Alkhairiya Newsletter

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‫)‪Shaban-ul-Karim 20, 1430 AH (August 11,2009‬‬

‫‪MESSAGE FROM: Sheikh Abdel Aziz Dimapunong, Chairman‬‬

‫اﻟﺤﻤﺪَ ﻟﻠﻪِ‪,‬‬

‫إن اﻟﺤﻤﺪَ ﷲِ‪ ,‬ﻧﺤﻤﺪه و ﻧﺴﺘﻌﯿﻨﮫ و ﻧﺴﺘﻐﻔﺮه و ﻧﻌﻮذ ﺑﺎﷲ ﻣﻦ ﺷﺮور أﻧﻔﺴﻨﺎ و ﺳﯿّْﺌﺎت أﻋﻤﺎﻟﻨﺎ‪ .‬ﻣﻦ ﯾﮭـﺪه‬
‫اﷲ ﻓﻶ ﻣﻀﻞ ﻟﮫ و ﻣﻦ ﯾﻀﻠﻞ ﻓﻼ ھـﺎدي ﻟﮫ‪.‬‬

‫و أﺷـﮭـﺪ أن ﻻ إﻟﮫ إﻻ أﷲ و ﺣـﺪه ﻻ ﺷـﺮﯾﻚ ﻟﮫ‪ ,‬و أﺷـﮭـﺪ أن ﻣﺤﻤّﺪا ﻋﺒﺪه و رﺳﻮﻟﮫ‪ .,‬اﻟﻠﮭﻢ ﺻﻠّﻲ و ﺳﻠﻢ‬
‫و ﺑﺎرك ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﯿّﺪﻧﺎ ﻣﺤﻤّﺪ و ﻋﻠﻰ آﻟﮫ و ﺻﺤﺒﮫ‬
Having praised Allah (swt) in the foregoing Hamdallah, I bear witness that there is
no god worthy of worship but God Allah, the most high (swt) and, I bear witness
that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last messenger of Allah

In the format of Durood as stated, I hereby pay homage and due deference to our
beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh),

THEN, in the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, most Merciful;

May Peace and the Mercy of God be with you.

Firstly, the Masjid AlKhairiya sends Greetings of Peace to Your Eminence, the Islamic
Republic of Iran, and the Muslim World on the occasion of Fasting during the
forthcoming Ramadan Al Kareem 1430. Allah (swt) has prescribed unto all of us the
mandatory fasting:

“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed

to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint.” –

Qur’an 2: 183

On the basis of lunar astronomical calculations, and subject to the actual sighting of
the moon by competent authority, the first day of Ramadan 1430 is on Saturday of
this coming August 22, 2009.

Insha’Allah. The Masjis al Khairiya will be ready to start the first day of Tarawih
prayer. We are ready to serve the Muslim community. You are welcome to join our
Jama Congregation. We have appointed and lined up a number of qualified Hafidh
and ulema to act as imam and lead our daily salaat, and we are open to receive more
qualified volunteers and Islamic missionaries from Islamic Countries.

May Allah (swt) keep us on the right path, and accept our fasting and
prayers. Amen.
Secondly, we shall appreciate your kind Sadaqa Sponsorship for Iftar during the
month of Ramadan; the number of persons expected to perform Tarawi in the
Masjid is only 100 to 150 persons. You may sponsor one day or more, or you may
sponsor the whole month of Ramadan. You may also sponsor and deliver any halal
food or fruits such as the favorite Middle East dates or Tamer as is known in the
Arab World, Kurma to Filipino Muslims. Or you may also deliver to the Masjid
anything of value for distribution to the poor Muslims, the needy and to those
qualified to receive Sadaqa in accordance with the Qur’an and the Hadith.

And now, May I introduce to you the MASJID ALKHAIRIYA, its Administration
and myself.


