G.R. No. 162759 August 4, 2006: Cayetano vs. Monsod

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Nicolas-Lewis, et al vs.

G.R. No. 162759 August 4, 2006
Petitioners were dual citizens by virtue of RA 922. Petitioners sou!"t to avail t"eir ri!"t of suffra!e under
RA 9#$9 or t"e %verseas Absentee &otin! Act of 2''(. Comelec, "owever, did not allow )etitioners to
vote in t"e 2''* election, reasonin! t"e )etitioners faield to com)ly wit" t"e re+uirement of #-year
residency )rior t"e elections as )rovided for under Article , ,ec # of t"e Constitution.
-"et"er or not )etitioners may )artici)ate in t"e election sans t"e com)liance of t"e # year residency.
."e Court "eld t"at t"ose w"o retained or reac+uired t"eir citizens"i) under RA 922 may e/ercise t"eir
ri!"t to vote under t"e %verseas Absentee &otin! Act of 2''(, RA 9#$9.
Article , ,ection 2 of t"e Constitution )rovides for t"e e/ce)tion to t"e residency re+uirement in ,ection
# of t"e same article. ."e votin! mec"anism in RA 9#$9 was )ractically set fort" to )rovide a system
w"erein 0ili)inos of dual citizens"i) and are, at t"e same time, not residin! in t"e P"ili))ines are
em)owered to vote.
."e Court "eld t"at )resent day duals may now e/ercise t"eir ri!"t of suffra!e)rovided t"ey meet t"e
re+uirements under ,ection #, Article & of t"e Constitution in relation to R.A. 9#$9
Cayetano s. !onso"
R1NA.% CA21.AN%, )etitioner, vs.
C3R4,.4AN 5%N,%6, 3%N. 7%&4.% R. ,AL%N8A, C%554,,4%N %N APP%4N.51N., and 3%N.
894LL1R5% CARA891, in "is ca)acity as ,ecretary of :ud!et and 5ana!ement, res)ondents.
8.R. No. #''##(
,e)tember (, #99#
PARA,, 7.;
Res)ondent C"ristian 5onsod was nominated by President Corazon C. A+uino to t"e )osition of
c"airman of t"e C%51L1C. Petitioner o))osed t"e nomination because alle!edly 5onsod does not
)ossess re+uired +ualification of "avin! been en!a!ed in t"e )ractice of law for at least ten years. ."e
#9$< constitution )rovides in ,ection #, Article 4=-C; ."ere s"all be a Commission on 1lections
com)osed of a C"airman and si/ Commissioners w"o s"all be natural-born citizens of t"e P"ili))ines
and, at t"e time of t"eir a))ointment, at least t"irty-five years of a!e, "olders of a colle!e de!ree, and
must not "ave been candidates for any elective )osition in t"e immediately )recedin! elections. 3owever,
a ma>ority t"ereof, includin! t"e C"airman, s"all be members of t"e P"ili))ine :ar w"o "ave been
en!a!ed in t"e )ractice of law for at least ten years.
4t is w"et"er t"e res)ondent "as t"e ten year )ractice of law re+uirement for "im to assume suc" office
Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, w"ic" re+uires t"e a))lication of law, le!al
)rocedure, ?nowled!e, trainin! and e/)erience. @.o en!a!e in t"e )ractice of law is to )erform t"ose acts
w"ic" are c"aracteristics of t"e )rofession. 8enerally, to )ractice law is to !ive notice or render any ?ind
of service, w"ic" device or service re+uires t"e use in any de!ree of le!al ?nowled!e or s?ill.
4n !eneral, a )ractice of law re+uires a lawyer and client relations"i), it is w"et"er in or out of court. Atty.
5onsodAs )ast wor? e/)eriences as a lawyer-economist, a lawyer-mana!er, a lawyer-entre)reneur of
industry, a lawyer-ne!otiator of contracts, and a lawyer-le!islator of bot" t"e ric" and t"e )oor B verily
more t"an satisfy t"e constitutional re+uirement B t"at "e "as been en!a!ed in t"e )ractice of law for at
least ten years..
:lac? defines @)ractice of law@ as;
."e rendition of services re+uirin! t"e ?nowled!e and t"e a))lication of le!al )rinci)les and tec"ni+ue to
serve t"e interest of anot"er wit" "is consent. 4t is not limited to a))earin! in court, or advisin! and
assistin! in t"e conduct of liti!ation, but embraces t"e )re)aration of )leadin!s, and ot"er )a)ers incident
to actions and s)ecial )roceedin!s, conveyancin!, t"e )re)aration of le!al instruments of all ?inds, and
t"e !ivin! of all le!al advice to clients. 4t embraces all advice to clients and all actions ta?en for t"em in
matters connected wit" t"e law. An attorney en!a!es in t"e )ractice of law by maintainin! an office w"ere
"e is "eld out to be-an attorney, usin! a letter"ead describin! "imself as an attorney, counselin! clients in
le!al matters, ne!otiatin! wit" o))osin! counsel about )endin! liti!ation, and fi/in! and collectin! fees for
services rendered by "is associate. CBlack's Law Dictionary, (rd ed.D
."e )ractice of law is not limited to t"e conduct of cases in court. CLand Title Abstract and Trust Co. v.
