Bengali Vocab

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The document provides a dictionary translating English words to Bengali. It includes information on the Bengali alphabet and pronunciation guidelines.

The document is an English to Bengali dictionary that is intended to help beginners learn the Bengali language.

The introduction discusses the Bengali language styles, spelling conventions, and romanization system used to transcribe Bengali words.

2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 11 May 2007

Primary Dictionary
English to Bengali
|<|< ""c<|<
*c<9| 6|<| .<c< <||5
praathamik shabdakos
inrejii bhaasaa theke
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 2 11 May 2007
Primary Dictionary
English to Bengali
|<|< ""c<|<
*c<9| 6|<| .<c< <||5
praathamik shabdakos
inrejii bhaasaa theke
2007 B. J. Burford and E. J. Burford
2 Pilcox Hall Lane, Tendring, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO16 0DL
(44) (0) 1255 830825
(44) (0) 7949 250403
[email protected]
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 3 11 May 2007
The writer is very grateful to precious friends for their assistance in the
preparation and refinement of the material published in this book.
The dictionary provides English words in English Alphabetical order.
Where the English word is ambiguous, secondary meanings clarify which
meaning applies to the Bengali translation.
Two main styles of Bengali language exist side by side a common or
Chalito style and a literary or classical style (Sadhu). Where
appropriate, the most popular spelling in common style is given first
followed in round brackets by the spelling in literary style.
Bengali meanings are given both in Bengali script and in a Romanized
form. This helps beginners to use the language until they have mastered the
script. The romanized form differs from systems used by other writers and
has the advantage of providing a consistent system of phonetic conversion
from Bengali script that represents each Bengali character element
accurately and uniquely. Its appearance reflects the pronunciation closely
after accepting a few simple transcription rules.
The same process of sound classification is consistent with a family of
similar languages derived from Sanskrit. However, some use of Bengali
script is no longer truly phonetic mainly in cases where two consonants
are joined into conjuncts, and the initial consonant is emphasized while
the trailing consonant is effectively lost. See the following sections about
on Bengali Alphabet and Hints on Special Pronunciation. Where
appropriate, help with the pronunciation is given in square brackets after
the romanized Bengali word.
References such as "[See Grammar 57.3]" are for students using the
comprehensive manual for learning Bengali that is also produced by the
writer of this dictionary. Other hints are stated in square brackets ([])
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 4 11 May 2007
Family Hard Soft Soft Soft Hard
Held Huffed Held Huffed Nasals Semi-
Spirants Short Long Diphthongs
Guttural ka kha ga gha na ha hha a aa e, ei ee, oy
< = 5 > : 7 7| " "
Palatal ca cha ja jha na ya sha i ii
b 9 9 < " 5 " * >
Cerebral ta tha da dha na ra sa rri
D 5 5 u < < +
ra rha ya
5 ; <
Dental ta tha da dha na la sa
o < < "
Labial pa pha ba bha ma ba hha u uu o oo, au
< 6 < : 5 S ? ?
Others n n^

Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 5 11 May 2007
(no vowel) (no sound) p ("p'")
7 a (inherent a) pa
very short "a" "wander"
very short "o" "off"
7| aa long "a" "far" | paa
7|| a flat "a" "apple" || pa, pyaa
* i short "i" "fill" | pi
> ii long "i" "feel" | pii
5 u short "u" "pull" pu
S uu long "oo" "pool" puu
+ rri short "ri" "triple" prri
" e short "e" "egg" . pe
" ee long "oi" "boil" c pee ("poi")
? o short "o" "on" .| po
? oo long "o" "owner", "now" .| poo ("pau/pow")
n nasal "ng" "singer" pan ("pang")
: hh abrupt "h" "Judah" : pahh
^ nasal faintly as in French "non" p^a ("pan")
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 6 11 May 2007
Guttural < k "k" in "keen"
- in the throat = kh "kh" in "rockhead"
g "g" in "get"
gh "gh" in "slagheap"
5 n "n" in "donkey"
Palatal b c "ch" in "chair"
- on the palate 9 ch chh" in "matchhead"
9 j "j" in "enjoy"
< jh "dgeh" in "hedgehog"
" n "n" in "pinch"
Cerebral D t "t" in "alter"
- on the roof 5 th "th" in "malthouse"
of the mouth 5 d "d" in "Dad"
5 r "rr" in "barred"
u dh "dh" in "goldhammer"
; rh "rrh" in "myrrh lump"
n "n" in "inlaid"
Dental o (=) t "t" in "ant"
- on the teeth < th "th" in "warthog"
d "d" in "beds"
< dh "dh" in "redheads"
n "n" in "bending"
Labial p "p" in "peace"
- on the lips ph "ph" in "uphold"
< b,v,w "b" in "bob"("swim, twin")
6 bh "bh" in "nibholder"
m "m" in "meet"
< y "j" in "jog"
Forward 5 y "y" in "yes"
semi-vowels < r "r" in "right"
l "l" in "love"
Sibillants " sh "sh" in "ship"
< s "sh" in "washtub"
" s "sh" in "ensure"
Guttural semi-vowel > h "h" in "heart"
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 7 11 May 2007
Vowel Leading Form: Independent or as Initial Followed by a Non-Vowel
+n +hha +^ +p` +pa,
a+ 7 7: 7 7 7 7
aa+ 7| 7|: 7| 7| 7| 7|
a+ 7|| 7||: 7|| 7|| 7|| 7||
i+ * *: * * * *
ii+ > >: > > > >
u+ 5 5: 5 5 5 5
uu+ S S: S S S S
rri+ + +: + + + +
e+ " ": " " " "
ee+ " ": " " " "
o+ ? ?: ? ? ? ?
oo+ ? ?: ? ? ? ?
n+ - - - -
hh+ - - - : : -
^+ - - - -
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 8 11 May 2007
Vowel Trailing (Also referred to as Vowel Form Following a Consonant)
+' +a +aa +i +ii +u +uu +rri +e +ee +o +oo (+an
k... < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
kh.. = = =| |= =| = = = .= c= .=| .=| =
g... | | | G . c .| .|
gh.. | . | . c .| .|
n.. 5 5 5| |5 5| 5 5 5 .5 c5 .5| .5| 5
c... b b b| |b b| b b b .b cb .b| .b| b
ch.. 9 9 9| |9 9| 9 9 9 .9 c9 .9| .9| 9
j... 9 9 9| |9 9| 9 9 9 .9 c9 .9| .9| 9
jh.. < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
n.. " " "| |" "| " " " ." c" ."| ."| "
t... D D D| |D D| D D D .D cD .D| .D| D
th.. 5 5 5| |5 5| 5 5 5 .5 c5 .5| .5| 5
d... 5 5 5| |5 5| 5 5 5 .5 c5 .5| .5| 5
dh.. u u u| |u u| u u u .u cu .u| .u| u
r... 5 5 5| |5 5| 5 5 .5 c5 .5| .5| 5
rh.. ; ; ;| |; ;| ; ; .; c; .;| .;| ;
n... | | | . c .| .|
t... o= o o| |o o| o o o .o co .o| .o| o
th.. < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
d... | | | = . c .| .|
dh.. < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
n... | | | . c .| .|
p... | | | . c .| .|
ph.. | | | . c .| .|
b... < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
bh.. 6 6 6| |6 6| 6 6 6 .6 c6 .6| .6| 6
m... | | | . c .| .|
y... 5 5 5| |5 5| 5 5 5 .5 c5 .5| .5| 5
y... < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
r... < < <| |< <| <=< <=< .< c< .<| .<| <
l... | | | . c .| .|
sh.. " " "| |" "| "=O " " ." c" ."| ."| "
s... < < <| |< <| < < < .< c< .<| .<| <
s " " "| |" "| " " " ." c" ."| ."| "
h... > > >| |> >| >= > >=* .> c> .>| .>| >
Similar use applies with -7||, -:,- forming <||, <:, <, =||, =:, =, and so on.
Note the special forms:- G= =o = <=< <=< O=" => *=>
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 9 11 May 2007
Bengali script is no longer pronounced truly phonetically. The
pronunciation is often modified when certain consonants are joined in
conjuncts. In these cases the first consonant is emphasized, and the
second is effectively neglected. The main instances are:-
= < - < sounds like ",<<
ksa = k + sa " kka, k'ka
-I = o - sounds like , oo
tma = t + ma " tta, t'ta
Trailing < y or 5 ya are written as | ("yafla"). The effect on
pronunciation is as shown above, for example:-
| = - < (5) sounds like ,
dya = d +ya (ya) " dda, d'da
The pronunciation of some conjuncts is changed more drastically:-
9 = 9 - " sounds like |, 5
a = j + n
a " gya, g'ya
= > - < (5) sounds like 79, 99
hya = h +ya (ya) " jja, j'ja
Where appropriate, assistance is given in the dictionary after the
romanized version of particularly problemmatical words.
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 10 11 May 2007
a, when meaning one "< ek
a, when meaning one [see Study 21] -D| taa; -|D ti; -=|| -khaanaa
A.D. "|5 e. di
a- or un- prefix to form negative (c.f. assymmetry, unwell..) 7-
to abandon 9|5| chaaraa
to abandon |<o|| <<| parityaag karaa
to abandon < <<| duur karaa
abashed >o|" hataash
ability o| daksataa; o| ksamataa
-able -"| shiil
to be able to [see Vocabulary 9.1] |<| paaraa
abode <"|o > basati grriha
abortion 6 |o (" |o) garbhapaat (garbbhapaat)
about ... (concerning) "~c< sambandhe; -|5 -iiya; "~c<
...samparke; -`"< |<<c5 -'er visaye
about (nearly) |5 praay; -"< -ek
about three |oc< tinek
about three person |oc< 9| tinek janaa
absolute "~ sampuurna
abundance, plenty |b < | praacuryya; 5b5 upacay; <|| baahulya
abundantly .u< dher; b < 6|c< pracur bhaabe
to accept, receive > <<| grahan karaa
to accept, heed | <<| graahya karaa
to accept, carry (death) (o |)-<< <<| (mrrityu)-baran karaa
acceptable >c<|| grahan-yogya
accepted, approved 7c||o anumodita
to accomplish fully "~ <<| sampanna karaa
accomplished "||<o saadhita
to accommodate "5 .?5| prashray deoyaa
according to 7"|c< anusaare; -7<|5| -anuyaayii
accordingly o|* taai; o"|c< tadanusaare
account, report |<<< bibaran; |>"|< hisaab; |<|" nikaash
accountable 9<|<||> jabaab-dihi
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 11 11 May 2007
accurate "|5< sathik; |6 nirbhul
accusation .|<|c<| dosaarop; 7|6c<| <<|< <|<| abhiyog karaar
to accuse 7|6c<| <<| abhiyog karaa; 7<|<| <<| aparaadhii karaa
accuser .|<|c<|<|<| dosaarop-kaarii
accustomed 76||" abhyaastha
to achieve "~| <<| sampaadan karaa
acquaintance |<|bo paricita
to acquit ... |c|< <|5|
| .?5| nirdos baliyaa mukti deoyaa
act of worship | pranaam
to act, behave, deal, pretend <|<>|< <<| byabahaar karaa
action, step c padaksep
action, work <|9 kaaj; <|<| kaaryya
active force "|55 "| sakriya shakti; <|<|<|<| "| kaaryyakaari
actively "|556|c< sakriyabhaabe
activity, works <|<|<| kaaryyakalaap
actually < oc prakrritapakse; < o* prakrrita-i; 7|"c aasale;
<"o:c vastutahhapakse
actual, real < o prakrrita
A.D. "|5 e. di
to add .<| <<| yog karaa
added "< sanyukta
additional <|5|o baar-ti
address (postal) |5<|| thikaanaa
to adjust, modify << <<| rad-badal karaa; "5 <<| samanbay
adjusted "|5o samanbayita
administration "|" prashaasan
admiration I6|c< ""| mugdhabhaabe prashansaa
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 12 11 May 2007
adultery <||6b|< byabhicaar
advantage |6 laabh
to take advantage, benefit 5| .?5| upalabdhi neoyaa; 5<|<
.?5| upakaar neoyaa
advice 5c" upadesh
to advise 5c" .?5| upadesh deoyaa
advisable 5c"< upadesh-muulak
aeroplane |<| bimaan
to affect 6||<o <<| prabhaabita karaa
affection ."> sneha; 6|<|"| bhaalabaasaa
to have affection for 6|<|"| bhaalabaasaa
affiliation .<||c<| yogaayog
afternoon |<<| bikaal; |<<|c<| bikaal-belaa
again [V5] 7|<|< aabaar
We must see one another again [V5] 7|<|< .=| >*c< aabaar
dekhaa haibe
against -`"< |<<c -'er biruddhe; -`"< |<<|co -'er bipariite
age, era, [sometimes system] < yug
age [how old] <5" bayas
of age <5c" bayase
old age <|<<| baardhakya
aged <5" bayaska; |b| praaciin
aged person [male, female] |b|, |b|| praaciin, praaciinaa
ageing <|<<| baardhakya
agent, representative |o||< pratinidhi
aggression 7|5| aakramaan
ago 7|c aage
to agree, harmonize | <|=| mil raakhaa
agreeable, acceptable 5c<|| upayogii
agreeable, pleasant c|< manoram
agreeable, willing <|9| raajii
not agreeable, unwilling 7|9< anicchuk; [<-<|9| gar-raajii]
agreement, harmony "|9"| saamanjasya
ahead "~I=<o| ("~I=<| ) sammukh-bartii (sammukh-barttii)
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 13 11 May 2007
aid, help "|>|<| saahaayya
aid, helper ">|5 sahaay
to aid "|>|<| <<| saahaayya karaa
aim, target, focus | laksya; 7|6|5 abhipraay
to aim | <<| laksya karaa
air <|o|" baataas
alas >|5 >|5 haay haay
alert "o< satarka
alike, same looking "" sadrrish; 7<6|c< anuruup-bhaabe
alive 9||<o jiibita; 9|< jiibanta
all, every [V8] "< sakal; "" samasta; "< sab;
all, entire " samagra
all, everyone "<c sakale
allegiance 7|o| aanugatya; |6| nisthaa
to alleviate <|| kamaana
to allow, permit .?5| deoyaa; 7|o .?5| anumati deoyaa
almanac |9<| punjikaa
Almighty "<"|| ("""||) sarvashaktimaan
alone, indeed, particular [V3] -* -i
alone, only .<< kebal; |5 maatra; O<* shudhu-i; "<| ekaa
alone, by oneself "<|<| ekaakii; |:" nihh-sanga
to carry along |<~ <<| bilamba karaa
aloud 5cb"c< ucchesvare; .9|c< jore
alphabet <|| barnamaalaa
already, beforehand, by this time *|oc<|(*) itimadhye(i); *o:c<
(*o:c") itahh-puurbe (itahh-puurbbe)
also, too ? o
alteration |<<o (|<<) paribartan (paribarttan)
although, even though <|| yadyapi; <|? yadi-o
always "<| (""|) sarvadaa (sarvvadaa); |b<<| cirakaal
amazed 7<|< abaak
to be amazed 7|'b< .<|< <<| aashcarya bodh karaa; 7|'b< 9|
<<| aashcarya jnaan ["gyaan"] karaa
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 14 11 May 2007
American ||< maarkin
ambassador <|8o raastraduut; <|9o raaj-duut
ambi- 7|6- abhi-
amid <|<o| (<|<|) madhyabartii (madhyabarttii)
amount, sum .|D "|8 moot samasti; |<| parimaan; |<|
to analyse |<c"< <<| bishlesan karaa
ancient, elderly |b| praaciin; 7|| aadim
ancient, worn out <|o puraatan
and "< eban; 7|< aar; ? o
and, joining a series of adverbs [see G47.4] -*5| -iyaa
And with you be peace! ?5||*< |" "|| oyaalaaikumaassaalaam
angel o duut; "o svargaduut; .<o dev-duut; .c<"o|
anger .5|< krodh; <| raag
angry, very angry <|| raagaapuurna; <|| raagaapanna
to be angry [V14] <| <<| raag karaa
to anger, to make angry <||c| (<||-) raagaano (raagaana)
animal O pashu; 9 jantu; 9|<|< jaan'bar
animate[d], living "9|< sajiiv
announcement .|<| ghosanaa; b|< pracaar
annual <||<< baarsik
anointed 7|6|< abhisikta
another 71 anya; 7< apar
answer 5< uttar
answerable 9<|<||> jabaab-dihi
ant |c5 p^ipare
anti- |<- bi-
anxiety 6|<| bhaabanaa; 5c udveg
anxious 6||<o bhaabita; 5| udvigna
any .<> keha; .<|c| kono or .<| kona; [don't confuse this .<|
with .<| kon` meaning which particular]
anybody .<> keha; .<5 keu; .< .<> ye keha
anyhow [whatever may happen] <|>|* D < | .< yaahaa-i ghatuk
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 15 11 May 2007
naa kena; <|>| .>|< (<|* >5<) yaahaa hok (yaai hauk)
anyone [any item of a group] .<|c| kono or .<|- kona
any other 71 .<|c| anya kono or 71 .<| anya kona
anything .< .<|c| <" ye kono vastu; |<9 kichu
anyway .< .<|c| <|c< ye kono prakaare
anywhere .< .<|c| "|c ye kono sthaane
apart from that o| (o|>|) 9|5| taa (taahaa) chaaraa
apathy 5|"|o| udaasiinataa
apology | |< | ksamaa praarthanaa
apostle, one sent forth .|<o prerita
apparently 7||o<c aapaataruupe
to appeal, feel good 6| || bhaala laaga
appearance, face .b>|<| cehaaraa
to apply....., use c5| <<| prayog karaa; ||c| (||-)
laagaano (laagaana)
to appear, come into view 7||<6 o >?5| aabirbhuuta haoyaa
to appear, seem... <c c >?5| bale mane haoyaa
applicable c<|<| prayoyya
to apply .... in life .c (||5|) b| mene (maaniyaa) calaa
to lock (i.e. apply the lock):[Study 15, Grammar 54.2] o|| ||c|
(||-) taalaa laagaano (laagaana)
appointed time |<|o "5 niruupita samay
appointed times of the nations 9||oc< "5 jaatiganer samay
appointment, time to meet "|| <|<<|< <<" saaksaat' karibaar
according to the appointed time |<|o "5 7"|c< niruupita
samay anusaare
apostate doctrines < 8 o<| dharma bhrasta matabaad
apostle .|<o prerit [pronounced "prerit" not "prerita"; however, the
similar word .|<o meaning sent forth is pronounced
appointment, assignment |c<| niyog
appreciation, gratitude < o9o| krritajnataa ["krritogyataa"]
appreciation, gratitude 5| .<|< upalabdhi bodh
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 16 11 May 2007
to appreciate a quality Gc< "< <<| gun-ke samarthan karaa
to approach |<D<| >?5| nikat-barttii haoyaa
approaching, coming, imminent, near 7|" aasanna
appropriate, logical <|< yuktiyukta; 5< upayukta
appropriate, proper 5|bo ucit(a); 5|b ucit; ||8 nirddista
appropriately |< bilaksan
approval 7c| anumodan; "~I|o sammati
approved 7c||o anumodita
apt (see "appropriate")
Arabic 7|<<|< aarabiik
Aramaic 7|<||<
archologist - o- |< pratnatatvavid; - o||4< pratnataattvik
archology - o- pratnatatva
architect "|o sthapati
argument, criticism o< tarka
argument, quarrel <5| jhag-raa
ark of the covenant |5 |"< niyam sinduk
suit of armour <c< "79| yuddher sajjaa
army c"1 seenyadal; <||>| baahinii; ."| senaa
Armageddon, Harmageddon ><||c| har-maagidon
around, all round b||< |c" caaripaashe; b||< |c< caari dike; b|<
|c< caar dike
to arouse 7|<|^=| 9||5| .o|| aakaankhaa jaagiyaa tolaa
arrangement, order |<||" binyaas
arrangement provision <|<"| byabasthaa
arrears, outstanding amount <c<5| bakeyaa
to arrest . |< <<| greptaar karaa; 7|D< <<| aatak karaa
arrival 7| aagaman
arrogant 7><|<| ahankaarii; 5o uddhata
arrow o|< tiir
article (in magazine) << prabandha
artist |"| shilpii
as, taken as ... ...<c ...bale
as a ... , equivalent to ..., in the form of ...|>"|c< ...hisaabe
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 17 11 May 2007
as many as can be "|<|co| <o saadhyamato yata ...
as well, also, too [Vocabulary 8] ? o
to ascend 7|c<|> <<| aarohan karaa
ascension to heaven "|c<|> svargaarohan
ashamed |79o lajjita
to ask, seek 7"<| <<| anusandhaan karaa
to ask, to enquire |99|"| <<| jijnaasaa ["jigyaasaa"] karaa
to ask for, to want: [Study11] b|?5| caaoyaa
asleep ||o nidrita
to assemble, construct .9|5| ||c| (.9|5| ||-) joraa laagaano
assembly 9"6| janasabhaa; |<<| "6| bidhaan sabhaa; "|c<"
assembly (as in circuit assembly) "c~I sammelan
to assemble "<5 >?5| ekatra haoyaa
assessment, study c<<| gabesanaa
assignment || 8 <|<| (||8 <|<) nirddhista kaaryya (nirddhista
kaarya); |<| niyukti
to give an assignment |||<o <c< (<|<5|) .?5| nirddhaarita kare
(kariyaa) deoyaa
to assist (see "aid")
association, group, society "||o samiti; "c~I sammelan
association of brothers, society of brothers |o "|9 bhraatrrisamaaj
associations, keeping company "" sansarga; .|c"|
bad associations < "" kusansarga
assumed as, taken as <c (<|5|) bale (baliyaa)
assurance, certainty, guarantee, reassurance |'b5o| nishcayataa;
7|"|" aashvaas
astrology .9|||o<-|<|| jyotis-vidyaa
atheist ||"< naastik
atom 7 anu
atomic |<||<< paaramaanabik
atonement |5|'b praayashcitta
attempt .b8| cestaa; cb8| pracestaa; 5| udyam
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 18 11 May 2007
to attempt .b8| <<| cestaa karaa
to attend, be present .<|| <<| yog-daan karaa; .<| .?5| yog
attentive c|c<|| manoyogii
attentively c|c<| "><|c< manoyog sahakaare
attitude c|6|< manobhaab
to attract 7|<< <<| aakarsan karaa
attracted 7|<|< o aakarsita; 7|< 8 aakrrista
author .=< lekhak
authority, rule, domination, organisation <o - (< - ) kartrritva
authorities <o (< ) kartrripaksa (karttrripaksa)
authority, power 7|<<|< adhikaar; o| ksamataa
as one having authority o| <||< ||5 ksamataa panna
byaktir nyaay
authorized o|| ksamataapraapta
automatically 7|| .<c<* aapanaa theke-i; 7|| >*co* aapanaa
to be available || "|<| >?5| praaptisaadhya haoyaa
to make available .|b|5 .?5| p^ocaay deoyaa
average c5 gare
to avoid, keep away "|<c5 <|=| sariye raakhaa; |<>|< <<| parihaar
to avoid, steer clear of "|5c5 ("5|*5|) b| eriye (eraaiyaa) calaa
to await o|| <<| pratiiksaa karaa; 7c| <<| apeksaa karaa
Awake! "cbo <|<! sacetan thaaka!
awake, alert "o< satarka; "cbo sacetan
awake, not sleeping .9c (9||5|) jege (jaagiyaa)
to awaken (cause to be awake) [Study 13] 9|c| (9||-) jaagaano
aware 7<o abagata; "o< satarka
to do away "|<c5 ("<|*5|) .?5| sariye (saraaiyaa) deoyaa
to go away [S15] bc (b|5|) <|?5| cale (caliyaa) yaaoyaa
to send away .9c5 (9|5|*5|) .?5| chere (chaaraaiyaa) deoyaa
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 19 11 May 2007
baby |"O shishu
Babylon <||< baabilan; <||< baabil
Babylon the Great >o| <||< mahaatii baabil
to come back [Vocabulary 9.6] |c< (|<|*5|)7|"| phire
(phiraaiyaa) aasaa
to give back |c< (|<|*5|) .?5| phire (phiraaiyaa) deoyaa
the back, rear 'b| pashcaat'
bad manda, =|<| khaaraap; 7||5 anyaay
bad- < - ku-
badness ||1 maalinya
baggage o|o| talpitalpaa
balance, equilibrium "o| samataa; 6|<"||o| bhaar-saamyataa
balance, remainder <||< baaki; 7<|"8|" abashistaansha
bald D|<-5| taak-paraa
baldness D|< taak
bamboo <|" b^aash
to ban |c<< <<| nisedh karaa
banned, forbidden ||< nisiddha
banana <| kalaa; <| kadalii
Bangladesh <||c" baanlaadesh
baptism <||"I baaptisma
to baptize <||*9 <<| baaptaaij karaa; <||*|9o <<| baaptaaijita
baptized <||*|9o baaptaaijita
baptizer <||*9< baaptaaijak
bare empty =|| khaali
bare, naked 5 ulanga
barrage, barrier |o<<<o| pratibandhakataa
barren <<| bandhya
barrenness <<|| bandhyaa; <<|o| bandhyataa
base |6| bhitti; ||D gh^aati
basic .||< moolik
basically < oc prakrritapakse
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basin for water 9|5 jal-paatra
basis |6| bhitti
bath "| snaan; .|" gosal; .|" ghosal; " ghusal
to bathe [i Vocabulary 14] "| <<| snaan karaa; .<|o <<| dhoota
bathroom "|||< snaanaagaar; "|< snaan-kaksa
battle < yuddha
bazaar <|9|< baajaar
B. C. |< |"bi. si.; =:: khrri. puu. [This is short for =D|c"< c<
khrristaabder puurbe.]
B. C. E. "|<| ("|: <|: :) saa. kaa. puu. [This is short for
"|<|< <|c< c< saadhaaran kaaler puurbe.] [This is now
used instead of "|"]
to be [S11] >?5| haoyaa
not to be: am not, is not, are not, etc. (Imagine "not to be" | >?5|
naa haoyaa being compressed into a notional infinitive ?5|
"naoyaa". This word does not exist, but it might help you in
understanding how the following verb declension is developed
and used in comparison with "to be" ">?5| haoyaa".) [Studies
11, 17, 33] : *,?, 5, (|>, c>|, c>, c>) nai,
nao, nay, nan (nahi, naho, nahe, nahen)
not being in existence [Study 33] .* (|*) nei (naai)
to be acted upon - see the Passive Voice [Study 52]
beach "o|< samudratiir; "oD samudratat
beam of energy |<< kiran
beam of wood <|5<|5 karikaath; o | tuulaadanda
to bear, carry [V9.1] <<| dharaa; <|< <<| dhaaran karaa; <> <<|
bahan karaa
to bear, put up with " <<| sahya ["sojjo"] karaa
bear (the animal) 6 < bhalluk; 6|< bhaaluk
to beat, hit |<| maaraa; 7||o <<| aaghaat karaa; >|< <<| prahaar
karaa; |D|c| (|D|-) pitaano (pitaana)
beautiful "< sundar
beauty "<| sundarii; ."|<| soondaryya
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became, having become >c5 (>*5|) haye (haiyaa)
because .<| kenanaa; <|< kaaran
because of < darun
bed "< star; "<|| shayyaa
bedding |<9||5 bichaanaapatra
bedtime "5<| shayan-kaal
bee .|||9 moomaachi
I have been 7|| >c5|9 (>*5||9) aami hayechi (haiyaachi); 7|| >c5
7|"|9 aami haye aas-chi [wrongly rendered in some translations
of scriptures : 7|| 7||9 aami aachi]
befitting 5< upayukta; <<|c<|| yathaayogya; o mata
before, in front "~Ic= sammukhe; "|c saamane
before, in the sight of... ..-`"< "||co ...-'er saaksaate
Before our Common Era - see B. C. E.
beforehand c< (c" ) puurbe (puurbbe); 7|c aage; 7c* agre-i
to beg (for food) (=||) |6| <<| (khaadya) bhiksaa karaa
to beg in prayer |< | <<| praarthanaa karaa; <|"| <<| yaacnaa
to begin, start off 7|<~ <<| aarambha karaa; O< <<| shuru karaa
to begin, get started 7|<~ >?5| aarambha haoyaa
to begin, embark <?| (<?5||) >?5| raonaa (raoyaanaa) haoyaa
to begin (eating) [idioms: Grammar15, 54.2] .=co || (=|*co ||)
khete laagaa (khaaite laagaa); .=co O< <<| (=|*co O< <<|)
khete shuru karaa (khaaite shuru karaa)
beginning, start 7|<~ aarambha; O< shuru; |<~ praarambha
beginning time 7|| aadi
in the beginning 7||co aadite
begotten, only begotten
behalf, part (-"<) c (-er) pakse
behaviour 7|b< aacaran; b|b caalacalan
behind, to the rear of 'b|co pashcaate; |9c pichane; |c9|c
behind (the curtain), in the concealment (of the curtain) (|<)
7|5|c pardaar aaraale
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behind, waiting 7c|< o 7"< apeksaakrrita anagrasar
belief, faith |<"|"
to believe, put faith [V14] |<"|" <<| bishbaas karaa
bell D| ghantaa
belly ocD tal-pet
to belong 7|<<|<6 >?5| adhikaar-bhukta haoyaa
beloved |5o priyatama; |59 priyajan
below |c~ nimne; |cb niice; |~- nimna-
Belshazzar .<""< bel-shat'sar
to bend <|<| b^aakaa
to bend (cause to be bent) [Grammar 12] <|<|c| (<|<|-)
b^aakaano ( b^aakaana)
to bend the knee o9| >?5| natajaanu haoyaa
beneath |~ nimna; |cb niice
beneficial 5<|<9< upakaar-janak; |6|5< laabh-daayak
benefit 5<|< upakaar; |6 laabh; 7> anugraha; "|<<| subidhaa
Bengali (language) <|| baanlaa
Bengali person <||| baangaalii
beside <|c9 kaache
besides, apart from <|o|o byatiita; <||oc<c< byatireke
besides, apart from this "9|5| echaaraa; o|>|9|5| taahaachaaraa
best 7o | atyuttam; "< ("c" |) sarvottam (sarvvottam); "<
.bc5 6|c| ("< .bc5 6|) sab ceye bhaalo (sab ceye bhaala)
betel |
betel-nut "|<| supaarii
Bethlehem c<cc> beet'lehem; c<<c> beethalahem
to betray o|<| prataaranaa
betrayer |<"|"|o< bishbaas-ghaatak
between c<| madhye
to beware "o< <|<| satarka thaakaa; "|<<| <|<| saab-dhaan
beyond c< duure
beyond- <- par-
Bible <|*c< baaibel
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bicycle "|*c< saaikel
big <5 bara
bill (money) |>"|< hisaab; D|<|< taakaar phard
to bind, tie (t) [Vocabulary 9.1] <|<| b^aadhaa
binding contract 7|<|< angiikaar
biology 9|<|<9| jiibabijnaan ["jiibabigyaan"]
birth 9I janma
to give birth 9I .?5| janma deoyaa
birth-control 9I-|5 janma-niyantran
birth-giver, mother 9| jananii
birthday 9I| janmadin
bit D<<| tukaraa
to bite " <<| danshan karaa; o|<| <<| prataaranaa karaa
to bite (by people) <|<|c| (<|5|-) kaamaraano (kaamaraana)
to bite (by snake) <||<o <<| prabaancita karaa
bitter |<< birakta; |<<| birakti; <D <|D<| katukativya
black <| kaala; <|c| kaalo
to blame || <<| nindaa karaa; .|<|c<| <<| dosaarop karaa
blanket <~ kambal
blasphemy >"< || iishbar nindaa; 7|<5 6|<| apabitra bhaasaa
blast of a trumpet o <|4| turiidhvani
blaze 5774 7||"=| ujjval agni-shikhaa
to blaze 74|5| 55| jvaliyaa uthaa
to bleed <|o >?5| raktapaat haoyaa
blemished <C kalanka
blessed <1 dhanya; 7|"|< || (7|"|" | ) aashiirbaad-praapta
blessing 7|"|<| (7|"|" |) aashiirbaad (aashiirbbaad); "=|5< <"
sukh-daayak bastu
blind 7< andha; 79 ajna ["ogyo"]
blood < rakta
blood-pressure <b| raktacaap
bloodshed <|o raktapaat; >o|| hatyaa
to blow .?5| ph^u deoyaa
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blue | niil; |< niil-barna
to boast, show pride 7><|< <<| ahankaar karaa; < (") <<|
garba (garbba) karaa
boat .|<| nookaa; 9|>|9 jaahaaj
bodily "|<||<< shaariirik; c|>< deehik
body .> deha; "<|< shariir
bold, courageous "|>"| saahasii
boldening, encouraging "|>|"< saahasik
bolt |= khil
bomb .<|| bomaa
bona fide "< |<"|c" saral bishbaase; =||D kh^aati; =|D| kh^aatii
bond (letter) |o9|5 pratijnaapatra ["protiggyaapotra"]
bond (tie) "c<| sanyog; <<| bandhanii; << bandhan
perfect bond of union |"|< .<|<< siddhiir yog-bandhan
bondage |"- daasatva; <|- banditva; <<| bandhi
bone 7|" asthi; >|5 haar; | granthi
book <* bai; "< pustak
booklet |"<| pustikaa
booth < |D kuti
border | praanta; "|| siimaa; <|< dhaar
to bore, drill |9 <<| chidra karaa; |< <<| biddha karaa
born 9Io janmagata; < oo prakrritagata; 9|o jaata
to be born 9I| janmaa; 9I > <<| janma grahan karaa; 9I |6
<<| janma laabh karaa
to cause to be born 9|c| (9I|-) janmaano (janmaana)
to borrow, to take on loan <|< <<| dhaar karaa
to borrow, copy 7<< <<| anukaran karaa
both 565* ubhaya-i
bound in promise |o9|< pratijnaabadha ["protigyaaboddho"]
boundary "||| siimaanaa
boundless 7"| asiim
bow, act of obeisance | pranaam
to bow, to show submission o <<| nata karaa; <'1o| "|<|< <<|
bashyataa sviikaar karaa
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to bow down ||o <<| pranipaat karaa, o >?5| pranata haoyaa
bowing in request, stooping modestly |<|o binati
boy <|< baalak; .9c chele; 5 putra; puttra; 6 o| bhrritya
bracelet >|< haar
brain |"" mastiska; <| buddhi; |<|< | maathaar ghilu
brainy 5|<"| udbhaaban-shiil; |<|?5|| maathaaoyaalaa
branch "|=| shaakhaa; <| baahu
branch, department |<6| bibhaag
brave, courageous "|>"| saahasii
to brave (treat as of little concern) o 9 <<| tuccha karaa
breach of the peace "||-6 shaanti-bhanga
to break (t & i) 6|| bhaangaa; 6 <<| bhanga karaa
to break down |"< <|D| sidha kaataa
to break, fall in pieces 6||5| 5| bhaangiyaa paraa
to break off ties "~< |<c9 <<| samparka bicched karaa
to break [law, promise] ^ <<| langhan karaa
breakdown 6| bhaangan
breakfast |" | naastaa; |o:<|" pratihh-raash
breath " |"-"|" shvaas-prashaas; ph^u
breath of life |<|5 praan-vaayu
breeze <|o|" baataas; <|5 mrridu manda vaayu
bribery < | <| > ghus daan baa grahan
brick *D it
bride |<<|c>< <c bibaaher kane; |<c5< <c biyer kane; << badhu
bridegroom << bar; ?"| naoshaa
bridge ."o setu; pul
brief "| sanksipta
bright, shiny 5774 ujjval; |<" |< pariskaar
bright, intelligent <|| buddhimaan
to bring 7|| aanaa
to bring about 5|o <<| upaniita karaa
broad "" prashasta; b?5| caoraa
broken 6 bhagna; .6c (6||5|) bhenge (bhaangiyaa)
brother 6|* bhaai; |o| bhraataa
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brother and sister [V27.1] 6|*c<| bhaaibon
brothers and sisters 6|*c<|c<| bhaaiboneraa
brothers [G8.1, G8.4] 6|*c5<| bhaaiyeraa; 6|*`"<| bhaai'eraa;
|o bhraatrrigan
brotherhood |o - bhraatrritva; |o "|9 bhraatrrisamaaj
brotherly |o bhraatrri
brow <| kapaal; bhruu
brown <||| baadaamii; | pingal; <D| kataa
brush o | tuuli; <|5| jhaaraa; <<" burush; < |D| jh^aataa
bucket <||o baal-ti
bud < |5 k^uri; < mukul
Buddhism .<|< (.<|<~I) boodha-dharma (booddha-dharmma)
Buddhist .<| boodha
build || (|~I|) <<| nirmaan (nirmmaan) karaa; 5 <<|
gathan karaa
to build, cause to be built <||c| (<||-) baanaano (baanaana)
to build up, encourage .c< (||<5|) .o|| g^ethe (g^aathiyaa) tolaa;
"|>" .?5| saahas deoyaa
to build up, erect |55| .o|| gariyaa tolaa
building 5 gathan
buildings >|| grrihaadi; 7D||<| ataalikaa
bull <|5 s^aar
burden .<|<| bojhaa; 6|< bhaar
burial place <<< kabar
buried "||>o samaahita; <<<" kabarastha
to (make) burn I <<| dagdha karaa; 74|o <<| prajvalita karaa
to (make) burn to death |5c5 (5|*5|) |<| puriye (puraaiyaa)
burned at the stake <|6 c |5c5 (5|*5|) kaastha dande puriye
to burst into tears .<c (<||5|) 55| k^ede (k^aadiyaa) uthaa; .<c
(<||5|) 55| kende (kaandiyaa) uthaa
to bury "||< .?5| samaadhi deoyaa; .|< .?5| goor deoyaa
bus <|" baas
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bush .<| jhop; G gulma
business <|<"| byavasaa; ."| peshaa; <|<<|< kaarabaar
business, matter <|c9< "|c< "~|<o |<<5
business person <|<"|5| byabasaayii
busy <|" byasta; |<"| parishramii
but |< kintu; .<< kebal; <|o|o byatiita
but (after negative), rather << baran; <<< baranca
to buy .<| kenaa; 55 <<| kray karaa;
to buy back <|5 55 <<| punaraay kray karaa
buyer .5o| kretaa
by, near |<cD nikate; |c" paarshve
by, through <o < (< <) kartrrik (karttrik); |<| dvaaraa
by, via c<| |5| madhye diyaa
by doing which <|co <c< (<|>|co <|<5|) yaate kare (yaahaate
to bypass <c< <|?5| ghur-pathe yaaoyaa
cabbage <|<|<| b^aadhaakapi
cable, telegramo|< taar
calamity 7 amangal
to calculate | <<| gananaa karaa; |>"|< <<| hisaab karaa
Calcutta .<|<|o| kol-kaataa; <|<|o| kalikaataa
calendar <||c|< kyaalendaar; << |9<| barsa panjikaa
to call, name 7|6|>o <<| abhihita karaa; "~|< <<|
sambhaasan karaa
to call, summon 5|<| daakaa
called 7|6|>o abhihita, 7|=||o aakhata
is called -.< <| <|5 -ke balaa yaay
calm manner "| shaanta; |"< sthir; |" nistabdha;
7|<b|o abicalita
calm conditions, peace "|| shaanti
camel 5D uut
campaign cb8| pracestaa; 7|6<| abhiyaan
can, to be able to [Exercise 30.1] |<| paaraa
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canal =| khaal
to cancel <||o <<| baatil karaa
cap D| tupi
capable men <|< << biir purus
captive <| bandi
captivity <|- banditva; <|"| bandidashaa
car |5| gaarii; ||5 gaari; .|D<|5| motar-gaarii
by car ||5 <c< (<|<5|) gaari kare (kariyaa)
card o|" taas
care <- yatna; |b| cintaa
to care about ... -`"< 91 <- .?5| -'er janya yatna neoyaa
to care for ... -`"< |b| <<| -'er cintaa karaa
carefree <|| kalyaan
carefully <- <c< yatna kare; c|c<| "><|c< manoyog sahakaare
careless, inattentive 7c|c<|| amanoyogii; 7<-"|
careless, unthinking 7|<c<b< abibecak
caring, attentive <-"| yatnashiil
caring, concerned |b|o cintita
carpenter "5<< suutradhar
carpentry <|c5< <|9 kaather kaaj
carpet ||b| gaalicaa
carrot |9< gaajar
to carry, transport <> <<| bahan karaa
to carry along |<~ <<| bilamba karaa; <> <<| bahan karaa
to carry on, bear .<|< <<| bodh karaa
to carry on, bear up, endure " <<| sahya karaa
to carry out "~| <<| sampaadan karaa; "|< <<| saadhan karaa;
"||<o <<| saadhita karaa
carved .=||o khodita
case, issue |<b|<| |<<5 bicaaryya bisay
cash, small change D|<| nagad taakaa; 6||| bhaangaani;
6|D| bhaantaa
cast out <||>< || baahir niksipta
to cast lots G|<|D <<| gulib^aat karaa
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casualty >o|>o hataahata; c<D| deebaghatanaa
cat |<5| biraal; .<5| beraal
cataclysmic |<|9 bicchinna
catastrophe "<|" sarvanaash
to catch a thief .b|< <<| cor dharaa
to catch hold of by hand >|o |5| <<| haat diyaa dharaa
fire catches on 7| |c agni laage
catholic <||<|< kathalik
cattle <|| O gabaadi pashu; .|< goru; |* gaai
cauliflower <| phul-kapi
cause, purpose 5c'1 uddeshya
cause, source, origin 5" ut'sa
to cause, stir up 9|c| (9I|-) janmaano (janmaana)
to cause to do [V13] <<|c| (<<|-) karaano (karaana)
causing -|< -daar; -|5< -daayak
caution, wariness "|<<|o| saabadhaanataa
caution, warning "|<<|c< <|<| saabadhaaner baakya; "o< <||
satarka baani
C.E. =8|" khrristaabda
to celebrate 5"< <<| ut'sab karaa
celebration 5"< ut'sab; <| 5 76| dharmiya anusthaan;
<~I|6| dharmmaanusthaan; 5<| ud'yaapan
cell of organism .<|< kos; 9|<c<|< jiiv-kos
cemetery <<<"| kabarasthaan; .|<"| gorasthaan
central .<|5 kendriiya; <|<o| (<|<| ) madhyabartii
century "o|"| shataabdii; "o<< shatabarsa
certain, assured ||'bo nishcita; ||'bo nishcit
certain, fixed amount ||8 (||8) nirdista nirddista
certain, some or other [S21] .<| kona
certain, particular (person) -9 -jan; [three particular men |o9
|< tin-jan maanus]
certain, particular (thing) -D| -taa; |D -ti; [three particular books |oD|
<* tin-taa bai]
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certain ones -|<c"< -bishes
certainly |'b5* nishcay-i; |:"c> nihh-sandeh; 7<'1* abashyai
chain ."< shekal; .<5| berii
by chance, suddenly >5| hathaat'
by chance, unexpectedly 7o|||"o 6|c< apratyaashita bhaabe
by chance, unintentional, without design 7|<|"< aakasmik
by chance coming to life 7|<|"< D| D|< |<|c 9|<c< 5 <
>co aakasmik ghatanaa ghataar maadhyame jiivaner udbhab hate
to change, alter |<<o (|<<) <<| paribartan (paribarttan) karaa
to change clothes <|5 9|5|c| (9|5|-) kaapar chaaraano (kaapar
to change money D|<| 6||c| (6||-) taakaa bhaangaano
to change, modify |<o <<| parinata karaa
chaos |<"^=| bishrrinkhalaa; |<<5 biparyay
chaotic "c|cc| elomelo; |<"^= bishrrinkhal
chapter 7<||5 adhyaay; |<c9 paricched
character, personal quality b|<5 caritra; "| sunaam; <|||< "6|<
byaaktiir svaabhaab
characteristic, quality G gun
characteristics, features c<|"8| beeshistya
without charge |<| c| binaa muulye
chaste |<5 pabitra; b|<5<| caritrabaan; |<O bishuddha
chaste person [male] "|< saadhu; "o sata
chaste person [female] "|4| saadhbii; "o| satii
chastity "o|- satiitva; |<5o| pabitrataa
cheap ""| sastaa; "6 sulabh
to cheat 5|<|c| (5<|-) thakaano (thakaana); o|<| <<|
prataaranaa karaa; ||< .?5| ph^aaki deoyaa
cheese |< panir
chemical [substance] <"|5 rasaayan
chemical [quality] <"|5|< rasaayanik
chief <| pradhaan; =| mukhya
chiefly <|o: pradhaanatahh; |<c"<o: bishesatahh; =| 6|c<
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mukhya bhaabe
child "| santaan; <|b| baaccaa; |"O shishu
childhood c""<|<"| sheeshabaabasthaa
children, son and daughter .9ccc5 chelemeye; .9c|c chelepile;
"| santaan
children, sons and daughters .9ccc5<| chelemeyeraa
chlorophyll 5>|< patraharit'
choice c|5 manonayan; |<|b nirvaacan
cholera 5|55| ulaauthaa; 5<|5 udaraamay
to choose, prefer 9 <<| pachanda karaa
to choose, select |<|b <<| nirvaacan karaa; c||o <<|
manoniita karaa
to choose, set aside .<c9 (<|9|*) <<| beche (baachaai) karaa; .<c9
(<||95|) .?5| beche (baachiyaa) neoyaa
Christ |=D khrista; = |8 khriista; =8 khrrista
Christendom |=D|5 9 khristiiya jagat'; = |8|5 9 khriistiiya
Christian |=D| khristaan; = |8| khriistaan
chronicle <"|<| banshaabali
chronological "5|5|< samayaanukramik
church |79| girjjaa; |9 | girjaa
circle (shape) < brritta; b5 cakra; .<8<|<| bestan-kaarii
circle (perimeter) "||b5 siimaacakra
circuit |<c<8< paribestak; |<"|| parisiimaa
circum- 7|6- abhi-
circumcision - < c9 tvak'ched
citizen ||<< naagarik
city < nagar; ">< shahar
civil, gentle "|| shaalin; 6 bhadra
civil, non-military .<"||<< besaamarik
civil war >< grrihayuddha; 7|6||<| |<< antar biplab
civilian .<"||<< besaamarik
civilized "6| sabhya
civilization "6|o| sabhyataa
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to claim ||< <<| daabi karaa
to clap with hands >|oo|| .?5| haatataali deoyaa
to clarify, elucidate |<" <<| bishad karaa; "8 <|<5| .?5| spasta
kariyaa deoyaa; |<" |< <|<5| .?5| puriskaar kariyaa deoyaa
class ."| shrenii; ."| |<6| shrenii bibhaag
clean |<"|< pariskaar; | nirmal; |<5 pabitra; O shuddha; O|b
to cleanse, to clean |<" |< <<| pariskaar karaa; O|b <<| shuci
karaa; |<O <<| bishuddha karaa; |<|9 <<| paricchinna
in clean standing 5 | <9|5 uttam maan bajaay
clear to understand "8 spasta; "9 svaccha; |<"|< pariskaar
clear as in tea >|<| haalkaa; >|<| haal-kaa
clear conscience O |<c<< shuddha bibek
clear headed |<c<b< bibecak
cleared away <|6o duuriibhuuta
clearly "8o: spastatahh; "8o* spastata-i
clergy <|9<< yaajak-varga
clever bo < catur; b||< caalaak
client c" makkel
climate |<c<" paribesh; 9<|5 jal-vaayu; 7|<>|?5| aabahaaoyaa
climax b< |<|o caram parinati
to climb b5| caraa
to cling | >?5| lipta haoyaa
clock |5 ghari
close, nearby <|b|<||b kaacaakaaci
close, warm |8 ghanista
to close [i S14] << <<| bandha karaa
closeness "||<| saannidhya
cloth <" vastra; |<9 paricchad
clothing <|5 .b|5 kaapar copar; .||< |<9 polaak
cloud . megh
cloudy .| meghalaa
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clue <>c"|< "5 rahasyer suutrra; *|o ingit
coarse, fat .|D| motaa
coast 5< upakul; "c< |<|<| samudrer kinaaraa
coat 7|9| aacchaadan; 5c<< 9|| uparer jaamaa
cobra .|=c<| gokharo; .<5|D5| keutiyaa
cockroach .o|c|<| telaa pokaa; 7|<O| aarashulaa; 7|<c"||
code of law "c<o sanket; 7|* "> aain sangrah
coherent " sanlagna; "o sangata
to coin, start 5|< <<| udbhaaban karaa
to collapse .6c (6||5|) 5| bh^enge (bhaang^iyaa) paraa
cold "|o shiital; 5|| thaandaa
to collect "> <<| sangraha karaa
collection (monetary contribution) b|| c^aadaa
college >||<||5 mahaabidyaalay
colonial 5|c<|"< upanibeshik
colony 5|c<" upanibesh
colour < ran; <5 ran; < barna
column <| thaam; "~ stamba
comb for hair |b<| ciruni
comb of bees .|b|< moocaak
to combat "| <<| sangraam karaa
to come 7|"| aasaa
"Let's come" - meaning "Do let's come together again." [V5] 7||"
to come to mind c 7|"| mane aasaa; c 5| mane paraa
comedy || ||D<| milanaanta naatikaa
comfort "|-| saantvanaa; 7|<| aaraam
coming, arrival 7| aagaman
coming, arriving 7|o aagata
coming, next 7||| aagaamii
command 7|c" aadesh
to command 7|c" <<| aadesh karaa; |<b|| <<| paricaalanaa
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 34 11 May 2007
order, commandment 7|9| aajnaa ["aagyaa"]; 5c" upadesh; <
commemoration "I|o <|< 91 5"< smrriti raksaar janya ut'sab
commendable ""|9< prashanshaajanak; ""|5
prashansaniiya; "||<"c<|| suphaarish-yogya
commendation ""| prashansaa
comment, criticism "|c|b| samaalocanaa
comment, remark, response <| mantabya
commentary <|<||<<<| dhaaraabibaranii
commerce <|<"| byabasaa; <||9| baanijya
commercial <|||9|< baanijyik
commission "~| sampaadan
commitment 7|<|< angiikaar; <|<|<|<<o| baadhyabaadhakataa
committee "||o samiti
common "|<|< saadhaaran
C.E. [Common Era] "| <| saa. kaa. [This is short for "|<< <|
saadharan kaal. Previously, "|" saa.sha. was used.]
communication of messages "<| 7||-| sanvaad
communication by travel .<||c<| yogaayog
comparatively 7c|< o6|c< apeksaakrritabhaabe; o|5 tulanaay
to compare ||c| (||-) milaano (milaana); o | <<| tulanaa
compassion <<| karunaa; ">|6|o sahaanubhuuti
compatible .<|| yogya; ""o susangata
competitive |oc<||o|< pratiyogitaamuulak
to complain 7|6c<| <<| abhiyog karaa
complementary, completive |<<< paripuurak
complete " samagra; "~ sampuurna
complete in himself |c9co* |< nijete-i paripuurna
completely "~ <c sampuurnaruupe; "~ sampuurna
to eat up completely [S15] .=c5 (=|*5|) .| kheye (khaaiyaa)
complex, intricate 9|D jatil
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complexity, intricacy 9|Do| jatilataa
complicated 9|D jatil
component 7" ansha
to compose <b| <<| racanaa karaa; "5 <<| sangathan karaa
composite .<|< yootha
to comprehend <<| bujhaa
comprehensible .<|<| bodh-gamya
to comprise 76 antarbhukta karaa
compulsory <|<|o|< baadhyataamuulak
to compute, calculate | <<| gananaa karaa
to conceal .| <<| gopan karaa; <|c| (<|-) lukaano
to conceive in mind <| <<| kalpanaa karaa
to conceive in womb 6<o| >?5| garbhabatii haoyaa; <|< <<|
dhaaran karaa
power to conceive <" 5|c< "| bansha ut'paadaner shakti
to concentrate, focus .<|6o <<| kendriibhuuta karaa
concerned, anxious 5| udvigna
concerning |<<c5 bisaye; "~c< sambandhe; "~c< samparke
concise "| sanksipta
to conclude, finish "| <<| samaapta karaa; ."< <<| shes karaa
conclusion, finish ."< shes; "|| samaapti
conclusion, summary 5">|< upasanhaar; |<"|| parisamaapti
to condemn, abhor o|< || <<| tiibra nindaa karaa
condemnation || nindaa
condition, situation 7<"| abasthaa
condone, excuse | <<| ksamaa karaa
conduct, behaviour < " path pradarshan; 7|b< aacaran;
<|<>|< byabahaar
to conduct one's life 9|< <| <<| jiiban yaapan karaa
confectionery |8| mistaann; |D| mistaann
conference 7|c|b| aalocanaa; "c~I sammelan
to confess "|<|< <<| sviikaar karaa
confession " |< |o sviikrriti
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confident 7|o|<"|"| atibishvaasii; "||'bo sunishcita; 7|"| |c5
aasthaa niye
confidence 7|"| aasthaa
to confirm "| <<| sapramaan karaa [See Esther 2:23 for this
unusual Bengali word.]
to confront, face boldly "~I=| >?5| sammukhiin haoyaa
to confront, bring to issue c=||= 7|| mukhomukhi aanaa
to confront, to oppose, face |<<|o |c< <|<| bipariita dike thaakaa
confused >o<| hatabuddhi
confusion |<"^=| bishrrinkhalaa; |<||<< |<|"|o bibhraantikar
congratulation 7|6 abhinandan
congregation | mandalii; <"6| dharmasabhaa
connection "~< samparka; "~< sambandha; "c<| sanyog
to conquer 95 <<| jay karaa
conqueror |<95| bijayii; |<95o| bijayataa
conquest 95 jay
conscience |<c<< bibek
clear conscience O |<c<< shuddha bibek
conscious "9| sajnaan ["sogyaan"]; "cbo sascetan
consciousness .bo| cetanaa
consequence 6|< prabhaab; phal
consequently 7o"< ataeb
consider |b| <<| cintaa karaa; |<c<b| <<| bibecanaa karaa;
c|c<| <<| manoyog karaa
consistent with -"< "|c< | -er saathe mil
consonant <|9 < byanjan barna
to constitute |o| <<| pratipaadan
constitution "|<<| sanbidhaan; "|"o shaasan-tantra
to construct |~I| <<| nirmmaan karaa; <b| racanaa
constructed ""||o sansthaapita
construction ""| sansthaapan
constructor "5< sangathak; ||<o| (|~I|<|)
nirmaan-kartaa (nirmmaan-karttaa)
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to consume |" <<| graas karaa; |<8 <<| binasta karaa; <|5 <<|
byay karaa
contained, involved 7 6 antarbhukta
contemporary ""||5< samasaamayik
contented " 8 santusta; |<o 8 paritusta
context " prasanga; <"5 puubasuutra
continent >|c" mahaadesh
to continue, keep doing; <9|5 <|=| bajaay raakhaa; <|<o <<|
bardhita karaa
it continues, remains occuring, goes on <c5c9 rayeche; |D|<5| <|c<
tikiyaa thaake; b|co <|c< calite thaake
by continuing b|< |<| calaar dvaaraa
continuous 5|o kramaagata; 7|<<o abirata
continuously 5|o 6|c< kramaagata bhaabe; 7|<<o 6|c< abirata
contraceptive 6 |c<|<< garbhanirodhak
contract 7|<|< angiikaar
contractor |5<||< thikaadaar
contradiction, logic conflict <"<|<c<|<| <<| paraspar-birodhii
contradiction, denial 7"|<|< asviikaar
contrary |<< biruddha; |<<|o bipariita
contrariwise, against 7< c apar pakse; |<<|o c bipariita
pakse; |<<|co bipariite
contrast, difference c<"|'1 beesaadrrishya
contrastingly "< |<<|co er bipariite; c<"|'1<c
contribution b|| c^aadaa
control "|" shaasan; |5 niyantran
to control "|" <<| shaasan karaa; <<| daman karaa; |5
<<| niyantran karaa
controller -<o| (<|) kartaa (karttaa); |5 <o| niyantran kartaa
controversial |<o<< bitarkamuulak
convenience 5c<||o| upayogitaa; "|<<| subidhaa
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conveniently "|<<|co| subidhaamato
convention 7|<c<" adhibeshan; "c~I sammelan
District Convention .9| "c~I jelaa sammelan
conversation 7|c|b| aalocanaa; <<|<< kathaapakathan
to convert <|c< ||o <<| dharmaantare diiksita karaa; |<o
<<| parinata karaa
to convince oc< <|6o <<| tarke paraabhuuta karaa
convinced o< <|6o tarka paraabhuuta; "||'bo sunishcita;
;o|5| drrirhapratyayii
convincing |<"|"9< bishbaas-janak
cool, cold "|o shiital; 5|| thaandaa
to cook something <|| raannaa; <|<| r^aadhaa; << <<| randhan
to co-operate "><|<| >?5| sahakaarii haoyaa
co-operation ">c<||o| sahayogitaa
co-operative "><|<| sahakaarii; ">c<|| sahayogii
to cope .|<|c<| <<| mokaabelaa karaa
copper o|| taamaa
copy < nakal; 7<< anukaran;
copyist 7<||< adhyaapak; ||<|< lipikaar
cordial 7||<< aantarik
cordially 7||<<6|c< aantarik-bhaabe
corn <||| ""| dhanyaadi shasya; ""|<| shasyakanaa; gam
corner-stone <| |6|-" < pradhaan bhitti-prastar
corpse |c<< "< maanuser shab; |" laash
correct, true |5< thik; "|5< sathik; O shuddha
corrected "c"||<o sanshodhita
correction "c"|< sanshodhan
correlation <"< "~< paraspar sambandha
to corrupt 8 <<| nasta karaa; |<o <<| dusita karaa
corrupted | |o" duurniitigrasta
corruption .|< dos; c|o< 7<|o neetik abanati; 7"|<o| asaarataa
coruler ">"|"< sahashaasak
cost | muulya; | daam; =<b kharac
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to cost, take up || laagaa
How much does it cost? <o D|<| |c? kata taakaa laage?
to cough <|"| kaashaa
counsel 5c" upadesh; <|" paraamaarsha
to count [t V9.1] | gananaa; .|| gonanaa
counted in account |>"|c< |o hisaabe ganita
counted, numbered |o ganita
counted as, creditted as |o >c5c9 (>*5|c9) ganita hayeche
country ." desh
countryside | 7< palli ancal
couple, pair .9|5| joraa
couple (married) ~|o dampati
courage "|>" saahas
course |o gati
course of study |5|"|b paathyasuuci
court |<b|<|5 bicaaraalay
courtyard | praangan; 7||| aanginaa
covenant |5 b| niyam cukti
cover u|<| dhaakanaa; 7|5| aaraal
to cover u|<| dhaakaa; 7|9||o <<| aacchaadita karaa
covetous .|6 lobh
cow < garu; |* gaai; |6| gaabhii
coward 6|< bhiiru; 6|o bhiitu
to crack, split, tear |D| phaataa
craft, skill .<|" kooshal
craftsman |"| mistrii
crafty acts b|o <| caaturii
cramped durgam
craving 7|6|< abhilaas
crazy 5~I ummatta
to create "|8 <<| srristi karaa
creation "|8 srristi
Creator "|8<| srristikarttaa
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creature 9 jantu
crept in >||G|5 .?5| haamaaguri deoyaa
crime 7<|< aparaadh
criminal 7<|<| aparaadhii; 7<|< "~<|5 aparaadh samparkiiya
cripple ||5| lanraa
crisis time "<D<| sankatkaal
critical, very serious "<D sankat-puurna
critical times |<< "5 bisam samay
to criticise bb| <<| carcaa karaa; "|c|b| <<| samaalocanaa karaa
crooked <|<| b^aakaa; 7"< asaral
crop in field " phasal
cross 5" krush
crow <|< kaak
crowd 9o| janataa; |65 bhir
great crowd |<<|D 9o| biraat janataa; |<"< .|< bistar lok
crown <|9< D raaj-mukut
crude <|b| k^aacaa
cruel |6< nisthur
cruelty ""o| nrrishansataa
to crumble, go to pieces D<<| D<<| >?5| tukaraa tukaraa haoyaa
to crumble, make go to pieces D<<| D<<| <<| tukaraa tukaraa karaa
crusade << dharmayuddha
to crush b <<| curn karaa
to cry, weep <|| k^aadaa; 5 <<| krandan karaa
to cry out .bb|c| (.bb|-) c^ecaano (c^ecaana); |b<|< <<|
cit'kaar karaa
cryptic <>"|9< rahasyajanak; G gupta
cryptogram, sign |b> cihna
culprit 7<|<| <|| aparaadhii byakti
to cultivate b|< <<| caas karaa
cultivation, tillage << karsan
culture, historical background "|o eetihya
culture, moral or mental training "" |o sanskrriti; < |8 krristi
-culture, tillage -<< -karsan
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cunning(ness) <o dhuurta; bo < catur
cup .5|| peyaalaa
curious .<|o > kootuhal
curiousity .<|o >| kootuhalii
current, flow <|> prabaah; ."|o srot
current, of that time o<|| tat'kaaliin
to curse 7|6"| .?5| abhishaap deoyaa
to curtail "| <<| sanksipta karaa
curtain "||< mashaari; | pardaa
custom <||o riiti; <| prathaa; +|o rriti
customs O< shulka
to cut, reap <|D| kaataa
to cut a way through .<|55| 7|"| beriyaa aasaa
Dacca, Dhaka u|<| dhaakaa
Daddy <|<| baabaa
daily c|< deenik; .<|9 roj; |o | prati din
of a daily routine c| deenandin
damage |o ksati; 7|8 anista; < "| nuk`saan
damp |69| bhijaa
to dance |b| naacaa; o| <<| nrritya karaa
danger |< bipad
dangerous |<79< bipajjanak; =o<-|< khatar-naak
dark 7<<|< andhakaar; 7|c|>| aalohiin
darling |5 priya; |5|5 priyapaatra
date (of time) [Grammar 58.2] o||<= taarikh
date (to eat) .=9< khejur
out of date ."c<c sekele
up to date 7|<|< aadhunik
dating back to "5<|| samay-kaaliin
daughter .c5 meye; <c1 kanye; <|| kanyaa
daughters of men (human daughters) <| <c|<| manusya kanyeraa
David |5 daayuud
dawn .6|< bhor
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day | din |<" dibas
day after tomorrow 7||| <O aagaamii parashu
day before yesterday o <O gata parashu
day to day o||>< pratyahik; c| deenandin
the day after <<| | parabarttii din
the day before <<| | puurbabarttii din
the next day <| kalya; <| kaal
Day of Judgement |<b|c<< | bicaarer din
day's text 7|9c<< "|"|5 aaj-ker shaastrapaath
Monday ."|<|< som-baar
Tuesday <|< mangal-baar
Wednesday <<<|< budh-baar
Thursday <>"|o<|< brrihaspatibaar
Friday O5<|< shukrabaar
Saturday "|<|< shanibaar
Sunday <|<<|< ravibaar; "o<|< eetabaar
dazzled I mugdha
dead o mrrita; |o>| gatihiin; c< |c5 mare giye
deaf <|<< badhir
dealings actions <|<>|< byabahaar; <|<<| (<|<|<|)
kaaryakalaap (kaaryyakalaap)
dear, cherished |5 priya
dear, expensive > mahanga; manga
death o | mrrityu; |<|" binaash
death-sentence o | mrrityudanda
debility <o| durbalataa
debt + rrin; |5 daay; <|< dhaar
decade "<
deceit, trickery <<| prabancanaa
deceit, hypocrisy <Do| kapatataa
deceitful = khal; <o dhuurta
to deceive o|<| <<| prataaranaa karaa; 5|<|c| (5<|-) thakaano
(thakaana); ||< .?5| ph^aaki deoyaa
to be deceived 5<| thakaa
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arch deceiver >| o|<< mahaa prataarak
decency 6o| bhadrataa; |"8|b|< shistaacaar
deception <<| prabancanaa; b|o <| caaturii; 9|| chalanaa
to decide |"| <<| siddhaanta karaa; |"| .?5| siddhaanta
decimal "|< dashamik
decision |"| siddhaanta; ||" miimaansaa; |"| nispatti
declaration .|<| ghosanaa
declaring, proclaiming, accepting "|<|<<|<| sviikaar-kaarii
to decrease <| kamaa; <c (<|5|) <|?5| kame (kamiyaa) yaaoyaa
to dedicate 5" <<| ut'saarga karaa; 5"| < o <<| ut'sargikrrita
dedication 5" ut'sarga; 5"|<< ut'sargikaran
to deduce |5 <<| nirnay karaa
to define "9||5o <<| sanjnaayita ["sangyaayita"] karaa
defined "9||5o sanjnaayita ["sangyaayita"]
deed, act <|9 kaaj; <|< (<|<|) kaarya (kaaryya)
deed document | dalil
deep 6|< gabhir
to deepen 6|<o< <<| gabhiiratar karaa
deer >|< harin
defeat <|95 paraajay; <||9o <<| (paraajita karaa); >|< haar
defeated <||9o paraajita; <|" paraasta
defence |o<| pratiraksaa; "< paksa samarthan
to defer .|5| <|=| pheliyaa raaksaa
deficiency 76|< abhaab
defiled <|<o kalusita
to define (limit or meaning) ("|| <| 7<) |< <<| (siimaa baa
artha) nirupan karaa
definite ||8 nirddista
to defraud <<| <<| prabancanaa karaa
degradation 7<:o adhahh-patan
delay .<| derii; |<~ bilamba
without delay 7|<c~ abilambe
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to delay, run late .<| <<| derii karaa
to delay, postpone "|o <|=| sthagita raakhaa; "|<c5 <|=| sariye
to deliberate |b| <<| cintaa karaa; |<c<b| <<| bibecanaa karaa
deliberate, intentional, purposeful 5c'1 c||o uddeshya
pranadita; ."9|"< (."9|<<) svecchaapurbbak
deliberately, knowingly 9|| 9|| jaanaa jaani; *b|< o 6|c<
icchaa-krrita bhaabe
deliberately, thoughtfully |b| <c< (<|<5|) cintaa kare (kariyaa)
delicate, finely made c|>< manohar
delicate, frail < durbal
delicate, fine, narrow |b< cikan
delight 7|c| aamod
to delight in -"< "|>o 5 <<| -er sahit pranay karaa
delightful < 7|9< param aanandajanak; 7||5<
to deliver, to free <<| mukta karaa; 5|< <<| uddhaar karaa
deliverance | mukti
deluge 9|< jal-plaaban
to deluge 7|||<o <<| aaplaabita karaa
demand b||>| caahidaa
to demand, ask |9c9" (|99|"|) <<| jijnes [jigyesh] (jijnaasaa
[jigyaasaa]) karaa
to demand as a claim ||< <<| daabi karaa
to demand, require b|?5| caaoyaa
democracy o ganatantra
demon 6o bhuuta; co| deetya; |"|b pishaac
demonstration, display " pradarshan
denarius |"|< siki
dentist -|b|<"< danta-cikit'sak
to deny 7"|<|< <<| asviikaar karaa
to depart <?| (<?5||) >?5| raonaa (raoyaanaa) haoyaa; " | <<|
prasthaan karaa
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departing <?| (<?5||) raonaa (raoyaanaa)
departure " | prasthaan; departing <?| (<?5||) raonaa
to depend |6< <<| nirbhar karaa
dependable |6<"| nirbhar-shiil
to depict |b|5o <<| citrita karaa
depopulated 9"1 janashuunya
to depopulate 9"1 <<| janashuunya karaa
to depreciate | <|c| (<|-) muulya kamaano (kamaana)
depression 7<"| abasaad; 5|>|o| udyam-hiinataa
to deprive, take from |<< <<| biyukta karaa
to deprive, bereave of <|<o <<| bancita karaa
depth 6|<o| gabhiirataa
deputy, representative |o||< pratinidhi; 5- upa-
to descend 5|o >?5| upaniita haoyaa; .c (||5|) 7|"| neme
(naamiyaa) aasaa
to be descended .c (||5|)>?5| neme (naamiyaa) haoyaa
descendant <"<< banshadhar; |o c|< pitrrilok
descending |~|| nimnagaamii
to describe <| <<| barnanaa karaa; <|o <<| barnita karaa
description <| barnanaa; |<<< bibaran
desert <6| marubhuumi
deserved, due, payable obtainable || praapya
deserving 5< upayukta
to design 7 |<| aa^kaa; <"| <<| nak'shaa karaa
to design, form idea |<<| <<| parikalpanaa karaa
designed |<<|o parikalpita
designer |<<< parikalpak
desire, urge *9| icchaa; <|<| baancaa; <||<o <" baancita bastu;
<|| kaamanaa; 7|<|^=| aakaankhaa; 7|6|< abhilaas
to desire *9| <<| icchaa karaa; <|<| <<| baancaa karaa; <|| <<|
kaamanaa karaa
to despair >o|" <| |<|" >?5| hataash baa niraash haoyaa
desperate c<|'1 neeraashya; | durgaanta
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to despise 7<9| <<| abajnaa ["obogyaa"] karaa; |< <<| bidruup
despite "c4? sattve-o
destiny, fate 6|| bhaagya; | laksya
to destroy 4" <<| dhvansa karaa; |<|" <<| binaash karaa; |<8
<<| binasta karaa
destruction 4" dhvansa; |<|" binaash; |" naash
destructive |<4"| bidhvansii; 4"|-I< dhvansaatmak
detail ^=|^= punkhaanupunka
in detail ^=|^=<c punkhaanupunkharuupe; |<"|6|c<
to detail, describe in detail ^=|^=<c <| <<|
punkhaanupunkharuupe barnanaa karaa
details |<<< bibaran
determination "< sankalpa
devastating |<4"| bidhvansii
devastation 5|D ut'paatan; |<4" bidhvansa
development 55 unnayan; 5|<<|" kramabikaash
device, craft, skill .<|" kooshal
devil [slanderer] |5|< |7<|<] diyaabal [apabaadak]
devoid O1 shunya; ->| -hiin; <|9 o barjita
to devote 5" <<| ut'sarga karaa; c||c<" <<| manonibesh
devoted to, -ish -< -par
devotion 5" ut'sarga; 5|"| upaasanaa
exacting exclusive devotion "c|<< <c 5c<|| svagoorab
raksane ud'yogii
godly devotion >"<|5 6| iishvariiya bhakti
with godly devotion >"<|5 6| "><|c< iishvariiya bhakti sahakaare
to devour |" <<| graas karaa
dew |"|"< shishir
dialect "||5 6|<| sthaaniiya bhaasaa
Dhaka, Dacca u|<| dhaakaa
diarrhoea 5<|5 udaraamay
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dictionary ""c<|< shabdakos; 7|6<| abhidaan
to die <| maraa; |<5| <|?5| mariyaa yaaoyaa; |o|| <<|
praan-tyaag karaa
difference |<<| paarthakya; 7c<| aneekya
different, various |6 bhinna; |<|6 bibhinna; << prrithak
difficult <|5 kathin; <8<< kastakar; " shakta
dignified 7|<|5 aadaraniiya
dignity "~I| sammaan; | maan
dilemma 565-"<D ubhay-sankat
diligence |<" parishram; 7<|<"|5 adhyabasaay
diligent ""| shramashiil; |<"| parishramii
dim | ksiina
dinner .6|9 bhoj
evening dinner <|co< .6|9 raater bhoj
diplomat < D||o|< kuutniitivid`
direct ."|9| sojaa; o| pratyaksa
to direct |<b|| <<| paricaalanaa
directly created "<|"|< "8 saraasari srrista
direction, way | laksya; |< dik'
direction, instruction 7|c" aadesh; 7|9| aajnaa [aagyaa]
direction, control |<b|| paricaalanaa; |c"| nirddeshanaa
directive |c" nirddesh
director |<b|< paricaalak; 5c8| upadestaa
dirt .|<| nonraa; <| nanraa; .|| nongraa
disagreement 7| amil; oc6 matabhed
disappearance 7<| antardhaan; |oc<|6|< tirobhaab
disappointed >o|" hataash
disappointment >o|"| hataashaa; c<|'1o| neeraashyataa
disaster 7|<|"I< |< aakasmik bipad; 6|| durbhaagya
natural disaster |< |o< |<< 5 praakrritik biparyay
disc <|| thaalaa
discerning "I"| suksmadarshii
disciple |"<| shisya; 7|| anugaamii; |"|o| shiksaartii
discipline [restraint] "^=| shrrinkalaa
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discipline [training] |5|<|oo| niyamaanubartitaa
disconnect |<|9 <<| bicchinna karaa
discontent 7"c|< asantos
to discourage |<"||>o <<| nirut'saahita karaa
discover 7||<"|< <<| aabiskaar karaa
discovered 7||<" o aabiskrrita
discredit | durnaam
discreet <|| buddhimaan
discrete << prrithak; 7||| aalaadaa
discrimination c6 prabhed
discussion 7|c|b| aalocanaa; <||<| baadaanuubaad; 7||
disease .<| rog; 7"= asukh
to disguise 9Ic<" <|< <<| chadmabesh dhaaran karaa; c<<|
.=|c| (.=|-) beekalya dekhaano (dekhaana)
disharmony 7"|o asangati
disheartened c|6 manobhanga
dishonest 7" asat'; <<< prabancak
dishonour 7| apamaan
disobedience 7<|<|o| abaadhyataa
to disobey 7<|<| >?5| abaadhya haoyaa; 7|1 <<| amaanya karaa
disorder |<"^=| bishrrinkhalaa; .|c<| golayog
display " <<| pradarshan karaa
disposition of mind c|6|< manobhaab
disruption |<c9 bicched; 7"|| ashaanti
distance <- duuratva
distance from 7<|< abadhi
distant <<| duurabarttii
distinction |<<| paarthakya
distress <|o| yaatanaa; 7o| .<< atyanta kles; ||<| daaridrya
to distribute |<|"o <<|
distribution |<o< bitaran; <D bantan; |<|"|o bistriti
district .9| jelaa; |9| jilaa
District Convention .9| 7|<c<" jelaa adhibeshan
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disturbance 7"|| ashaanti
diverse |<|<< bibidha
to divide << <<| prrithak karaa; 6| <<| bhaag karaa
dividing work |<6<<c< <|9 bibhaktakaraner kaaj
divine, godly "|"< eeshik
divine, heavenly "| 5 svargiiya
division, department |<6| bibhaag
division, breakdown |<c9 bicched
divisions, factions || dalaadali
to dive 5 < .?5| dub deoyaa; 5 <| dubaa
divorce |<<|>o|| bibaah-tyaag; |<<|> |<c9 bibaah bicched
to do <<| karaa
to cause to do, to make happen <<|c| (<<|-) karaano (karaana)
to do away with "|<c5 ("<|*5|) <<| sariye (saraaiyaa) karaa
doctor 5||< daaktaar'; |b|<"< cikit'sak
doctrine o<| matabaad
document | dalil
doer of ... -<o| (-<|) ...-kartaa(-karttaa)
dog < < < kukur
doing... -<|<| ...kaarii
doll o putul
dominance 7|<o| adhipatya
dominant < prabal
to dominate <o - (< - ) <<| kartrritva (kartrritva) karaa
dominated <o - |<| kartrrivaadhiin
domination 7|<o| adhipatya
donation b|| c^aadaa; | daan
done -< o ...-krrita
done by [S22, 23] <o < (< <) ...-kartrrik (karttrrik)
donkey 6 gardabh; |<| gaadhaa
donor -|o| -daataa
doomed, predetermined <|<||<o puurbanirdhaarita
door <9| darajaa
double |G dvigun; .9|5| joraa
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doubt "c> sandeh
dove <<o< kabutar; <c|o kapot
down |~ nimna; |cb niice
to cast down || <<| niksipta karaa
to fall down in awe 6 |6 >?5| bhuumistha haoyaa
downwards |~|c< nimnadike; oc< |c< pataner dike
dragon | naag
drain | nardamaa
drainage || |"|" paani niskaashan
drama |D< naatak
dramatically |D<|56|c< naatakiiyabhaabe
to draw, derive, obtain 79 <<| arjan karaa
to draw, pull, attract 7|<< <<| aakarsan karaa
dream " svapna
dress .|"|< poshaak; .<" besh
to dress, put on |<<| <<| paridhaan karaa; "|79o <<| sajjita
to drink | <<| paan karaa
to drink tea b| =|?5| caa khaaoyaa
drinking water =|<|< || khaabaar paani; ||5 9 paaniiya jal
to drive, make move b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana)
driven |<b||o paricaalita
driven away b||o caalita
driver b|< caalak
(tear) drop (7")|< (ashru)bindu
drop of blood <|< raktabindu
drought 7|<|8 anaabrristi
drug, medicine ?<< oosadh; ."| neshaa; ."|<< ?<< neshaakar
drunk |o| maataal
dry O" shuska; O<| shukanaa; O<c| shukano; O<| shukaa
dual case |<b dvivacan
dumb .<|<| bobaa
dummy o putul
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dung .|<< gobar
duration |"|o<| sthitikaal
during <|<5| dhariyaa; <|||5| byaapiyaa
dusk "<|| sandhyaa
dust <| dhuli; G5| guraa
dust of the ground |<|< <| mrrittikaar dhuuli
duty as responsibility <o<| (<<|) kartabya (karttabya)
duty as tax O< shulka
dwelling <|""| baasasthaan; 5|<6 upabistha
dwelling place |<|" nibaas
dysentery <||"5 raktaamaashay; 7||"| aamaashaa
each co|< pratyek; |o prati
eager 5"< ut'suk; <| byagra; 7|>| aagrahii; "<|| <|
eekaantikii; 7<|< adhiir
eagerness 5"|> ut'saaha; 7|> aagraha; |"| laalasaa
eagle > | iigal paksii
ear < kal; < karna; <| kaan
ear-tickling <|b<|| kaan-cul-kaani
early "<| "<| sakaal sakaal; 7|c aage
earth |<<| prrithibii
earthly |<<|" prrithibiista
earthquake 6|<~ bhuumikampa
ease 7|<| aaraam; |<<| biraam
east < (") puurba (puurbba); <|< ("|<) puurbadik'
(puurbbadik'); |b|c" praacyadesh
easy ">9 sahaj
to eat 7|>|< <<| aahaar karaa; =|?5| khaaoyaa
to eat up .=c5 .| kheye phelaa
eccentric =|c=5| khaam-kheyalipuurna
economical, of economics, financial 7<c|o< arthaneetik
economics 7<|<|| arthabidyaa; 7<||o arthaniiti
-ed, done -< o -krrita
edge <|< dhaar; |<|<| kinaaraa