. Masjid AlKhairiya is a small Masjid that was established on April
1994 and open to the Muslim Community of the city of Tagig and its neighborhood.
It is located at No. 3 Marawi Avenue, Maharlika village, Tagig city in Metro Manila
or otherwise known as Greater Manila. More information about this Masjid is
available ONLINE. News and events are posted on its website at

Alhamdulillah. It is with honor and privilege to welcome you once again to the
Majlis AlKhairiya Islamic Center. It' is through the Gracious Mercy of Allah, the
Most High that since the foundation of this Masjid in 1994, we are able to provide
the few humble multi-services for the Muslim community of Tagig City and the

Today, Masjid AlKhairiya is undergoing renovation and expansion in terms of

physical facilities and services that will require the acquisition of five neighboring
house and lots along Marawi Avenue in Maharlika village. The expanded physical
facilities will increase the present capacity ten times from 100 to 1,000. The
expanded services will include expansion of Madrasah into an Integrated Madaris,
Islamic library, Center for Islamic Research, Paramedics and emergency health
services, and Islamic Da’wah mission.

The project will cost US $ 1,000,000 (one million) or about P45 million.
Financing of the project is intended to come from the MANDATORY ZAKAT from
the Philippines and abroad to be solicited by the Alkhairiya Da’wah and Islamic
Missionary Team. Our Islamic Da’wa and Islamic Missionary Team will also
campaign for Sadaqa Jariyah based on Islamic charitable tradition in which
Muslim Donors contribute cash or valuable materials and or services needed for the
establishment, creation or construction Islamic Services that are beneficial to the
Muslim community. Without doubt,The building of Mosques is most rewarding in
this world and in the hereafter. Our beloved prophet, peace be upon him is
reported to have said :
"Whoever builds for a mosque for the Sake of Allah (swt), Allah (swt) will reward him
with a similar (house) in paradise"

(Bukhari and Muslim).

SadaqaRasul, peace be upon hin. The prophet is also reported to have said that”
the best among you is he who learns the Holy Quran and teaches it to others. This is
the function of madaris.this is why we established the Madrasatul AlKhairiya.


My name is Abdul Aziz Dimapunong and I am the builder and founder, later Grand
Imam of Masjid Al Khairiya, son of Imam Abubacar (Pantao Ragat, Lanao del
norte), grandson of Imam Khamsa, of Taraka, Lanao del Sur

I started to read the original Arabic text of the holy Quran while very young. I
learned from the tutelage of my father, Imam Abubacar Dimapunong. My profile is
online. Just google my complete name, Abdel Aziz Dimapunong or visit any of my
websites at any of the following URLs:

http://dimapunong.blogspot. com



As described below and in the following pages

Jazakum Allahu khairan







Alhamdulillah. It is with honor and privilege to welcome you once again to the
Majlis AlKhairiya Islamic Center. It' is through the Gracious Mercy of Allah, the
Most High that since the foundation of this Masjid in 1994, we are able to provide
the few humble multi-services for the Muslim community of Tagig City and the

Masjid AlKhairiya is in the heart of the Maharlika, a Muslim enclave established

by law under a 1973 Presidential Decree of former President Marcos especially for
Muslims living in the greater Metro Manila. Located along the main Marawi
Avenue, it stands right in front of the main Gate of the seven medium-rise
condominium buildings that were especially constructed by the National Housing
Authority by Order of then President Fidel Ramos for the relocation of Muslim
Squatters who were evicted in 1993 from along the streets of Quiapo, the
commercial center of the city of Manila. The Masjid serves more than a thousand
Muslim families in a culturally distinct area.