Dworken,#29 %"io ,t. 2(, #9( N.1. E'D A )erson is also considered to be in t"e )ractice of law w"en "e;
... for valuable consideration en!a!es in t"e business of advisin! )erson, firms, associations or
cor)orations as to t"eir ri!"ts under t"e law, or a))ears in a re)resentative ca)acity as an advocate in
)roceedin!s )endin! or )ros)ective, before any court, commissioner, referee, board, body, committee, or
commission constituted by law or aut"orized to settle controversies and t"ere, in suc" re)resentative
ca)acity )erforms any act or acts for t"e )ur)ose of obtainin! or defendin! t"e ri!"ts of t"eir clients under
t"e law. %t"erwise stated, one w"o, in a re)resentative ca)acity, en!a!es in t"e business of advisin!
clients as to t"eir ri!"ts under t"e law, or w"ile so en!a!ed )erforms any act or acts eit"er in court or
outside of court for t"at )ur)ose, is en!a!ed in t"e )ractice of law. CState ex. rel. Mckittrick v..C.S. Dudley
and Co., #'2 ,.-. 2d $9, (*' 5o. $2D
."is Court in t"e case of Pili!!ine Lawyers Association v.A"rava, C#' P"il. #<(,#<E-#<<D stated;
Te !ractice o# law is not limited to t"e conduct of cases or liti"ation in courtF it embraces t"e )re)aration
of )leadin!s and ot"er )a)ers incident to actions and s)ecial )roceedin!s, t"e mana!ement of suc"
actions and )roceedin!s on be"alf of clients before >ud!es and courts, and in addition, conveyin!. 4n
!eneral, all advice to clients, and all action ta?en for t"em in mattersconnected wit te law incor)oration
services, assessment and condemnation services contem)latin! an a))earance before a >udicial body,
t"e foreclosure of a mort!a!e, enforcement of a creditorAs claim in ban?ru)tcy and insolvency
)roceedin!s, and conductin! )roceedin!s in attac"ment, and in matters of estate and !uardians"i) "ave
been "eld to constitute law )ractice, as do t"e )re)aration and draftin! of le!al instruments, were te
work done involves te deter$ination by te trained le"al $ind o# te le"al e##ect o# #acts and conditions.
C Am. 7r. ). 2E2, 2E(D. C1m)"asis su))liedD
Practice o# law under modem conditions consists in no small )art of wor? )erformed outside of any court
and "avin! no immediate relation to )roceedin!s in court. 4t embraces conveyancin!, t"e !ivin! of le!al
advice on a lar!e variety of sub>ects, and t"e )re)aration and e/ecution of le!al instruments coverin! an
e/tensive field of business and trust relations and ot"er affairs. Altou" tese transactions $ay ave no
direct connection wit court !roceedin"s, tey are always sub%ect to beco$e involved in liti"ation. ."ey
re+uire in many as)ects a "i!" de!ree of le!al s?ill, a wide e/)erience wit" men and affairs, and !reat
ca)acity for ada)tation to difficult and com)le/ situations. ."ese customary functions of an attorney or
counselor at law bear an intimate relation to t"e administration of >ustice by t"e courts. No valid
distinction, so far as concerns t"e +uestion set fort" in t"e order, can be drawn between t"at )art of t"e
wor? of t"e lawyer w"ic" involves a))earance in court and t"at )art w"ic" involves advice and draftin! of
instruments in "is office. 4t is of im)ortance to t"e welfare of t"e )ublic t"at t"ese manifold customary
functions be )erformed by )ersons )ossessed of ade+uate learnin! and s?ill, of sound moral c"aracter,
and actin! at all times under t"e "eavy trust obli!ations to clients w"ic" rests u)on all attorneys.
C5oran, Co$$ents on te &ules o# Court, &ol. ( G#9( ed.H , ). EE-EEE, citin! 'n re (!inion o# te
)ustices G5ass.H, #9* N.1. (#(, +uoted in &ode 's. Bar Assoc. v. Auto$obile Service Assoc. GR.4.H #<9 A.
#(9,#**D. C1m)"asis oursD
At t"is )oint, it mi!"t be "el)ful to define !rivate !ractice. ."e term, as commonly understood, means @an
individual or or!anization en!a!ed in t"e business of deliverin! le!al services.@ C'bid.D. Lawyers w"o
)ractice alone are often called @sole )ractitioners.@ 8rou)s of lawyers are called @firms.@ ."e firm is
usually a )artners"i) and members of t"e firm are t"e )artners. ,ome firms may be or!anized as
)rofessional cor)orations and t"e members called s"are"olders. 4n eit"er case, t"e members of t"e firm
are t"e e/)erienced attorneys. 4n most firms, t"ere are youn!er or more ine/)erienced salaried
attorneyscalled @associates.@ C'bid.D.
."e test t"at defines law )ractice by loo?in! to traditional areas of law )ractice is essentially tautolo!ous,
un"el)ful definin! t"e )ractice of law as t"at w"ic" lawyers do. CC"arles -. -olfram, Modern Le"al
*tics G-est Publis"in! Co.; 5innesota, #9$EH, ). 9(D. ."e )ractice of law is defined as t"e )erformance
of any acts . . . in or out of court, commonly understood to be t"e )ractice of law. CState Bar Ass'n v.
Connecticut Bank + Trust Co., #* Conn. 222, #*' A.2d $E(, $<' G#9$H G+uotin! ,rievance Co$$. v.
Payne, #2$ Conn. (2, 22 A.2d E2(, E2E G#9*#HD. :ecause lawyers )erform almost every function ?nown
in t"e commercial and !overnmental realm, suc" a definition would obviously be too !lobal to be
wor?able.C-olfram, o!. cit.D.
#$illantes . %o$ac
8.R. No. 9($E< 6ecember #$, #99'
Cruz, 7.
."e )etitioner is c"allen!in! t"e desi!nation by t"e President of t"e P"ili))ines of Associate
Commissioner 3aydee :. 2orac as Actin! C"airman of t"e Commission on 1lections, in )lace of
C"airman 3ilario :. 6avide, w"o "ad been named c"airman of t"e fact-findin! commission to investi!ate
t"e 6ecember #9$9 cou) dI etat attem)t.
