Study and Planning of Green Buildings: Vineet Gupta, Dibyanshu Agarwal Udit Jain

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Study and Planning of Green Buildings

Vineet Gupta
, Dibyanshu Agarwal
, Udit Jain

Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Engineering & Technology
A-B Road, Raghogarh, Dist. Guna - 473226, Madhya Pradesh
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper discusses about a theoretical study about
planning and construction of Green Buildings. All the aspects
have been discussed that are necessary to plan and design a
Green Building before the actual construction begins. The
various aspects include Building Orientation which decides the
position of the building along a certain axis to optimize the
solar heat, daylight and wind received by the building. Various
building materials used in construction can be procured by
Recycling and Agricultural Waste Content. Materials used
should be such that they conserve natural resources and avoid
any impact on the environment. The Fulfilment of TERI-
GRIHA list of criteria and their Green design practices have
also been discussed in this paper. TERI is The Energy &
Resource Institute in Mithapur in North West India. GRIHA
stands for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment.
TERI-GRIHAs list of criteria enables any Green Building
construction to score a maximum of 100 points according to
which it declares a Rating of the Green Building. Some of the
criteria are Rain water harvesting, harnessing maximum solar
energy, reduce water wastage, use of fly ash in construction,
etc. Some of the practical applications where Green building
has been implemented are Bus stations, warehouses, small
housing projects etc.
Keywords: Green Building, TERI GRIHA criteria, Building
Orientation, Optimize resource use.
Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with
which buildings use resources energy, water, and materials,
while reducing building impacts on human health and the
environment during the building's lifecycle, through better
design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal.
Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of
the built environment on human health and the natural
environment by:
Efficiently using energy, water, and other
Protecting occupant health and improving
employee productivity
Reducing waste, pollution and environmental
Sustainable Development or Sustainability is the foundational
principle underlying various efforts to ensure a decent quality
of life for future generations. The Bruntland Report, better
known as Our Common Future (1987), defines sustainable
development as Meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
needs [1]. By reducing the amount of natural resources
consumed by the buildings and the amount of pollution given
off is seen as crucial for future sustainability, according to EPA
[Environmental Protection Agency].
Green building brings together a vast array of practices and
techniques to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of
buildings on the environment and human health. It often
emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, e.g.,
using sunlight through passive solar, active solar, and
photovoltaic techniques and using plants and trees through
green roofs, and for reduction of rainwater run-off. Many other
techniques, such as using packed gravel for parking lots instead
of concrete to enhance replenishment of ground water, are used
as well. Effective green buildings are more than just a random
collection of environmental friendly technologies. They require
careful, systemic attention to the full life cycle impacts of the
resources embodied in the building and to the resource
consumption and pollution emissions over the buildings
complete life cycle.
Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include
rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and straw,
lumber from forests certified to be sustainably managed,
recycled metal, and other products that are non-toxic, reusable,
renewable, and/or recyclable. The EPA also suggests using
recycled industrial goods, such as coal combustion products,
foundry sand, and demolition debris in construction projects.
Building materials should be extracted and manufactured
locally to the building site to minimize the energy embedded in
their transportation.
Green architecture also seeks to reduce waste of energy, water
and materials used during construction. For example, in
California nearly 60% of the state's waste comes from
commercial buildings. To reduce the impact on wells or water
treatment plants, several options exist. "Greywater",
wastewater from sources such as dishwashing or washing
machines, can be used for subsurface irrigation, or if treated,
for non-potable purposes, e.g., to flush toilets and wash cars.
Rainwater collectors are used for similar purposes.
Finally, onsite generation of renewable energy through solar
power, wind power, hydro power, or biomass can significantly
reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power
generation is generally the most expensive feature to add to a
building. And thus green building is an effective and
economical way of preserving the environment.
The present work deals with the planning of functionally
efficient comfortable building by determining the climatic zone
corresponding to the local area. Once the climatic zone of a
station is known, it is easy for the designer to incorporate the
essential design features of the buildings appropriate to that
zone. It is reiterated that each climatic zone does not have the
same climate for the whole year; it has particular for more than
six months and may experience other seasons for the remaining
period. The design requirement for summer season call for
warding-off the heat during day and rapid cooling by night,
whereas winter season requires rapid heating of the structure
by day and conservation of heat by night. It is not possible to
work out the design of the structure that would meet the above
functional requirement for the three seasons. Therefore, the
fundamental consideration for the designer is reasonable
balance between the exclusion of heat during summer and the
conservation of heat during winter. The season
discomfort should therefore, decide the choice of building
materials and the layout of the building to obtain tolerable
living conditions even under extremes of climate.
A. General Information about Local Area
1) Identification of the Climatic Zone
2) Average Annual Rainfall
3) Maximum Recorded Wind Speed
4) Wind Direction

