Performance Based Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

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ISSN 2286-4822
Vol. I, Issue 9/ December 2013

Impact Factor: 0.485 (GIF)
DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)

Performance Based Analysis of RC Building
Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Asia Pacific
Department of Civil Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Metropolitan cities are under severe threat because of
inappropriate design and construction of structures. Faulty building
designed without considering seismic consideration could be
vulnerable to damage even under low levels of ground shaking from
distant earthquake. So, structural engineers often are more concerned
about the constructing Shear wall without knowing its performance
with respect to infill percentage which may lead it to an over design
state without knowing the demand. Nonlinear inelastic pushover
analysis provides a better view about the behavior of the structures
during seismic events. This study investigates as well as compares the
performances of bare, different infill percentage level and two types of
Shear wall consisting building structures and suggests from which
level of performance shear wall should be preferred over the infill
structure. To perform the finite element simulation ETABS 9.7.2 is
used to get the output using pushover analysis. For different loading
conditions, the performances of structures are evaluated with the help
of base shear, deflection, storey drift, storey drift ratio and stages of
number of hinges form and represented with discussion.

Key words: Pushover analysis, Infill, Bare frame, Equivalent Strut,
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
Shear wall.

I. Introduction

Earthquake engineering is growing rapidly with time by each
and every seismic event which makes it a special branch to
work with both research and practice at a time. Pushover
analysis has been developed over the past twenty years and has
become the preferred analysis procedure for design and seismic
performance evaluation purposes as the procedures are
relatively simple and consider post elastic behavior. The
nonlinear static analysis where the lateral loads are increased
keeping vertical loads constant, to maintaining a predefined
distribution pattern along the height of the building, until a
collapse mechanism develops. The performance based approach
requires a lateral load versus deformation analysis. The
pushover analysis is a static method of nonlinear analysis. The
pushover analysis is a method to observe the successive damage
states of a building. However, the procedure involves certain
approximations and simplifications that some amount of
variation is always expected to exist in seismic demand
prediction of pushover analysis. Pushover analysis of finite
element was performed by ETABS 9.7.2 where the deficiency of
an elastic analysis displays the following features.

1. The analysis considers the inelastic deformation and
ductility of the members.
2. The sequence of yielding of sections in members and
redistribution of loads in the building are observed.

The structural engineering profession has been using the
nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis
described in FEMA-356 and ATC-40. When pushover analysis
is used carefully it provides useful information that cannot be
obtained by linear static or dynamic analysis procedure.

Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or
country. These take into account the local seismology, accepted
level of seismic risk, building typologies, and materials and
methods used in construction. Further, they are indicative of
the level of progress a country has made in the field of
earthquake engineering.
In last few years the widespread damage to reinforced
concrete building during earthquake generated demand for
seismic evaluation and retrofitting of existing building in
Dhaka. In addition, most of our buildings built in the past two
decades are seismically deficient because of lack of awareness
regarding structural behavior during earthquake and
reluctance to follow the code guidelines. Observing such a
situation engineers are nowadays prone to construct shear wall
without knowing the actual demand and requirement which
may ultimately lead to a sometimes overdesigned state. The
purpose of the paper is to summarize the basic concepts on
which the pushover analysis is based, perform nonlinear static
pushover analysis of medium height (7 storey) residential RC
buildings as found in Dhaka city available and evaluate the
performance of the shear wall consisting bare frame with
respect to different infill configuration frame structures. Force
unit is KN while displacements are measured in mm.