."e )etitioner contends t"at t"e c"oice of t"e Actin! C"airman of t"e Commission on 1lections is an
internal matter t"at s"ould be resolved by t"e members t"emselves and t"at t"e intrusion of t"e President
of t"e P"ili))ines violates t"eir inde)endence. 3e cites t"e )ractice in t"e ,u)reme Court, w"ere t"e
senior Associate 7ustice serves as Actin! C"ief 7ustice in t"e absence of t"e C"ief 7ustice. No
desi!nation from t"e President of t"e P"ili))ines is necessary.
w"et"er t"e desi!nation of an Actin! C"airman of C%51L1C is unconstitutional
2es. Article 4=-A, ,ection #, of t"e Constitution e/)ressly describes all t"e Constitutional
Commissions as Jinde)endent.K Alt"ou!" essentially e/ecutive in nature, t"ey are not under t"e control of
t"e President of t"e P"ili))ines in t"e disc"ar!e of t"eir res)ective functions. 1ac" of t"ese Commissions
conducts its own )roceedin!s under t"e a))licable laws and its own rules and in t"e e/ercise of its own
discretion. 4ts decisions, orders and rulin!s are sub>ect only to review on Certiorari by t"e ,u)reme Court
as )rovided by t"e Constitution in Article 4=-A, ,ection <.
."e c"oice of a tem)orary c"airman in t"e absence of t"e re!ular c"airman comes under t"at discretion.
."at discretion cannot be e/ercised for it, even wit" its consent, by t"e President of t"e P"ili))ines.
4n t"e c"oice of t"e Actin! C"airman, t"e members of t"e Commission on 1lections would most li?ely
"ave been !uided by t"e seniority rule as t"ey t"emselves would "ave a))reciated it. 4n any event, t"at
c"oice and t"e basis t"ereof were for t"em and not t"e President to ma?e.
1. 'olle$ . C(!)*)CG.R. N(. 1+9,5+
Petitioner and )rivate res)ondent C,aulon!D were bot" candidates formayor of t"e munici)ality of :ansud,
%riental 5indoro in t"e 5ay ##,#99$ elections. ."e )etitioner was )roclaimed as mayor by t"emunici)al
board of canvassers. Private res)ondent filed a )etition wit"t"e C%51L1C to annul t"e
)roclamation. Later, )rivate res)ondentfiled an election )rotest a!ainst )etitioner wit" t"e R.C. ."e
C%51L1Cdismissed t"e )re-)roclamation case filed by )rivate res)ondent, w"ilet"e R.C denied
)etitionerIs motion to dismiss. Petitioner moved forreconsideration but said motion was denied.Petitioner
t"en filed wit" t"e C%51L1C a )etition for certioraricontendin! t"at res)ondent R.C acted wit"out or in
e/cess of >urisdiction or wit" !rave abuse of discretion in not dismissin! )rivateres)ondentIs election
)rotest. ."e C%51L1C en banc dismissed)etitionerIs suit. Petitioner now +uestions t"is decision of t"e
C%51L1Cen banc.
4,,91;-"et"er or not t"e C%51L1C "as t"e aut"ority to decide on t"e case.
."e ,C "as ruled in )revious cases t"at t"e C%51L1C, sittin! en banc,does not "ave t"e re+uisite
aut"ority to "ear and decide election cases includin! )re-)roclamation controversies in t"e first instance.
."is )ower )ertains to t"e divisions of t"e Commission. Any decision by t"e Commission en banc as
re!ards election cases decided by it in t"e first instance is null and void. 4n t"e ,CIs view, t"e aut"ority to
resolve )etition for certiorari involvin! incidental issues of election )rotest, li?e t"e +uestioned order of
t"e trial court, falls wit"in t"e division of t"eC%51L1C and not on t"e C%51L1C en banc.
."us, in Sar$iento vs. C(M*L*C
and in subse+uent cases,
we ruled t"at t"e C%51L1C, sittin! en
banc, does not "ave t"e re+uisite aut"ority to "ear and decide election cases includin! )re-)roclamation
controversies in t"e first instance. ."is )ower )ertains to t"e divisions of t"e Commission. Any decision
by t"e Commission en banc as re!ards election cases decided by it in t"e first instance is null and void.

Petitioner Ru)erto A. Ambil, 7r. and res)ondent 7ose .. Ramirez were candidates for t"e )osition of
8overnor, 1astern ,amar, durin! t"e 5ay ##, #99$ elections.iG(H %n 5ay #E, #99$, t"e Provincial :oard
of Canvassers )roclaimed Ru)erto A. Ambil, 7r. as t"e duly elected 8overnor, 1astern ,amar.
4,,91; -"et"er Comelec, 0irst 6ivision, in sc"edulin! t"e )romul!ation of t"e resolution in t"e case
C1PC Case No. 9$-29D acted wit"out >urisdiction or wit" !rave abuse of discretion amountin! to lac? of
-e find t"e )etition wit"out merit. ."e case at bar is an election )rotest involvin! t"e )osition of
8overnor, 1astern ,amar.iiG(2H 4t is wit"in t"e ori!inal >urisdiction of t"e Commission on 1lections in
division. iiiG((H Admittedly, )etitioner did not as? for a reconsideration of t"e divisionIs resolution or final
decision. 4n li?e manner, a decision, order or resolution of a division of t"e Comelec must be reviewed by
t"e Comelec en banc via a motion for reconsideration before t"e final en banc decision may be brou!"t to
t"e ,u)reme Court on certiorari. ."e )re-re+uisite filin! of a motion for reconsideration is mandatory.
9nder t"e e/istin! Constitutional sc"eme, a )arty to an election case wit"in t"e >urisdiction of t"e
Comelec in division can not dis)ense wit" t"e filin! of a motion for reconsideration of a decision,
resolution or final order of t"e 6ivision of t"e Commission on 1lections because t"e case would not reac"
t"e Comelec en banc wit"out suc" motion for reconsideration "avin! been filed and resolved by t"e
6ivision. ."e instant case does not fall under any of t"e reco!nized e/ce)tions to t"e rule in certiorari
cases dis)ensin! wit" a motion for reconsideration )rior to t"e filin! of a )etition. ivG(<H 4n trut", t"e
e/ce)tions do not a))ly to election cases w"ere a motion for reconsideration is mandatory by
Constitutional fiat to elevate t"e case to t"e Comelec en banc, w"ose final decision is w"at is reviewable
via certiorari before t"e ,u)reme Court.vG($H 3ence, t"e )etition at bar must be dismissed for )rematurity.
