Una Voce Press Release 18MAR2008
Una Voce Press Release 18MAR2008
Una Voce Press Release 18MAR2008
Within the last year, Pope Benedict XVI has begun to put his mark on the
papacy by bringing to bear changes that harkens we Catholics back to our
traditional roots. While the tip of the spear is most certainly the Pope’s
Motu Proprio (Summorum Pontificum) in which he clarified the used of the
Traditional Latin Mass or Extraordinary Form, Father Zuhlsdorf contends that
this action was only the beginning of the Pope’s efforts to “Reform the
Reform” and is the beginning of the Pope’s “Marshall Plan” for the Church.
Schedule of Events
11 April 12 April
7-8:30PM 5-7PM
Presentation: The Pope’s Marshall Plan Dinner with Father Z
for the Church The Monastery Restaurant
Knights of Columbus Council 3548 Hall $100 per plate
211 W. Government Avenue Limit 10 participants
Norfolk, VA 23503 Proceeds to benefit Una Voce of
Cost: FREE (venue seats 250) Chesapeake
Donations for Una Voce of Chesapeake 8:30 PM
Accepted Blognic (venue TBD)
Open to all
Those interested in participating in the Dinner with Father Z, please contact Una
Voce of Cheseapeake using the contact information above. This schedule is subject to
change. Updates will be available at http://uvchesapeake.blogspot.com/
Una Voce is an international federation of associations, founded in 1966 in Rome, that now
includes national associations in 17 nations on every continent. It is dedicated to ensuring
that the Roman Mass codified by St. Pius V is maintained as one of the forms of eucharistic
worship which are honored in universal liturgical life, and to restoring the use of Latin,
Gregorian Chant, and sacred polyphony in Catholic liturgy.