II. Methodology

Pushover analysis is a static, nonlinear procedure in which the
magnitude of the lateral force is incrementally increased,
maintaining the predefined distribution pattern along the
height of the building. With the increase in the magnitude of
the loads, weak links and failure modes of the building are
found. Pushover analysis can determine the behavior of a
building, including the ultimate load and the maximum
inelastic deflection. Local Nonlinear effects are modeled and the
structure is pushed until a collapse mechanism gets developed.
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
At each step, the base shear and the roof displacement can be
plotted to generate the pushover curve. It gives an idea of the
maximum base shear that the structure was capable of
resisting at the time of the earthquake. For regular buildings, it
can also give a rough idea about the global stiffness of the
7 storied frame structures are modeled and designed
with the help of finite element software ETABS 9.7.2 to perform
the pushover analysis to meet the objectives of this study.
Ground floor was created soft storey intentionally, for all cases
to represent the present trend among public. Seismic effect is
computed by the software which was done by UBC 94. Wind
load is calculated according to Bangladesh National Building
Code (BNBC) by developing an excel sheet. Dead load and live
load are taken according to standard practice among the
professional designers and engineers. Standard load
combinations are taken according to BNBC.
To perform the non-linear analysis ATC -40 is reviewed
all through the study. All three types of hinges required for
performing pushover analysis of RCC structure are chosen from
the experimental data. Allowable hinge deformation at different
performance level for beams and columns is computed and
established. All three types of hinges are assigned to each
element according to required type. Structure are then
subjected to push over analysis which include progressive
damage of elements with plastic deformation of the hinge
assigned on the element of the structure as the structure is
laterally pushed through. Later to present the objectives
performance point, base shear and number of hinges form
taken into account under proper jurisdiction.

III. Objectives

The main objectives of this study is to evaluate the performance
of two types of shear wall in bare frame with respect to
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
different types of infill case using performance based analysis
and to compare base shear in percentage and suggest a stage
from which shear wall could be preferred.

IV. Description of the nonlinear analysis

Pushover analysis provides a wide range of application options
in the seismic evaluation and retrofit of structures. Mainly two
guidelines are available for this analysis- FEMA and ATC 40.
This paper mainly follows the procedures of ATC 40 in
evaluating the seismic performance of residential building
consisting shear wall in Dhaka. Here the pushover analysis of
the structure represents a static nonlinear analysis under
constant vertical loads and gradually increasing lateral loads.
Equivalent Static lateral loads approximately represent seismic
generated forces. Analysis is carried out till to failure of the
structures. This analysis identifies weakness in the structure so
that appropriate retrofitting could be provided in governing
element. Basically, demand and capacity are the two
components of the performance based analysis and design
where demand is a representation of the seismic ground motion
and capacity is a representation of the structure ability to resist
seismic demand. The performance is dependent in a manner
that the capacity is able to handle the seismic demand. Once
the capacity curve and demand displacement are defined, a
performance check can be done. In our study, nonlinear static
pushover analysis was used to evaluate the seismic
performance of the structures. The numerical analysis was
done by ETABS 9.7.2 and guidelines of ATC-40 and FEMA 356
were followed. Overall evaluation was done using base shear,
deflection, storey drift, storey drift ratio and stages of number
of hinges form. Plastic hypotheses was used to mark the
nonlinear behavior according to which plastic deformations are
lumped on plastic hinges and rest of the system shows linear
elastic behavior (Li 1996). The discrete structural performance
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
levels are- Immediate Occupancy (S-1), Life Safety (S-3),
Collapse Prevention (S-5) and Not Considered (S-6) whereas
intermediate structural performance ranges are the Damage
Control Range (S-2) and the Limited Safety Range(S-4) Figure
1.This definition of performance ranges are served by FEMA
356, 2000.
The model frame used in the static nonlinear pushover
analysis is based on the procedures of the material, defining
force deformation criteria for the hinges used in the pushover
analysis. Figure 1 describes the typical force-deformation
relation proposed by those documents.

Fig 1: Force-Deformation for pushover analysis

Five points labeled A, B, C, D and E are used to define the force
deflection behavior of the hinge and these points labeled A to B
Elastic state, B to IO- below immediate occupancy, IO to LS
between immediate occupancy and life safety, LS to CP-
between life safety to collapse prevention, CP to C between
collapse prevention and ultimate capacity, C to D- between C
and residual strength, D to E- between D and collapse >E