J0ailure to e/"aust administrative remedies is fatal to a )artyAs cause of action and a dismissal based on
t"at !round is tantamount to a dismissal based on lac? of cause of action.KviGE(H -31R10%R1, t"e Court
"ereby 64,54,,1, t"e )etition for )rematurity.
A:,-C:N vs. C%51L1C
0AC.,; C%51L1C en banc issued a Resolution in #99$ a))rovin! t"e issuance of a restrainin! order
sto))in! A:,-C:N or any ot"er !rou)s, its a!entsLre)resentative from conductin! suc" e/it survey durin!
t"e 5ay ## elections. C%51L1C believed it mi!"t conflict wit" t"e official count, as well as t"e unofficial
+uic? count of NA50R1L. ."e Court t"en issued t"e .R% )rayed for by A:,-C:N.
4,,91; -%N t"e act of C%51L1C in restrainin! t"e conduct of t"e e/it )olls violates t"e ri!"t to
freedom of e/)ression
31L6; No. %ur Constitution mandates t"at no law s"all be )assed abrid!in! t"e freedom of s)eec" or of
t"e )ress . ."e freedom of e/)ression is a fundamental )rinci)le of our democratic !overnment. 4t @is a
A)referredA ri!"t and stands on a "i!"er level t"an substantive economic or ot"er liberties. 4n t"e landmar?
case 8onzales v. Comelec, t"is Court enunciated t"at at t"e very least, free s)eec" and a free )ress
consist of t"e liberty to discuss )ublicly and trut"fully any matter of )ublic interest wit"out )rior restraint
Cunin"ibited, robust, and wide o)enD. 3owever, t"e freedoms of s)eec" and of t"e )ress are not immune
to re!ulation by t"e ,tate in t"e e/ercise of its )olice )ower. -"ile t"e liberty to t"in? is absolute, t"e
)ower to e/)ress suc" t"ou!"t in words and deeds "as limitations . ."e "oldin! and t"e re)ortin! of t"e
results of e/it )olls cannot undermine t"ose of t"e elections, since t"e former is only )art of t"e latter. 1/it
)olls )ro)erly conducted and )ublicized can be vital tools for t"e "oldin! of "onest, orderly, )eaceful and
credible electionsF and for t"e elimination of election-fi/in!, fraud and ot"er electoral ills. ."ere can be no
free and "onest elections if t"e freedom to s)ea? and t"e ri!"t to ?now are unduly curtailed.
-31R10%R1, t"e Petition is 8RAN.16, and t"e .R% by issued is made P1R5AN1N.. C%51L1C
resolution is "ereby N9LL40416 and ,1. A,461. N%.1,;
8%&1RN%R ,A64M9L A. ,A3AL4 AN6 &4C1-8%&1RN%R R9:2 5. ,A3AL4, P1.4.4%N1R,, &.
C%554,,4%N %N 1L1C.4%N,, RA,3464N 3. 5A.:A AN6 74LMA,4
7. 9,5AN, R1,P%N61N.,.
R121,, 7.;
69R4N8 .31 2'#' 1L1C.4%N,, ,A64M9L A. ,A3AL4 C,A64M9LD AN6 PR4&A.1 R1,P%N61N.
RA,3464N 3. 5A.:A C5A.:AD -1R1 .-% %0 .31 0%9R
CAN646A.1, -3% RAN 0%R .31 P%,4.4%N %0 8%&1RN%R 4N .31 PR%&4NC1 %0 .A-4-.A-4
-34L1 R9:2 AN6 PR4&A.1 R1,P%N61N. 74LMA,4 7. 9,5AN
C9,5AND RAN 0%R .31 P%,4.4%N %0 &4C1-8%&1RN%R.
.31 PR%&4NC4AL :%AR6 %0 CAN&A,,1R, CP:%CD PR%CLA4516 P1.4.4%N1R, ,A64M9L AN6
R9:2 A, .31 69L2 1L1C.16 8%&1RN%R AN6 &4C1-
8%&1RN%R, R1,P1C.4&1L2.
5A.:A AN6 9,5AN 04L16 AN 1L1C.4%N PR%.1,. A6 CA9.1LA5 -4.3 .31 C%51L1C. 5A.:A
C%N.1,.16 .31 R1,9L., 4N (9 %9. %0 2$2 CL9,.1R16
PR1C4NC., .3A. 09NC.4%N16 4N .31 PR%&4NC1 %0 .A-4.A-4. ,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 04L16
.314R AN,-1R -4.3 C%9N.1R PR%.1,..
.31 C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%N 64R1C.16 4., 1L1C.4%N R1C%R6, AN6 ,.A.4,.4C,
61PAR.51N. C1R,6D .% C%N69C. A .1C3N4CAL 1=A54NA.4%N %0
.31 ,A46 1L1C.4%N PARAP31RNAL4A :2 C%5PAR4N8 .31 ,48NA.9R1 AN6 .395:5ARM,
APP1AR4N8 %N .31 16C&L A, A8A4N,. .3%,1 APP1AR4N8 %N
.31 &RR, AN6 .31 :%%M %0 &%.1R,. ,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 7%4N.L2 04L16 -4.3 .31
C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%N A ,.R%N8 5AN401,.A.4%N %0 8RA&1
C%NC1RN AN6 5%.4%N 0%R R1C%N,461RA.4%N.
.31 C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%N 4,,916 .31 31R14N A,,A4L16 %R61R -34C3 61N416 .31
,A46 5%.4%N 0%R R1C%N,461RA.4%N 04L16 :2 ,A64M9L AN6
,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 04L16 .31 4N,.AN. P1.4.4%N A,,1R.4N8 .3A. .31 C%51L1C 04R,.
64&4,4%N C%554..16 8RA&1 A:9,1 %0 64,CR1.4%N
A5%9N.4N8 .% LACM %R 1=C1,, %0 79R4,64C.4%N.