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edible =|| khaadya; 6|5 bhaksaniiya
edition ""< sanskaran
editor "~|< sampaadak
education |"| shiksaa; .=| 5| lekhaa paraa
effect phal; 6|< prabhaab; | phalaaphal
effective phalaprad; <|< <|<| (<|< |<|<|) kaaryakaarii
effectively <"o: bastutahh
effort .b8| cestaa; .bD| cestaa; cb8| pracestaa; cbD| pracestaa
egg |5 dim'
Egyptian |"< ."|5 mishar deshiiya; |"|5 misriiya
eight 7|D aat
eighth 78 astam
either, or 7<<| athabaa
either one or the other c5< c<| "< duyer madhye ek
to eject |c <<| niksep karaa
elbow <* kanui
elder .9|6 jyestha; 79 agraj; |b| 6|* praaciin bhaai
elderly [male] < brriddha; |b| praaciin
elderly [female] <| brriddhaa; |b|| praaciinaa
to elect |<||bo <<| nirbaacita karaa; |<|b <<| nirbaacan karaa
election |<|b nirbaacan
electric c<||o< beedyutik; o||5o taarita
electricity |<|o bidyut
electro-magnetic o|5ob~< taritacumbak
elegance ."|< (."|<|) soondarya (soondaryya)
element 5|| upaadaan
elementary |<|< praathamik; .||< moolik
elephant >||o haati; >|o haat
eligible .<|| yogya
eloquence <||o| baagmita
eloquent person <|| baagmi
elsewhere 71 .<|<|? anya kothaa-o
embankment <|< b^aadh
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embarkation <||> baahirgaman
embassy o|<|" duutaabaas
emblem o|< pratiik; |b> cihna
to embrace, involve 95|c| (95|-) jaraano (jaraana)
emergency 9<<| 7<"| jarurii abasthaa; 9<|< jaruri
emergent, urgent 9<<| jarurii
emigrant <|"| <|| prabaasii byakti
world empire of false religion |<|| <c < |<" "||9| mithyaa
dhaarmer bishbasaamraajya
emotion 6|c<< 7|c< bhaaber aabeg; 7|c< aabeg; <o|
emotional 7|c<5 aabegamay
emperor "|D samraat
emphatic .9|<|c| joraalo
empire "||9| saamrajya
employee < b|<| karmacaarii; b|< c< cakure
to employ, use <|<>|< <<| byabahaar karaa; <|c9 c5| <<| kaaje
prayog karaa
employment <|c< (<|c<|) |c5| kaarye (kaaryye) niyog
empty =|| khaali; "1 shuunya
enable " <<| saksam karaa; b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana)
to encircle the globe |<"|<5| <<| bishvaparakramaa karaa
encouragement 5"|> ut'saaha
end ."< shes; "| samaapt
ending "|| samaapti
endless, unending |o| nitya; 7 ananta; 7|<<| abiraam; 7c"<
endless, limitless "||>| siimaahiin
endlessly 7 6|c< ananta bhaabe
to endure ">| (") <<| sahya (sahya) [sajja] karaa; .6| <<|
bhog karaa
endurance |" |o sthiti; "|>< o| sahisnutaa; c<< (c<< |) dheerya
enduring, firm |"< sthir; ; drrirha
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enemy "5 shatru
energy "| shakti; |<|o bidyut
to engage in marriage or in work 7|< <<| abaddha karaa
engagement for marriage 7|<|< angiikaar
engagement for employment |c5| niyog
engine < kal
engineer c<|"| prakooshalii
engineering <|<|| yantrabidyaa; <||<||< |<|| kaarigaari bidyaa
English language *c<9| 6|<| inrejii bhaasaa
English person *c<9 inrej; *<|9 inraaj
to be engrossed in 9 D| chutaa
engulfed 7|9 aacchanna
to enhance <||<o <<| baardhita karaa; .o|| tolaa
to enjoy 5c6| <<| upabhog karaa
enjoyment 7|c| aamod
to enlarge <| <<| brriddhi karaa
to enlighten |"| .?5| shiksaa deoyaa; 7|c|<|o <<| aalok-paat
enlightening ||5 diptimay
enlightenment 7|c|< aalok
enmity "5o| shatrutaa
enormous |<<|D biraat; |<"| bishaal; b< pracur
enough <c<D, <c<8 yathesta; |b5 (|b< |) praacurya (praacuryya)
enslavement <"|< |o bashiikrriti
to ensure ||'bo <<| nishcita karaa
to enter c<" <<| prabesh karaa
enterprise |o6| pratisthaan
to entertain a guest 7|o|< atithi; "<|< <<| sat'kaar karaa
entertainment 7|c| aamod
to enthrone |">|"c "| <<| sinhaasane sthaapan karaa; <|9c
7|6c<< <<| raaj-pade abhisek karaa
enthronement <|9|||6c<< raajyaabhisek
enthusiasm 5"|> ut'saaha
enthusiastic 7|>|| o aagrahaanvita; <| byagra
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to entice c||6o <<| pralobhita karaa
enticements c|6 pralobhan
entire "~ sampuurna; .|D| gotaa
entirely "~ 6|c< sampuurnabhaabe; "c<<|c< ekebaare
entrance c<" |< prabeshdvaar
to entreat ||o <<| minati karaa; 7c<|< <<| anurodh karaa
entreaty ||o minati; 7c<|< anurodh
envelope =| khaam
to envelope 7|9| <<| aacchaadan karaa
envious ><||o iirsaanvita
environment |<c<" paribesh
envoy o duut
epidemic |<||<] >||<| [byapak] mahaamaarii
equal "| samaan
equality "6|< samabhaab
to equip "|79o <<| sajjita karaa
equipment "|9-"<9| saaj-saranjaam
equipment, suit of armour <c< "79| yuddher sajjaa
equipment, spiritual suit of armour < (<~I) <c< "79| dharma
(dharmma) yuddher sajjaa
equivalent "o | samatulya; "< samakaksa
-er, -ist, -monger -?5|| -oyaalaa
-er, more: [see Study 55] -o< -tar; 7|<? ... aar-o ...
era < yug; 7" abda; 7| aamal
to erase c9 (9|*5|) .?5| muche (muchaaiyaa) deoyaa; c9
(9|*5|) .| muche (muchaaiyaa) phelaa
erect =|5| khaaraa
to erect || (|~I|) <<| nirmaan (nirmmaan) karaa; 5c| <<|
uttolan karaa
error, mistake 6 bhul
error, sin against God 7<|< aparaadh
to escape >?5| mukta haoyaa; |5 <<| palaayan karaa; <|
<<| raksaa karaa
especially <|o: pradhaanatahha; |<c"< 6|c< bishes bhaabe
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essential 7o||<'1< atyaabashyak
-est, most: [see Study 55] -o -tam; "<cbc5 sab-ceye; "< .<c<
sakal theke; "< >co (>*co) sakal hate (haite)
to establish " | <<| sthaapan karaa; |o|8o <<| pratistita karaa
to estimate | <<| gananaa karaa
eternal "|o sanaatan; |o| nitya
eternity 7<| anantakaal; |o|o| nityataa
eunuch : "< nahhp^usak
evaluation ||5 muulyaayan
even, at all -? -o;
even, equal "| samaan
even so 7<b athaca
even with ... -"c-? (-"c4?) -satve-o (-sattve-o)
evening "<|<| sandhyakaal; "<|| .<| sandhya belaa; |<<| bikaal
Evening Meal "<|c6|9 sandhyabhoj
event D| ghatanaa
eventually 5": kramashahha
ever at all <=c| kakhano; <=? kakhan-o
ever- |b<- cir-; |o|- nitya-
everlasting |o| nitya; |b<"|5| cirasthaayii
every co|< pratyek; "< sakal
everyone co|c< pratyeke; "<c sakale
everything co|<|D |9|< pratyek-ti jinis
everywhere co|< " |c pratyek sthaane; "< 9|5|5 sab jaay-gaay;
"<5 sarvatra
evidence "|| saaksya; | pramaan
evident o|5| pratiiyamaan
evil manda; 7" asat'
to evoke 5 <<| udvaddha karaa; 7||<6 o <<|c| (<<|-)
aabirbhuuta karaano (karaana); 7|>4| <<| aahvaan karaa
evolution |<<o (|<<) bibartan (bibarttan); 5|<<o
(5|<<) kramabibartan (kramabibarttan); 5|<<|"
kramabikaash; 5c|<< kramot'kars; 5c||o kramoonnati
evolutionist 5|<<o<|| kramabibartan-baadii
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exact |5< thik; "o| satya; "|5< sathik
to exaggerate 7|o<|9o <<| atiranjita karaa
exaggeration 7|o<9 atiranjan
examination, test, experiment <|| pariiksaa
example, illustration 8| drristaanta; 5|>< udaaharan
example, model 7|" aadarsha
example, sample, pattern | namunaa
excavation = khanan
excellence 5<<o| ut'karsataa
excellent b<|< camat'kaar; =< 6| khub bhaala
Excellent! .<"! besh!
except <|o|o byatiita; <||oc<c< byatireke; 9|5| chaaraa; <|c baade
exception <||o5c byatikrame; 7| apatti
excess 7||<<| aadhikya
excessive 7|o|< atirikta
excessively, to extremes 7|o|5|5 atimaatraay
excessively, too .<|" beshi; .<"| beshii; |<- pari-
exchange |<|5 <<| binimay karaa
to excite 5c|9o <<| uttejita karaa
excitement 5c9| uttejanaa
exciting 5c9< uttejak
exclusive <|9o barjita; <| |5| baad diyaa
exacting exclusive devotion "c|<< <c 5c||| svagoorab
raksane udyogii
exclusively "~ <c sampuurnaruupe
excruciating <||5< yantradaayak
to excuse | <<| ksamaa karaa; | <<| maaph karaa
to execute "~| <<| sampaadan karaa
execution, performance |"| nispatti
to exercise in faith or work 7"| <<| anushiilan karaa; bb| <<|
carcaa karaa
to exercise physically <||5| <<| byaayaam karaa
exertion of self | praan-pan
exhausted |:c"|<o nihhashesita; <| klaanta
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to exhibit .=|c| (.=|-) dekhaano (dekhaana)
exhibiting " |5 pradarshaniiya
exhibition " |5 pradarshaniiya
to exhort 5 <<| udvuddha karaa; c||o <<| pranodita karaa
exile |<|" nirbaasan
to exist [see below] >?5| haoyaa
... exists, is in place 7|c9 aache; o|< (o|>|<) 7|"- 7|c9 taar
(taahaar) astitva aache
... exists, goes on <c5c9 rayeche
... exists not, is not in place .* (|*) nei (naai)
existence 7|"- astitva
exit " |c< < prasthaaner path; <||>< baahir
exoneration | mukti
to expand, make larger |<" o <<| bistrrita karaa; |<" ||<o <<|
bistaarita karaa
to expand, be made larger "|<|6 <<| prasaar-laabh karaa
expansion "|< prasaaran; ""|< samaprasaaran; |<" |<
to expect 7|"| <<| aashaa karaa; 7c| <<| apeksaa karaa; o||
<<| pratiiksaa karaa
to expel o||5c5 (o|5|*5|) .?5| taariye (taaraaiyaa) deoyaa; <|>" o
<<| bahiskrrita karaa
to expend <|5 <<| byaay karaa
expense =<b kharac
experience 7|69o| abhijnataa ["abhigyataa"]
experienced 7|69 abhijna ["abhigya"]
experiment, test, examination <|| pariiksaa
expert, skilled daksa; |<c"<9 bishesajna ["bishesagya"]
to expire, die c< (|<5|) <|?5| mare (mariyaa) yaaoyaa
to expire, finish, come to an end ."< >?5| shes haoyaa;
expiry 7<"| abasaan; ."< shes
to explain <||=|| <<| byaakhyaa karaa; <| <<| barnanaa karaa
explanation <||=|| byaakhyaa; 7< artha; c<|5 keephiyat'
to exploit weakness <o|< ("o|<) "c<| .?5| durbbalataar
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(durbalataar) suyog neoyaa
exploitation ."|< shosan
explosion |<c|< bisphoran
to export <|| <<| raptaanii karaa
to expose 7|<o <<| anaabrrita karaa
to express <| <<| byakta karaa; <|" <<| prakaash karaa
express, rapid o|| drutagaamii
expression 6|< bhaab; <|9| byanjanaa; 7|6<|| abhibyakti
to extend |<" o <<| bistrrita karaa; |<" ||<o <<| bistaarita karaa
extended, offered |<" o bistrrita; |<" ||<o bistaarita
external <||>|< baahyik
extinguisher |<|< (|"|<) nirbaapak (nirbbaapak)
extra 7|o|< atirikta
extraordinary 7"|<|< asaadhaaran; 7 o adbhuut
extreme, to the limit ."< "||5 shes siimaay; b< "||5 caram
extremely, very very 7o| atyanta; 7|o- ati-
extremely, to extremes, excessively, O. T. T. (over the top) 7|o|5|5
extremity, extreme, crisis ."< "|| shes siimaa; b< "|| caram
to exult 5||"o >?5| ullaasita haoyaa; 5|" <<| ullaas karaa;
7| <<| aananda karaa
eye b caksu; .5 netra; 7 |= aa^kh
eyeball b c|< caksugolak
eye-sight |8"| drristishakti
eye-witness o|"| pratyaksa-darshii
face = mukh, = mukh-mandal
to face c=||= >?5| mukhomukhi haoyaa
to face up to .|<||<| (.|<|c<|) <<| mokaabilaa (mokaabelaa)
faced with -"< "~I=| -er sammukhiin
fact <|"< baastab; o<| tathya; "o| satya; D| ghatanaa
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facts 7|" "o|D| aasal satyataa
factory <|<=|| kaarakhaanaa
in factions || dalaadali
factual <|"|<< baastabik; 7|" aasal
to fail |<|" <<| niraash karaa; <|< >?5| byartha haoyaa
failing <|< byartha
to be failing to do <|<co 7< o<|< (7< o<|< |) >?5| karite
akrritakaarya (akrritakaaryya) haoyaa
failure <||< o| vyaarthataa; 6 5|D bhul-truti
faith |<"|" bishbaas
faithful |<"|"| bishbaasii; |<"" bishbassta; |<"|"| vishaasya
faithfulness |<""o| bishbastataa
fall o patan
to fall 5| paraa
to fall down in awe 6 |6 >?5| bhuumistha haoyaa
fallen flesh 7|" ||"< .> asiddha maansik deha
falling short of the glory .|<<-|<>| goorab-bihiin
false |<|| mithyaa; 6 bhul; 6| bhaakta
false prophets 6| 6|<<|| bhaakta bhaababaadiigan
false religion |<|| < mithyaa dharma
falsehood |<|| mithyaa
familiar |<|bo paricita
famine |6 durbhiksa; =|c|< 76|< khaadyer abhaab
family [see Grammar 56.4,56.5] |<<|< paribaar
of the family ||<<||<< paaribaarik
famous |<=||o bikhyaat
fan |=| paakhaa
fanatic .|5| g^oraa; 7o| 5"|>| atyanta ut'saahii
far < duur; <<o| (<<|) duurabartii (duurabarttii)
far and wide <<|c duur-duuraante
faraway place <c" duur-desh
fare 6|5| bhaaraa
farewell |<|5 7|6 bidaay abhinandan
farm < |<c5 krrisiksetra
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farmer < << krrisak; b|<| caasii
farmhouse, farmyard =||< khaamaar
Farsi <|"| pharaasii
farther <o< duuratar; 7|<? 7|<< c< aar-o adhik duure
fashion <||o riiti; |o paddhati; 7|< |o aakrriti
fast, quick o|5| o||5 taaraa taari; o druta; o|| drutagaamii
fast, firm ; drrirh
fasting 5<|" upabaas; .<|9| rojaa; 7|>|< anaahaar
fat, obeise .|D| motaa; |" maansal
fat, oily b|< carbi
fatal "|||o< saanghaatik; |<|-< maaraatmak
fatalistic 78<|| aduustavaadii
fate, fortune, luck 6|| bhaagya
father |o| pitaa; <|<| baabaa; |o: pitahha; 7|"| aabbaa
fathers' co < peetrrik
fatigue <|| klaanti
fault .|< dos; 5|D truti
to find fault .|< <<| dos dharaa
fauna 9|<9 jiib-janta
favour 7> anugraha
in favourable and unfavourable season "c5 ? 7"c5 samaye o
favourite one |5|5 priyapaatra
favourite, preferred |5o priyatama; "<cbc5 |5 sab-ceye priya
favouritism ||o- paksapaatitva; =|c| mukhaapeksaa
fear 65 bhay; "<| shankaa; |6| bhitti
with fear "65 sabhay
fearful, frightened 6|o bhiita; 6|<< |o< bhiiruprakrritir
fearful, frightening 65|<> bhayaabaha
to become fearful 65 |?5| bhay paaoyaa; "|<o >?5| shankita
haoyaa; 65 =|?5| bhay khaaoyaa
fearlessness |6 5o| nirbhayataa; 765o| abhayataa
fearsome 65C< bhayankar; 65<< bhayankar
feast .6|9 bhoj
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feature c<|"D| beeshistya
fed =|?5|c| >?5| khaaoyaano haoyaa
feeble < durbal
to feed =|?5|c| (=|?5|-) khaaoyaano (khaaoyaana); 7|>|< <<|-
(<<|c|) aahaar karaana (karaano)
to feel, sense 76< <<| anubhab karaa
to feel, touch ||- (||c|) laagaana (laagaano); "" <<| sparsha
to feel, be felt, strike as || laagaa
it feels good 6| |c bhaala laage
fear is felt 65 |c bhay laage
feeling experienced 76|o anubhuuti; 76< anubhab
feeling expressed, influence 76|< anubhaab
fellow "| sangii; "6| sabhya
fellow- ">- sah-; "- sam-
fellow religionists "<| .|c<<| samadharmii lokeraa
fellow believers ">|<"|"|<| sah-bishbaasiiraa
fellowship << - bandhutva; << 4 bandhuttva; <| brritti
female |>| mahilaa; |<| naarii; "| strii
feminine "|9||o5 striijaatiya
fertile 5<< (5" <) urbar (urbbar)
festival 5"< ut'sab
to fetch 7|| aanaa
fever 74< jvar
few 7 alpa; "||1 saamaanya
few in number 7 "=|< alpa sankhyak
fiance <| << baag'datta purus
fiancee <|| |<| baag'datta naarii
fidelity |<""o| bishbastataa
field .5 ksetra; .o kset; |5 maath
fierce 65C< bhayankar; b pracand; |<< bisam
fifth, ordinary ordinal < pancam
fifth in dates |b* p^aac-i
fig 5< dumur
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fight < yuddha; dvandva; 5|* laraai; |<|||< maaraamaari
to fill <<| puurna karaa; < <<| puuran karaa; 6<| bharaa; 6|o
(6|) <<| bharti (bhartti) karaa
final ."< shes; b< caram; b <| curaanta; 7| antim
finally ."c< shese; |<|c parinaame; 7<c"c< abashese; |<c"c<
to find .<||c| (.<||-) yogaano (yogaana); .=co (.|=co) |?5|
dekh-te (dekhite) paaoyaa
fine, good "< sundar; 5 uttam
fine, thin |o| paatalaa; " suksna
fine, clarified |<O bishuddha
finger >|co< 7|^G haater aangul; 7| aangul
finish, conclusion "|| samaapti; 5">|< upasanhaar; ."< shes;
<|< (<|<|) "|< kaarya (kaaryya) saadhan
to finish, complete ."< <<| shes karaa; "| <<| samaapta karaa
to be finished of, crushed 5|9 >?5| ucchinna haoyaa
to be finished, done >c5 (>*5|) <|?5| haiyaa yaaoyaa
to be finished doing --, ("it has been") >c5c9 (>*5|c9) hayeche
fire 7|G aagun
fire catches on 7| |c agni laage
to set fire to 7|G <<|c| (<<|-) aagun dharaano (dharaana)
fire-extinguisher 7||<|< < agninirbaapak yantra
firm, hard <|5 kathin; ; drrirh
firm, lasting |"< sthir; ; drrirh
first, ordinary ordinal < pratham
first in dates 5| payalaa
first born < 9|o pratham jaata
first part 7||" agrimaansha
firstly <o: prathamatahh; 7|c aage
fish |9 maach
fisher -man(-woman) .9c (-|) jele(-nii)
fit, suitable 5< upayukta; .<|| yogya; 5|b ucit'
fit for -.<|| -yogya
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to fit || laagaa
it fits here "=|c |c ekhaane laage
fitness, compliance .<||o| yogyataa
fitting "|bo samucit
flag o|<| pataakaa; |"| nishaan
flame 7||"=| agnishikhaa
to flash b<|c| (b<|-) camakaano (camakaana)
flat b||"D| cyaaptaa; "o samatal
a flattish ... [S21] -=|| -khaanaa; -=|| -khaani
flavour < gandha; 7|"| aasvaadan
flea <|D-|<c"< kiit-bishes
to flee, dissipate >|" >?5| hraas haoyaa
to flee, escape |5 <<| palaayan karaa
flesh |" maansa
in the flesh |c" maanse
flexible |5 namaniiya; |<|o biniita; "| namra-shiil
flight 5%5 uddayan
flock of sheep |c<| paaleraa; .<-| mes-paal
flood |< plaaban; 9|< jal-plaaban
floor .c< mejhe
flora |9|| gaach-paalaa
flour 5| mayadaa; 7|D| aataa
to flow <||>o >?5| prabaahita haoyaa; b|b <<| calaacal karaa
flower phul
flu * c59| in'phluyenjaa
fluent <|<D baak'patu
fly ||9 maachi
to fly 55| uraa; 5c5 (5|55|) <|?5| ure (uriyaa) yaaoyaa
to let fly, squander 5|5c5 (55|*5|) .?5| uriye (uraaiyaa) deoyaa
flying 55 uranta; 5%5 uddayan
foe "5 shatru
fog < 5|"| kuyaashaa
fold, ply 6 |9 bh^aaj; 7|| aalingan
to follow, apply ||c| (||-) laagaano (laagaana)
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to follow, maintain, obey | <<| paalan karaa; 7"< <<|
anusaran karaa; .c (||5|) b| mene (maaniyaa) calaa
to follow, understand 7< .<|<| arthaa bojhaa; <<| bujhaa
follower, disciple 7|| anugaamii; |"<| shisya; 7b< anucar;
-<|| -baadii
following, next <<o| (<<|) parabartii (parabarttii)
to be fond of 6|<|"| bhaalabaasaa
fondness 6|<|"| bhaalabaasaa
food =|| khaadya
food shortage =|c|< 76|< khaadyer abhaab; =|||6|<
khaadyaabhaab; |6 durbhiksa
fool bokaa bokaa; |c<|< nirbodh
foolish .<|<|c| bokaamo
foot (on body) pad; o padatal; | paadamuul; | paa;
b< caran
foot (measure) D phut
footpath |c5 b| < paaye calaa path
footstep |b> padacihna
for, in the sake of, in behalf of -"< 91 -er janya; -"< ||
-er nimitta
for the time being "=<|< 91 ekhan-kaar janya
to forbid |c<< <<| nisedh karaa; ||< <<| nisiddha karaa; |<|<
<<| nibaaran karaa
forbidden |c<< nisedh; ||< nisiddha; 7c<< abeedha
to force <|<| <<| baadhya karaa
forceful "| "~ shakti sampanna; 5 ugra; .9|<|c| joraalo
forefather <<< (" <<) puurbapurus (purbbapurus)
foregleam <<|o| puurbabaartaa
to forego |<o|| <<| parityaag karaa
foreign |<c"|5 bideshiiya; c<c|"< beedeshik
foreigner |<c"| .|< bideshii lok
to foresee 7c 9|| agre jaanaa; 6|<<| || <<| bhabisyadvaanii
forest 7<1 aranya; < ban; <|< banaancal
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foretaste <"| puurvasvaad
to foretell 6|<<||| <<| bhabisyadvaanii karaa; 6|<<| <|
bhabisat' balaa; <6||<o (" 6||<o) <<| puurbabhaasita
(puurbbabhaasita) karaa
forever "<| (""|) sarvadaa (sarvvadaa); |b<<| <c< (<|<5|)
cirakaal dhare (dhariyaa); |5o niyata; <c <c yuge yuge;
7 <|c< 91 ananta kaaler janya
forever- |o|- nitya-; 7- ananta-; |b<- cir-
to forget 6c (6 |5|) <|?5| bhule (bhuliyaa) yaaoyaa; 7<c>| <<|
abahelaa karaa
to forgive, pardon, excuse | <<| ksamaa karaa [kkomaa koraa];
| <<| maaph karaa
forgiveness, wiping away sin |c< .|b paaper mocan
fork <|D| k^aataa
form, appearance < ruup
form made 7|< |o aakrriti
form, shape 7|<|< aakaar
in a pure form 7DD atut
in the form of |>"|c< hisaabe
to form 5 <<| gathan karaa
formal, customary <|o|"|c< riityanusaare
formal, regular, to a rule |5|o niyamita
formal witness |5|o "|| | niyamita saaksya daan
formation 5 gathan; 5| ut'paadan
former, maker "5< sangathak
former, previous c<< (c"<) puurber (puurbber)
formerly *|oc< (*|oc") itipuurbe (itipuurbbe); <|<|c
fornication <||6b|< byabhicaar
fort durga
fortress durga; 5 gar
fortnight paks; "< ek-paks; c<- | panera din
fortunate in luck O6 shubh; 6||<| bhaagyabaan
forward, eager 7"<| agrasar-maan; " o prastut; 5"< ut'suk
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to forward, despatch, |5|c| (|5|-) paathaano (paathaana)
forwards 7c agre; 7<o| (7<| ) agrabartii (agrabarttii); "~Ic=
foster- |< paalak
found, located -|"o -sthita
to found, establish "| <<| sthaapan karaa
foundation(s) |6| bhitti; |6| bhittimuul
foundation-stone |6|-" < bhitti-prastar
founded, established |6|| bhitti-praapta
four-footed bo" cataspad
fourth, ordinary ordinal bo< caturtha
fourth in dates .b|5| coothaa
fowl <| muragi
fragile < (" ) durbal (durbbal); 6^G< bhangur; |9|<|
frame, shape 7|<|< aakaar
framework <|D|c| <|<"| kaataamo byabasthaa
France <|"| pharaasii
frankly speaking .=||"| <c< (<|<5|) <| kholaasaa kare (kariyaa)
fraud, deception <<| prabancanaa
free, without cost ||<>|
free, independent "|<| svaadhiin
-free - -mukta
to free, deliver <<| mukta karaa; 5|< <<| uddhaar karaa
to free, let loose .9c5 (9||55|) .?5| chere (chaariyaa) deoyaa
freedom | mukti; "|<|o| svaadhiinataa
freedom from care <|| kalyaan
`freely', without charge |<| c| binaa muulye; ||<<|5 (|| <|5)
nirdhidhaay (nirddhidhaay)
free-will ."9|< svecchaamuulak; "|<| >9| svaadhiin icchaa
to freeze |6o <<| ghaniibhuuta karaa
French |"| phraansii
frequently <|<<|< baaranbaar; 76||"o abhyaas-mata
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fresh "co9 satej; "" sustha; o natun
Friday O5<|< shukrabaar
friend << bandhu
fright 6||o bhiiti
to frighten 6|o <<| bhiita karaa; 7|o|<o <<| aatankita karaa
to get frightened 65 |?5| bhay paaoyaa; 65 =|?5| bhay khaaoyaa;
|<>4 >?5| bihval haoyaa
frigid, cold "|o shiital; 5|| thaandaa
frigid, unfeeling *5>| hrriday-hiin
frog <||5 byaan
; <|| byaan; .<5 ben
from .<c< theke; >co (>*co) hate (haite); c< duure
from then on o|<|< tadaabadhi
front "~I=6| sammukh-bhaag; 76| agrabhaag
frontal o| pratyaksa
frontal attack o| 7|5 pratyaksa aakraman
frontier "|| siimaa
frontier land "|| -c" siimaanta-pradesh
frozen 7||5| anaadaayii; 9|D<|<| 7<"| jamaatabaadhaa abasthaa
fruit phal
to bear fruit <<| phal dharaa
fruitage phal; "5 phal-samudaya; "> phal-samuuha
fruitful, having many offspring 9|< prajaabanta
fruitful, productive <| phalabaan'; ||| phalaat'paadii
fruitless |" nisphal; 7<< anurbar
frustrated >o|"| hataashaa
fuel 74||| jvaalaanii
to be fulfilled o| |6 <<| puurnataa laabh karaa
fulfillment |<o| paripuurnataa; o| puurnataa; "|| samaapti
full puurna; |< paripuurna; <| puraa
full of - - -puurna; - -panna
to the full |5|5 puurna maatraay
fullness 6|o bharti
fully "~ <c sampuurnaruupe
fun, enjoyment 7|c| aamod; o||"| taamaashaa; 9| majaa
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fun, ridicule |<>|" parihaas
function, arrangement 76| anusthaan
functional <|< kaaryaksam
fund < muul-dhan; o>|< tahabil
fundamental |<|< praathamik; .||< moolik
funeral "||< samaadhi
funny 9|< majaar; 7o adbhuut; >|"|<< haasyakar
further, additionally 7|o|< atirikta; oc< tadupare
further, more distant <o< duuratar
furthest, most distant <o duuratama
furthest part | praanta
futile o 9 tuccha; 7"|< asaar; |<< < nirarthak
future 6|<<| bhabisyat'; 6|<| bhaabii; 7||| aagaamii
in future 6|<<|co bhabisyate
to gain |?5| paaoyaa; 5c6| <<| upabhog karaa; |6 .?5| laabh
to gamble 9 5|c=| juyaakhelaa
gambler 9 5|5| juyaarii
game .<|o< kootuk; .=| khelaa
gang dal
gangrene b| | pacaa ghaa
gap |<| ph^aakaa
garden <|| baagaan; 5|| udyaan
gardener || maalii
to gargle <<|b <<| kul'kuci karaa
garlic <" rasun
garment .|<|< posaak
gas ||" gyaas
gate D< phatak; |< dvaar
to gather, cause to accumulate, bring together "> <<| san
karaa; "<|5o <<| ekatrita karaa; 9|c| (9|-) jamaano
to gather, come together "<|5o >?5| ekatrita haoyaa; "|c<o >?5|
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samaabet haoyaa
gathered "6|" sabhasta; "|~I|o sammilita
gathering "6| sabha
gem <-| ratna; 7|o |<| <" ati mulyaban vastu
gender | linga
gene <"|5c< <|<| banshaanukramer kanikaa
genealogy <"|<|-5 banshaabali-patra
general "|<|< saadharan
generally "|<|<o: saadharanatahh;.|D||D mataamuti
to generate 5| <<| utpaadan karaa; 9I .?5| janma deoyaa
generation 5| utpaadan; <" ban
generosity 5|< udaar
generous 5|<"| udaar-shil; >" muktahasta; b< pracur
most generous 7o|< "5 atib sadaya
generously 5|<6|c< udaar-bhaabe
Genesis 7|| "< aadi pustak
genetics 9|<|| prajanan-bidyaa
end of the Gentile Times 9||oc< "c5< ."< jaatiganer samayer
gentle namra; "| shaanta; mrridu; ""| sushiila; 6
gentleman 6c|< bhadralok; >|"5 mahaashay
gentlewoman >|"5| mahaashayaa
genuine, true, pure "|5< sathika; 7< |5 akrritrima; <<|<
genuine, unhypocritical 7<D akapat
genuineness, accuracy <<|<o| yathaarthataa
geographical .6|c||< bhoogolik; 6 c|"~<|5
geography 6c| bhuugol
geological 6 o4|<<5< bhuutattvabisayak
geology 6 o4 bhuutattva
geometrical 9||||o< jyaamitik; 9||||o-|<<5< jyaamiti-bisayak
geometry 9||||o jyaamiti
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germ 7< < an
kur; muula; 9|<| jiibaanu
German 9|| jaarmaan
gesture 76| angabhangii
to get |?5| paaoyaa
to get acted upon, undergo <|?5| yaaoyaa; >?5| haoyaa
an action [see Passive Voice Study 52]
to get down || naamaa
to get up 55| uthaa
ghost 6o bhuut
giant co| deetya; 7"< asur
gift | daan; 5>|< upahaar; |<| paridaan
giggle = .bc (b||5|) >|"| mukh cepe (caapiyaa) haasaa
to get the giggles >||" |?5| haasi paaoyaa
ginger 7|| aadaa
girl .c5 meye; <||<| baalikaa; <1| kanyaa
to give .?5| deoyaa; | <<| daan karaa
give! [Study43] |! din!; .?! deo!
Let him give it! |o| o|* (o>|*) |5 tini taa-ii (tahaaii) diun
to give up 9||55| (.9c5) .?5| chere (chaariyaa) deoyaa
given datta
given to -, -ish -5 may
-giver -|o| -daataa
giving | pradaan
-giving -|5< -daayak
glad =|" khushi
glamour <| yaadu; *9| indrajaal
to glance | <<| laksya karaa
glass container <|cb< |5 k^aacer paatra; ||" gilaas
glass material <|b k^aac'; darpan
globe .|< golak
global, world-wide 9||| jagadvyaapii
glory .|<< goorab; |>| mahimaa; o| prataap
to glorify 7|c|< |o <<| aalok paat karaa; .|<<|o <<|
goorabaanvita karaa; |>|| o mahimaanvita karaa; o||| o
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<<| prataapaanvita karaa
glorious .|<<5 goorab-may; 5774 ujjval
glue 7|5| aathaa
to go <|?5| yaaoyaa; <<| gaman karaa
going on bc (b|5|) cale (caliyaa)
to go, move, walk b| calaa
to go after 7"< <<| anusaran karaa
to go out, go around .<5|c| (.<5|-) beraano (beraana); .<<|c|
(.<<|-) beraano (beraana)
to go away bc (b|5|) <|?5| cale (caliyaa) yaaoyaa
goal 5c'1 uddeshya
goat 9| chaag; 9| chaagal; <<|< bakri
God (Sanskrit form, as speaking to Hindus and generally) >"<
Most High God (Sanskrit form) <c"< parameshvar
God (Arabic form, as speaking to Muslims) .=|| khodaa
a god .< deb
gods, gods and godesses .<c<| deb-debii
godless ||"< naastik
godlike .<o|o | debataatulya
godly ""|<< eeshvarik
godly devotion >"<|5 6| iishvariiya bhakti
with godly devotion 6|6|c< bhaktibhaabe
going - .<co (<|*co) yete (yaaite)
one going -|| -gaamii
gold ."|| shonaa; " svarna
Gomorrah c|<| ghamoraa
good, benefit 6| bhaala; 6|c| bhaalo
good, nice 6| bhaala, 6|c| bhaalo, 5< upayukta, "- su-
Good Day >5< mangal hauk, "|< namaskaar
good news ""|b|< susamaacaar, 6| =<< bhaala khabar
Good-bye |<|5 bidaay
Good-bye, come again 7||" aasi
Good-bye, see you again 7|<|< .=| >*c< aabaar dekhaa haibe
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good-for-nothing material 91 |< jaghanya padartha
good-for-nothing person 7<| akarmaa
goodness mangal, "oo| satataa, "|<o| saadhutaa, 6|<
goods "~ sampad
goodwill "|< prasaar
to gossip 9| jalpanaa; <|b| baacaal; | <<| gaalgalpa karaa
gourd |5 laau
to govern |<b||o <<| paaricaalita karaa; "|" <<| shasan karaa
governer "<<|< sarakaar
government "" shasan; "<<|< sar-kaar
governments "<<|<G| sar-kaar-guli
to grab >5| <<| hathaata dharaa
grace 7> anugraha; < | krripaa
gracious 5|5 dayaamaya; 7>"| anugrahashiil; < |5
gradually |c< |c< maajhe maajhe; 5c 5c krame krame; 5o:
kramatahh; <|5c kaalkrame
grain ""| shasya, =||""| khaadyashasya
grammar <||<< byaakaran
grand > mahat'
grandchild (see Study 56)
grandparents ||| daadudidaa
to grant 7| <<| anudaan karaa; 9< <<| manjur karaa
grape 7|^G< aangur
grappling iron 7|<5| aa^karaa
to grasp, grip 7 |<5| .?5| aa^karaa neoyaa
grass |" ghaas
grasshopper |5 pharin
grateful < o9 krritajna ["krritagya"]
gratitude < o9o| krritajnataa ["krritagyataa"]
grave, serious 6|< gabhiir
grave, place of dead <<< kabar
graveyard <<<"| kabar-sthaan
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gravitation <||<< "| madhyaakarsan shakti
gravity, seriousness |~|<| gaambhiiyya, G<- gurutva
great |<"| bishaala
great in grandness >| mahaan, <| pradaan, >o| mahatii
great in force < prabala
great in number |<"< bistar, <> brrihata
great in size > mahata, |<<|D biraat, <5 bara, <c5| baro
Babylon the Great >o| <||< mahati baabil
greatness (in power) |<5 bikram
Great Tribulation >| .<" mahaa klesh
Greece |"c" griis-desh; << yaban
greed .|6 lobh
Greek |< griik; |"c"|5 griis-deshiiya
green "<9 sabuj; ."|<9 sobuj, >|<< haritabran
to greet Oc69| 9||c| (9||-) shubhecchaa jaanaano (jaanaana);
.>|< (>5<) <| "mangal hok (hauk)" balaa
greeting 7||6 aabhinandan, .>|< (>5<) "mangal hok
grey, gray <"< < dhursar barna
grey-headedness "c<" pakkakesh
grief := duhh-kha, ."|< shok
grieving =|o (:=|) dukhaarta (duhhakhaartta)
to grind b <<| curna karaa
to grip, grasp 7 |<5| .?5| aa^karaa neoyaa
to groan <|o<|c| (<|o<|-) kaataraano (kaataraana); .<|<|c|
(.<|<|-) k^okaano (k^okaana)
ground 6 | bhuumi; |6|D bhiti; ||D maati; |5 maatha
group "> samuuha; dal
to grow <|5|c| (<|5|-) baaraano (baaraana)
grow up <5 >?5| bara haoyaa
growth 5|o unnati
gruesome 65C< bhayankar
guarantee |'b5 <<| nishcaya karaa, 9|| <<| jaamin karaa
to guard <| <<| raksaa karaa
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guardian 7|66|<< abhibhaabak
to guess 7| <<| anumaan karaa
guest 7|o|< atithi, .>| mehamaan
guidance 5c" upadesh
to guide, conduct |<b|| <<| paricaalanaa karaa
to guide, show the way < " <<| path pradarshan karaa
guided, conducted |<b||o paricaalita
blind guide 7< <"< andha pathadarshak
guilt .|< dos, 7<|< aparaadh
guilty .|<| dosii, 7<|<| aparaadhii
gun << banduk
gunfire .o| top
habit 76||" abhyaas
had to > hala
haemorrhage <"|< raktasraab
hail |"|<|8 shilaabrristi
hair b cul
hairdresser ||o naapit
half 7<|" ardhaansh; 7< ardh; 7c<< ardhek; 7|< aadh
a half 7|c<< aardhek
half-dead 7|<-<| aadh-maraa
hall > hal; "<> < subrrihat' kaksa
to halt <|| thaamaa
hand >|o haat; >" hasta
to hand over " <<| samarpan karaa
handle >|o haatal; <|D baat
to handle |<b| <<| paricaalan karaa
handkerchief <| rumaal
handsome "< sundar
handwriting >|co< .=| haater lekhaa;
hang <|c| (<|-) jhulaano (jhulaana); ||" .?5| ph^aasi
to happen D| ghataa; >?5| haoyaa
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happening D| ghatanaa
happiness 7| aananda; "= sukh; o | trripti
happy 7||o aanandita; "=| sukhi; ="| khushii
harrass >5<| <<| hayaraan karaa
harbour .|o|"5 potaashray
hard, determined <c5|< kathor
hard, difficult <|5 kathin
hard, firm ; drrirh
hard work |<" parishram
hardhearted |6< nisthur
hardly, only just "c<|5 sabemaatra
hardly, rarely |5* 5 praayai nay
hardly, unlikely <||b kadaacit'
hard-working |<"| parishramii
harm |o ksati; 7|D anista; 7||o aahgaat
Harmageddon ><||c| har'maagidon
harmless |c|< nirdos; |<|> niriiha
harmonious | mil; "|9"| saamanjasya; "<o| ekataan
harmony "|9"|o| saamanjasyataa; "|o sangati
in harmony, consistent with "o sangata; -7"|c< -anusaare
harsh << " karkash; |6 < nisthur
hart >|< harin
harvest ""| shasya; .9 chedan; " phasal
haste -<| <<| tvaraa karaa
to make haste o|5| o||5 <<| taaraa taari
hat D| tupi
to hate | <<| ghrrinaa karaa; .< <<| dves karaa
hateful | ghrrinaapuurna
hater |<c<| bidvesii
hatred | ghrrinaa; .< dves; |<c< bidves
haughty 5o uddhata; |<o garbita
to have (rephrase as "someone's ... exists" "... exists belonging to ...",
see Study 54) -"< 7|c9 -er ... aache
"I have a desire" 7||< *9| 7|c9 "aamaar icchaa aache"
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to have to (rephrase as "will be" "Doing of ... shall be" or use the
Future Affirmative, see Study 54) >c< (>*c<) habe (haibe)
"[I] must go now" |7||<] "= .<co >c< (<|*co >*c<) [aamaar]
ekhan yete habe (yaaite haibe)
"They will have to know that I am Jehovah" (Ez 25:17) o|<| 9|c<
(o|>|<| 9||c<) .< 7||* |<c>|<| "taaraa jaan-be (taahaaraa
jaanibe) ye aami-i yihobaa"
hay, straw =5 khar
hazard |< bipad
haze < 5|"| kuyaashaa
he ." se
he [see Study 25] |o| tini; 5| uni; *| ini
head "< mastak; |<| maathaa; |o pati
head of paternal house |o < |o pitrrikul-pati
head of state <|8|o raastrapati
headache |<|<|<| maathaabyathaa
heading, title |"<| shiranaam
heading, sub-title 5|"<| upashiranaam
to heal 7|c<|| <<| aarogya karaa
healing (adjective) 7|c<||<|<| aarogyakaarii
healing (noun) 5|5 upaay; 7|c<|| aarogya
health "|"| svaasthya
to hear O| shunaa; ."|| shonaa; "| sunaa; "< <<| shraban
hearer ."|o| shrotaa
hearing in court O||| shunaanii
hearing [a sense] ."|<c5 shrobanendray
hearsay 9"|o janashruti
heart man; 7< antar; *5 hrriday; *| hrridapinda
heart disease *c<| hrrid-rog
heartfelt 7||<< aantarik
heartless |6< nisthur
heartwarming |b|<<< chittaakarsak
hearty 7||<< aantarik
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heat 5| uttaap; o| taap
to heat up 5 <<| uttapta karaa
heathen .||< poottalik
heaven 7|<|" aakaash; " svarga
heavenly "|5 svargiiya
heavens 7|<|" aakaash-mandal
heavy 6|<| bhaarii; <|5"|<| byaysaadhya
Hebrew (language) *<|5 6|<| ibriiya bhaasaa; |><6|<| hibrubhaasaa
Hebrew (person) *<|5 ibriiya
heed c|c<| <<| manoyog karaa; | <<| laksya karaa; 7<<|
<<| abadhaan karaa
heel .|5|| goraalii
height 5bo| uccataa
heir 5<||<<|<| uttaraadhikaarii; |5||<<|<| daayaadhikaarii; |5|
held back |<<o birata
hell, pit |o| paataal
fiery hell concept << narak
hellfire <<|| narakaagni
helmet |"<"| shirastraan
help "|>|<| saahaayya
to help "|>|<| <<| saahaayya karaa
helper ">|5 sahaay; "|>|<|<|<| saahaayyakaarii
helper, the spirit of the truth "co|< 7|-I| satyer aatmaa
helping "|>|<|<|<| saahaayyakaarii
helpless |:">|5 nihhasahaay; |<|>
hemp " shan
hen <| muragii
hence "=| .<c< ekhan theke; "= >co (>*co) ekhan hate (haite);
" "5 >co (>*co) e samay hate (haite)
henceforth " "5 >co (>*co) e samay hate (haite)
her, of her o|< (o|>|<) taar (taahaar)
her, to her o|c< (o|>|c<) taake (taahaake)
to herald, proclaim .|<| <<| ghosanaa karaa
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herb ?<|< osadhi; 5<|< usadhi
herd O| pashupaal
here "=|c ekhaane
hereby "o|<| etadvaaraa
hereditary <"o banshagata
herein "co ete; *>|co ihaate
hero <|< biir
to hesitate |<| <<| dvidhaa karaa; *o"o <<| itastita karaa
hesitation |<| dvidhaa
Hezekiah |>|<<5 hisikay; |>"|5 hiskiiya
hidden G gupta; <|c| (<|-) lukaano (lukaana)
to hide, conceal .| <<| gopan karaa;
to hide, to go out of sight <|c| (<|-) lukaano (lukaana)
hide and seek c<|b|< .=| lukocuri khelaa
high, elevated 5b ucca
High, Great >|- mahaa-; > mahat'
higher 5bo< uccatar
highest 5bo uccatam
highspirited .o9"| tejasvii
highway <|9< raaj-path; "5< sarak
hill, small mountain < o ksudra parbat
hilltop |>|c5< b5| paahaarer curaa
him o|c< (o|>|c<) taake (taahaake); o|< (o|>|<) taar (taahaar)
him o|c< (o|>|c<) t^aake (t^aahaake); o|< (o|>|<) t^aar (t^aahaar)
to hinder <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa
Hindi |>| hindi
Hindu |> hindu
hire 6|<| bhaaraa; 9 |< majuri
to hire 6|5| bhaaraa
historian *|o>|"c<| itihaas-bettaa
historical "|o>||"< eetihaasik
history *|o>|" itihaas
to hit |<| maaraa; |D|c| (|D|-) pitaano (pitaana); 7||o <<|
aaghaat karaa; <|" | dhaakkaa, |oc<|< <<| pratirodh karaa
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hoax 9 chal
hobby "= shakh
to hold <<| dharaa
to hold back, resist <|<o <<| bancita karaa
to hold back, restrain o| <<| mamataa karaa
hole o garta; |9 chidra; |<| ph^aakaa
holiday <| parbadin; 9 |D< | chutir din; 9 |D chuti
holiness |<5o| pabitrataa
hollow || ph^aapaa
holy |<5 pabitra
holy spirit |<5 7|-I| pabitra aatmaa
home <||5 baari; <|5| baarii; > grriha; <|""| baasasthaan; < ghar
homicide <>o|| narahatyaa
homosexual "<|| samakaamii
homosexuality "<||o| samakaamiitaa
honest " sat'; "|< saadhu; *| imaan
honesty "|<o| saadhutaa
honey < madhu
honour "I| sanmaan; "| sunaam
to honour "|< <<| samaadar karaa
honourable ||5 maananiiya; |<=||o bikhyaat; "~|9<
hook <5|" b^arshi
hope 7|"| aashaa
to hope 7|"| <<| aashaa karaa
hopeless c<|" neeraashya; >o|" hataash-puurna
hopelessness |<|" niraash; c<|'1o| neeraashyataa
horizon | diganta; b5<| cakrabaal
horizontal |c< "|<| diganter samaantaraal; b5<|c<
"|<| cakrabaaler samaantaraal
horn of animal |" shin; " shrringa
horn [musical instrument] |"| shingaa
horn on a car .6
horse .|5| ghoraa; 7" ashva
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hospital >|"|o| haas'paataal
hospitality 7|o|<-."<| atithi-sebaa; 7|o|<-<|5 atithi-paraayan;
7|o|< "<|< atithi sat'kaar
hostile "56|<| shatrubhaabaapanna
hot o tapta; < garam; 5 ugra
hotel .>|cD hotel; "<|* saraai
hour D| ghantaa
house <||5 baari; <|5| baarii; > grriha; < ghar
big house 6< bhaban
from house to house c< c< ghare ghare
household |<<|< paribaar; |<9 parijan
household's |<<||<< paribaarik
householder >" grrihasta; >"|| grrikhasvaamii
housewife |>| grrihinii
how: as..., so.... (S38, 20) .<, .o (.o| 1 .o*)
yeman..., teman (temani/teman-i)...
how: in the way ..., such... .<6|c<, ."6|c< yebhaabe...,
how, in the form..., so... .5<c, ."<c yeruupe...., seruupe.
how? in what way/form? .<? keman?; |< 6|c<? ki bhaabe?
|<<c? kiruupe?
how, from what viewpoint |< .b|c= ki cokhe
how much/many: as..., so... <o, oo yata..., tata...
how much/many? <o? kata?; <5? kay?
how many ... (persons)? <59? kay-jan?; <`9? ka'jan?
how many ... (things)? <5|D? kay-ti...?; <`|D? ka'ti...?
how far/much: as..., so... <oD< , ooD< yatatuku..., tatatuku
how far/much? <oD< ? katatuku?
however o<|| tathaapi; o|9|5| (o|>|9|5|) taachaaraa (taahaachaaraa)
human, the person |< maanab; <| manusya; |< maanus
human, of humans |<|5 maanabiiya
human, by humans |< maanab
humanity |<-< |o maanab-prakrriti
humanking |<9||o maanab-jaati
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humble namra; mrridu; "| mrridushiil; |<|o biniita
to humiliate 7| <<| apamaan karaa
humour <|"<o| rasikataa
hundred " sha; "o shata; "<"o ek-shata
hundredfold "oG shat-gun
hundreds "o||<< shataadhik
hundreds and thousands "o "o ">" ">" shat shat sahasra sahasra
hundredth "oo shatatam
hunger <| ksudhaa; 6< bhuk; |=c khide
hungry |<o ksudhita; .| lolup; 6<| bhukaa; <|o ksudhaarta
to hunt |"<|< <<| shikaar karaa
to be hurled down |||oo >?5| nipaatita haoyaa
hurricane |<|o|| ghurnibaartyaa
to hurry -<| tvaraa; "|c5 (7||*5|) .?5| egiye (aagaaiyaa) deoyaa
to hurry up o|5| o||5 <<| taaraataari karaa
hurt, harm |o ksati; 7||o aaghaat
husband "|| svaamii; >"|| grrihasvaamii
a husband of one wife "< "|< "|| ek striir svaamii
to hush b "| >?5| cup shaanta haoyaa
to hush up .bc (b||5|) .?5| cepe (caapiyaa) deoyaa
hut | < |D< diin kutir; < c5< kureghar
hydrogen 59| ud'jaan
hyperbole 7o || atyukti
hypocrisy <Do| kapatataa
hypocrite <D kapat
I 7|| aami
-ic -*< -ik
ice << baraph
ice-cream 7|*" 5| aais kriim; ||* << maalaai baraph
idea <|<| dhaaranaa; |b| cintaa; o mata; 6|< bhaab; <|
kalpanaa; |<<| parikalpanaa
ideal <|<|o dhaaraagata; 7|" aadarsha
identical 71 ananya; 7|6 abhinna; "<< ek-ruup
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identification "|<< sanaaktakaran
identify "| <<| sanaakta karaa; |b|>o <<| cihnita karaa
identity, recognition 7c6 abhed; |<b5 paricay; "|| sanaakti
identity, uniqueness 71o| ananyataa
ideology o<| matabaad
idiom <|<|<| baaghadhaaraa; <||o|" <|<|
idle 7" alas; 7< akarma; .<<|< bekaar
idol |o| pratimaa; .<|o deb-muurti
if (Study 36, 49, 50) <| yadi
ignorant 79 ajna ["ogyo"]; 7|"|o ashiksita
to ignore, pay no heed 7| <<| agraahyya [ograajjo] karaa
ill 7"" asustha; ||5o piirita; manda
ill-advised <<|" | kuparaamarshapraapta
illegal 7c<< abeedh; .<-7|*| be-aainii
illegible 7|5| apaathya; 7"D aspasta
illegitimate 9|<9 jaaraj; 7c<< abeedh
illicit 7c<< abeedh
illiteracy |<<o| niraksarataa
illness .<| rog; 7"= asukh
illogical <||<< yuktibiruddha; 7c<|< ayeektik; <||<>|
illuded |<| bibhraanta
illusion, vision |5| maayaa; |< bibhram;
illusion, delusion |<|| bibhraanti
illustration 8| drrishtaanta; <"| nak'saa
ill-will |<c< bidves
image, idol |o| pratimaa
image, likeness |o| pratimuurtti; "|'1 saadrrishya
imagery <||< 7< kaalpanik artha
imaginary <||< kaalpanik
imagination <| kalpanaa; <| "| kalpanaa shakti; |<<|
imitation 7<< anukaran; 7|| anulipi
immature 7|<o aparinata
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immediate o| pratyaksa; 7<|<|>o abyabahita
to immerse, dip ||79o <<| nimajjita karaa; |79 <<| nimajjan
karaa; .5|<|c| (.5|<|-) dobaano (dobaana)
immersed ||79o nimajjita
immersion |79 nimajjan; magna
immersion of Hindu idols |<9 bimarjan
immigrant <|"| prabaasii; 7|6<|"| abhibaasii
imminent, approaching, coming 7|" aasanna
immodesty 7|"Do| ashistataa
immoral ||o>| nitihiin; 7"|< asaadhu; <||6b|<| byabhicaarii;
7c|o< aneetik
immorality ||o>|o| niitihiinataa; 7"|<o| asaadhutaa; <||6b|<
immortal 7< amar
immortality 7<- amaratva; 7|<|"< abinishvar
"immortality of the soul" 7|-I|< 7<- "aatmaar amaratva"
impact "< sangharsa
to be impaled 5"|< >?5| krushabiddha haoyaa
to impart | <<| pradaan karaa; 9|o <<| jnaata ["gyaato"] karaa;
.<||c| (.<||-) yogaano (yogaana)
impartial |<c nirapeksa; ||5<|5 nyaayaparaayan
impartiality |<co| nirapeksataa
impatient 7"|><o| asahisnutaa; 7<|<o| adhiirataa
impediment <|<| baadhaa; |<* bighna
to impel 5c|9o <<| uttejita karaa
imperative 7|c" "b< aadesh suucak; ||5 paalaniiya
imperfect 7|" asiddha; 7"~ asampuurna
imperial "||9| "5| saamraajya sankraanta
imperialism "|9|<| samraajyabaad
imperishable 7|<"< abinashvar
impersonal <||->| byaktitvahiin
impetuous < prabal; b pracanda; 7|<c<b< abibecak
implement < yantra
implicit 7||>o antarnihita
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to imply *|co 7< <|" <<| ingite artha prakaash karaa; .<|<|c|
(.<|<|-) bojhaano (bojhaana)
implying - -|< -daar
to import 7||| <<| aamadaani karaa
importance c5|9|5o| prayojaniiyataa; G<- gurutva
important c5|9|5 prayojaniiya; G<- gurutvapuurna;
7|<'1< aabashyak
impossibility 7"~<o| asambhabataa
impossible 7"~< asambhab
imposter o|<< prataarak; 6 bhanda
impotence 7o| aksamataa
impression, pressing mudran
impression, sign |b> cihna
impressive |b|<<< cittaakarsok
imprison <|<|< <<| kaaraaruddha karaa
imprisonment <|<|<|" kaaraabaas
improbable 7"~< asambhab
to improve 5|o <<| unnati karaa
improvement 5|o"|< unnatisaadhan
impulse, emotion 7|c< aabeg
impure <|b| k^aacaa; 7|<5 apabitra; 7|<O abishuddha
in [Grammar 16.1, 22.2, 23.1] -" -e; -.o -te; -5 -y; |6oc< bhitare;
c<| madhye
inability 7o| aksamataa
inactivity 7< o<|< o| akrritakaaryataa
inadequate <c<D |<c<8] 5 " yathesta [yathesta] nay eman
inanimate |9| < nirjiib
inapplicable 7c<|9| aprayojya
inappreciative 5| .=|co 7 upalabdhi dekhaate aksam
inappropriate 7< anupayukta; 7"o asangata
inaugural 5c|<| udhvodhanii
inauguration 5c|< udvodhan
inborn, natural " |6||<< svaabhaabik; ">9|o sahajaata; 9o
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incapable 7 aksam; 7"< asamartha
incentive 5c9< uttejak; 5"|> ut'saahaprad
inch *|< inci
to incite 5c|9o <<| uttejita karaa
inclination, liking 7<| anuraag
inclination, at a slope .>| 6|< helaan bhaab; <| dhaalu; .>|c|
(.>|-) helaano (helaana)
inclination, slope b|6|< caalubhaab; u| dhaal
inclination, tendency c< .< |< maner jh^ok; <| prabrritti;
<o| prabanataa
incline .>| helaa
to incline, cause a tendency o <<| nata karaa; .< |<|c| (.<|<|-)
jh^okaano (jh^okaana)
to incline, tend towards o >?5| nata haoyaa; .< |<| jh^okaa
included, amid c<| madhye
included, involved 76 antarbhukta; 9|5o jarita
incoherent 7" asanlagna; |"|< shithil
income 7|5 aay
income-tax 7|5<< aayakar
incoming, entry |6oc< 7| bhitare aagaman
incoming, starting 7|o aagata
incomparable 7 anupam; 7o |5 atulaniiya; o |>|
inconceivable <|<|< 7o|o dhaaranaar atiita
inconclusive 7|||"o amiimaansita
inconsiderate 7|<c<b< abibecak
inconsistent 7"o asangata
inconvenience 7"|<<| asubidhaa
increase <| brriddhi
to increase <| |?5| brriddhi paaoyaa; .<c5 |<||55|] <|?5| bere
[baariyaa] yaaoyaa
incredible 7|<"|"| abishvaasya
incurable 7|c<|c|< 7o|o aarogyer atiita; |b|<"|< "|c<|< <|*c<
cikit'saar saadhyer baaire
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indecent 7"| ashaliil; 7"| ashliil
indeed <|" |<< baastabik; <oc prakrritapakse; <o c
prakrrita pakse
indeed, particularly -* -i
indefinite 7||D anirdista; 7||'bo anishcita
to time indefinite |b<"|5| cirasthaayii; <c <c yuge yuge; |b<<|
independence \aodpy svaadhiinataa
indescribable 7<|5 abarnaniiya
index |c"< nirdeshak; "b< suucak; "b|5 suuciipatra
India 6|<o bhaarat
to indicate |c" <<| nirdeshan karaa; <<| laksan karaa;
*|o <<| ingit karaa
indifference |<co| nirapeksataa
indigestion <>9 bad-hajam; || manaagni; 79|o| ajiirnataa
indirect 7"< asaral
indiscriminate <|9|<b|< "1 baachabicaar shunya
indistinct 7"8 aspasta; 7||8 anirdista
individual <||o byaktigata; "< -|D ek -ti; "o svatantra
indoor 7|6|||<< aabhyaantarik; <|5|< <|" baariir madhyastha
to induce <o <<| prabrrita karaa; <|o o (<| o) <<| prabartita
(prabarttita) karaa
inducement, temptation c|6 pralobhan
indulgence, pampering "5 prashray
industrious |<"| parishramii; ""|| shramashaalii;
inedible 7=|| akhaadya
inefficient 7c<|| ayogya
inequality 7"o| asamataa; c<<| beesamya
inevitable 7<'1~|<| abashyambhaabii
inexcusable 7|9|5 amaarjaniiya; |< 7c<|| ksamaar ayogya
inexperienced <|b| k^aacaa
inexpressive, unclear 7"D aspasta; 7<"1 arthashuunya
infallible 7| abhraanta; 7<|D| akaatya
infant |"O shishu; |<|< naabaalak
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to infect |<o <<| dusita karaa
infectious, contagious "5|< sankraamak
inferior 7<:" adhahhastan
inferiority complex >|o|6|< hiinataabhaab
infinite 7"| asiim; 7 ananta
inflammable dahya ["dojjo"]
inflammation |> pradaaha
inflation of money |||o mudraasphiiti
to inflict blows 7||o <<| aaghaat karaa
influence 6|< prabhaab
influx 7 :<|> antahhaprabaaha
to inform 9|o <<| jnaata ["gyaato"] karaa
informal gathering ."|91 "|c<" soojanya samaabesh
informal witness 7|5|o "|| | aniyamita saaksya daan
information "b| suucii; |<9| bijnaapan ["bigyaapon"]; "<|
sanbaad; o<| tathya
ingenious 5|< <|<co udbhaaban karite daksa
ingenuity o| dakstaa
to inhabit <|" <<| baas karaa; <"<|" <<| basabaas karaa
inhabitant 7|<<|"| adhibaasii; <c|< naralok
inhabitant of - -|<|"| -nnibaasii
inhabitants of - -|<|"|<| -nnibaasiiraa; -|<||" -nnibaasigan
inhabitants, those living there o|<||" tannibaasigan
to inherit 5<||<<|<"c5 ?5| uttaraadhikaarii suutre paaoyaa
inheriting, inheritance 5<||<<|< uttaraadhikaar
of one's own initiative 7|| >co (>*co) aapanaa hate (haite)
to inject, insert c<" <<|c| (<<|-) prabesh karaano (karaana)
injury |o ksati; 7|8 anista
injust 7||5 anyaay
injustice 7||5 <|9 anyaay kaaj; 7|<b|< abicaar
ink <|| kaali
inner 76|||<< abhyaantarik
innocence, guiltlessness |c|< nirdos
innocence, simplicity "<o| saralataa; |<|>6|< niriihabhaab
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innocent, guiltless |c|<| nirdosi
innocent, simple, nave "< saral; |<|> niriiha; 7||5< amaayik
innumerable 7|5 agananiiya; 79" ajasra
to inquire, ask 7"<| <<| anusandhaan karaa; |99|"| <<|
jijnaasaa ["jigyaasaa"] karaa
inquisition |6< <|b|< nisthur biicaar; <|<<<||c< <|b|<
dharmabiruddhabaadiider biicaar
inquisitive .<|o >| kootuhalii; 7"|<" anusandhit'su
insane | paagal; |< ||5 ksiptar nyaay
insanitary, unhealthy 7"|"|<< asvaasthyakar
insect, crawling <|D kiita; .|<| pokaa
insect, flying o patanga
insecure |<| 5 " niraapad nay eman
insecurity |<|| 5 " niraapatta nay eman
to insert c<" <<|c| (<<|-) prabesh karaano (karaana)
inside |6oc< bhitare; c<| madhye
insidious, treacherous |<"|"|o< bishbaas-ghaatak; <D| kapatii
insight 7 |8 antardrristi; |<9| parijnaan ["porigyaan"];
|<||8 parinaam-drristi
having insight 7|8-"~ antardrristi-sampanna
insignificant o|<|>| taat'paryyahiin
insincere <D kapat
to insist .9 <<| jed karaa; .9|< |5| <| jor diyaa balaa
insomnia 7|| anidraa
inspection |<" paridarshan
inspiration |" |" nishvaasan; 7c<| anupreranaa
inspired |" ||"o nishvaasita; 7c|<o anuprerita; 7||o
installation 7|6c<< abhisek; |o6| pratisthaa
instance, example 5|>< udaaharan
instantaneously "c "c sange sange
to instigate c<||bo <<| prarocita karaa
instigator c<|b|<|<| prarocanaakaarii
instinct ">9|o <| sahajaata prabrritti
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instruction |"| shiksaa; |c" nirdesh
instrument < yantra; >|o5|< hatiyaar
insubordinate 7<|<| abaadhya
to insult 7| <<| apamaan karaa
insurance <|| biimaa; <||<< biimaakaran
integrity |"o| siddhataa; "|<o| saadhutaa; 7|o| aanugatya
intellect <| buddhi; |b|"| cintaashakti; |<b|<"| bicaar-shakti
intellectual <|<|-"5| buddhi-brritti-sankraanta
intellectually <|o6|c< buddhigatabhaabe
intelligence <| buddhi; |<9o| bijnataa ["bigyotaa"]; <||
intelligent <|| buddhimaan; <|<< buddhidhar
to intend "< <<| sankalpa karaa
intensity of feeling "<||<<o| eekaantarikataa
intent, intention 7|6|5 abhipraay; 5c'1 uddeshya
intent, minded 5|o udyata
intentional *9|< o icchaakrrita; 7|6co abhipreta
intentionally *9|<< (*9|"<) icchaapuurbbak (icchaapuurbak)
to intercede <|"o| <<| madhyastataa karaa
intercession <|"o| madhyatataa
interchange |<|5 binimay; 7< adal-badal
mental interchange 6|<|<|5 bhaab-binimay
intercommunication <"< 9| paraspar jnaapan ["gyaapon"]
intercourse (sexual) .<| "" yoon sansarga
interest, zeal c|c<| manoyog; 5774 ujjval; 5c|| udyog
interested 7|>| aagrahii; 7|>|| o aagrahaanvita
interesting |b5|<<< citraakarsak
interests, gain 7|> aagraha
interfered |<|*o bighnita
interior <||"o madhyasthita; 76|< abhyantar
intermarriage 7" < |<<|> asama barna bibaaha
intermediate <|<o| (<|<| ) madhyabartii (madhyabarttii)
intermittent "|<<| sabiraam
internal 76|||<< abhyaantarik; 76|<| abhyantariin
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international 7|9||o< aantarjaatik
to interpret, expound <||=|| <<| byaakhyaa ["bekkhaa"] karaa
to interpret, translate 7<| <<| anubaad karaa
interpretation, meaning <||=|| byaakhyaa ["bekkhaa"]
interpretation, translation 7<| anubaad
interpreter .|6|<| dobhaasii
interruption <|<| baadhaa; |<<| biraam
interval |<<| biraam; <|<<| byabadhaan
to intervene >"c <<| hastaksep karaa
intervention >"c hastaksep; <|"o| madhyasthataa
interview "||<|< saaksaat'-kaar
intestine 7 antra; |5|6 |5 naariibh^uri
intimacy |Do| ghanistataa
intimidated 7|o|Co aatankita
into c<| madhye; |6oc< bhitare; 76|c< abhyantare; -" -e;
-.o -te; -5 -y
intolerable 7" asahya ["osojjo"]
intolerant 7"|>< asahisnu
intonation "<6| svar-bhangi
intoxication |o|| maatalaami
intricate |<9|5o bijarita
to introduce, make known |<|bo <<| paricita karaa
introduction 6|<| bhuumikaa; 7|<~ aarambha
intuition "9| svajnaan ["svogyaan"]
to invade 7|5 <<| aakraman karaa
invading 7|5<|<| aakraman-kaarii
invalid, disabled, weak < ("), durbal (durbbal)
invalid, fruitless, in vain |" nisphal
to invent 7||<"|< <<| aabiskaar karaa
invention 7||<"|< aabiskaar
inverse(ly) 5D|6|c< ultaabhaabe; |<<|o5c bipariitakrame
to invest 7 <<| arpan karaa; =|D|c| (=|D|-) khaataano
to investigate 7"<| <<| anusandhaan karaa
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investment |<|c<| biniyog
invincible 7c95 ajeya; 7<|c95 aparaajeya
invisible 7'1 adrrishya
invisible to man c<|< 7'1 manusyer adrrishya
invitation | nimantran; 7|>4| aahvaan
to invite | <<| nimantran karaa; | .?5| nimantran
involuntary *9| | <|<5|? icchaa naa kariyaa-o
to involve, wrap, embrace 9|5o <<| jarita karaa
involved 9|5o jarita; 9|5c5 jariye
inward c<| madhye; 76|||<< abhyaantarik; |6oc<< bhitarer
inwards |6o< |c< bhitar dike
irksome |<<|9< biraktijanak
iron .|>| lohaa; .|> looha
irrelevant 7|"|< apraasangik
irreplaceable 7<|5 apuuraniiya
irresistible durdam
irresponsible ||5->| daayitvahiin
irreversible 7|<<o|5 (7|<<|5) aparibartaniiya
irrigation 9-."b jal-secan
irritation 5c9| uttejanaa; .5|< krodh
is 7|c9 aache; >5 hay
is it so? |<? ki? o|* |o|>|*] | |<? taa-i (taahaa-i) naa ki?
is not 5 nay
-ish, given to - -< -par
Islam *"| < (<~I) isalaam dharma (dharmma)
Islamic "| < (<~I)-"~<|5 musalamaan dharma
island | dviip
-ism -<| -baad
to isolate |<|9 <c< (<|<5|) <|=| bicchinna kare (kariyaa) raakhaa;
<< <<| prrithak karaa
isolated |<|9 bicchinna
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isolation |<|9o| bicchinnataa
Israel *"|c5 israayel
to issue, despatch |5|c| (|5|-) paathaano (paathaana)
issue, offspring "|-"|o santaan-santati; <"|<| banshaabali;
<"<< banshadhar
issue, topic, matter |<<5 bisay;
issue, problem ""|| samasyaa
issue under judgement |<b|<| bicaaryya; |<b|<| |<<5 bicaaryya bisay
-ist (Grammar 54.8) -<|| -baadii; -?5|| -oyaalaa
it o| (o|>|) taa (taahaa); " (*>|) e (ihaa); 5>| (?, 5, ") uhaa (o, u,
Italian *o||5 itaaliya
itch =|" khaas
item, independent article " o <| svatantra drabya; | daphaa
item, something detached |<|9 |<9 bicchinna kichu
itinerary <| bhram brritaanta
itself o| (o|>|) "5 taa (taahaa) svayan
jackal |"5| shiyaal; "| shrrigaal
jealousy ><| iirsaa
jealous ><||o iirsaanvita; ><|<|5 iirsaaparaayan
Jehovah |<c>|<| (|<c>|6|) yihobaa (yihobhaa)
Jehovah's Witness |<c>|<|< "|| yihobaar saaksii
one of Jehovah's Witnesses |<c>|<|< "<9 "|| yihobaar ek-jan
Jehovah's Witnesses (as a group) |<c>|<|< "||< yihobaar
to jest |<>|" <<| parihaas karaa
Jesus (Arabic form, if speaking to Muslims) >"| iisaa
Jesus (Sanskrit form, if speaking to brothers, Hindus and others) <|O
Jew |<>| yihuudii; *>| ihuudii
job b|< <| caakurii
to join "< <<| sanyukta karaa; .<| <<| yog karaa
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joined "~<< samparkayukta; < yukta
joiner "5<< suutradhar
joint- "> sah-; .5|< yootha
joint-heir ">|5| sahadaayaad
jointly "|~I|o6|c< sammilitabhaabe
joke o||"| taamaashaa; <|"<o| rasikataa
journey bhraman; <o (<|D) paryatan (paryyatan)
joy "= sukh; 7| aananda; 5 |" ullaas; o | trripti; 7|c| aamod
joyful 7| aanandapuurna; "=| sukhii; 7||o aanandita; *8
joyful - Be joyful! [male] 5 ||"o .>| (>5)! ullaasita hon
joyful - Be joyful! [female] 5 ||"o| .>| (>5)! ullaasitaa hon
judge |<b|<|o bicaar-pati; |<b|<< bicaarak; "|c|b< samaalocak
thing being judged, issue |<b|<| bicaaryya; |<b|<| |<<5 bicaaryya
judgement |<b|< bicaar; <|5 raay
judgements, rulings "|"<| shaasan-kalaap
adverse judgment danda
Judgement Day |<b|<| bicaar-din; ."< |<b|c<< | shes bicaarer
judicial |<b|<< bicaarak; |<b|< "5| bicaar sankraanta
judicious |<9 bijna ["bigyo"]
juice <" ras
jump | laaph; ~ lampha
to jump ||c| (||-) laaphaano (laaphaana); ~ <<| lampha
to jump over |5| dingaana
junior <|8 kanista; 79 anuj
just, only .<< kebal; |5 maatra; O<* shudhu-i; O<|5
just, right ||5<| nyaayabaan; <||< (<||~I<) dhaarmik
(dhaarmmik); |5< thik; "o| satya
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justice ||5<|5o| nyaay-paraayanataa; "|<o| saadhutaa; ||5|<b|<
justification, vindication "< samarthan
to justify, to adopt .c (||5|) .?5| mene (maaniyaa) neoyaa
jute |D paat
juvenile o< <5" tarun bayaska; |"O< o shishur mata
to keep, care for <- .?5| yatna neoyaa; <- ?5| yatna laoyaa; <-
<<| yatna karaa
to keep, continue <|<| thaakaa
to keep on doing <<co <|<| kar-te thaakaa
to keep on [see "keeps on"]
to keep, retain <| raksaa; <|=| raakhaa; <| <<| raksaa karaa; <<|
keeper << raksak; |< paalak
keeping, care <- yatna; <| raksaa
keeps on <c5c9 rayeche
kept, held <c< (<|<5|) dhare (dhariyaa)
key b||< caabi
kick ||< laathi
kid of a goat 9|<" chaag-bat'sa
kidnap >< haran
to kidnap, steal 7>< <<| apaharan karaa; b|< <<| curi karaa
kidney 5| mutragranthi; <" brrikka
to kill >o|| <<| hatyaa karaa; = <<| khun karaa; << <<| badh
karaa; .c< (||<5|) .| mere (maariyaa) phelaa
to kill, hit |<| maaraa
killed, put to death >o hata
killer >o||<|<| hatyaa kaarii
kind: according to their kind " " 9||o 7<|5| sva sva jaati
kind, pattern << dharan
kind, sort << rakam; <|< prakaar
kind in heart 5| dayaalu; 5|<| dayaabaan
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kindly 5| <c< (<|<5|) dayaa kare (kariyaa)
kindness 5| dayaa; <<| karunaa
king <|9| raajaa
kingdom <|9| raajya
Kingdom Hall <|c9|< "6| raajyer sabhyaa; <|c9|< > raajyer hal;
|<5 > kindam hal
kingly <|9<|5 raajakiiya
kingship <|9- raajatva
kiss b~ cumban
to kiss b~ <<| cumban karaa
kitchen <<"|| randhan-shaalaa; <||< raanaaghar; <<"||
knee 9| jaanu; >|D h^aatu
to kneel 9| |co (||o5|) <"| jaanu paate (paatiyaa) basaa; 9|
|oo <<| jaanu patita karaa; o >?5| pranata haoyaa; o9|
>?5| natajaanu haoyaa
knife 9|< churi; b|< caaku; .9|<| choraa
to knit |<| g^aathaa; <| bunaa
knitting <||< <|9 bunaanir kaaj
to knock <|"| dhaakkaa
knot .c<| gero; |D g^it
to knot, tie |D .?5| g^it deoyaa
to know 9|| jaanaa; |bco (|b|co) |<| cin-te (cinite) paaraa
to know accurately o- (o4) 9| |?5| tatva (tattva) jnaan
knowledge 9| jnaan ["gyaan"]
knowledge of... -|<<5< 9| -bisayak jnaan ["gyaan"]
known |<|bo paricita
to make known [Study 13] 9||c| (9||-) jaanaano (jaanaana)
known as ... |<|bo ... paricita
well known "|<|bo suparicita
Koran, Qur'aan .<|<| koraan; <<| phar-kaan
label |b<< D cir-kut; |D|<D tikit
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labour |<" parishram
labourer 9< majur; "|< shramik
lack 76|< abhaab
lacking |<- bi-; ->| -hiin
lad <|< baalak; .9c chele
ladder |"|5 s^iri
lady " | strii; ><5| grrihakartrii; 6|>| bhadramahilaa; >|"5|
lake > hrad; |< jhil
lamb .< mes
lame .=|5| kh^oraa; =9 khanja
to lament |<| <<| bilaap karaa
lamentation |<| bilaap
lamp | pradiip; | diip; 7|c| aalo
land ." desh; 6| bhuumi; ||D maati; 9| jami
landlady 6 "||| bhuusvaamiinii; <|5|?5|| baariioyaalii
landlord 6"|| bhuusvaamii; <||5?5|| baarioyaalaa; 9||<
landscape "'1 sthal-drrishya; "c"|< |b5 sthal-drrishyer citra
lane | gali
language 6|<| bhaasaa
to lapse <||o >?5| baatil haoyaa; bc (b||5|) <|?5| cale (caaliyaa)
large <5 bara; |<<|D biraat; |<" o bistrrita; <||< byaapak
last, previous o gata
last, final ."< shes
last days [period] ."< <| shes kaal
sign of the last days ."< <|c< |b> shes kaaler cihna
to last, keep firm "|5| <|<| sthaayii thaakaa
lasting "|5| sthaayii
-lasting -"|5| -sthaayii
lastly 7<c"c< abashese
late, delayed .|< deri; |<~ bilamba; .|<co 5|"o derite
upasthita; .|< <c< (<|<5|) deri kare (kariyaa)
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later, afterwards c< pare
Latin |||D lyaatin
laugh >|"| haasya; >||" haasi
to laugh >|"| haasaa; >|"| <<| haasya karaa; |< <<| bidruup
to laugh (at) 5>|" <<| upahaas karaa
lavatory |5=|| ? "|<=|| paay-khaanaa o prasaab-khaanaa
law |5 niyam; |<|< bidhi; 7|* aain
lawless 7<|b|<| (7<~I|b|<|)
lawlessness 7< (7<~I) adharma (adharmma); 7<|b|<
(7<~I|b|<) adharmaacaaran (adharmmaacaaran); <|<"|^
lazy 7" alas
lead, going ahead .o - netrritva; |<b|| paricaalanaa
to lead .o - <<| netrritva karaa; .o - .?5| netrritva deoyaa;
b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana); |c5 <|?5| niye yaaoyaa
to lead one's life 9|< <| <<| jiiban yaapan karaa
leader .o| netaa; |<b|< paricaalak; |5< naayak
leading of one's life 9|< <| jiiban yaapan
leaf |o| paataa
leaflet b|<5 pracaarapatra; |5<| patrikaa
the League of Nations 9||o" jaatisan

