. On
a footlocker to your left, you'll find some Intel sitting out in the open (2/4). And if you
search the left side of the room further up, you'll find a $100 sack of Gold partially
obscured by a bed (4/11).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two »

Side Quest Four: Officer's Mansion (Continued)

All that's left to do on the second floor is claim two sacks of Gold, worth $100 each,
from an isolated room to the left of the staircase leading up to the third floor (5/11 &
6/11). After grabbing both of those rather easily (they're right next to each other), it's
time to go up to the third floor. There will be a door immediately to your left once
you've run up the stairs, but for the time being, it's completely locked off. So, circle
around the railings to the only other open room. In here, you won't only find more
scantily-clad women, but you'll find plenty of lazy Nazi officers who are only now
scrambling to grab their firearms. Eliminate all enemies within here so that you can
thereafter easily explore. You can find a $100 bag of Gold inside the cabinet near the
door (7/11). You can find another $100 bag of Gold by searching the alcove near the
blazing fireplace, identical to the one we found back on the first floor (8/11).

The glassed double doors leading into an extension of this bedroom are likely already
open, since many soldiers have already poured on through to fight you. Now that
they've been dispatched, you're free to explore that location yourself. On the desk
immediately in front of you, you'll find yet another $100 sack of Gold (9/11). And
speaking of that desk, examine it by following the on-screen prompt, and you'll be
rewarded with another piece of Intel (3/4). Now, how to proceed? Well, it's easy. Look
to your left, and you'll find book-lined shelves. There's something suspicious about
that shelf -- a glowing book there is actually a switch to remove one of the segments,
which reveals a hidden room. Within that room is the general we have to kill. Put a
bullet in his head to fulfill that objective, and then let's scour the room for some secret

The most obvious items to find are at your feet. In a silver case to your left, you'll find
$500 worth of Gold, the most valuable haul in this entire mansion (10/11). Right next
to that case, out in the open, is a lesser $100 haul of Gold to acquire (11/11). The
glowing filing cabinet in this tight room, as you no doubt know, contains Intel (4/4).
To acquire it, simply examine the filing cabinet, following the on-screen prompt to do
so. And finally, there's a small, non-descript container on the ground to your right. By
examining it, the lid will come off. Examine the contents, and you'll walk away with
the mansion's only Tome of Power (1/1).

But what of our final objective? Well, to complete the final objective, which is to
acquire the decoder for the codebook we stole in an earlier side quest, you'll need to
use Veil. Equip Veil, and then look at the painting to your right, not of Hitler, but of
some woman. It should glow red. Use your weapon-of-choice to blow the portrait off of
the wall, and then open the safe behind it, where the decoder is being kept. With that
in hand, you're free to leave the mansion the way you came in, by backtracking all the
way to the first floor. Just expect to run into a moderate amount of Nazi
reinforcements en route to the exit, since they're now privy to your activities here.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Side Quest Five: Radio Tower

You'll need to head to an impressive building in the Downtown area to find the
resistance fighter who will give you this side quest. Chances are, out of the five
optional missions in the game, this is the last one you're going to encounter and
undertake, and that's for good reason. This side quest is the hardest of all of them in
the game, and while not necessarily much longer than the others, this one still
provides a good amount of length and challenge. In fact, it's probably the only side
quest in the game where perishing is a real possibility. When you meet up with the
man at the foot of the steps of the large governmental building, he'll help you kill a
few SS soldiers, and then climb up towards a Nazi radio tower. This tower, and towers
like it, are being used for nefarious deeds, and he wants to disable it while you watch
his back.

Naturally, watching his back is no easy feat. Holster your weapons and look out
towards the courtyard area below. Two stationary machineguns sitting there will act
as your primary weapons, because if you were to use your own arsenal in the fray
ahead, chances are you'd run out of ammunition quite quickly. As soon as your friend
begins messing with the radio tower, enemies will appear below. Waves of enemies
will usually be primed by one of those pesky jet pack-strapped Nazi soldiers who will
shoot explosives at you from the sky, so immediately take out those foes as they
appear, and then concentrate on the infantry below. There are plenty of jersey
barriers below for the enemy to use as cover, and your machinegun, while utterly
powerful, is also quite inaccurate. So laying down the gunfire in thick droves here is
the key to success.
There are a few snags you're going to run into that are worth mentioning. The first is
the spin radius of the machineguns you're using. The machineguns can only turn a
certain amount, which is why there are two of them pointing in different directions.
While one gun might not be able to reach a part of the courtyard below, the other can,
so switch back and forth as needed. Also, you're going to be taking tremendous
amounts of damage, so duck down and seek cover while you recover from your
wounds. You'll also want to keep an eye out for chucked grenades. If one lands
nearby, immediately abandon your gun and either seek cover or throw it back. And
finally, make sure no enemies get away from your gunfire. If they do, they'll run up
the stairs and shoot you from the side and behind, forcing you to abandon your
machinegun nest, using your own arsenal at uncomfortably close range to clear the

When the resistance fighter with you finally finishes his task, he'll alert you that there
are two more radio towers that the Nazis are using that also need to be disabled.
Strangely, he'll tell you that you should now know how to disable the towers, having
watched him do it once. Strange, of course, because your back was facing him the
entire time as you were fending off scores of Nazis. Nonetheless, you can follow the
star icon over the compass to ultimately find the Radio Tower location, where the final
two towers are felled. And this is where what you might call the side quest proper
begins in earnest.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Side Quest Five: Radio Tower (Continued)

Your stay in the building you just entered will be extremely brief. You'll start out in
front of another set of double doors, and it's through these doors that you'll need to
head through to proceed. These doors open up to the outside world, and there are
Nazi officers and infantrymen aplenty in front of you. However, if you're quiet, you can
easily initiate hostilities here. Your scoped Kar98, as usual, will be your best friend
here. Try to cap as many foes as you can before they identify your position, and then
seek cover nearby. Keep an especially keen eye out on the fire escapes and balconies
around you and in front of you, since SS snipers very much like to shoot down on you
from there. Try to clear the entire street from that entry position before continuing
forward, grabbing the Intel off of the makeshift desk on your left as you go forward

As you pinch down the road, a wave of reinforcements will quickly show up on the
street, immediately stymieing your advance. Seek cover as you deal with these
enemies -- there's no one special or notable in this group, so you should have little
issue eliminating these foes rapidly. The real threat here are the machinegunners
behind the stationary shields ahead. You can use Empower to shoot through them
easily. As you approach the shields, be sure to grab the $100 bag of Gold off to the
side (1/8). Things are no doubt black and white for you now, so you'll need to shoot
the anti-Veil device behind the shields and machinegun nests to return everything
back to normal.