#.-31.31R %R N%. ,A64M9L AN6 R9:2I, R1,%R. .% .31 R15162 %0 C1R.4%RAR4 .%
A,,A4L AN 4N.1RL%C9.%R2 %R61R 4,,916 :2 .31 C%51L1C
04R,. 64&4,4%N 4, PR%P1RN
2.-31.31R %R N%. ,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 -1R1 61N416 691 PR%C1,, -31N .31 C%51L1C
8RAN.16 .31 5%.4%N 0%R .1C3N4CAL 1=A54NA.4%N
04L16 :2 5A.:A AN6 9,5AN -4.3%9. 84&4N8 .315 .31 %PP%R.9N4.2 .% %PP%,1 .31
,A46 5%.4%NN
31L6; P1.4.4%N 4, 61N416.
P%L4.4CAL LA-; ,1C.4%N <, AR.. 4= %0 .31 #9$< C%N,.4.9.4%NF 691 PR%C1,,
04R,. 4,,91; .31 P%-1R %0 .31 ,9PR151 C%9R. .% R1&41- 1L1C.4%N CA,1, 0ALL4N8
-4.34N .31 %R484NAL 1=CL9,4&1 79R4,64C.4%N %0 .31
C%51L1C %NL2 1=.1N6, .% 04NAL 61C4,4%N, %R R1,%L9.4%N, %0 .31 C%51L1C 1N
:ANC, N%. .% 4N.1RL%C9.%R2 %R61R, 4,,916 :2 A 64&4,4%N
4N A5:4L, 7R. &. C%51L1C, ,9PR151 C%9R. 1L9C46A.16 %N .31 45P%R. %0 ,1C.4%N <, AR.
4= %0 .31 C%N,.4.9.4%N 4N .34, -4,1; J-1 3A&1
4N.1RPR1.16 .34, PR%&4,4%N .% 51AN 04NAL %R61R,, R9L4N8, AN6 61C4,4%N, %0 .31
C%51L1C R1N61R16 4N .31 1=1RC4,1 %0 4., A67964CA.%R2
%R O9A,4-7964C4AL P%-1R,.K .34, 61C4,4%N 59,. :1 A 04NAL 61C4,4%N %R R1,%L9.4%N %0
.31 C%51L1C 1N :ANC, N%. %0 A 64&4,4%N, C1R.A4NL2 N%.
AN 4N.1RL%C9.%R2 %R61R %0 A 64&4,4%N. .31 ,9PR151 C%9R. 3A, N% P%-1R .%
R1&41- &4A C1R.4%RAR4, AN 4N.1RL%C9.%R2 %R61R %R 1&1N A
04NAL R1,%L9.4%N %0 A 64&4,4%N %0 .31 C%554,,4%N %N 1L1C.4%N,.
31R1, .31 %R61R, 4,,916 :2 .31 04R,. 64&4,4%N %0 .31 C%51L1C -1R1 51R1L2
4N.1RL%C9.%R2 %R61R, ,4NC1 .312 %NL2 64,P%,16 %0 AN
4NC461N. 4N .31 5A4N CA,1 4.1. .31 PR%PR41.2 %0 .31 .1C3N4CAL 1=A54NA.4%N %0 .31
,A46 1L1C.4%N PARAP31RNAL4A. .39,, .31 PR%P1R
R1C%9R,1 0%R ,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 4, .% A-A4. .31 61C4,4%N %0 .31 C%51L1C 04R,.
64&4,4%N 4N .31 1L1C.4%N PR%.1,., 04L16 :2 5A.:A AN6
9,5AN, AN6 ,3%9L6 .312 :1 A88R41&16 .31R1:2, .% APP1AL .31 ,A51 .% .31
C%51L1C 1N :ANC :2 04L4N8 A 5%.4%N 0%R R1C%N,461RA.4%N.
,1C%N6 4,,91; .31 ,9PR151 C%9R. CANN%. ,11 3%- 691 PR%C1,, -A, 61N416 .% .31
P1.4.4%N1R, 4N .31 4,,9ANC1 %0 .31 C%51L1C 04R,.
64&4,4%NI, %R61R.
4. :1AR, ,.R1,,4N8 .3A. .31 C%51L1C, 4N 1L1C.4%N 64,P9.1,, 4, N%. 69.2-:%9N6 .%
N%.402 AN6 64R1C. A PAR.2 .31R14N .% 04L1 AN
%PP%,4.4%N .% A 5%.4%N 04L16 :2 .31 %.31R PAR.2. 4. 4, 4NC95:1N. 9P%N .31 PAR.2
C%NC1RN16, 40 31L,31 6115, 4. N1C1,,AR2, .% 04L1 AN
%PP%,4.4%N .% A 5%.4%N -4.34N 04&1 6A2, 0R%5 R1C14P. %0 A C%P2 %0 .31 ,A51
-4.3%9. A-A4.4N8 0%R .31 C%51L1CI, 64R1C.4&1 .% 6% ,%.
,A64M9L AN6 R9:2 -1R1 A:L1 .% PR1,1N. .314R %PP%,4.4%N .% .31 ,A46 5%.4%N 0%R
.1C3N4CAL 1=A54NA.4%N 4N .314R 5AN401,.A.4%N AN6
5%.4%N 0%R R1C%N,461RA.4%N -34C3 .312 04L16 -4.3 .31 C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%N.
4N6116, .314R %:71C.4%N, .% .31 .1C3N4CAL
1=A54NA.4%N %0 .31 ,A46 1L1C.4%N PARAP31RNAL4A -1R1 1=3A9,.4&1L2 64,C9,,16 :2
.31 C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%NI, R1,%L9.4%N. 3A&4N8
04L16 A 5%.4%N 0%R R1C%N,461RA.4%N %0 .31 C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%NI, %R61R, .314R
CLA45 %0 61N4AL %0 691 PR%C1,, 4, CL1ARL2
Pa!e 2 of 2
.31 P1.4.4%N1R, ,3%9L6 :1 R154N616 .3A. 691 PR%C1,, 6%1, N%. N1C1,,AR4L2
51AN %R R1O94R1 A 31AR4N8, :9. ,45PL2 AN %PP%R.9N4.2 %R
R483. .% :1 31AR6.