The main goals of the Masjid and Islamic center are multi-purpose as follows:
1. Helping the Muslims in the area meet their religious needs of five daily
regular salaat;
2. On their commercial needs, the Masjid and Islamic center provides non-
interest micro lending in collaboration with some government Agencies like
Livelihood corporation (LIVECOR), Technical Livelihood Resource Center
(TLRC), a government program for poverty alleviation program, the
Amanah Islamic Bank and other international concern entities like the ERA
Humanitarian Foundation of Hong Kong and the Australian government
under its Australian Embassy Direct Assistance program. On their medical
3. The Masjid and Islamic center provides Paramedics and private Medicare in
collaboration with Charitable institutions and philanthropists,
4. Islamic education of Muslim youth with Al Khairiya Madrasah and
5. Promoting a better understanding of Islam in the community-at-large by
way of regular Saturday neighborhood gathering and meeting, and seminars
in the Masjid between Asr and Magrib, except on every month of Ramadan

Therefore, we have decided to renovate and expand the facilities of the Masjid for
your comfort. When completed hopefully and Insha Allah, the capacity will increase
to 1,000 from the meager 100 capacity and with ample spaces for other vital
services: Madrasah. Library. Research Center. Da’wa. And Paramedics.

Alhamdilillah, towards our goal and by the grace of Allah (swt), we were able to
finish the construction of the second floor on lot 3 along Marawi Avenue, Maharlika
Village. The Second Floor has three divisions, namely: NorthWing-A, NorthWing-
B, and the SouthWing fronting Marawi avenue. The Northwing-B will house the
Integrated Madrasatul HAKIM for students, especially for those who will memorize
the Holy Quran in order that they may become Hafidh. Several computers shall be
supplied for modern audio-video learning system We have appointed Mrs. Salama
Macarambon Dimapunong as Principal Of the Hafidh Al Khairiya Integrated
Madrasah (HAKIM). She is a Sharia graduate of the Institute of Islamic Studies at
the Mindanao State University with years of experience in Arabic teaching. We are
now in the process of registration with the Department of Education in order to
avail of Presidential Scholarship, a Philippine government scholarship Program for
madaris and for our children. In addition, we are seeking for more scholarship
funding from the Islamic development Bank of the OIC, other leading Islamic banks
and financial institutions, and highly net worth Muslim philanthropists.

Insha Allah, we shall be accepting applications for scholarship and applications for
enrollment for your children right after the fasting month of Ramadan 1430.

The NorthWing A will house the Office of the Islamic Research Institute (IRI), a
division of the Masjid and a branch of Islamic Banking Research Institute, Inc
(IBRI) For more information about IBRI, please visit our other website at Our own Hafidh, Abdul Qahar Dimapunong,
another graduate of the Institute Of Islamic Studies, Mindanao State University,
will manage the Islamic Research Institute. Abdul Qahar has been teaching Arabic
language at the Technical Skill Development Authority (TESDA).
Insha Allah, a third floor will be constructed by early January of next year. Partial
funding of the third floor is ready and more has been assured and committed by a
donor from Seoul, Korea, Mr. and Mrs. Abdel Aziz Dimapunong, Jr. May Allah
reward them with the best of goodness.

Other proposed improvements have already been drawn and planned for which we
need help from the Muslim Ummah. Please peruse the attached project proposals
for which you may donate your Zakah for the glorious year of 1430 to participate in
this Islamic Project.

When completed, the Masjid Al Khairiya and Islamic Center will be composed of
the following:

1) Main Masjid. - Offering regular five times daily salaat.

2) Integrated Madrasatul Hakim
3) Al Khairiya Center for Islamic Studies.
4) Islamic Library
5) Islamic Da’wah Center.
6) Al Khairiya Paramedics. Intended for the quick reaction and competent
care of our own Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and paramedics.
Our paramedic’s branches intended to assist victims of heart attacks and
stroke that require immediate medical attention. Al Khairiya has already
five EMTs and paramedics and three volunteer consulting medical doctors.
Director Jason Dandan a Paramedic graduate with years of experience heads
our Paramedics. The Al Khairiya Paramedic Team shall provide these vital
services that includes Medicare and the emergency transport of the sick
and sufferers to a nearby medical facility. For this purpose Al Khairiya has
already two service vans that serve as ambulances. We already have a room
for stroke rehabilitation and recovery. We hope to add more space for
rehabilitation. This project has already gained the support of some senators
including Senators Estrada and Revile. They provide for free medicine.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

DAUD MANGOMPIA, Director and Administrator

ALIYODEN SULTAN, Director and Imam

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