Before heading rightward, which is how we'll proceed with this side quest, why not
use your Veil ability right where the anti-Veil device was? Activate Veil, and then look
to the left, where a hidden ladder will appear along one of the building's walls. Climb
up that ladder and enter the door off of that isolated balcony. This will lead to a small
room. The only thing of interest in this small room is a silver case, in which you'll find
$500 worth of Gold (2/8). A nice find! With that in hand, head back down to the
street, and this time, proceed rightward down the yet-unexplored tunnel.
As soon as you head down the tunnel, another heavy wave of SS reinforcements will
show up. These guys mean business, and they come in great numbers, so
immediately make haste back to a piece of sturdy cover as you deal with these goons.
In fact, if you're really good at timing grenade throws, you can prime their entrance
with a cooked potato masher or two, thus destroying much of the wave before they've
even laid eyes on you. But overall, it's probably best to fall back, let the enemies
come to you, and use a firearm of your choosing to deal with them. When all are
felled, scour their bodies for needed ammunition, and then duck rightward into the
door that the enemies flowed through, which will allow you to proceed onward.

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Side Quest Five: Radio Tower (Continued)

The corridor you stumble upon once through the door will eventually deposit you in a
grand room to your left. The wave of Nazis that greeted you earlier in the tunnel came
from this room, so you should find it completely devoid of any activity. As soon as you
emerge in the room, head forward to the corner and acquire the $100 bag of Gold
(3/8), and then work your way leftward towards the staircase leading upstairs. This
staircase leads to a platform overlooking the first floor, so follow it to its conclusion
directly above the door you originally breached this room via. En route, you'll see a
Tome of Power sitting in a broken display case, so be sure to grab it (1/1). Then, hit
the switch you find there, which will lower the blue-shielded door next to the stairs

As soon as that shield is downed, yet another wave of enemy reinforcements will pour
on through, so you're actually in a great position to deal with them from the platform
directly in front of the switch you just flipped. If you have a Panzerschreck, feel free to
launch a round directly at the door in front of you to eliminate the enemies at once, or
simply use one of your more conventional firearms to achieve the same goal. The only
immediately threat is one of those fast-moving female enemies, but you can down her
easily before she reaches you. When you go into the room they poured out of, the
Nazis will trap you with more shields. Infantrymen will pour into the room, who are
easy enough to deal with, but the heavily-armored Nazi soldier armed with a Particle
Cannon is another story entirely. Once you deal with this new threat, flip the switch in
the room the heavily-armored soldier smashed in to your area from, which will lower
the shield leading into the next room.

The only way out of this room is via a ventilation shaft ahead and on your left. It's
directly next to a $100 bag of Gold, so be sure to grab that before proceeding
through the vent itself (4/8). On the other side of the vent, you'll come to an
extremely limited outdoor area manned by two Nazi grunts. Kill them both quickly,
and then use the boxes and platforms surrounding the area to jump higher and higher
until you reach a silver case containing $250 in Gold (5/8). With that in hand, and
with the soldiers felled, you can then use Veil to reveal the location of another hidden
ladder. This ladder leads high above to another platform with another ventilation shaft
leading off. You'll eventually be deposited back inside another building. The room
directly in front of you contains an officer and a few more infantrymen, so kill them,
and then push through the area they were occupying, being sure to grab the Intel off
of a desk on your left en route (2/4).

With the latest piece of Intel in hand, you're free to proceed down the hallway to meet
up with another corridor that runs perpendicularly into the one you're currently
traversing. To your left, you'll find a few soldiers to dispatch, which you can do easily.
But before running leftward yourself, be sure to explore the dead end on your right,
where a $100 bag of Gold can be acquired (6/8). Then, run leftward and bust through
a few doors on your right to reach an elevator shaft. Occupied by only a scant number
of Nazi soldiers, you'll be able to easily run up the various staircase flanking all sides
of the shaft until you reach the very top, at which point you can bear through a door
on your right.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Side Quest Five: Radio Tower (Continued)

This next corridor will curve leftward. Be sure to grab the Intel from the wall on your
right before going through the door (3/4). Once you go through this door, you'll
emerge outside on a rooftop. Immediately run to your right to seek out a $100 bag of
Gold (7/8), and then dash to your left. You'll find Panzerschreck ammunition all over
the place, which is a good indicator that this weapon will be necessary to succeed on
this next objective. There are soldiers taking shots at you from across the gap, from
another rooftop. Complicating the issue is a blue barrier blocking your advance up a
nearby staircase to another section of the roof. To rectify this situation, you must
shoot the shield's power coil with a Panzerschreck through a window across the way.
But to do this safely, you should first snipe at and kill the entirety of the enemy force
patrolling that rooftop.

Once the shield is downed, you can climb up the stairs and proceed to the next
rooftop. Here, four or five soldiers immediately show up. You can deal with them the
old-fashioned way, or if you time things well, you can use an aptly-placed explosive
barrel to take out the enemies en masse in a flame-ridden death. Either way, storm
the staircase they used to breach this rooftop and head on down towards a large gun
emplacement. You'll need to use that gun emplacement soon, but first, look for an
entrance into the office behind the gun battery, which you can enter via a door on
your right. The side quest's final piece of Intel can be found along the back wall in
this office (4/4). Grab it before continuing with the side quest's endgame.
When you man the gun, the main idea is to shoot at the radio tower straight ahead in
order to destroy it. In premise, it doesn't get much simpler than that, but in reality,
you'll have to deal with some extraneous enemies that will complicate the situation
considerably. Namely, the airborne jetpack-equipped enemies that you'll find all
around you as you're using this gun will force you to deviate to kill them. While you'll
want to send a barrage of bullets at the tower as much as you can, you'll have no
choice but to take out the airborne foes as they appear if you have any hope of
surviving whatsoever. When the tower is destroyed, however, it's finally time to make
our great escape.

The idea here is to run straight ahead and to the left, into a hole blown into the
crumbling building. Fires rage all around you, so carefully dodge them as you keep
running. You'll want to make haste simply because endless amounts of those airborne
enemies will spawn behind you and attack you, no matter how many of them you
decide to kill. Keep running until you can fall through a hole in the ground, which will
bring you back to that elevator shaft with the stairs running all around it. You want to
head down as far as you can here, but before you do, run towards the stairs leading
up, where a silver case containing the final piece of Gold can be found, $250 worth
(8/8). After grabbing that, descend the stairs and keep running until you reach a
familiar area outside. You can now head through a door to escape the area entirely,
and backtrack to the safe house to tell your friend the good news.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration One: Midtown West

We're going to take a quick moment (well, not so quick, but a moment nonetheless) to
bring you across all thirty-six treasures of the three varieties hidden around the
Midtown West map. We're going to start from the northwestern corner of the map,
where you go to the Dig Site initially, and work outward from there. In fact, the room
where the truck sits that brings you to the Dig Site is where the first treasure is
located. Climb up to the horizontal support rafters above, and claim the Gold sitting in
the far corner, worth $250 (1/23). Then, head out to the street ahead, and enter the
very first house on your left. In an extremely small closet-like room on the first floor,
you'll find Intel hanging up (1/9). Claim it.