leak, pierced hole |9 chidra
lean, thin |">| maansahiin
to learn |"=| shikhaa; ."=| shekhaa
learned, knowledgeable |"|o shiksita; |o pandita; |<| bidvaan
lease |9 liij
leather b (b~I) carma (carmma); |<" o b (b~I) pariskrrita carma
leave, holiday 9 |D chuti
to leave, abandon |<o|| <<| parityaag karaa
to leave, depart <?| (<?5||) >?5| raonaa (raoyaanaa) haoyaa; bc
(b|5|) <|?5| cale (caliyaa) yaaoyaa
to leave off .9c5 (9||55|) .?5| chere (chaariyaa) deoyaa
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left side <| baam; <| |< baam dik'
on the left side <||c< baam-dike; <|~|"" baam-paarshvastha
leg | paa
legal c<< beedh; 7|*-"~<|5 aain-sambandhiiya; 7|* o aain
legend <||>| kaahinii
legitimacy c<<o| beedhataa; <<|<| yathaarthya
legitimate c<< beedh
leisure 7<<|" abakaash; 7<"< abasar
lemon .< lebu
length c| deerghya
lenient 5| dayaalu; .<| komal
lentils 5| daal
leopard |bo|<| citaabaagh; |bo|<| citaabaaghra
leprosy < 6c<| kustharog; < 6 kustha
less < kam
-less ->| -hiin; -|<>| -bihiin; -9|<| -chaaraa
lesson, counsel 5c" upadesh; <|" paraamaarsha
lesson, chapter, study section 7<||5 adhyaay
lesson, assigned portion |5 paath; |5 pradatta paath
lest, to prevent that [S40] |c9 paache
Let ...! ["hortative, 1st Person": S43] -* -i; .< yena ...
Let ...! ["hortative, 3rd Person": S43] -5< -uk; .< yena ...
to let, hire out 6|5| .?5| bhaaraa deoyaa
to let, allow, permit 7|o .?5| anumati deoyaa
to let be, leave .<c= (<||=5|) .?5| rekhe (raakhiyaa) deoyaa
letter, document 5 patra; |b|5 cithi
letter, character 7< aksar
level, even "o samatal; "o| samataa
level, standard |5 niyam; | maan
liability, responsibility ||5- daayitva
liable |5| daayii
liaison "c<| sanyog; .<||c<| yogaayog
liar |<||<|| mithyaabaadii; |<|< mithyuk
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liberal, generous 5|< udaar; "< saral
to liberate <<| mukta karaa; .9c5 (9||55|) .?5| chaariyaa
library ||< granthaagaar
licence, permit 7|o anumati
lie, falsehood |<|| mithyaa; |<|| <<| mithyaa kathaa
to lie, falsify |<|| <| mithyaa balaa
to lie down, repose "5 <<| shayan karaa; ."|5| shoyaa
life 9|< jiiban
lifeblood 9|<c< < jiibaner rakta
life-force 9|<-"| jiiban-shakti
life-giving 9|< jiiban-prad
lifeless o mrrita; |c"9 nistej
lifetime 9|<<| jiiban-kaal; 7|5 aayu
lifestyle 9|<<|<| jiiban-dhaaraa
life for life |c< |<c"|< (<|, 91, |<|5) | praaner
parishodh (badalaa, janya, binimay) praan
to lift .o|| tolaa; 55|c| (55|-) uthaano (uthaana); 5c| <<|
uttolan karaa
light in weight >|<| haalkaa
light seen 7|c| aalo; 7|c|< aalok; || diipti
electric light |<9| <||o bijalii baati
to bring to light <|" <<| prakaash karaa
lightning |<| bidyut'
like, similar -"< o| -er ... tulya; "|" saadrrish; co| (o)
mato (mata); -"< ||5 -er nyaay
to like 9 <<| pacchanda karaa
likely "~<o: sambhab
likelihood "~|<| sambhaabanaa
likeness "|'1 saadrrishya
likewise, similarly 7|<? aar-o; .o| temani
liking, attraction 9 (9) pachanda (pacchanda); 7|6<|b
limb 7 anga; o pratanga
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lime fruit .< lebu; |~ nimbu
limestone b| |<< cuunaa paathar
limit "|| siimaa; | praanta
to limit "||o <<| siimita karaa
to the limit b<6|c< caram-bhaabe
limited "||o siimita
line .<=| rekhaa; "||< saari
line of evidence |5 pramaan-patra
to linger .<| <<| derii karaa
lining 7|"< aastar
linking "c<| sanyog .<|"5 yog-suutra
lion |"> sinha
lip 56 ustha; 7<< adhar; .5|D th^ot; 56|<< usthaadhar
liquid o< taral; o< |< taral padaartha
liquor "<| suraa
list, schedule o||<| taalikaa
to listen O| shunaa; ."|| shonaa; "| sunaa; "< <<| shraban
karaa; c|c<| .?5| manoyog deoyaa
listener ."|o| shrotaa; "<<o shraban-rata
literal 7||<< aaksarik
literary "||>|o|< saahityik
literate 5|-.=| paraa lekhaa
literate person .=|-5| 9|| .|< lekhaa- paraa jaanaa lok
literature "||>o| saahitya
litter 7|<9| aabarjanaa
a little, not much 7 alpa; "<D ek-tu
little, small .9|D chota; ksudra
little by little |c< |c< maajhe maajhe
live 9||<o jiibita; o|9| taajaa
to live, reside, inhabit <|<| thaakaa; <|" <<| baas karaa; <"<|" <<|
basabaas karaa
to live, thrive <|b| b^aacaa; .<cb <|<| b^ece thaakaa; 9||<o <|<|
jiibita thaakaa
to live from day to day | "c (7||5|) | =|?5| din ene (aaniyaa)
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din khaaoyaa
to live life 9|< <| <<| jiiban yaapan karaa; 9|< <|< <<|
jiiban dhaaran karaa
livelihood, a living 9||<<| jiibikaa
liver << yakrrit'
livestock O| pashupaalan
living, alive <o|c (<|c) 9||<o bartamaane (barttamaane)
living matter c9< |< jeeba padaartha
living thing || praanii
way of living 9|<<|<| jiiban-dhaaraa
lizard |D<|D|< tik'tiki; |<||D giragiti; .|"| gosaap
load to carry .<|<| bojhaa; 6|< bhaar
loaf |5<|D paauruti; o| taal
loan +| rrin-daan; <|< dhaar; + rrin
to loan + .?5| rrin deoyaa; + <<| rrin karaa
local "||5 sthaaniiya
locality <|9 kaach; "| sthaan
to locate 7<"| |c" <<| abasthaan nirdesh karaa
located -<o| (-<| ) -bartii (-barttii)
located in .. -7<|"o -abasthita
location <|9 kaach; "| sthaan; |"|o sthiti
lock o|| taalaa
to lock o|| ||c| (||-) taalaa laagaano (laagaana); o|| .?5|
taalaa deoyaa
locked up o||<< taalaabandha
locust | pangapaal
lodging place 7|<|" aabaas; 7"|5| <|""| asthaayii baasasthaan
log <|c5< G|5 kaather guri
logic <| yukti; o< tarka
to use logic <| <| o< ||c| (||-) yukti baa tarka laagaano
logical <|"o yuktisangata; <| yuktipuurna
logical person <|<|| yuktibaadii
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lone "<| ekaa
loneliness |9o| nirjanataa
lonely, lonesome "<|<| ekaakii; "|>| sangiihiin
long [distance] < duur
long [physically] ~| lambaa;
long [in time] | diirgha; |<|<||| diirghakaal-byaapii
long sword o<<||< tarabaari
longevity | 9|< diirgha jiiban
longing, eagerness 7|<|^=| aakaankhaa; <|v| baanchaa; |"|
longsuffering, very patient |"|>< diirghasahisnu
longsuffering, great patience |"|><o| diirghasahisnutaa
look, appearance < ruup; .b>|<| cehaaraa
look, glance |8|o drristipaat
to look .=| dekhaa
to look around o||<c5 (o|<|*5|) .=| taakiye (taakaaiyaa) dekhaa
to look at o|<|c| (o|<|-) taakaano (taakaana)
to look for .=|9| kh^ojaa; 7c< <<| anvesan karaa
to look out, take care <- .?5| yatna neoyaa; c|c<| .?5|
manoyog deoyaa
looking-glass, mirror 7|5| aayanaa; darpan
looking to .., intent on 5|o udyata
loose =|| khaalii; mukta; << >co (>*co) .||bo bandhan
hate (haite) mocita; 7|| aalagaa
to loose <<| mukta karaa; << .|b <<| bandhan mocan
karaa; =|| khaalaa
loot 5 lunthan; 7>< apaharan
Lord 6 prabhu
Lord of all "|6 sadaaprabhu
to lord it 6- <<| prabhutva karaa; 6 >?5| prabhu haoyaa
lorry |<|>| |5| maal-baahii gaarii
to lose >|<|c| (>|<|-) haaraano (haaraana)
loss 5 ksay; |o ksati; 7b5 apacay
lost >||<c5 (>|<|*5|) haariye (haaraaiyaa)
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a lot of, much 7c< anek
loud .9|c< jore
loudspeaker "<<<< < svar-bardhak yantra
lovable ||o9< |-|] prritijanak [-aa]
love . prem; 6|<|"| bhaalabaasaa; ." > sneha; 6| bhakti
mutual love <" < . paraspar prem
love for one another <" c<< |o . parasparer prati prem; "c<
7c<< |o . eke aparer prati prem
love of money <|"| dhanaasakti; D|<|-5"|< |o 7|o|<
6|<|"| taakaa-payasaar prati atirikta bhaalabaasaa
to love . <<| prem karaa; 6|c|<|"| (6|<|"|) bhaalobaasaa
lover, male .|< premik; 5| pranayii; |5< naayak
lover, female .|<| premikaa; 5|| pranayiini; ||5<| naayikaa
loving .5 premamay; .| premii; ." >"| snehashiil; .
-loving -|5 -priya
low |~ nimna; < kam; |b nicu; | nyuun
lowly |~ nimna
to lower <|c| (<||-) kamaano (kaamaana); ||c| (||-)
naamaano (naamaana)
loyal "|< saadhu; |<"" bishvasta; <'1 bashya; 7|o aanugata
loyal love <'1o| bashyataa; 7o| anugatya; 5| dayaa
loyalty "|<o| saadhutaa; |<""o| bishvastataa
luck 6|| bhaagya
lucky 6||<| bhaagyabaan
luggage | maal; |5|< g^aathari; .|D mot
lunar b| caandra; b|Do candraghatita
lunatic, mad | paagal; .<|<| bokaa
lunch c<< =|<|< dupurer khaabaar; <||> .6|9 madhyaahna
lung "" phus-phus'; <|5c<|< baayukos
lust .|6 lobh; <| kaam; <||" kaamaasakta; <|c|9|
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luxurious |<||" bilaasi
luxury |<|"| bilaasii; |<||"o| bilaasitaa
lying, located 7<|"o abasthita
lying, reposing Oc5 (O*5|) shuye (shuiyaa)
lying, speaking lies |<||<|| mithyaabaadii
lyric |o-<|<o| giit-kabitaa; ||o<|<o| giitikabitaa
machine < yantra; < kal
machinery <||o yantrapaati
mad | paagal; 5I| unmaad
madness 5I unmatta
madam "~| |>| sambhraanta mahilaa
to madden .c (.|5|) o | ksepe (ksepiyaa) tulaa; .| ksepaa
maddened .c (.|5|) ksepe (ksepiyaa)
made ||o (||~I) nirmitta (nirmmita)
magazine "||5<|5<| saamayik-patrikaa; "||5<| samayikii
magic *9| indrajaal; <| yaadu
magnet b~< cumbak
magnificent b<|< camat'-kaar
to magnify 7|o<|9o <<| atiranjita karaa; <5 <<| bara karaa
maid <1| kanyaa
maiden < |<| kumaarii
mail 5|< daak
maimed | nulaa
main muul; <| pradhaan
mainly <|o: pradhaanatahha
to maintain, keep going <9|5 <|=| bajaay raakhaa
to maintain, follow | <<| paalan karaa
to maintain, support 7<~ <<| abalamban karaa
maintenance < raksan
majestic >| mahaan; <|c9||bo raajocita
majesty of king or queen >|<|9 mahaaraaj; >|<|9| mahaaraajnii
major in importance <>< brrihattar; G<o< gurutar
majority .<"|< 6| beshiir bhaag; 7|<<|" adhikaansh; "=||c||<6
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to make || (|~I) <<| nirmaan (nirmmaan) karaa; "|8 <<|
srristi karaa; co|< <<| teeri karaa
maker ||<o| (|~I|<|) nirmaan-kartaa (nirmmaan-karttaa)
"|8<o| ("|8<|) srristikartaa (srristikarttaa); "8| srastaa; |o|
(|~I|o|) nirmaataa (nirmmaataa)
making || (|~I|) nirmaan (nirmmaan); 5 gathan
maladministration < "|" kushaasan
male << 9|o|5 purus jaatiiya
to make a malediction 7|6"|c< |5 <<| abhishaaper paatra karaa
malice |<c< bidves; .< des; .< dves
malicious |<c< <|5 bidves paraayan
malignant .|< |<c< <|5 ghor bidves paraayan; "|||o<
malnutrition 7D apusta; 7<| aparyaapta; 7|8 apusti
mammal "1|5| 9|< stanyapaayii jiib; <|5| 9|< dudh-paayii jiib
man |< maanus; <| manusya
to manage |<b| <<| paricaalan karaa; <|<"| <<| byabasthaa
to manage to see .|=co |?5| dekhite paaoyaa
I am managing, coping 7||< bc aamaar cale
management |<b|| paricaalanaa; "|" shaasan; <|<"||
manager |<b|< paricaalak; "|"< shaasak; <|<"|<
mango 7| aam
mania <||o< baatik; 5~Io| ummattataa
manifest <|" 7|c9 |"] prakaash aache [eman]
manifestation <|"|| prakaash-praapti
manifesting... -5 -may
manifesto *"|>|< istaahaar
mankind |<9||o maanab-jaati
manner, conduct <||o riiti; 7|b< aacaran
manner, method 5|5 upaay; <|<| dhaaraa; <|< prakaar; 6|< bhaab
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manslaughter <>o|| narahatyaa
manslayer <|o< naraghaatak
manual, by hand >"b||o hastacaalita
manual, guide-book "|< saaragrantha
to manufacture 5| <<| ut'-paadan karaa
manure "|< saar
manuscript >"||=o hastalikhita
many 7c< anek; < bahu; <o! kata!; || naanaan
many offspring <<" bahubansha
map < "| (<"|) nak'-shaa (nakashaa); ||b5 maan-citra
margin | praanta <|<| dhaaraa
marine "||< saamudrik
marital "||-"|-"~<|5 svaamii-strii-sambandhiiya
mark, spot |b> cihna; | daag
mark, target laksa
market <|9|< baajaar; >|D haat; |<| bipani; |<| bipanii
marriage |<<|> bibaah
marrow 79| majjaa
to marry |<<|> <<| bibaah karaa; |<c5 <<| biye karaa
marsh |< bil; 9|6 | jalaabhuumi
martial "||<< saamarik
martial law "||<< "|" saamarik shaasan
martyr ">| shahiid
marvel 7|'b<| aashcaryya
marvellous |<"I5<|< bismayakaar; 7 o adbhuut
Mary .<| merii; |<5 mariyam
masculine -9|o|5 pun-jaatiiya; <<| bal'-baan
mask c=|" mukhosh; 9 chal
massacre >o||<| hatyaakaanda; >o|| ganahatyaa
mass killing <||< >o|| byaapak hatyaa
masses 9"|<|< janasaadhaaran
master 6 prabhu; |"< shiksak; <o | (< |) kartaa (karttaa)
mat |< maadur
match for fire |5|"|* diyaashalaai; ."|* deshalaai
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match logically |oc<||o| pratiyogitaa
mate "| sangii; "|| <| "| svaamii baa strii
material, physical ||<< paarthiba; <|"|<< baastabik; 95 jar
material, substance |< padaartha; 5|| upaadaan; | maal
materialism 95<| jarabaad; <"o<| bastutantrabaad
materialistic <"o<|| bastutantrabaadii; 95<|| jarabaadii
to materialize, make appear <||<o <<| ruupaantarita karaa
to materialize, produce <|c< (<|c<|) |<o >?5| kaarye (kaaryye)
parinata haoyaa
materially, mainly o: muulatahh; 7o||<'1<<c
materially, physically ||<< 6|c< paarthiba bhaabe
mathematics 7<"|" ankashaastra; |o ganita
matter, physical substance |< padaartha
matter, subject |<<5 bisay
mattress .o|<< tosak; | gadi
mature puurna; |" paakka; |<" paripakka; |<| paakaa
maturity |<"o| paripakkataa; o| puurnataa
maximum "c<|b sarvocca; ""|<< sarvvaadhik
may, to be able |<| paaraa; >co (>*co) |<| hate (haite) paaraa;
.< yena
me 7||c< aamaake; 7||5 aamaay
meal 69 bhojan; 7|>|< aahaar; 7|>|< aahaary; =|| khaanaa
mean, middle <|b biic
mean, miserly < krripan
to mean 7< 9||c| (9||-) artha jaanaano (jaanaana); 7< <|=|
artha raakhaa; <<|c| (<<|-) bujhaano (bujhaana)
meaning, sense 7< artha; marma
meaning, that is, i.e. 7<| arthaat'; |c maane
means, way |<| maadhyam
by any means .< .<| <|c< ye kona prakaare
by no means .<| co* * (c>) kona mate-i nai (nahe)
meantime *|oc<| itimadhye
meantimes |c<* maajhe-i
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measles >| haam
measure | maap; |<| parimaan
to measure || maapaa; 59 <<| ujan karaa
measurement | maap
meat |" maansa; "o gashata; .|'o goshta
mechanical <-|<<5< yantra-bisayak
mechanic |"| mistrii; <| yantrii
to meddle 7" .?5| ansha neoyaa
to mediate <|" >?5| madhyastha haoyaa
mediation <|"o| madhyasthataa; |<|c maadhyame
mediator <|" <|| madhyastha byakti
medical person |b|<"< cikit'-sak
medicine ?<< oosadh; 5<< usudh; |?5| daaoyaa
to meditate <|| <<| dhyaan karaa
meditation <|| dhyaan
medium, middle <| madhya; <|<o| (<|<|) "| madhyabartii
(madhyabarttii) sthaan
medium, channel |<| maadhyam
meek < naram; mrridu; "| mrridushiil
to meet, gather "|| <<| saaksaat' karaa; "6|" >?5| sabhaasta
to meet, fill needs |D|c| (|D|-) mitaano (mitaana)
meeting "6| sabhaa
meeting place "6|" sabhaasthal; "||co< "| saaksaater sthaan
melodious "c<| surelaa
melody "|8 "|o sumista sangiit; | gaan
to melt |c| (|-) galaano (galaana); |5| <|?5| galiyaa
member of group ""| sadasya
memorable "I<|5 smaraniiya; |<=||o bikhyaat
Memorial Day "I<|c<< |<" smaranaarther dibas
memorial sign "I|o|b> smrriticihna
memorial, as a memory "I<|c<< smaranaarther
to memorize "I< <<| smaran karaa; c <|=| mane raakhaa; ="
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<<| mukhustha karaa
memory, power "I|o smrriti; "I< smaran; "I|o"| smrritishakti
memory, experience 7|69o| abhijnataa ("abhigyataa")
meningitis |" " -|< |< |> mastiska-jhiliir pradaaha
menstrual "|-+o "~<|5 strii-rritu sambandhiiya
mental ||"< maanasik
mention, note 5c= ullekh; *|o ingit; 7|c|b| aalocanaa
to mention 5c= <<| ullekh karaa; *|o <<| ingit karaa
merchant <|< banik
merciful 5| dayaalu; .">"| snehashiil; <<|5 karunaamay;
.">5 snehamay
mercy 5| dayaa; 7> anugraha; ." > sneha; <<| karunaa
mere, merely O< shudhu; .<< kebal; "<|5 ek-maatra
merits .<||o| yogyataa
merriment 5|" ullaas; 7| aananda
message "<| sanbaad; <|o| (<||) baartaa (baarttaa)
messenger "<|-|o| sanbaad-daataa; "<|-<|><
metal <|o dhaatu
method || pranaalii; |o paddhati; 5 kram
microscope 7<| < anubiiksan yantra
midday <||> madhyaahna; < .<| dupur belaa
middle <| madhya; <|<o| (<|<| ) madhyabartii (madhyabarttii);
|<=| maajh-khaan
middle-aged .|; proorh
middle-class <||< madhyabitta
midnight <|<||5 madhyaaraatri; <|<|o madhyaraat
midst <|" madhyasthal
might, power o| ksamataa; "||< saamaartha; < bal; .9|< jor
might, to be able |<| paaraa; >co (>*co) |<| hate (haite) paaraa
mightiness <|5 paraakram
mighty "|"|| shaktishaalii; "|| shaktimaan
migration 71 .c" |5| <"|<|" anya deshe giyaa basaabaas
mild mrridu; < naram; namra; .<| komal
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mild temper 6|< mrridubhaab
mildness o| mrridutaa; .<|o| komalataa; o| namrataa
militant 9| jangii
military "||<< saamarik; .||9 phooji
milk < dudh; "1 stanya
Milky Way 9|5|< chaayaapath
mill < kal
10 million .5|5 kror; .<||D koti
millionaire .5|5|o kror-pati
millions of ||<< laksaadhik
mimic, imitating 7<<|5 anukaran-priya
to mimic 7<< <<| anukaran karaa
minaret ||< minaar; b5| curaa
mind man; o mata
to mind, care c|c<| <<| manoyog karaa; <- .?5| yatna neoyaa
mindful c|c<|| manoyogii; <-"| yatnashiil; |<|<|
minding of the flesh |c"< 6|< maanser bhaab
mineral =|9 |< khanij padaartha
miniature |<|< ksudraakaar
minimum "<|~ sarba-nimna; |o nyuunatam
minister of government | mantrii
minister, servant |" daas
to minister |<b<| (|<b<||) <<| paricaryaa (paricaryyaa) karaa
Ministerial Training School |<b|<< |" |<||5 paricaarak
prashiksan bidyaalay
Our Kingdom Ministry 7||c< <|c9|< |<b<| aamaader raajyer
minor in importance o< ksudratar
minor in age |<|< naabaalak
minus |<c5| biyog
minute in size .9|D chota
minute of time ||D minit
miracle 7|c||<< D| aalookik ghatanaa; 7|'b< (7|'b<|) <|9
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aashcarya (aashcaryya) kaaj
miraculous 7c||<< alookik; 7o adbhuut
mirror 7|5| aayanaa; darpan
mirth 5|" ullaas; >< harsa
mis- 7- a-; |<- bi-
misbehaviour 7"|b|< asadaacaaran
miscellaneous |<|<< bibidh; |<|6 bibhinna
mischief 7|8 anista; |o ksati; 7<|< apakaar; >|| haani
miscreant, wicked person <|b|< duraacaar
misdeed < < kukarma; 7<|< aparaadh
miserable :=| duhhakhii; |:" nihhasva; 7|o6 atistha
misery := duhhakha; <8 kasta; |<<5 durbisay
misfortune, hardship |< bipad; := duhhakha
to misguide 6c< b|| <<| bhul-pathe caalanaa karaa; ||
9I|c| (9|-) bhraanti janmaano (janmaana)
mishap D| durghatanaa
to misinterpret 6 7< <<| bhul artha karaa
to mislead |<|| <<| bipad-gaamii karaa; || 9I|c| (9|-)
bhraanti janmaano (janmaana)
misled | bhraanta; |<| bibhraanta
Miss < |<| kumaarii
miss 7< o<|< o| (7< o<|< |o|) akrritakaaryataa (akrritakaaryyataa)
to miss, fail to hit | <<co (<|<co) | |<| laksya kar-te (karite)
naa paaraa
to miss, feel the lack | .9c5 (9|5|*5|) <|?5| laksya chere
(chaaraaiyaa) yaaoyaa
missionary < -b|<< (<~I -b|<<) dharma-pracaarak
(dharmma-pracaarak); |"|<| mishanaarii
mist < 9 <|D<| kujjhatikaa
mistake 6 bhul
mistakes 6 || bhul-bhraanti
mistress of house <5| kartrii; |>| grrihinii
mistress at school |"|55| shiksayitrii
misunderstanding 6 7< <|<co bhul artha bujhite
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mix |"| mishaa
to mix |" <<| mishran karaa; | <<| milan karaa; ||c|
(||-) milaano (milaana)
mixture |" mishran; | milan
mob ||<|<| 9o| daangaakaarii janataa
mobile b"| calan-shiil
to mock 5>|" <<| upahaas karaa
mode, form, state 7|<|< aakaar
model to be followed 7|" aadarsha
moderate <| madhyam; |<||< maajhaari; <|| madhyapanthii
modern 7|<|< aadhunik; o nuutan
modern day 7|<|< <| aadhunik kaal
moderns, modern people 7|<|< .|c<<| aadhunik lokeraa
modest .<|| yogya; |<5| binoyii; 6 bhadra; |"8 shista; "||o
o| "|<|< <c< " siimita ksamataa sviikaar kare eman
modesty .<||o| yogyataa; |<5 binay; 6|o| bhadrataa; |"8o|
shistataa; "||o o| "|<|< <<| " siimita ksamataa sviikaar
karaa eman
modification |<<o (|<<) paribartan (paribarttan)
to modify |<<o (|<<) <<| paribartan (paribarttan) karaa
moist "||1 |69| saamaanya bhijaa; 7| aadra
moisture 7|o| aadrataa
molestation 5|5 ut'piiran
moment >o (>) muhuurta (muhuurtta); |c< nimes
monarch "|D samraat; <|9| raajaa
monarch <|9o raaj-tantra
money, finance 7< artha
money in hand daily D|<| taakaa; 5"| payasaa
love of money <|"| dhanaasakti
-monger -?5|| -oyaalaa
monkey <|< baanar
monotonous "<cc5 ek-gheye
monsoon <" marasum
month |" maas
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monthly ||"< maasik
months, seasons: [see Grammar 58.1]
monumental instructions "|oc"|< smrritisoodha
mood .9|9 mejaaj; c|6|< manobhaab; c< 6|< maner bhaab
moon b candra; b | c^aad
moonlight .9||" | jyot'snaa; b|<< candrakiran
moral principle ||o niiti
moral, principled c|o< neetik
morality c|o<o| neetikataa; ||o"|" niitishaastra
morbid <|||<" byaadhigrasta
more, larger amount, extent 7|< aar; 7|<? aar-o; 7|c<| aaro; 7|<<
more, extra 7|o|< atirikta; .<|" beshi; .<"| beshii
more [comparative usage: see Study 55]
more than <|c<<? baarer-o
moreover 7|<? aar-o; 7|<|< adhikintu
morning, morningtime "<| sakaal; "<| .<| sakaal belaa
"Good morning!" : as "Good day!", etc .
mortal, fatal "|^||o< saanghaatik; |>< praanahar; |<|-I<
mortal, subject to death <"| maran-shiil; < mar
mortgage <<< bandhak
moslem "| musal-maan
mosque "|9 mas'jid
mosquito "| mashaa
most, more than all others [superlative usage: see Study 55] "<cbc5
sab-ceye ; "< - ("" -) sarva- (sarvva-); -o -tam
most dear |5o priyatam
Most Holy |<5o pavitratam
Most High <|< paraat'par
most quantity, majority 7|<<|" adhikaansh
most so, much so .<|" beshi; .<"| beshii; =< khub
moth <|cD kiite
mother 7|~| (7||) aammaa (aamaa); | maa; |o| maataa
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mother-in-law " |O5| shvaashurii; " " shvashruu
mother-tongue |o 6|<| maatrribhaasaa
motion, movement |o gati; " |< prastaab
motion pictures b| |b5G| calamaan citraguli; b|b5 calacitra
to motivate 5 <<| udvuddha karaa
motivated 5 udvuddha
motivation .<| preranaa
motive 5c'1 uddeshya; <|< kaaran; o< mat-lab; .<|
mount, mountain |>|5 paahaar; <o ("o) parbat (parbbat)
to mount, climb b5| caraa
"sermon on the mount" |<o| (|" o|) 5c" paarbatya (paarbbatya)
mountain |>|5 paahaar; <o (" o) parbat (parbbat)
to mourn |<| <<| bilaap karaa; ."|< <<| shok karaa
mourning ."|< shok; |<| bilaap
mouse *< i^dur
mouth = mukh
mouthpiece, spokesman =|5 mukh-paatra
to move, change location b| calaa; |5| naaraa
to cause to move, drive b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana)
moved emotionally 7|66 o abhibhuuta
moved with pity <<| << karunaa bodh; <<||<8 karunaabista
moved, urged c<||bo prarocita; c||o pranodita; 5 udvuddha
to be moved to do <<co (<|<co) .<| |?5| kar-te (karite)
preranaa paaoyaa
movement, change |<<o (|<<) paribartan (paribarttan)
movement, political campaign 7|c| aandolan
moving, emotive ""| marmasparshii; b"| calan-shiil
much 7c< anek; .<|" beshi; .<"| beshii; b< pracur
as much oo tata; ooD< tatatuku; |5< oo thik tata
this much "o eta; "oD<< etatuku; |5< "o thik eta
mud <|| kaadaa; <| dhuuli
mule =b< khaccar; 7"o< ashvatar
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multiplication G gunan
multipurpose <=| bahumukhii
Mummy | maa; 7|~| (7||) aammaa (aamaa)
municipality .|<"6| poorasabhaa
murder = khun; >o|| hatyaa
to murder = <<| khun karaa; >o|| <<| hatyaa karaa
murderer =| khunii; >o||<|<| hatyaakaarii
to murmur |<5|<5 <<| bir-bir karaa; |<<| <|" <<| birakti
prakaash karaa; |<<| <b"| <<| birakti bacasaa karaa
muscle |"c"| maansapeshii
museum <|< yaadughar; " "|| pradarshan-shaalaa
music "|o sangiit
Muslim: [see Moslem]
must: [see "have to": G54.4]
[I] must read [now] |7||< "=] 5co >c< [aamaar ekhan] par-te
habe (|7||< "=] |5co >*c< [aamaar ekhan] parite haibe)
mutton .65|< |" bheraar maansa
mutual |<"|<< paarasparik; <"c<< parasparer
mutually << (<"<) paraspar; "c< 71c< eke anyake; "c<
7c<< "|c< eke aparer saathe
my 7||< aamaar
myself 7|| "5 aami svayan
mystery <>"| rahasya; c95 |<<5 duurjney ("duurgyey") bisay
myth .|<||<| <<| pooraanikii kathaa; 7|o<<| atikathaa; <||<
<b| kaalpanik racanaa
mythological .|<||< pooraanik
Nabonidus .c<||*|" nebonaaidaas
nail on digit = nakh; =< nakhar
nail for fixing .c<< perek
Nain ||5 naayin'
naked 5 ulanga; nagna; 7||<o anaabrrita; ||D| nyaantaa;
|<<" bibastra
name | naam
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to name 7|>4| <<| aahbaan karaa
napkin <| rumaal
narration <| barnanaa; <||>| kaahinii
narrow "<| sankiirna; 7"" aprashasta; "< saru
narrowed down "| sanksipta
narrow-minded 7|< anuudaar; "<|| sankiirnamanaa
nasal ||< naaki
nasty .|<| noraa
nation 9||o jaati
national anthem 9|o|5 "|o jaatiiya sangiit
national flag 9|o|5 o|<| jaatiiya pataakaa
nationalism 9|o|5o|<| jaatiiyataabaad
nationalist 9|o|5o|<|| jaatiiyataabaadii
nationality 9|o|5o| jaatiiyataa; 9|o|5 < |o jaatiiya prakrriti
to nationalize <|8|5- <<| raastraayatva karaa
native ."|5 deshiiya; "9|o svajaat, 7|<<|"| adhibaasii
natural " |6||<< svaabhaabik; |< |o< praakrritik
natural disaster |< |o< |<< 5 praakrritik biparyay
naturally "6|<o: svabhaabatahha; "|6||<< 6|c< svaabhaabik bhaabe
nature < |o prakrriti
naughty 8 dusta; 8 dustu
naughtiness 8| dustumi
Nazarene |"<o|5 naasaratiiya
near |<D nikat; 7<<o| (7<<|) aduurabartii (aduurabarttii);
|<D" nikatasta; <|c9 kaache; 5- upa-
near at hand |<D<o| (|<D<| ) nikat-bartii (nikat-barttii)
nearing "|c5 egiye
neat |<9 paricchanna
necessary 7|<'1< aabashyak; <<||< dar-kaari; c5|9|5
necessity 7|<'1<o| aabashyakataa; c5|9 prayojan; <<|<
neck | galaa; |5 ghar
need c5|9 prayojan; 76|< abhaab; <<|< dar-kaar
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needle " * s^uui; 9 b ch^uc
needy |:" nihhasva; |o| |< nitaanta daridra
negative in character 76|<"b< abhaab-suucak
negative, denying 7"|<|<"b< asviikaar-suucak
negative, disliking 7||o<< apriitikar
negative, pessimistic .|o<|b< netibaacak
to neglect o||9| <<| taacchilya karaa; 7<c>| <<| abahelaa karaa
negligible | naganya; 5c|5 upeksaniiya
to negotiate 7|c|b| <<| aalocanaa karaa
neighbour |oc<"| pratibeshii; |o<|"| pratibaasii; 5|" parashi
neighbourhood, vicinity |5| paaraa; c<D| neekatya
neither "|D? |, 71|D? | " etio naa, anyatio naa eman; >5 "|D
5 ."|D hay eti nay seti
neither cold nor hot | "|o | o naa shiital naa tapta
nephew 6|*c| bhaaipo; 6||c5 bhaaginey
nepotism " 9|5 svajanapriiya
nerve "|5 snaayu; c|>< "| deehik shakti
-ness -o| -taa
nest |5 niir; ||=< <|"| paakhir baasaa
net 9| jaal; | ph^aad
neuter, eunuch "< napunsak; <|<| kliibalinga
neutral |<c nirapeksa
never <=c| 5 (<=? c>) kakhano nay (kakhan-o nahe); .<|c|
5c 51| (.<| 5c c>) kono krame nay/naa (kona krame
new o natun, o nuutan
new-born <9|o nabajaata
newcomer 7|< aagantuk
news "<| sanvaad; "|b|< samaacaar; =<< khabar
newspaper "<| 5 sanvaad patra; "|b|< 5 samaacar patra;
=<< 5 khabar patra
next, adjacent <|c9< kaacher
next, following |5< <<o| (<<|) thik parabartii (parabarttii);
7||| aagaamii; c< pare
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next, then o|< (o|>|<) < taar (taahaar) par; o|< (o|>|<) c< taar
(taahaar) pare
nice 6|c| (6|) bhaalo (bhaala); "< sundar
nickname 5|<| daak-naam
night <|o raat; <|5| raatrii; <|5 raatra
night and day <|<|5 dibaaraatra
nil O||o| shunyaataa; O1 shunya; |<9* 5 (c>) kichu-i nay
the year nineteen fourteen 5|"` " .b| "| unnish' sha coodda saal
no | naa
no doubt |:"c> nihh-sandeha; .<|c| "c> .* .< (.<|
"c> |* .< ... kono sandeha nei ye (kona sandeha naai ye
no way .<|c| (.<|) 5c | kono (kona) krame naa; <=-* 5
(c>) kakhana-i nay (nahe)
noble 6 bhadra; 5|< udaar
noble-minded >|6< mahaanubhab
nobody, no one .<5 | keu naa; .<> | keha naa
noise .<||> kolaahal; c| gandagol; .|| golamaal
noisy .<||> kolaahal-puurna
nomadic "| bhraman-shiil
nominal, in name |<|<| naam-dhaarii; ||5 naamiiya; |c|5
nominal, slight "||1 saamaanya
non- |<- bi-; 7- a-
non-cooperation 7">c<| asahayog
non-living 7c9< ajeeba
none .<| |* kona ... naai
nonsense o 9 tuccha; 7< >| <<| arthahiin kathaa
noon < dupur; < .<| dupur belaa
normal, general, usual "|<|< saadhaaran; |5|o niyamita; "|6||<<
normal, generally accepted 7|o"|<|< atisaadhaaran
normally "|<|<o ("|<|<o:) saadhaaranata (saadhaaranatahha);
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"|6||<< <||oco svaabhaabik riitite
normally viewed "|6||<< <c (<|5|) <<| >5 svaabhaabik bale
(baliyaa) dharaa hay
north 5< uttar
north direction 5< |< uttar dik'
nose |< naak; ||"<| naasikaa
to nose, interfere 7|<<|< bb| <<| anadhikaar carcaa karaa
nostril |c<< o naaker garta; |c<< |9 naaker chidra; ||"<|
not [see Study 33] | naa; 5 (c>) nay (nahe); .* (|*) nei (naai)
not to be: am not, is not, are not, etc. (Imagine "not to be" | >?5|
naa haoyaa being compressed into a notional infinitive ?5|
"naoyaa". This word does not exist, but it might help you in
understanding how the following verb declension is developed
and used in comparison with "to be" ">?5| haoyaa".) [Studies
11, 17, 33] : *,?, 5, (|>, c>|, c>, c>) nai,
nao, nay, nan (nahi, naho, nahe, nahen)
not being in existence [Study 33] .* (|*) nei (naai)
or not [see Study 18] |< | ki naa; | |< naa ki
notable 5c=c<|| ullekh-yogya
note of money D|<|< .|D taakaar not
note of music "< svar
note of observation | laksya
noteworthy "I<|5 smaraniiya; |" prasiddha
nothing |<9 |*] 5 (c>, |) kichu[i] nay (nahe, naa)
notice .|<| ghosanaa; |<9| bijnaapan ["bigyaapan"]
to notice | <<| laksya karaa
notification .|<| ghosanaa; |<9|-5 bijnaapan-patra
notorious person, well-known for badness < =||D kukhyaata
notorious in quality, well-known for badness <| bad-naam; |
notwithstanding "c-? ("c4?) satveo (sattveo)
novice <|b| k^aacaa
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now "= ekhan; " c e ksane
nuclear 7||<< aanabik; <||<< paramaanabik
nucleus .<" kendrasthal
nude 5 ulanga
nuisance 5|o ut'paata; 99| janjaal
number - [cardinals: see Grammar 57.1] "=|| sankhyaa; <b bacan
number - fractions [ see Grammar 57.2]
number - ordinal [see Grammar 57.3]
number - date [see Grammar 58.2]
number - telling time [see Grammar 58.3]
numeral 7< anka
numerous <"=|< bahusankhyak; 7c< anek; || naanaan
nurse <|5| dhaatrii
nut <|| baadaam
nutrition |8 pusti; .|< posan
O! [Study 22] .>! he!
O.K.! 6|c| (6|) bhaalo (bhaaala), 7|b9| aachaa!
oath "< shapath
obedience <'1o| bashyataa, 7|9|<|oo| aanaanubartitaa
obedient <|<| baadhya, 7|"|<o| aanaanubartii
to obey || <<| maanya karaa, | <<| paalan karaa, || maanaa
object, thing <" bastu
object, target | laksya
to object 7|| <<| aapatti karaa
obligation <o<| (<<|) kartabya (karttabya)
to oblige <|<| <<| baadhya karaa, <||<o <<| baadhita karaa
obscene 7"| ashliil, .|<| non^raa
observance 76| anusthaan
observation <c< paryabeksan
to observe, pay attention | <<| laksya karaa; c|c<| .?5|
manoyog deoyaa
to observe, comply with | <<| paalan karaa
to observe, watch <c< <<| paryabeksan karaa; |8 |o <<|
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drristi paat karaa
obstacle <|<| baadhaa, <|||o byaaghaata, |o<<< pratibandhak
to obtain |?5| paoyaa, |6 <<| laabha karaa
obvious " 8 spasta; o|5| pratiiyamaan
occasion "5 samay; 5 upalaksa; "c<| suyog
at the right occasion "|5< >co (>c) sathik muhuurte
occasional 7|5|o aniyamita; |"|< praasangik
occasionally |c< |c< maajhe maajhe
occupant 7|<<|<| adhikaarii
occupation <| brritti; ."| peshaa
occupier 6|5|cD bhaaraate; =<|<| dakhal-kaarii
to occupy = <<| dakhal karaa; <|" <<| baas karaa
to occur D| ghataa; >?5| haoyaa
occurrence D| ghatanaa
ocean " samudra
o'clock [see G58.3] -D| -taa
odd, strange 7 o adbhuut
odour < gandha
of ... , -'s -"< (-<) -er (-r)
of ... , -s' -.< -der
Be off! < >?! dur hao!
offence .|< dos; 7<|< aparaadh
to offer " |< <<| prastaab karaa; 5" <<| ut'sarga karaa; |c<
<<| nibedan karaa; 9| <<| jnaapan ("gyaapan") karaa
offering 5>|< upahaar; <| bali
office <|<|5 (<|<||5) kaaryaalay (kaaryyaalay); 7|" aphis; <
officer <b|<| (<~Ib|<|) karmacaarii (karmmacaarii); 7|<<||<<
adhikaarik; <<o| (<~I<|) karmakarttaa (karmmakartaa)
officially "<<|<| 6|c< sarakaarii bhaabe
offspring "| santaan; <" bansha; <|9 biij
often |5* praayai
oil co teel
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ointment malam
old, of age <5" bayaska
old, elderly <c5| buro
old, in seniority <c5| (<5) baro (bara)
old, worn, used <|c|, c<|c| (<|-) puraano, purono (purana)
old age <| <| baarddhakya
oligaarchy || 8 ."|< .|<c< |<| |5o "|" nirdista shreniir
lok-der dvaaraa gathita shaasan
olive 9|* jal-paai
omission 6 bhul; 5D| trutii
to omit <| .?5| baad deoyaa; 5c| <<| upeksaa karaa
on -"< ?c< (-"< 5c<) -er opare (-er upare); -.o -te; -" -e;
-5 -y
once "<<|< ek-baar; "<"5 ek-samay; "<| ekadaa
one, such a person [see G51.4]
one, 1 "< ek
one and a half .5 der
one at a time "c< "c< eke eke
oneself [see S51] |c9 nije; "5 svayan
to keep ... to oneself 7||< <|c9 ... <|=| aapanaar kaache ...
onion .5|9 p^eyaaj; |5|9 p^iyaaj
only "<|5 ek-maatra; .<< kebal; O< shudhu; |5 maatra
only-begotten "<9|o ek-jaata
open .=|| kholaa; 5~I ummukta; <|'1 prakaashya
to open, expose .=|| kholaa; =| khulaa; <|" <<| prakaash karaa;
5 <<| unmukta karaa
open-hearted "< saral; 5|< udaar
openly " 8o (" 8o:) spastata (spastatahha); <|'16|c<
to speak openly .=|"| <c< (<|<5|) <| kholasaa kare (kariyaa)
operation, surgical treatment |b|<"| cikit'saa
operation, work <|< (<|5|) kaarya (kaaryya)
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opinion matta; o|o mataamata; |<c<b| bibecanaa; man
opponent |<c<|<| birodhii
opportunity "c<| suyog; 7<"< abasar
to oppose |oc<|< <<| pratirodh karaa; <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa
opposer |< bipaksa
opposing - |<- pari-
opposite 5cD| ulto
opposition |<o| bipaksataa; |<c<|< birodh; <|<| baadhaa
to oppress 5|5 <<| ut'piiran karaa
oppressed |>|o nigrrihiita
oppression 7o||b|< atyaacaar
optimism 7|"|<|| aashaabaadii
option 9 pachanda; *9| icchaa
or 7<<| athabaa; |<<| kinbaa; |<~| kimbaa; <| baa
or, if not: [see Study 18] | naa
oral .||=< mookhik
orange fruit <| kamalaa
orbit < kaksa
orchard c< <|| phaler baagaan
order, commandment 7|c" aadesh; |c" nirdesh; 7|9| aajnaa
to order 7|9| .?5| aajnaa ["aagyaa"] deoyaa
orderliness "^=| shrrinkhalaa; |5|o 7<"| niyamita abasthaa;
"|<||" subinyaas
out of order, not working 7c<c9| akejo
ordinance 9<<| 7|* jarurii aain
ordinarily "|<|<o ("|<|<o:) saadhaaranata (saadhaaranatahha)
ordinary "|<|< saadhaaran
organ of body 7 anga; o pratanga; .>< dehayantra
organization "5 sangathan; |o6| pratisthaan
to organize "< <<| sanghabaddha karaa; c5 (|55|) .o|| gare
(gariyaa) tolaa
orient, east |b| praacya
oriental |cb|< praacyer; |b| praacya
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origin, very beginning 5| ut'patti; < 7|<~ pratham aarambha
origin, source muul; 5"> ut'sah
original .||< moolik; muul; 7|| aadi; 7|" aasal
originally o (o:) muulata (mulatahha); <o (oo:)
prathamata (prathamatahha); 7||co aadite
origination 9|<c|< jiivanodbhab
orphan "|o etim; 7|< anaath
orphanage "|o=|| etim-khaanaa
other 71 anya; |o|5 dvitiiya; 7< apar
any other 71c<| anyakona
otherwise 71 <|c< anyaprakaare
ought, would that [see Study 43] .< yena
our 7||c< aamaader
to oust, put out, expel <|>" o <<| bahiskrrita karaa; <|>" |< <<|
bahiskaar karaa
out, outside <||>c< baahire; <|*c< baaire; c< duure
out of use 7b|o apracalita
outbreak |6 |< praadurbhaab
outcast |<||"o nirbaasita
outcry 7|o| (7||) aartanaad (aarttanaad)
outing c| pramod bhraman
outline ="5| khasaraa; |<c= parilekh; 5c= ullekh
outlook, view '1 drrishya; |8c<| drristikon'
out of date ."c<c sekele; 7b|o apracalita
outrage <|<|< balaat'kaar; 7o||b|< atyaacaar
outside <||>< baahir; <||>c< baahire; <|*< baair; <|*c< baaire
outstanding, noteworthy 5c=c<|| ullekh-yogya
outstanding, unpaid <|>| <|<| c5 yaahaa baaki pare
outward expression <||>|< <|" baahyik prakaash
outworking "~ sampanna
ovary |5~c<|< dimbakos
oven 5 unun
over 5c< upare
over and over <|c< <|c< baare baare
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overall .|D mot; .|| moddaa
to overcome <||9o <<| paraajita karaa; 95 <<| jay karaa; 7|o5
<<| atikram karaa
overconfident 7o||<< 7|-|<" |"| atyadhik aatmabishvaasii
to overcrowd 7|o|< 6|5 <<| atirikta bhiir karaa
over-estimate 7|o|< |>"|< atirikta hisaab
overflowing b < pracur; |b < (|b < |) praacurya (praacuryya)
overhead, above 5c< upare; Sc< uurdhe; |<|< 5c< maathaar
to overlook <c< (<|c<) <<| paryabeksan (paryyabeksan)
karaa; 5c| <<| upeksaa karaa
over-population 7|o|< .|< "=|| atirikta lok sankhyaa
overseer 7<| adhaksya; o4|<<|5< tattvaabadhaayak
to overstep 7|o5 <<| atikram karaa
to overwhelm 7|66 o <<| abhibhuta karaa
owning - -|< -daar
own [see Study 51] |9 nij; |9" nijasva; 7| aapan
one's own 7||< aapanaar
owner 7|<<|<| adhikaarii; ||< maalik; -?5||1?5|| -oyaalaa1
ownership ||<|| maalikaanaa; "- svatva
oxygen 7~9| amlajaan
pace, step c padaksep
apace "| o|c samaan taale
pack .<|<| bojhaa
pact b| cukti
paddy <| dhaan
pagan .||< poottalik
page 6| prristhaa
pain .<| bedanaa; |5| piiraa; <|<| byathaa
pain of mind : |5| manahha piiraa
painstaking <8"|>< kastasahisnu
paint, colour < ran; <5 ran
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painter |b5|C citraankan
painting |b5 citra; <"| nak'shaa; ""| nakshaa
pair, matching .9|5| joraa
pair, married couple ~|o dampati
in pairs * * dui dui
palace <|9|"| raaj-praasaad; |"| praasaad
palate <"| rasanaa
pale .=|D| kh^otaa; |< paandubarna; ~| mlaan
palm of hand 79| anjuli; o| taalu
palm tree <<o karatal; o|9|o|5 |9 taalajaatiiya gaach
pamphlet |"<| pustikaa
pan <5|* >||5 karaai haari; 9|D chaatu
pan- |<- pari-; ""- sarvva-
panic 7|<|"I< 65 aakasmik bhay; 6||o bhiiti; -<| tvaraa
panorama |<'1 paridrrishya
panther |bo|<| citaabaagh
paper <|9 kaagaj
par "| samamuulya
para- |o- prati-
parable ||o<<| niitikathaapuurna galpa
paradise <c" param-desh; < "=5 "| param sukhamay
paragon 5<c< < 7|" ut'karser aadarsha; |o< pratiruup
paragraph 7c9 anucched
parallel line "|<| .<=| samaantaraal rekhaa
parallel view "|'1 saadrrishya
paraphrasing <<| <co |c5 muul baktavya balate giye
parasite <9|<| parajiibii
parcel = khanda
pardon | ksamaa; 7<||>|o | abyaahati daan; | maaph
to pardon, excuse | <<| ksamaa karaa
parents as a couple |o||o| pitaa maataa; <|<|| baabaamaa; |<|<|
parents various |o||o|<| pitaamaataaraa
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parklike garden c<||| purodyaan; 5|| udyaan
parliament "" sansad; 7|* "6| aain sabhaa
part, portion 7" ansha
part, zone, area 7< ancal
first part 7||" agrimaansha
furthest part, limit | praanta
for our part, as far as I we are concerned 7||c< c aamaader
in part 7"o: anshatahha
in parts 7||"<6|c< aanshik-bhaabe
to part the hair .D|< <|D| teri kaataa
to take part 7" > <<| ansha grahan karaa; 7" .?5| ansha
partial, favouring |o| paksapaatii; 7c| apeksaa
partial, incomplete 7||"< aanshik
partiality ||o- paksapaatitva; =c| mukhapeksaa
participant 7"||< anshiidaar; 7" |>< ansha graahak; "|<<
to participate 7" > <<| ansha grahan karaa
participation ">6||o| sahabhaagitaa
particular |5< thik; |<c"< bishes; ||8 nirdista
particularly |<c"<-6|c< bishes-bhaabe; |<c"<-<c bishes-ruupe;
-* -i
parting farewell |<|5| bidaayii
parting greetings:
"Let's meet again!" 7||"! "aasi!"
"We must see you again!" 7|<|< .=| >c< (>*c<)! "aabaar
dekhaa habe (haibe)!"
"Good-bye!" .>|< (>5<)! "mangal hok (hauk)!"
"Give my best wishes!" 7||< Oc69| |! "aamaar shubhecchaa
partition |<6| bibhaag
partly, in part 7"o: anshatahha
partner, husband |o
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partner, wife -|
partner, sharer 7"||< anshiidaar
party, group dal
in parties, factions || dalaadali
to pass away, die c< (|<5|) <|?5| mare (mariyaa) yaaoyaa
to pass away, dwindle away <c> (<|>5|) <|?5| bahe (bahiyaa)
to pass away, be removed |< >?5| bilupta haoyaa
to pass by b| calaa
to pass over, overlook 5c| upeksaa karaa
to pass over, transgress 7|o5 <<| atikram karaa; 5| >?5|
uttiirna haoyaa
to pass to completion < o<|< (< o<|< |) >?5| krritakaarya
(krritakaaryya) haoyaa
passage, corridor < path
passage, fare 6|5| bhaaraa
passage, passing <|> prabaaha
passenger <|5| yaatrii
passed away 7o|o atiita
passing away, demise |<| bilupti
is passing away <c> <|c9 (<|>5| <|*coc9) bahe yaacche (bahiyaa
passion 6|<|c< bhaabaabeg
passive observer ||"55 "< niskriya darshak
Passover Day |"|<<| | nistaar-parbii din
Passover Meal |"|<c<< .6|9 nistaar-parber bhoj
past, previous, gone by 7o|o atiita; 7|c< aager; o gata
past, recent |<o bigata
paste, glue .* lei; <|* kaai; manda
pasturage b<|| caraani
patch o|| taali
paternal co < peetrrik
path, course |o gati
path, way < path
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patience c<< | dheeryya; "|>< o| sahisnutaa
patient c<<5 (c<<|5) dheeryamay (dheeryyamay); "|>< sahisnu
patriot " c"c|< svadesh-premik
pattern 7|" aadarsha; | namunaa; 5|>< udaaharan
pay, wages .<o betan
to pay attention c|c<| <<| manoyog karaa
payable, due .5 dey
payment 7< pradatta artha
peace "|| shaanti
"Peace be with you!" 7|" "||?5||*< !
"And with you be peace!" ?5||*< 7|" "||!
peaceful "|| shaantipuurna
pearl | muktaa
peasant, farmer < << krrisak; b|<| caasaa
pebble |5 nuuri
peculiar, odd 7 o adbhuut
peculiar, special |<c"< bishes
pedestrian <b|<| pathacaarii
peel .9|<| chokalaa
to peel .9|<| 9|5|c| (95|-) chokalaa charaano (charaana); .9||
to peer o|<|c| (o|<|-) taakaano (taakaana); "<D <|c9< .<c<
<|c< (<||c<) <<| ek-tu kaacher theke paryaabeksan
(paryyaabeksan) karaa
pen for writing < kalam
penalty danda; 9|<|| jarimaanaa; 7< arthadanda
pencil .|" pen-sil; o | tuli; o |<| tulikaa
peninsula 5| upadviip
Pentecost <"| pancashattamii
people, nation 9||o jaati
people, individual persons .|c<<| lokeraa
people in general as a class .|c< loke
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"people of the nations" <9|o|c5<| parajaatiiyeraa
pepper |<b maric; <| jhaal
percentage "o<<| >|< shat-karaa haar
per cent "o<<| shat-karaa; |o"o pratishat
per day/diem c|< deenik; |o | prati din
per month/mensem ||"< maasik; |o |" prati maas
per year/annum <||< < baarsik; |o <"< prati bat'sar
perfect |" siddha; "~ sampuurna; .|<"1 dos-shuunya; |= o
nikh^ut; "|9"| saamanjasya; "|5< sathik
performance 7|65 abhinay; "~| sampaadan
perfume "<|" subaas; "|< <| sugandhi drabya
perhaps .<|< >5 bodh hay; >5 .o| (>5 o) hay to (hay ta); >5o
(>5-.o|) hay-ta (hay-to)
peri- 7|6- abhi-
peril |< bipad
perilous |<79< bipajjanak; |< 9< bipad janak
period <| kaal; "5 samay; .<| belaa
permanent "|5| sthaayii; 7|<<o|5 (7|<<|5) aparibartaniiya
permission 7|o anumati
permissive ">"| sahan-shiil
perpetual |b<"|5| cirasthaayii
to persecute, afflict, torment <| <<| yantranaa karaa; <|o| <<|
yaatanaa karaa
to persecute, for beliefs o|5| <<| taaranaa karaa; 5|5 <<|
ut'piiran karaa
to persecute, harrass |<|o (|<||o) <<| niryaatan (niryyaatan
karaa); |>|o <<| nigrrihiita karaa
persecution |<|o (|<||o) niryaatan (niryyaatan); >5<|
hayaraan; o|5| taaranaa
persistence 7<|<"|5 adhyabasaay
persistent 7<|<"|5| adhyabasaayii
