Annotated Bibliography

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Harris 1

Makeda Harris
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1101-103
29 July 2014
Gun Violence: An Annotated Bibliography
Cornell, Dewey G. "Gun Violence and Mass Shootings Myths, Facts and
Solutions." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 11 June 2014. Web. 27 July 2014.
This source is a web article informing people about the myths, facts, and solutions about gun
violence. Key points made in this article were gun violence isnt increasing, school shootings are
statistically rare, and gun violence could be further reduced. This seems like a credible source
because it provides a load of information touching on different aspects of gun violence including
the parts that are true and untrue.

I will be using this source because it helps display both the facts and solutions relating to gun

"Gun Violence." National Institute of Justice. National Institute of Justice, 4 Apr. 2013. Web. 22
July 2014.
(Gun Violence)
This source is a web article that highlights the widespread of gun violence in America. The
article talks about very important statistics. For example, guns were used in 68 percent of
murders, 41 percent of robberies, and 21 percent of aggravated assaults. Majority of the
homicides committed in America have been done so with the use of firearms. This article
supports the idea of how so much crime occurs that people arent aware of the fact that most of
these crimes included the use of a gun.

This article will be used to make the point that majority of the crimes that occur in America,
whether we realized it or not, include the involvement of a firearm.

Harwood, Jennifer. "Residents, Law Officers March to Stop Gun Violence // Photo

Gallery." Residents, Law Officers March to Stop Gun Violence. News Herald, 26 July

Harris 2

2014. Web. 28 July 2014.


This source is a web article focusing on a march to stop gun violence; it took place in Panama
City and consisted of about 50 people. According to the article, concerned citizens of Bay
County decided they were tired of all of the gun violence that was occurring in their community.
This source isnt very useful for my presentation because its tremendously short, and it just talks
briefly about the march. It doesnt go in depth about the impact that the gun violence has had on
the community or examples of the type of gun violence they have experienced.

I will not be using this source because the information presented is irrelevant to my topic.

Linn, Allison. "Bulletproof Items for Kids - NBC News." NBC News. NBC News, 12 June 2014.

Web. 27 July 2014.


This source is a web article focusing on the company Pro Techts manufacturing of bulletproof
blankets and other objects for kids to protect them in the event of a shooting. According to this
company, any type of object you can think of, they can make it in a bulletproof version. The
main idea that this source is supporting is that locations such as Oklahoma are currently trying to
come up with different alternatives to keep kids safe at school; however, the prices for these
items range from about 200 dollars to about 2,000 dollars so not many being sold.

I wont be using this source because although it displays a strategy to protecting kids at school, it
really hasnt been put into use seeing how these items are too expensive to be purchased. I
wouldnt be able to really explain how effective these items are today in relation to gun violence.

Miles, Kathleen. "AB 202: CA Schools Could Arm Teachers, Principals, Janitors If Republican

Bill Passes" The Huffington Post., 31 Jan. 2013. Web. 25 July



This source is a web article that brings up the idea of teachers, principals, and janitors being
armed in schools in California; they want to create an invisible line of defense around the
students. The article says that if the bill was passed for staff to be armed, it would allow school
districts to use funds to train the staff who would volunteer to be armed. There are split reactions
and opinions to this idea from outside parents of students; some are for the idea and some are
against it.

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I am leaning towards using this source because it presents the thought of preventing gun violence
rather than just talking about the violence itself. It is a good source of information.

Peck, Adam. "One School Shooting Every Other School Day This Year." ThinkProgress RSS.

Think Progress, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 28 July 2014.

This source is a web article describing how often school shootings were occurring in the very
beginning of the year 2014. According to the article, 7 school shootings happened within the first
14 school days of this year. The source briefly touches on an example of gun violence was
present at Purdue University where a 21 year old was shot. This isnt very large article, and it
doesnt have a very diverse set of information.

I will not be using this source because there isnt enough good information presented to help me
in the development of my gun violence presentation.

"Three Keys to School Safety and Gun Violence Prevention.", n.d. Web. 28

July 2014.

(Three Keys to)

This source is a web article explaining what some see as the three keys to school safety and gun
violence prevention. The three keys are increasing access to mental health services, providing a
safe and secure learning environment, and taking action on gun violence prevention. These are
the tips coming from the National Educational Association; I wonder accurate these key points
actually are. I think the source needed to include some outside opinions on what prevents gun
violence and provides safety.

I will not be using this source because I dont believe its accurate and could be confusing in
terms of how the audience interprets the information.

"Timeline of Worldwide School and Mass Shootings." Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 26 July

(Timeline of Worldwide)

This source is a complete timeline of all school and mass shootings that have occurred not only
in the United States but also in other locations around the world. The timeline starts with the
1996 incident at Moses Lake where 2 students and a teacher were killed; it ends with the 2014
incident at Seattle Pacific University where a student was killed and 2 others were wounded.
This source provides a lot of information, but it is way too much for me to include in the project.

I wont be using this source because its an excess of information, and I dont think the audience
needs to know every single school and mass shooting that has occurred.
Harris 4

Vartabedian, Ralph. "Gun Violence at U.S. Schools Grows Sharply." Los Angeles Times. Los

Angeles Times, 11 June 2014. Web. 21 July 2014.


This source is a web article pointing out how much school incidents have increased within an 18
month period since the tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. According to
the article, 62 incidents have happened since this tragedy and 41 deaths were documented out of
these 62 incidents. 2,000 teens die at home by committing suicide with a gun, and those deaths
get overlooked. This article supports the idea of not only the increase of school shootings but
also the increase of overlooked teenager deaths that occur every day by the use of a firearm.

This article will be used to make the point that the amount of school shootings have increased
tremendously since the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Webster, Daniel W., and Jon S. Vernick. "Youth Under Age 21." Reducing Gun Violence in

America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins

UP, 2013. 70. Web.

(Webster 70)

This source is an online version of the book Reducing Gun Violence in America. This section of
the book discusses how individuals of age 21 and older can purchase a handgun from a licensed
firearms dealer, and anyone 18 and older can purchase a handgun from a private seller. Even
though this information is presented, I am not so sure that this is a credible source because right
after this is said the source states that there is no minimum age to purchase from a private seller.
This made me a little confused in terms of what is true and what is not. The section later on goes
to talk about how individuals from the ages of 18 to 20 years old hold the higher the percentages
of committing homicides with use of firearms.

This article will not be used because the information presented slightly contradicts itself and is

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