Course Critique 5327
Course Critique 5327
Course Critique 5327
Stephanie Crowe
The University of Texas at Tyler College of Nursing
Nurs 5327 Nursing Education Curriculum Develoment
Critique of Course Descrition and !earning "utcomes#
$tudent# $tehanie Cro%e
&' Nursing course secifications#
The course NURS 3310 is Health Assessment. According to Texas Common Course
Numer s!stem "#010$ the %irst digit "3$ indicates the academic le&el o% the course. The
second digit "3$ indicates how man! credit hours will e earned. The last two digits "10$
are uni'ue identi%iers %or the course.
Course credit 1 Theor!( # laorator! %or total o% 3 credit hours.
See http)((www.utt! .
*rere'uisites are NURS 3303 "*athoph!siolog! o% Acute Care$+ NURS 3#0,"Nursing
concepts and theories$+ NURS 330-"*harmacological asis %or nursing$ or concurrent
Note) NURS 3310 Health assessment must e completed or ta.en concurrentl! with this
Texas Common Course Numering s!stem "#010$
&&' Course Descrition#
(' Nursing emhasis 0
This course teaches concepts on health assessment o% patients. Students are taught s.ills
to assess patients holisticall! and %or man! di%%erent de&elopmental ages. Students are
taught the asics o% otaining a health histor! %rom a patient as well as a through ph!sical
exam. Students are taught to anal!1e ph!sical+ cogniti&e and social %unctioning o%
2' Target oulation 0 Students are taught to assess patients across the li%espan. Nursing
students need to e %amiliar with patients %rom neonatal to geriatric and the di%%erent
ph!sical+ ps!chosocial and cogniti&e le&els o% these patients. This course teaches an
o&er&iew o% how to assess the patient holisticall!.
3' )ealth challenges# The challenges o% nursing education is the high learning in
which in the clinical setting could lead to the death or in2ur! o% a patient
"3enner et. al #010+ p. 4#$. Students learning ph!sical health assessment are taught to
o2ecti&el! assess the patient s!stematicall! and comprehensi&el! e%ore other s.ills and
inter&entions are co&ered.
*' !earning exeriences# Students practice health assessment s.ills in a laorator!
setting and must master s.ills such as &ital signs+ 100 lood pressures+ head to toe
practicum+ and reath sound and heart sound competenc!. These learning experiences
ta.e place with the Sim 5an+ a classmate or peer+ or assessment in clinical setting.
Course Critique
Stephanie Crowe
3enner+ *.+ Sutphen+ 5.+ 6eonard+ 7.+ 8a!+ 6. "#010$. Educating nurses: A call for
radical transformation. San 9rancisco) :osse!03ass.
&&&' !earning "utcomes#
(' Nursing emhasis 0 Upon success%ul completion o% this course the student should
master s.ills in &ital signs "temperature+ pulse+ respirations and lood pressure$.
The student should per%orm a head to toe assessment on a classmate. The student should
correctl! identi%! heart and reath sounds. ;n addition the student will complete the la
written assignments in the corresponding la manual.
2' Target oulation < The student should e ale to success%ull! complete a
comprehensi&e health assessment on an! person o% an! age and de&elopmental le&el.
Nursing students are gi&en a comprehensi&e o&er&iew o% the human od! and proper
health assessment is an important %oundation in ecoming a success%ul nurse.
3' )ealth challenges + =ne o% the iggest challenges students %ace when learning the
s.ill o% health assessment is learning how to prioriti1e. Setting priorities when doing a
comprehensi&e assessment helps the nurse de&elop proper inter&entions ! determining
the nature o% the situation "3enner et. al+ #010+ p. ,0$. A%ter completing this course+
students should e ale to de&elop their ailit! to prioriti1e a%ter assessment.
*' !earning Domains "Cogniti&e+ A%%ecti&e+ *s!chomotor$) Health assessment is oth
cogniti&e and ps!chomotor s.ills. The %oundation o% health assessment is ased on
.nowing norms and when to recogni1ed when something is outside o% normal limits. This
cogniti&e .nowledge must e comined with the ps!chomotor s.ills o% per%orming a
ph!sical health assessment and &ital signs. Nurse educators can help students uild these
s.ill through demonstration+ discussion and using a&ailale resources %or the student to
practice on "=ermann+ #013$.