From the building where you received the first piece of intel, continue to wrap around
the road until you're heading, according to your map, in an easterly direction. The
next house you're looking for is on your left, riddled with Nazi flags. If you run up to
the second floor of this house, you'll find two more items of interest. Both will require
some unique examination, however. Examine the safe in the corner of the second
floor room to reveal some Gold, worth $250 (2/23). Nearby, you can examine a
dresser using the same technique to reveal some Intel (2/9).

After grabbing all of that, head to the first floor of the building, but don't go back
outside to the streets the way you came in. Instead, seek out an alternate exit from
the back end of the house, which will bring you to a small alleyway surrounded by
several houses. Here, you'll no doubt spot an open sewer, with a manhole cover
sitting right next to it. Jump into the small tunnel underneath the open manhole. At
the very end of the tunnel, you'll find Gold, $250 worth (3/23). After grabbing that,
use your Veil in the tunnel, and you'll spot a red-glowing tile on one of the walls. Shoot
the tile, and you'll find a Tome of Power on the other side (1/4).

Resurface and head back through the house to reach the street. Head slightly
eastward and then go through the alleyway you see on the south. You'll see a door on
your right that you can't seem to open, as well as a regular door on your left. Use the
Veil and go through the door on your right. You'll find a frightened resistance fighter
within this dark room, in addition to some Intel sitting on a table (3/9). With that in
hand, use the Veil to head back outside, and this time, bust through the door on your
left. Move forward up the stairs and turn around, so that you're walking above the
area you just walked through. Gold, $500 worth, is tucked in the far corner there

Rejoin the road and again head eastward. As the true-east road begins to slope
downward and to the east, you'll want to seek out a staircase leading upward, to a
north-sitting stone patio-like area. Next to a table and some chairs, on a concrete
barrier, you'll find a piece of Intel to acquire (4/9). With that in hand, and with your
back facing the stairs you just climbed up, head northward and seek out another
staircase, this one going down to the south. At the base of the stairs, turn around and
walk up the small pathway next to the stairs, so that you're facing northward. Use Veil
to spot a red-colored tile on the wall that can be shot out. On the other side of this
tile, you'll find a Tome of Power (2/4).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration One: Midtown West (Continued)

Now, take a look at your map. You're looking for a small corridor leading northward in
your vicinity. It's one of the northernmost points on the map. At the end of this
corridor, to the right of the other side of the sewer tunnel we earlier traveled through,
you'll find $100 worth of Gold (5/23). With that in hand, turn around and run
southward. Head down the stairs adjacent to where the second Tome of Power was,
and continue to travel southward. Turn your Veil on, and look leftward after
descending the stairs and walking forward for a moment. You should see a thin
alleyway with a hidden ladder at the far end, seen only by using the Veil. Climb up the
ladder to the roof, and switch Veil off. You'll see a wooden board gapping the bridge
between the roof you're on and the building on the other end of the alleyway you just
traveled through. As soon as you enter the building, look down and to the left of the
window (with your back facing the way you came), where $100 worth of Gold can
again be found (6/23).

Travel southward down the main street. As it begins to wind in a true easterly
direction again, continue to run southward off of the street and instead of running
directly up the staircase you encounter, bear eastward. Wrap around to the far,
isolated alleyway to the right of the staircase, so that you almost end up behind it.
Gold, $100 worth, is hidden at the end of that isolated alleyway (7/23). For more
treasure, backtrack to where the Veil-hidden ladder was, that we used to access a
roof. Instead of going over the board of wood to the adjacent building, this time, head
rightward through a hole in a building you can only see with the Veil. Once through,
you can switch the Veil off and seek out some stairs heading downward. Underneath
the stairs is a nearly-impossible-to-see case, with $500 worth of Gold to acquire

Continue eastward along the road. When the road begins to swing southward for a
second time, you'll want to enter the building on your right before the road swings
southward. Within this building, you can find two more key treasures. To find $100
worth of Gold, you'll want to search the first floor. The bag can be found atop a shelf,
and is actually difficult to find if you're not implicitly looking for it (9/23). If you work
your way up to the second floor of this resistance fighter-littered house, you'll see a
small filing cabinet in one of the rooms. Examine it, and you'll be able to extract some
Intel from one of the drawers (5/9).

This next treasure is obnoxious, especially because it's so paltry in actual value. You
may have noticed that next to the house you just breached is a locked chain link
fence gate. There's no way to open it, but we'll need to figure out a way around it. The
key is to use the rooftops to jump within the confines of the gated area, and to do so,
you'll need to find a place where the roof is accessible in the first place. If you go to
the original safe house, you can continue southward to a series of stairs. This will lead
to a dead end. At the top of the last staircase, look to your left, and you'll see a low-
hanging rooftop; a rarity, indeed. Use the nearby fallen barrel to boost your way up to
the rooftop, and then begin hauling ass to the north. You'll eventually reach the main
road below. Get a running start leading up to the edge of the roof (a running start is
absolutely necessary), and clear the gap with a leap. Then, proceed to the gated
location and drop in from above. Claim the Gold sitting there (10/23), unfortunately
worth only $100.

Ready for another obnoxious treasure? Backtrack to the "ladder" that we've used a
few times now, the one that can only be seen with the Veil's assistance. Climb up to
the roof and enter the same area where an earlier haul of Gold was found, via the hole
in the wall that, again, can only be seen with the Veil's assistance. Walk through the
nearby door and seek out some windows, which you can break with gunfire to reach
the roof. Then, run leftward over a couple of rooftops. You'll run into more windows.
Break these windows open to breach this otherwise completely inaccessible building.
Search the bureau you find on the left wall, and you'll find $100 worth of Gold within
it (11/23).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration One: Midtown West (Continued)

From that same room, don't flee! Put the Veil back on, and you'll see a secret hole in
the wall leading out to another rooftop. Jump out onto the roof and use the
conveniently-placed board to cross the gap to the open window on the other side of
the alleyway. In this isolated room, you'll find a lone resistance fighter. On the left side
of the room, next to the fallen bureau, you'll find some Gold, worth $100 (12/23). The
fallen bureau is actually the key to getting the other treasure in this room. Jump on
top of it and face the center of the room. On your left, on one of the horizontal support
beams, you'll find more Gold (13/23), this time worth a little bit more -- $250.

Let's deviate now to grab another treasure quickly before really delving into the
southern portion of the map at hand. Jump back out of the window, and stand atop
the wooden beam you used to get there in the first place. With your back facing the
room you just looted, drop down and work your way to the right. When the alleyway
ends, turn leftward and seek out a door on your right. Enter the corridor on the other
side of the door, and follow the linear path until you find a closet door on your left.
Open it up and claim the $100 worth of Gold there (14/23).
The next two treasures are located within and around the initial safe house, so you're
going to want to head there now. Head to the entrance to the house, and while facing
it, run rightward until you can't run to the right anymore. If you do this properly, you
should see a sack of Gold sitting at your feet, worth $100 (15/23). For more Gold, go
into the safe house and go all the way up to the attic, which can be accessed via a
ladder in one of the second floor rooms. In addition to potato mashers galore, you can
claim another sack of $100 along one of the sides of the attic (16/23).

