Performance of WDM Transmission Using EDFA Over Maximum Distance of Transmission

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)

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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 179

Main objectives of this paper is to obtain the maximum distance of transmission with satisfactory level of quality of signal. In the
present work, 16 channels with channel spacing of 200 GHz are modulated by optical LiNbO3 phase modulator with non return to
zero format and transmitted over 1050 km. 15 spans of combination of SSM and DCF fiber are taken and each span consists of 60
km of SSM and 10 km of DCF.The gain saturable EDFA is used as pre-amplifier to amplify the signal. The quality factor and
output power of different channels are measured after 70 km, 350 km and 1050 km.


1. Introduction
An important issue in the field of information transmission is the effective utilization of the capacity of a communication
channel under the requirements of dynamically increasing traffic. In practice, the multiplexing of many low bandwidth or
low bit rate signals into high capacity traffic trunks does this. In digital communication this is done electronically by a
hierarchical multiplexing. The single mode fiber has a capacity that often exceeds the information rate generated by
conventional electronic multiplexing schemes. Some novel multiplexing schemes are therefore required to influence the
capacity utilization of the single mode fiber. In electronic multiplexing, techniques such as FDM and TDM are used. The
potential of electronic multiplexing has already been exploited in many cases. On the other hand multiplexing procedures
unique to optics namely WDM and optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) have become popular only recently.
Finally, fiber or space division multiplexing (SDM) is a technically trivial but useful solution in which transmission
capacity is increased simply by multiplying the number of optical fibers.
Optical communication in the WDM mode is a technique wherein modulated light from several sources of distinct
wavelengths is required to be transmitted simultaneously over a single fiber. Wavelength selective optical multiplexers
and de-multiplexers are used at the start and end of the transmission route. This is an optical method and the chosen
optical device should ensure low loss while combining or separating light of various wavelengths.
WDM transmission has many advantages like greater transmission capacity, duplex transmission, and simultaneous
transmission of various types of signals such as digital and analog and easy system expansion. The application of WDM
technology to a trunk transmission system is a very fertile area of research because this technology is expected to greatly
improve system economy. Many research groups are actively involved in the development of WDM based newer
networks. Looking ahead, soliton-based WDM is yet another exciting possibility

WDM system configuration
A block schematic diagram of a WDM transmission system is shown in figure (1). There are two possible ways in which
WDM can be employed. In first case (figure 1a) the transmitter consists of a number of optical sources of different
wavelengths of emission and the required driver circuitry. A WDM multiplexer combines various sources that are
individually modulated by the respective signals. For instance, each information channel may be a 140 Mbps PCM
channel. When four such PCM channels are combined using WDM, the throughput goes upto 560 Mbps. A WDM de-
multiplexer at the receiving end separates the respective PCM channels, which' are then decoded electronically in the
usual manner.

Figure 1: WDM configuration
Performance of WDM Transmission using
EDFA over maximum distance of transmission

Er. Pardeep Kumar Jindal
Er. Harisharan Aggarwal
Er. Navdeep Bansal

ECE Department, GGSCET Talwandi Sabo
ECE Department, Aryabhatta Group of Institutes, Barnala

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 180

The multiplexing and multiplexing devices can be a grating. In the second case (figure 1b), the purpose is to achieve full
duplex communication using a single fiber cable. Here the information flow in each of the two sections is discriminated
by the use of two different wavelengths, one for each direction. In fact both objectives can be combined in such a way that
2N distinct optical sources are used for channel full duplex communication. Besides the above basic configurations, many
other applications of WDM are possible such as in WDM based switching and routing.
The function of combining or separating wavelengths in optics can be realized in many ways. A classification of optical
multiplexer and de-multiplexer devices is shown in Table 1. . The important components of a WDM transmission system
and their properties are listed in Table 2.

