5.campus Map

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Buildings and Areas

1001 Broadway Building D1 BDWY

1313 East Columbia Building B3 CLMB
Administration Building D1 ADMN
Admissions & C2 ADAL
Alumni Building
Archbishop Murphy A1 ATMA
Arrupe Jesuit Residence B1 ARRP
Bannan Engineering Building C1 ENGR
Bannan Science Building C1 BANN
Bellarmine Residence Hall B1 BELL
Campion Residence Hall A1 CAMP
Casey Building C1 CASY
Championship Field A3
Chapel of St. Ignatius D1 CHAP
Connolly Complex A4 CONN
The Douglas A2 DOUG
Fine Arts Building E1 FINR
Garrand Building D1 GARR
Hunthausen Hall E1 HUNT
James Tower A5 JMTW
Kolvenbach Residence 1217 A2 KV17
Kolvenbach Residence 1220 A2 KV20
Lee Center for the Arts D1 CNFA
Lemieux Library & McGoldrick B1 LEML
Learning Commons
Logan Court 819 A,B,C C2 L19
Logan Court 821 B,C C2 L21
Logan Field A1
Loyola Hall C1 LOYA
Lynn Building E1 LYNN
OBrien Center B2 OBRN
Pigott Building D1 PIGT
The Quad C1
Rianna Building B2 RINA
School of Law Annex B2 LSAX
Student Center B1 STCN
James C. Pigott Pavilion B1 PAVL
for Leadership
Sullivan Hall C1 SLLH
Teilhard de Chardin Hall A1 CHDN
University Services Building C1 USVC
Xavier Residence Hall E1 XAVR
10th & East Jefferson Lot A1 P1
10th & East Columbia Lot B1 P2
13th & East Cherry Lot B3 P6
14th & East Jefferson Lot A4 P7
Broadway Garage C1 P3
Main Parking/Visitor Parking D1 P5
Murphy Garage A1 P4
901 12th Avenue, PO Box 222000, Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Campus Information: (206) 296-5990, Campus Emergency: (206) 296-5911

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