P1.4.4%N 61N416. C%51L1C 04R,. 64&4,4%N A004R516.
.an, t"e )etitioner, was desi!nated by t"e C%51L1C as t"e &ice-C"airman of t"e City :oard of
Canvassers of 6avao City. ,enforiano :. Alterado, one of t"e )rivate res)ondents and a candidate, filed
a case +uestionin! t"e validity of t"e )roclamation of 5anuel 8arcia and accusin! t"e members of t"e
City :oard of Canvassers of @unlawful, erroneous, incom)lete and irre!ular canvass.@ 5eanw"ile, t"e
electoral )rotest of )rivate res)ondent Alterado was dismissed by t"e 3ouse of Re)resentatives 1lectoral
.ribunal C@3R1.@D. ."e criminal com)laint for @0alsification of Public 6ocuments and &iolation of t"e Anti-
8raft and Corru)t Practices Act@ before t"e %ffice of t"e %mbudsman was li?ewise dismissed on t"e
!round of lac? of criminal intent on t"e )art of t"erein res)ondents. ,till
4,,91L,; -31.31R or N%. t"e C%51L1C may relieve any officer or em)loyee )ara!ra)" from t"e
)erformance of "is duties relatin! to electoral )rocesses w"o violates t"e election law or fails to com)ly
wit" its instructions, orders, decisions or rulin!s, and a))oint "is substituteN
R1A,%N4N8L3%L64N8; ."e Commission may relieve any officer or em)loyee, e/ercise direct and
immediate su)ervision and control over national and local officials or em)loyees, includin! members of
any national or local law enforcement a!ency and instrumentality of t"e !overnment re+uired by law to
)erform duties relative to t"e conduct of elections. 4n addition, it may aut"orize C5P Cadets ei!"teen
years of a!e and above to act as its de)uties for t"e )ur)ose of enforcin! its orders, from t"e
)erformance of "is duties relatin! to electoral )rocesses w"o violates t"e election law or fails to com)ly
wit" its instructions, orders, decisions or rulin!s, and a))oint "is substitute. 9)on recommendation of t"e
Commission, t"e corres)ondin! )ro)er aut"ority s"all sus)end or remove from office any or all of suc"
officers or em)loyees w"o may, after due )rocess, be found !uilty of suc" violation or failure. ."e
C%51L1CAs mandate includes its aut"ority to e/ercise direct and immediate su)ervision and control over
national and local officials or em)loyees, includin! members of any national or local law enforcement
a!ency and instrumentality of t"e !overnment, re+uired by law to )erform duties relative to t"e conduct of
elections. 4n order to "el) ensure t"at suc" duly de)utized officials and em)loyees of !overnment carry
out t"eir res)ective assi!ned tas?s, t"e law "as also )rovided t"an u)on t"e C%51L1CAs
recommendation, t"e corres)ondin! )ro)er aut"ority Ct"e ,ecretary of t"e 6e)artment of 7ustice in t"e
case at barD s"all ta?e a))ro)riate action, eit"er to sus)end or remove from office t"e officer or em)loyee
w"o may, after due )rocess, be found !uilty of violation of election laws or failure to com)ly wit"
instructions, orders, decision or rulin!s of t"e C%51L1C.
G.R. No. 157013, July 10 2003
Before the Court is !etitio" for #ertiorri "$ !rohi%itio" file$ %y Ro&ulo B. '#li"tl, &e&%er of
the (hili!!i"e Br, see)i"* $e#lrtio" tht #erti" !ro+isio"s of Re!u%li# A#t No. ,1-, .The /+erses
A%se"tee 0oti"* A#t of 20031 suffer fro& #o"stitutio"l i"fir&ity. Cli&i"* tht he hs #tul "$
&teril le*l i"terest i" the su%2e#t &tter of this #se i" seei"* to it tht !u%li# fu"$s re !ro!erly
"$ l3fully use$ "$ !!ro!rite$, !etitio"er file$ the i"st"t !etitio" s t4!yer "$ s l3yer.
.11 8hether or "ot Se#tio" 5.$1 of Re!u%li# A#t No. ,1-, +ioltes the resi$e"#y re9uire&e"t i" Se#tio"
1 of Arti#le 0 of the Co"stitutio".
.21 8hether or "ot Se#tio" 1-.5 of the s&e l3 +ioltes the #o"stitutio"l &"$te u"$er Se#tio" :,
Arti#le 055 of the Co"stitutio" tht the 3i""i"* #"$i$tes for (resi$e"t "$ the 0i#e;(resi$e"t shll %e
!ro#li&e$ s 3i""ers %y Co"*ress.
.31 8hether or "ot Co"*ress &y, throu*h the Joi"t Co"*ressio"l /+ersi*ht Co&&ittee #rete$ i"
Se#tio" 25 of Re!. A#t No. ,1-,, e4er#ise the !o3er to re+ie3, re+ise, &e"$, "$ !!ro+e the
5&!le&e"ti"* Rules "$ Re*ultio"s tht the Co&&issio" o" 7le#tio"s, !ro&ul*te 3ithout +iolti"*
the i"$e!e"$e"#e of the C/'7<7C u"$er Se#tio" 1, Arti#le 5=;A of the Co"stitutio".
.11 No. Se#tio" 5 of RA No. ,1-, e"u&ertes those 3ho re $is9ulifie$ +oti"* u"$er this A#t. 5t
$is9ulifies " i&&i*r"t or !er&"e"t resi$e"t 3ho is re#o*"i@e$ s su#h i" the host #ou"try.
>o3e+er, " e4#e!tio" is !ro+i$e$ i.e. u"less heAshe e4e#utes, u!o" re*istrtio", " ffi$+it !re!re$
for the !ur!ose %y the Co&&issio" $e#lri"* tht heAshe shll resu&e #tul !hysi#l !er&"e"t
resi$e"#e i" the (hili!!i"es "ot lter th" 3 yers fro& !!ro+l of re*istrtio". Su#h ffi$+it shll
lso stte tht heAshe hs "ot !!lie$ for #iti@e"shi! i" "other #ou"try. Filure to retur" shll %e
#use for the re&o+l of the "&e of the i&&i*r"t or !er&"e"t resi$e"t fro& the Ntio"l Re*istry
of A%se"tee 0oters "$ hisAher !er&"e"t $is9ulifi#tio" to +ote i" %se"ti.