Classification of WDM systems
Depending upon channel resolution and number of channels, WDM systems can broadly be grouped into three types-
coarse WDM, dense WDM and optical FDM. In the early stages of development, relatively simple devices were
employed to realize two-channel WDM systems using for instance, 850 nm and 1300 nm. Dielectric thin films (DTF),
fiber and 10 directional couplers, etc. were used and such systems can be called coarse because of the very large channel
Table 1: Classification of WDM MUX/DE-MUX

Table 2: Component of WDM transmission and their properties

Repeaters and Amplifiers
As the signal propagates through the fiber it suffers from attenuation and distortion (pulse spreading). For multimode
transmission distance is limited by attenuation to less than 26 km. and less than 80 km for single mode. So we need to
boost an optical signal to transmit information over long distance. There are two means to boost a signal: Repeaters and
Optical amplifiers. A repeater accepts an optical signal, converts it into an electrical signal, makes a decision whether it is
bit 1 or bit 0, generates a new electrical pulse, coverts it back into an optical signal, and transmits the reshaped signal
farther along the fiber as shown in figure (2).
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 181

Figure 2: Block diagram of repeater and amplifiers

There are three basic methods to regenerate a signal [9]. The first called 3R is regeneration with retiming and reshaping.
The second method, called 2R involves regeneration with reshaping but without retiming. The third method 1R performs
only regeneration without retiming and reshaping. This is the only method that can handle an analog transmission such
as that used in cable TV but its performance characteristics are worst.
Two major classes of optical amplifiers in use are: semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and fiber optical amplifiers
(FOA). A SOA is an active medium of semiconductor laser. This is a laser diode without, or with very low, optical
feedback. A FOA is quite different from SOA. Fiber amplifier, specifically erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), find
most application in WDM networks. EDFA operate only in the 1550 nm window, while semiconductor optical amplifiers
cover both the 1300 nm and 1550 nm windows. There are, others types of optical amplifiers besides SOAs and EDFAs.
These use nonlinear effects for amplification rather than stimulated emission i.e. Raman and Brillouin effects.

2. Wavelength Division Multiplexing
One of the major concerns in fiber optics communication is to obtain the maximum distance of transmission with
satisfactory level of quality of signal. This factor is taken into consideration in the present work. The transmission
performance of WDM signals by using cascaded gain saturable EDFA is analyzed. Sixteen lorentzian laser sources in the
wavelength range from 1540.56 nm to 1552.53 nm (200 GHz channel spacing) are modulated by each optical LiNbo

phase modulator with non return to zero (NRZ) format. The input power of each transmission channel is 10 dBm. So
therefore, the design carries 640 Gb/s WDM NRZ signals and is transmitted over 1050 km with 70 km spacing of SMF
and DCF and EDFA at end. The schematic of 16 40 Gb/s WDM system shown in figure (1.2) and circuit diagram is
shown in figure (1.3).

Figure 3: Block diagram for WDM transmission
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 182

In previous work [16] 16 40 Gb/s channels are transmitted using EDFA as a pre-amplifier up to distance of 910 km
without reduction of any fiber nonlinear effect. Here, the signal is transmitted without preamplifier up to distance of 1050
km, which is due to reduction in the SPM effect.Each span of fiber consists of a 60 km standard single mode fiber (SMF),
10 km of DCF and a gain saturable EDFA at the end. For SMF, the values dispersion parameter D at the operating
wavelength is 17 ps/km-nm. The corresponding value for DCF is six times greater with opposite signal, the loss of SMF
is to 0.2 dB/km and loss of DCF is 0.55 dB/km [19]. The time domain simulations are performed at center frequency
193.85 THz with bandwidth 3.53 THz.
An important issue in the field of information transmission is the effective utilization of the capacity of a communication
channel under the requirements of dynamically increasing traffic. In practice, the multiplexing of many low bandwidth or
low bit rate signals into high capacity traffic trunks does this. In digital communication this is done electronically by a
hierarchical multiplexing. The single mode fiber has a capacity that often exceeds the information rate generated by
conventional electronic multiplexing schemes. In electronic multiplexing, techniques such as FDM and TDM are used.
On the other hand multiplexing procedures unique to optics namely WDM and optical frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) have become popular only recently.
Optical communication in the WDM mode is a technique wherein modulated light from several sources of distinct
wavelengths is required to be transmitted simultaneously over a single fiber. Wavelength selective optical multiplexers
and de-multiplexers are used at the start and end of the transmission route. This is an optical method and the chosen
optical device should ensure low loss while combining or separating light of various wavelengths.

Characteristics of gain saturable EDFA
If input is increased beyond a particular limit EDFA saturates and output power decreases instead of increasing. This
situation is called gain saturation. The gain saturation occurs as a high input power input signal means a large number of
photons per unit of time, these photons stimulate a vast numbers of transitions per unit of time from intermediate level to
lower level which means intermediate level will be depleted of photons quickly. In other words, greater the input power,
lower is numbers of photons in intermediate level and as the principle of gain suggest that lower the ratio of photons of
level 2 to level 1 lower is the gain. The gain saturation determines the maximum output power called saturated output
power that an EDFA can handle.

