The sessional result sheet summarizes the performance of 39 students in various subjects in the SE-PE Batch of 2007-08. It lists the marks obtained by each student out of 20 in subjects like Drill, Geometry, RPP, Machines, Communication etc. The total marks and percentage are also provided along with overall rank. The top performer was student number 20 who scored 369 out of 380, ranking first with a percentage of 97.1%.
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The sessional result sheet summarizes the performance of 39 students in various subjects in the SE-PE Batch of 2007-08. It lists the marks obtained by each student out of 20 in subjects like Drill, Geometry, RPP, Machines, Communication etc. The total marks and percentage are also provided along with overall rank. The top performer was student number 20 who scored 369 out of 380, ranking first with a percentage of 97.1%.
The sessional result sheet summarizes the performance of 39 students in various subjects in the SE-PE Batch of 2007-08. It lists the marks obtained by each student out of 20 in subjects like Drill, Geometry, RPP, Machines, Communication etc. The total marks and percentage are also provided along with overall rank. The top performer was student number 20 who scored 369 out of 380, ranking first with a percentage of 97.1%.
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The sessional result sheet summarizes the performance of 39 students in various subjects in the SE-PE Batch of 2007-08. It lists the marks obtained by each student out of 20 in subjects like Drill, Geometry, RPP, Machines, Communication etc. The total marks and percentage are also provided along with overall rank. The top performer was student number 20 who scored 369 out of 380, ranking first with a percentage of 97.1%.
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Subjects Roll No.