V. Description of the structural components

For Numerical modeling, a sample RC three dimensional
building is selected. The structure is seven storeys high, with a
storey height of 3 meters. The bay lengths are 5m- 5m in both
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
directions (Fig. 2). In order to concentrate on the effects caused
by the distribution of infill the prototype bare frame structure
is regular throughout its bay length in both directions. The
column sizes are 400 X 400 mm for all position and the slab
thickness is 125 mm. All beams are of same size with a width of
300 mm and depth including slab thickness of 500 mm. The
concrete strength is assumed to be 4000 psi with yield strength
60000 psi where Modulus of Elasticity (Youngs Modulus) is
3600 ksi. Masonry infills were modeled as equivalent diagonal
strut with width of 485 mm and thickness of 125 mm. The
masonry infill has compressive strength of 1 MPa. The model is
assumed to be situated in Dhaka city so, according to
Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)
seismic zone 2 is
taken. Assuming standard occupancy structure and exposure
category A, equivalent seismic loads are determined. The
geometry and material characteristics together with the fact of
that the infill is in direct contact with the fact reflect common
practices of Bangladesh were infilled frames are not engineered
to resist the seismic event properly. Most two common forms of
Shear wall, found in Bangladesh, are modeled to evaluate the
performance of shear wall and bare frame combination with
respect to infill structures. Parallel and periphery shear wall
were modeled using 10 inch wall with compressive strength of
4000 psi and Modulus of Elasticity of 3600 ksi. Shear walls
were modeled taking the half-length 2.5 m of each bay to resist
the lateral loads only. Moment hinges (M3) were assigned to
both ends of beams and axial hinges (P-M-M) were assigned to
the column ends. Geometric non linearity (P-) and large
displacement is considered with full dead load and when local
hinges fail redistribution of loads is allowed by unloading whole
structure. The gravity loads used included self-weight of the
members and loads of floor finish and live loads were applied to
BNBC. All partition walls were assumed to be located directly
on beams.
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013

Fig 2. Typical Plan of the example building taken for this study

The performance points marked by collapse and representing
ultimate displacement capacity of the structure were evaluated
at each step of the analysis according to guidelines of ATC-40
and FEMA 356

VI. Simulation of strut

The approaches presented by Paulay and Pristlay (1992) and
Angel et al. (1994), and later adopted by R. Shahrin and T.R.
Hossain ( 2011)
lead to a simplification in the infilled frame
analysis by replacing the masonry infill with an equivalent
compressive masonry strut as shown in Figure 3-(a).

1H = = H [(Em t sin 2) / (4 EcIcolhw)] (1)

Credit: R. Shahrin & T.R. Hossain (2011)

Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
where t is the thickness of masonry wall. Mainstone (1971)
considers the relative infill-to-frame flexibility in the evaluation
of the equivalent strut width of the panel as shown in Eq 2

a = 0.175D (1H)-0.4 (2)

If there are opening present, existing infill damage, and/or FRP
overlay, however, the equivalent strut must be modified using

Amod =a (R1)i(R2)i 1.(3)

(R1)i= reduction factor for in-plane evaluation due to presence
of openings
(R2)i= reduction factor for in-plane evaluation due to existing
infill damage
1= strength increase factor due to presence of FRP overlay

Although the expression for equivalent strut width given by Eq
4 was derived to represent the elastic stiffness of an infill panel,
this document extended its use to determine the ultimate
capacity of infilled structures. The strut was assigned strength
parameter consistent with the properties of the infill it
represents. A nonlinear static procedure commonly referred to
as pushover analysis, was used to determine the capacity of the
infilled structure. The equivalent masonry strut is to be
connected to the frame members as depicted in Figure 3, where
the bold double sided arrow represents the location of the strut
in the structural model. The infill forces are assumed to be
mainly resisted by the columns, and the struts are placed
accordingly. The strut should be pin connected to the column at
a distance lcolumn from the face of the beam. This distance is
defined in Eq 3 and Eq 5 and is calculated using the strut
width, a, without any reduction factors.

lcolumn = a/ coscolumn.(4)
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
tancolumn = {hm-(a/coscolumn)}/l..(5)

The strut force is applied directly to the column at the edge of
its equivalent strut width. Figure 3-(b) illustrates these
concepts. Modulus of elasticity of the masonry units was chosen
considering the ACI/ASCE/TMS masonry code as 1200 ksi.

