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Cs2406 Open Source Lab Viva

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1. Define Open Source.
2. How open source software differ from proprietary software.
3. !at are t!e app"ications of open source systems#
$. Name some open source operatin% system.
&. Name some Linu' editor
E( NO 1
1. Define )ear"
2. !at is t!e command used to read an input in pear" "an%ua%e#
3. !at is t!e command used to run a )EARL command.
$. How wi"" you %et a *a"ue of *aria+"e in pear".
&. !at is t!e purpose of ,HO-)
E' No 2.
1. !at is )H)#
2. How to run a )H)#
3. !at is t!e difference +etween )H) and /a*a script#
$. How wi"" you print a sin%"e statement in )H)#
&. How wi"" you create a ta+"e in )H)#

E( NO 3.
1. !at is pyt!on#
2. How wi"" you e'ecute a pyt!on pro%ram#
3. !at is t!e e'tension used to sa*e a pyt!on pro%ram#
$. !at is t!e purpose of %etname function#
&. !at is t!e purpose of raw0input function#
E' No . $
1. !at is t!e command to c!ec1 ip address of an 2edora system#
2. How wi"" you set Gateway address of 2edora system#
3. !at is t!e purpose of 3ifconfi%4
$. How wi"" you c!an%e t!e 5) address of an "inu' system permanent"y#
&. Define R)-
6. Define 78-
9. !at is DH,)
:. How wi"" you mana%e t!e 5) ;A<LES#
=. Define DNS
1>. How wi"" you c!ec1 t!e 5) Address from root#
E( NO . &
1. !at are G85 too" ?its#
2. !at are G;?#
3. !at is t!e purpose of @; too" 1it#
$. How G85 pro%rammin% differs from Aisua" <asic#
&. How wi"" you disp"ay a frame usin% G85 pro%ram#
E( NO . 6
1. !at is 28SE#
2. !at is t!e purpose of <<2S#
3. !at is t!e purpose of GRE) command#
$. !at is t!e use of w%et command#
&. How to update t!e "i+rary too"s#
E( NO 9.
1. !at is t!e purpose of ,8)S#
2. !at is SA-<A#
3. How wi"" you s!are t!e fi"es +etween 2edora and indows#
$. !at is t!e purpose of S-<#
&. How wi"" you c!ec1 t!e Status of sam+a#
E' No. :
1. !at are GN8 +ui"d systems#
2. !at is t!e purpose of ma1e fi"e
3. !at is t!e purpose of cma1e#
$. !at is t!e purpose of Auto conf#
&. !at is t!e purpose of Auto ma1e#
6. !at is t!e purpose of L5< too"#
9. !at is t!e purpose of GN8 L5<#
:. !at is t!e purpose of Apac!e AN;#
=. !at is t!e purpose of Auto too"s#
1>. How wi"" you run t!e pro%rams in GN8 +ui"d systems#
E( No =.
1. Define Airtua"iBation#
2. !at is t!e purpose of C.iso fi"e#
3. How wi"" you insta"" a indows OS in 2edora System#
$. !at are (EN systems#
&. !at is t!e purpose of 2REEDOS system#
E( NO. 1>
1. !at is meant +y )-S#
2. !at are Aersion contro" system #
3. !at is t!e purpose of SAN#
$. !at is t!e purpose of LA-)#
&. !at are GNO-E systems#

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