3. Simulation Setup To WDM Transmission Using EDFA
Simulation of WDM Transmission at different distances.
Simulation is done with same setup at different distances and observe parameters.

Figure 4: Circuit diagram for WDM transmission


i. Simulator with 70 km
First simulation is done with same setup up to distance of 70 km. The input power is -10 dBm and power of single
channel of 4.042 dBm. The Q factor for all the channel is approximately above then 20 dB. The output power of different
channel varies from 4.743 dBm to 4.764 dBm which is almost constant. The output power before receiver is 8.036
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 183

dBm. Figure (1.1) shows the input and output spectrum before and after 70 km. and Figure (1.2) and figure (1.3) shows
the eye diagram of channel 1 and 16 respectively. For all channels good quality is obtained. Table 1.1 shows the
variation of Q with frequency and Table 1.2 shows variation of output power at different channel frequencies.

Table 1.1: Variation of Q with frequency at 70 km

Q (dB) 20.29 20.51 20.54 20.56 20.75 20.97 21.13 20.86

Table 1.2: Variation of output power with frequency at 70 km

Rec. O/P power -4.742 -4.744 -4.743 -4.768 -4.780 -4.768 -4.745 -4.759

Figure 1.1: Input and output spectrum at 70 km

Figure 1.2: Eye diagram of channel 10 at 70 km
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 184

Figure 1.3: Eye diagram of channel 16 at 70 km

ii. Simulation with 350 km
Next simulation is done with same setup up to distance of 350 km. The input power is -10 dBm and power of single
channel of 4.042 dBm. The Q factor for all the channel is approximately above then 18 dB as shown in Table 2.1. The
output power of different channels is almost constant with little variation from 1.888 dBm to 1.902 dBm as shown in
Table 2.2. The output power before receiver is 10.994 dBm. Figure (2.1) shows the input and output spectrum before and
after 350 km. and figure (2.2) and figure (2.3) shows the eye diagram of channel 8 and 16 respectively.

Table 2.1: Variation of Q with frequency at 350 km

Freq. (THz) 192.35
Q (dB) 18.81 19.21 19.24 18.97 19.71 19.01 19.04 18.88

Table 2.2: Variation of output power with frequency at 350 km
Rec. O/P power -1.901 -1.904 -1.905 -1.910 -1.908 -1.977 -1.982 -1.985

Figure 2.1: Input and output spectrum at 350 km
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 185

Figure 2.2: Eye diagram of channel 10 at 350 km

Figure 2.3: Eye diagram of channel 16 at 350 km

iii. Simulation with 700 km
Next simulation is done with same setup up to distance of 700 km. The input power is -10 dBm and power of single
channel of 4.042 dBm.The quality factor for all the channel is approximately above then 17 dB as shown in Table 3.1.
And the output power of different channel varies from 1.940 dBm to 2.065 dBm, which is almost constant. The
combined output power before receiver is 11.9033 dBm. Figure (3.1) shows the input and output spectrum before and
after 700 km and figure (3.2) and figure (3.3) show the eye diagram of channel 8 and 16 respectively. Table 3.2 shows the
variation of output power with frequency.

Table 3.1 : Variation of Q with frequency at 700 km

Freq. (THz) 192.35
Q (dB) 17.89 17.50 17.40 17.38 18.20 18.30 18.01 17.50

Table 3.2: Variation of output power with frequency at 700 km

Rec. O/P
-1.940 -1.937 -1.945 -1.945 -1.990 -1.990 -1.991 -1.985

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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 186

Figure 3.1: Input and output spectrum at 700 km

Figure 3.2: Eye diagram of channel 10 at 700 km

Figure 3.3: Eye diagram of channel 16 at 700 km

iv. Simulation with 1050 km
Next simulation is done with same setup up to distance of 1050 km. The input power is -10 dBm and power of single
channel of 4.042 dBm. The quality factor for all the channel is approximately above then 15 dB and the output power of
different channel is almost constant and varies slightly from 2.235 dBm to 2.083 dBm. The combined output power
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 187

before receiver is 10.999 dBm. Figure (4.1) shows the input and output spectrum before and after 1050 km and figure
(4.2) and figure (4.3) shows the eye diagram of channel 8 and 16 respectively. Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 shows the
variation of Q and output power with frequency respectively.