For example: For Guna region lying in Madhya Pradesh, the
General Information about local area can be gathered using the
maps from Survey of India. The following data in Table 1 has
been gathered from weather department in Guna city using the
maps given below [2].

Climatic Factor Corresponding Data
Climatic Zone Composite Zone
Rainfall Average annual rainfall of 800 mm to 1000
Max. Wind Speed The mean wind speed is 60 kmph to 80
Wind Direction Probable yearly wind direction is from
potable purposes, e.g., to flush toilets and wash cars.
Rainwater collectors are used for similar purposes.
Finally, onsite generation of renewable energy through solar
or biomass can significantly
reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power
generation is generally the most expensive feature to add to a
building. And thus green building is an effective and

of functionally
efficient comfortable building by determining the climatic zone
corresponding to the local area. Once the climatic zone of a
station is known, it is easy for the designer to incorporate the
eatures of the buildings appropriate to that
zone. It is reiterated that each climatic zone does not have the
same climate for the whole year; it has particular for more than
six months and may experience other seasons for the remaining
requirement for summer season call for
off the heat during day and rapid cooling by night,
whereas winter season requires rapid heating of the structure
by day and conservation of heat by night. It is not possible to
cture that would meet the above
functional requirement for the three seasons. Therefore, the
fundamental consideration for the designer is reasonable
balance between the exclusion of heat during summer and the
conservation of heat during winter. The season of great
discomfort should therefore, decide the choice of building
materials and the layout of the building to obtain tolerable
living conditions even under extremes of climate.

For example: For Guna region lying in Madhya Pradesh, the
General Information about local area can be gathered using the
following data in Table 1 has
been gathered from weather department in Guna city using the
Corresponding Data

mm to 1000 mm
0 kmph to 80 kmph
Probable yearly wind direction is from West to East
Fig. 1. Climatic Zones

Fig. 2. Average Annual Rainfall


Fig. 2. Average Annual Rainfall Map
Fig. 3. Maximum Wind Speed Recorded Map

Fig. 4. Wind Direction Map

Maximum Wind Speed Recorded Map

B. Planning of Green Building
1) Orientation of the Building
The sun and the wind are the two predominating climatic
elements which play an important role in deciding the optimum
orientation of a building. In regions where heating is needed, a
building should be so oriented that the intensity of solar
radiation received by the building surfaces is maximum
whereas an orientation for which building receives minimum
radiation is preferred for places where cooling is needed.
orientation which receives maximum radiation in winter and
minimum radiation in summer will be the best orientation in
respect of solar radiation falling on the building.
Air motion is an important contributor to mans thermal
sensation as it can spell comfort or discomfort depending upon
the climatic conditions. For example, protection is sought
against wind to reduce heat loss in winter, while high rates of
air motion are needed for cooling purposes in hot
climate. For optimum utilization of optimum wind, building
orientation should judiciously be chosen keeping in view the
prevailing wind direction. Then, depending on the
requirements of air motion in the building,
orientation may easily be worked out.
2) Cavity Wall
Cavity walls consist of two 'skins' separated by a hollow space
(cavity). The skins are commonly masonry such as brick or
concrete block. Masonry is an absorbent material, and
therefore will slowly draw rainwater or even humidity into the
wall. The cavity serves as a way to drain this water back out
through weep holes in the base of the wall system. A cavity
wall with masonry as both inner and outer skins more
commonly referred to as a double masonry wall
Fig. 5. Insulated Cavity Wall