Ready to climb back up to the rooftop? Good, because acquiring the next treasure will
require it. Go back to the rooftop we sent you up near the safe house to grab goods
earlier. The low-lying rooftop is due south of the entrance to the safe house. Once on
the roof, you don't need to stay up there for long. Simply head to the other side of the
roof, so that you're along the main road. If you look ahead and to your right, you'll see
a shanty-looking balcony leading into the second floor of that building. Make the leap
and go through the door. Keep yourself armed, as there's a good chance a Nazi soldier
is within. After felling him, collect any potato mashers you may need, and more
importantly, seek out the Gold in the room, worth $250 (17/23).

What you're seeking out now, at the corner of a road leading northward and eastward,
are some double doors, like the ones seen in the screen below. This is about as far
south as you've come so far, with one marked exception, in case you're trying to
triangulate the location on your map. Once through the door, go forward and examine
the desk on your right, which contains some Intel for you to acquire (6/9). Then,
backtrack and go left to the staircase leading up. You might have to clobber a Nazi or
two en route. There's a piece of furniture on the second floor, wedged in between two
staircases. Examine that to find more Intel (7/9). Then, from there, run up to the third
floor and explore the corridors to find $100 worth of Gold (18/23).
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration One: Midtown West (Continued)

Leave through the same double doors you came through, and with your back facing
those doors, head to your left, to yet-untread territory. Simply continue in an easterly
direction, and you'll come to a door that leads to a single, dark room. In the closet of
this dark room, you can find $500 worth of Gold in a case (19/23). Grab that, then
leave the room, go back to the street, and head southward. Put on your Veil, and
you'll notice a hidden ladder leading up to a shanty-looking second floor balcony on
your right. Climb up to it with the secret ladder and enter the single room there, lit by
firelight. Kill the Nazi soldier within the room, and grab the $250 worth of Gold from a
nearby table (20/23).

The next two treasures are located in the square at the southernmost segment of
your map of Midtown West. Accessing this square may require you to finagle your way
in from Midtown East. You're seeking out the square that has the giant horse statue in
the middle of it. Off of this square, the next two items can be easily found and
acquired. For starters, stand at the southernmost edge of the square and, with Veil
equipped, look forward and to the left. You'll see a ladder leading up to a fire escape
that you wouldn't see without Veil. Climb the ladder and then shoot the red-glowing
tile from the wall there with a firearm of your choice. You can grab a Tome of Power
from within the hiding spot obscured by the tile (3/4). For another Tome of Power,
keep Veil equipped as you search the eastern edge of the square for another obvious
red-glowing tile. Shoot it out and claim another book (4/4).
Now, we're going to direct you to the sewers at the far southern end of the map. Find
the manhole cover at the southern edge of the map, and use Veil so that you can
better see in the dank, dark corridors below. You're looking for $500 worth of Gold
down here (21/23), though it's not easy to find. Basically, you're going to want to
search in each corner of the sewer, where pathways converge on one another
perpendicularly. In one of these corners is a silver case holding the valuable golden
object you seek.

We missed a few items during our journey (sorry about that), and now we're going to
back and grab those. Thankfully, three of the four items we've yet to find are all
concentrated in a single place, so we'll start there. Take a look at your map. At the far
southern end of the map, you'll find a courtyard, with a statue of a lone horse in the
middle. If you're following our instructions implicitly, you'll already find yourself in this
geographic location. The first thing you want to seek off of this courtyard is a garage.
Some Intel can be found at the far left corner of it (8/9). With that in hand, you then
want to seek out the nearby black market building. If you head up to the second floor
of that building and scour the cabinet you find there, you'll find more Intel (9/9). And
finally, if you use Veil when in the courtyard, you'll see a hidden ladder leading up to a
fire escape. If you jump off of the fire escape leftward (while facing the building),
you'll land on a balcony below. Run along this balcony, and then jump up to the
wooden platform ahead (this is a tough jump, so stay with it). Gold, $250 worth, can
be found off of this platform (22/23).

The final collectible is back far to the north on the Midtown West map. More
specifically, what you're looking for is the northernmost portion of the map that's
above the final L-shaped bend in the main road that runs across and down this area.
At this location, you'll find an open manhole that will lead into a sewer system below.
If you follow this sewer to a door leading off of the small corridor, you'll run directly
into the $100 bag of Gold after descending a spiral staircase (23/23). The reason we
patched this one on at the end, by the way, is because the door leading to said spiral
staircase isn't opened for you to use until well into the game. So if you can't access
this location immediately, don't fret.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Exploration Two: Midtown East

Now, it's time we scour Midtown East for the rest of those goodies just waiting to be
found. In our search of this map, we'll start in the northwestern most corner and go
from there. So, are you at that corner? Ready to get going? Good -- let's do it. There
should be a door here immediately on your left. Chances are, when you go in, you'll
run into a small detachment of Nazis. No big deal though -- eliminate them and search
the left corner of the first floor near the table there to find a $100 bag of Gold (1/21).
With that in hand, you can then run up to the second floor. Strangely, not only does
the filing cabinet there surrender Intel when you examine it by following the on-
screen prompt (1/5), but you can find another piece of Intel atop the shelf directly to
the left of the aforementioned filing cabinet (2/5).

As you walk southeast from the initial house we breached here, you'll walk into a
courtyard with a tall pillar standing in the middle of it. Here, we can quickly garner
two more items, both on the western edge of this courtyard area. Look for a large, red
hotel sign, and when facing it, look to the building to the left. Use Veil, and you'll find
an otherwise-hidden ladder leading up to a balcony above. Once you're up there, head
to the far end of the balcony and look towards the nearby alleyway. Sitting
precariously on a wooden beam bridging the two buildings is a bag of Gold worth
$100 (2/21). You'll need to carefully jump over to it. After grabbing that, drop back
down to the ground and head to the southwestern corner of the courtyard. You'll see
another small alleyway, most of which is obscured by crates and boxes. If you jump to
the far end of those crates and boxes, you'll find another $100 sack of Gold (3/21).
While we're at it, why not get three more quick collectibles in sequence? At the
southern end of the courtyard is a familiar sight -- the town's hospital. Directly to the
right of it, while facing the entrance, you can find a Tome of Power (1/5). To get it,
equip Veil, and you'll spot a red-glowing tile covering a hidden crevasse. Shoot out the
tile and claim your prize on the other side. Then, cross over to the north end of the
courtyard, being sure to deviate to the small pool of water surrounding the pillar in
the middle, where $250 worth of submerged Gold can be found (4/21). Once you
reach the north end of the courtyard, head westward until you see a building with a
huge swastika banner on the front of it. Head into the gate surrounding this building,
but don't go inside. Instead, look for a ladder leading upward to the left. Once up,
move down the concrete path going in between the two buildings, and when you go
down a short ladder, immediately turn around. Veil will reveal another red-colored tile
identical to the one we just shot out; within, you'll find another Tome of Power (2/5).