Table 4.1: Variation of Q with frequency at 1050 km
Freq. (THz) 192.35
Q (dB) 16.36 16.14 16.10 16.03 15.35 15.30 15.75 15.85

Table 4.2: Variation of output power with frequency at 1050 km

Rec. O/P power -2.238 -2.238 -2.241 -2.245 -2.250 -2.155 -2.099 -2.092

Figure 4.1: Input and output spectrum at 1050 km

Figure 4.2: Eye diagram of channel 10 at 1050 km
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 188

Figure 4.3: Eye diagram of channel 16 at 1050 km

Figure 5: Combined output power with distances

Figure 6: Output power of different channels at different distances
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 189

Frequency (THz)
Figure 7: Q Value of different channels at different distances

Figure (5) shows the combined output power at different distances. At 70 km; it is found to be around 8 dBm. As the
distance is increased, the output power increases almost linearly up to distance of 350 km due to amplification by gain
saturable EDFA. After 350 km the power is almost constant at around 11dBm. Figure (6) shows the output power of
different channels is -2.1dBm. Figure (7) shows the quality factor of different channels at different distances. It is
observed that at distance of 70 km. The quality factor of all channels is more than 20 dBm at at different distances. It is
almost constant at around -4.75 dBm. The power is slightly increased as distance is increased. At 350 km it is 2.6 dBm,
at 700 km it is -2.7 dBm and at 1050 km it distance of 350 km these values are reduced to about 18 dBm, at distance of
700 km, these are further reduced to about 17 dBm and about 15 dBm. As we try to increase the distance more the quality
factor decreases below 15 dBm. The details of quality and power observed per channel for different distance is given in
appendix I.

Characteristics of gain saturable EDFA
The gain saturation determines the maximum output power called saturated output power that an EDFA can handle. On
the other, if input power falls below a particular limit ASE noise comes into play and output power again starts
decreasing. So, we have to choose a optimum value of input power. This is found to be 8 dBm as seen from Table 5.
Corresponding observations are plotted in figure (4.18) This gives variation of gain with input power. Figure (4.19)
shows the variation of output power channel 10 and channel 16 at different pump powers. At -8 dBm, the output power is
same so for gain saturable EDFA pump power of -8 dBm is chosen. These observation are given in Table 6.

Figure 8: Gain Verses input power
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 190

Figure 9: Variation of output power with pump power
Table 5: Gain of EDFA

Table 6: Variation of output power with input pump powe

Input power (dBm) Output power
Gain (dB)
-24 0.379 48.76
-21 2.859 47.72
-18 5.091 46.21
-15 7.007 44.02
-12 8.641 41.28
-9 10.028 38.05
-6 11.213 34.43
-3 12.241 30.9
0 13.162 26.32
3 14.024 22.06
6 14.886 17.77
9 15.822 13.65
12 16.926 9.85
15 18.308 6.62
18 20.056 4.11
21 22.189 2.38
Pump power
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2
Output power
(dBm) Channel 10
-5.93 -4.80 -3.79 -2.87 -2.06
Output power
(dBm) Channel 16
-5.85 -4.79 -3.7 -2.86 -2.03
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 191

Figure 10 : Variation of Q of channel 10 and channel 16 with input pump power at 350 km

Table 7: Variation of Q with input pump power for 350 km

Table 8: Variation of Q channel 10 and Channel 16 with channel spacing

Table 9: Variation of Q at different core area

Pump power
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2
Q (dB)
Channel 10
20.19 21.68 20.68 22.52 22.88
Q (dB)
Channel 16
19.89 21.62 21.34 21.55 22.15
spacing (THz)
100 125 150 175 200
Q (dB)
Channel 10
19.01 18.6 19.5 18.8 18.2
Q (dB)
Channel 16
18.27 18.96 19.28 18.8 18.2
192.35 192.55 192.75 193.75 194.15 194.95 195.35
Core Area
(20 pm
18.47 19.52 19.38 18.89 19.23 18.57 19.11
Core Area
(30 pm

18.81 20.02 19.51 18.99 19.41 18.64 19.22
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 192

Figure 11: Variation of output power of channel 10 and channel 16 with channel spacing at 350 km