(etitio"er #li&s tht this is +iolti+e of the resi$e"#y re9uire&e"t i" Se#tio" 1 Arti#le 0 of the
Co"stitutio" 3hi#h re9uires the +oter &ust %e resi$e"t i" the (hili!!i"es for t lest o"e yr, "$
resi$e"t i" the !l#e 3here he !ro!oses to +ote for t lest B &o"ths i&&e$itely !re#e$i"* "
>o3e+er, /SG hel$ tht ruli"* i" si$ #se $oes "ot hol$ 3ter t !rese"t, "$ tht the Court &y
h+e to $is#r$ tht !rti#ulr ruli"*. ("#e of the #o"tro+ersy: Affi$+it for 3ithout it, the
!resu&!tio" of %"$o"&e"t of (hil $o&i#ile shll re&i". The 9ulifie$ Fili!i"o %ro$ 3ho e4e#ute$
" ffi$+it is $ee&e$ to h+e reti"e$ his $o&i#ile i" the (hili!!i"es "$ !resu&e$ "ot to h+e lost
his $o&i#ile %y his !hysi#l %se"#e fro& this #ou"try. Se#tio" 5 of RA No. ,1-, $oes "ot o"ly re9uire
the !ro&ise to resu&e #tul !hysi#l !er&"e"t resi$e"#e i" the (hili!!i"es "ot lter th" 3 yers
fter !!ro+l of re*istrtio" %ut it lso re9uires the Fili!i"o %ro$, 8/N he is *ree" #r$ hol$er,
te&!orry +isitor or e+e" o" %usi"ess tri!, &ust $e#lre tht heAshe hs "ot !!lie$ for #iti@e"shi! i"
"other #ou"try. Thus, heAshe &ust retur" to the (hili!!i"es other3ise #o"se9ue"#es 3ill %e &et
##or$i"* to RA No. ,1-,.
Althou*h there is !ossi%ility tht the Fili!i"o 3ill "ot retur" fter he hs e4er#ise$ his ri*ht to +ote,
the Court is "ot i" !ositio" to rule o" the 3is$o& of the l3 or to re!el or &o$ify it if su#h l3 is
fou"$ to %e i&!r#ti#l. >o3e+er, it #" %e si$ tht the Co"*ress itself 3s #o"s#ious of this
!ro%%ility "$ !ro+i$e$ for $eterre"#e 3hi#h is tht the Fili!i"o 3ho fils to retur" s !ro&ise$
st"$s to lose his ri*ht of suffr*e. A##or$i"*ly, the +otes he #st shll "ot %e i"+li$te$ %e#use he
3s 9ulifie$ to +ote o" the $te of the ele#tio"s.
Expressum facit cessare tacitum: 3here l3 sets $o3" !li"ly its 3hole &e"i"*, the Court is
!re+e"te$ fro& &)i"* it &e" 3ht the Court !leses. 5" fi"e, #o"si$eri"* tht u"$erlyi"* i"te"t of
the Co"stitutio", s is e+i$e"t i" its sttutory #o"stru#tio" "$ i"te"t of the fr&ers, 3hi#h is to *r"t
Fili!i"o i&&i*r"ts "$ !er&"e"t resi$e"ts %ro$ the u"9uestio"%le ri*ht to e4er#ise the ri*ht of
suffr*e .Se#tio" 1 Arti#le 01 the Court fi"$s tht Se#tio" 5 of RA No. ,1-, is "ot #o"stitutio"lly
.21 Ces. Co"*ress shoul$ "ot h+e llo3e$ C/'7<7C to usur! !o3er tht #o"stitutio"lly %elo"*s to
it. The #"+ssi"* of the +otes "$ the !ro#l&tio" of the 3i""i"* #"$i$tes for (resi$e"t "$ 0i#e
(resi$e"t for the e"tire "tio" &ust re&i" i" the h"$s of Co"*ress s its $uty "$ !o3er u"$er
Se#tio" : of Arti#le 055 of the Co"stitutio". C/'7<7C hs the uthority to !ro#li& the 3i""i"*
#"$i$tes o"ly for Se"tors "$ (rty;list Re!s.
.31 No. By +esti"* itself 3ith the !o3ers to !!ro+e, re+ie3, &e"$ "$ re+ise the 5&!le&e"ti"* Rules
D Re*ultio"s for RA No. ,1-,, Co"*ress 3e"t %eyo"$ the s#o!e of its #o"stitutio"l uthority.