The next collectible, while paltry on its own, still requires some complicated methods
to acquire, so we've dedicated a paragraph to it. Remember where we just found the
second Tome of Power on this map? Well, this next item is located on the other side of
the building you were just flanking to the left. This more wide-open and ground-level
alleyway holds an important secret. When you reach the dead end, equip Veil and
look to the left. You'll find a secret ladder leading up to a platform above. Once on this
platform, go through the door off of it into an isolated room. In the upper right corner
of this room, you'll find a sack of Gold worth $100 (5/21).

The next two items are a bit complicated to get. There's actually two conduits which
you can use to get to them, but we'll give you what we think is the easier one. Face
the area you just came from, and look to your right. You'll see a parallel building with
a staircase leading up to a door. Climb on up and go on through. In here, head to the
crate on your left, and use it to jump to the next platform ahead. Go through the door
on your left, and then drop down to the lowest level of this room, where a manhole
cover leading into a sewer can be found. Drop down into the sewer and begin to follow
the linear pathway. When it swings leftward, be sure to use Veil on the wall to your
right, where a red-colored tile can be found. Shoot it out to grab the Tome of Power
it was hiding (3/5). Then, continue down the path, and right before you reach a ladder
leading upward, grab the $100 bag of Gold sitting along the path (6/21). Then,
emerge back outside by either backtracking, or continuing forward along this path.
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Exploration Two: Midtown East (Continued)

To get the next collectible, you're going to want to backtrack to the same building you
went into the manhole cover via. This time, climb all the way up the stairs to the top
of the area, and claim the $100 bag of Gold you find sitting on a table up there
(7/21). Then, you're going to want to head to the next building to the south of this
one. Go outside and look for a smoldering tank in a blown-open section of the
building, where you can find a door to your right. If you climb to the very top of this
building until you climb up a ladder to reach a loft location, you can find another $100
bag of Gold hiding up there, on yet another table (8/21).

The final two collectibles off of this courtyard can be found on the southeastern end of
the square, in a couple of adjoining buildings. To find the first collectible, face the
outer facade of the hospital, and look to your left. You'll find a ladder there leading up
to a metal catwalk. Climb up the ladder and follow the catwalk to a more solid
pathway. It leads to a door. Head on inside. On a shelf to your left, you can find a
$100 bag of Gold (9/21). Then, go through the hallway ahead and to your left, which
will lead to a blown-out segment of the building. This blown-out segment is key,
because the adjoining building here also has a destroyed wall. This will allow you to
jump over a minor gap in between buildings, where stuffed in a corner with some
small boxes, you'll find a $500 stash of Gold (10/21).
Since we're done at the courtyard and the area surrounding it, we've now worked our
way to the area south and east of there. To get there from the courtyard, simply go
through the tunnel on the right side of the square, and follow the linear passageway
through some houses and doors until you arrive at the vertical road on the east side
of the map. Take this south until you're forced to go southward down a much thinner
path. Go south down some steps, and look rightward as you go, for a small alleyway
branching eastward. If you use Veil down here, you'll easily spot a red-glowing tile
obscuring the location of a Tome of Power (4/5). Then, proceed south until you can
bear leftward into a garage. The southernmost loft area in this building is the key.
You'll need to use the crates stacked up in the middle of the room to gain enough
leverage to reach the loft, where $100 in Gold can be found (11/21). However, rest
assured that this is no easy jump, so stick with it, and remember to run to gain the
maximum amount of distance on your jump.

From the large opening that led into the garage where you acquired the last piece of
gold, run to the west. You'll see a series of fire escapes overhead, with a barely-visible
ladder that leads on up to them. Climb up the ladder and navigate the various fire
escapes and stairs leading higher and higher until you reach a door leading inside.
Take this door in, and in the upper right corner, you'll find a silver case containing a
$500 score of Gold (12/21). Then, work your way back down to the street, and
continue westward until you can go either south or north. Go northward and bear
eastward into the first door you encounter. Follow this linear corridor to the left into a
more wide open room, and grab the Intel sitting on the desk to your right (3/5).

In this very same room, you can find another collectible, but you'll need to know
exactly how to get to it in order to find it. The crates stacked up in the opposite corner
of the desk are the key. Climb up to the topmost of the three boxes, and carefully
jump to the area overhanging the center of the room. Doing so will reveal, in a silver
case, a $250 stash of Gold for you to acquire (13/21). With that in hand, you can then
drop back down to ground level and leave this building the way you came in. Proceed
northward up the main road, and again keep an eye out on the right side. This time,
you're looking for a massively blown-out building. Enter the rubble-strewn structure,
and put your Veil on. On the left side of the room, you'll see a secret ladder leading up
to an area above. Use this ladder to reach the top of the structure, and claim your
$100 prize -- in Gold, of course (14/21).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three »

Exploration Two: Midtown East (Continued)

Now, it's time to rejoin the previous road, and this time, scamper down to the south.
As the road turns westward, seek out a door directly to the south. Head on through,
and move forward through the first floor. In the upper right corner, in a darkened
area, you'll find a valuable $500 stash of Gold to add to your ever-growing list of
collectibles (15/21). With that in hand, you can head back outside, and this time, head
westward along the road to explore the southwestern-most portion of the map, the
only area we've yet to explore in Midtown East. As you head west, keep a keen eye
out on your left. You're looking for an extremely thin alleyway. Go down this alleyway
-- it will open up as you go down -- and at the very end of it, look to your left. You'll
see a silver case which contains yet another $500 stash of Gold (16/21). Nice!

Backtrack to the main road and continue westward. You'll see some stairs leading up
to a locked door on your left. Go ahead and examine the side closest to the alleyway
you just traversed. You'll see some sort of wooden planking leaning against the wall.
Shoot (or otherwise knock) it down, and then use Veil. You'll see a red-glowing tile
along the side of the stairs that the wood was blocking. Shoot it out and claim a Tome
of Power from the other side (5/5). Then, continue westward and look to your left.
You'll spot a table and two chairs. Atop that very table is a piece of Intel that you'll
most certainly want to grab (4/5).

From the location of said table, look upward along the side of the building and you'll
spot a ladder leading upward. Regrettably, there's no realistic way to reach the half-
broken ladder from here. This is unfortunate, because to get the next treasure, you're
going to have to replay the Paranormal Base side quest (or play it for the first time if
you haven't yet done so). You can get through the mission easily in about three
minutes, especially if you've played through it before. But it's where you're deposited
once you leave the building that's important. Go down the stairs in front of you once
you've left the mission, and then turn around and look in a little crevasse underneath
the stairs. A $250 piece of Gold will be starring at you in the face (17/21).