The masonry skins of a cavity wall can be brickwork, block
work or similar. Different masonry materials can be used on
either side of the cavity. The cavity is initially empty but can
be filled with insulation by various methods. Cavity walls are
more time consuming and therefore slightly more expensive to
build than a walls with the two skins bonded together,
The sun and the wind are the two predominating climatic
elements which play an important role in deciding the optimum
uilding. In regions where heating is needed, a
building should be so oriented that the intensity of solar
radiation received by the building surfaces is maximum
whereas an orientation for which building receives minimum
ere cooling is needed. An
orientation which receives maximum radiation in winter and
minimum radiation in summer will be the best orientation in
respect of solar radiation falling on the building.
Air motion is an important contributor to mans thermal
sensation as it can spell comfort or discomfort depending upon
the climatic conditions. For example, protection is sought
against wind to reduce heat loss in winter, while high rates of
needed for cooling purposes in hot-humid
or optimum utilization of optimum wind, building
orientation should judiciously be chosen keeping in view the
Then, depending on the
requirements of air motion in the building, appropriate

consist of two 'skins' separated by a hollow space
(cavity). The skins are commonly masonry such as brick or
concrete block. Masonry is an absorbent material, and
owly draw rainwater or even humidity into the
wall. The cavity serves as a way to drain this water back out
through weep holes in the base of the wall system. A cavity
wall with masonry as both inner and outer skins more
sonry wall [4].

Fig. 5. Insulated Cavity Wall
The masonry skins of a cavity wall can be brickwork, block
work or similar. Different masonry materials can be used on
either side of the cavity. The cavity is initially empty but can
insulation by various methods. Cavity walls are
more time consuming and therefore slightly more expensive to
build than a walls with the two skins bonded together, but they
provide better sound and heat insulation and most importantly
resistance to rain penetration. An added benefit of cavity wall
construction is that it provides the ability to more adequately
insulate the building. A continuous layer of rigid insulation is
easily fitted between the cavity and the inner skin of the wall.
The insulation does not fill the cavity but rather slip in behind
it. The cavity itself also helps in insulating the building by
acting as a thermal break between the two skins.
With environmental conditions becoming more of an issue,
people now take much more interest in reducing energy
wastage and cavity wall insulation is a cost effective way to
reduce the amount of heat (as much as 35%) lost from
convection off walls. As well as being more environmentally
friendly, it can reduce heating costs as more of the heat is used
effectively and it is often used as a first step, due to its low
payback time and smaller initial installation costs. As the
demand for energy efficiency in buildings increases the issue
of thermal bridging in cavity wall openings is becoming more
prominent. Solutions to thermal bridging include cavity
closers; an insulated frame cheese seals the cavity at apertures
for doors and windows.
3) Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term referring to the air quality
within and around buildings and structures, especially as it
relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. IAQ
can be affected by microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria),
gases, particulates, or any mass that can induce adverse health
conditions. Indoor air is becoming an increasingly more
concerning health hazard than outdoor air. Using ventilation to
dilute contaminants, filtration, and source control are the
primary methods for improving indoor air quality in most
Indoor pollution sources that release gases or particles into the
air are the primary cause of indoor air quality problems in
homes. Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutant
levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions
from indoor sources and by not carrying indoor air pollutants
out of the home. High temperature and humidity levels can also
increase concentrations of some pollutants.
C. Building Materials
1) Products Made with Recycled or Agricultural Waste
Pre-consumer (also called post-industrial) recycling refers to
the use of industrial by-products, as distinguished from
material that has been in consumer use. Iron-ore slag used to
make mineral wool insulation, and fly ash used to make
concrete are examples of post-industrial recycled materials.
Products made from agricultural waste material are made from
strawthe stems left after harvesting cereal grains, citrus oil
waste product from orange and lemon juice extraction and
many more [3].
2) Products That Conserve Natural Resources
These products are environmentally attractive because they
need to be replaced less frequently, or their maintenance has
very low impact. Sometimes, durability is a contributing factor
to the green designation but not enough to distinguish the
product as green on its own. This criterion is highly variable by
product type. Included in this category are such products as
fibre-cement siding, fibreglass windows, slate shingles, and
vitrified-clay waste pipe.
3) Products That Avoid Toxic or Other Emissions
Products that are natural or minimally processed can be green
because of low energy use and low risk of chemical releases
during manufacture. These can include wood products,
agricultural or non agricultural plant products, and mineral
products such as natural stone and slate shingles. Some man
made materials provide a better alternative in an application
dominated by products for which there are concerns about
toxic constituents or by-products. Fluorescent lamps with low
mercury levels are an example here, along with form release
agents that wont contaminate water or soils with toxicants.
Also included here are alternatives to products made with
chlorinated hydrocarbons such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
and brominated fire retardants.

