Photocatalytic Reactors
Photocatalytic Reactors
Photocatalytic Reactors
and O. Zahraa
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
2.2. Rate of photocatalytic degradation. The
rate of photocatalytic degradation depends on several
parameters for a given pollutant and catalyst which are
pollutant, oxygen (and other compounds) con-
irradiation wavelength and ux.
2.3. Specic rate. These parameters are not usu-
ally uniform within the reactor. At any given point, the
rate per unit catalyst amount q, or specic rate r
takes a local value so that the total rate in the reactor
is the integration of the elementary rates dr = r
over elementary amounts dq of catalyst.
The eect of the irradiation on this elementary cata-
lyst amount is determined by the specic rate of energy
absorption i
= dI
/dq, where I
is the absorbed
energy (E s
or W), also called LVREA (Local Volumet-
ric Rate of Energy Absorption).
Note that this amount of catalyst can be chosen
as catalyst mass, suspension volume or support area
(immobilised catalyst), depending on the type of reactor
2.4. General system. Another problem is that
mass transfer phenomena can intervene in the process
by reducing the eective local concentration so that the
analysis of the reactor must take into consideration:
the local specic rate,
the irradiation distribution (the space-dependent
the laws of mass-transfer phenomena (external,
internal transfers),
the mass-balance over the whole of the reactor.
A complete analysis allows accurate information on the
laboratory scale to be obtained and the scaling-up of an
eective reactor to be carried out. However, the whole
192 M. Bouchy and O. Zahraa Vol. 05
problemis complex and requires knowledge of the con-
stitutive laws and of the operative parameters so that
simplifying assumptions are often made so as to get a
feasible study and practical reactors are designed with-
out a complete ab-initio analysis.
The basic information which allows a photocatalytic re-
actor to be designed is an analytical expression for the
specic rate of reaction. Data can be found in the liter-
ature but are often given as the total rate within the re-
actor, resulting froman average value of the irradiation
rate instead of taking the irradiation distribution into
account [1]. A general picture is as follows, although
some more elaborate rate expressions are also found:
a concentration dependence of the Langmuir-
Hinshelwood type [2] which leads to rst-order
kinetics at low concentration and zero-order
kinetics at high concentration, with a similar
additionnal eect of oxygen concentration, of-
ten referred to as the LHHW model (Langmuir-
a low activation energy,
an order with respect to absorbed irradiation
varying from 1 at low ux to 0.5 at high ux,
which is attributed to recombination of reactive
species (especially hole-electron recombination).
There is no feed-back eect between irradiation and
chemical conversion as long as the reactants (or prod-
ucts) do not absorb the irradiation in the wavelength
range where the catalyst is excited. The catalyst con-
centration is therefore the only parameter and as this
catalyst is by essence a stable compound, the light
distribution does not depend on the extent of re-
action. This is indeed generally the case in low-
concentrated uids and in near-UV range (wavelength
of 350400nm). If this were not the case, the concentra-
tions and light distributions would be linked together
through the absorption law for the uid phase, which
would add to the complexity of the system.
4.1. Suspension. In the case of a suspension (or a
nearly-continuous xed bed), the LVREA depends on
the emission of the light source, both in intensity and
spatial distribution, and on the absorption and scatter-
ing properties of the reactor lling. If there is no ab-
sorption by the compounds in the uid, the LVREA is
dependent on the catalyst only. However, this calcula-
tion is much complicated by the scattering.
The master equation is an energy balance along a
path ds on any energy ux per unit surface, time and
solid angle I() (E m
) along the direction
dened by the unit vector , which includes:
loss by absorption (coecient ),
loss by scattering-out (coecient ),
contribution by scattering-in from uxes in all
the directions
and , with
the probability per unit solid angle (or phase-
function) p(
, ) [1, 3]:
= ( +) I()
, ) I(
where d
To solve this equation requires experimentally deter-
mining or modelling the absorption and scattering co-
ecients and also the phase function p. On principle,
a theoretical expression for p can be derived from
MIE theory but due to the complexity of the deriva-
tion, approximate functions have been used (for large
spheres [4]) and also simple isotropic scattering.
In addition, solving of this integro-dierential equa-
tion requires knowledge of a boundary condition. This
is the incident ux I
() on the reactor walls. The
LVREA is then:
Note also that the parameters are dependent on the
wavelength and that, for a polychromatic source
(sun, uorescent lamp) the spectral density I
() =
dI()/d and corresponding i
should be used in-
stead of I() and i
, which would then be integrated
over the wavelength range.
The lamp irradiation ux on the reactor wall I
can be known from the geometry of the reactor and
the distribution of the emission from the light source.
The solar emission is well dened as a one-direction
uniform ux, but the emission of an articial lamp is
more dicult to assess. The lamps being considered
are of a cylindrical shape and have been simulated
as an isotropically emissive medium, either a cylindri-
cal volume (which could ultimately be considered as a
thread [5]) or a cylindrical surface (uorescent lamp).
The emission is on principle isotropic in the whole
space but a simplied model assumes emission to oc-
cur perpendicularly to the lamp axis only.
Once the system is dened, it is a dicult mathe-
matical problem to solve it. If no simplifying assump-
tions are made, a numerical method is necessary. The
Discrete Ordinate Method is a convergent algorithm
based on exchange between nite volume elements [1]
Vol. 05 Photocatalytic reactors 193
or discrete directions in space [3] (about 220). Alter-
natively, a Monte Carlo approach can be used [3, 5]:
in this method, the fate of individual photons is sim-
ulated then all these events are averaged over a large
number of photons to get the LVREA, a rigorous but
time-consuming method.