person .|< lok; <|| byakti
personal <||o byaktigata
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personality <||- byaktitva
personally [see Grammar 51.2] <||o6|c< byaktigatabhaabe;
7|| aapani; -* -i
to persuade <|5 5| <<| prathyay ut'paadan karaa
persuasion c<|b| prarocanaa; <||9 raaji; <|5 prathyay
pertinence 5c<||o| upayogitaa; .<||o| yogyataa
pessimist |<|"|<|| niraashaabaadii; :=<|| duhhakhabaadii;
.|o<|b< .|< netibaacak lok
pestilence >||<| mahaamaarii
petition for help |< | praarthanaa; 7|c< aabedan; <=|"
pharoah c<| pharon
phase <|5 (<||5) paryaay (paryyaay)
phenomenon |<"I5<< D| bismay-kar ghatanaa
"celestial phenomena" 7|<|"c |<"I5<< <|||<
"aakaash-mandale bishmay-kar byaapaar"
philosopher |"|< daarshanik
philosophy ""|" darshan-shaastra; "-<| darshan-baad;
"-|<|| darshan-bidyaa
phonetics 5b|<o- uccaaran-tatva
phonograph 4||>| dhvanigraahii
photograph cD| phato; 7|c|<|b5 aalok-citra
to take a photograph cD| .o|| phato tolaa
physical, bodily c|>< deehik; "|<||<< shaariirik; ||< praanik
physical, material ||<< paarrthiba; '1o: praanik
physician |b|<"< cikit'sak
to pick out |<| <<| niriiksan karaa
picnic <c6|9 ban-bhojan
picture 9|< chabi; |b5 citra; <"| nak'shaa
piece D<c<| tukaro
to pierce |9 <<| chidra karaa
piety <||<o| (<||~I<o|) dhaarmikataa (dharmmikataa); 6| bhakti
pig Oc5|< shuyor; "<< shuukar
Pilate ||o piilaat
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pile || gaadaa
to pile up 9c5| <<| jaro karaa
pilgrim |<<|9< paribraajak; o|< <|5| tiirthayaatrii; <||5< yaatrik
pill of medicine ?<c<< <|5 oosadher bari
pillar "~ stambh; <| sthaam; 7<~ abalamban
pillar of truth "co|< "~ satyer stambha
pillow <||" baalish
pioneer 7|| agragaamii
pious <||< (<||~I<) dhaarmik (dhaarmmik)
pipe [in music] <||" b^aashi
pipe [in plumbing] nal
pit < kuup
"the pit", common grave |o| paataal
pitch, bituminous 7|<|o<| aalakaataraa
pitchfork <|D|< k^aataar danda
pitiable <<| karunaa
pity 5| dayaa; <<| karunaa
place "| sthaan; 9|*| jaaigaa; 9|5| jaayagaa
place of - -"| -sthaan
place of dwelling <|""| baasasthaan; |<|" nibaas
in place of |<<co (|<<c) paribarte (paribartte)
to place before, offer 7 <<| arpan karaa
to place issue firmly |<<5|D o c <<| bisay-ti tule dharaa
to place, hand literature "||>o||| .?5| saahityaadi deoyaa
plague 7||o aaghaat
plain, even "o samatal
plain, straightforward "< saral; "|||"<| saadaasidhaa
plan, drawing <"| nakashaa; <"| nak'shaa
plan, design, forethought |<<| parikalpanaa
plane, aeroplane, airplane |<| bimaan; . plen
planet > grah
plank o|< taak
plant b|<| caaraa; |9 gaach; 5| udbhid'
to plant [a flower] | ] .<| <<| [phul] ropan karaa; | ]
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||c| (|||-) [phul] laagaana
plantation 5|c<" upanibesh
plastic, flexible |5 namaniiya
plate <|| thaalaa; .D plet
plateau |6 | maal-bhuumi
platform |b| maacaan; < manca
platter <|| thaalaa
plausible "~< sambhab
play, drama |D< naatak
to play .=| khelaa; .=| <<| khelaa karaa
player .=c|5|5 kheloyaar
pleasant c|< manoram; "=<< sukhakar; 7|5 aanandamay
to please, choose for oneself *9| <<| icchaa karaa
to please, to be pleased by, to like, to prefer 9 <<| pachanda
to please, make happy =|" <<| khushi karaa; ="| <<| khushii karaa
to please, satisfy "8 <<| santusta karaa
to please oneself, do something as one likes 7||< *9|o |<9
<<| aapanaar icchaamata kichu karaa
Please ...! 5| <c< (<|<5|)! dayaa kare (kariyaa)!
pleased 7||o aanandita; =|" khushi; ="| khushii; "|= sukhi; o
trripta; 5||"o ullasita
to be pleased "8 >?5| santusta haoyaa
well-pleased |o priita
pleasure 7| aananda; "= sukh; 7|<| aaraam; o | trripti; ="
khush; c| pramod
to take pleasure in - -"< "|>o 5 <<| -er sahit pranay karaa
pleasure-trip c|- pramod-bhraman; c|-<|5
plenty, abundance |b< (|b< |) praacurya (praacuryya)
plenty, enough <c<D yathesta
to have plenty to do in - -.o 5|b5| 5| upaciyaa paraa
plough >| haal; | laangal
to plough >b|| <<| halacaalanaa karaa
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ploughman < << krrisak
plural <<b bahubacan
plus 7|o|< atirikta
plus sign .<|-|b> yog-cihna
pneumonia " c"< |> phus'phuser pradaaha
pocket c<D paket; <| thali
podium < manca
poem <|<o| kabitaa; <|<| kaabya; | padya
poet <|< kabi
poetry <|<o| kabitaa; <|<| kaabya; | padya
point, dot |< bindu
point, sharp tip hul
point of decimal "|< |b> dashamik cihna
to point the finger 7|^G .=|c| (.=|-) aangul dekhaano
pointed in discussion <<|<< yathaayatha
poison |<< vis
poisoned, polluted |<o >c5c9 dusita hayeche
poisonous |<<<|<| bis-dhaarii
pole .< meru
police |" pulish
police-station |c"< <|| pulisher thaanaa
policy "|" ||o shaasan niiti
polite 6 bhadra; |"8 shista
political <|9c|o< raaj-neetik
politician <|9||o9 raaj-niitijna ["raaj-niitigya"]
politics <|9||o raaj-niiti
poligamy <|<<|> bahubibaah
poll |<|b nirbaacan
pollution < duusan
Pontius |5 pantiiya
pool 9|"|5 jalaashay
poor <|< gariib; |< daridra
popular 9|5 janapriya
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popularity "< 9|5o| ("" 9|5o|) sarvajanapriiyataa
population in number 9"=|| janasankhyaa
pork "<c<< |" shuukarer maansha
port << bandar
portable <>c<|| bahan-yogya
to portend <c<* (" c<*) "|bo <<| puurvalaksan-ke-i
(purvvalaksan-ke-i) suucita karaa
portion 7" ansha
portrait |o< |o pratikrriti
Portuguese D |9 partugiij; .|o |9 partugiij
to pose 6| <<| bhaan karaa
position 7<"| abasthaan; <|9 kaach; 9|5| jaayagaa
positive, certain < o prakrrita; <<|< yathaartha; ||'bo nishcita
positively 7|"|<|| aadhaabaadii
possession, ownership 7|<<|< adhikaar
possessor 7|<<|<| adhikaarii
possibility "~|<| sambhaabanaa
possible "~< sambhab; "|<| saadhya
if possible "~< >c (>*c) sambhab hale (haile)
post [mail service] 5|< daak
post, pillar <|6 kaasthadanda; =|D kh^uti; <| thaam
postage 5|<-|" daak-maasul
postman 5|<-|5 daak-piyan
to postpone "|o <<| sthagita karaa
potato 7| aalu
potential <|<<< (<|<|<<) kaaryakar (kaaryyakar); |5<
poultry >|"-<| h^aas-muuragii
to pour u|| dhaalaa
poverty ||<| daaridrya; 76|< abhaab
powder Gc5| g^uro
power, electrical |<| bidyut'
power, strength "| shakti; < bal
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powerful "|| shaktimaan; <<| balabaan
practical <|"|<< baastabik; <|<>||<< byabahaarik; <|<<<
(<|<|<<) kaaryakar (kaaryyakar)
practical knowledge <|"< 9| baastab jnaan ["gyaan"]; <|<>||<<
9| byabahaarik jnaan ["gyaan"]
practice, habit 76||" abhyaas
practice, profession ."| peshaa
practices <|<|<| (<|<<|) kaaryyakalaap (kaaryakalaap)
to put into practice c5| <<| prayog karaa; <|c< ||c| (<|c< |
||-) kaarye laagaano (kaaryye laagaana)
to practise, criticise, study profoundly bb| <<| carcaa karaa
to practise customarily 76||" <<| abhyaas karaa
to practise, follow | <<| paalan karaa; 7"| <<| anushiilan
practiser 7<~| abalambii; <|<~| dharmaabalambii
praise ""| prashansaa; 5|"| upaasanaa
to praise ""| <<| prashansaa karaa; 5|"| <<| upaasanaa karaa
praiseworthy ""|5 prashansaniiya
to pray |< | <<| praarthanaa karaa; .||9|o <<| monaajaata
prayer |< | praarthanaa
to preach b|< <<| pracaar karaa
preaching b|< pracaar
precautionary measure "o<o|< <|9 satarkataamuulak kaaj
precise |5<* thik-i; <<|<< yathaayatha; |5<-|5< thik-thik; ||8
nirdista; ^=|^= punkhaanupunkha; |6 nirbhul
precisely ^=|^=<c punkhaanupunkharuupe; ^=|^=6|c<
to predict 6||<<|o<|| (6|<<|||) <<| bhabisyat-baanii
(bhabisyadvaanii) karaa
prediction 6||<<|o<|| (6|<<|||) bhabisyat-baanii
to predominate 7||<o| <<| aadhipatya karaa
preface 6 |<| bhuumikaa
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to prefer, like more 7|<<o< 9 <<| adhik-tar pachanda karaa
preference 7||<<|< agraadhikaa
pregnancy 6|<"| garbhaavasthaa; 6 <o|o| garbhabatiitaa
pregnant 6<o| garbhabatii
prejudice, bigotry < "" |< kusanskaar
prejudice, partiality ||o- paksapaatitva
preliminary |<|< praathamik
premature 7<|c< akaaler; 7"c5< asamayer
premium, initial payment |<|" kisti
preparation co<| teerii; " |o prastuti; 7|c5|9 aayojan
to prepare co|< <<| teeri karaa; " o <<| prastut karaa
prepared " o prastut
presence 5|"|o upasthiti
presence of mind 5|"|o <| upasthiti buddhi
present, attending 5|"o upasthita
present, gift | daan; 5>|< upahaar
present, now <o| (<|) bartamaan (barttamaan)
present, of now "= ekhan; " c e ksane
presentation, exhibition " pradarshan
presentation, handing over " samarpan
preservation "< sanraksan
to preserve <|b|c| (<|b|-) b^aacaano (b^aacaana)
President <|8|o raastrapati
press printery |5 mudranaalay; 9||=|| chaapaakhaanaa
press, reporters "<||o|<| sanbaad-daataaraa
press, papers "<| 5G| sanvaad-patraguli; 5|5<|
to press b|| caapaa
pressure b| caap; b| | caap daan
prestige "| sunaam
to presume 7| <<| anumaan karaa
presumption 7| anumaan; 7>C|< ahankaar
presumptuous ||~< daambik
pretty, fair, beautiful "< sundar
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pretty, fairly .|D||D motaamuti
to prevail 95 |6 <<| jay laabh karaa
to prevent <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa; |<|< <<| nibaaran karaa
<|<|c| (<|<|-) thaakaano (thaakaana); <|<o <<| bancitaa
karaa; | .?5| naa deoyaa; "|<c5 ("<|*5|) <|=| sariye
(saraaiyaa) raakhaa
preventing that, lest [see Study 40] |c9 paache
prevention |<|< nibaaran; |oc<|< pratirodh
previous o gata; <<o| ("<| ) puurbabartii (puurbbabarttii); <
(") puurba (puurbba)
price | daam; | muulya
price for release, ransom |<| muktir-muulya
without price/charge |<| c| binaa muulye
to prick .=|b| .?5| kh^ocaa deoyaa
pride 7>C|< ahankaar
priest <|<< yaayak; c<||>o purohit
primary |<|< praathamik; .||< moolik; 7|| aadim
prince <|9< |< raaj-kumaar; 7<| adhyaksa
"Prince of Peace" "||<|9 "shaantiraaj"
principal, leading "< <| ("" <|) sarvapradhaan
(sarvvapradhaan); <| pradhaan; 7<| adhyaksa
principle, basic rule ||o niiti
prior to, before -"< 7|c -er aage; -"< c< (c" ) -er puurbe
priority 7|o| agraganyataa
to print 9|| chaapaa
printery 9||=|| chaapaakhaanaa
printing 9|| chaapaa
prison .9 jel; <|<||< kaaraagaar
prisoner <<| bandhii
privacy .||5o| gopaniiyataa
private, personal |9" nijasva; <||o byaktigata
private, secret |9 nirjan; .||5 gopaniiya
privilege |<c"< "|<<| bishes subidhaa
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grand privilege >| "c<| mahaan suyog
prize <"|< puraskaar
probable "~< sambhab
probably "~<o ("~<o:) sambhabata (sambhabatahh); >5co| (>5o)
hay-to (hay-ta)
problem ""|| samasyaa
to proceed "|c5 (7||*5|) b| egiye (aagaaiyaa) calaa
process, system |o paddhati
procession O6<|5| shubha yaatraa; ."|6|<|5| shobhaayaatraa
proclamation .|<| ghosanaa; <|" prakaash; b|< pracaar
procured | praapta
procurement || praapti
prodigal, wasteful 5<|5| upabyayii; 7|o<|5| amitabyayii
to produce 5 <<| ut'pann karaa; 5| <<| ut'paadan karaa;
>||9< <<| haajir karaa
produced 5| ut'paadan
product, fruit phal
end product, outturn ."< |o shes gati
production 5| ut'paadan
productive 5|"| ut'paadan-shiil
profession, admission " |< |o sviikrriti
profession, work ."| peshaa
professional person ."||< peshaadaar
professional, qualified ."||<| peshaadaarii
professor 7<||< adhyaapak
profit |6 laabh; || munaaphaa; 5|o unnati
to profit, gain benefit |6<| <<| laabhabaan' karaa; 5<|< <<|
upakaar karaa
to profit, give benefit |6<| >?5| laabhabaan' haoyaa
to profit, make improvement 5|o <<| unnati karaa
profitable |69< laabh-janak; 5<|<| upakaarii
profusion |<|6 < |o bibhinna prakrriti
programme 76| anusthaan; <|<5 (<|<|5) kaaryakram
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progress 5 |o unnati; |o pragati; 7|o agragati
progressive 5 |o"| unnatishiil; 7|| agragaamii; 7"< agrasar
to prohibit |c<< <<| nisedh karaa; |c<< <<| nisedh karaa;
|oc<|< <<| pratirodh karaa
prohibited ||< nisiddh
prohibition |oc<|< pratirodh
proliferation |oc<||o| pratiyogitaa
prolific " phalaprasuu; phalaprad; 5|"|
prominent |<=||o bikhyaat; " o samunnata; |" prasiddha
prominence |"| prasiddhi; " |o samunnati
to promise |o9| <<| pratijnaa ["pratigyaa"] karaa; 7|<|< <<|
angiikaar karaa; |o" |o .?5| pratishruti deoyaa
promised |o9|o pratijnaata ["pratigyata"]
Promised Seed |o9|o <" pratijnaata [ "pratigyaata"] bansha
to promote 7"< <<| agrasar karaa; 5 o <<| unnata karaa; o c
<<| tule dharaa
prompt, punctual |5< "c5 thik samaye; o< tat'par
pronounce 5b|< <<| uccaaran karaa
pronounced 5b||<o uccaarita
pronunciation 5b|< uccaaran
proof, evidence | pramaan; "|| saaksya
propaganda b|< pracaar
proper 5< upayukta; 5|bo ucita; 5|b ucit'; "|bo samucit
properly 5<6|c< upayuktabhaabe; |5< <c thik ruupe
property "~| sampatti
prophecy 6|<<||| bhabisyadvaanii; 6|<<| <|| bhabisyat' baanii;
6|<<|| bhaababaanii
to prophesy 6|<<||| <| bhabisyadvaanii balaa; 6|<<| <|| <|
bhabisyat' baanii balaa; 6|<<|| <| bhaababaanii balaa
prophet (Sanskrit) 6|<<|| bhabisyadvaktaa; 6|<< <|| bhabisyat'
baadii; 6|<<|| bhaababaadii
prophet (Islamic background) 5~< pay-gambar
prophet (Hebrew/Arabic) <| nabii
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propitiatory, covering |5|'b praayashcitta; u|<| dhaak-naa
proposal " |< prastaab
to propose " |< <<| prastaab karaa; " |< .?5| prastaab neoyaa
proprietor ||< maalik; 7|<<|<| adhikaarii
to prosecute, proceed b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana)
prospect o||"| pratyaashaa
prospective "~|<|
prosperity "| samrriddhi
prostitute, harlot .<"|| beshyaa
prostitute [male, fallen person] |oo patita
prostitute [female, fallen person] |oo| patitaa
to protect <| <<| raksaa karaa; |o<| <<| pratiraksaa karaa
protection 7|"5 aashray; < raksan
protest |o<| pratibaad
prototype |"< namunaasvaaruup
proud 7><|<| ahankaarii; ||~< daambhik
to prove | <<| pramaan karaa
proverb |>co|c" hitopadesh; <| <|<| prabaad baakya
to provide .<||c| (.<||-) yogaano (yogaana); | <<| pradaan
karaa; "<<<|> <<| sarabaraaha karaa
province c" pradesh
provision, facilitation 7|c5|9 aayojan
provision, needs <| drabya
provision, supply "<<<|> sarabaraaha
provisionally 7"|5| 6|c< asthaayiibhaabe
provisions 7|c5|9 aayojan; "<<<|> sarabaraaha
to provoke anger <||c| (<||-) raagaano (raagaana); 5c|9o <<|
uttejita karaa
provoked <|||o raagaanvita; 5c|9o uttejita
prudent |<9 bijna ["bigya"]
psychology c||<9| manobijnaan ["manobigyaan"]
public, the people <| baktaa
public, open to the people 9"|<|< janasaadhaaran
public speaker <| baktaa
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public talk <o| baktrritaa
publication, publishing <|" prakaash
publicity agent [male] b|<< pracaarak
publicity agent [female] b||<<| pracaarikaa
publicly <|'1 prakaashya; 9"|<|<c< <|c9 janasaadhaaraner
kaache; 9"|<|<c| janasaadhaaranye
publisher <|"< prakaashak
pull, attraction 7|<< aakarsan
pull, tug D| taan
to pull, attract 7|<< <<| aakarsan karaa
to pull, draw, tug D|| taanaa; D| .?5| taan deoyaa
pulse, frequency |5| naarii
pulse, lentil 5| daal; | daal
pulverized 5|b ucinna; b |<b cuurnabicuurna
to punch <|"| dhaakkaa; 7||o .?5| aaghaat deoyaa
punctual "5|6 samay-nistha; |5< "c5< thik samayer
punctually |5< "c5 thik samaye; <<|"c5 yathaasamaye
to punish "||" .?5| shaasti deoyaa; .?5| danda deoyaa
punished |o dandita
punishment "||" shaasti; danda
pupil of class [male] 9|5 chaatra
pupil of class [female] 9|5| chaatrii
pupil of eye o|<| taaraa
puppet o putul
purchase 55 kray
to purchase 55 <<| kray karaa
pure |<O bishuddha; |"| paakkaa; |"C niskalanka
purely O<|5 shudhumaatra; .<<|5 kebal-maatra
purgatory <|o<| puragaatarii
to purge |<" |< <<| pariskaar karaa; |<" o <<| pariskrrita karaa
purification ."|< shodhan
purity |<Oo| bishuddhataa
purpose 5c'1 uddeshya; 7|6|5 abhipraay
to purpose to do <<co (<|<co) b| kar-te (karite) calaa
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purposeful 5c'15 uddeshyamay
purse <| thali
to pursue 7"< <<| anusaran karaa
to push .5| thelaa; .5||<| thelaamaaraa; <|"| .?5| dhaakaa
put to death >o hata
to put, establish "| <<| sthaapan karaa
to put, keep, place <|=| raakhaa
to put off, defer .c (.|5|) <|=| phele (pheliyaa) raakhaa
to put off, extinguish |6|c| (|6|-) nibhaano (nibhaana)
to put on, apply ||c| (||-) laagaano (laagaana)
to put on, dress with |<<| <<| paridhaan karaa
to put out, expel, oust <|>" o <<| bahiskrrita karaa; <|>" |< <<|
bahiskaar karaa
to put out, extinguish |6| <<| nibhaan karaa
to put to death >o|| <<| hatyaa karaa
to put up, erect .o|| tolaa
to put up with, tolerate " <<| sahya karaa
puzzled, confused |<||co .c bibhraantite phele
quake <~ kampa
qualification, characteristic G gun; b|<5 caritra
qualification, suitability .<||o| yogyataa
qualified " saksam; .<|| yogya
quality, character G gun
quality, standard | maan; Go | gun-gata maan
quality, way <|< prakaar; << rakam
quantity |<| parimaan; "=|| sankhyaa
quarrel <5| jhagaraa
quarter, fourth of a whole bo < |" caturthaansha
a quarter, fourth part b|< 6|c< "< 6| caar bhaager ek bhaag
quarter to ...: time [Grammar 58.3] .|c -D| poone ...-taa
quay .9|D jeti; |D ghaat
queen <|| raanii
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queer, strange, odd 7o adbhut; 7"|<|< asaadhaaran
to quench |6|c| (|6|-) nibhaano (nibhaana); "|o <<|
prashamita karaa
question " prashna; ""5 sanshay; ""|| samasyaa
queue |* laain
to queue, wait in line |*c 7c| <<| laaine apeksaa karaa
quick "|shiighra; o druta
quickly o|5|o||5 taaraataari
quiet "| shaanta; |<|> niriiha
quit o|| <<| tyaag karaa
quite, completely "~6|c< sampuurnabhaabe; "~ <c
quite, rather, fairly .<" besh
quite a few, several .<" <c5<D| besh kayek-taa
quotation 5 |o uddhrriti; 5 o <b uddhrrita bacan
to quote 5 o <<| uddhrrita karaa
Quran, Qur'aan, Koran .<|<| koraan
race, people 9||o jaati
race, run .|5 door; .|5<|9| door-baajii
race hatred 9||o|<c< jaatibidves
racial 9||oo jaatigata
radiance 579o| ujjalataa
radiation |<|<< bikiran
radio .<|5? redio; .<o|< betaar
radio wave .<o|< o< betaar taranga
rag |9 <"= chinna bastrakhanda
rage <| raag; .5|< krodh
raid 7|5 aakraman
rail .< rel
railing .<5| beraa
railway .<< rel-path
rain <|8 brristi; <<| barsaa
rainbow << randhanu;<|< raamadhanu
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rainy <|| baadalaa; .| megh-laa
rainy season [see Grammar 58.1] <<|<| barsaakaal
to raise .o|| tolaa; | | (|~ |) <<| nirmaan (nirmmaan) karaa;
5?| <<| utthaapan karaa; 5?||o <<| utthaapita karaa
raised 5?||o utthaapita
rank ."| shrenii
random "c|cc| elomelo
ransom |<| muktir-muulya
as a ransom |<|"<c muktir-muulyasvaruupe
rape << dharsan; <|<|< balaat'kaar
rapid o druta; o|| drutagaamii
rare |<< biral; 7"||1 asaamaanya
rash, headstrong >5<|<| hathakaarii; .|5|< g^oyaar
rash on skin "< |5 phusakuri
rat *< i^dur
rate >|< haar; ||8 | nirdista muulya
rather, but << baran; <<< baranca
rather, quite =< khub
rather than saying o| | <c (o|>| | <|5|) taa naa bale (taahaa naa
ratio 7|o anupaat
rational <| yuktipuurna
ravaged |<4" bidhbasta
raw <|b| k^aacaa
razor =< khur; < ksur
re- - (:-) puna- (punahh-)
to reach, get as far as .|9|c| (.|9|-) p^ochaano (p^ochaana)
to reach, gain possession of | >?5| praapta haoyaa
reachable .|9|c| (.|9|-) <|5 " p^ochaana yaay eman
to react |o|55| <<| pratikriyaa karaa
reaction |o|55| pratikriyaa
Please read! 5| <c< (<|<5|) 5! dayaa kare (kariyaa) parun!
to read 5| paraa; |5 <<| paath karaa
reader |5< paathak; 5|<||5 upaadhyaay
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reading 7<|5 adhyayan; |5 paath
ready, prepared " o prastut
ready, willing *9 < icchuk; *9| icchaapurna
ready made co5|<| teeyaarii; co<| teerii
ready to obey ">9 7|o sahaj anuniita
real < o prakrrita; <|" |<< baastabik; "|o|<|< satyikaar
to realise, understand 5| <<| upalabdhi karaa
realistic <|"<<|| baastab-baadii
reality <|"< baastab
realization 5| upalabdhi
realized, achieved <|"<||5o baastabaayita
really 7|"c aasale; <|" |<<* baastabik-i; < o* prakrrita-i;
< oc prakrritapakse
realm <|9| raajya; .5 ksetra
of the realms above 5 "|c< urddher sthaaner
of the realms below 7<: "|c< adhahh sthaaner
reason <|< kaaran; <| yukti; .>o hetu
the reason being [see Study 41] <|< kaaran; .<| kenanaa
reasonable <|< yuktiyukta; ||5"o nyaay-sangata; |
ksaanta; |<b|<<|"~ bicaar-buddhisampanna; .<||< yooktik
reasoning, line of thought <|o< yuktitaarka
reassurance <|5 7|"|" punaraay aashvaas
rebate <|D| baataa
to rebate <| .?5| baad deoyaa
rebel |<c|>| bidrohii; <|9c|>| raaj-drohii
to rebel |<c|> <<| biddroh karaa
rebellion |<c||>o| bidrohitaa; |<c|> bidroh; |<c<||<o| birodhitaa
to rebuild | | (:|~ |) <<| puna-nirmaan
(punahh-nirmmaan) karaa
rebellious |<c|>| bidrohii
rebuke |o<" |< tiraskaar; <<| bakaa
receipt <|" rasid; || praapti
to receive |?5| paaoyaa; > <<| grahan karaa
recent "~|o samprati; "|~|o< saampratik
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recently "~|o samprati; "~|o<|c sampratikaale
recipient >|o| grahiitaa; |>< graahak
reciprocal <"< paraspar
reckless 7"|<<| asaabadhaan
to recognise, accept "|<|< <<| sviikaar karaa
to recognise, identify |b|co |<| cinite paaraa; |<|bo <<| paricita
duly recognised " |< |o| sviikrritipraapta
recognition, acceptance " |<|< sviikaar; " |< |o sviikrriti; 5|
to recollect, remember "I< <<| smaran karaa
to recommend "||<" <<| supaarish karaa
recommendation "||<" supaarish
to reconcile <|5 << - " | <<| punaraay bandhutva sthaapan
reconciliation |<c<b| punarbibecanaa; <|5 |"| punaraay
reconstruction 5 punargathan
record document o||<| taalikaa; | dalil
record, historical account *|o>|c"< |< itihaaser nathi
record, powerful name o| ksamataa
to record, list o||<|6 <<| taalikaabhukta karaa
to recover from illness 7|c<|||6 <<| aarogya-laabh karaa
to recover from loss :| <<| punahhpraapta karaa
recovery, regaining health 7|c<|||6 aarogya-laabh
recovery, retrieval :|| punahh-praapti
recreation 7|c|-c| aamod-pramod
rectification "c"|< sanshodhan; ""|< sanskaar
to recurr : : D| punahh punahh ghataa
red | laal; .||>o lohita
to redeem <|< <<| punaruddhaar karaa; <|5 55 <<|
punaraay kray karaa
redemption 5|< uddhaar; <|<< raksaakaran
to reduce <|c| (<|-) kamaano (kamaana); <c (<|5|) <|?5|
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kame (kamiyaa) yaaoyaa
reduced "| sanksipta
reduction >|" hraaas; <|o kamati
reed nal; =5| khagaraa
to refer, look to source |c" <<| nirdesh karaa; 5c= <<| ullekh
karaa; 5 o <<| uddhrrita karaa
reference |c " nirdesh; 5c = ullekh; 5 |o uddhrriti
referring to "~c< samparke; "~<|5 sambandhiiya; "~c<
to refine |<c"|< <<| parishodhan karaa; ||9o <<| maarjita
refinement |"8o| shistataa; ""|< sanskaaran; "c"|<
refinery ."|<||< shodhanaagaar
to reflect |o|o <<| pratiphalita karaa
reflection of light |o pratiphalan
reflection of thought |b|<||9< 55 cintaaraajir uday; <|
to refrain |<<o >?5| birata thaakaa; = <|<| khanda thaakaa
refreshment <"|| nabashaktidaan; 9| jal-paan
refuge 7|"5 aashray; < raksan; <|< " | suraksaar sthaan
to take refuge in him o|< (o|>|<) "< ?5| t^aar (t^aahaar) sharan
refugee 5|" udvaastu; "<|<| sharanaarthii
to refund 7< |c< (||<5|) .?5| artha phire (phiriyaa) deoyaa;
|<c"|< <<| parishodh karaa
refuse 7|<9 | aabarjanaa; 7<<|<| adarakaarii
refusal 7" |<|< asviikaar; o||=| (o||=||) pratyaakhaan
to refuse 7" |<|< <<| asviikaar karaa; o||=| (o||=||) <<|
pratyaakhaan (pratyaakhyaan) karaa
to refute = <<| khandan karaa
to regain ||<c5 (|<|*5|) |?5| phiriye (phiraaiyaa) paaoyaa;
5c<|< |?5| uttarottar paaoyaa
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regal <|9<|5 raajakiiya
regarding "~ c< sambandhe; "~ c< samparke; |<<c5 bisaye;
|<c|co paripreksite
regards, compliments 7|6 abhinandan
regards, good wishes Oc69| shubhecchaa
regeneration < 6|?| punarabhyathaan; 9 I punarjanma
regent "|"< shaasak
regime <<<| karsakaal
region c" pradesh; 7< ancal; "|<| elaakaa
register o||<| taalikaa; .<|98|<| <* rejistaarii bai
registered |<6 nathibhukta
regret = (:=) dukh (duhhakha); .= khed; 7c"|b| anusocanaa
to regret = (:=) <<| dukh (duhhakha) karaa; .= <<| khed karaa;
7c"|b| <<| anusocanaa karaa
regular |5|o niyamita
regularly |5|o6|c< niyamitabhaabe
rehabilitation <|" punarbaasan
rehearsal >5| maharaa; <||65 ("||65) puurbaabhinay
(puurbbaabhinay) 7|<| aabrritti
to rehearse 7|<| <<| aabrritti karaa; >5| .?5| maharaa deoyaa
reign "|" shaasan; "|"<| shaasan-kaal
rein, bridle <| bal'gaa; || laagaam
to reinstate |o|6o (:|o|6o) <<| punapratisthita
(punahhapratisthita) karaa
to reiterate <|< <|< <| baar baar balaa; <| (: : <|)
puna puna balaa (punahh punahh balaa); <<| (: :
<<|) puna puna karaa (punahh punahh karaa); <| <<|
punarukti karaa
to reject 7| <<| agraahya karaa; o||=| (o||=||) <<|
pratyaakhaan (pratyaakhyaan) karaa
rejected o||<||o pratyaakhyaata
to rejoice 7||o >?5| aanandita haoyaa; 7||o <<| aanandita
to rejuvenate <c<|<|6 <<| nabayooban-laabh karaa; c<|<
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| <<| punayooban daan karaa
to relapse (:) |oo >?5| puna (punahh) patita haoyaa
related "~|<o sambandhita
relation in family 7|-I|5 aatmiiya; 9||o jnaatii ["gyaati"]; < D~
relation in logic "~< sambandha; "~< samparka
relation as narration <| barnanaa
relationship in family 7|-I|5o| aatmiiyataa; "~< sambandha; "~<
relative [see "relation"]
relative, comparative 7c|< o apeksaakrrita; o |<
relatively, comparatively 7c|< o6|c< apeksaakrritabhaabe
relaxation |b-|<c| citta-binodan
release | mukti; =||" khaalaas
to release, acquit =||" <<| khaalaas karaa
to release, free <<| mukta karaa; | .?5| mukti deoyaa;
.9c5 (9||55|) .?5| chere (chariyaa) deoyaa
relevance |"|<o| praasangikataa
relevant |"|< praasangik
reliable |6"| nirbharshiil; |<"|"c<|| bishbaas-yogyataa
reliability |6"|o| nirbharshiilataa; |<"|"c<||o| bishbaas-yogyataa
relief "|>|<| saahaayya; 5| traan; "|" svasti; 5" upasham
religion < (<~ ) dharma (dharmma); |9 >|< maaj'haab; < |<" |"
(<~ |<" |") dharmavishvaas (dharmmavishvaas)
religious <|| < (<||~ <) dhaarmik (dhaarmmik)
to rely on -"< 5< |6 < <<| -er upar nirbhar karaa; -"< |o
7|"5 <|=| -er prati aashray raakhaa
reluctance *o"c<|< itastabodh
reluctant 7|9 < anicchuk
reluctantly, unwillingly 7|9|< o6|c< anicchaakrritabhaabe
to remain, continue <|<| thaakaa
to remain over <|<| <|<| baakii thaakaa; 7<|"8 <|<| abashista
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remaining as remnant 7<|"8 abashista
remark <| mantabya
to remark <| .?5| mantabya deoyaa; <| <<| mantabya karaa
remarkable 5c=c<|| ullekh-yogya
remedy |o<|< pratikaar; |<|<< ?<< nibaarak oosadh
to remember "I< <<| smaran karaa; c <<| mane karaa
remembrance "I< smaran
sign of remembrance "I<|< |b> smaranaartha cihna
to remind "I< <|<c5 (<<|*5|) .?5| smaran kariye (karaaiyaa)
remnant, remaining part 7<|"8|" abashistaansha
remnant, remaining 7<|"8 abashista
remote <<o| (<<|) duurabartii (duurabarttii)
to remove, move house <|5| < <<| baarii badal karaa;
"|-|<<o (|<<) <<| sthaan-paribartan (paribarttan)
to remove, relocate 5|c| (5|-) naraano (naraana); "<|c|
("<|-) saraano (saraana)
to remove, take away "|<c5 ("<|*5) .| <| .?5| sariye
(saraaiyaa) phelaa baa deoyaa
to render, convert, translate 7|o <<| anuudita karaa
to render sacred service "< <| 5" <<| stab bali ut'sarga karaa;
5|"|<| 5" <<| upaasanaabali ut'sarga karaa
to renew o <<| nuutan karaa
renewal o|<< (:o|<<) puna-nuutaniikaran
to renounce 7"|<|< <<| asviikaar karaa; |<o|| <<| parityaag
rent 6|5| bhaaraa
to repay |<c"|< .?5| parishodh deoyaa; ."|< .?5| shodh deoyaa
to repeat, say again <|5 <| punaraay balaa; <|< <| punarbaar
to repeat, quote =" <| mukhastha balaa
repeatedly <|c< <|c< baare baare
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to repent 7o| <<| anutaap karaa
repentance 7o| anutaap
fruits of repentance |<<oc< (|<<c<) 5<
man-paribartaner (man-paribarttaner) upayukta phal
repentant 7o anutapta
to be repentant 7o >?5| anutapta haoyaa
repetition <| punarukti
to replace |<< o (:|<< o) <<| punanabikrrita
(punahhanabikrrita) karaa
replaced, renewed |<< o (:|<< o) punahh-nabikrrita
replaced, transferred "|||<co sthaanaantarita
as replacement |<<co (|<<c) paribarte (paribartte)
to reply 5< .?5| uttar deoyaa; o |< .?5| pratyuttar deoyaa
report <| barnanaa; |<<< bibaran
to report 9||c| (9||-) jaanaano (jaanaana); <| <<| barnanaa
karaa; |<<< .?5| bibaran deoyaa
reported ||< lipiboddha
reporter "~|< sampaadak
to represent, act for |o||<- <<| pratinidhitva karaa
to represent, picture |b|5o <<| citrita karaa
representing, equivalent to |>c"c< (|>"|c<) hisebe (hisaabe)
representation, statement 5| ukti; |c< nibedan; <| barnanaa
representation, image |o|o (|o| ) pratimuurti (pratimuurtti)
representative, agent |o||< pratinidhi
repression 7< abadaman; daman
to reprint |o <<| punarmudrita karaa
reproach || nindaa; 6"| bhart'sanaa
reproduction, copying 7|| anulipi
reproduction, generating "c|9 sanmojan
reproduction, making again <|5 5| punaraay ut'paadan
reptile "<|" sariisrrip'
republic 9|o prajaatantra
to repudiate 7"|<|< <<| asviikaar karaa
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reputable "|9< sunaam-janak
reputation =|||o khyaati
request 7c<|< anurodh; |< | praarthanaa; <|"| yaacnaa
to require, call for 7|<'1< .<|< <<| aabashyak bodh karaa; b|?5|
to require, claim ||< <<| daabi karaa
requirement, need <<|< darakaar; c5|9|5 |9|" prayojaniiya
requirement, claim, demand ||< daabi
to rescue 5|< <<| uddhaar karaa; 5| <<| traan karaa
to research c<<| <<| gabesanaa karaa
resemblance "|'1 saadrrishya
reservation, reserved thing "<|o <" sanraksita bastu
to reserve, save "< <<| sanraksan karaa
to reside <|" <<| baas karaa
residence <|""| baasasthaan; 7|<|" aabaas
to resign |<o|| <<| parityaag karaa; *"| .?5| istaphaa deoyaa
to resist <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa; |oc<|< <<| pratirodh karaa
resistance, opposing <|<| baadhaa; |oc<|< pratirodh
resistance, strength |oc<|c<< "| pratirodher shakti
resister (as Satan) |< bipaksa
resolute ;|o9 drrirha-pratijna ["pratigya"], ;"< c<|
resolution "< sankalpa; ;|o9| drrirhapratijnaa
["drrirha-pratigyaa"]; " |< prastaab
to resolve |<c"< <<| bishlesan karaa; ||"| <<| miimaansaa
resolved ;"<< sankalpabaddha
resonance 7"< anusaran
to resort to, maintain, support 7<~ <<| abalamban karaa
respect "I| sanmaan; c|c<| manoyog
to respect "I| <<| sanmaan karaa
respectable ||5 maananiiya
respecting, about "~ c< sambandhe; "~ c< samparke; |<c|o
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respectively <<|5c yathaakrame
respiration |" |" " |" nishvaas prashvaas
to respond 5< .?5| uttar deoyaa; o |< .?5| pratyuttar
deoyaa; "|5| .?5| saaraa deoyaa
response, answer 5< uttar; o |< pratyuttar
response, support "|5| saaraa
responsibility ||5- daayitva
load of responsibility ||5-c<|< daayitvabodh
responsible, obligated |5| daayii
responsible, serious ||5c-< "|c< daayitver saathe
rest, relaxation |<"| bishraam
rest, remainder <|<| baakii
restless 7|"< cancal; b< cancal
restoration :|o6| punahh-pratisthaa; <|< punaruddhaar
to restore :|o|6o <<| punahh-pratisthita karaa
restored :" ||o punahh-sthaapita; |o|6o punahh-pratisthita
to restrain from <|< <<| baaran karaa; <|<| <<| baadhaa karaa
restraint "< sanyam; daman
to restrict, confine <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa
to restrict, put within limits |< c<| <|=| gandiir madhye raakhaa
restriction, confinement 7<c<|< abarodh; |c<|< nirodh
restriction, limitation "||<< siimaabandhan
result phal; |<| parinaam
"the result has been" "< |5|5 "er phal d^aaraay"
resumption <|< 7|<~ punarbaar aaraambha
to resurrect <?| <<| punarutthaan karaa; <|79|<o <<|
punarujjivita karaa
resurrected <|?o punarutthita
resurrection <?| punarutthaan
to retain <|=| raakhaa
retaliation, reaction "|bo |o samucit pratiphalan
retaliation, revenge |oc"|< pratishodh
retired 7<"<| abasar-praapta
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to retreat 'b| <<| pashcaad'gaman karaa
retribution |<c"|< parishodh
return .< pherat'; |<|o phirati; o|| pratyaagaman;
o||<o (o||< ) pratyaabartan (pratyaabarttan)
to return, come back |c< (||<5|) 7|"| phire (phiriyaa) aasaa
to return, give back |c< (||<c5) .?5| phire (phiriye) deoyaa;
.< (.<o) .?5| pherat' (pherat) deoyaa
to return, cause to go back .<|c| (.<|-) pheraano (pheraana)
to return go back ||<5| (|c<) <|?5| phire (phiriye) yaaoyaa; |<|
reunion | punarmilan
to reveal <|" <<| prakaash karaa
revealed <||"o prakaashita
revelation <|" prakaash
Revelation <||"o <|<| prakaashita baakya
revenge |oc"|< pratishodh; |o|>"| pratihinsaa
revenue 7|5 aay; << kar; <|9" raajasva
reverence 6| bhakti; "| shraddhaa
reverent 65"|||] bhayashiil[aa]
reverse, in opposite way |<<|o bipariita; 71|c< anyadike
review "|| samiiksaa; :7|c|b| punahh-aalocanaa; <c<
(<|c<) paryaabeksan (paryyaabeksan)
to review "|| <<| samiiksaa karaa
reviling |o|| pratinindaa
to revise : <|| "< "c"|< <<| punahh pariiksaa eban
sanshodhan karaa
reviser "c"|<< sanshodhak
revision "c"|< sanshodhan; :<|| punahh-pariiksaa
revolt |<c|> bidroha
revolution |<< biplab
to revolve | 5| >?5| ghurniiyamaan haoyaa; .<| gheraa
to revolve, make turn .|<|c| (.|<|-) ghoraano (ghoraana)
reward <"|< puraskaar
to reward <" o <<| purskrrita karaa
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rewarded <" o puraskrrita
rhetorical 7<|<| alankaarii
rheumatism <|oc<||5| baatarogaakraanta; <|o baat
rhyme <|<o|< b<c< | kabitaar caraner mil
rhythm 9 chanda
rice, growing < dhan
rice grain, uncooked b|5 caaul
rice grain, cooked 6|o bhaat
rich, abundant b< pracur
rich, wealthy <<| dhanabaan
to get rid of <<| mukta karaa; "|<c5 ("<|*5|) .?5| sariye
(saraaiyaa) deoyaa
to ride b5| caraa
rider 7|c<|>| aarohii
ridicule |< bidruup; 5>|" upahaas
to ridicule 5>|" upahaas
rift |D phaatal; |b5 cir
right, authority 7|<<|< adhikaar
right, as a direction 5| daan; | daksin; 5||< daan-dik';
||< daksin-dik'
right, not wrong "|o| satya; |5< thik; 5|bo (5|b) ucit (ucit')
right, suitable .<|| yogya; < o prakrrita
righteous <|| < (<||~ <) dhaarmik (dhaarmmik)
righteous from God's standpoint ||<| nyaayya
righteousness <|| <o| (<||~ <o|) dhaarmikataa (dhaarmmikataa)
rightful ||<| nyaayya; ||5"o nyaayasangata
rigid <c5|< kathor; <|5 kathin; ; drrirha
ring, annulus 7||D aan-ti
ring, circle mandal; < brritta
ring, sound <|9| baajaa; "" shabda
to ring, cause sound <|9| baajaa
riot >||| haangaamaa; || daangaa; 59 ^=| ucchrrinkhalaa
ripe |<| paakaa
rise <| brriddhi; 7|c<|> aarohan
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to rise 55| uthaa
risk |< bipad
at risk |<" bipad-grasta
risky |<79< bipajjanak
rivalry |o |o| pratidvanditaa
river | nadii; <||>| prabaahinii
road <|"| raastaa; < path; | maarg
roar 9 garjan; C|< hunkaar
to roar 9 |c| (9|-) garjaana; 9 <<| garjan karaa
roaring 9<|<| garjan-kaarii
to rob b |< <<| curi karaa; 7>< <<| apaharan karaa
robber .b|< cor; 5|<|o daakaat; |9|*<|<| chintaaikaarii
robbery b |< curi 5|<||o daakaati
rock |<< paathar
rock of refuge 7|"5c" aashray-sheela
rock-mass " < prastar; c" sheela; |"| shilaa; |>|5 paahaar;
|< paasan
to rock, be rocked <|~o >?5| kampita haoyaa
to rock, cause to be rocked <|~o <<| kampita karaa
rocky |"|5 shilaamay
rod danda
role 6 |<| bhuumikaa
roll 7|<o (7|<) aabartan (aabarttan); D|c| <" gutaano basta
to roll, revolve .|<| ghoraa
to roll, make revolve .|<|c| (.|<|-) ghoraano (ghoraana)
to roll, wrap 95|c| (95|-) jaraano (jaraana)
Roman .<||5 romiiya
romance .c< D| premer ghatanaa
romantic 7|c<< aabeg-praban; < ||5 kalpanaapriiya
roof 9| chaad
room, chamber < kaksa; < ghar
room, space, place 9|5| jaay-gaa
root [on a plant] |"<5 shikar; muul
root, source "5|o suutrapaat
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rope |5 dari; <|" rashi
rose flower G|< gulaab; .|| golaap
rot galan; b pacan
to rot b|c| (b|-) pacaano (pacaana); |<o >?5| duusita haoyaa
rotten b| pacaa; |o galita; |<o duusita
to rotate, go round .|<| ghoraa
to rotate, make turn .|<|c| (.|<|-) ghoraano (ghoraana)
rotation 7|<o (7|<) aabartan (aabarttan); b5< cakrabat';
rough, hard, difficulty <c5|< kathor
round .| gol
all round bo | c< caturdike
to rouse 9||c| (9||-) jaagaano (jaagaana)
route <|"| raastaa; "||c< <|<|< (<|*<|<) <|"| sthaanaantare
yaabaar (yaaibaar) raastaa
enroute <|<|< (<|*<|<) c< <| "c5 yaabaar (yaaibaar) pathe baa
routine <|<| dhaaraa; |o|< (|o|<~ ) nityakarma (nityakarmma)
to rove <<| bhraman karaa
row, class ."| shrenii; "||< saari
row, noise .<||> kolaahal; c| gandagol; >||| haangaamaa
row with oars |5 d^aar
royal <|9<|5 raajakiiya
to rub 9|*5| .| muchaaiyaa phelaa; <| ghasaa; < <<|
gharsan karaa
rubbish, nonsense 99| janjaal
rubbish, waste 7<9 | abarjanaa
rudder >| haal; < karna
rude 7|<|o abiniita; 7"6| asabhya
rudimentary |<|< praathamik; 7||< aadik
rug <~ kambal
ruin 4" dhvansa; |" naash
ruinous 4"<< dhvansakar
ruins, remains 4"|<c"< dhvansaavashes
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rule "|" shaasan; |<|< bidhi; |5 niyam; <|9- raajatva
ruler, administrator "|"< shaasak; "|"<o| ("|"<|)
shaasan-kartaa (shaasan-karttaa)
rulers, administrators "|"<< shaasak-barga
ruler, head 7|<|o adhipati
rumour G9< gujab; <|bo <<| racita kathaa; 9"|o janashruti
to be rumoured <b| >?5| racanaa haoyaa
run .|5 door
to run, race .|5|c| (.|5|-) dooraano (dooraana)
runaway |o< palaatak; |5< palaayan-par
rupee D|<| taakaa
rural || graamya; |<|c c5 paaraag^eye
to rush .<c <<| bege gaman karaa
rust b||5 marccyaay; |<b| maricaa
ruthless |6 < nisthur
's (Possessive ending) -"< -er; -< -r; -`< -'r
Sabbath " | saptam din; |<"|| bishram-din
sack, bag <c thale
sacred |<5 pabitra; |< paak
sacred secret |G5 o- nigur tatva
sacrifice <| bali; <|| balidaan; o|| tyaag; <| yaag
sad |=o (:|=o) dukhita (duhhakhita)
sadness = (:=) dukha (duhhakha)
safe |<| niraapad
to safeguard <| <<| raksaa karaa
thing to be safeguarded <|5 raksaniiya
safety |<|| niraapattaa
sail | paal; <|| baadaam
sake 91 janya; <|< kaaran; 5cc"| uddeshye; =||o< khaatir
salary .<o betan
sale |<|5 bikri
salesman |<c5o| bikretaa
saline <| labanaakta; < || laban paani; < 9 laban jal
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salt < laban; nun
salutation 7|6<| abhibaadan; "|| saalaam; 9|| chaalaam
salvation |<5| paritraan; <| raksaa; | mukti
same "<* ek-i; "| samaan
sample 7|" aadarsha; | namunaa
sanctification |<5 <<|< <|9 pabitra karaar kaaj
Let your name be sanctified .o||< | |<5 <|5| |1 >5< tomaar
naam pabitra baliyaa maanya hauk; .o||< | |9o >5<
tomaar naam pujita hauk
to sanctify |<5 <<| pabitra karaa
to sanction, approve 7c| <<| anumodan karaa; 9<| <<|
sanctity Oo| shuddhataa; |<5o| pabitrataa
sand <|| baali; <| baalu
sanitation "|"||<<| svaasthyabidhaan; "|"|<|<"|
sanity <| buddhi
sari "|5| shaarii
Satan "5o| shay-taan
satisfaction "c |< santos; o | trripti
satisfactory "c|<9< santosajanak
to satisfy "8 <<| santusta karaa
satisfying "c|<9< santosajanak
Saturday "|<|< shanibaar
sauce 7|b|< aacaar; b|D| caat'ni
saucer ||<b piric
save, excepting ... 9|5| ...chaaraa; <||oc<c< byatireke
to save, rescue <| <<| raksaa karaa; 5|< <<| uddhaar karaa; "<5
<<| sancay karaa
saviour <|<o| (<|<|) raksaakartaa raksaakarttaa); 5|<o|
(5|<|) traan-kartaa (traan-karttaa)
savings "|<o < sancita dhan
to saw apart |<| <<| bidiirna karaa
to say <| balaa; 5 <<| ukta karaa; <| <<| byakta karaa
saying <<| kathaa; <|o| (<||) baartaa (baarttaa); 5| ukti; ||o<|<|
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to give as a way of saying <|c< .?5| raksaarthe deoyaa
scale, balance ||5|| d^aaripaallaa; 7|<|c< aakaare
scandal 7<| apabaad; <C kalanka; .<cC|<| kelenkaarii
scarce |<< biral; <||b kadaacit'
to scare 6|o <<| bhiita karaa; 7|o|Co <<| aatankita karaa; o|5|c|
(o|5|-) taaraano (taaraana)
scarlet | < laal ran; .||>o < lohita barna
to scatter, strew |6|6 <<| chinnabhinna karaa; |9D|c| (|9D|-)
chitaano (chitaana); 9|5|c| (9|5|-) chaaraano (chaaraana)
to be scattered |6|6 >?5| chinnabhinna haoyaa
scene, view |8 drristi
scene of this world "* ""|c<< 7|65 ei sansaarer abhinay
scenes, the obvious sights '1D drrishyapat
scent, aroma < gandha; "< sugandha
scent, perfume "|< sugandhi
schedule phard; o|" taphasil
scheme |<<| parikalpanaa; "||<| musaabidaa
scholar, student 9|5 chaatra; 9|5| chaatrii
scholar, master |o pandit
school |<||5 bidyaalay; " skul; *" iskul
science |<9| bijnaan ["bigyaan"]
scientific |<9|-"~Io bijnaan-sammata
scientist |<9|| bijnaanii ["bigyaanii"]; c<9||< beejnaanik
scissors <||b k^aaci
to scold <<| bakaa
scourge 7|6"| abhishaap
to scream |b<|< <<| cit'kaar karaa; <> <<| kalaha karaa
screen | pardaa; <<|<| yabanikaa
screw "5 skru; *"5 iskru
scribe 7<||< adhyaapak
script <|| barnamaalaa; >"|| hastalipi
scripture "|"|| shaastralipi; "|" shaastra; "|"<| shaastrabali
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scriptural "|"|5 shaastriiya
scroll "< pustak; |||G| paandulipiguli; |< p^uthi
scrutinizing ^=|^=
sculpture 6|"< bhaaskarya
scythe <|c" kaaste
sea "|< saagar; " samudra
seal of authority | mudraa; .|>< mohar
to seal ||Co <<| mudraankita karaa
sealing process mudran
search 7"<| <<| anusandhaan karaa; .=|9 kh^oj
in search of -`"< "<||c< -'er sandhaanaarthe
to search =9| kh^ujaa; .=|9| kh^ojaa; .=|9 <<| kh^oj karaa;
7"<| <<| anusandhaan karaa
seaside "c< <|< samudrer dhaar
season, part of year [see Study 58] +o rritu; "5 samay; .|<O
morashum; .|" moosum; <" marasum
season, period of events <| kaal
seat 7|" aasan
second |o|5 dvitiiya
to secon-guess "c> <<| sandeha karaa
second-hand, used <|c| (<|-) puraano (puraana); <5|o
secret, a hidden thing .| gopan; .|c< |<<5 gopaner bisay
secret, not revealed .||5 gopaniiya; "||5o| lukkaayita
sacred secret |G5 o- nigur tatva
secretary "~|< sampaadak; "|b< sacib; ."c5D||< sekretaari
sect, class, group ."| shrenii; < barna
section |<6| bibhaag
secular <|<c| nirapeksaa
secure |<| niraapad
security |<|| niraapattaa
sediment | pali; o|| talaani
seduction c|6 pralobhan; c<|b| prarocanaa
to see .=| dekhaa
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to be able to see, to get to see .=co (.|=co) |?5| dekh-te
(dekhite) paaoyaa
to see to it, target, focus on | <|=| laksya raakhaa
seed <|9 biij; <" bansha
line of "seed" <"<< banshadhar; <"<| banshabali; "|
seedling b|<| caaraa; b|>||9 caaraagaach
to seek =9| kh^ujaa; .=|9| kh^ojaa; .=|9 <<| kh^oj karaa; 7"<|
<<| anusandhaan karaa
to seem <c c >?5| bale mane haoyaa
seen '1 drrishya
to be seen .|=c5 (.=|*5|) <|?5| dekhiye (dekhaaiyaa) yaaoyaa
to segregate << <<| prrithak karaa