Figure 12: Variation of Q with frequency at different core diameter

5. Conclusion
In the present work 16 channels at 40 Gb/s at channel spacing of 200 GHz using gain saturable EDFA is transmitted and
maximum distance of transmission is observed which is found to 1050 km. This shows improvement in transmission
distance over previous work [16]. In their work gain saturable EDFA was used as preamplifier and as booster amplifier,
but any fiber nonlinear effect was not reduced, however in the present work EDFA is used as booster amplifier only. More
over in the present work one important parameter of DCF, which is core effective area, is optimized (This reduces the
phase modulation effect which reduces the SPM effect and increases maximum distance of transmission). The quality
factor and output power of various channels at different distances is observed. It is found that the quality factor for all
channels at all distances is above 15 dB. Also the output power is almost constant at all distances. However if distance is
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 193

increased beyond 1050 km the quality factor reduces below satisfactory limit, which is below 15 due to gain saturation
effect of EDFA and interference effect.
Appendix I
For 70 km
Channel / Frequency
Q (dB) Out put Power
Ch.1 (192.35) 20.29 -4.742
Ch.2 (192.55) 20.47 -4.743
Ch.3 (192.75) 20.51 -4.744
Ch.4 (192.95) 20.52 -4.746
Ch.5 (193.15) 20.54 -4.743
Ch.6 (193.35) 20.55 -4.753
Ch.7 (193.55) 20.56 -4.768
Ch.8 (193.75) 20.58 -4.771
Ch.9 (193.95) 20.70 -4.780
Ch.10 (194.15) 20.85 -4.788
Ch.11 (194.35) 20.97 -4.768
Ch.12 (194.55) 21.11 -4.756
Ch.13 (194.75) 21.13 -4.745
Ch.14 (194.95) 20.97 -4.755
Ch.15 (195.15) 20.86 -4.759
Ch.16 (195.35) 20.77 -4.764
For 350 km

Channel / Frequency
Q (dB) Out put Power
Ch.1 (192.35) 18.81 -1.901
Ch.2 (192.55) 19.02 -1.903
Ch.3 (192.75) 19.21 -1.904
Ch.4 (192.95) 19.41 -1.905
Ch.5 (193.15) 19.24 -1.905
Ch.6 (193.35) 18.95 -1.908
Ch.7 (193.55) 18.97 -1.910
Ch.8 (193.75) 18.85 -1.909
Ch.9 (193.95) 19.71 -1.908
Ch.10 (194.15) 19.11 -1.966
Ch.11 (194.35) 19.01 -1.977
Ch.12 (194.55) 18.98 -1.979
Ch.13 (194.75) 19.04 -1.982
Ch.14 (194.95) 18.58 -1.986
Ch.15 (195.15) 18.88 -1.985
Ch.16 (195.35) 18.18 -1.986
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Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Page 194

For 700 km
Channel / Frequency
Q (dB) Output Power
Ch.1 (192.35) 17.89 -1.940
Ch.2 (192.55) 17.99 -1.939
Ch.3 (192.75) 17.50 -1.937
Ch.4 (192.95) 17.45 -1.940
Ch.5 (193.15) 17.40 -1.945
Ch.6 (193.35) 17.39 -1.955
Ch.7 (193.55) 17.38 -1.945
Ch.8 (193.75) 17.88 -1.970
Ch.9 (193.95) 18.20 -1.990
Ch.10 (194.15) 18.45 -1.982
Ch.11 (194.35) 18.30 -1.990
Ch.12 (194.55) 18.20 -1.995
Ch.13 (194.75) 18.00 -1.991
Ch.14 (194.95) 17.68 -1.965
Ch.15 (195.15) 17.50 -1.985
Ch.16 (195.35) 17.19 -2.065

For 1050 km
Channel / Frequency
Q (dB) Output Power
Ch.1 (192.35) 16.36 -2.238
Ch.2 (192.55) 16.58 -2.237
Ch.3 (192.75) 16.14 -2.238
Ch.4 (192.95) 16.30 -2.244
Ch.5 (193.15) 16.10 -2.241
Ch.6 (193.35) 16.05 -2.243
Ch.7 (193.55) 16.03 -2.245
Ch.8 (193.75) 15.13 -2.249
Ch.9 (193.95) 15.35 -2.250
Ch.10 (194.15) 15.25 -2.251
Ch.11 (194.35) 15.30 -2.155
Ch.12 (194.55) 15.55 -2.125
Ch.13 (194.75) 15.75 -2.099
Ch.14 (194.95) 15.80 -2.097
Ch.15 (195.15) 15.85 -2.092
Ch.16 (195.35) 16.17 -2.083

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