Re%erence in A*A %ormat)
3enner+ *.+ Sutphen+ 5.+ 6eonard+ 7.+ 8a!+ 6. "#010$. Educating nurses: A call for
radical transformation. San 9rancisco) :osse!03ass.
=ermann+ 5.H. "#013$. Teaching in nursing) The guide to est practice. New >or.)
Springer *ulishing Compan!. ;S3N) ?-@0@#A1?,,31
&,' Teaching- !earning $trategies and .ssignments /2012 /5+3 lines each area2
Congruency of strategies and assignments %ith course descrition#
The course description teaches students on concepts o% health assessment including a
health histor! and ph!sical examination. The learning assignments include a health
histor! assignment+ a grand rounds presentation as well as a comprehensi&e %inal exam
that utili1es all the s.ills and concepts co&ered in the course. 3! the end o% the course
students ha&e per%ormed &ital sign assessment+ chec.ed 100 lood pressures+ identi%ied
heart and lung sounds and per%ormed a complete head to toe assessment.
Congruency of strategies and assignments %ith course o45ectives# The course also
assesses le&els o% ph!sical+ cogniti&e and social %unctioning in the practice o% health
Course Critique
Stephanie Crowe
assessment. The students are anal!1ed on their ailit! to per%orm a health assessment+
recogni1e anormalities and discuss with patients their health histor! to conclude with a
comprehensi&e health assessment. =ermann "#013+ p. 1?4$ discusses how students
progress through the cogniti&e phase ".nowledge to e gained$+ associati&e "practicing
and de&eloping s.ills$ and ps!chomotor phase "s.ills accuratel! per%ormed$.
=ermann+ 5.H. "#013$. Teaching in nursing) The guide to est practice. New >or.)
Springer *ulishing Compan!. ;S3N) ?-@0@#A1?,,31
,' 6rading 7rocedures# /2012 /2+* lines each area2
Critique of 6rading Criteria /$ecificity and aroriateness2
1. $ecific grade %eights for assignments listed to total (001 and assigned
grade categories in decimal terms /ending in 8ero or 5 for easy calculation2#
Braded assignments are outlined as %ollows) 9our exams worth A0C+
Comprehensi&e %inal exam worth #0C+ Health Histor! worth ,C+ grand rounds
presentation worth 10C+ and 8ail! grade worth , C. This is comined with - pass
or %ail la(clinical assignments %or a total o% 100 C.
#. Comarison of grade %eighting 4et%een %ritten tests and other graded
assignments# There are 4 written tests worth 1,C each %or a total o% A0C o% the
grade. The comprehensi&e %inal is worth #0C o% the grade so students can assume
i% the! do well on the written exams+ the! should do well on the %inal. The other
graded assignments are slightl! lowerD the health histor! assignment is ,C+ Brand
rounds 10C and dail! grade o% ,C.
3. Critique of E9U.!&T: of 6rading $cale categories . through ;
/comarison of 1 oints in each for grades .< =< C< and D2# The grading
criteria is a criterion0re%erence interpretation. =ermann "#013+ p.1?3$ states that
criterion0re%erence interpretation is ased on a preset criterion and students are
gi&en a grade ased on this criterion instead o% in relation to other learners "norm
re%erenced criteria$. The preset criterion %or this class is A ?00100+ 3 @00@?+ C -,0
,?+ 8 A00-4+ and 9 elow A0.
4. =&erall clarit!+ e%%ecti&eness+ and %airness o% grading Criteria) =&erall the grading
criteria are spelled out clearl! and %airl!. The preset grading criteria is stated
plainl! and all grades are gi&en their appropriate weight and communicated to the
students e%ore the class egins. ;n addition there is an optional learning port%olio
that students can complete to add one additional point to their %inal grade.
=ermann+ 5.H. "#013$. Teaching in nursing) The guide to est practice. New >or.)
Springer *ulishing Compan!. ;S3N) ?-@0@#A1?,,31
Course Critique
Stephanie Crowe