to seize . |< <<| graptaar karaa; <<| dharaa
seldom <||b kadaacit'
seldom worked territory < <|9 <<| "|<| kam kaaj karaa elaakaa
to select c||o <<| manoniita karaa; 9 <<| pachanda karaa
selection |<|b nirbaacan
self- 7|-I- aatma-; "|<- svaartha-
self [see Study 51] 7|| aapani; "5 svayan; |c9 nije; 7|
loving self, lover of self 7|-I|5 aatmapriiya
self-contradiction 7|-I|<c<|< aatmabirodh
self-control 7|-I-"< aatma-sanyam; 7|-I aatmadaman;
*|5 indriiyadaman
self-deception 7|-Io|<| aatmaprataaranaa; 7|-I<<|
self-denial 7|-Io|| aatmatyaag; "|<o|| svaarthatyaag
self-examination 7|-I" aatmadarshan; 7|-I<|| aatmapariiksaa
self-glorification 7|-I"|| aatmashlaaghaa; 7|-Ic|<< aatmagoorab
self-importance 7|-I"|| aatmashlaaghaa; 7|-Ic|<< aatmagoorab
self-sacrifice 7|-I<|| aatmabalidaan; 7|-Io|| aatmatyaag;
"|<o|| svaarthatyaag
selfish "|<< svaarthapar
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selfishness "|<<o| svaarthaparataa
to seek own selfish interests "|< .b8| <<| svaartha cestaa karaa
thinking of selfish interests "|<|b| svaarthacintaa
selfless "|<>| svaarthahiin
to sell .<b| becaa; |<|5 <<| bikri karaa
"best seller" .<D ."|< "best selaar"
to send |5|c| (|5|-) paathaano (paathaana); .< <<| preran
to send away |<|5 <<| bidaay karaa
to send for .5c< |5|c| (5||<5| |5|-) deke paathaano (daakiyaa)
to send forth .< <<| preran karaa
send-off, farewell |<|5<|c Oc69|-9| bidaay-kaale
shubhecchaa-jnaapan ["-gyaapan"]
senior 7<o| (7<| ) agrabartii (agrabarttii); .9|6 jyestha
sensation, feeling 76 |o anubhuuti
sense, meaning 7< artha
senseless 7<>| arthahiin; 7cbo acetan; |c<|< nirbodh
sensible, keeping one's senses "9|c sajnaane ["sagyaane"]
sensible, meaningful 7< arthapuurna
sensibility "|5| saaraa
sensitive 76 |o"| anubhuutishiil; "c<"| sanbedan-shiil;
"c<"~ sanbedan-puurna
sent, sent forth .|<o prerita
sent one, sent forth one, apostle .|<o prerit
sentence of judgement danda
sentence in communication <|<| baakya
separate << prrithak; 7||| aalaadaa
to separate 7||| <|=| aalaadaa raakhaa; << <<| prrithak karaa;
o|| <<| tyaag karaa
the separating work |<6|<<c< <|9 bibhaktikaraner kaaj
sequence |<| parinaam; <|55 paryaay-kram; <|<|<||><
D|G| dhaaraabaahik ghatnaaguli
sequentially; in sequence <|55c paryay-krame
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serious 6|< gabhiir; G<o< gurutar
of serious concern 7|<|5 aadaraniiya
seriously 6|<6|c< gabhiir-bhaabe; G<o<6|c< gurutar-bhaabe
sermon <c" dharmaapadesh
serpent " sarpa; "| saap
servant b|<< caakar; <b|<| karmacaarii; |" daas
to serve, give service |"- <<| daasatva karaa; ."<| <<| sevaa karaa
to serve as, act for, fulfill "|< <<| saadhan karaa
service <|9 kaaj; b|<|< caakari; ."<| sevaa
serviceable c5|9|5 prayojaniiya
to set up, establish "| <<| sthaapan karaa; <"|c| (<"|-)
basaano (basaana)
to set loose, free <<| mukta karaa; 5|< <<| uddhaar karaa
to set off, depart <?| >?5| raonaa haoyaa
to set to .c (||5|) <|?5| laagiyaa yaaoyaa
setting, situation 7<"| abasthaa; |<|"|o paristhiti
to settle <"|c| (<|"|-) basaano (basaana)
to be settled 7<<||<o >?5| abadhaarita haoyaa; "| >?5| shaanta
settlement of affairs |"| nispatti
settlement, homestead 5|c<" upanibesh; | graam
several <c5< kayek; 7||1 anyaanya
sewer 6 6 bhuugarbha nal
sex, gender | linga
sex, act of sex, sex relations .<| yoon; .<|"c~| yoon-sambhog;
.<| "~< yoon samparka
shadow 9|5| chaayaa
to shake |5| .?5| naaraa deoyaa
to shake up < |<|c| (<|<|-) jh^aakaano (jh^aakaana)
shallow in sincerity 6|"|6|"| bhaasaabhaasaa
shallow in thought 76|< agabhiir
shame 79| lajjaa; 7| apamaan
shameless |79 nirlajj
shape, form 7|<|< aakaar
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of definite shape ||8 nirddista
shapeless, formless |<|<|< niraakaar
share 7" ansha; ">6| sahabhaag
to share, participate 7" > <<| ansha grahan karaa; 7" .?5|
ansha neoyaa; ">6|| >?5| sahabhaagii haoyaa
sharer ">6|| sahabhaagii
sharp in shape o| tiiksna; 76| agrabhaag; .o9 tej; o|
sharp tasting <|<|c| (<|<|) dhaaraalo (dhaaraala)
to shave <||c| (<||-) kaamaano (kaamaana)
shawl "| shaal
she (common) ." se
she ("honorifically") |o| tini
sheep .65| bheraa; .< mes
"little flock of sheep" .<| ksudra mes-paal
"other sheep" 7< .< apar mes
sheet on bed b|< caadar
shelf o|< taak
shelter, refuge 7|"5 aashray; 5| traan
to give shelter 7|"5 .?5| aashray deoyaa
shepherd .<|< mes-paalak |<< paal-raksak
shield u| dhaal
to shift place < <<| badal karaa
to shift things b||c| (b||-) caalaano (caalaana); 5|c| (5|-)
naraano (naraana)
to shine, glow 7|c| .?5| aalo deoyaa; |<< .?5| kiran deoyaa
to shine, glisten 5774 <<| ujjval karaa; |<<|< <<| jhikamik
karaa; 74 74 <<| jval jval karaa
to make shine 5774 <<| ujjval karaa
shining b<|< camat'kaar; 5774 ujjval
shining one (of the morning) 6||o prabhaati
ship 9|>|9 jaahaaj
to ship, send |5|c| paathaano
-ship in rank -||< -giri
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shirt 9|| jaamaa; <||9 kaamij
Shishak |""< shishak
to shiver <|| k^aapaa
shock, feelings 76 |o anubhuuti; 5c udveg
shock, impact <|"| dhaakkaa; 7||o aaghaat
shocking ."|b|5 shocaniiya
shockingly ."|b|56|c< shocaniiyabhaabe
shoe 9 o| jutaa; 9 co| juto
to shoot an arrow o|< b||c| (b||-) tiir caalaano (caalaana)
to shoot a bullet G| <<| guli karaa
shop .|<| dokaan
shopkeeper .|<||< dokaan-daar
short "| sanksipta; .9|D chota; =|cD| khaato
shortage, lack 76|< abhaab; |D|o ghaat'ti
food shortage, lack of food =|c|< 76|< khaadyer abhaab; |6
shortcoming, failing 5|D truti
shortened form "|<< sanksiptakaran
short-tempered <|| raagii; .5|<-<|5 krodh-paraayan
shoulder <|< k^aadh
to shout, scream |b<|< <<| cit'kaar karaa
to show, cause to see .=|c| (.=|-) dekhaano (dekhaana); "
<<| darshan karaa
to show, cause to know 9||c| (9||-) jaanaano (jaanaana)
shower, bath <| jharnaa
shower, rain <|8 brristi; "| pasalaa
shrewd <|| buddhimaan; |<b bicaksan
shrine |<5 "| pabitra sthaan; |< mandir
shut << bandha
to shut << <<| bandha karaa
shy |9 < laajuk
sick .<| rog; |5| piiraa
sickly .<||" rogaagrasta; .<|| rogii; ||5o piirita; 7"" asustha
sickness .<| rog; |5| piiraa; 7"= asukh; 7""o| asusthataa
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"I am sick!" 7|| ||5o! "aami piirita!"
side, direction |" paash; |" paarshva; |< dik'; paksa
side, edge | praanta
sifting "I <|9|* suuksma baachaai
sigh ||:"|" diirghanihh-shvaas; 7|"< aarttasvar; 7||
sight " darshan
sign |b> cihna
sign of the last days ."< <|c< |b> shes kaaler cihna
signal |b> cihna; "c<o sanket; |" nidarshan; o|<| pataakaa
signature >"|< hastaaksar; "|< svaaksar
significance o|< taat'parya
significant |5 laksaniiya; o|<
significantly |5<c laksaniiyaruupe; o|< taat'paryapuurna
silence |" nistabdha; <|<|>| baakyahiin
silent |<< nirab; .| moona
silk .<" resham
silly = muurkha; |c<|< nirbodh; .<|<| bokaa
silver .<|| roopya; <c| rupo; <| rupaa; <c| ruupo
similar "<* << ek-i rakam; "| samaan; "" sadrrish; o mata;
< ruup
similarity "|'1 saadrrishya; o |o| tulyataa
similarly |5< "<*<c thik ek-i-ruupe
simple "< saral; ">9 sahaj
to simplify "< <<| saral karaa; ">9 <<| sahaj karaa
simultaneous "<* "c D| ek-i sange ghatamaan
sin | paap; 7<|< aparaadh
since, assuming that [see Study 41] <c bale
since, seeing that .<c>o yehetu
since, starting from 7<|< abadhi; c< (c" ) puurbe (puurbe); >co
(>*co) hate (haite); .<c< theke
sincere 7||<< aantarik; 7<D akapat
sincerely 7| |<<<c aantarik-ruupe; < o c prakrrita pakse
sincerity 7||<<o| aantarikataa; 7<Do| akapatataa
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sinful || paapii
to sing |?5| gaaoyaa; | <<| gaan karaa
to sing out |">| <<| sinhanaad karaa
singer |5< gaayak
single, singly, at all -* -i
single, lone "<|<| ekaakii; "<|5 ek-maatra
singleness "<|<| <|<| ekaakii thaakaa
singular, not plural word "<<b ek-bacan
singular, unique 7|o|5 advitiiya
to sink, drown 5 |<5| <|?5| dubiyaa yaaoyaa
to sink, recede <c <|?5|
sinless |>| paap-hiin
sir >|"5 mahaashay; 9|< janaab; "||< syaar
sister .<| bon
to sit <"| basaa
site "| sthaan; 7<"| abasthaan; <|" baastu
situated in - -" -sta
situation |<|"|o paristhiti
size 7|5o aayatan
skeleton <<| kankaal; <|5|c| kaathaamo; "|<|" saaraansha
to sketch ="5| khasaraa; <"| <<| nakashaa karaa; "||<| <<|
musaabidaa karaa
skill o| daksataa; .<|" kooshal; c| neepunya
skilled |<"| paaradarshii; <| but'panna
skin b carma; b|5| caamaraa
skull |<|< =| maathaar khuli; <c<||D karoti
sky 7|<|" aakaash; 7|"| aasamaan
slack 7|| aal'gaa; |u| dhilaa
slanderer 7<|< apabaadak
slap b5 car
slaughter of animals 9<|* jabaai
slaughter of humans >o|| hatyaa; <>o|| narahatyaa
slave, servant |" daas; 5|o|" kriitadaas; <|<| baandhii ."<<
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the faithful and discreet slave class |<" " "< <|| |" ."|
bishvasta eban buddhimaan daas shrenii
to slave, work hard |<" <<| parishram karaa
slavery |"- daasatva; 5|o|"- kriitadaasatva
sleep ghum
to sleep |c| (|-) ghumaano (ghumaana)
sleeping ghumanta
to feel sleepy |?5| ghum paaoyaa
sleet |"|<|8 shilaabrristi
slice || phaali; D<<| tukaraa
slight, a little "||1 saamaanya
to slip, err 6 <<| bhul karaa
to slip away, be lost "|<5| 5| sariyaa paraa
slippery .o| telaa; " masrrin
sloping u| dhaalu; 5|c garaane; 5|~ kramanimna
slow <|< dhiir; |"5| diirghasuutri
slow anger .5|c< <|< krodhe dhiir
slowly <|c< <|c< dhiire dhiire; 7|c" 7|c" aaste aaste
slowness <|"5|o| dhiirghasuutriitaa
sly bo < catur; "5 shatha
small .9|D chota; ksudra
smaller 7|<? .9|D aar-o chota; o< ksudratar
smallest "< .bc5 .9|D sab ceye chota; o ksudratam
smell, odour < gandha
smell, sense of smell | ghraan
to smell, give smell < .?5| gandha deoyaa
to smell, take smell < ?5| gandha laoyaa; < ."|<| gandha
smile >< >|"| iisat' haasya; " o| prasannataa
to smile >< >|"| iisat' haasaa
smoke ofb dhum; .<|5| dh^oyaa
to smoke tobacco <| <<| dhum-paan karaa; <| =|?5|
dhum-paan khaaoyaa
smooth |b" cikkan; " masrrin
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snake "| saap; " sarpa
to snatch |9|c5 (|9|*5|) ?5| ciniye (cinaaiyaa) laoyaa
to sneeze >|b| h^aacaa; >||b .?5| h^aaci deoyaa
snow << baraph; o <|< tusaar
so, that extent ooD < tatatuku; oo tata; "o eta
so, therefore [see Study 42] 7o"< ataeb; "*91 eijanya; oc< tabe;
o|* taai; "o<| sutaraan; <|c9* kaaje-i
so, thus "* o ei mata; "< eruup; "6|c< eman-bhaabe
so that, in order that [see Study 40] .<c>o yehetu; .< yena
so then, after that o|>|< c< taahaar pare
sober "<o sanyata; "| prashaanta; |o|b|<| mitaacaarii
so-called o<|<|<o tathaakathita
social "|||9< saamaajik
socialist "|9o<|| samaaj-tantrabaadii
society "|9 samaaj
human society |<"|9 maanab-samaaj
Sodom "c| sadom
soft < naram; mrridu; "| mrridushiil
soldier c"1 seenya
solid ; drrirha; " shakta
solidly built |<| paakaa
solitary "<|<| ekaakii; |9 nirjan
Solomon "c| shaloman
solution of a problem "|<| samaadhaan
to solve "|<| <<| samaadhaan karaa
some <o< katak; |<9 kichu; .<|? kona-o; .<| kona; <c5<|D
somebody .<> .<> keha keha; <|<? <|<? (<|>|<? <|>|<?)
kaar-o kaar-o (kaahaar-o kaahaar-o)
somebody .<| <|| kona byakti; .<> keha
somehow .<| <|< kona prakaar
someone .<| <|| kona byakti; .<> keha
something |<9 kichu
sometime .<| "5 kona samay
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sometimes |c< |c< maajhe maajhe
somewhere .<| "|c kona sthaane
son 5 putra; .9c chele; "| santaan
son-in-law 9||* jaamaai
song | gaan; |o giit; "|o sangiit
soon "|* shiighra-i; 7|<c~ abilambe; 7|" aasanna
sorrow = (:=) dukha (duhhakha); 7"= asukh
sorrowful |=o (:|=o) dukhita (duhhakhita); 7"=| asukhii; -
(:-) du- (duhh-)
sorry |=o (:|=o) dukhita (duhhakhita)
sort, type << rakam; <|< prakaar; ."| shrenii; 9||o jaati; <<
"all sorts of men" "5 <| "samuday manusya"
soul | praan; [wrongly; see also "spirit"] 7|-I| "aatmaa"
"immortality of the soul" [wrongly; see also "spirit"] 7|-I|< 7<-
"aatmaar amaratva"
sound to hear << rab; "" shabda
sound, complete "~ sampuurna; |" siddha
sour D< tak; 7~ amla
source, origin, maker 5" ut'sa
source, spring, well 5* unui
south | daksin; ||< daksin-dik'
sovereignty .6|- bhoomatva; "<5 (""5) o| sarvamay
(sarvvamay) ksamataa
universal sovereignty "|<c6|- ("|" c6|-) saarvabhoomatva
space, place "| sthaan; 9|5| jaay-gaa
space, emptiness >|O1 mahaashunya; =|| 9|5| khaali jaay-gaa
spacious |<"< parisar
Spanish "|||" spyaanish (spanish)
spare 7|o|< atirikta
spark 7|<| agnikanaa
sparrow b5* carui
to speak <| balaa; <o| .?5| baktrritaa deoyaa; <<| <| kathaa
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speaker <| baktaa; <<< kathak
public speaker 9"|<|<c| <| janasaadhaaranye baktaa
special |<c"< bishes
specialist |<c"<9 bishesajna (bishesagya)
specific ||8 nirddista; |<c"< bishes; "o svaatantra
specifically |<c"<<c bishesaruupe; "||86|c< sunirddistabhaabe
specimen, sample | namunaa; 7|" aadarsha
spectacle, display '1 drrishya; " darshan
spectacles b"| cashamaa
speculation, excess guessing 7|o|< |<<| atirikta parikalpanaa
speech, expression <|<| baakya
speech, talk <o| baktrritaa; 6|< bhaasan; <<| kathaa
speech, talking 6|<| bhaasaa; <<| <| kathaa balaa
speechless, dumb .<|<| bobaa
speed |o gati; |oc< gatibeg; |o| ksiprataa
to spell <|| <<| baanaan karaa
spelling <|| baanaan
to spend <|5 <<| byay karaa; <|D|c| (<|D|-) kaataano (kaataana)
spent 7<" abasanna
sphere .|< golak
spicy <| jhaal
spider |<5"| maakarasaa; |<< maakar
to spin, go round <| ghuraa
to spin, make go round <|c| (<|-) ghuraano (ghuraana)
spirit (Arabic origin) <> ruuh'
spirit (Sanskrit origin) 7|-I| aatmaa ["aattaa"]
spirit, of spirit 7||-I< aatmik
"spirit of the truth", helper "co|< 7|-I|, ">|5 satyer aatmaa, sahaay
spirited, courageous, bold "|>"| saahasii
spiritual 7|<|||-I< aadhyaatmik
spite, envy, malice ><| iirsaa; |o ksati; 7|c5|" aakrosh
in spite of it o| "c-? (o|>| "c4?) taa satve-o (taahaa sattve-o)
to spit << .| thuthu phelaa; << .?5| thuthu deoyaa; << <<|
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thuthu karaa
Do not spit, No spitting << .c< | thuthu phel-ben naa; <<
<<c< (<|<c<) | thuthu kar-ben (kariben) naa
spittoon |<|| pikadaani
splendid .|<<5 goorab-may
splendour .|<< goorab
splinter <|c5< D<c<| kaather tukaro
to spoil 8 <<| nasta karaa
spoken <|<o kathita
spokesman =|5 mukh-paatra; =|5<c mukh-paatraruupe
spontaneous " o" o (" o:" ) svatasphurta (svatahhasphurtta)
spoon b|b caamac
sport .=|<| khelaadhulaa
spot, location 9|5| jaayagaa
spot, mark | daag; |b> cihna
spouse, husband "|| svaamii
spouse, wife "| strii
spread |<" |o bistrriti; b|< pracaar
to spread |<" o <<| bistrrita karaa; b|< <<| pracaar karaa
spring device | sprin
spring, fountain <| jharnaa
spring, jump | laaph; ~ lampha
spring season <" +o basanta rritu
to spring, jump ~ .?5| lampha deoyaa
to sprinkle |9D|c| (|9D|-) chitaano (chitaana)
to sprout >?5|
squalid, filthy .|<| nonraa; || malinya
to squander, let fly 5|5c5 (55|*5|) .?5| uriye (uraaiyaa) deoyaa
to be squandered "c5 ("|55|)5| sare (sariyaa) paraa
to squeeze |5|c| (|5|-) ninraano (ninraana)
to stab .9|<| |9 |<] |5| |<| choraa [chhuri] diyaa maraa .9|<|
|c5 (|5|) |<| choraa diye (diyaa) maraa; 9|< |c5 (|5|) |<|
chhuri diye (diyaa) maraa
stable, steady "|5| sthaayii; ; drrirha
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stability "||5- sthaayitva; ;o| drrirhataa; |"|o sthiti
stagnant, not flowing ."|o>| srotahiin; << bandha
staircase |"|5 s^iri
stalk 5|D| daataa
stake "< |9 shab gaach
torture stake <|"| kaasta danda; 5" "krush"
stamina, patience "|>< o| sahisnutaa
stamina, long at work |<" parishram
stamp, mark .|>< mohar
stamp, postage 5|< |D|<D daak'tikat
stamp, seal | mudraa; "|c|>< siil-mohar
stamped, sealed ||Co mudraankita
stamping, sealing process mudran
to stand |5|c| (|5|-) d^aaraano (d^aaraana)
standard | maan; 7|" aadarsha
star in the sky o|<| taaraa
star in films o||<o| taaritaa
starry heavens o|<<|c"||6o 7|<|" taarakaashobhita aakaash
start 7|<~ aarambha; O< shuru
to start 7|<~ <<| aarambha karaa; O< <<| shuru karaa
to start off <?| >?5| raonaa haoyaa
to start with ... |c5 (|5|) O< <<| ... diye (diyaa) shuru karaa
starting from in time 7<|< abadhi
starvation 5<|" upabaas; 7|>|< anaahaar
state, condition 7<"| abasthaa
state, form, mode 7|<|< aakaar
state, nation 9||o jaati; <|8 raastra
to state ||< <<| lipibaddha karaa; 5 <<| ukta karaa
stated 5 ukta; ||< lipibaddha
statement 5| ukti; |<<|o bibrriti
stationary |o>| gatihiin; |'b nishcal
stationery c|><| <| manoharii drabya
statistics |<"=|| parisankhyaan
statue |o|o (|o| ) pratimuurti (pratimuurtti); |o| pratimaa
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statute |<|< bidhi
statute-giver <|<"|< byabasthaapak
status 7<"| abasthaa; pad; <| maryadaa
to stay, remain <|<| thaakaa
steady ; drrirha; "|5| sthaayii; 7b acal
to steal, thieve b |< <<| curi karaa; >< <<| haran karaa
stealer .b|< cor
stealing b |< curi
steam <|" baaspa
steel *"|o ispaat; "|" shaastra
step c padaksep; "< | ek paa
step- "- sat'-
to sterilize <|9| 4" <<| biijaanu dhvansa karaa
sterling, best quality "< c" 6 ("" c"6) sarvashrestha (sarvvashrestha)
stern, hard | nirmam
steward o4|<<|<|<| tattvaabadhaan-kaarii
the faithful steward class <|| >|<| buddhimaan
stick of wood ||5 laathi
still, calm "| shaanta
still, even now "=? ekhan-o
still, even so o<? tabu-o
still, motionless |" nistabdha; |o>| gatihiin
still, quiet |<< nirab
stimulant 5c9< uttejak
to stimulate 5||o <<| uddipita karaa
to stir, mix round D|c| (D|-) ghutaano (ghutaana)
stitch ."|* selaai; "cb< <|9 suucer kaaj
to stitch ."|* <<| selaai karaa; "cb< <|9 <<| suucer kaaj karaa
stomach .D pet; |<"| paakasthalii
stone [see also "rock", "rock-mass"] |<< paathar
stooping modestly |<|o binati
stop ."< shes; << bandha
to stop, finish ."< <<| shes karaa; << <<| bandha karaa
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to stop, stand still <|| thaamaa
to store up "|<o <<| sancita karaa
to be stored up "|<o >?5| sancita haoyaa
storey [ground floor = first storey] o| talaa
storm <5 jhar
stove 5 unun; b | cullii
straight, in line, ahead "< saral; ."|9| sojaa
straight, direct "<|"|< saraasari
straightforward "< saral; " sat'
to strain, filter 9 |<| ch^aakaa; |<"|< <<| parisraaban karaa;
|<"o <<| parisruta karaa
strainer, filter 9 |<| ch^aakani; |<"|<< || parisraabak pranaalii
strait, hardship .<" klesh; || pranaalii
strange 7 o adbhut; 7|<|bo aparicita
stranger, foreigner |<c"| bideshii
stranger, newcomer <|o nabaagata
strategy <b|o < (<b|o 5 |) ranacaaturya (ranacaaturyya)
straw =5 khar; |<b|| bicaali
stream ."|o srot; <|> prabaaha
to stream <||>o >?5| prabaahita haoyaa
strength "| shakti; < bal
strengthening "|<<<|<| shaktibardhan-kaarii
stress, emphasis .9|< jor
stress, pressure b| caap
stress, trouble <8 kasta; <|o| yaatanaa
stretched out .<c5 (<|5|*5|) bere (baaraaiyaa)
strict <c5|< kathor
strictly <c5|<6|c< kathor-bhaabe
strike, downing of tools << bandha; ><o| harataal
strike, impact .b|D cot; <|"| dhaakkaa
strike, plague 7||o aaghaat
to strike, hit <|"| dhaakkaa; |<| maaraa; |D|c| (|D|-) pitaano
to strike, down tools <D <<| dharmaghat karaa
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to strike on the clock <|9| baajaa
to strike one, feel || laagaa
stripe of colour .5|<| doraa
stripe of lashing <"||o kashaaghaat
stroke of plague 7||o aaghaat
stroke, impact, touch .b|D cot
strong <<| balabaan'; " shakta; < prabal
stronghold durga; 7|"5 " | aashray sthaan; "<|o " |
suraksita sthaan
structure <|5|c| kaathaamo; 7DD||<| attaalikaa
struggle < yuddha; "| sangraam
stubborn "<Gc5 ek-g^uye; .9| jedii
stubbornness "<Gc5| ek-g^uyemi
student: male, female 9|5 chaatra; 9|5| chaatrii
studious 7<|5|5 adhyayan-priya
study 7<|5 adhyayan; |"| shiksaa
a study 7<||5 adhyaay
to study 7<|5 <<| adhyayan karaa; |"| <<| shiksaa karaa
to stumble, fall 5c9|D =|?5| uchot khaaoyaa; .>|bD =|?5| h^ocat
khaaoyaa; "|o >?5| sthalita hoayaa
to be stumbled |<|*o >?5| bighnita haoyaa
stumbling block |<*" bighnasthal
stupid .<|<| bokaa; |c<|< nirbodh; >|<| hiinabuddhi
stupor 7cbo1 aceetanya
sub- 5- up-
to subdue <"|6 o <<| bashiibhuuta karaa
subject, in submission 9| prajaa
subject, in submission <"|6 o bashiibhuuta
subject, topic |<<5 bisay
subjection, submissiveness <'1o| bashyataa
in subjection to - -7<| -adhiin
to submerge 9 <<| jal-magna karaa
to submerse |79 <<| nimajjan karaa; ||79o <<| nimajjita
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submersed in water 9 jal-magna
submersion |79 nimajjan
subscription b || c^aadaa; |><6 | graahak-bhukti
subsequent <<o| (<<| ) parabartii (parabarttii); 5<<||
subsequently c< pare; 5<<|c uttar-kaale
to subside <| kamaa; <c (<|5|) <|?5| kame (kamiyaa) yaaoyaa
substitution |<|5 binimay; <| badali
substance, main point <<| muul kathaa; .|D <<| mot kathaa;
"|<|" saaraansha
substance, material |< padaartha
subtitle 5|"<| upashiranaam
subtle <o dhurta; .<|"| kooshalii
to succeed " >?5| saphal haoyaa
success "o| saphal-taa; " saphal
succession < < 7| par par aagaman; 75 anukram
successor 5<||<<|<| uttaraadhikaarii; <<o| (<<| ) .|<
parabartii (parabarttii) lok
without successors 7|<<o|5 (7|<<|5) aparibartaniiya
such as " |< eman ki
such that <|co <c< (<|>|co <|<5|) yaate kare (yaahaate kariyaa)
such, this much "o eta; "oD < etatuku
such, this sort " << e rakam; " eman
in such a way "| emani; "* eman-i
to suck b <| cusaa
to suckle "|| <<|c| (<<|-) stanyapaan karaano (karaana);
<| <<|c| (<<|-) dudh-paan karaano (karaana)
suckling "1|5| stanyapaayii
sudden 7|<|"I< aakasmik; 7o|||"o apratyaashita
suddenly >5| hathaat'
to burst suddenly into tears .<c (<||5|) 55| k^ede (k^aadiyaa)
to get up suddenly ><| 5c5 (5|55|) 5| hathaat' uthe (uthiyaa)
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to suffer " <<| sahya karaa; .6| <<| bhog karaa; .6|| bhogaa
to suffer a beating |< =|?5| maar khaaoyaa
suffering <8 kasta; |o ksati; <| yantranaa; =c6| (:=c6|)
dukhabhog (duhhakhabhog); <|o| yaatanaa
sufficient, adequate <<8 yathesta; <c<D yathesta
sufficient, plenty |b< (|b< |) praacurya (praacuryya)
sugar |b| cini
to suggest "c<o <<| sanket karaa; *|o <<| ingit karaa
suggestion "c<o sanket; *|o ingit; <|" paraamarsha
suicide 7|-I>o|| aatma-hatyaa
suitable for - -.<|| -yogya
to sulk "c<<|c< ekebaare; |<< >?5| bimarsa haoyaa
sum, problem 7C anka
sum, total .|D mot; .<| yog-phal
to summarize "|<|" <<| saaraansha karaa; "c <<| sanksep
karaa; "| <<| sanksipta karaa
summary "|<|" saaraansha; "|<-"c saar-sanksep
summer |"I<| griismakaal
summit, peak b 5| cuuraa; b< "|| caram siimaa
sun "< ("<|) suurya (suuryya)
sundown "<|" ("<||") suuryaasta (suuryyaasta)
Sunday <|<<|< rabibaar
sunrise "<5 ("<|5) suuryaday (suuryyaday)
sunset "<|"<| ("<||"<|) suuryaastakaal (suuryyaastakaal)
sunshine "<|<< ("<||<<) suuryakiran (suuryyakiran)
sunstroke "|<| sadirgaramii
super, great >| mahaan'
super- >|- mahaa-; 7|o- ati-; |<<|D biraat
superficial, only words 6|<| 6|<| bhaasaa bhaasaa; c= c= mukhe
mukhe; 5c< 5c< upare upare
superfluous 7|o|< atirikta; 7o|||<< atyaadhik
"superior authorities" <o (< ) kartrripaksa (karttrripaksa)
superiority, being better ."6- shresthatva
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superstition < "" |< kusanskaar
to supervise |<" <<| paridaarshan karaa; o4|<<| <<|
tattvaabadhaan karaa
supper c" .6|9 neesh bhojan; |c< ."< 7|>|< diner shes
Last Supper ."< .6|9 shes bhoj
supplication |<|o binati
supply "<<<|> sarabaraaha
to supply "<<<|> <<| sarabaraaha karaa
support "< samarthan
to support "< <<| samarthan karaa
to support, maintain 7<~ <<| abalamban karaa
supporter "<< samarthak; 6c|<< prristhaposak
supporter of - -<|| -baadii
suppose...., supposing ... [catch, grasp] << dharun ...
to suppose, to think c <<| mane karaa; 7| <<| anumaan
to suppress <<| daman karaa
supreme "c< |b ("c" |b) sarvocc (sarvvocc); <| pradhaan;
"< <| ("" <|) sarvapradhaan (sarvvapradhaan)
Supreme Being "c<|b ("c"|b) sarvocc (sarvvocc)
sure ||'bo nishcita
surely ||'bo 6|c< nishcita bhaabe; ||'bo<c nishcitaruupe
surface 5|<6| uparibhaag; o tal
surname, family name <| padabii; <"| banshanaam
to surpass 7|o5 <<| atikram karaa
surplus, excess <|5|o baarati
surplus, extra goods or money 5 7< udvrritta artha
surprise |<"I5 bismay; 7o|||"o <" apratyaashita bastu
to surrender, hand over " <<| samarpan karaa
to surrender, abandon .9c5 (9|5|*5|) .?5| chere (chaaraaiyaa)
to surround, shut in b||<|c< .<| caaridike gheraa; |<| ghiraa
to survey, view 9|< <<| jarip karaa; |<" <<| paridarshan karaa
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to survive .<cb (<||b5|) <|<| b^ece (b^aaciyaa) thaakaa; 9||<o <|<|
jiibita thaakaa
survivor .< .<cb (<||b5|) <|c< ye b^ece (b^aaciyaa) thaake
to suspect, doubt "c> <<| sandeha karaa
to suspend, delay "|o <|=| sthagita raakhaa
to swallow ||5| .| giliyaa phelaa; <:<< <<|
galadhahhkaran karaa
to swallow up |:c"< <c< (<|<5|) .| nihhashes kare (kariyaa)
swamp |< bil
to swear, abuse |||| .?5| gaalaagaali deoyaa
to swear, promise "< <<| shapath karaa; |o9| <<| pratijnaa
["pratigyaa"] karaa; |<| <<| dibya karaa
sweat | ghaam
to sweep <|5 .?5| jhaar deoyaa; <|5 .?5| jhaaru deoyaa
sweeper .<< methar
sweepress .<<|| metharaanii
sweet ||8 misti; ||D misti; "| svaadu
swift, quick o|| drutagaamii; .<<| begabaan'; o druta
to swim "|o|< <|D| s^aataar kaataa; "|o|< .?5| s^aataar deoyaa
swine "<< shuukar
to swing .|| dolaa; .||| >?5| dodulyamaan haoyaa
to switch off |<|c| (|<|-) nibaana; |9 <<| chinna karaa
to switch on 74|| jvaalaa; "|< <<| saadhan karaa
sword =5 khar'ga
syllable 7< aksar; ""|" shabdaansha
symbol |o< pratik
symbolic << ruupak
sympathetic ">6 |o"| sahanubhuutishiil
sympathy, sharing feeling ">6 |o sahanubhuuti
sympathy, sharing pain "c<| samabedanaa
symptom laksan; 5" upasarga
synonym |o"" pratishabda; "|< c<|<< "" samaarthabodhak
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syntax <|<| <b| baakya racanaa; ""-|<||" shabda-binyaas
synthetic "|" 8 sanshlista; < |5 krritrim; |Do ghatita
syringe |b<|<| picakaarii
system, set-up, method |o paddhati; <|<"| byabasthaa
"system of things" |<|<-<|<"| bidhi-byabasthaa
systemmatic ||< pranaaliibaddha; "<|<|" o subyabasthita
table .D|< tebil; .9 mej
tablet <|5 bari
to tabulate o||<|6 <<| taalikaabhukta karaa
tail of an animal .9 lej
tail of a bird 9 puccha
tailor <9| darajii
to take .?5| neoyaa; ?5| laoyaa
to take in, accept > <<| grahan karaa
to take hold of, grasp <<| dharaa; .bc <|=| cepe raakhaa
to take off clothes <|5 <| 9 o| .=|| kaapar baa jutaa kholaa
to take off into the air 7|<|c" ?5| aakaashe oraa
to take place D| ghataa
it takes time "5 |c samay laage
talent .<| medhaa; <|<"| dhiirashaktii
talented .<|<| medhaabii
talk <o| baktrritaa
to talk <| balaa; 7|| <<| aalaap karaa; <o| <<| baktrritaa
talkative <|b| baacaal
talkative, gossiping |5 galpapriiya
tall ~| lambaa
tap < kal; 9c< < jaler kal; ||< < paanir kal
tape |o| phitaa
target | laksya; |<" laksyabastu; b|||< c^aad-maari
taste "| svaad; <|b ruci
to taste 6c|< "| ?5| bhaksyer svaad laoyaa; 7|"| aasvaadan
tax << kar; <|9" raajasva
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tax-payer << |o| kar daataa
tea b| caa
tea-cup b|c5< .5|| caayer peyaalaa
to teach |"=|c| (|"<|-) shikhaano (shikhaana); |"| .?5| shiksaa
deoyaa; 5|c| (5|-) paraano (paraana)
teacher |"< shiksak
teaching |"| shiksaa
false teaching |<|| |"| mithyaa shiksaa
team dal
team-work ">c<||o| sahayogitaa
tear in cloth |9 chinna
tear in eye .b|c=< 9 cokher jal; .b|c=< || cokher paani; .59
netrajal; 7" ashru
to tear material |9c5 .| ch^ire phelaa; |9 <<| chinna karaa
to burst in tears <||5 .6c 5| kaannaay bhenge paraa
technical <||< yaantrik; <||<|< kaarigari
technique <c<|" yantrakooshal
teenage c<"<|<"| keeshoraabasthaa
telephone .D|c| teliphon; <||| duuraalaapanii
telescope <<| duurabiiksan
television .Dc|6" telebhishan; .Dc|6" telebhisan
to tell <| balaa
to tell of, refer to 5c= <<| ullekh karaa; <<| <| kathaa barnanaa
temper .9|9 mejaaj
temperature o||5| taapamaatra
tempest < <5 prabal jhar
temple |< mandir
temporary 7"|5| asthaayii; "||5< saamayik
to tempt, attract .|6 <<| lobh karaa; .|6 .=|c| (.=|-) lobh
dekhaano (dekhaana)
to tempt, challenge c|6 <<| pralobhan karaa
temptation c|6 pralobhan; .|6 lobh
tempted c||6o pralobhita
ten " dash
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tendency .< |< jh^ok; <o| prabanataa
tender < naram; .<| komal
tender feeling < darad
tenth " dasham
tenth part, tithe "|" dashamaansha
tenant 6|5|cD bhaaraate; 6|5||D5| bhaaraatiyaa; 9| prajaa
term, expression 7|=|| aakhyaa
termed, called 7|=|||5o aakhyaayita
terrible "|||o< saanghaatik; 91 jaghanya; 65C< bhayankar;
<<| karaal
territory "|<| elaakaa; 7< ancal
test <|| pariiksaa; <= parakh
to test <|| <<| pariiksaa karaa
tetanus <8<|< dhanustankaar
text pad; p^uthi
[today's] text |7|9-.<<] "|"|5 [aaj-ker] shaastrapaath
textbook |5|"< paathyapustak
-th [see Grammars 57.3, 58.2] -o -tam
than, compared with [see Grammar 55] b|*co caaite; .bc5 ceye
thank you (Arabic origin) O|55| shukriyaa
thank you (Sanskrit origin) <1<| dhanyabaad
to thank <1<| .?5| dhanyabaad deoyaa; <1<| 9||c| (9||-)
dhanyabaad jaanaano (jaanaana)
thankful < o9 krritajna ["krritagya"]
thanks <1<| dhanyabaad
that (thing there) " ee; ? o; "D| eetaa; ?D| otaa; 5>| uhaa
that ... , he says that ... .< ye; ." <c .< se bale ye
so that .< yena
that is, i.e., meaning 7<| arthaat'
the [singular thing: see Study 21] -D| -taa; -|D -ti; -=|| -khaanaa;
-=|| -khaani
the [plural things] -G| -guli; - -gan;
the [singular person] -9 -jan; -"<| -eraa
the [plural persons] - -gan; -"<| -eraa
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theme |<<5 bisay; |<<5<" bisay-bastu; " prasanga; 6|<
them o|c<c< (o|>|c<c<) taader-ke (taahaader-ke); ?c<c<
(5>|c<c<) oder-ke (uhaader-ke)
themselves 7||<| aapanaaraa; o|<| 7||<| (o|>|<| 7||<|)
taaraa aapanaaraa (taahaaraa aapanaaraa)
for themselves 7||c< 5cc"| aapanaader uddeshye; o|>|<|
7||c< 5cc"| taahaader aapanaader uddeshye
then, at that time o= takhan
then, next o|< (o|>|<) c< taar (taahaar) pare
theocracy >"o iishatantra
theocratic "|"< eeshik
Theocratic Ministry School "|"< |<b<| |<||5 eeshik paricaryaa
theory o<| matabaad; 7| anumaan
there ?=|c okhaane; o<|5 tathaay; ."=|c sekhaane
there is <c5c9 rayeche
therefore 7o"< ataeb; ."91 sejanya
thick < puru; ghan; .|D| motaa
thief .b|< cor
to thieve b |< <<| curi karaa
thigh S< uuru
thin |o| paatalaa; "< saru
thing |9|" jinis`; |9|< jinis; <" bastu; <<| kathaa; |<<5 bisay
to think c <<| mane karaa; 6|<| bhaabaa; |b| <<| cinta karaa
thinking |b| cintaa; 6|<| bhaabanaa
third o o|5 trritiiya
thirst ||"| pipaasaa
thirsty o <|o trrisnaarta
this (thing here) "* e-i; *>| (") ihaa (e); "D| etaa
thorn <|D| k^aataa
though <|? yadio
thought <|<| dhaaranaa; 6|<| bhaabanaa; <| kalpanaa; "C
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 188 11 May 2007
thought to be <c <<| bale dharaa
thoughts |b|<|<| cintaadhaaraa
thousand ">" sahasra; >|9|< haajaar
thousands ">"||<< sahasraadhik
thorough, complete "~ sampuurna; |<- pari-
thorough, detailed ^=|^= punkhaanupunkha
thorough, mature, proper |<| paakaa
thorough, with all parts | puurnaanga
thoroughly, completely "~<c sampuurnaruupe
thoroughly, in detail ^=|^=<c punkhaanupunkharuupe;
^=|^=6|c< punkhaanupunkhabhaabe
thread "co| suto; "o| suutaa
threat 65" bhay-pradarshan; "c<o sanket; o9 tarjan
to threaten "c<o <<| sanket karaa
three |o tin
to thresh |5| maaraa
thrill .<||< romaanc
to thrill 5c9| 9||c| (9||-) uttejanaa jaagaano (jaagaana)
thrilling .<||<<< romaanc-kar; 5c9|<< uttejanaakar
throat | galaa; <5 kantha
to throb .9|c< b| jore calaa
throne |">|" sinhaasan
through [see Studies 22, 23] < < kartrrik; |<| dvaaraa
throughout... - <c< - dhare
to throw 9 5| ch^uraa; |c <<| niksep karaa
thunder <|9 baaj; .9 megh-garjan
to thunder <9 4| >?5| bajradhvani haoyaa
Thursday <>"|o<|< brrihaspatibaar; |<"| <|< bisyut' baar
thus, in such a manner " eman; "6|c< eman-bhaabe; " <|c<
e prakaare
thus, hence " co e mate; " 6|c< e bhaabe; "*<c ei ruupe; oc<
tabe; o||>c taahile
to tickle ears <|b <|| .?5| kaanaculakaani deoyaa
tide, flow ."|o srot; .9|<|< |D| joraar bhraataa
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tidy ""|79o susajjita
to tidy "|5< "|c <|=| sathik sthaane raakhaa; << "|c <|=| yatha
sthaane raakhaa
tiger <| baagh; <|| byaaghra
till, up to < (<|) paryanta (paryyanta); o|<o taabat
till now 7||<|< adyaabadhi
till then .< < (5|) ye paryanta (paryyanta)
time, age, era < yug
time [generally] "5 samay
time and time again <|c< <|c< baare baare
during the time of - -"5<|< -samay-kaar
during this time, currently <o|c (<|c) bartamaane
time period <| kaal
of - time period -<|| -kaaliin
to time indefinite |b<"|5| cirasthaayii
time, part of day .<| belaa
Gentile Times, Times of the Nations 9||oc< "5 jaatiganer
a prophetic "time" "< <| ek "kaal"
seven "times" "|o <| saat "kaal"
times [multiplication, see Study 57] G gun
time o'clock, strikes [see Grammar 58.3] -D| -taa; <|c9 baaje
What is the time? <D| <|c9? kataa baaje?; <`D| .<c9c9
(<||95|c9)? ka'taa bejechee (baajiyaach)?; <`D| <|c9? ka'taa
to tire out <| >?5| klaanta haoyaa
tired <| klaanta
tiredness <|| klaanti
title 5||< upaadhi; <| padabii; |"<| shiranaam
titled, priveileged .=o|<<|<| khetaabadhaarii
toad < c| <||5 (.<5, <||) kuno byaan (ben, byaan)
tobacco o||< taamaak
today, this day 7|9c< aajake; 7|9 aaj; 7| adya
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today, nowadays 7|9<| aaj-kaal; <o|c (<|c) bartamaane
toe |c5< 7|5 (7|^G) paayer aanul (aangul)
together "<c5 ekatre; "< "c ek sange
to come together "<|5o >?5| ekatrita haoyaa; 9| jamaa
to bring together 9|c| (9|-) jamaano (jamaana)
to work together "<c5 <|9 <<| ekatre kaaj karaa
toilet room "|||< snaanaagaar
token, small indication |b> cihna; |" nidarshan
to tolerate " <<| sahya karaa
tolerance " sahya; ">"|o| sahan-shiilataa
toleration of other religions << "|>< o| paradharmasahisnutaa
tomb <<< kabar; "||<"~ samaadhi-stambha
memorial tombs |"<|5] <<< [smaraniiya] kabar; <<<" |
tomorrow 7||| <| aagaamii kaal; <|| kaalya
day after tomorrow 7||| <O aagaamii parashu
tongue |96 jibha; |9>4| jihbaa
upon the tongue |9>4|c jihbaagre
too, also -? -o; 7|<? aar-o; 7|c<| aaro
too, excessively 7|o|<6|c< atiriktabhaabe; 7o|||<< atyaadhik;
7o| atyanta
tool < yantra; >||o5|< haatiyaar
tooth |o d^aat
top 5< upar; "|< shiirsa
topic, subject |<<5 bisay; 7|c|b|< |<<5 aalocanaar bisay
torment <|o| .?5| yaatanaa deoyaa
tornado |<|5 ghurni-baayu
torrent 9c"|o jal-srot
tortoise <9 kacchap
torture stake <|"| kaasta danda; 5" "krush"
total .|D moot; " samagra; "~ sampuurna
totalitarian "<|5<o ek-naayak-tantra
tottering |<b|o bicalita; <~| kampamaan; Dc talamale
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to totter, be made to totter |<b|o >?5| bicalita haoyaa
touch, sense " " sparsha; " c" |5 sparshendriya
to touch "" <<| sparsha karaa; .9|5| ch^oyaa; 76< <<| anubhab
karaa; "< >?5| sanlab haoyaa
to get in touch with "c<| "| <<| sanyog sthaapan karaa
tour <|5| yaatraa; bhraman; "< saphar
tourist <D< paryatak; "<<|<| saphar-kaarii; <|<|
towards -"< |c< -er dike; -"< |o -er prati; -"< 5cc" -er
towel .o|5|c toyaale
tower durga; 5b 7||<| ucca attaalikaa
town ">< shahar; < nagar
tract D||8 tryaakt
trade <|<"| byabasaa; <|<"|< byabasaar; 55-|<55 kray-bikray;
<||9| baanijya
trader <||5| baaniyaa
trading, commercial <|||9|< baanijik
tradition "|o>| eetihya; <~<|o 7|* paramparaagata aain
traditional "|o sanaatan; |b<|b|<o ciraacarita; "o|>|o
eetihyamata; <~<|o paramparaagata
traffic, movement of goods |c< <|o|5|o maaler yaataayaat; <>
traffic, movement of people <|5|< <|o|5|o yaatriir yaataayaat; <>
train on railway .D tren; .<||5 rel-gaari
to train |"| .?5| shiksaa deoyaa
training |"| shiksaa
traitor |<"|"|o< bishbaas-ghaatak
to trample |o <<| pad-dalita karaa
trampling [process] - pad-dalan
to transfer <| <<| badali karaa; "|||<o <<| sthaanaatarita
karaa; 7|5 <<| aanayan karaa
transferred "|||<o sthaanaantarita
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to transform, change |<o <<| parinata karaa; <||<o <<|
ruupaantarita karaa
to transform oneself into, use a guise of -"< .<" <|< <<| -er besh
dhaaran karaa
transformation |<|o parinati
transformed |<o parinata
to translate 7<| <<| anubaad karaa
translation 7<| anubaad
to transmit .< <<| preran karaa
transport |<<> paribahan
to transport |<<> <<| paribahan karaa
trap | ph^aad; .<|" kooshal
travel bhraman; <|5| yaatraa; .<||c<| yogaayog; <|o|5|o
to travel <<| bhraman karaa
treacherous <<< prabancak; |<" |"|o< bishbaas-ghaatak; <<<
treachery |<"|"|o<o| bishbaas-ghaatakataa
to treat medically |b|<"| <<| cikit'saa karaa
to treat, deal, behave toward <|<>|< <<| byabahaar karaa
treatment medically |b|<"| cikit'saa
treatment, dealing, behaviour <|<>|< byabahaar; 7|b< aacaran;
<| barnanaa
tree |9 gaach; < brriksa
"tree of the knowledge of good and bad" ""9| |5< |.<] <
"sad-sad'jnaan-daayak ("sad-sad'gyaan-daayak") [ye] brriksa
trembling, trepidation <~ kampa
with trembling "<~ sakampa
tremendous b pracanda
trepidation <~ kampa
with trepidation "<~ sakampa
trial, judgement |<b|< bicaar
trial,try-out <|| |<| pariiksaa niriiksa
triangle |56 9 tribhuj
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tribe 59||o upajaati
tribulation .<" klesh
great tribulation >|c<" mahaaklesh
trick b|||< caalaaki; .<|" kooshal; o|<| prataaranaa
to trick o|<| <<| prataaranaa karaa
tricked o||<o prataarita
trinity |5- tritva; |o9 tin-jan
triumphant |<95| bijayii
trolley .5||5| thelaagaarii
trouble <8 kastal .<" klesh; |< bipad; .|c<| golaayog;
<|c| jhaamelaa; |<<| birakti; 7"= asukh
troubled, shaken |<b|o bicalita
trousers |D| |9|| tilaa paajaamaa; |59|| paayajaamaa; |c-|
true "o| satya; "|o| satyi; |<"" bishbasta; |5< thik
trumpet o <| turii; |"| shingaa
trust |<"|" bishbaas
to trust [in] |-.o, -"< 5<] [-te, -er upar] |<"|" <<| bishvaas
karaa; |6 < <<| nirbhar karaa
trustworthy |<"|"c<|| bishbaas-yogya; |6 <"| nirbhar-shiil; |<"|"|
bishvaasya; |<"" bishvasta; |<"|"|5 bishvaasaniiya
truth "o| satya; "o|o| satyataa
truthful "o|<|| satyabaadii
try .b8| cestaa
to try .b8| <<| cestaakaraa
tube nal
Tuesday <|< mangal-baar
tune "< svar; o| taan
tunnel "< < suranga path
turn, bend || paalaa; <|<| b^aakaa
turn, opportunity "c<| suyog; <|5
to turn, go round <| ghuraa
to turn, make go round <|c| (<|-) ghuraano (ghuraana); .<|c|
(.<|-) gheraano (gheraana); 5D|c| (5D|-) ul'taano
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to turn away, deflect "|<c5 ("<|*5|) .?5| sariye (saraaiyaa) neoyaa
turning point in time or space |<|c| (|<|-) phiraano (phiraana)
twelve <|c<| (<|<) baaro (baara)
twelfth generally |" dvaadash
twelfth date of month <|<* baarai
twentieth century |<" "o||" binsha shataabdi
twenty |<" bish; < |5 kuri
twin- |- dvi-; - du-; *- dui-; <9 yamaj
twinkle |<<|< jhik'mik'; ||D ||D miti miti
to twist < |<|c| (< |<|-) b^aakaano (b^aakaana); b <|c|
(b <|-) mac'kaano (mac'kaana); |< .?5| paak deoyaa
two * dui
two-edged sword |-<|< =5 dvi-dhaar khar'ga
typhoid "||||o< 74< saanipaatik jvar
typhoon |<5 ghuurnijhar; |<|o|| ghurnibaatyaa
typical c<|"8< beeshistamuulak; |o< pratiruup
tyranny 7o||b|< atyaacaar
ugly < |" kut'sit'; <|<|< kadaakaar; 7||o<< apriitikar
ulcer o ksat; || | naalii ghaa
ultimate b< caram; 7| antim; ."< shes; .||< moolik
ultimatum ."< " |< shes prastaab; b<5 caram-patra
umbrella 9|o| chaataa
unable 7"< asamartha; 7 aksam
unanimous "<o ek-mat; "<"~Io sarvasammat
unapproved 7c||o ananumodita
unarmed |<" nirastra
unauthorised 7o ananumata
unavailable 7|| apraapya
unavoidable 7<'1~<| abashyambhabii; 7|<>|< (7|<>|<|)
aparihaarya (aparihaaryya)
unaware 79|o ajnaata ["agyaata"]
unbearable 7" asahya; 7">| asahya
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unblemished |" C niskalanka
unborn 79|o ajaata; 6|<| bhaabii
uncertain 7||'bo anishcita; 7|'b5 anishcay
uncertainty 7|'b5o| anishcayataa
unchangeable 7|<<o|5 (7|<<|5) aparibartaniiya
uncle, father's brother 9||5| jyaathaa; <|<| kaakaa
uncle, father's sister's husband |"| pisaa; |c" pise
uncle, mother's brother || maamaa
uncle, mother's sister's husband =| khaalu; .= khelu; .c"| meso;
.c"|"|5 meshomashaay
unclean 7Ob| ashucii; 7|<|9 aparicchinna
unclear 7"8 aspasta
uncomfortable 7"|9 asvaacchanda
unconcerned 5c"1 udveg-shuunya
unconditional "o|<>| shartabihiin; |<| "o binaa sharta
unconfirmed 7"|< o asamarthita; 7||o apramaanita
unconscious .< " beh^ush; 79| ajnaan ["agyaan"]
uncontrolled 7|5|o aniyamita
under, below |cb niice; |c~ nimne; c<| madhye
under -, in conditions -7<"|5 -avasthaay
under, subject to -7<| -adhiin; -7<|c -adhiine
under-, beneath |~- nimna-
under-, sub- 5- upa-
to undergo, experience .6| <<| bhog karaa; `"< 7|69o| |?5| 'er
abhijnataa ("abhigyataa") paaoyaa
underground, "in hell" |o|c paataale
underground, in earth ||D< o|5 maatir talaay
underground, in secret .|c gopane
undermentioned in writing |~ ||=o nimnalikhita
to undersign |c~ | "|< <<| nimne naam sviikar karaa
to understand .<|<| bojhaa; <<| bujhaa; <<co (<|<co) |<| bujh-te
(bujhite) paaraa
able to understand .<|<| bodhagamya
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understanding, ability to reason <| buddhi; .<|<c||o|
understanding, agreement 7|c|<-|" | aapos-nispatti
undertaking, hardwork ||5- <|9 daayitvapuurna kaaj
underwear 7<|" antar-baas
undeveloped 7|<o aparinata
undisciplined 7|5|o aniyantrita
undivided 7|<6 abhibakta; 7|<|9 abicchinna
undoubted "c>|o|o sandehaatiita; ||'bo nishcita
undoubtedly |:"c> nihh-sandeha; 7<'1* abashya-i; |'b5*
undue, excessive 7o||<< atyadhik
unduly, excessively 7o||<<<c atyadhik-ruupe
unemployed .<<|< bekaar
unemployment .<<|< 7<"| bekaar abasthaa
unexpected 7o|||"o apratyaashita
unfair 7||5 anyaay; 7"|< asaadhu
unfavourable |o< pratikul; 7O6 ashubh; 7< ananukul
unfinished 7"~ asampuurna
unfit 7c<|| ayogya; 7< anupayukta
unforeseen 78< adrristapuurba
unfortunate- <- dur-
unfriendly |o< pratikul; |<< biruddha
unfulfilled 7|< aparipuurna
ungodly 6|>| bhaktihiin
ungrateful 7< o9 akrritajna ["akrritagya"]
unhappy 7"=| asukhiii
unholy 7|<5 apabitra
uniform, same "< samaruup; "<< ek-ruup; 7|<<o|5
(7|<<|5) aparibartaniiya (aparibarttaniiya)
uniform, clothes outfit 5| urdi
to unify "<| <<| ekaagra karaa
unimportant 7c5|9|5 aprayojaniiya