4) Building components that reduce heating and cooling

Examples include structural insulated panels (SIPs), insulated
concrete forms (ICFs), autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)
blocks, and high-performance windows and glazing.

A. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
The origins of TERI lie in Mithapur, in a remote corner of
north-western India, where a visionary chemical engineer was
concerned about the enormous quantities of energy his factory
spent on desalination. It was Mr Darbari Seth of Tata
Chemicals, whose appreciation of the importance of energy as
a resource, who thought of an institute to tackle and deal with
the immense and acute problems that mankind is likely to face
within the years ahead. Two major objectives were (a) To
account the gradual depletion of the earths finite energy
resources which are largely non-renewable and (b) To develop
the existing methods of the use of these resources which are
less polluting. The idea instantly appealed to Mr J R D Tata,
chairman of the Tata Group, a great visionary himself and a
staunch supporter of scientific research - and TERI was duly
registered in Delhi in 1974 as the Tata Energy Research
Institute. As the scope of activities widened over time, the
institute was renamed as The Energy and Resources Institute in

B. Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
Internationally, voluntary building rating systems have been
instrumental in raising awareness and popularizing green
design. However, most of the internationally devised rating
systems have been tailored to suit the building industry of the
country where they were developed. TERI, being deeply
committed to every aspect of sustainable development, took
upon itself the responsibility of acting as a driving force to
popularize green building by developing a tool for measuring
and rating a building's environmental performance in the
context of India's varied climate and building practices. This
tool, by its qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria,
would be able to rate a building on the degree of its
TERI's green building rating system (TERIGRIHA) has been
developed after a thorough study and understanding of the
current internationally accepted green building rating systems
and the prevailing building practices in India. The primary
objective of the rating system is to help design green buildings
and, in turn, help evaluate the greenness of the buildings.
The green building rating system devised by TERI is a
voluntary scheme. It has derived useful inputs from the
upcoming mandatory voluntary building codes/guidelines
being developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, MOEF
(Ministry of Environment and Forests), Government of India,
and the Bureau of Indian Standards. The rating system aims to
achieve efficient resource utilization, enhanced resource
efficiency, and better quality of life in the buildings.
C. Scoring points for TERIGRIHA
TERIGRIHA is a guiding and performance-oriented system
where points are earned for meeting the requirements of each
criterion. Each criterion has a number of points assigned to it.
TERI-GRIHA has a 104 point system consisting of some core
points, which are mandatory to be met while the rest are
optional points, which can be earned by complying with the
commitment of the criterion for which the point is allocated.
Different levels of certification (one star to five star) are
awarded based on the number of points earned. The minimum
points required for certification is 50. Buildings scoring 50 to
60 points, 61 to 70 points, 71 to 80 points, and 81 to 90 points
will get one star, two stars, three stars and four star
respectively. A building scoring 91 to 100 points will get the
maximum rating viz. five stars.
Points scored Rating
5060 One star
61-70 Two star
71-80 Three star
81-90 Four star
91-100 Five star
List of criteria Points Remarks
Criteria 1: Site Selection 1 Partly mandatory
Criteria 2: Preserve and protect landscape during
construction /compensatory depository forestation.
5 Partly mandatory
Criteria 3: Soil conservation (post construction) 4
Criteria 4: Design to include existing site features 2 Mandatory
Criteria 5: Reduce hard paving on site 2 Partly mandatory
Criteria 6: Enhance outdoor lighting system
Criteria 7: Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on
site circulation efficiency
Criteria 8: Provide, at least, minimum level of
sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers
2 Mandatory
Criteria 9: Reduce air pollution during
2 Mandatory
Criteria 10: Reduce landscape water requirement 3
Criteria 11: Reduce building water use 2
Criteria 12: Efficient water use during construction 1
Criteria 13: Optimize building design to reduce
conventional energy demand
6 Mandatory
Criteria 14: Optimize energy performance of
building within specified comfort
Criteria 15: Utilization of fly ash in building
Criteria 16: Reduce volume, weight and time of
construction by adopting efficient technology (e.g.
pre-cast systems, ready-mix concrete, etc.)
Criteria 17: Use low-energy material in interiors 4
Criteria 18: Renewable energy utilization 5
Criteria 19: Renewable energy based hot-water
Criteria 20: Waste water treatment 2
Criteria 21: Water recycle and reuse (including
Criteria 22: Reduction in waste during
Criteria 23: Efficient waste segregation 2
Criteria 24: Storage and disposal of waste 2
Criteria 25: Resource recovery from waste 2
Criteria 26: Use of low - VOC paints/ adhesives/
Criteria 27: Minimize ozone depleting substances 3 Mandatory
Criteria 28: Ensure water quality 2 Mandatory
Criteria 29: Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise
Criteria 30: Tobacco and smoke control 1
Criteria 31: Universal Accessibility