Co"*ress tr&!le$ u!o" the #o"stitutio"l &"$te of i"$e!e"$e"#e of the C/'7<7C. 6"$er su#h
situtio", the Court is left 3ith "o o!tio" %ut to 3ith$r3 fro& its usul sile"#e i" $e#lri"* !ro+isio"
of l3 u"#o"stitutio"l
BEDOL VS COMELEC Leave a comment
G.R. No. 179830/ December 3, 009
!ACTS: As Chair of the Provincial Board of Canvassers (PBOC) for the province of
Maguindanao, the respondent [petitioner] discharged his official functions and was ale to
ensure the PBOC!s perfor"ance of its "inisterial dut# to canvass the Certificates of Canvass
co"ing fro" the twent# two ($$) cit# and "unicipalities in the province%
At that ti"e, respondent [petitioner] also was charged with the urdenso"e and
gargantuan dut# of eing the concurrent Provincial &lections 'upervisor for the Province of
'hariff (aunsuan a neighoring province of Maguindanao%
)espondent [petitioner] Bedol failed to attend the scheduled canvassing of the Provincial
Certificates of Canvass (PCOC) of Maguindanao of which he is the Provincial &lection
'upervisor which was slated on Ma# $$, $**+%
On Ma# $,, $**+, respondent appeared efore the Co""ission, en anc sitting as the
-ational Board of Canvassers (-BOC) for the election of senators to su"it the provincial
certificate of canvass for Maguindanao, pursuant to his functions as Provincial &lections
'upervisor and chair of the PBOC for Maguindanao% .ue to certain /oservations! on the
provincial certificates of canvass # certain parties, canvassing of the certificate was held in
ae#ance and respondent was 0ueried on the alleged fraud which attended the conduct of
elections in his area%
1e was alread# infor"ed of the resetting of the canvassing for Ma# 2*, $**+, ut failed to
appear despite prior 3nowledge%
)espondent!s [petitioner] contention:
Bedol e4plained efore the 5as3 6orce during its 7une 88, $**+ fact finding activit# that,
while in his custod# and possession, the election paraphernalia were stolen so"eti"e on
Ma# $9, $**+, or so"e fifteen (8,) da#s after the elections% 5his was the first ti"e such an
e4cuse was given # the respondent [petitioner] and no written report was ever filed with
the Co""ission regarding the alleged loss%
.ue to asences in the ne4t scheduled investigative proceedings and due to failure and
refusal to su"it a written e4planation of his asences, respondent [petitioner] was issued a
conte"pt charge # COM&:&C%
Petitioner was later arrested # "e"ers of the Philippine -ational Police on the asis of an
Order of Arrest issued on 7une $9, $**+ # the COM&:&C after petitioner repeatedl# failed
to appear during the fact;finding proceedings efore 5as3 6orce Maguindanao%
Petitioner 0uestioned the COM&:&C!s legal asis for issuing the warrant of arrest and its
assu"ption of <urisdiction over the conte"pt charges% -evertheless, he was declared in
conte"pt # COM&:&C%
Petitioner, then, filed a "otion for reconsideration which was denied # the COM&:&C in the
other assailed )esolution dated August 28, $**+%
ISS"E: =hether or not the initiation and issuance of conte"pt order is within the
constitutional powers of the COM&:&C%
Powers of COM&:&C
5he COM&:&C possesses the power to conduct investigations as an ad<unct to its
constitutional dut# to enforce and ad"inister all election laws, # virtue of the e4plicit
provisions of paragraph >, 'ection $, Article ?@ of the 89A+ Constitution, which reads:
Article ?@;C, 'ection $% 444
(>) 444B investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of election laws,
including acts or o"issions constituting election frauds, offenses, and "alpractices%
5he powers and functions of the COM&:&C, conferred upon it # the 89A+ Constitution and
the O"nius &lection Code, "a# e classified into ad"inistrative, 0uasi;legislative, and
0uasi;<udicial% 5he 0uasi;<udicial power of the COM&:&C e"races the power to resolve
controversies arising fro" the enforce"ent of election laws, and to e the sole <udge of all
pre;procla"ation controversiesB and of all contests relating to the elections, returns, and
0ualifications% ?ts 0uasi;legislative power refers to the issuance of rules and regulations to
i"ple"ent the election laws and to e4ercise such legislative functions as "a# e4pressl# e
delegated to it # Congress% ?ts ad"inistrative function refers to the enforce"ent and
ad"inistration of election laws% ?n the e4ercise of such power, the Constitution ('ection >,
Article ?@;A) and the O"nius &lection Code ('ection ,$ [c]) authoriCe the COM&:&C to
issue rules and regulations to i"ple"ent the provisions of the 89A+ Constitution and the
O"nius &lection Code%
5he 0uasi;<udicial or ad"inistrative ad<udicator# power is the power to hear and deter"ine
0uestions of fact to which the legislative polic# is to appl#, and to decide in accordance with
the standards laid down # the law itself in enforcing and ad"inistering the sa"e law%
5he e4ercise of <udicial functions "a# involve the perfor"ance of legislative or
ad"inistrative duties, and the perfor"ance of and ad"inistrative or "inisterial duties, "a#,
in a "easure, involve the e4ercise of <udicial functions% ?t "a# e said generall# that the
e4ercise of <udicial functions is to deter"ine what the law is, and what the legal rights of
parties are, with respect to a "atter in controvers#B and whenever an officer is clothed with
that authorit#, and underta3es to deter"ine those 0uestions, he acts <udiciall#%
5he language of the O"nius &lection Code and the COM&:&C )ules of Procedure is road
enough to allow the initiation of indirect conte"pt proceedings # the COM&:&C "otu
proprio% 6urther"ore, the aove;0uoted provision of 'ection ,$(e), Article D?? of the
O"nius &lection Code e4plicitl# adopts the procedure and penalties provided # the )ules
of Court%
6indings of guilt of indirect conte"pt
Petitioner was found guilt# of conte"pt on four (E) grounds%
6irst, he repeatedl# failed to attend, despite notice of the scheduled[8$] canvassing of the
Provincial Certificates of Canvass, the hearing of the 5as3 6orce MaguindanaoB and refused
to su"it his e4planation for such asences, which he had underta3en to su"it, in
violation of paragraphs () and (f) of 'ection $, )ule $9 of the COM&:&C )ules of Procedure%
'econd, he unlawfull# assu"ed custod# of accountale election docu"ents, which were lost
while in his possession, and conse0uentl# failed to deliver the sa"e, in violation of
paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) 'ection $, )ule $9 of sa"e )ules%
5hird and fourth, he pulicl# displa#ed disrespect for the authorit# of the COM&:&C through
the "edia (interviews on national television channels, and in newspapers and radios) #
flaunting an ar"or# of long firear"s and side ar"s in pulic, and posing for the front page
of a national roadsheet, with a shin# pistol tuc3ed in a holster, in violation of paragraphs
(a) and (d), 'ection $, )ule $9 of sa"e )ules%
=1&)&6O)&, the petition is here# .?'M?''&. and the pra#er for a 5e"porar# )estraining
Order andFor a =rit of Preli"inar# ?n<unction is here# .&-?&.% -o costs%

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