unintentional 7|9|< o anicchaakrrita
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unintentionally 7|9|< o< < anicchaakrritapuubak
uninterrupted 7|<<o abirata
union .<| yog; "c<| sanyog; " sangh; | mil
unique 7 anupam; 7|o|5 advitiiya
unity "<o| ekataa; | mil; "<| eekya
universal |<"- bishba-; "< ("") sarva (sarvva)
universe |<"<| bishbabrahmaanda; ||= "|8 nikhil srristi; ||=
|<" nikhil bishva
university |<"|<||5 bishvabidyaalay
unjust 7||5 anyaay; 7c<< abeedh; 7|bo anucit
unknown, not made known 7|<|bo aparicita
unknown, undiscovered 7||<" o anaabiskrrita
unlawful 7c<< abeedh; .<7|*| beaainii
unless <| | yadi naa; cb nacet'
unlikely "~|<|>| sambhaabanaahiin; 7"~< asambhab
to unload | =||" <<| maal khaalaas karaa
unmanageable, unruly 7|5 adamaniiya
unmarried 7|<<||>o abibaahita
unnatural 7" |6||<< asvaabhaabik; < |5 krritrim
unofficial .<-"<<|<| be-sarakaarii
unpaid, due <|<| baakii
unpaid, honorary 7c<o|< abeetanik
unparalled 7| o|5 advitiiya; 7 anupam; 7o |5 atulaniiya
unpopular 9|5 5 " janapriiya nay eman
unprecedented 76 o< abhuut-puurba; |9<|<|> najirabihin; 7<
(7" ) apuurbba (apuurba)
unprepared 7" o aprastut
unprincipled ||o9|>| niitijnaan-hiin ["niitigyaan-hiin"]
unprofitable |6>| laabh-hiin
unprotected 7<|o araksita; 7|<o anaabrrita
unreal 7"o| asatya; 7<|"< abaastab
unreasonable 7c<||< ayooktik; <|>| yuktihiin; |c<|< nirbodh
unreliable 7|<"|"| abishvaasya; 7|6<c<|| anirbhar-yogya
unrest 5<5| upakanthaa; b|<| caancalya; |<c|6 biksobh
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unruly 7|5 adamaniiya; 7| adamya; 7<|<| abaadhya
unsafe |<79< bipajjanak
unseen 78 adrrista; 7<||"o aprakaashita; 7c|b< agocar
unsold 7|<5|o abikriita
unsolved 7|||"o amiimaansita
unsteady 7|"< asthir; b< cancal
unsuccessful 7< o<|< (7< o<|< |) akrritakaarya (akrritakaaryya);
|" nisphal
unsuccessful <<|5 brrithaay
unsympathetic ">|6 |o"1 sahaanubhuutishuunya
unthinkable 7|b|5 acintaniiya
to untie .=|| kholaa
until, up to [see Study 39] < (<|) paryanta (paryyanta)
until .... is done, while it is not done .< <| | ye paryyanta
... naa ...
untimely 7"||5< asaamayik; 7<|c |Do akaale ghatita
unusually [adverb used with adjective] 7|o ati
unwell 7"" asustha; 6| 5 bhaala nay
unwholesome 7"|"|<< asvaasthyakar
unwilling 7|9< anicchuk
unwise .<|<| bokaa; 7"|b| asamiiciin
up, above 5< upar
up, in an upper position 5c< upare
lift up your eyes .o|<| S4 |8 <|<? tomaraa uurdhvadrristi kario
to sit up 5c5 (5|55|) <"| uthe (uthiyaa) basaa
to uphold, encourage 5"|> | <<| ut'saaha daan karaa
upon, positioned on 5c< upare; 5cb ucce; 5c4 (Sc4 ) urdhve
to rely on ... -.o |6 < <<| ...-te nirbhar karaa; -"< 5c<
|6 < <<| ...-er upare nirbhar karaa
upon, on the subject of "~c< sambandhe; "~c< samparke; -.o,
-te; -", -e; -5 -y
upper, higher 5bo< uccatar; 54 o< (S4 o<) urdhvatar
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upper, most valuable ."6o< shresthatar
uppermost 5 b co u^cute; 54 o (S4 o) urdhvatam (uurdhvatam)
uprising, rebellion |<c|> bidroh
uprising, standing up 5?| utthaan
uproar c| gandagol
uprooted 5|o unmuulita
to upset 5D|c| (5D|-) ultaano (ultaana)
upstairs 5c<< o|5 uparer talaay
up to date 7|<|< aadhunik
urge 5"|> ut'saaha
to urge 5"|> <<| ut'saaha karaa
urgent 9<<| jarurii; 7o||<'1< atyaabashyak; c5|9|5
prayojaniiya; 7<|< adhiir
urine " |< prasraab
to use <|<>|< <<| byabahaar karaa; <|c9 ||c| (||-) kaaje
laagaano (laagaana); c5| <<| prayog karaa
to use, pass time "5 <|D|c| (<|D|-) samay kaataano (kaataana)
to use up, spend time "5 ||c| (||-) samay laagaano
used <|<*o byabahrrita
used in- -|< -daar
I, you, he, you used to, would [see Study 50, Past Frequentative
Tense] <<o| (<|<o|) kar-taam (karitaam), <<co (<|<co)
kar-te (karite), <<o (<|<o) kar-ta (karita), <<co (<|<co)
kar-ten (kariten)
useful <|<>|<c<|| byabahaar-yogya; c5|9|5 prayojaniiya
usual "|<|< saadhaaran; "|6||<< svaabhaabik
usually, normally "|<|<o ("|<|<o:) saadhaaranata
usually, often |5* praay-i
uterus 6 garbha; 9<|5 jaraayuu
utility 5c<||o| upayogitaa; c5|9|5o| prayojaniiyataa
to utilize "<|<>|< <<| sam-byabahaar karaa; <|c9 ||c|
(||-) kaaje laagaano (laagaana)
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to utter 5b|< <<| uccaaran karaa
utterance 5b|< uccaaran
vacant =|| khaali; "1 shuunya
vacancy <=|| karmakhaali
vacation 9 |D chuti; 7<<|" 9 |D abakaash chuti
vaccination |D<|| tikaadaan
vaccine |D<| tikaa
vacuum O1o| shunyataa
vague 7"8 aspasta
vain |" nisphal; 7<< anarthak; <<| brrithaa
in vain |"6|c< nisphal-bhaabe; 7<<6|c< anarthakbhaabe;
<<|5 brrithaay
vale 5o|<| upatyakaa
valiant "|>|"< saahasik
valid c<< beedh; |5< thik
valley 5o|<| upatyakaa
valour |<5 bikram
valuable |<| muulyabaan; || daamii
valuation ||5 muulyaayan
value | muulya; | daam; 5<||<o| upakaaritaa
valve <|D kapaat
van ||5| maal-gaari
vanguard 7|| c"1 agragaami seenya
to vanish 7|>o >?5| antarhita haoyaa
vanity <<| 7>C|< brrithaa ahankaar
vapour <|" baaspa; 6| bhaap
variable, changing |<<o"| (|<<"|) paribartan-shiil
variable, restless, wavering b< cancal; b cal
variation |<<o (|<<) paribartan (paribarttan)
variations o|<o| taaratamya
variety 9"| jalasaa; |<|6 << bibhinna rakam
various |<|6 bibhinna; 7||1 anyaanya; |||<|< naanaabidhi
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varnish <||" baarnish
to vary, be changed |6 o >?5| bhinna mata haoyaa; |<|6 >?5|
bibhinna haoyaa
to vary, make change |<|6 <<| bibhinna karaa
vast, plentiful, great |<"< bistar; |<"| bistiirna
vegetable o|<o<<|<| tatitarakaarii; "|<"||"9 shaak-saabji;
"|<"<|9 shaak-sabaji
vegetarian |<||<| niraamisii
vegetation 7C < ankuran; 5| udbhida
vehicle <| yaan; <|<|> yaanabaahan
veil 7|<< aabaran; .<|<=| borakhaa
vein |"<| shiraa; <<>| |5| raktabahaa naarii
velocity .<c< >|< beger haar; |oc< gatibeg
velvet = makhamal
veneration 6|< "| gabhiir shraddhaa
veneral disease .<|"5| .<| yoonasankraanta
vengeance |oc"|< pratishodh
venom |<< bis; < garal
venomous |<<| bisaakta; 7|8<< anistakar
ventilation <|5-"<| baayu-sancaalan
venue |-" milan-sthal
verbal .||=< mookhik
verdict <|5 raay
verge "|| siimaa; | praanta
verification "o| |o| satya pratipaadan
to verify "o| |o| <<| satya pratipaadan karaa; "o|o| <|b|*
<<| satyataa yaacaai karaa
vernacular |o 6|<| maatrribhaasaa; ."|5 6|<| deshiiya bhaasaa
verse, literary form | padya
verse, section of text pad
version, edition ""< sanskaran
version, report |<<< bibaran; <| bananaa
versus <| banaam
vertical =|5| khaaraa; 5~ ullamba
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 202 11 May 2007
very =< khub; .<"| (.<|") beshii (beshi); 7o| atyanta
"Very good", "O.K.!" 7|9|! "aachaa!"; .<"! "besh!"
vest .|9 genji
vet O< 5||< pashur daaktaar
vibration .| dolan; 7<~ anukampan
vice-, deputy- 5- upa-
visa-versa |<<|o5c bipariitakrame
vicinity |5| paaraa; c<D| neekatya
vicious ~D lampat; ||" paapaasakta
victim <| bali; |o" <|| ksatigrasta byakti; |"<|< shikaar
victorious 95| jayii; |<95"b< bijay-suucak
victory 95 jay; "| saphalya; |<95 bijay
view, as seen mentally o mata (mat)
view, as seen optically |8 drristi
view of life, point of view |86| drristibhangi; |b|<|<|
cintaadhaaraa; |8c<| drristikon
vigililance "o< o| satarkataa; 9|o<" | jaagratabasthaa
vigilant .9c (9||5|) jege (jaagiyaa); "o< satarka; "|<<|
saab-dhaan; "o< >|<o satarka praharaarata
vigorous 5"|>| ut'saahii; <<| balabaan'; < prabal
vile - :- duhh-
village | graam; | | palii graam
to vindicate "o|o| | <<| satyataa pramaan karaa
vine |o| draksalataa
vinegar |"<<| sirakaa; 7 alma
vinegar taste, sour D< tak
violation, breaking langhan
violation, act of forcing, raping <|<|< balaat'kaar
violence .|<|-| dooraatmya; |>"| hinsaa
violent |>" hinsra; "|>"| sahinsa
violet colour .<G| < begunii ran
violet coloured .<G| <c< begunii ranger
virgin girl < |<| kumaarii; <|| kanyaa; <1 kanya; 7o| aksataa;
7oc<|| aksatayoni
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virgin, pure (male) |<O bishuddha
virgin, pure (female) |<O| bishuddhaa; "o| satii
virginity, virgin pureness |<Oo|
virtue, moral excellence " G sad'gun; 1 punya; < (<~ ) dharma
(dharmma); G gun; c|o< 5<<o| neetik ut'karsataa
virtuous |<5 pabitra; "o| satii
virus .<|c< <|9 roger biij
visible '1 drrishya; '1o: drrishyatahh; |8c|b< drristigocar;
c|>< deehik
vision, foregleam " darshan; |8 drristi
vision, foresight <| kalpanaa
vision, sight ""| darshan-shakti
visit "|| saaksaat'; "< saphar
to visit "|| <<| saaksaat' karaa "< <<| saphar karaa
visitor |<"< paridarshak; <|<| bhraman-kaarii; .>|
meh'maan; o|<<<|<| tadaarak-kaarii
to visualize |8c|b< <<| drristigocar karaa
vital 7o||<'1< atyaabashyak; 9|< << jiiban raksak; 9<<|
with vital strength .o9 tej
vitality 9|<"| jiiban-shakti
vitamin =||| khaadyapraan
vocabulary 7|6<| abhidhaan; ""c<|< shabdakos
voice << rab; <5"< kanthasvar; <|b| baacya; | galaa; <|| baanii
volatile, evaporative 55| udvayii
volcano 7|c5||< aagneyagiri
voluntary ."9|<< (."9|"<) svecchaapuurbak
(svecchaapuurbak); ." 9|< o svecchaakrrita; " o:<
svetahhaprakrritta; " o:" o svatahhasphuurta
volunteer ."9|c"<< svecchaasebak
to vomit <| <<| bami karaa
vote .6|D bhot'
vow |o9| pratijnaa ["pratigyaa"]
vowel "< svabarna; "<4| svaradhani
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voyage <|5| yaatraa
vulgar, bad mannered 7|"8 ashista; 7"| ashliil
vulgar, common "|<|< saadhaaran;
vulgarity 7"||o| ashaaliinataa; |<|"8 bishista
vulture "< | shakuni; ."|< shokun
wage .<o betan
waist .<|< komar
to wait 7c| <<| apeksaa karaa; o||"| <<| pratyaashaa karaa;
o|| <<| pratiiksaa karaa
to wake up, stir oneself 9|| jaagaa; 55| uthaa; 9|||<o >?5|
jaagaarita haoyaa
to wake up someone else 9||c| (9||-) jaagaano (jaagaana);
55|c| (55|-) uthaano (uthaana)
to walk .<5|c| (.<5|-) beraano (beraana); >|D| h^aataa
wall .5| deyaal; |b|< praaciir; .?5| deoyaal
to wander c< .<5|c| (|55| .<5|-) ghure beraano (ghuriyaa
want, lack 76|< abhaab; |<<o| biralataa
to want b|?5| caoayaa
war < yuddha
to war < <<| yuddha karaa
wardrobe <"|| bastraadaam; 7||<| aalamaarii
warehouse |G| maalagudaam; |||< panyaagaar
warfare <<|| 7<"| yuddhakaaliin abasthaa
warm 5< usna; < garam; "|< saadar
warm relationship 5< "~< usna samparka; 5< "~< usna
sambandha; |8 "~< ghanista samparka
warm-hearted, sincere 7||<< aantarik
to warn "o< <<| satarka karaa
warning "o<<|| satarkabaanii; "|<<| saabadhaan
warrant, document <?5|| par-oyaanaa ["par-waanaa]
warrior c"1 seenya; .<|| yoddhaa
was |9 chila
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to wash .<|5| dhoyaa; .<|5| dhoyaa; <|b| kaacaa
washing .<|5| .|9| dhooyaa mochaa; <|* dhulaai
washtub || gaamalaa
wasp .<|o| bol'taa
waste, desert 9"1 janasunya; <6 | marubhuumi
waste, deserted, fallen |oo patita
waste, garbage, refuse 7|<9 | aabarjanaa
waste, unnecessary 7c5|9|5 aprayojaniiya
waste, useless spending 7<|5 apabyay; 7b5 apacay
waste, valueless |>| muulyahiin
to waste 8 <<| nasta karaa; 7<|5 <<| apabyay karaa; 5b5 <<|
upacay karaa
to waste time "5 8 <<| samay nasta karaa
watch, timepiece |5 ghari
watch, time period >< prahar
to watch .=| dekhaa; | <|=| laksya raakhaa
watchman ><| praharii
Watchtower ><| prahariidurga
water 9 jal; || paani; 7|< aab
water cycle 9 b5 jala cakra
waterfall 9|o jalaprapaat
water-melon o<9 taramuj
wave of energy <|| baani; o< taranga
wave of hand .||5| |o dolaayamaan gati; 7|c| aandolan
wave of sea .u5 deu
to wave .|||5o <<| dolaayita karaa
wave-length o<-c| taranga-deerghya
wavy o<||5o tarangaayita; o< "< taranga sankul; 7|c||o
wax [as in candles] .| mom
wax in ears <|c< kaaner mal; < karna mal
way, path < path; <|"| raastaa
way in <|< prakaar; 6|< bhaab
way out <||>< baahir; <||> < baahirgaman path
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in a - way; -ly -7|c< -aarthe
we 7|<| aamaraa
weak < durbal
weakly, ill 7"" asustha; < rugna
weakness <o| durbalataa
wealth < dhan; "~ sampad; 7< artha; ""< eeshvarya; <"~|
wealthy <| dhanii; <<| dhanabaan
weapon 7" astra; 7""" astrashastra
weapon proliferation 7" |oc<||o| astra pratiyogitaa
wear, damage through use .|<< posak
to wear, put on |<<| <<| paridhaan karaa
to wear out, become weak 7<< >?5| abasanna haoyaa
to wear out, make weak 7<< <<| abasanna karaa
wear and tear 5 ksay; 9| 7<"| jiirna abasthaa
weariness <|| klaanti
wearisome |<<|<< biraktikar
weary <| klaanta
weather 7|<>|?5| aabahaaoyaa
to weave <5 <<| bayan karaa; .<|| bonaa
weaving <|| bunaani; .<||< <|9 bonaar kaaj
weaver o|o| t^aatii
to wed |<<|> <<| bibaaha karaa
wedding |<<|> bibaaha
wedlock |<<|> << bibaaha bandhan
Wednesday <<<|< budhabaar
weed 7||9| aagaachaa
"the weeds" [darnel grass] "||||" "shaamaaghaas"
week "|> saptaah; "| saptaa
weekly "|||>< saaptaahik
to weep <|| k^aadaa; 5 <<| krandan karaa
to weigh physically ?9 .?5| ojan deoyaa; ?9 <<| ojan karaa
to weigh thoughtfully |<c<b| <<| bibecanaa karaa
weight ?9 ojan; 6|< bhaar; |<| parimaana
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 207 11 May 2007
weird 7 o adbhut
welcome 76|<| abhyarthanaa; "|o svaagat
Welcome! (see Greetings!) 7|" 7|"! aasun aasun!
to welcome "|o "~|< <<| svaagat sambhaasan karaa; 76||<|
<<| abhyaarthanaa karaa; "|o <<| samaadrrita karaa
welfare mangal; 5|o unnati
well, in good condition 6|c| (6|) bhaalo (bhaala)
well, in good health "" sustha
well, O.K. then .<" besh; 5 uttam
well of water |o< 5| paatakuyaa
well acquainted "|<|bo suparicita
well behaved 6 7|b<-< bhadra aacaran-yukta
well-being mangal; < " kushal; "| samrriddhi
well-fed *88 hrristapusta
well known "|<|bo suparicita; "|<=||o subikhyaat
well mannered "6| sabhya; 6 bhadra
well-meaning "c'1 saduddeshyapuurna
well-wisher O6|<|=| shubhaakaankhii
Let it be well with you! >5<! mangal hauk!
went, did go [see Study 34] .|, .c, ., .c gelaam, gele,
gela, gelen
went, would go, used to go [see Grammar 50.1] .<o|, .<co, .<co|,
.<co (<|*o|, <|*co, <|*o,<|*co) yetaam, yete, yeto,
yeten (yaaitaam, yaaite, yaata, yaaiten)
west |'b pashcim; |'b |< pashcim dik'
the west |'b|o| paashcaatya
westward |'b |c< pashcim dike
wet |6|9c5 (|69|*5|) bhijiye (bhijaaiyaa)
to wet |69|c| (|69|-) bhijaano (bhijaana)
wharf |D ghaat
what (singular), that which <| (<|>|) yaa (yaahaa); .< ye
what (plural), those which <| <| (<|>| <|>|) yaa yaa (yaahaa yaahaa);
.< .< ye ye
what? (singular) <|? (|<?) kii? (ki?)
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what? (plural) <| <| (|< |<)? kii kii? (ki ki?)
in what (singular), in that which <|co (<|>|co) yaate (yaahaate)
in what (plural), in those which <|c<co (<|>|c<co) yaader-te
in what one? (singular) |<c"? kise?
in what ones? (plural) <|c<co? (<|>|c<co?) kaader-te
of what (singular), of that which <|< (<|>|<) yaar (yaahaar)
of what (plural), of those which <|c< (<|>|c<) yaader (yaahaader)
of what? (singular) |<c"<? kiser?
of what? (plural) <|c< (<|>|c<?) kaader? (kaahaader?)
for what, for that which .< 91 ye janya
whatever <| |<9 .>|< | .< (<|>| |<9 >5< | .<) yaa kichu
hok naa kena (yaahaa kichu hauk naa kena)
whatever may be <|* .>|< | .< (<|>|* >5< | .<) yaa-i hok
naa kena (yaahaa-i hauk naa kena)
wheat (.|) gam (gom)
wheat and weeds .| "< "||||" gom eban shyaamaaghaas
wheel b|<| caakaa
when, at the time that <= yakhan; <c< yabe; .< "c5 ye samaye
when? <=? kakhan?; <c< kabe?; .<| "c5? kon' samaye
whence, from which place .<=| >co (>*co) yekhaan hate (haite);
.<=| .<c< yekhaan theke
whence? .<|<| .<c<? kothaa theke?; .<|<| >co (>*co)? kothaa
hate (haite)?; .<| "| >co (>*co)? kon' sthaan hate (haite)?
whenever, at whatever time <=* yakhan-i; .< .<| "c5 ye kona
where, at which place <<|5 yathaay; .<=|c yekhaane; .< "|c ye
where? .<|<|5? kothaay?; .<|=|c? kon'khaane? .<|"|c
whereas .<=|c yekhaane; .<c>o yehetu; <|" |<< baastabik
whereby, by which means <|<| yadvaaraa
whereby? by what means? |<c"? kise?; <| (|<) |<|? kii (ki)
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wherever .< .<| "|c || .<] ye kona sthaane [naa kena]
wherein, in which <|co (<|>|co) yaate (yaahaate)
wherein? in what? |<c"? kise?
whether, is it so? |<? ki?
which (singular) [see "what"] <|*(<|>|*) yaa-i (yaahaa-i); .< .<| ye
which (plural) .< .< ye ye; .< .<| ye kona; .<G| yeguli
which? (singular) .<|? kon'?
which? (plural) .<| .<|? kon' kon'?
while, in meantime <= yakhan
while, period "5 samay; <| kaal
whip b|<< caabuk
whirling |5| ghuurnaayamaan
whirlwind |<|o|" ghuurnibaataas
to whisper |"|" <|<5| <<| <| phis'phis' kariyaa kathaa balaa
whistle |"" shis
written in black and white <|c9 <c .=| kaagaje kalame lekhaa
white "|| saadaa; "|| shaadaa [incorrect spelling]; ."o<
whither, in which direction .< |c< ye dike; .< "|c ye sthaane
whither? .<| |c<? kon' dike? .<| "|c? kon' sthaane?
who (singular), the one that .< ye; <| (<|>|) yaa (yaahaa)
who (plural), the ones that <|<| (<|>|<|) yaaraa (yaahaaraa)
whoever, no matter who .<> keha; .<5 keu; .< .<> .>|< (>5<) |
.< ye keha hok (hauk) naa kena
who? (singular) .<? ke?
who? (singular) [a theoretical form used as a base for declension into
forms for other cases - e.g. of whom, whose <|< ?(<|>|<?)
kaahaar (kaar)] <|? (<|>|?) kaa? (kaahaa?) [instead of .< ke]
who? (plural) <|<|? (<|>|<|?) kaaraa? (kaahaaraa?)
whole "~ sampuurna; " samagra; "5 samuday; 7=5
akhanda; "|<| saaraa; c<| (<) puro (pura); ||= nikhil
as a whole, overall .|D||D motaamuti
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whole-hearted "<||< eekaantik
whole-heartedly "<|<<c ("" |:<<c) sarvaatakarane
whole-souled "~-*5 sampuurna-hrriday
wholly "6|c< samagrabhaabe; .|D||D motaamuti
whom (singular), to the one who <|c< (<|>|c<) yaake (yaahaake)
whom (plural), to the ones who <|c<c< (<|>|c<c<) yaader-ke
whom? (singular) <|c<? (<|>|c<?) kaake? (kaahaake?)
whom? (plural) <|c<c<? (<|>|c<c<?) kaader-ke?
whose (singular), the one whose <|< (<|>|<) yaar (yaahaar)
whose (plural), the ones whose <|c< (<|>|c<) yaader (yaahaader)
whose? (singular) <|<? (<|>|<?) kaar? (kaahaar?)
whose? (plural) <|c<? (<|>|c<?) kaader? (kaahaader?)
whosoever, no matter who [see Study 36] .< .<5 (.<>) ye keu
(keha); .< .<5 (.<>) | .< ye keu (keha) ... naa kena
why, the reason being that, so that [see Study 40] .< yena
why? for what reason? .<? kena?; <| (|<) <|<c? kii (ki)
kaarane?; <| (|<) 91? kii (ki) janya
wicked 8 dusta; || paapii; .|<| nonraa; - (:-) du- (duhha-);
<- dus-
wide "" prashasta; b?5| caoraa; |<" | bistiin
-wide -<||| byaapii
widely <||<6|c< byaapak-bhaabe
widespread "< |<" o suuduur bistrrita
widow |<4| bidhbaa
widower |<|-< bipatnik
wife "| strii; -| patnii
husband of one wife "< "|< "|| ek striir svaamii
wild <1 banya; 7"6| asabhya
wilderness | c<o praantareta
will, wish *9| icchaa; 9 pachanda; |9 marji
God's will >"c<< *9| ishvarer icchaa; .=||< |9 khodaar marji
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good will Oc69| shubhecchaa; "| sunaam
willing <|9| raajii
willingness ."9| svecchaa
willingly ."9|5 svecchaay
win, victory, success 95 jay; "o| saphalataa
to win, succeed |9o| jitaa; 95 <<| jay karaa; " >?5| saphal
wind, air <|o|" baataas; |:"|" nihhashvaas
wind, twist |< paak
to wind, coil <| |<|c| (|<|-) kundalii paakaano (paakaana);
GD|c| (GD|-) gutaano (gutaana)
to wind, encircle .<| gheraa
to wind, turn <| ghuraa
to wind, make turn <|c| (<|-) ghuraano (ghuraana)
to wind, meander "c< .<c< <|?5| (7 ||<5| <||<5| <|?5|) e^ke
b^eke yaaoyaa (aa^kiyaa b^aakiyaa yaaoyaa)
to wind, be twisted |< || paak laagaa; <|<| b^aakaa
to wind, make twisted, wrap 95|c| (95|-) jaraano (jaraana);
<|<|c| (<|<|-) b^aakaano (b^aakaana)
to wind up, bring to finish ."< <<| shes karaa
to wind up, come to finish ."< >?5| shes haoyaa
winding, twisting 7|<|<|<| aa^kaab^aakaa
window 9||| jaanaalaa
windy <|55 baayumay; <|5 baayupuurna
wine mad; ||<" draaksaaras
wing |=| paakhaa
winner 95| jayii; |<95| bijayii
winsome |b|<<< cittaakarsak; c|>< manohar
winter "|o <| shiit kaal
to wipe 9| muchaa; c9 (9|*5|) .?5| muche (muchaaiyaa)
deoyaa; .|9| p^ochaa
wire o|< taar
wireless .<o|< betaar
wisdom |<9o| bijnataa ["bigyataa"]; <| buddhimata; 9|
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prajnaa ["pragyaa"]
wise |<9 bijna ["bigya"]; <| buddhi; |<b bicaksan; 9|| jnaanii
wish *9| icchaa; 7||6|< abhilaas; <|| kaamanaa
to wish *9| <<| icchaa karaa; <|| <<| kaamanaa karaa;
Best Wishes! Oc69|! shubhecchaa!
wit <| buddhi; <| buddhimatta
witch 5|*| daainii; <|<|<| yaadukaarii
witchery <| yaadu; "c~I|> sammohan
with "c sange; "|c< saathe; "|>o sahit
with- "- san'-; "- sam-; ">- sah-; "- san-
with this; upon this "< "><o| ("><|) er sahabartii (sahabarttii)
to withdraw o||>|< <<| pratyaahaar karaa; 5|5c5 (55|*5|) ?5|
uthiye (uthaaiyaa) laoyaa
withdrawal o||>|<
to wither O" >?5| shuska haoyaa; ~| >?5| mlaan haoyaa
withered O" shuska; ~| mlaan
to withhold "<o <<| sanyata karaa
within |6oc< bhitare; c<| madhye; 76|c< abhyantare; 7c<
without, lacking [see Grammar 32.1] <|o|o bbyatiita; 9|5| chaaraa;
|<| binaa; -|<>| -bihiin
"without charge" |<| c| "binaa muulye"
without, excepting, excluding <||oc<c< byatireke
without success <<|5 brrithaay
the body without spirit is dead 7|-I||<>| .> o aatmaabihiin deha
faith without works is dead <~I|<>| |<"|" o karmmabihiin
bishvaas mrrita
to withstand <|<| .?5| baadhaa deoyaa
witness, person "|| saaksi ("|| saaksii ["shaak'kii"])
witness, proof | pramaan
to bear witness "|| .?5| saaksya deoyaa; | <<| pramaan
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witty in words <<|5 <|"< kathaay rasik
woe = (:=) dukha (duhh-kha); |<-7| bipad'-aapad'; "|
"Woe!" |<< ! "dhik'!"
"woe for the earth and sea!" |<<| ? "c< " | >c< (>*c<)!
"prrithibii o samudrer santaap habe (haibe)!"
wolf .<5| kenduyaa; .<c5 <| nekare baagh
inside they are ravenous 7 c< o|<| (o|>|<|) |"<|<| .<5| antare
taaraa (taahaaraa) graas-kaarii kenduyaa
wolves .<5| kenduyaa
woman |<| naarii; "| strii; |>| mahilaa; "|c|< striilok
"out of a woman" -"|9|o "-striijaata"
womanhood ||<- naaritva; "| 9||o strii jaati
wonder |<"I5 bismay; 7|'b< (7|'b<|) |<<5 aashcarya
(aashcaryya) bisay
to wonder 7|'b<||o (7|'b<|||o) >?5| aashcaryaanbita
(aashcaryyaanvita) haoyaa
wonderful |<"I5<< bismay-kar; 7|'b< (7|'b<|) aashcarya
(aashcaryya); b<|< camat'kaar; 7< (7") apuurba
wont, habit 76||" abhyaas; <||o riiti
to woo |<5 <<| binay karaa; . <<| prem karaa
wood <|5 kaath; <|6 kaastha
woodland < ban; <6 | ban-bhuumi; 7<| aranya
wool " pasham; .|< lomas
woollen "| pashamii
word "" shabda; <<| kathaa; <|<| baakya
word of God is alive! >"c<< <|<| 9|<! iishvarer baakya jiibanta
work, thing done <|9 kaaj; < (<~ ) karma (karmma); " shram
to work <|9 <<| kaaj karaa; <b| racanaa
worker <<|<| karmakaarii; <<o| karmakartaa
workshop <|<=|| kaar-khaanaa
world [Sanskrit context] 9 jagat'
world [Arabic context] |5| duniyaa
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 214 11 May 2007
World War |<" < bishva yuddha
worldliness 9||o<o| jaagatikataa; "|><o| eehikataa
worldly, secular "|>< eehik; 9||o< jaagatik
world-wide |<"<||| bishvabyaapii; 9||| jagadvyaapii
worm < | krrimi; <|D kiita; .< cb| k^eco
worry 5c udveg; |b| cintaa; 6|<| bhaabanaa
to worry 5c <<| udveg karaa
worship 69| bhajanaa; 5|"| upaasanaa; 7|<|<| aaraadhanaa;
6| bhakati; 9| pujaa; "<|o ebaadat
an act of worship | pranaam
to worship 69| <<| bhajanaa karaa
worshipped 5||"o upaasita
worst "< .bc5 sab ceye manda
worth | muulya
worthiness .<||o| yogyataa
worthless |>| muulyahiin; G>| guun-hiin
worthwhile |<| muulyabaan; |69< laabh-janak
worthy .<|| yogya
would that, ought [see Study 40] .< yena
wound, harm |o ksati; 7||o aaghaat; | ghaa
to wound o <<| aaghaat kaaraa
wounded 7|>o aahata; |o" ksatigrasta; o ksata
to wrap 95|c| (95|-) jaraano (jaraana)
to wrestle < <<| mallayuddha karaa; < |" <<| kusti karaa
wrist <<|9 kabaji; |< manibaddha [not commonly used]
to write .=| lekhaa; |=| likhaa
writer .=< lekhak; <|< granthakaar; <b|5o| racayitaa
writing, script .= lekhan; <b| racanaa
in writing ||=o likhita
wrong 6 bhul; 7||5 anyaay; .|< dos; 7|bo anucit
wrong-doing, error 7<|< aparaadh
wrong-doing, sin | paap
Xmas, Christmas <c5|| (<5|) "barodin" ("baradin")
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X-ray <9 <|' ranjan-rashmi
yacht >|<| |co|| .|<| haalakaa paalatolaa nookaa
yachting <|*bc=| baaicakhelaa
"Yahweh" *5|?c5 "iyaaoye"
yard, enclosure 55| uthaan
yard, length "<9 ek-gaj
yarn, story galpa
yarn, thread |<| "o| paakaan sutaa
to yawn >|* .o|| haai tolaa
year in dates "| saal
year 1914 S|" " .b| "| uunish sha coodda saal
year, period <"< bat'sar; <9< bachar
yearbook <<9| barsapunjii
yearly <||<< baarsik
to yearn 5"< >?5| ut'suk haoyaa; *9| <<| icchaa karaa; <||
<<| kaamanaa karaa
yearning *9| icchaa; <|| kaamanaa; 7|<|^=| aakaankhaa; <|v|
years, age <5" bayas
of ... years of age ... <"< <5c" bat'sar bayase
years, agedness <|<<| baardhakya
yellow >c < halade ran; |o< piitabarna; > halud; |<
yes >|| h^yaa; >| h^aa
Yesh'ua *c5"5| iyesuuyaa
yesterday o <| gata kaal; o<|| gatakaalya
the day before yesterday o <O gata parashu
yet, even more 7|<? aar-o
yet, even now "=? ekhan-o
yet, even so, even then o<|| tathaapi; o=? takhan-o; <|* .>|<
(<|>|* >5<) yaa-i hok (yaahaa-i hauk); 7<b athaca; 7|<<
to yield, accept, accede "|<|< <<| sviikaar karaa
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to yield, give up o|| <<| tyaag karaa
to yield, produce 5| <<| ut'paadan karaa
yoke .9|5| joyaal
yonder ?=|c okhaane
you, singular diminutive o * tui
you, singular common o | tumi
you, singular honorific 7|| aapani
you, plural diminutive .o|<| toraa
YOU, plural common .o|<| tomaraa
YOU, plural honorific 7||<| aapanaaraa
to you, singular diminutive .o|c< toke
to you, singular common .o||c< tomaake
to you, singular honorific 7||c< aapanaake
to you, plural diminutive .o|c<c< toder-ke
to YOU, plural common .o||c<-.< tomaader-ke
to YOU, plural honorific 7||c<-.< aapanaader-ke
young <<< yubak; o< tarun; 7<5" alpabayaska; < <5"| kam
young lion <<|"> yubasinha
younger <5c" .9|D bayase chota; <|6o< kanisthatar
youngest <5c" "< .bc5 .9|D bayase sab ceye chota; <|6o
youngster <|< baalak; .9|<<| chokaraa
your, singular diminutive .o|< tor
your, singular common .o||< tomaar
your, singular honorific 7||< aapanaar
your, plural diminutive .o|c< toder
YOUR, plural common .o||c< tomaader
YOUR, plural honorific 7||c< aapanaader
yourself, oneself "5 svayan; 7|| aapani
youth, period <<<| yubakaal
youth, person, female <<o| yubatii
youth, person, male <<< yubak
youthful "co9 satej .<|<"6 yooban-sulabh; o< <5" tarun
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 217 11 May 2007
youths <<<-<<o|<| yubak-yubatiiraa
zeal 5"|> ut'saaha; 5c|| udyog; 7|> aagraha; ?"<| oot'sakya;
5|| uddiipanaa; 5| udyam
zealous 5"|>| ut'saahii; 7|"| aagrashiil; 5c||| udyogii; 5||
zebra .9<| jebraa
zig-zag 7 |<|<|<| aa^kaab^aakaa; "| sarpil
zonal 7|<|< aancalik
zone 7< ancal; "|<| elaakaa
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 218 11 May 2007
(See Notes #below these two tables)
#1 #1 #2,4 #4 #1,3 #3,4
Nom. I you you he, she it you he, she
7|| o* o| ." o| 7|| |o|
aami tui tumi se taa aapani tini
Acc. me you you him, her it you him, her
#5 7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o| 7||c< o|c<
aamaake toke tomaake taake taa aapanaake t^aake
Gen. my your your his, her its your his, her
of me of you of you of him, her of it of you of him, her
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
Dat. me you you him, her it you him, her
to me to you to you to him, her to it to you to him, her
#6 7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
aamaake toke tomaake taake taake aapanaake t^aake
Instr.1 by me by you by you by him, her by it by you byhim,her
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
#7 |<| |<| |<| |<| |<| |<| |<|
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa
Instr.2 via me via you via you via him, her via it via you via him, her
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
#8 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
diye diye diye diye diye diye diye
Abl. from from from from from from from
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 219 11 May 2007
me you you him, her it you him, her
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
#9 .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c<
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
theke theke theke theke theke theke theke
Loc. in me in you in you in him, her in it in you in him, her
7||co, .o|co .o||co, o|co o|co 7||co o|co
#10 7||5 .o||5
aamaate, tote tomaate, taate taate aapanaate t^aate
aamaay tomaay
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(See Notes # below these two tables)
#1 #1 #2,4 #4 #1,3 #3,4
Nom. we you you they they YOU they
7|<| .o|<| .o|<| o|<| o|<| 7||<| o|<|
aami tui tumi se taa aapani tini
aamaraa toraa tomaraa taaraa taaraa aapanaaraa t^aaraa
Acc. us you you them them YOU them
#11 7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
|-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<]
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
[-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke]
Gen. our YOUR YOUR their their YOU THEIR
of us of YOU of YOU of them of them of YOU of them
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
Dat. us YOU YOU them them YOU THEM
to us to YOU to YOU to them to them to YOU to THEM
#12 7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
|-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<] |-c<]
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
[-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke] [-ke]
Instr.1 by me by YOU by YOU by them by them by YOU THEM
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
#13 |<| |<| |<| |<| |<| |<| |<|
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa dvaaraa
Instr.2 via me via you via you via him, her via it via you via him, her
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
#14 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5 |c5
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 221 11 May 2007
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
diye diye diye diye diye diye diye
Abl. from from from from from from from
me you you him, her it you him, her
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
#15 .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c< .<c<
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
theke theke theke theke theke theke theke
Loc. in me in you in you in him, her in it in you in him, her
#16 7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 222 11 May 2007
Notes on Declension of Pronouns (and Nouns)
#1 The three forms of "you" listed from left to right are:-
familiar, common, and honorific.
#2 For "he" or "she" there is no distinction for gender in the
Bengali pronouns.
The forms ." se and o|- taa- are often replaced throughout by
"this one" - either *>|- ihaa- or "- e-.
#3 Underlining of you, he, she, YOU, and they indicate the
honorific form.
#4 The forms listed for :-
o|- taa- and o|- t^aa
are in modern Common Bengali ("chalito" language).
In classical ("saadhu") literary style longer forms are used:-
o|>|- taahaa- and o|>|- t^aahaa-
#5 Alternative forms are 7||5 aamaay, and .o||5 tomaay.
#6 See Note #5.
When the sense involves respectful approach into someone's
presence, the preferred form is:-
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
<|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache
#7 Instrumental 1 Case, "by the action of", can also use ...<o <
...kartrrik, ...|c5 ...diye or ...|5| ...diyaa
#8 Instrumental 2 Case, meaning "by way of", can also use ...|5|
#9 Sometimes the possessive (Genetive Case) ending -< -r is
omitted 7|| .<c< aamaa theke, etc.
An alternative word for "from" is >*co haite (>co hate).
#10 See Note #5.
For the sense of "within me (inside of me)", etc. use:-
7||< .o|< .o||< o|< o|< 7||< o|<
c<| c<| c<| c<| c<| c<| c<|
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 223 11 May 2007
aamaar tor tomaar taar taar aapanaar t^aar
madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye madhye
#11 The common forms are shortened to 7||c< aamaader, etc.,
similar to the Genetive Case possessive form.
The full literary form is 7||c<c< aamaader-ke, etc. An
alternative form of this is 7|||c< aamaadigake, .o||c<
todigake, .o|||c< tomaadigake, o|>||c<taahaadigake,
7|||c< aapanaadigake, o|>||c< t^aahaadigake.
#12 See Note #11.
When the sense involves respectful approach into some
person's presence, it is clearer to use:-
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
<|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9 <|c9
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache kaache
#13 See Note #7.
#14 See Note #8. Also the group sense is emphasized by inserting
c<| madhye 7||c< c<| |c5 aamaader madhye diye.
#15 When the sense involves respectful departure from a person's
presence, it is preferable to insert <|9 kaach
7||c< .o|c< .o||c< o|c< o|c< 7||c< o|c<
<|9 .<c< <|9 .<c< <|9 .<c< <|9 .<c< <|9 .<c< <|9 .<c< <|9.<c<
aamaader toder tomaader taader taader aapanaader t^aader
kaach theke kaach theke kaach theke kaach theke kaach theke kaach theke kaach theke
#16 Alternative (older) forms are 7|||co aamaadigate,
.o||co todigate, .o|||co tomaadigate,
o|>||co taahaadigate, 7|||co aapanaadigate,
o|>||co t^aahaadigate.
General Note About Nouns
The above declensions generally apply to nouns also, except that:-
i) Personal nouns are made plural in the Nom. Case by adding
-"<| -eraa, -<| -raa, or - -gan.
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 224 11 May 2007
ii) Impersonal nouns in the plural in all cases take the ending
G| -guli (or -Gc| -gulo, or - -gan).
Impersonal nouns take postposition words as listed under
"it" and "they" above.
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 225 11 May 2007
GRAMMAR 53.3 Verb Family:- Like <<| "karaa"
See Grammar 10.2
Identifying Verbal
<<| karaa
Infinitive Noun
<<co kar-te
(<|<co karite)
Present Participle
<<co kar-te
(<|<co karite)
Past Participle
<c< kare
(<|<5| kariyaa)
Conditional Participle
<<c kar-le
(<|<c karile)
7|| aami
7|| aami)
o| tumi
o| tumi)
.", o| se, taa
.", o|>|
se, taahaa)
7||, |o|
aapani, tini
7||, |o|
aapani, tini)
Present Indicative:
I do
<|< kari
(<|< kari)
<c<| karo
(<< kara)
<c< kare
(<c< kare)
<c< karen
(<c< karen)
Present Imperative:
Let me do!
<|< kari
(<|< kari)
<< kara
(<<? karao)
<<< karuk
(<<< karuk)
<< karun
(<< karun)
I am doing
<<|9 kar-chi
<<c9| kar-cho
<<c9 kar-che
Present Perfect:
I have done
<c<|9 karechi
<c<c9| karecho
<c<c9 kareche
Future Indefinite:
I will do
<<c<| kar-bo
(<|<< kariba)
<<c< kar-be
(<|<c< karibe)
<<c< kar-be
(<|<c< karibe)
<<c< kar-ben
Future Imperative
(You will) do!
- - <`.<| ka'ro
(<|<? kario)
<c< kare
(<c< kare)
<c< karen
(<c< karen)
Future Imperative:
(You will) do!
<<< kar'ba
<<c< kar'be
(<|<c< karibe)
<<c< kar'be
(<|<c< karibe)
<<c< kar'ben
Future Continuous:
I will be doing
<<co <|<c<|
kar-te thaak-bo
(<|<co <||<<
karite thaakiba)
<<co <|<c<
kar-te thaak-be
(<|<co <||<c<
karite thaakibe)
<<co <|<c<
kar-te thaak-be
(<|<co <||<c<
karite thaakibe)
<<co <|<c<
kar-te thaak-ben
(<|<co <||<c<
karite thaakiben)
Future Perfect:
I will have done
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
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Past Simple Narrative,
Past Historic:
I did
<<| kar-laam
<<c kar-le
(<|<c karile)
<<c| kar-lo
(<|< karila)
<<c kar-len
Past Perfect/
/Common Past:
I had done/ I did
Past Frequentative:
I should do
<<co kar-te
(<|<co karite)
<<co| kar-to
(<|<o karita)
<<co kar-ten
Past Continuous:
I was doing
GRAMMAR 53.4 Verb Family:- Like =|?5| "khaaoyaa"
See Grammar 11.1
Identifying Verbal
Infinitive Noun
.=co khete
(=|*co khaaite)
Present Participle
.=co khete
(=|*co khaaite)
Past Participle
.=c5 kheye
Conditional Participle
.=c khele
(=|*c khaaile)
7|| aami
7|| aami)
o| tumi
o| tumi)
.", o| se, taa
.", o|>|
se, taahaa)
7||, |o|
aapani, tini
7||, |o|
aapani, tini)
Present Indicative:
I eat
=|* khaai
(=|* khaai)
=|? khaao
(=|? khaao)
=|5 khaay
(=|5 khaay)
=| khaan
(=| khaan)
Present Imperative:
Let me eat!
=|* khaai
(=|* khaai)
=|? khaao
(=|? khaao)
=|< khaay
(=|5< khaauk)
=| khaan
(=|5 khaaun)
I am eating
=||9 khaacchi
Present Perfect:
.=c5|9 .=c5c9| .=c5c9 .=c5c9
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 227 11 May 2007
I have eaten
Future Indefinite:
I will eat
=|c<| khaabo
(=|*< khaaiba)
=|c< khaabe
(=|*c< khaaibe)
=|c< khaabe
(=|*c< khaaibe)
=|c< khaaben
Future Imperative
(You will) eat!
- - .=? kheo
=|5 khaay
(=|5 khaay)
=| khaan
(=| khaan)
Future Imperative:
(You will) eat!
=|< khaaba
=|c< khaabe
(=|*c< khaaibe)
=|c< khaabe
(=|*c< khaaibe)
=|c< khaaben
Future Continuous:
I will be eating
.=co <|<c<|
khete thaak-bo
(=|*co <||<<
.=co <|<c<
khete thaak-be
(=|*co <||<c<
.=co <|<c<
khete thaak-be
(=|*co <||<c<
.=co <|<c<
khete thaak-ben
(=|*co <||<c<
Future Perfect:
I will have eaten
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
Past Simple Narrative,
Past Historic:
I ate
.=| khelaam
.=c khele
(=|*c khaaile)
.=c| khelo
(=|* khaaila)
.=c khelen
Past Perfect/
/Common Past:
I had eaten/ I ate
Past Frequentative:
I should eat
.=o| khetaam
.=co khete
(=|*co khaaite)
.=co| kheto
(=|*o khaaita)
.=co kheten
Past Continuous:
I was eating
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GRAMMAR 53.5 Verbs Like 9|c| (9|) garjaano (garjaana)
See Grammar 12, 13
Identifying Verbal
Infinitive Noun
9|co garjaate
Present Participle
9|co garjaate
Past Participle
|9c5 garjiye
Conditional Participle
9|c garjaale
7|| aami
7|| aami)
o| tumi
o| tumi)
.", o| se, taa
.", o|>|
se, taahaa)
7||, |o|
aapani, tini
7||, |o|
aapani, tini)
Present Indicative:
I roar
9|* garjaai
(9|* garjaai)
9|? garjaao
(9|? garjaao)
9|5 garjaay
(9|5 garjaay)
9| garjaan
(9| garjaan)
Present Imperative:
Let me roar!
9|* garjaai
(9|* garjaai)
9|? garjaao
(9|? garjaao)
9|< garjaay
9| garjaan
I am roaring
Present Perfect:
I have roared
Future Indefinite:
I will roar
9|c<| garjaabo
9|c< garjaabe
9|c< garjaabe
Future Imperative
(You will) roar!
- -
c9? garjeo
9|5 garjaay
(9|5 garjaay)
9| garjaan
(9| garjaan)
Future Imperative:
(You will) roar!
9|< garjaaba
(9|< garjaaba
9|c< garjaabe
9|c< garjaabe
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 229 11 May 2007
Future Continuous:
I will be roaring
9|co <|<c<|
(9|*co <||<<
9|co <|<c<
9|co <|<c<
9|co <|<c<
Future Perfect:
I will have roared
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
(Gr. 46.4)
Past Simple Narrative,
Past Historic:
I roared
9|c garjaale
9|c| garjaalo
Past Perfect/
/Common Past:
I had roared/ I roared
Past Frequentative:
I should roar
9|co| garjaato
Past Continuous:
I was roaring
GRAMMAR 53.3 Declension for Second Person Inferior o* "tui"
See Grammar 53.2
to do
<<| karaa
to eat
=|?5| khaaoyaa
to roar
9|c| garjaano
(9| garjaana)
Present Indicative:
thou doest
<|<" karis'
thou eatest
=|*" khaais'
thou roarest
9|*" garjaais'
Present Imperative:
Let thou do!
<< kar'
Let thou eat!
=| khaa
Let thou roar!
9| garjaa
thou art doing
<<|9" kar-chis'
thou art eating
=||9" khaacchis'
thou art roaring
9||9" garjaacchis'
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 230 11 May 2007
Present Perfect:
thou hast doing
<c<|9" karechis'
thou hast eaten
.=c5|9" kheyechis'
thou hast roared
|9c5|9" garjiyechis'
Future Indefinite:
thou willst do
<<|< kar-bi
thou willst eat
=||< khaabi
thou willst roar
9||< garjaabi
Future Imperative
(thou willst) do!
<`.<| ka'ro
<|<" karis'
(thou willst) eat!
=|" khaas'
(thou willst) roar!
|9" garjis'
Future Imperative:
(thou willst) do!
<<|< kar'bi
(thou willst) eat!
=||< khaabi
(thou willst) roar!
9||< garjaabi
Future Continuous:
I will be doing
<<co <|<|<
kar-te thaak-bi
.=co <|<|<
khete thaak-bi
9|co <|<|<
garjaate thaak-bi
Future Perfect:
thou willst have done
thou willst have eaten
thou willst have roared
Past Simple Narrative,
Past Historic:
thou didst
<<| kar-li
thou didst
.=c kheli
thou didst
9|| garjaali
Past Perfect/
/Common Past:
thou hadst done/thou didst
<c<|9| karechili
thou hadst done/thou didst
.=c5|9| kheyechili
thou hadst done/thou didst
Past Frequentative:
thou shouldst do
<<|o" kar-tis'
thou shouldst eat
.=|o" khetis'
thou shouldst roar
9||o" garjaatis'
Past Continuous:
thou werst doing
<<|9| kar-chili
thou werst eating
=||9| khaacchile
thou werst roaring
9||9| garjaacchili
The above table states the short form singular. There is also a long
form, such as =|*co|9" khaaitechis'; =|*5||9" khaaiyaachis';
=|*|< khaaibi; =|*5||9| khaaiyaachili; =|*co|9|
The plural for o * tui is .o|<| toraa.
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Cardinal Numbers: Zero, One, Two, Three
0 o
1 :
2 .
4 8
5 e
6 o
8 u
10 :o
11 ::
12 :.
13 :
14 :8
15 :e
16 :o
17 :
18 :u
19 :
20 .o
21 .:
22 ..
23 .
24 .8
25 .e
26 .o
27 .
28 .u
29 .
30 o
31 :
32 .
34 8
35 e
36 o
38 u
40 8o
41 8:
42 8.
43 8
44 88
45 8e
46 8o
47 8
48 8u
49 8
50 eo
51 e:
52 e.
53 e
54 e8
55 ee
56 eo
57 e
58 eu
59 e
60 oo
61 o:
62 o.
63 o
64 o8
65 oe
66 oo
67 o
68 ou
69 o
70 o
71 :
72 .
73 u
74 8
75 e
76 o
78 u
80 uo
81 u:
82 u.
83 u
84 u8
85 ue
86 uo
87 u
88 uu
89 u
90 o
91 :
92 .
94 8
95 e
p^ac- aanabbai
96 o
98 u
There are variations in spellings and use of some of these numbers:-
< |5 kuri may be used for twenty instead of |<" bish
|o|<" tirish may be used for thirty instead of |5" trish
<|5 saath may be used for sixty instead of <|D saat
7|D aat- may be used for -eight instead ofqa7|5- aath- in .u,
u, 8u, ou
5- un- may be used for "one-less-than" instead of S- uun-
in :, ., , 8, e, o, , u
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 232 11 May 2007
", ."| or "o sha, sho or shat mean hundred. :oo
200 is treated as "two hundreds" * " dui sha, and so on.
>|9|< or ">" haajaar or sahasra mean thousand. :ooo
2000 is treated as "two thousands" * >|9|< dui haajaar, and so on.
|= or laakh or laksa mean hundred thousand. :,oo,ooo
.<|D or .5|5 koti or kror mean ten million. :o,oo,ooo
< brrinda means one thousand million :,oo,oo,oo,ooo
"^= shankha is one million million :,oo,oo,oo,oo,oo,ooo
>|I mahaapadma is a hundred million million
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 233 11 May 2007
18 poyaa .|5|
1. aadhaa 7|<|