Criteria 32: Energy audit and validation

Criteria 33: Operations and maintenance protocol
for electrical and mechanical equipment
2 Mandatory
Total score 100
Criteria 34: Innovation (Beyond 100) 4
Total score 104

Some of the mandatory criteria of the TERI-GRIHA list for
planning of green buildings have been discussed below:
Criteria 1: Site Selection
Site selection is the first step to a sustainable habitat and needs
to be done appropriately, prior to commencement of design
phase. Site selection and analysis should be carried out to
create living spaces that are in harmony with the local
environment. The development of a project should not cause
damage to the natural surroundings of the site but, in fact,
should try to improve it by restoring its balance. Thus, site
selection should be carried out in light of a holistic perspective
of land use, development intensity, social well-being, and
preservation of the environment.
Criteria 2: Preserve and protect the landscape during
construction/compensatory depository forestation.
This criterion emphasizes to preserve the existing landscape
and protect it from degradation during the process of
construction. It involves proper timing of construction,
preserve top soil and existing vegetation, staging and spill
prevention to prevent spilling contaminated material onsite,
erosion and sedimentation control, replant the trees that were
cut down during construction in the ratio 1:3.
Criteria 4: Design to include existing site features
The natural features of a plot of land can be disrupted by the
construction of a building on it. The design of a green building
will factor in ways in which the natural site features can be
protected or even restored. Layout the site activities and
building requirements after carrying out detailed site analysis
so as to ensure sustainable site development in tune with its
topographical, climatic, and ecological character.

Criteria 5: Reduce hard paving on-site and /or provide shaded
hard - paved surfaces.

Reduce hard paving on-site to minimize the imperviousness of
the site. Also, provide shade on hard-paved surfaces to
minimize the heat island effect on site. Heat island effect refers
to the fact that man made structures tend to attract and retain
heat at a higher rate than it is normal in natural surroundings.
This results in an increase in ground-level ozone production by
as much as 30%. Providing a shade by planting trees can
minimize this effect. Alternatively packed gravel may be used
instead of hard paved surface. Packed gravel not only reduces
heat island effect but also helps to replenish ground water.

Criteria 8: Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety
facilities for construction workers
Ensure the health and safety of workers during construction,
with effective provisions for the basic facilities such as
sanitation and drinking water, and safety of equipments or
machinery. Ensure cleanliness of workplace with regard to the
disposal of waste and effluent. Provide clean drinking water
and latrines and urinals to maintain the necessary hygiene in
the surrounding area during construction. Mobile Ferro-cement
toilets can serve the purpose well.

Fig. 6. Mobile Toilets

Criteria 9: Reduce air pollution during construction.

The dust generated by various construction site activities can
contribute significantly to air pollution. Dust and outdoor air
pollutants can cause respiratory problems. Good construction
practices involve major mitigation measures for minimization
of air pollution from construction activities. This criterion aims
to reduce air pollution due to onsite construction. Ensure
proper screening, covering stockpiles, covering bricks and
loads of dusty materials, and water spraying.

Criteria 11: Reduce building water use

Fig. 7. Water efficient toilets

Reduce the water used by the building during and after the
construction. By simply using smaller size flushes, up to 56%
water can be saved per flush.