VII. Case study

As the objective is to evaluate the performance of two types of
shear wall in bare frame with respect to different types of infill
case using performance based analysis and then suggest a stage
from which shear wall could be preferred so all the activities
required for handling are divided into two types: 1. Work with
varying infill percentage and 2. Observe effect of shear wall in
bare frame. So cases are categories according to need.
To investigate the effect of infill distribution five
different geometrical possibilities were explored: 100% infill,
75% infill, 50% infill, 25% infill and Bare frame (Figure 4). To
observe the effect of shear wall with bare frame, as mentioned
earlier, two different geometrical possibilities were explored:
Parallel and periphery shear wall Fig 5

Fig 4: Elevation view for Bare Frame, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% infill

The load deformation responses of the numerical model
specimens were followed through to failure by means of the
capacity curve. The curve was gained using pushover analysis,
where the loading profile used was a triangular one com-
Bare Frame
25% Infill
75% Infill
50% Infill
100% Infill
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
menstruate to thedominate first mode distribution of the
seismic loads.
For the pushover analysis, 3 load cases were considered:
PUSH1 applying the gravity loads associated to load
combinations which also contain seismic loadings.
PUSH2 applying lateral loads in the X-X direction.
PUSH3 applying lateral loads in the Y-Y direction.

Fig 5: (a) Plan and elevation view for bare frame with Parallel shear
wall (b) Plan and elevation view for bare frame with Periphery shear

VIII. Results and Discussions

After analysis, outcomes are organized to meet the study
objectives. For that the performances of structures are
evaluated with the help of base shear, deflection, storey drift,
storey drift ratio and stages of number of hinges form. For
different cases were evaluated under systematic review process
which reveals that using a Shear wall in a medium height RC
structure increases the performance point and base shear
significantly and provides extra safety by delaying number of
(a) Parallel Shear
(b) Periphery Shear

Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
plastic hinges form in early stage. Comparing two different
shear walls reveals that bare frame acts significantly strong if
its corner columns are bounded by shear wall in both directions
as to the bare frame with face to face shear wall in both
directions. This study outcome also reveals that seismic
performance increases with infill percentage while avoiding any
soft storey forming in structure.

8.1 Comparison of Performance point and Base shear for
different cases

As stated above seismic performance in terms of base shear and
performance point increases with increasing infill percentage.

Case Performance Point (KN) Base Shear (KN)
Bare 6185 7200
25% Infill 6829 7403
50% Infill 7094 7767
75% Infill 7221 7930
100% Infill 7452 8340
Parallel Shear SW Bare
11611 14500
Periphery Shear SW
Bare Frame
12240 15102
Table I. Performance point and Base Shear of different cases

The difference of performance point and base shear increases
with increment of infill percentage as well implement of shear
wall in bare frame. At first both for the performance point and
base shear gradually increases with increment in infill
percentage but sudden jump in performance point and base
shear causes by the construction of shear wall Fig 6 and 7.
Shear wall periphery in bare frame has a better performance.
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013

Fig 6: The comparison of performance point between different cases
having 25%infill, 50% infill, 75 % infill, 100 % infill, bare frame, bare
frame having parallel shear wall, bare frame with periphery shear

Fig 7: The comparison of Base Shear between different cases having
25%infill, 50% infill, 75 % infill, 100 % infill, bare frame, bare frame
having parallel shear wall, bare frame with periphery shear wall

Although bare frame is weaker among all cases, with shear wall
it performs stronger than any infill case. The jump in
performance is approximately 40% which is impressive and
suggests not considering shear wall until infill is sufficient for
the structures.

8.2. Number of hinges form in different cases:

As plastic hinges are applied in column, beam and strut to
create nonlinear cases, they show structural condition through
several stages (Fig 8). Hinges go to collapsible condition after
passing a few intermediate stages i.e. immediate occupancy and
life safety.
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013

(a) Before performing nonlinear analysis (b) After performing nonlinear analysis

Fig 8: Formation of plastic hinge in bare frame after performing
nonlinear analysis

Formation of maximum number of hinges in early stage is not
good for structure which eventually represents that early
reaching to the collapsible condition. From this point of view it
is seen that for bare it is uniform whole through stage but
whenever infill percentages tend to increase, the formation of
maximum number of hinges in early stage becomes governing.
Shear wall again dissipates the maximization in number of
hinge in early stage which makes the path gradual increasing.