You'll be glad to know that we're almost done collecting things in Midtown. From the
location of the fifth and last Tome of Power we found here, you should run across to
the building on the other side of the street. It's mostly blown-out and in a disheveled
state of disrepair. In a room within this building, you'll find a $100 sack of Gold sitting
on a table, clear as day (18/21). With that in hand, head back outside, and while
facing the entrance to the building, look to the left. The left side of the building is
mostly destroyed, but you can see a half-existing loft tucked above the wreckage. Use
the half-knocked down walls to climb up to the loft (this is a difficult feat, so stay with
it), and claim $250 in Gold from a silver case up there (19/21).

Now, it's time to collect the three final collectibles in Midtown East, all of which can be
found down the yet-unexplored western-reaching road at the southwestern end of the
map. Start by going into the building to the left of the building where we just acquired
the last two pieces of gold. In this building, you can find two items on the second floor.
Intel can be found underneath a table in the hallway (5/5), while in the room off of
the hallway, you can find Gold, $500 worth, in a silver case (20/21). With those in
hand, head back to the street and enter the house at the far western end of the road.
On a shelf in the back room, you can claim a $100 bag of Gold, the final collectible in
Midtown East (21/21). Congratulations!
Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration Three: Downtown

Unlike Midtown, Downtown isn't split up into multiple sections, so we're going to
tackle it as one. We're starting at the farthest southern and eastern point of the map,
and working our way outward from there. So get to that location now (on your map,
this point will stick out in a southerly direction more than any other segment of the
map). You're there? Great. The first collectible we'll go after is conveniently tucked
atop an isolated fire escape in the corner of the map. Use a ladder hanging down to
reach the fire escape, and grab the $100 sack of Gold you find (1/33). Then, drop
back down to the ground and head due east, until you reach a tunnel that proves to
be a dead end. On the left side of the tunnel, near the entrance, you'll find some Intel
sitting on the ground (1/9).

Wedged in between the two locations of the two collectibles we've gathered thusfar is
a door that leads into a building. It's the only way we can continue onward, so find the
door and head on inside. Before venturing to the right, look forward, and you'll find a
staircase that leads up to a second floor catwalk. Follow this catwalk around to a lone
room, with a couple of beds and some lockers within. Wedged in between one of the
beds and the window at the far end of the small room is a $100 Gold sack (2/33),
while another identical $100 store of Gold can be found in the locker placed furthest
from the bed (3/33).

With those two bags of Gold in hand, return to the first floor, and head due east. You'll
encounter a door with a Kreisau Circle logo next to it. Head on in to the next room,
and walk eastward until you see a staircase leading up to a floor above. Take the
stairs up and examine this area closely. Adjacent to the location where the stairs
deposited you on the second floor, you'll see some pipes stretching out to a wall on
the far side of the room. This wall has the telltale black sun icon on it. Use Veil to get
through the wall, and in the little secret storage area on the other side, you can find a
lone $100 bag of Gold to acquire (4/33).

Backtrack out of the secret room, drop back down to the first floor, and swing
eastward into the final room of this Kreisau Circle hideout. Here, you'll find a hole in
the ground that will allow you to ultimately access the sewers below. As soon as you
enter the sewer proper, look down at the ground to your right, and you should spot a
silver case. Open it to find a $250 bar of Gold (5/33). Then, proceed leftward down
the sewer briefly, and swing back left through another door. The short linear pathway
from here will ultimately bring you back to the outside world. Use the debris field
ahead of you to reach street level, but rest assured that there are likely plenty of
Nazis in this locale looking for you.

The easiest way to get to the next location is to look for the nearby bridge that was
once occupied by Nazis, and is no doubt covered in their special blue shields, as seen
in one of the screenshots below. While facing the way you initially breached this area,
swing left through the door, and then right into the next room, littered with sandbags
and plenty of debris. You'll be able to easily find both a $100 bag of Gold in here
(6/33), as well as another piece of Intel (2/9). But wait -- there's more! If you use Veil
at the top of the stairs leading downward in this room, you'll see a short, secret ladder
directly ahead. Climb it to the little hidden nook, and crack open the silver case there
for a $250 haul of Gold (7/33).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration Three: Downtown (Continued)

Now, take a look at the map. We have options here, to either continue northward, or
bear westward. For the sake of this walkthrough, we're going to do the latter first,
primarily because it's an isolated location. So, find the door that leads westward into
"Downtown West," and head on through. We mentioned earlier that the Downtown
map was contiguous, so how could it be that we're entering a new location of
Downtown? Well, it's easy -- this little segment of the map has to load. But it's still
part of an identical map, unlike the two halves of Midtown. As soon as you enter
Downtown West, but before emerging outside, be sure to grab the Intel on the
window sill (3/9), as well as the $100 bag of Gold tucked in a corner nearby (8/33).
Then, head outside to continue.

As soon as you're outside, book it to the right. You'll ultimately reach a dead end, but
it's totally worth it, because two bags of Gold worth $100 each, can be found tucked
in an isolated corner there (9/33 & 10/33). With those in hand, head back towards the
door you used to enter this area in the first place, and walk straight forward down the
road. Chances are, as this road opens up into a more robust area, you'll run into some
Nazi resistance. Take care of any enemies you encounter. At the location the road
opens up into a larger courtyard-like area, look to your right and search behind the
pile of rubble you immediately run into. Stashed in between the debris pile and the
back wall of the blown-out building is another $100 stash of Gold (11/33).

This next collectible is so obscurely-hidden and obnoxious to find that it requires its
very own paragraph. You'll need to backtrack a ways. Head back to the door that you
used to breach this area, and head down the road right in front of it. Turn on Veil, and
keep an eye on your left side as you approach the courtyard. You'll inevitably see a
secret ladder, with Veil turned on, on the left, next to a double door. Climb up to the
ladder and follow the extremely thin ledge forward towards the courtyard, where
you'll run into a wall with a black sun icon on it. Use Veil to get through. In this next
room, you'll see a broken window. Head out of the window and carefully head left
along another thin ledge. Turn on Veil again, and the next black sun icon you see on
the wall will turn into a secret hole that leads into a secret room. In the far corner of
this room, tucked behind some small wooden boxes, is a $100 bag of Gold (12/33).
Yup -- all of that work for $100.

There are only four more collectibles to acquire in Downtown West, so let's collect
them now. In the open courtyard area at the far western end of the map, you'll first
want to head north. There, you'll find a rather stately staircase leading up to an
isolated platform above. If you search this location, you'll rather easily find what it has
to offer. You'll find not only a $100 bag of Gold to add to your ever-growing inventory
of funds (13/33), but you'll also find a piece of Intel sitting nearby as well (4/9).