Analysis of the light distribution is of importance:
although a pseudo Beer-Lambert can be used to sim-
ulate absorption under some conditions (see below), it
can be observed that the increase in catalyst loading can
result in a maximum in the rate of the reaction instead
of a limiting value [6, 7].
4.2. Thin lm- deposited lm. A simplication of
the general treatment has been suggested [8] where the
contribution of scattering-in to the energy intensity can
be neglected by a careful design of the reactor (with
small light path), which is appropriate for laboratory
kinetic studies leading to a pseudo Beer-Lambert law.
Such an approximation, has also been used for thin de-
posits [5, 9], which gives a satisfactory representation
of the global properties of the lm as measured by an
integrating sphere [10]. A simple model [11] considers
a nite number of elementary slabs having the same
properties of absorption and reection and exchang-
ing light ows. In an alternative model, originally de-
signed for suspension lms [12], the light is assumed
to propagate normally to the lm plan only: scattering-
in is neglected and the total light ow is assimilated to
opposite ows coupled to each other by scattering-out.
This latter model has the advantage of leading to an
analytical expression for the LVREA and has also been
applied with some renement to lm deposits [13].
This model has proved satisfactory although out- and
in-scattering by thin deposits has been found to be
nearly isotropic [14]. Note that the determination of
the global properties of a deposited lm can also be
used to carry out the simulation of reactors equipped
with sets of transparent supports of moderately
absorbing lms.
5.1. Coupling with mass transfer. Any consump-
tion of reactant results in a decrease in the local
reactant concentration. A concentration gradient then
appears and results in a ux of matter. It can be as-
sumed that the QSSA (quasi-stationary-state approxi-
mation) is obeyed so that the photographic picture of
the local situation at any time reveals an exact mass-
balance i.e. an equality between transported reactant
through mass-transfer phenomena and consumed re-
actant through the photocatalytic process. The conse-
quence is that the local concentration in the immediate
vicinity of the catalyst surface is lower than it is in the
bulk of the uid.
Note that increasing the surface area of the catalyst
is protable as this increases the pollutant adsorption
and therefore its degradation and usual catalysts are
therefore of a porous or dispersed nature although this
increases the possibility of mass-transfer limitation.
Mass-transfer phenomena can be classied as exter-
nal, within the uid in the vicinity of the catalyst pel-
lets or deposits (then enhanced by uid stirring), and as
internal within the catalyst pores (independent of the
5.2. External mass transfer. The rate of external
mass transfer is generally expressed according to the
model of the boundary layer on the catalyst surface.
The rate is then expressed as:
r = k
) (mol m
where C
and C
represent the bulk and surface con-
centrations, respectively.
The rate constant k
depends on the ow regime
of the uid, generally characterised by the non-
dimensional Reynolds number Re. It is given by various
empirical expressions such as [9]:
= 3.49 10
(m s
As the rate constant k
increases with the ow turbu-
lence, a good stirring is usually enough for the eect of
external transfer to vanish, i.e. (C
1. Exper-
imentally, this can be veried by checking that the rate
is not dependent on the ow rate or stirring beyond
some minimum value.
In some instances, the oxygen supply has been sug-
gested as a source of rate limitation. Note that the ow
in oxygen to the solid particle or deposit results not
only from external transfer but also, for aqueous solu-
tion treatment with bubbling gas, from dissolution at
the gas-liquid interface. This can to be taken into ac-
count [5] in mass balance with a specic rate of disso-
lution given by the basic expression:
r = k
(mol m
where k
is the rate constant and C
the oxygen con-
centration in the liquid phase in equilibrium with the
gas phase by the gas-liquid interface.
5.3. Internal mass transfer. Internal mass-transfer
is more likely to result in rate limitation in a deposited
catalyst than it does on a suspended catalyst [15]. Con-
trary to external mass-transfer, it is not possible to ob-
tain direct evidence of a limitation as the parameters
involved (dimension of pores, molecular diusion coef-
cient) cannot be varied independently of other kinetic
parameters. An indirect way of investigation is to vary
the thickness of the catalyst lm (an increasing eect
of internal mass transfer would lead to a limiting value
194 M. Bouchy and O. Zahraa Vol. 05
of the quantum yield of degradation), or to compare
the eect of irradiation from the uid side and from
the (transparent) support side in which case an eect
of internal mass transfer would lead to a lower quan-
tum yield of degradation. A measurable [9] or negligi-
ble eect [11] has been observed by this technique. The
comparison of the rate of adsorption r
and of pho-
tocatalytic degradation r
can also be compared as
is mainly diusion controlled (in physical adsorp-
tion). A partial limitation in suspension of aggregates
has thus been shown [6].
The consequence of a mass transfer rate limitation
is to alter the true value of the orders with respect to
the reactant and the irradiation rate (with a limiting
value of 1 for reactants and 0 for the irradiation rate).
As a consequence, the eect of internal transfer, if not
specically studied, is often included in an apparent
specic rate of reaction.
The phenomenon has been modelled either by as-
suming an exponential expression for the decrease in
concentration with the increase in depth within the cat-
alyst [9].
In thermal catalysis, the non-dimensional Thiele
and Weisz moduli and
are dened:
= r
where r
and C
are the specic volume rate and the
concentration at the surface of the lm, respectively,
D is the diusion coecient and L is the characteristic
length (ratio of volume to outer area), and where