Table II. Number of hinges formed in performance point

8.3 Storey displacement characteristics of different

Storey displacements show favor to the infill frame as to bare
frame (Figure 9). All the infill frames of varying percentage

25% infill 920 0 0 45 0 1 3 1 970
50% infill 980 0 0 41 0 3 6 0 1030
75% infill 1039 1 1 47 0 2 0 0 1090
100% infill 1100 0 0 40 0 5 4 1 1150
Bare 760 30 45 67 0 4 4 0 910
Bare with Parallel SW 618 58 150 80 0 4 0 0 910
Bare with Periphery SW 600 66 131 109 0 4 0 0 910
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
have lower displacement in top and overall than the bare
including bear with shear wall.

Fig 9 : The comparison of lateral displacement between different
cases having 25%infill, 50% infill, 75% infill, 100 % infill, bare frame,
bare frame having parallel shear wall, bare frame with periphery
shear wall

Storey drift and drift ratio are the parameters which are used
in performance based analysis which is pushover analysis,
performed in our study. Bare frame with shear wall of both
cases shows less displacement but could not reduce the
displacement like shear wall. So in cases of displacement shear
wall with bare frame has less control than the infill. On the
other hand to storey drift reveals the controlled displacement
changing characteristics of shear wall (Figure 10). Using shear
wall in two specific cases found gradual increment of
displacement in the name of storey drift not the sudden change
like all infill cases. Storey drift which is the total lateral
displacement that occurs in a single story of a multistory
building computed by Eq. 6.

Storey drift (of storey 2) = (displacement Storey 2- displacement
Storey 1)/ Storey height .. (6)
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013

Fig 10 : The comparison of story drift between different cases having
25%infill, 50% infill, 75 % infill, 100 % infill, bare frame, bare frame
having parallel shear wall, bare frame with periphery shear wall

Gradual displacements changing ensures structural stability,
uniform stiffness and less probability to the evaluation of
plastic hinges. Plastic hinges eventually go to collapsible
condition and cannot stand with load. To withstand against
progressive loads formation of plastic hinge must be controlled
by using special structural components. For the infill cases the
scenario found worse as there is a sudden displacement change
in the storey 1 under the specific seismic event make those
cases less preferable than the shear wall cases. Whenever the
drift ratios are considered the preference to the two types of
shear wall get importance again (Figure 11). Storey drift ratio
is calculated by Eq. 7

Storey drift ratio (of storey 2) = Storey drift 2/ Storey height .. (7)

Here in the storey drift ratio the drift changing characteristics
with height could be presented properly.

Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
Fig 11: The comparison of story drift ratio different cases having
25%infill, 50% infill, 75 % infill, 100 % infill, bare frame, bare frame
having parallel shear wall, bare frame with periphery shear wall

If the property is less that could be a parameter of structural
stiffness working although the building for bottom to the top.
However in top storey of the structure storey displacement is
high for the shear wall cases, so drift ratio also becomes higher
than the infill cases representing infill better performing in top
storey. In this summary the shear wall cases show a less trend
to change with storey but infill cases have significant change
from storey to storey and it could take place due to increment of
load with increment of storey. Above analysis illustrates
different performances of all cases under push over analysis.
Here, in case of base shear we obtained better results in bare
frame with periphery shear wall case. Here base shears are
44%, 42%, 41%, 39%, 49%, 5% greater than other cases having
25% infill, 50% infill,75 % infill, 100 % infill, bare frame, bare
frame having parallel shear wall respectively. But in context of
lateral displacement we observed the case named 100 % infill
behaves well. It is 76%, 42%, 30%, 301%, 219%, 255% lesser
than other cases having 25%infill, 50% infill, 75 % infill, bare
frame, bare frame having parallel shear wall, bare frame with
periphery shear wall. Number of hinges formed in initial stage
is also minimum in bare frame with periphery shear wall case.
In case of performance point we obtained better performance in
bare frame with periphery shear wall case.