18 tin poyaa |o .|5|

1 : ek "<
/4 :
18 p^aac poyaa |b .|5|
/2 :
1. der .5
/4 :

18 saat poyaa "|o .|5|

2 . dui *
/4 .
18 nay poyaa 5 .|5|
/2 .
1. aaraai 7|5|*
For larger fractions use:-
18 saoyaa (sawaa) "?5|
1. saare "|c5
18 poone .|c
/4 .

18 poone tin .|c |o

3 tin |o
18 saoyaa tin "?5| |o
1. saare tin "|c5 |o

18 poone caar .|c b|<

4 8 caar b|<
7c< < ardhek stands for the quantity of a half of something.
Expression of other fractions is by stating: of the total number of
parts forming the whole, so many parts are present. For example:-
1 = |o 6|c<
* 6|
/3 = tin bhaager
dui bhaag
/3 = out of three parts two
parts (two parts out of three)
Percentages can be expressed in either of two ways so many per
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 234 11 May 2007
cent, in every hundred; or working in a hundred, so many:-
|b |o "o p^aac prati shat 5% = 5 in every hundred
"o<<| |b shat-karaa p^aac 5% = in a hundred, 5
Ordinal Numbers First, Second, Third.... (See Grammar 58.2 for
< (:) pratham first (1st)
|o|5 (.5) dvitiiya second (2nd)
o o|5 (5) trritiiya third (3rd)
bo < (8< ) caturtha fourth (4th)
< (e) pancam fifth (5th)
<8 (o8) sasta sixth (6th)
" () saptam seventh (7th)
78 (u) astam eighth (8th)
< () nabam ninth (9th)
" (:o) dasham tenth (10th)
"<|"(o) ::() ekaadash(tam) eleven(th) 11(th)
|"(o) :.() dvaadash(tam) twelf(th) 12(th)
5c5|"(o) :() trayodash(tam) thirteen(th) 13(th)
bo "(o) :8() caturddash(tam) fourteen(th) 14(th)
<"(o) :e() pancadash(tam) fifteen(th) 15(th)
."|<|"(o) :o() sorash(tam) sixteen(th) 16(th)
""(o) :() saptadash(tam) seventeen(th) 17(th)
78|"(o) :u() astaadash(tam) eighteen(th) 18(th)
S|<"(o) :() uunibinsha(tam) nineteen(th) 19(th)
|<"(o) .o() binsha(tam) twenti(eth) 20(th)
|5"(o) o() trinsha(tam) thirti(eth) 30(th)
b-||""(o) 8o() catvaastrinsha(tam) forti(eth) 40(th)
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 235 11 May 2007
<|"() eo() pancaashat(tam) fifti(eth) 50(th)
"o(o) :oo() shat(tam) hundred(th) 100(th)
">"(o) :ooo() sahasra(tam) thousand(th) 1000(th)
The tabulation above shows that ordinal numbers up to tenth are all
special, meaning that they bear little resemblance to the cardinal
series given in Grammar 57.1. The ordinals listed from eleventh to
nineteenth are formed by adding -o -tam meaning -th to an
old cardinal series. Ordinals in higher decades can be formed
similarly but changing the ending to suit the tens involved. The
feminine ending adds | -ii.
Pentecost being the 50th day, is <|"|< | pancaashattamiir
It is common practice to take the simpler approach of forming
ordinals by using the Possessive Case of the cardinal numbers listed
in Grammar 57.1, especially for ordinals above twentieth.
Hence, 69th becomes S"c<< uunasattarer
-"< -ek is appended to a number to say approximately that
`"< du'ek about 2
"|co< saatek about 7
=|c< khaanek is placed after a dimension to say approximately
that value:-
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 236 11 May 2007
| =|c< din khaanek approximately a day
|5 praay is placed in front of a value to say approximately than
|5 |o D| praay tin ghantaa about three hours
|5 |5< praay thik means approximate, about right.
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 237 11 May 2007
There are 12 months in the Bengali calendar. They go from
mid-month to mid-month on the English calendar. The 6 seasons each
relate to a pair of Bengali months.
---------- 7>|5 agrahaayan
DECEMBER ---------- ------------------------------
---------- .|< poos
JANUARY ---------- "|o shiita (winter)
---------- | maagh
FEBRUARY ---------- ------------------------------
---------- |G phaal'gun
MARCH ---------- <" basanta (spring)
---------- cb5 ceetra
APRIL ---------- ------------------------------
---------- c<"|= beeshaakh
MAY ---------- |" griisma (summer)
---------- c9|8 jyeesta
JUNE ---------- ------------------------------
---------- 7|<|; aasaarh
JULY ---------- <<| barsaa (rainy)
---------- "|< shraaban
AUGUST ---------- ------------------------------
---------- 6| bhaadra
SEPTEMBER ---------- "< sharat' (autumn)
---------- 7|"| aashviin
OCTOBER ---------- ------------------------------
---------- <|c< kaarttik
NOVEMBER ---------- .> hemanta (dewy)
---------- 7>|5 agrahaayan
DECEMBER ---------- ------------------------------
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2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 238 11 May 2007
Days of the week are listed in Vocabulary 16.2. Ordinal numbers for
days in a month are:-
5|| payalaa first (1st)
.|"| dosraa second (2nd)
.o"| tesraa third (3rd)
.b|5| coothaa fourth (4th)
Add -* -i to the cardinal numbers between 5 and 18, (see
Grammar 57.1), for example:-
|b* p^aanc-i fifth (5th)
Add -" -e to the cardinal numbers between 19 and 31, (see
Grammar 57.1), for example:-
5|c" uunishe nineteenth (19th)
Fractions of an Hour
The numerical fractions given in Grammar 57.2 are combined with
the particle D| -taa to define the time on the clock to the nearest
quarter of an hour.
|c "<D| poone ek-taa a quarter to one
"<D| ek-taa one o'clock
"?5| "<D| saoyaa ek-taa a quarter past one
.5D| der-taa half past one
.|c `D| poone du'taa a quarter to two
`D| du'taa two
"?5| `D| saoyaa du'taa a quarter past two
7|5|D| aaraaitaa half past two
.|c |oD| poone tin-taa a quarter to three
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|oD| tin-taa three o'clock
"?5| |oD| saoyaa tin-taa a quarter past three
"|c5 |oD| saare tin-taa half past three
.|c b|<D| poone caar-taa a quarter to four
b|<D| caar-taa four o'clock
<|9| "baajaa" meaning "to strike" is used for telling what the time
is, what time has last struck, or what time is striking next.
To state the time that has struck as a whole hour or fraction of an
hour, use -D| .<c9c9 (<||95|c9) "...-taa bejeche
(baajiyaache)". For example:-
If the time has just struck on the hour of one o'clock:
It is one o'clock. = "It has struck one", or "One has struck."
"<D| .<c9c9 (<||95|c9) ek-taa bejeche (baajiyaache)
Minutes After the Hour
To state the time as a number of minutes past the last hour that "has
struck", append the number of minutes to the time for the hour.
It is seven minutes past one = "It is [has been] seven minutes after
having struck one."
"<D| .<c9 "|o ||D 7|c9 |or >c5c9]
ek-taa beje saat minit aache [or hayeche].
("<D| <||95| "|o ||D 7|c9 |or >*5|c9]
ek-taa baajiyaa saat minit aache [or haiyaache])
On a digital clock system this would be "one seven":-
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"<D| "|o
ek-taa saat
Minutes Before the Hour
State the time as the number of minutes in which the next hour "is
[will be] striking":-
It is twenty three minutes to two = "Striking two will be twenty three
`D| <|9co .o*" ||D 7|c9 |>c<]
du'taa baaj-te teish minit aache [habe]
(`D| <||9co .o*" ||D 7|c9 |>*c<]
du'taa baajite teish minit aache [haibe])
On a digital clock system this would be "one thirty seven":-
"<D| "||5"
ek-taa s^aaitrish
Asking the Time
To ask what the time is, you ask: "How many times has it struck?"
Accordingly, "how many" is combined with the particle. This is
usually shortened, and the apostrophe inserted to indicate this.
What is the time? = How many have struck? [or strike?]
How many have struck?
<`D| |<oD|] .<c9c9?
ka'taa [katataa] bejeche?
(<`D| |<oD|] <||95|c9?
ka'taa [katataa] baajiyaache?
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How many strike?
<`D| |<oD|] <|c9?
ka'taa [katataa] baaje?
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1. Words enclosed in round brackets are in calita baanlaa.
2. Words enclosed in square brackets are optional or alternatives.
Study 1
1. I, you, he, you, he 7||, o |, .", 7||, |o| aami,
tumi, se, aapani, tini
2. It is o| (o|>|) 7|c9 taa (taahaa) aache
3. He is well ." 6|c| (6|) 7|c9 sebhaalo (bhaala) aache
4. How are you 7|| .< 7|c9? aapani keman aachen?
5. I am ill 7|| 7"" 7||9 aami asustha aachi
6. It is good o| 6|c| 7|c9 (o|>| 6| 7|c9) taa bhaalo aache
(taahaa bhaala aache)
7. Verb endings used when the stem ends in a consonant
1st, 2nd, 3rd,
or Honorific
[2nd or 3rd]
After a stem ending in a
1. 7|| aami -|- -i
2. o | tumi -.-| (- [=7]) -o, (-a)
." se
o| (o|>|) taa (taahaa)
-.- -e
N. 7|| aapani
|o| tini
-.- -en
Study 2
1. He is there ." ?=|c 7|c9 se okhaane aache
2. I am here 7|| "=|c 7||9 aami ekhaane aachi
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3. Where are you? o | .<|<|5 7|c9| (7|9)? tumi kothaay
4. Thank you <1<| dhanyabaad
5. The friend is here << "=|c 7|c9 bandhu ekhaane aache
6. The little sister is there .9|D .<| ?=|c 7|c9 chota bon
okhaane aache
7. How is the little sister? .9|D .<| .< 7|c9? chota bon
keman aache?
8. The big brother is here <5 6|* "=|c 7|c9 bara bhaai
ekhaane aache
9. The big brother is a friend <5 6|* << 7|c9 bara bhaai
bandhu aache
10. Who is there? .< ?=|c 7|c9? ke okhaane aache?
11. Who is sick? .< 7"" 7|c9? ke asustha aache?
12. Here is the big brother <5 6|* "=|c 7|c9 bara bhaai
ekhaane aache
13. Where is the little friend? .9|D << .<|<|5 7|c9? chota
bandhu kothaay aache?
Study 3
1. English friend *c<9 << inrej bandhu
Bengali brother <||| 6|* baangaalii bhaai
2. English language *c<9| 6|<| inrejii bhaasaa
3. Bengali language <|| 6|<| baanlaa bhaasaa
4. This message [is] good " "<| 6| e sanbaad bhaala
5. This is Bengali language " 6|<| <|| e bhaasaa baanlaa
6. Little English brother .9|D *c<9 6|* chota inrej bhaai
7. Big Bengali sister <5 <||| .<| bara baangaalii bon
8. The unwell Bengali sister is here 7"" <||| .<| "=|c
7|c9 asustha baangaalii bon ekhaane aache
9. The good Bengali brother is there 6| <||| 6|* ?=|c
7|c9 bhaala baangaalii bhaai okhaane aache
10. This work [is] good " <|9 6|c| (6|) e kaaj bhaalo
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11. I indeed am that brother 7||* " 6|* aami-i ee bhaai
12. This particularly [is] good work "* 6|c| (6|) <|9 ei
bhaalo (bhaala) kaaj
13. He indeed [is] good. |o|* 6|c| (6|)1 tini-i bhaalo (bhaala).
Study 4
1. Give the book! <* |! bai din!
2. Take this message! "* "<| |! ei sanbaad nin!
3. I do, you do 7|| <|<, o | <c<| (<<) aami kari, tumi kara
he does, you do ." <c<, 7|| <c< se kare, aapani karen
4. I speak, you are 7|| <|, o | 7|c9| (7|9) aami bali, tumi
aacha (aacho)
he reads, it does ." c5, o| (o|>|) <c< se pare, taa (taahaa)
5. He speaks, you do |o| <c, 7|| <c< tini balen,
aapani karen
6. The Bengali daughter is there. <||| .c5 ?=|c 7|c91
baangaalii meye okhaane aache.
7. The little woman reads .9|D "| c5 chota strii pare
8. The big man does work <5 |< <|9 <c< bara maanus
kaaj kare
9. Read this little English book! " .9|D *c<9| <* 5! e
chota inrejii bai parun!
10. The English man reads Bengali *c<9 |< <|| c5
inrej maanus baanlaa pare
11. The little son is well .9|D .9c 6|c| (6|) 7|c9 chota chele
bhaalo (bhaala) aache
Study 5
1. See you again! 7|<|< .=| >c< (>*c<) ! aabaar dekhaa habe
2. He [is] a good son ." 6|c| (6|) .9c se bhaalo (bhaala)
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N.B. To form questions using |< ki or <| kii
"what"? Place <| (|<) kii (ki) where you would have put
"what" it is replacing in the sentence.
"whether"? |< ki Place this "key" in front of "the door
you want to open" in the sentence, so to speak!
"is it so"? Place |< ki at the end of the sentence.
3. God's name [is] what? >"c<< | <| (|<)? iishbarer naam
kii (ki)?
4. What [is] your name? 7||< | <| (|<)? aapanaar naam
kii (ki)?
5. God's book [is] what? >"c<< <* <| (|<)? iishbarer bai kii
6. God's book [is] good. >"c<< <* 6|c|1 iishbarer bai bhaalo
7. What [is] this book? " <* <| (|<) e bai kii (ki)?
8. The parents are here |o||o| "=|c 7|c9 pitaamaataa
ekhaane aache
9. The father and son are there |o| "< .9c ?<|c 7|c9
pitaa eban chele okhaane aache
10. Are your parents here? 7||< <|<|| * |< "=|c 7|c9?
aapanaar baabaamaa * ki ekhaane aache?
|* or |o||o| pitaamaataa]
11. Are you well? o | |< 6|c| (7|9)? tumi ki bhaalo (bhaala)
12. Is the little man well? .9|D |< |< 6|c| (6|) 7|c9?
chota maanus ki bhaalo (bhaala) aache?
13. My, your, her, its, your, his 7||<, .o||<, o|< (o|>|<),
o|< (o|>|<), 7||<, o|< (o|>|<) aamaar, tomaar, taar
(taahaar), taar (taahaar), aapanaar, t^aar (t^aahaar)
14. Your good friend .o||< 6|c| (6|) << tomaar bhaalo
(bhaala) bandhu
15. Your Bengali book 7||< <|| <* aapanaar baanlaa bai
16. His unwell daughter is where? o|< (o|>|<) 7"" .c5 .<|<|5
7|c9? taar (taahaar) asustha meye kothaay aache?
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17. God's >"c<<, .=||< iishvarer, khodaar
18. Of the sister .<|c< boner
19. Of the little man .9|D |c<< chota maanuser
20. Of the big book <5 <*"< bara baier
21. The name of the big book <5 <*"< | bara baier naam
22. The work of the Bengali sister <||| .<|c< <|9
baangaalii boner kaaj
23. The English brother's mother's name *c<9 6|*c5< |o|<
| inrej bhaaiyer maataar naam
24. The name of the book of the Bengali sister <||| .<|c<
<*"< | baangaalii boner baier naam
25. Your friend's Bengali work .o||< << < <|| <|9 tomaar
bandhur baanlaa kaaj
Study 6
1. Witness, question, answer, yes, no "||, " , 5<, > | (> ||),
| saaksii, prashna, uttar, hy^aa (h^aa), naa
2. Many, not many, holy, understand 7c<, 7, |<5, <<|
anek, alpa, pabitra, bujhaa
Study 7
1. Witnesses do preaching "||<| b|< <c< saaksiiraa pracaar
2. God's commandment [is] good >"c<< 7|9| 6|c| (6|)
iishbarer aajnaa [aagyaa] bhaalo (bhaala)
3. Jesus [is] king >"| <|9| iisaa raajaa
4. God does good |o| 6|c| (6|) <c< tini bhaalo (bhaala)
5. We, YOU, they, YOU, they 7|<|, .o|<|, o|<| (o|>|<|),
7||<|, o|<| (o|>|<|) aamaraa, tomaraa, taaraa (taahaaraa),
aapanaaraa, t^aaraa (t^aahaaraa)
6. We do work 7|<| <|9 <|< aamaraa kaaj kari
7. We understand God's will 7|<| >"c<< * *9| <|<
aamaraa iishbarer * icchaa bujhi
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|* or .=||< khodaar]
8. The parents do more work <|<||c5<| * 7|<? <|9 <c<
baabaamaayeraa * aar-o kaaj kare
|* or |o||o|<| pitaamaataaraa]
9. The little children do less work .9|D .9ccc5 < <|9 <c<
chota chelemeye kam kaaj kare
10. Our, YOUR, their, YOUR, their 7||c<, .o||c<, o|c<
(o|>|c<), 7||c<, o|c< (o|>|c<) aamaader, tomaader,
taader (taahaader), aapanaader, t^aader (t^aahaader)
11. Our friend is here 7||c< << "=|c 7|c9 aamaader
bandhu ekhaane aache
12. Where is YOUR little sister? 7||c< .9|D .<| .<|<|5?
aapanaader chota bon kothaay?
13. Their word is our commandment. o|c< (o|>|c<) <<|
7||c< 7|9|1 t^aader (t^aahaader) kathaa aamaader aajnaa
Study 8
1. Two women [generally] *9 "| duijan strii
two women [by number] * "| dui strii
2. Three Bengali sisters |o9 <||| .<| tin-jan baangaalii
3. One elder "<9 |b| 6|* ek-jan praaciin bhaai
4. Sinners ||<|, || paapiiraa, paapiigan
5. Idols |o|, |o|G| pratimaagan, pratimaaguli
6. Books <*G|, <*Gc|, <*"<, <* baiguli, baigulo,
baisaksal, baigan
7. Friends << <| bandhuraa
8. Little daughters .9|D .9|D .c5 |or .9|D .c5<|] chota
chota meye [or chota meyeraa]
9. Many faithful ones |<"|"|<|, |<"|"| bishbaasiiraa,
Study 9 [Vocabulary 9.1] and Study 10
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1. I bring the message 7|| "<| 7|| aami sanbaad aani
2. I call God's name 7|| >"c<< | 5||< aami iishbarer
naam daaki
3. Sinners die ||<| |or ||] c< paapiiraa [or paapiigan]
4. I read the book 7|| <* |5 aami bai pari
5. He sits here ." "=|c <c" se ekhaane base
6. The faithful survive |<"|"|<| <|cb bishbaasiraa b^aace
Study 11
1. Insert the verb endings [used when the stem ends in a vowel]
1st, 2nd, 3rd, or
Honorific [2nd or
After a stem ending
in a Vowel
1. 7|| aami -* -i
2. o | tumi -? -o
." se
o| (o|>|) taa (taahaa)
-5 -y
7|| aapani
|o| tini
- -n
2. I want 7|| b|* aami caai
you go o | <|? tumi yaao
he gets ." |5 se paay
3. You eat 7|| =| aapani khaan
he desires |o| b| tini caan
4. We prove to be 7|<| >* aamaraa hai
YOU do not prove to be .o|<| >? | tomaraa hao naa
5. I take 7|| |* aami ni-i [nei]
you take o | .? tumi neo
he takes ." .5 se ney
6. They take o|<| | t^aaraa nin
(o|>|<| . t^aahaaraa nen)
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YOU take 7||<| | aapanaaraa nin
7||<| . aapanaaraa nen
we take 7|<| |* aamaraa ni-i
7|<| .* aamaraa nei
7. They don't sing [sing not] o|<| (o|>|<|) |5 | taaraa
(taahaaraa) gaay naa
8. We don't get peace 7|<| "|| |* | aamaraa shaanti paai
9. My book gives a good answer 7||< <* 6|c| (6|) 5<
.5 aamaar bai bhaalo (bhaala) uttar dey
10. Many children do not eat 7c< .9ccc5 =|5 | anek
chelemeye khaay naa
11. We go there. 7|<| ?=|c <|* aamaraa okhaane yaai
Study 12
1. Their faith [is] dead o|c< (o|>|c<) |<"|" o
taahaader (taader) bishbaas mrrita
2. Is our faith alive? 7||c< |<"|" |< 9||<o?
aamaader bishbaas ki jiibita?
3. Much violence happens 7c< |>"| cD
anek hinsaa ghate
4. We see a little [not much] rain there 7|<| ?=|c 7 <|8
.|= aamaraa okhaane alpa brristi dekhi
5. I run, you run, he runs 7|| .|5|*, o | .|5|?, ." .|5|5
aami dooraai, tumi dooraao, se dooraay
6. You run, she runs 7|| .|5|, |o| .|5|
aapani dooraan, tini dooraan
7. We flee 7|<| ||* aamaraa paalaai
you sleep o | |? tumi ghumaao
they hide o|<| (o|>|<|) <|5 taahaaraa lukaay
8. We want peace 7|<| "|| b|* aamaraa shaanti caai
Study 13
1. I become awake [myself] 7|| 9||
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[= I awake] aami jaagi
2. I cause [someone] to wake up 7|| 9||*
[=I arouse] aami jaagaai
3. I move around [myself] 7|| b|
[= I go] aami cali
4. I cause [someone] to move 7|| b||*
[= I drive] aami caalaai
5. I see 7|| .|=
aami dekhi
I cause [someone] to see 7|| .=|*
[= I show] aami dekhaai
6. You learn o | ."c=| (|"=)
tumi shekho (shikha)
You cause [someone] to learn o | |"<|?
[= you teach] tumi shikhaao
7. He returns ." |c<
se phire
He causes [someone/thing] to return ." |<|5
[= he turns or returns] se phiraay
He causes the mind to turn round ." |] |<|5
[=he repents] se [man] phiraay
Study 14
1. Event, sign, creator, earth D|, |b>, "|8<o| ("|8<|),
|<<| ghatanaa, cihna, srristikartaa (srristikarttaa), prrithibii
2. I believe 7|| |<"|" <|< aami bishbaas kari
you believe o | |<" |" <c<| (<<) tumi bishbaas karo (kara)
he believes ." |<"|" <c< se bishbaas kare
3. You believe 7|| |<"|" <c< aapani bishbaas karen
he believes |o| |<"|" <c< tini bishbaas karen
4. He creates |o| "|8 <c< tini srristi karen
5. Jehovah delivers |<c>|<| <| <c< yihobaa raksaa karen
6. He destroys this world |o| " 9 4" <c<
tini e jaagat' dhvansa karen
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7. They make many prayers o|<| (o|>|<|) 7c< |< | <c<
taahaaraa (taaraa) anek praarthanaa kare
8. People of false religion make war 6 ||<||] <c < .|< <
<c< bhul [mithyaa] dharmer lok yuddha kare
Study 15 [See also idioms in Study 54]
1. We are pleased 7|<| "8 >* aamaraa santusta hai
2. (It) feels cold "|o |c shiit laage
3. (It) takes time "5 |c samay laage
We spend time there aamaraa okhaane samay laagaai
7|<| ?=|c "5 ||*
4. He comes back ." |c< (||<5|) 7|c" se phire (phiriyaa) aase
5. He goes away ." bc (b|5|) <|5 se cale (caliyaa) yaay
6. That builds up our faith
o| (o|>|) 7||c< |<"|" c5 (|55|) .o|c
taa (taahaa) aamaader bishbaas gare (gariyaa) tole
N.B. The Verb Endings in the Present Tense:-
1st, 2nd, 3rd,
2nd Honorific or
3rd Honorific
After a Stem
Ending in a
After a Stem
ending in a
1. I
7|| aami
7|<| aamaraa
-* -i -* -i
2. you
o | tumi
.o|<| tomaraa
-.-| -o
(- [=7] -a)
-.-| -o
3. he, she
." se
o|<| taaraa
(o|>|<| taahaaraa)
o| (o|>|) taa (taahaa)
o|<| taaraa
-.- -e -5 -y
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(o|>|<| taahaaraa)
N. you
he, she
7|| aapani
7||<| aapanaaraa
|o| tini
o|<| t^aaraa
(o|>|<| t^aahaaraa)
-.- -en - -n
Study 16
1. When do we see you? 7|<| <= .o||c< .|=?
aamaraa kakhan tomaake dekhi?
2. When they come, then we study the Bible.
o|<| (o|>|<|) <= 7|c", 7|<| o= <|*1
taaraa (taahaaraa) yakhan aase, aamaraa takhan yaai.
3. This time period is bad. " <| e kaal manda.
4. Come this week, on Wednesday, in the morning!
" "|> 7|", <<|< "<|c!
e saptaah aasun, buddhabaar sakaale!
5. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. o <|, 7|9c<, 7||| <|
gata kaal, aaj-ke, aagaamii kaal
6. What is the address of our Hall? 7||c< >c< |5<|| |<?
aamaader haler thikaanaa ki?
Study 17
1. Do you know that we do not make war?
o | |< 9|c| (9|) .< 7|<| < <|< |?
tumi ki jaana (jaano) ye aamaraa yuddha kari naa?
Study 18
1. Are we perfect or sinful? 7|<| |< |" | 7|"?
aamaraa ki siddha naa asiddha?
2. Is this world good - or not? " 9 |< 6|c| (6|) - | |<
e jagat' ki bhaalo (bhaala) - naa ki?
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Study 19
1. The books of various religions are many. |<|6 <c< <*G|
7c< 7|c9 bibhinna dharmer baiguli anek aache.
2. The childrens' parents are here .9ccc5c< |o||o| "=|c
7|c9 chelemeyeder pitaamaataa ekhaane aache.
3. Are these religions' fruits good or bad? " <G|< |<
6|c| (6|) | ? e dharmagulir phal ki bhaala naa manda?
4. We want the deliverance of the righteous. 7|<| <||<c<
| b|* aamaraa dhaarmik-der mukti caai.
Study 20
1. What is this? " <| e kii?
2. Violence is the result of what? |>"| |<c"<
hinsaa kiser phal?
3. In what do you hope o | |<c" |<" |" <c<| (<<)
tumi kise bishbaas karo (kara)?
4. How do you know? .< <c< 9|c? keman kare jaanen?
5. Which sayings are true? <| <| (|< |<) <<| "o| >5?
kii kii (ki ki) kathaa satya hay?
6. Why do you say that? 7|| .< o| (o|>|) <c?
aapani kena taa (taahaa) balen?
Study 21
1. In the picture there is a woman and three daughters.
|bc5 |<"|5, 9|<co] "< "| "< |o .c5 7|c91
citre [nakashaay, chabite] ek strii eban tin meye aache.
2. In our book there is a chapter on this very subject.
7||c< <*co "* |<<c5 "<|D 7<||5 7|c91
aamaader baite ei bisaye ek-ti adhyaay aache.
3. We do a chapter on Friday. 7|<| O5<|c< "<|D 7<||5 <|<1
aamaraa shukrabaare ek-ti adhyaay kari.
4. We see many religions. Is one alone right?
7c< < .|=1 "<D|* |< |<< >5?
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anek dharma dekhi. ek-taa-i ki thik hay?
5. What is the effect of these prayers?
" |< |G|< 6|< <|
e praarthanaagulir prabhaab kii?
Study 22 and 23
1. We want peace and security. 7|<| "|| ? |<|| b|*
aamaraa shaanti o niraapattaa caai.
2. They get trouble and hardship. o|<| (o|>|<|) <8 ? 7"|<<|
|51 taahaaraa (taaraa) kasta o asubidhaa paay.
3. Many leaders oppress the people.
7c< <c< .o|<| .|<c< 7o||b|< <c<1
anek dharmer netaaraa lok-ke atyaacaar kare.
4. Those leaders' works are bad. " .o|c< <|9
ee netaader kaaj manda.
5. Their result is peoples' trouble. o|c< (o|>|c<) .|<c<
<8 >5 taader (taahaader) phal lok-der kasta hay.
6. Does a propiatory sacrifice give us a ransom?
"<|D |5|'b <|| |< 7||c<c< |< | .5?
ek-ti praayashcitta balidaan ki aamaader-ke muktir muulya dey?
7. His love comes {to the faithful}. [See "Declension on
Pronouns" Note #6 in the dictionary].
o |< (o |>|<) . ||<" |"|c< <|c9 7|c"1
t^aar (t^aahaar) prem {bishbaasiider kaache} aase.
8. Through him we learn the truth. (Case I1)
7|<| o |< (o |>|<) <o < "o| |"|=1
aamaraa t^aar (t^aahaar) {kartrrik} satya shikhi.
([or] 7|<| o|< (o|>|<) ||<| "o| |"|=1
aamaraa t^aar (t^aahaar) {dvaaraa} satya shikhi.)
9. Through his love we gain forgiveness. (Case I2)
o |< (o |>|<) . | |<| 7|<| | |*1
t^aar (t^aahaar) prem {dvaaraa} aamaraa ksamaa paai.
([or] o |< (o |>|<) . ||c51|5| 7|<| | |*1
t^aar (t^aahaar) prem {diye/diyaa} aamaraa ksamaa paai.)
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10. We desire freedom from our sins.
7|<| 7||c< |G| |.<c<1>co | b|*1
aamaraa aamaader paap-guli {theke/hate} mukti caai.
([or] 7|<| 7||c< |"< |>*co | b|*
aamaraa aamaader paap-sakal {haite} mukti caai.)
11. Our message comes from God.
7||c< "<| >"< * |>co1.<c< 7|c"1
aamaader sanbaad iishbar * {hate/theke} aase.
( 7||c< "<| >"< * |>*co 7|c"1
aamaader sanbaad iishbar * {haite} aase.)
|* or .=|| khodaa]
12. We see love in our meetings among our brothers and sisters.
7|<| 7||c< "6|G|co 7||c< 6|*c<||.< c<| .
aamaraa aamaader sabhaagulite aamaader bhaaibon-{der
madhye} prem dekhi.
Study 24
1. Love is indeed among us. . 7||c< c<|* 7|c91
prem aamaader madhyei aache.
2. This indeed [is] our life. "* (*>|*) 7||c< 9|<1
ei (ihaai) aamaader jiiban.
3. They believe in this one.
o|<| "co |<"|" <c<1 taaraa e^te bishbaas kare.
(o|>|<| *>|co |<"|" <c<1 taahaaraa i^haate bishbaas kare.)
4. In this one do we not see sin?
"co (*>|co) 7|<| |< | .|= |?
e^te (i^haate) aamaraa ki paap dekhi naa?
5. Among those ones people do not learn peace.
?c< (5>|c<) c<| .|c< "|| |"c= |1
oder (uhaader) madhye loke shaanti shikhe naa.
Study 25
1. This message is for you.
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
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" "<| .o||< 91 7|c91
e sanbaad tomaar janya aache.
2. Below the picture what do you read?
7|| 9|<< |<"|<1|bc5<] |cb <| .c=?
aapani chabir [nakashaar/citrer] niice kii dekhen?
3. We keep our faith until the end of this world.
7|<| " 9co< ."< <| 7||c< |<"|" <||=1
aamaraa e jagater shes paryyanta aamaader bishbaas raakhi.
4. In front of us are many troubles.
7||c< "~c= 7c< <8 7|c91
aamaader sammukhe anek kasta aache.
5. We speak about love. 7|<| . "~ c< <|1
aamaraa prem sambandhe bali.
6. These wars occur because of hatred.
" <G| |< <|<c cD1
e yuddhaguli ghrrinaar kaarane ghate.
7. Despite their religion, they fight.
o|c< < "c4? o|<| < <c<1
taader dharma sattbeo taaraa yuddha kare.
(o|>|c< < "c4? o|>|<| < <c<1
taahaader dharma sattbeo taahaaraa yuddha kare.)
8. Apart from this we do not know another reason.
" <||oc<c< 7|<| 7|< .<| <|< 9|| |1
e byatireke aamaraa aar kona kaaran jaani naa.
Study 26 : Short Form
1. What will he do? |o| <| <<c<? tini kii kar-ben?
2. We will go now. 7|<| "= <|<1 aamaraa ekhan yaaba.
3. Will you be there? 7|| |< ?=|c >c<?
aapani ki okhaane haben?
4. This name will stand forever. " | 7 <| |<|c<1
e naam ananta kaal d^aaraabe.
5. Will you speak to him next week? o | |< 7||| " |> o|c<
<c<? tumi ki aagaamii saptaah taake bal-be?
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6. The faithful will gain salvation. |<"|"|<| |<5| |c<1
bishbaasiiraa paritraan paabe.
Study 26 : Long Form
1. What will he do? |o| <| <|<c<? tini kii kariben?
2. We will go now. 7|<| "= <|*< aamaraa ekhan yaaiba.
3. Will you be there? 7|| |< ?=|c >*c<?
aapani ki okhaane haiben?
4. This name will stand forever. " | 7 <| |<|*c<1
e naam ananta kaal d^aaraaibe.
5. Will you speak to him next week?
o | |< 7||| " |> o|>|c< <|c<?
tumi ki aagaamii saptaah taahaake balibe?
6. The faithful will gain salvation. |<"|"|<| |<5| |*c<1
bishbaasiiraa paritraan paaibe.
Study 27 and 28 : Long Form
1. We are speaking about this work.
7|<| " <|9 "~ c< <|co|91
aamaraa e kaaj sambandhe balitechi.
2. My father is sleeping. 7||< |o| (<|<|) |*coc91
aamaar pitaa [baabaa] ghumaaitechen.
3. My mother is cooking.
7||< | ||o|] <|| <|<coc91
aamaar m^aa [maataa] raannaa karitechen.
4. I am just now going out.
7|| "=* <||>c< |<|*c<1.<<] <|*co|91
aami ekhan-i baahire [baaire/ber] yaaitechi.
5. This message is giving hope. " "<| 7|"| |coc91
e sanbaad aashaa diteche.
6. What are you eating? o | <| =|*co9?
tumi kii khaaitecha?
Study 29 : Short Form
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1. We are speaking about this work.
7|<| " <|9 "~c< <|91
aamaraa e kaaj sambandhe bal-chi.
2. My father is sleeping. 7||< |o| |<|<|] |c91
aamaar pitaa [baabaa] ghumaacchen.
3. My mother is cooking. 7||< | <|| <<c91
aamaar maa raannaa kar-chen.
4. I am just now going out. 7|| "=* <|*c< |.<<] <||91
aami ekhan-i baaire [ber] yaacchi.
5. This message is giving hope. " "<| 7|"| |c91
e sanbaad aashaa dicche.
6. What are you eating? o | <| =|c9|?
tumi kii khaaccho?
Study 30
1. Can you read Bengali? 7|| |< <|| 5co (|5co)1
aapani ki baanlaa parite (par-te) paaren?
2. Do you want to speak English?
o | |< *c<9| <co (<|co) b|??
tumi ki inrejii bal-te (balite) caao?
3. We can give proof that our message is good. 7|<| |
|co ||< .< 7||c< "<| 6|c| (6|)1 aamaraa pramaan
dite paari ye aamaader sanbaad bhaalo (bhaala).
4. I try to speak Bengali.
7|| <|| <co (<|co) .b8| <|<1
aami baanlaa bal-te (balite) cestaa kari.
Study 31
1. Normally, they do not want to listen.
"|<|<o o|<| ."|co |Oco1"co] b|5 |1
saadhaaranatahh taaraa shon-te [shun-te/sun-te] caay naa.
("|<|<o: o|>|<| ."||co |O|co1"|co] b|5 |)
saadhaaranatahh taahaaraa shonite [shunite/sunite] caay naa.)
2. Perhaps a few will listen today.
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>5 .o| 7 .|< |<c5< 9] 7|9c< ."|c<1
hay to alpa lok [kayek jan] aaj-ke shon-be.
(>5 o 7 .|< |<c5< 9] 7|9c< ."||c<
hay ta alpa lok [kayek jan] aaj-ke shonibe.)
3. As we come regularly, we will know the people.
|5|o 6|c< 7|"co 7|"co 7|<| .|<c< 9|< ||b<]1
niyamita bhaabe aas-te aas-te aamaraa lok-ke jaan-ba [cin-ba].
(|5|o 6|c< 7||"co 7||"co 7|<| .|<c< 9||< ||b|<]
niyamita bhaabe aasite aasite aamaraa lok-ke jaaniba [ciniba].)
4. Possibly some will want to be our brothers.
"~ <o |<9 .|< 7||c< 6|* >co b|*c<1
sambhabata kichu lok aamaader bhaai hate caaibe.
("~ <o: |<9 .|< 7||c< 6|* >*co b|*c<
sambhabatahh kichu lok aamaader bhaai haite caaibe.)
Study 32
1. We want peace, but we get disturbance. 7|<| "|| b|*, |<
7"|| |*1 aamaraa shaanti caai, kintu ashaanti paai.
2. The righteous and the unrighteous become unwell.
<||c<<| "< 7<||c<<| 7"" >5 |or >c5 c5]1
dhaarmikeraa eban adhaarmikeraa asustha hay [or haye pare].
3. For an imperfect man everlasting life is impossible.
7|" |c<< 91 7 9|< 7"~< >51
asiddha maanuser janya ananta jiiban asambhab hay.
4. He was not without sin. ." |>| |9 |1
se paap-hiin chila naa.
5. A person without spirit is dead, and faith without works is dead.
7|-||<>| <|| o, "< < |<>| |<|9|<>|] |<" |" o1
aatmaabihiin byakti mrrita, eban karmabihiin [kaaj-bihiin]
bishbaas mrrita.
Study 33
1. [Option 1] I am not a perfect man. 7|| |" |< * (|>)1
aami siddha maans nai (nahi).
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2. [Option 1] He is not my father, he is my big brother.
." 7||< |o| 5 (c>), ." 7||< 6|*1
se aamaar pitaa nay (nahe), se aamaar bhaai.
3. [Option 1] They think that we are not your neighbours.
o|<| (o|>|<|) c <c< .< 7|<| .o||c< |oc<"|<| *
taaraa (taahaaraa) mane kare ye aamaraa tomaader
pratibeshiiraa nai (nahi).
4. [Option 1] Is that not so? o|* 5 |<? (o|>|* c> |<?)
taai nay ki? (taahaai nahe ki?)
5. [Option 1] He is not of this world. ." " 9co< 5 (c>)1
se e jagater nay (nahe).
6. [Option 2] In this world there is no peace.
" 9co "|| .* (|*)1 e jagate shaanti nei (naai).
7. [Option 2] His mother is not. [= He has no mother.]
o|< | .*1 (o|>|< | |*1)
taar maa nei. (taahaar maa naai.)
8. [Option 2] In him there is no bad work.
o|co <|9 .*1 (o|>|co <|9 |*1)
t^aate manda kaaj nei. (t^aahaate manda kaaj naai.)
9. [Option 2] There is no man like this.
" .<|c| |< .*1 (" .<| |< |*1)
eman kono maanus nei. (eman kona maanus naai).
10. [Option 3] That work is absolutely not good.
" <|9 6|c| (6|) |1 e kaaj bhaalo (bhaala) naa.
11. I do not understand. 7|| <|< |1 aami bujhi naa.
12. He will not go. ." <|c< (<|*c<) |1 se yaabe (yaaibe) naa.
13. YOU are not listening.
.o|<| Oc9| |1 (.o|<| Oco9 |1)
tomaraa shun-cho naa. (tomaraa shun-techa naa.)
Study 34
1. We prayed. 7|<| |< | <<| (<|<|)1
aamaraa praarthanaa kar-laam (karilaam).
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We studied. 7|<| 7<|5 <<| (<|<|)1
aamaraa adhyayan kar-laam (karilaam).
2. She was ill. ." 7"" |9c| (|9)1
se asustha chilo (chila).
She was not in the meeting. ." "6|co |"6|5] |9c| (|9) |1
se sabhaate [sabhaay] chilo (chila) naa.
3. My father went away today.
7||< |o| |<|<|] 7|9c< bc .c1 aamaar pitaa [baabaa]
aaj-ke cale gelen.
(7||< |o| 7|9c< b|5| .c1 aamaar pitaa aaj-ke caliyaa
He went into work. ." <|c9 .c| (.)
se kaaje gelo (gela).
4. You ate a little, but you got a lot.
o | 7 .=c5c9|, |< 7c< .c5c9|1
tumi alpa kheyecho, kintu anek peyecho.
(o | 7 =|*5|9, |< 7c< |*5|91)
tumi alpa khaaiyaacha, kintu anek paaiyaacha.
5. They stood there.
o|<| ?=|c |<|c|1 t^aaraa okhaane d^aaraalo.
(o|>|<| ?<|c |<|* t^aahaaraa okhaane d^aaraaila.)
They showed that book.
o|<| " <* .=|c|1 t^aaraa ee bai dekhaalo.
(o|>|<| " <* .=|*1t^aahaaraa ee bai dekhaaila.)
6. Our brother gave the message. 7||c< 6|* "<||D |c1
aamaader bhaai sanbaad-ti dilen.
The man took a book.
|<|D "<|D <* |c| (|)1 [or ." |< "<|D ]
maanus-ti ekti bai nilo (nila). [or se maanus ek-ti ]
Study 35
1. They did this. o|<| " <<c|1 taaraa e kar-lo.
(o|>|<| " <|< taahaaraa e karila.)
They did not do that. o|<| " <c< |1 taaraa ee kare ni.
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(o|>|<| " <c< |*1 taahaaraa ee kare naai.)
2. He went into work. ." <|c9 .c| (.)1
se kaaje gela (gelo).
He did not go to the meeting. ." "6|5 <|5 | (|*)
se sabhaay yaay ni (naai).
3. The son wanted a study, but his parents did not want our
.9c|D "<|D 7<|5 b|*c|, |< o|< <|<|| 7||c< "<|
b|5 |1
cheleti ek-ti adhyayan caailo, kintu taar baabaam^aa aamaader
sanbaad caay ni.
(.9c|D "<|D 7<|5 b|*, |< o|>|< |o||o| 7||c<
"<| b|5 |*1
cheleti ek-ti adhyayan caaila, kintu taahaar pitaamaataa
aamaader sanbaad caay naai.)
Study 36
1. If you come, then I will show you.
o | <| 7|c"| |7|"c<], oc< 7|| .o||c< .=|c<|1
tumi yadi aaso [aas-be], tabe aami tomaake dekhaabo.
(o | <| 7|" |7||"c<], oc< 7|| .o||c< .=|*<1
tumi yadi aasa [aasibe], tabe aami tomaake dekhaaiba.)
2. If they kill their fellow-believers, how will God be pleased?
o|<| <| o|c< ">|<"|"|c< >o|| <c<, oc< .=||
.< <c< "8 >c<?
taaraa yadi taader sahabishbaasiider hatyaa kare, tabe
khodaa keman kare santusta haben?
(o|>|<| <| o|>|c< ">|<"|"|c< >o|| <c<, oc< .=||
.< <|<5| "8 >*c<?
taahaaraa yadi taahaader sahabishbaasiider hatyaa kare,
tabe khodaa keman kariyaa santusta haiben?)
3. If we do not clean our lives, then who will listen to our prayers?
7|<| <| 7||c< 9|<|.<] O|b | <|< * , oc< .<
7||c< |< |G| Oc< (O|c<)1
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[* or <<c<| (<|<<)]
aamaraa yadi aamaader jiiban[ke] shuci naa kari * , tabe ke
aamaader praarthanaaguli shuniben (shun-ben)?
[* or kariba (kar-bo)]
4. If all these ones do not say just one thing, among them there are
"<| <| "<c "<* <<| | <c, oc< o|c< (o|>|c<) c<|
|<||<|| 7|c9!
eraa yadi sakale ek-i kathaa naa bale, tabe taader (taahaader)
madhye mithyaabaadii aache!
5. If we love him, then we will obey his commandments.
7|<| <| o |c< . <|<, oc< 7|<| o |< 7|9|G| |
aamaraa yadi t^aake prem kari, tabe aamaraa t^aar aajnaaguli
["aagyaaguli"] paalan kar-bo.
(7|<| <| o |>|c< . <|<, oc< 7|<| o |>|< 7|9|G| |
aamaraa yadi t^aahaake prem kari, tabe aamaraa t^aahaar
aajnaaguli ["aagyaaguli"] paalan kariba).
Study 37
1. With this all will know that we are his disciples.
"co "<|* 9|c< .< 7|<| o|< |"<| *1
ete sabaai jaan-be ye aamaraa t^aar shisya *.
(*>|co "<c 9||c< .< 7|<| o|>|< |"<| *1
ihaate sakale jaanibe ye aamaraa t^aahaar shisya *.)
[* no need to say |"c<|<| shisyeraa
2. Many say that the time of this world is reduced.
7cc< <c .< " 9co< "5 "|1
aneke balee ye e jagater samay sanksipta.
3. People say that their religion is right.
.|c< <c .< o|c< (o|>|c<) < |5<1
loke bale ye taader (taahaader) dharma thik.
4. The world's situation shows that people do not love one
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9co< 7<" | .=|5 .< .|c< <" < . <c< |1
jagater abasthaa dekhaay ye loke paraspar prem kare naa.
[* or "c< 71c< eke anyake
or "c< 7<c< eke apar-ke]
5. Everyone will get a nice place of residence and work.
"<c 6|c| <|""| ? <|9 |c<1
sakale bhaalo baasasthaan o kaaj paabe.
("<c 6| <|""| ? <|9 |*c<1
sakale bhaala baasasthaan o kaaj paaibe.)
Study 38
1. What do you want? <| b|?? kii caao?
2. What [=That which] you showed, [that indeed] I want.
o | <| .=|c o|* b|*
tumi yaa dekhaale taai caai.
(o | <|>| .=|*c, o|>|* b|*
tumi yaahaa dekhaaile, taahaai caai.)
3. Where were you? o | .<|<|5 |9c? tumi kothaay chile?
4. Where [= into which place] you sent me, there [into that place
indeed] I went.
o | .<=|c 7||c< |5|c (|5|*c), ."=|c* 7|| .|1
tumi yekhaane aamaake paathaale (paathaaile), sekhaane-i aami
5. When did you come? o | <c< 7|"c * ?
tumi kabe aas-le *?
(o | <= 7||"c? tumi kakhan aasile?)
[* or "c ele]
6. When [=At which time] you called, then [at that time] I came.
tumi yakhan * daak-le, takhan-i aami aas-laam **.
(tumi yakhan daakile, takhan-i aami aasilaam.)
[* or .< "c5 ye samaye]
[** or 7|*|1"| aailaam/elaam]
7. WHO will get Jehovah's blessings?
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.< |<c>|<|< 7|"|<|G| |c< (|*c<)1
ke yihobaar aashiirbaad-guli paabe (paaibe)?
8. Those who [=Which ones] follow his will, [these ones] make
him happy.
<|<| o|< *9| | <c<, "<| o|c< 7||o <c<1
yaaraa t^aar icchaa paalan kare, eraa t^aake aanandita kare.
(<|>|<| o|>|< *9| | <c<, *>|<| o|>|c< 7||o <c<1
yaahaaraa t^aahaar icchaa paalan kare, ihaaraa t^aahaake
aanandita kare.)
Study 39
1. We will wait until that time.
7|<| ." "5 < 7c| <<c<|1
aamaraa se samay paryanta apeksaa kar-bo.
(7|<| ." "5 <| 7c| <|<<1
aamaraa se samay paryyanta apeksaa kariba).
2. He will be with us until that time comes [while that time does
not come].
|o| 7||c< "c >c<, .< < ." "5 | 7c"1
tini aamaader sange haben ye paryanta se samay naa aase.
(|o| 7||c< "c >*c< <= <| ." "5 | 7|c"1
tini aamaader sange haiben yakhan paryyanta se samay naa
3. How long have you been in this country?
o | <o | * " .c" 7|c9| ** ?
tumi kata din * e deshe aacho ** ?
(o | <o | * " .c" 7|c9| ** ?
tumi kata din * e deshe aacha ** ?)
[* or |" maas or <"< bat'sar]
[** or <|c<| thaako (<|< thaaka)]
Study 40
1. I came to give [giving] you good news.
7|| 7||c< ""|b|< |co "c"|9 (7||"5||9)1
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aami aapanaake susamaacaar dite esechi (aasiyaachi).
2. We are coming to give [for the sake of giving, so as to give]
7|<| 7|"| |<|< 91 7|"|9 (7||"co|9)1
aamaraa aashaa dibaar janya aas-chi (aasitechi).
3. We will come again next Friday, [for the purpose] that you gain
more knowledge.
7|<| 7||| O5<|< 7|"c<| (7||"<), .< o | 7|<? 9|
|c< (|*c<)1
aamaraa aagaamii shukrabaar aas-bo (aasiba), yena tumi
aar-o jnaan [gyaan] paabe (paaibe).
4. Our brother asks more questions at the end, [for the purpose]
that we do not forget.
7||c< 6|* ."c< 7|<? " |99|"| <c<, .< 7|<| |
6 |1
aamaader bhaai shese aar-o prashna jijnaasaa ["jigyaasaa"]
karen, yena aamaraa naa bhuli.
5. He asks again lest we forget.
|o| 7|<|< |99|"| <c<, |c9 7|<| .6||1
tini aabaar jijnaasaa ["jigyaasaa"] karen, paache aamaraa bholi.
6. I will call again before Saturday lest [so as to prevent that] you
do not remember.
7|| "|<|c<< 7|c 7|<|< 5|<c<| (5||<<) |c9 o | "<
| <c<| (<<)1
aami shanibaarer aage aabaar daak-bo (daakiba), paache
tumi smaran naa karo (kara).
Study 41
1. Many die because people make war.
7c< c< <|< .|c< < <c<1
aneke mare kaaran loke yuddha kare.
2. Our brothers and sisters keep peace, because we love one
7||c< 6|*c<|c<| "|| <|c=, .<| 7|<| <" < .
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aamaader bhaaiboneraa shaanti raakhe, kenanaa aamaraa
paraspar prem kari.
3. Given that YOUR word is true, YOU will always love one
.o||< <<| |5< >5 <c, .o|<| "< "5 <" < .
<<c< (<|<c<)1
tomaar kathaa thik hay bale, ...tomaraa sab samay paraspar
prem kar-be (karibe).
4. [In the situation of] God being almighty, his name will stand
.=|| "<"|| >?5|co * , o|< | 7 <| |5|c<1
khodaa sarbashaktimaan haoyaate * , t^aar naam ananta kaal
(.=|| """|| >?5|co * , o|>|< | 7 <|
khodaa sarbbashaktimaan haoyaate * , t^aahaar naam ananta
kaal d^aaraaibe.)
[* or >?5|5 haoyaay]
Study 42
1. You did not answer so I went away.
o | 5< .? |, o|* 7|| bc .|1
tumi uttar deo ni, taai aami cale gelaam.
(o | 5< |? |*, o|* 7|| b|5| .|1
tumi uttar dio naai, taai aami caliyaa gelaam.)
2. I was ill, consequently I could not come.
7|| 7"" |9|, "o<| 7|"co ||< |1
aami asustha chilaam, sutaraan aas-te paari ni.
(7|| 7"" |9|, "o<| 7||"co ||< |*1
aami asustha chilaam, sutaraan aasite paari naai)
3. They do not read this book, so they don't rely on it.
o|<| " <* c5 |, ."91 o|<| o|< 5c< * |6< <c< |1
taaraa e bai pare naa, sejanya taaraa taar upare nirbhar kare *
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(o|>|<| " <* c5 |, ."91 o|>|<| o|>|< 5c< |6< <c<
taahaaraa e bai pare naa, sejanya taahaaraa taahaar upare
nirbhar * kare naa.)
[* or o|co taate (o|>|co taahaate)]
4. You do not believe in anything at all, therefore you have no
o | |<9 *co |<" |" <c<| |, 7o"< .o||< 7|"| .*1
tumi kichuite bishbaas karo naa, ataeb tomaar aashaa nei.
(o | |<9 *co |<" |" << |, 7o"< .o||< 7|"| |*1
tumi kichuite bishbaas kara naa, ataeb tomaar aashaa naai.)
5. Each person is involved in the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty.
co|< <|| |<c>|<|< "|" c6|c- < |<<c5 9|5o 7|c91
pratyek byakti yihobaar sarbbabhoomatber bisaye jarita aache.
Study 43
1. Come, [won't you]!
7|"? |! 1 ""? |! aas-o naa! / es-o naa!
(7|*"? |! aais-o naa!)
2. You must come!
7|"? 1 "c"|! aa-so / eso!
(7||"?! aasio!)
3. You will come!
7|"`.< 1 7|"c<! aas'be / aas-be!
(7||"c<! aasibe!)
4. Do not come!
7|"`.< |! 1 7|"c< |! aas'be naa! / aas-be naa!
(7||"c< |! aasibe naa!
5. Let's come!
7||"! aasi!
6. Let him come!
7|"<! 1 ""<! aasuk! / esuk!
(7|*"<! aaisuk!)
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7. Be it that you come to Jehovah!
o | .< |<c>|<|< <|c9 7|c"| * (7|")!
tumi yena yihobaar kaache* aaso (aasa)!
[* or "c"|! eso!]
Study 44
1. Did she see you?
." |< .o||c< .=c| (.|=)?
se ki tomaake dekh-lo (dekhila)?
No, she didn't!
|, ." 7||c< .c= | (|*)!
naa, se aamaake dekhe ni (naai)!
2. Can you come tomorrow?
o | |< 7||| <| 7|"co |c<|?
tumi ki aagaamii kaal aas-te paaro
(o | |< 7||| <| 7||"co |<?
tumi ki aagaamii kaal aasite paara)?
No, I can't.
|, 7|| 7|"co (7||"co) ||< |1
naa, aami aas-te (aasite) paari naa.
[or omit 7|| 7|"co (7||"co) aami aas-te (aasite) ]
Study 45
1. [Short form]
7|c" 1 "c"
aase / ese
2. (Long form
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Study 46
1. He has done much work.
se anek kaaj kareche (kariyaache).
2. You have asked a good question.
tumi ek-ti bhaalo prashna jijnaasaa [jigyaasaa] karecho.
(tumi ek-ti bhaala prashna jijnaasaa [jigyaasaa] kariyaacha.)
3. I have eaten a little but slept much.
7|| 7 .=c5|9 |< 7c< |c5|91
aami alpa kheyechi kintu anek ghumiyechi.
(7|| 7 =|*5||9 |< 7c< |*5||91
aami alpa khaaiyaachi kintu anek ghumaaiyaachi ).
4. They had given me this book.
o|<| 7||c< " <* |c5c91
taaraa aamaake e bai diyeche.
(o|>|<| 7||c< " <* |5|c91
taahaaraa aamaake e bai diyaache.)
5. We had all gone.
7|<| "<c |c5|9| (|5||9|)1
aamaraa sakale giyechilaam (giyaachilaam).
Study 47
1. Crying, he remembered he war.
k^ede se yuddha smaran kar-lo.
(k^aadiyaa se yuddha smaran karila.)
2. By doing good, you show your faith.
bhaalo kare tumi tomaar bishbaas dekhaao.
(bhaala kariyaa tumi tomaar bishbaas dekhaao.)
3. This world is passing away.
" 9 <c> * <|c91
e jagat' bahe * yaacche.
[* or ."< >c5 shes haye]
(" 9 <|>5| ** <|*coc91
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e jagat' bahiyaa ** yaaiteche.)
[** or ."< >*5| shes haiyaa]
4. Today's study has finished.
7|9c<< 7<|5 |."<] >c5cc91
aaj-ker adhyayan [shes] hayegeche.
(7|9c<< 7<|5 |."<] >*5||5|c91
aaj-ker adhyayan [shes] haiyaagiyaache.)
5. He got up and left.
." 5c5 bc .c|1 se uthe cale gelo.
(." 5|55| b|5| c1 se uthiyaa caliyaa gela.)
6. They hit her and ran away.
o|<| o|c< .c< .|c5 bc .c|1
taaraa taake mere doore cale gelo.
(o|>|<| o|>|c< ||<5| .||55| b|5|
taahaaraa taahaake maariyaa dooraaiyaa caliyaa gela.)
Study 48
1. Will the meek ones will live in peace forever?
"|c<| * |< 7 <| "||co <|bc< (<||bc<)?
mrridushiileraa * ki ananta kaal shaantite b^aac-be
[* or < .|c<<| naram lokeraa]
2. Being imperfect does not help a clear conscience.
7|" >?5| ""c<c< * "|>|<| <c< |1
asiddha haoyaa sat'sanbed-ke * saahaayya kare naa.
[* or O |<c<<c< shuddha bibek-ke]
3. He sent this message here - for what purpose?
|o| " "<| |5|c (|5|*c) - .<| 5cc"|?
tini e sanvaad paathaalen (paathaailen) - kon' uddeshye?
4. He was here in the flesh.
|o| |c" "=|c |9c1
tini maanse ekhaane chilen.
5. This indeed is a vital work.
"D|* 7o||<'1< <|9 >51
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etaa-i atyaabashyak kaaj hay.
6. In order to get this knowledge we go to our meetings.
" 9| |<|< (|*<|<) * 91 7|<| "6|co ** <|*1
e jnaan ["gyaan"] paaibaar (paabaar) * janya aamaraa
sabhaate ** yaai.
[* or |?5|< paaoyaar]
[** or "6|5 sabhaay]
Study 49
1. If you do work, then you will eat.
tumi yadi kaaj karo, tabe khaabe.
(tumi yadi kaaj kara, tabe khaaibe).
2. [In the case with =] With you doing work you will eat.
o | <|9 <<c =|c<1
tumi kaaj kar-le khaabe.
(o | <|9 <|<c =|*c<1
tumi kaaj karile khaaibe.)
3. If you do not do work, then you will not eat.
o | <| <|9 | <c<|, oc< o | =|c< |1
tumi yadi kaaj naa karo, tabe tumi khaabe naa.
(o | <| <|9 | <<, oc< o | =|*c< |1
tumi yadi kaaj naa kara, tabe tumi khaaibe naa.)
4. [In the case with =] With you not doing work you will not eat.
|o |] <|9 | <<c |o |] =|c< |1
[tumi] kaaj naa kar-le [tumi] khaabe naa.
(|o |] <|9 | <|<c |o |] =|*c< |1
[tumi] kaaj naa karile [tumi] khaaibe naa.)
5. Even if you do work, even then you will not eat.
o | <|? <|9 <c<| (<<), o<? <|c< (=|*c<) |1
tumi yadi-o kaaj karo (kara), tabu-o khaabe (khaaibe) naa.
6. Even [in the case with =] with you working you will not eat.
o | <|9 <<c? =|c< |1
tumi kaaj kar-le-o khaabe naa.
(o | <|9 <|<c? =|*c< |1
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tumi kaaj karile-o khaaibe naa.)
7. If you do good work, you will get benefit.
o | <| 6|c| <|9 <c<|, * |6 |c<1
tumi yadi bhaalo kaaj karo, * laabh paabe.
(o | <| 6| <|9 <<, * |6 ,|*c<1
tumi yadi bhaala kaaj kara, * laabh paaibe.)
[* or oc< o | tabe tumi]
8. If you pray to Him in the right manner, you will gain strength.
o | <| |5< 6|c< o |< <|c9 |< | <c<|,* "| |c<1
tumi yadi thik bhaabe t^aar kaache praarthanaa karo, * shakti
(o | <| |5< 6|c< o |>|< <|c9 |< | <<, * "| |*c<1
tumi yadi thik bhaabe t^aahaar kaache praarthanaa kara, *
shakti paaibe.)
[* or oc< o | tabe tumi]
|5< 6|c< o |< <|c9 |< | <<c "| |c<1
thik bhaabe t^aar kaache praarthanaa kar-le shakti paabe.
(|5< 6|c< o |>|< <|c9 |< | <|<c "| |*c<1
thik bhaabe t^aahaar kaache praarthanaa karile shakti
9. If he comes then he will see the message.
." <| 7|c" "<| .=c<1
se yadi aase sanbaad dekh-be.
(." <| 7|c" "<| .|=c<1
se yadi aase sanbaad dekhibe.)
7|"c ." "<| .=c<1
aas-le se sanbaad dekh-be.
(7||"c ." "<| .|=c<1
aasile se sanbaad dekhibe.)
10. If he does not look then he will not get the book.
." <| | .c= o|c< <* |c< (|*c<) |1
se yadi naa dekhe tabe bai paa-be (paaibe) naa.
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| .=c (.|=c) ." <* |c< (|*c<) |1
naa dekh-le (dekhile) se bai paabe (paaibe) naa.
11. Even if you read these words, can you understand their
o | <|? " <<|G| c5|, oc< o | |< o|c< 7< | <<co
tumi yadi-o e kathaaguli paro, tabe tumi ki taader artha
bujh-te paar-be?
(o | <|? " <<|G| 5, oc< o | |< o|>|c< 7< <|<co
tumi yadi-o e kathaaguli para, tabe tumi ki taahaader artha
bujhite paaribe?)
" <<|G| |<c? o | |< <<co |<c<?
e kathaaguli par-le-o tumi ki bujh-te paar-be?
(" <<|G| |5c? o | |< <|<co ||<c<
e kathaaguli parile-o tumi ki bujhite paaribe?)
Study 50
1. He used to [= would] work here.
." "=|c <|9 <|<co| (<|<o)1
se ekhaane kaaj karito (karita).
2. If I used to work, then I would eat.
." <| <|9 <<o|, oc< .=o|1
aami yadi kaaj kar-taam, tabe khetaam.
(7|| <| <|9 <|<o|, oc< =|*o|1
aami yadi kaaj karitaam, tabe khaaitaam.)
7|| <|9 <<c .=o|1 aami kaaj kar-le khetaam.
(7|| <|9 <|<c =|*o|1 aami kaaj karile khaaitaam.)
3. If you would work, then you would eat.
o | <| <|9 <|<co|, oc< .=co1
tumi yadi kaaj karito, tabe khete.
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(o | <| <|9 <|<o, oc< =|*co1
tumi yadi kaaj karita, tabe khaaite.)
<|9 <<c .=co|1 kaaj kar-le kheto.
(<|9 <|<c =|*o1 kaaj karile khaaita.)
4. When they used to work, then they would eat.
o|<| <= <|9 <<o o= .=co|1
taaraa yakhan kaaj kar-ta takhan kheto.
(o|>|<| <= <|9 <|<o o= =|*o1
taahaaraa yakhan kaaj karita takhan khaaita.)
5. If Adam would stay perfect, then he would not die.
7| <| |" <|<co|, <co| |1
aadam yadi siddha thaak-to, mar-to naa.
(7| <| |" <||<o, |<o |1
aadam yadi siddha thaakita, marita naa. )
7| |" <|<c <co| |1
aadam siddha thaak-le mar-to naa.
(7| |" <||<c |<o |1
aadam siddha thaakile marita naa.)
6. If YOU stayed perfect, then YOU would not die.
7|| <| |" <|<co, oc< <co |1
aapani yadi siddha thaak-ten, tabe mar-ten naa.
(7|| <| |" <||<co, oc< |<co |1
aapani yadi siddha thaakiten, tabe mariten naa.)
7|| |" <|<c <co |1
aapani siddha thaak-le mar-ten naa.
(7|| |" <||<c |<co |1
aapani siddha thaakile mariten naa.)
7. [In the case with =] With Adam not staying faithful then he
would die.
7| |<"|"| | <|<c <co|1
aadam bishbaasii naa thaak-le mar-to.
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(7| |<"|"| | <||<c |<o1
aadam bishbaasii naa thaakile marita.)
8. They would stay in that little house.
o|<| " .9|D <||5co <|<co|1
taaraa ee chota baarite thaak-to.
(o|>|<| " .9|D <||5co <||<o1
taahaaraa ee chota baarite thaakita.)
9. Even if he were visible again on the earth, even then would
every one accept him?
|o| <|? 7|<|< |<<|co '1o >co, o<? "<c |<
o |c< > <<co|?
tini yadi-o aabaar prrithibiite drrishyata haten, tabu-o sakale
ki t^aake grahan kar-to?
(|o| <|? 7|<|< |<<|co '1o: >*co, o<? "<c |<
o |>|c< > <|<o?
tini yadi-o aabaar prrithibiite drrishyatahh haiten, tabu-o
sakale ki t^aahaake grahan karita ?)
10. In the case of Adam not sinning, would he die or not die?
7| | | <<c <co| <| <co| |?
aadam paap naa kar-le mar-to baa mar-to naa?
(7| | | <|<c |<o <| |<o |?
aadam paap naa karile marita baa marita naa?)
11. Would there be [= remain] disturbance, violence, liars?
7"||, |>"|, |<||<|| |< <|<co| (<||<o)?
ashaanti, hinsaa, mithyaabaadii ki thaak-to (thaakita)?
12. What is your feeling about this?
" "~c< .o||< c|6|< * |<?
e sambandhe tomaar manobhaab * ki?
[* or 76 |o anubhuuti]
13. God is looking at you and at me.
.=|| * .o||c< ? 7||c< .=c9 (.|=coc9)1
khodaa * tomaake o aamaake dekh-chen (dekhitechen).
[* or >"c<< iishbar]
14. Were you receiving love and peace?
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o | |< . ? "|| .co|9c (|*co|9c)1
tumi ki prem o shaanti paaitechile (petechile).
15. I was learning about God's purposes.
7|| .=||<|* 5c'1G| "~c< |"=|9|1
aami khodaar * uddeshyaguli sambandhe shikh-chilaam.
(7|| .=||< * 5c'1G| "~c< |"|=co|9|1
aami khodaar * uddeshyaguli sambandhe shikhitechilaam.)
[* or >"c<< iishbar]
16. Where were you living?
7|| .<|<|5 <|" <<|9c (<|<co|9c)1
aapani kothaay baas kar-chilen (karitechilen).
Study 51
1. [Use "nije"] I wrote it myself.
7|| |c9 o| |=|1
aami nije taa likh-laam.
(7|| |c9 o|>| ||=|1
aami nije taahaa likhilaam.)
2. [Use "svayan"] They learned Bengali themselves.
o|<| "5 <|| |"=c|1
taaraa svayan baanlaa shikh-lo.
(o|>|<| "5 <|| |"|=1
taahaaraa svayan baanlaa shikhila.)
3. [Use "aapani"] He himself gave [made] this promise.
|o| 7|| " |o9| <<c1
tini aapani e pratijnaa ["pratigyaa"] kar-len (karilen).
4. [Decline "nije"] This person changed himself into Satan.
" <|| |c9c< "5o|c |<o <<c| (<|<)1
e byakti nijeke shayataane parinata kar-lo (karila).
5. [Decline "aapani"] He gave himself in sacrifice for us.
|o| 7||c< 91 7||c< <||c |c1
tini aamaader janya aapanaake balidaane dilen.
6. [Decline "nije"] I wanted from myself to do this.
7|| |9c9< >co " <<co .b|1
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aami nijer hate e kar-te celaam.
(7|| |c9< >*co " <|<co .b|1
aami nijer haite e karite caailaam.)
7. [Decline "aapani"] He did not speak from himself.
|o| 7|| >co <c |1
tini aapanaa hate balen ni
(tini aapanaa haite balen naai.)
8. [Decline "nije"] Bring your own work.
|c9< <|9 7|? (7|) nijer kaaj aan-o (aana).
9. [Decline "nije"] They take their own books.
o|<| (o|>|<|) |c9c< <*G| * .51
taaraa (taahaaraa) nijeder baiguli * ney.
[* or <* bai]
10. [Another form of "nije"] We examine our own lives.
7|<| |9 |9 9|< <|| <|<1
aamaraa nij nij jiiban pariiksaa kari.
11. [Decline "aapan"] They hate their own brothers.
o|<| (o|>|<|) 7| * 6|*c<c< | <c<1
taaraa (taahaaraa) aapan * bhaaider-ke ghrrinaa kare.
[* or 7||c< aapanaader]
12. [Decline "aapan"] We do not hate our own brothers.
7|<| 7| * 6|*c<c< | <|< |1
aamaraa aapan * bhaaider-ke ghrrinaa kari naa.
[* or 7||c< aapanaader]
13. [Decline "aapan"] YOU will know that your [=own]
deliverance is near.
.o|<| 9|c< * (9||c<) .< .o||c< * | "|<D1
tomaraa jaan-be (jaanibe) ye tomaader * mukti sannikat.
[* or 7| aapan]
14. Are they selfless or selfish?
o|<| (o|>|<|) |< "|<>| | "|<<?
taaraa (taahaaraa) ki svaarthahiin naa svaarthapar?
15. In his words there is self-contradiction.
o|< (o|>|<) <<|G|< c<| 7|-|<c<|< 7|c91
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taar (taahaar) kathaagulir * madhye aatmabirodh aache.
[* or <<|Gc|< kathaagulor]
16. With there being (conditional participle of "thaakaa") no doing
of self-examination, they deceive themselves.
7|-<|| | <<c o|<| |9c< ||< .51
aatmapariiksaa naa kar-le taaraa nij-ke ph^aaki dey.
(7|-|<|| | <|<c o|>|<| |9c< ||< .51
aatmapariiksaa naa karile taahaaraa nij-ke ph^aaki dey.)
17. In these days people seek their own interests.
" <|c .|c< "|< .b8| <c<1
e kaale loke svaartha cestaa kare.
18. He will not examine us according to the work of others.
|o| 71c< <|c9< 7"|c< 7||c<c< <|| <<c<
(<|<c<) |1
tini anyader kaajer anusaare aamaader-ke pariiksaa kar-ben
(kariben) naa.
19. Will the righteous possess the earth?
<||c<<| |< .c"< 7|<<|<| >c<?
dhaarmikeraa ki desher adhikaarii habe?
(<||~ c<<| |< .c"< 7|<<|<| >*c<?
dhaarmikeraa ki desher adhikaarii haibe?)
20. Doing personal study is essential.
<||o 7<|5 <<| 7o||<'1<1
byaktigata adhyayan karaa atyaabashyak.
Study 52
1. Work is done. <|9 <<| >51 kaaj karaa hay.
2. Prayers are said [made]. |< | <<| <|51
praarthanaa karaa yaay.
3. The Bible does get read a little. <|*c< 7 5| <|51
baaibel alpa paraa yaay.
4. The Bible used to be read much more.
<|*c< 7c< .<|" 5| .<co| (<|*o)1
baaibel anek beshii paraa yeto (yaaita).
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5. The loving invitation is made known.
.5 | 9||c| (9||) >51
premamay nimantran jaanaano (jaanaana) hay.
6. Women and children get killed. "|<| ? .9ccc5<| |<| <|51
striiraa o chelemeyeraa maaraa yaay.
7. News of the kingdom is getting preached.
<|c9|< "|b|< * b|< <<| <|c9 (<|*coc9)1
raajyer samaacaar * pracaar karaa yaacche (yaaiteche).
[* or =<< khabar]
8. It will be given to you. .o||c< .?5| >c< (>*c<)1
tomaake deoyaa habe (haibe).
9. He will be called [spoken of as] this one's son.
o|c< "< 5 * <| <|c<1
t^aake e^r putra * balaa yaabe.
(o|>|c< *>|< 5 * <| <|*c<1
t^aahaake i^haar putra * balaa yaaibe.)
[* or .9c chele]
Study 53
1. The enemy has roared, is roaring, and will roar for a little more
"5 |9c5c9, 9 |c9, ? 7|<? 7 "c5< 91 9|c<1
shatru garjiyeche, garjaacche, o aar-o alpa samayer janya
("5 |95|c9, 9|*coc9, ? 7|<? 7 "c5< 91
9 |*c<1
shatru garjiyaache, garjaaiteche, o aar-o alpa samayer janya
2. How art thou? o * .< 7||9" ? tui keman aachis'?
3. Read thy little book to him. o|c< (o|>|c<) .o|< .9|D <* 51
taake (taahaake) tor chota bai par'.
4. Thy sister is laughing. .o|< .<| >|"c9 (>||"coc9)1
tor bon haas-che (haasiteche).
5. A funny thing came from thee.
Primary Dictionary English to Bengali
2007 B J Burford & E J Burford 281 11 May 2007
.o|< <|9 .<c< >||"< <<| 7|"c| (7||")1
tor kaach theke haasir kathaa aas-lo (aasila).
Study 54
1. How have you got hurt?
o | .< <c< 5cb|D .=c5c9|?
tumi keman kare ucot kheyecho?
(o | .< <|<5| 5cb|D =|*5|9?
tumi keman kariyaa ucot khaaiyaacha?)
2. To smoke is bad for us.
<| <<| 7||c< 91 =|<|1
dhum-paan karaa aamaader janya khaaraap.
3. Shall I take off my shoes?
7|| |< 7||< 9 o| =c<| (=|<)?
aami ki aamaar jutaa khul-bo (khuliba)?
4. I don't want to let the opportunity slip.
7|| "c<| 9|5co (9||5co) b|* |1
aami suyog chaar-te (chaarite) caai naa.
5. What sort of fruit does this path bear?
" < |< << * <c<?
e path ki rakam * phal dhare?
[* or <|< 1 < prakaar / ruup]
6. With paying attention * we can learn.
c|c<| |c ** 7|<| |"=co (|"|=co) ||<1
manoyog dile ** aamaraa shikh-te (shikhite) paari.
[* This is a conditional participle]
[** or <<c kar-le (<|<c karile)]
7. My writing has finished.
7||< .=| ."< >c5c9 (>*5|c9)1
aamaar lekhaa shes hayeche (haiyaache).
8. My daughter gets the giggles. 7||< .c5< >||" |51
aamaar meyer haasi paay.
9. Please turn on the light!
5| <c< |<9| <||o 74|c|!
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dayaa kare bijalii baati jvaalo!
(5| <|<5| |<9| <||o 74|?!
dayaa kariyaa bijalii baati jvaal-o! )
10. It does not take much time. 7c< "5 |c |1
anek samay laage naa.
11. For this book how much does it cost?
" <*"< 91 <o D|<| |c?
e bai-er janya kata taakaa laage?
12. With applying * a little time and logic we can see the truth.
7 "5 ? <| ||c 7|<| "o| .=co ||<1
alpa samay o yukti laagaale aamaraa satya dekh-te paari.
(7 "5 ? <| ||*c 7|<| "o| .|=co ||<1
alpa samay o yukti laagaaile aamaraa satya dekhite paari.)
[* This is a conditional participle]
13. With not putting the truth to use we do not get benefit.
satya kaaje naa laagaaile (laagaale) aamaraa laabh paai naa.
14. I have a belief. 7||< |<"|" 7|c91 aamaar bishvaas aache.
15. They have no hope.
o|c< 7|"| .*1 taader aashaa nei.
(o|>|c< 7|"| |*1 taahaader aashaa naai.)
16. He has your message.
.o||< "<| o|< (o|>|<) <|c9 7|c91
tomaar sanbaad taar (taahaar) kaache aache.
17. They do not have our book.
7||c< <* o|c< <|c9 .*1
aamaader bai taader kaache nei.
(7||c< <* o|>|c< <|c9 |*1
aamaader bai taahaader kaache naai.)
18. One must go now.
"= .<co >c<1 ekhan yete habe.
("= <|*co >*c<1 ekhan yaaite haibe.)
19. Why must [you] learn Bengali?
* .< <|| |"=co >c<? * kena baanlaa shikh-te habe?
(* .< <|| |"|=co >*c<? * kena baanlaa shikhite haibe?)
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[* or .o||< 1 .o||< |<| 1 .o||< <o <
tomaar / tomaar dvaaraa / tomaar kartrrik]
20. You must pray to him.
* o |< <|c9 |< | <<co >c<1
*t^aar kaache praarthanaa kar-te habe.
(* o |>|< <|c9 |< | <|<co >*c<1
* t^aahaar kaache praarthanaa karite haibe.)
[* or 7||< 1 7||< |<| 1 7|| <o <
aapanaar / aapanaar dvaaraa / aapanaa kartrrik]
21. It [indeed] is so. o|* <cD taa-i bate.
(o|>|* <cD taahaa-i bate.)
22. But you certainly want peace. |< o | .o| (o) "|| b|?1
kintu tumi to (ta) shaanti caao.
23. Ever-lasting, |b<"|5| cirasthaayii
spirit-lacking, 7|-||<>| aatmaabihiin
self-loving, 7|-|5 aatmapriya
world-wide, |<"<||| bishvabyaapii
faith-worthy [fit for] |<"|"c<|| bishvaas-yogya
24. There have been wars and famine going on.
<Gc| ? |6 <c5c91
yuddhagulo o durbhiksa rayeche.
(<G| ? |6 <c5c91
yuddhaguli o durbhiksa rahiyaache.)
25. Those events have been going on with us for many years.
" D|G| 7c< <"< 7||c< "c <c5c9 (<|>5|c9)1
e ghatanaaguli anek bat'sar aamaader sange rayeche
26. This world is lying in whose hands?
" 9 <|< >c" * <c5c9?
e jagat' kaar haste * rayeche?
(" 9 <|>|< >c" * <|>5|c9?
e jagat' kaahaar haste * rahiyaache?)
[* or add "*5| suiyaa]
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Study 55
1. [Qualifying] big bigger biggest.
<5 7|<? <5 "<cbc5 <5
bara aar-o bara sab-ceye bara.
2. [Qualifying] good better best.
6|c| 7|<? 6|c| "<cbc5 6|c|
bhaalo aar-o bhaalo sab-ceye bhaalo.
(6| 7|<? 6| "<cbc5 6|
bhaala aar-o bhaala sab-ceye bhaala.)
3. [Modifying] dear dearer dearest
|5 |5o< |5o
priiya priiyatara priiyatama
4. The Greatest Man "< >| << sarbamahaan purus
("" >| << sarbbamahaan purus)
5. Almighty. "<"|| sarbashaktimaan
("" "|| sarbbashaktimaan)
Universal sovereignty. ("|<c6|- saarbabhoomatba.
("|"c6|- saarbbabhoomatba.)
6. The nearest house. "<cbc5 |<D <||5 sab-ceye nikat baari.
7. This teaching is more loving. " |"| 7|<? .51
e shiksaa aar-o premamay.
Study 56
1. brother, sister 6|*, .<| bhaai, bon
2. gentleman, lady >|"5, >|"5| mahaashay, mahaashayaa
3. male student, female student 9|5, 9|5| chaatra, chaatrii
4. male teacher, female teacher |"<, |"|<| shiksak, shiksikaa
Dear Mr. Rahman, |5 9|< * <|> |,
|* <| >|"5]
priya janaab *
[* or mahaashay]
I got your cheque. 7|| .o||< .b<
.c5|9 (|*5||9)1
aami tomaar cek'
peyechi (paaiyaachi).
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Thank you. <1<|1 dhanyabaad.
Greetings, *|o, *
|* <| 6|5]
iti, *
[* or bhadaniiya]
Mrs. A. Target "|o| " D|c D shriimatii e. taarget
6. Dear "Prem", ." c>< . sneher "prem",
See you on Saturday at noon. 7|| "|<|c< c< .o||c<
.=c<| (.|=<)1
aami shanibaare dupure
tomaake dekh-bo (dekhiba).
Your brother, Raaj .o||< 6|*, <|9 tomaar bhaai, raaj
7. The son and daughter of my brother. 7||< || ||
aamaar daadaa didi
8. Your older sister's husband. .o||< ||<|<
tomaar daadaabaabu
9. My younger brother's wife. 7||< <5|
aamaar baumaa
10. My paternal grandparents. 7||< 5|< < |||
aamaar thaakur-daadaamaa
11. His maternal uncle. o|< (o|>|<) || taar (taahaar) maamaa
12. Our paternal aunt. 7||< ||"| * aamaar pisiimaa *
[* or ||" pisi]
13. His parents-in-law. o|< (o|>|<) "|O< "|O<|
taar (taahaar) shvaashur shaashurii
14. The wife's sister-in-law. " |< 5|< <|< * striir thaakur-jhi *
[* or nanad]
15. Our children and grandchildren.
7||c< .9ccc5 ? |o||o|
aamaader chelemeye o naatiinaatanii
16. His great-grandchildren. o|< (o|>|<) |oo|
taar (taahaar) putiputanii
17. This husband's brother-in-law. " "||< "||
e svaamiir shaalaa
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Study 57
1. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o : . 8 e o u :o
2. zero one two three four five.
O1 "< * |o b|< |b
shunya ek dui tin caar p^aac.
3. six seven eight nine ten
95 "|o 7|D 5 "
chay saat aat nay dash
4. twenty thirty forty fifty
|<" |5" b|" <|"
bish trish callish pancaash
5. sixty seventy eighty ninety
<|D "< 7||" "*
saat sattar aashi nabbai
6. twenty-four b|"" cabbish
sixty-five. 5<| p^ayasatti.
7. sixty-nine S"< uunasattar
ninety-nine. |<|"* niraanabbai.
8. a hundred two hundred three hundred
"< " * " |o "
ek sha dui sha tin sha
9. a hundred thousand "< ek laksa.
thousands ">" ||<< sahasraadhik.
10. ten million "< .5|5 ek kror [koti].
millions ||<< laksaadhik.
11. one and a half .5 der
12. two and a half 7|5|* aaraai
13. five and a quarter "?5| |b saoyaa p^aac
14. ten and a half "|c5 " saare dash
15. ten and three quarters .|c "|< poone egaara
16. three fifths |b 6|c< |o 6| p^aac bhaager tin bhaag
17. 15 per cent c< |o "o panera prati shat
18. the first day of the week " c>< < |
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saptaaher pratham din
19. On the fiftieth day they received the spirit.
<|" |c o|<| 7|-| .c|1
pancaashattama dine taaraa aatmaa pelo.
(<|" |c o|>|<| 7|-| |*1
pancaashattama dine taahaaraa aatmaa paaila.)
20. the thirtieth book. |5"o <* trinshatam bai.
21. about ten days later |5 " | c<
praay dash din pare
22. approximately an hour. D| =|c< ghantaa khaanek.
23. about two days. `"< | du'ek din.
Study 58
1. What is today's date? 7|9c< .<| o||<=?
aaj-ke kon' taarikh?
2. The day after tomorrow will be what day?
7||| <O .<| | >c< (>*c<)?
aagaamii parashu kon' din habe (haibe)?
3. What is the season now? "= .<| +o Dc9 (|Dcoc9)?
ekhan kon' rritu ghat-che (ghatiteche)
4. After six months what will the season be?
95 |" c< .<| +o >c< (>*c<)?
chay maas pare kon' rritu habe (haibe)?
5. Within April, May, and June there are the months of beeshaakh
and jyeesta.
"|, ., "< 9 |"G|< c<| c<"|= ? c9|8 |" >51
epril, me, eban jun maas-gulir madhye beeshaakh o jyeesta
maas hay.
6. The summer happens then. " o= cD1
grrisma takhan ghate.
7. Thirteenth [day/date/"taarikh"] of February in the year nineteen
hundred and ninety-five
.<7||< |c"< .o<* o||<= 5|" " b|"* "|c
phebruaari maaser terai taarikh unnish sha p^acaanabbai saale.
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8. On the first [day/date] my mother will come with me.
< o||<c= 7||< | 7||< "c 7|"c< (7||"c<)1
pratham taarikhe aamaar maa aamaar sange aas-ben (aasiben).
9. At half past two I will try again.
7|5|o|5 7|| 7|<|< .b8| <<c<| (<|<<)1
aaraaitaay aami aabaar cestaa kar-bo (kariba).
10. Come at a quarter to four this afternoon.
7|9c< .|c b|<D|5 7|"1
aaj-ke poone caar-taay aasun.
11. It is three o'clock. |oD| .<c9c91 tin-taa bejeche.
(|oD| <||95|c91 tin-taa baajiyaache.)
12. It is eight minutes past two.
*D| .<c9 (<||95|) 7|D ||D 7|c91
dui-taa beje (baajiyaa) aat minit aache.
13. The train starts off at six ten. .D 95D| c" <?| >51
tren chay-taa dashe raonaa hay.
14. The meeting starts at seven twenty five in the evening.
"6| |o "<||c<|5 "|oD|5 |bc" 7|<~ >51
sabhaa prati sandhyaabelaay saat-taay p^acishe aarambha hay.
15. It is twelve minutes to seven.
"|oD| <|9co (<||9co) <|< ||D 7|c91
saat-taa baaj-te (baajite) baara minit aache.
16. It is now nine fifty-seven. "= 5D| "|o| 7|c91
ekhan nay-taa saataanna aache.
17. What is the time [How many have struck]?
<`D| .<c9c9? ka'taa bejeche?
<`D| * <||95|c9? (ka'taa * baajiyaache?)
[* or <oD| katataa]
What is the time [How many strike]?
<`D| <|c9? ka'taa baaje?
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