Back on even ground, go and explore the southern end of the courtyard. You'll see an
alleyway to your right that leads to a yet-unexplored area, next to a building that's
been almost completely turned to rubble. Head down this alleyway with Veil turned
on, and keep an eye on your right. A red-glowing tile will no doubt catch your eye
here, so shoot it out to reveal the location of a Tome of Power (1/2). After acquiring
that, use Veil once more to reveal a hidden ladder ahead and on your left, at the end
of this dead end alleyway. Climb up to the isolated platform above and crack open the
silver case you find there to reveal $250 in Gold (14/33).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »
Exploration Three: Downtown (Continued)

Now, it's time to backtrack to Downtown Proper, using the same conduit to get back
that you used to come here in the first place. As soon as you arrive back, you'll want
to find the bridge that had all of the shields on it earlier. In case nothing is there now,
it's the bridge crossing the area below, with some wooden planks filling in the gap
where some concrete earlier fell. With your back facing the way you came, first
explore the area on your left. On the left side of this dead end, you'll see a rather
conspicuous silver case, in which is $250 in Gold (15/33). After grabbing that,
backtrack to the main thoroughfare leading northward, and as soon as you see an
alleyway branching off to the right, investigate it with your Veil activated. You'll see a
hidden ladder near the entrance to the alleyway leading up to a balcony above.
However, it's the adjacent balcony that's of real importance, so jump on over to it and
claim $100 in Gold for your trouble (16/33).

Head northward up the main road once more. We're now going to head towards the
northeastern segment of the map and clear that, which will only leave the central-
west portion of the map to clear thereafter. So, we're getting places! As you move
northward, you'll eventually see a bunch of rubble on your right and an opening ahead
that leads into another building. Before the rubble on your right, search the raised
alcove to find a $100 sack of Gold (17/33). Then, move into the building ahead. To
venture forward from here, you'll need to use Veil to breach the black sun-marked
wall on your right, and then press through the next door from there. In here, you'll see
a staircase leading upstairs directly on your left. Head upstairs, and seek out the silver
case, which contains a staggering $500 in Gold (18/33). Nice!

Press northward. The large, grandiose steps leading up to some sort of governmental
building aren't important, however... at least, not right this minute. Instead, it's the
area directly to the left that's important. Head down the alleyway heading leftward,
and keep a keen eye on the right side of the path. You'll see a gate down a short set
of stairs, but it's the little nook to the left of the gate that contains $100 in Gold to
acquire (19/33). With that in hand, cross to the other side of the alleyway and seek a
door that leads into a short, linear hallway. Follow the hallway forward and to the left,
and you'll find another $100 bag of Gold sitting in the semi-lit corridor (20/33).
Now, we just mentioned how those steps leading up to the large government building
weren't important -- yet. But now, they're quite important. Run up those stairs to the
very top, and seek out the central most area of this raised location, where a pair of
machinegun nests sit overlooking the courtyard below. If you explore the area
surrounding the machinegun nests, you'll easily find a piece of Intel sitting around
(5/9). With that in hand, you should then run to the furthest northeastern location on
the map, staying atop the staircase. $250 in Gold can easily be acquired from a silver
case tucked in said corner (21/33).

The final three collectibles in this particular location are all near one another, so we
should be able to gather them quickly in sequence before moving on to the
westernmost edge of the map, where the final dozen-or-so treasures sit. From the top
of the stairs in front of the government building, run down the easternmost stairs and
run straight ahead (to the south). You'll run into a set of double doors, so head on
through and bear leftward. You'll find yourself in a bedroom. Grab the Intel from atop
the bed (6/9), and then run rightward into a corridor, and then into the next room. You
should find a resistance fighter sitting on a chair next to a large piece of brown
furniture. In between him and the furniture is a $100 bag of Gold (22/33). Grab it, and
then move through the next couple of doors to emerge outside. Move forward and,
with Veil equipped, look to your left. You should spot a secret ladder leading up to an
isolated balcony above the direction you ventured from. A silver case on this platform
will surrender $250 in Gold once examined (23/33).

Wolfenstein Walkthrough
« Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four »

Exploration Three: Downtown (Continued)

With all of those items in hand, it's time to venture back far to the south, and this
time, bear westward to reach the western edge of the map, where fourteen more
collectibles, the final fourteen on this map, can be found. You'll need to use the
sewers near that shield-covered bridge to get to the westernmost portion of the
Downtown map, but this shouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge for you. Keep
an eye out for a bag of Gold worth $250 en route through the tunnels -- you can find
it along a metal gate at the junction where to your left is a hideout, and to your right
is the path you will continue to take (24/33) (directly before that is a random wooden
walkway on the side of the sewer -- $100 in Gold hides under there as well (25/33)).
Nonetheless, when you arrive at the western portion of Downtown, take a look at your
map (be sure to grab the Intel randomly placed on the ground before you emerge
outside (7/9)). You want to head to the southeastern-most portion of the yet-
unexplored area of the map. You're seeking out a caged-in area with only a small
opening leading to what seems to be some sort of patio. Use Veil here, and you'll spot
a red-colored tile in a small alcove. Shoot it out and grab the Tome of Power
revealed there (2/2).

The main east-to-west conduit leading through this area is a great tool for helping you
navigate around this final location in search of collectibles. Indeed, for starters, we'll
want to head to the far eastern end of this conduit and work westward from there. The
very first opportunity you have to go rightward, take it. You'll run up some stairs to
some sort of raised patio area. There's a door on the right side of the patio leading
into a dark room. In this room are two love seats, and in fact, these two love seats will
surrender two treasures. Atop one love seat, you'll find a piece of Intel (8/9), while
directly next to the other, you'll find $100 in Gold (26/33).

Next up is a building on your right at the location where the east-west road works its
way northward, and then bears eastward once more. This building, which is a bar and
black market shop, is marked with the usual red icon outside of the door that
indicates that there's a black market here. Head on inside and work your way to the
turn in the bar, where two men are speaking. Intel can be found on the bar there
(9/9). Then, if you jump behind the bar and crouch down, you should find a $100 bag
of Gold sitting underneath the bar (27/33). Be sure not to miss that one!

The next three pieces of gold can be difficult to find, so we'll find them here in one
single act of awesomeness. Start from the entrance to the bar where we just claimed
the last gold stash and Intel, and work your way southward and eastward from there.
On your left, you'll find the sewer entrance you used to originally breach this location.
Jump into the water and use Veil, and you'll spot a short ladder leading to an isolated
platform on your left. A $100 bag of Gold can be found there (28/33). Now, climb back
up to dry land, and with your back facing the watery area you just traversed, move
forward toward the burning building, and shoot rightward down an alleyway. Walk up
the stairs and duck left into a dead end to grab another $100 bag of Gold (29/33),
and then use Veil nearby to find a ladder scaling upward to a patio above. However,
it's not the patio adjacent to the ladder that's important. Rather, it's the one across
the alleyway on the other side that's important. You're going to need to exercise some
patience here to get this difficult jump just right, but once you do, you can crack open
the silver case you find there for a $500 haul of Gold (30/33).