IX. Conclusion

The performance of two cases of bare frame consisting shear
wall shows much better performance than the infill cases in
terms of performance point, base shear, number of hinge forms,
drift and drift ratio but not the displacement. It is observed
that consideration of effect of periphery shear wall in bare
frame leads to a significant change in the capacity.
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
Investigation of frame structures with varying percentage infill
shows that increasing infill percentage improves the
performances of the structure significantly and makes the
structures rigid in earthquake prone region. Mostly hinges are
formed in beam than in column.
This study found that Periphery Shear wall in bare
frame generates much better result than both Parallel Shear
wall in bare frame and 100% infill so to get significant amount
of performance in terms of deflection and base shear, in
construction period of a high rise building in high seismic prone
region, periphery Shear wall will be highly beneficial. In fact for
a seven storey regular structure Periphery Shear wall in bare
frame take approximately 64% more lateral loads then masonry
100% infill likewise as it was expected 100% infill frame
generated better performance than 75%, 50%, 25% and bare
frame. So if soft storey has to build then shear wall could be
used to get a jump off in a significant performance which is
even better than 100% infill. The whole outcomes could be
summarized in Table III.
In conclusion it could be said that performance based
analysis, pushover reveals the true scenario which could not be
forecast in other analysis and that a combination of bare frame
with shear wall is better in terms of performance point, base
shear, storey drift and storey drift ratio but not the
displacement. It seems effect of bare frame is somewhere, still
remains there, and infill could bring a significant decrement in
displacement. Shear wall may bring a uniform tendency in the
storey drift which is important during seismic to distribute
displacement uniformly all over the structure. It could be taken
as a suggestion that combination of adequate percentage of
infill and shear wall may bring the desired stiffness all over the
structure by taking the benefit of the two structural systems in
one body.

Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013


Shear wall in bare frame

Changing Infill




64.25% higher
than 100%
higher than
100% Infill
Increases with
increasing Infill

Shear wall
with bare
frame show

Base Shear
81.08% higher
than 100%
higher than
100% Infill
Increases with
increasing Infill
Shear wall
with bare
frame show

Greater than all varying infill
but less than bare frame
Decreases with
increasing Infill
Infill frame
show better


Change uniformly in
exponential trend; no sudden
Change with
sudden increment;
formation of sharp
peak point
Shear wall
with bare
frame show

Drift Ratio

Changes with low fluctuation
between storey 1 to 3
Changes with
between storey 1 to
3 close with bare
Shear wall
with bare
frame show
Table III. Research Scenario of the Outcomes

Dhaka, the highly populated metropolitan city densely crowded
with medium to high rise RC buildings, is frequently facing
earthquakes of low to medium intensity and expecting some
serious seismic threats in the near future. This emphasizes the
importance of using an appropriate numerical model such as
one presented in this study for the actual seismic assessment of
the RC constructions. There are good reasons for advocating the
use of the inelastic pushover analysis for demand prediction,
since in many cases it will provide much more relevant
information than an elastic static or even dynamic analysis and
encourage the design engineer to recognize important seismic
Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam, Suvash Chandra Paul - Performance Based
Analysis of RC Building Consisting Shear Wall and Varying Infill Percentage

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. I, Issue 9 / December 2013
response quantities and to use them for exposing design
For more inquiry about pushover analysis, its effects in
RC structure, how to develop the analysis procedure, how to
proceed and basic characteristics, the following links will be
beneficial and informative for researchers, designers and

X. Acknowledgements

The present authors, Yousuf Dinar, Md. Nazmul Alam and
Suvash Chandra Paul thank Mr. Prottoy Hasan, Ex- Lecturer
and Mr. Fateh Azam Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of
Civil Engineering, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh, for
encouraging, sharing strategy and guiding during literature
review and conducting the simulation work relating to
Pushover Analysis.


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