Criteria 13: Optimize building design to reduce the
conventional energy demand.

Apply solar passive measures, including day lighting, in order
to reduce the demand on conventional energy for lighting
systems in buildings. Plan appropriately to handle climatic
changes. Adopt an adequate comfort range, design for less air-
conditioned areas, more day lighting from sun, and avoid
excess of the electric lighting and air-conditioning systems.

Criteria 15: Utilization of fly-ash in building structure

Fly ash is a by product of the thermal power plants. Fly Ash is
formed due to combustion of coal and has high silica content.
Reinforced concrete (RCC) (including ready mix concrete)
should make use of fly ash by using Pozzolana Portland
Cement (PPC) containing fly ash. Minimum 30% replacement
of cement with fly ash based PPC by weight of the cement
should be used in the overall RCC for meeting the equivalent
strength requirements. Using Fly Ash not only tackles the
problem of disposal of power plant waste but is also beneficial
for the cement microstructure in concrete. Fly Ash reacts with
the Calcium Hydroxide formed during hydration of cement to
form additional C-S-H bond which makes the concrete highly
durable. The chances of chloride ingress and carbonation are
reduced if PPC is used for making the concrete.

Criteria 28: Ensure water quality

Ensure groundwater and municipal water meets the water
quality norms as prescribed in the Indian Standards for various
applications. Indian Standard for drinking water is IS:10500-
1991, and for irrigation application IS:11624-1986. In case the
water quality cannot be ensured, provide necessary treatment
of raw water for achieving the desired concentration for
various applications [5].

Criteria 32: Energy audit and validation

Energy audit report should be prepared by approved auditors of
the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India and
proper validation of the fulfilment of the various criteria should
be carried out.

Criteria 33: Operations and maintenance protocol for
electrical and mechanical equipment

This criterion emphasizes to validate and maintain 'green'
performance levels and propagate green practices and
concepts. A core facility/service management group should be
provided which will be responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the buildings electrical and mechanical
systems after commissioning. Owner/builder/occupants/service
or facility management group should prepare an operations and
maintenance manual or an information brochure listing the best
practices, dos and donts, maintenance requirements for the
buildings electrical and mechanical systems along with the
names and addresses of the manufacturers and suppliers of the
respective system.

Criteria 34: Innovation (Beyond 100)
Four innovation points are available under the rating system for
adopting criteria which enhance the green intent of a project,
and the applicant can apply for the bonus points for the same.
Some of the probable points, not restricted to the ones
enumerated below, could be:
1. Alternative transportation
2. Environmental education
3. Lifecycle cost analysis
4. Enhanced accessibility for physically/mentally
5. Any other criteria proposed by the client
Construction projects lead to massive exploitation of nature
and environment. Green building is a concept which is now a
necessity. It certainly adds to the cost but it is an essential
concept which needs implementation for sustainable
development. Starting from site selection to life cycle of a
building, environmental friendly alternatives can be used.
The Energy and Research Institute has developed a five star
rating system for green buildings. Though the implementation
of the TERI-GRIHA list of criteria is voluntary, they should be
fulfilled during all major and minor construction projects. It is
necessary for each and every individual to understand the
responsibility they have towards the environment for the sake
of their future generations survival on earth. Green Building
concept can be brought into practice by following these criteria
and can lead to a milestone in sustainable development.
We would like to thank Dr. K.K. Jain Dean and HOD Civil
Department, Dr. N.J. Rao Director, and Mr. Krishan Murari,
Senior Lecturer, Jaypee Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Guna, for the continuous support and guidance
throughout our work. We would also like to thank Mr. Namit
Kumar and Mr. Akshat Varshney for enlightening us about the
concept of Green Buildings.
[1] Charles J.Kibert, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, Sustainable
Constructions (Green Building Design and Delivery).
[2] Ishwar Chand and P.K. Bhargava, The Climatic Data Handbook 1999,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
[3] Dr. Richard Boser, Mr. Tory Ragsdale, and Dr. Charles Duvel, Recycled
Foam and CementComposites in InsulatingConcrete Forms, 2002
[4] Design Guide for Taller Cavity Walls, MASONRY ADVISORY
[5] Water Supply Engineering, S.K. Garg, Reprint Edition 2007, Khanna

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