After all of the exploration we've done, you'll be extremely happy to know that the
final three collectibles are all rather easy to get in sequence, as you travel from east
to west down the short yet-unexplored area of the western portion of the map. The
first item you're going to find is a $100 bag of Gold on your right directly after
passing by the bar/black market on your right (31/33). To find it, simply run up the
stairs on your right and explore the nook you encounter thereafter. After grabbing
that, face the concrete railing that's keeping you from going back to the street, jump
over it, and run to the other side of the street. Around some debris, wooden planking
and barrels, you'll find a barely-visible $100 bag of Gold (32/33). And finally, at the far
western end of the road, you'll find yet another $100 bag of Gold alongside a building
there (33/33). You're done!
Cheats & Codes
Our cheats, hints and unlockables help you get the most from the game.
Submitted By
Submit a Cheat or Code.
Cheat: Cheat List
Warning: Alter game files at your own risk and always make a backup copy! First,
make a copy of wolf.cfg in the game folder (C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\id
Software\WolfSP\base in Windows Vista). Rename it autoexec.cfg, then open it and
add this line anywhere:
seta g_cheatsAreOn "1"
When you add one of the following cheats, you have to associate it with a key. For
Bind L "god"
This means that if you press the L button you enable God Mode.
Here is a list of available commands you can bind to keys using the line above:
• god - Toggle God Mode
• giveAllIntel - Unlock all Intel
• givePowers - Unlock all powers
• giveGold - Free gold
• giveObjectives - Unlock Objectives
• giveAchievement - Unlock Achievements
• giveALLPowerUpgrades - Unlock all power upgrades
• notarget - Toggle targeting
• novis - ?
• give ammo_shroud - Add ammo for Shroud
• give ammo_tesla - Add ammo for Tesla
• give ammo_panzer - Add ammo for Panzer
• give ammo_mauser - Add ammo for Mauser
• give ammo_mp43 - Add ammo for MP43
• give ammo_mdl24 - Add ammo for MDL24
• give ammo_particle_cannon - Add ammo for Particle Cannon
• give ammo_mp40 - Add ammo for MP40
• give ammo_default - Add ammo for your current weapon
• give ammocomponent - Add ammo for component
• momoney - Add money
If you have completed the game once, you're able to get into cheat menu by pressing
"esc" -> Options -> Game options -> Cheat menu, where you can give yourself
weapons and money or enable pumpkin heads. if you haven't completed the game
yet, enter the following lines to the new autoexec.cfg to access these cheats:
• seta g_showCheatMenuMsg "1"
• seta g_gameFinished "1"
Save the changes and everything you've set is enabled by pressing the buttons
you've chosen.
Additions from Timoi
1. To have extended (infinite?) running time:
seta g_infiniteStamina "0"
seta g_infiniteStamina "1"
2. Activate the Best Buy exclusive promo of unlocking the Flammenwerfer at the first
seta g_unlockedFlameDLC "0"
seta g_unlockedFlameDLC "1"
Open the console and enter the following cheats to spawn enemies:
• spawn enemies_elite_guard - Blonde Elite Guard with a dagger
• spawn enemies_elite_guard_02 - Brunette Elite Guard with a whip
• spawn enemies_ak_flame_trooper - Flamethrower Trooper
• spawn allies_kreisau_soldier_01 - Friendly Kreisau soldier with MP40 smg
(enter 01 to 05)
• spawn enemies_despoiled_green - Green Despoiled
• spawn enemies_ak_heavy_trooper - Heavy Trooper
• spawn enemies_despoiled_red - Red Despoiled
• spawn enemies_ak_rocket_trooper - Rocket Trooper
• spawn enemies_scribe - Scribe
• spawn enemies_sniffer - Sniffer
• spawn enemies_wehrmacht_officer - Wehrmacht officer with an MP40 smg
• spawn enemies_wehrmacht_sniper - Wehrmacht sniper with a sniper rifle
• spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry - Wehrmacht soldier with a Kar98 rifle
(enemy must be present in level)
• spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry_mp40 - Wehrmacht soldier with MP40
• spawn enemies_altered - Altered
• spawn enemies_ak_assassin - Assassin
• spawn enemies_SS_officer - SS officer armed with an MP43 assault rifle
• spawn enemies_SS_sentry - SS soldier armed with an MP43 assault rifle
• spawn allies_kreisau_erik - Erik Engle

Unlockable: Additional Cheats

Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock the following cheats. Using these will disable
Achievements and Trophies. Access the Cheat Menu by pressing "esc" -> Options ->
Game options -> Cheat Menu.
• Pumpkin Heads (Turn enemy heads into orange squashes)
• Unlock All Weapons
• Unlock All Veil Powers
• Infinite Money

IGN Guides
Unlockable: All Skills for Free
Money is finite in Wolfenstein, so don’t waste it on upgrading any Veil powers (Veil,
Shield, Empower or Mire). When you’ve collected the final Tome of Power in the game,
all of the skills for each power available for purchase will be granted to you
automatically, saving you a total of $17,000. That’s enough money to fully upgrade
several weapons!
IGN Guides
Unlockable: Fully Upgraded Weapons
If you collect each and every piece of Intel in the game, you will automatically be
rewarded when you pick up the final piece. With what, you ask? How’s automatically
upgraded weapons sound? Each weapon you didn’t have enough money to upgrade
fully will become fully upgraded upon picking up the final piece of Intel.
Hint: Boss Tips
Here are some tips for beating the final boss:
• For the first part, use Empower to get through his shield. Use explosives -- the
Panzer Rocket Launcher and the Veil Blue Rocket Launcher.
• For the second part you can use either the Slow Motion or Empower once again
to beat him.
• For the third part, dont run up the ramp. Snipe him with a Sniper Rifle or Rocket
Launcher. Go slowly. Once you get to the part where you need to climb up
stairs, get a weapon ready to kill large amounts of those things on 4 legs (they
call 'em Sniffers). There are 4 waves of them. Afterward, simply shoot him until
he falls.
• For the fourth part, simply shoot him since at this point he will have no power
ups. Use the explosives to end him quickly.

Hint: Achievements Made Easy
Buster (Destroy 1000 objects) - just before doing the airfield mission you move
forward with a man from the resistance. At one point there is an area with unlimited
panzer rockets that respawn you can use these to destroy nearby objects and just
change zones and go back to respawn all objects.
Rampage (Kill 200 enemies with Empower) - same place, just use empower and
shoot enemies with the panzer, change zones and go back to respawn them.
Honorary Geist (Spend two hours in the Veil in single player) - leave your Veil sight
on and stand in a Veil portal thing, then just leave it for 2 hours.
Time Out (Use the Mire power for more than an hour in a single player) - Stand in a
Veil portal and turn on Mire, when your Veil power runs out, let it fill up and repeat
(you can tell when your Veil power has run out using Mire because your controller will
stop vibrating, this allows you to do something else while you keep turning the Mire
power on).
Hint: Easy Heavy Nazi Kills
To easily kill Heavy Nazis (the ones with particle cannons) use your Mire power. Their
shoulders will have red targets. Aim for these -- once both are destroyed a new target
will pop up from the back. Shoot this to easily kill them.

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