Snowflake Bentley

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Snowflake Bentley

by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

A Constructivist Lesson by Ellie Kolodzieski
For 3
Grade Developing Readers
Small Group
Wisconsin Teaching Standards
! #1 Teachers know the subjects they are
! #3 Teachers understand that children learn
! #3 Teachers know how to teach.
! #6 Teachers communicate well.
Six Language Arts Skills
! Read classmates work
! Write an article about the discovery of photographing
! Speak with the teacher and peers in small group
! Listen to read-aloud, teacher modeling and directives,
video, and peers in small group
! View Visuals: examples of graphic displays and video of
winter in Vermont/ Willie Bentley
! Produce Visuals: be an active participant in the creation
of a graphic organizer/ news article
! Students will be able to build on previous knowledge
through brainstorming and graphic displays.
! Students will increase their listening skills by listening
to modeling, directives, and read-aloud.
! Students will be able to write a news article focusing on
Willies life and discovery.
! Students will be able to increase their speaking skills by
discussing Willie Bentleys life and discovery with peers
and teacher.
We will be experiencing
! Frontloading
! Complex Language Exposure
! Graphic Organizer
! Modeling Interpretation
! Assessment
! Reflection
Build on background knowledge
Small group discussion brainstorming everything we know
! Life in the 1800s, Vermont, Snowflakes,
Photography, Farm Life
Provide flashcards for students with vocabulary that they may
not be aware of use Flash Card Maker (online). After
introducing the words, guide students in creating sentences
using the vocabulary.
! Lantern, microscope, intricate, crystals, foolishness,
pneumonia, encyclopedia, etc.
Frontloading, cont.
Interactive Reading Guides working together in small
! They would first create a Knowledge Ladder for the
word SNOWFLAKE and make connections.
! Each student would read an assigned page (the first
three) and discuss with each other what they know about
Willie so far and what they think his life was like.
Complex Language Exposure
Read aloud the picture book to the students.
Remind students to:
! Think about things you already know that are connected to this
! Picture in your head what the author is saying.
! Decide what a person should know about what the author is telling
During natural pauses have students sum up what the author is
saying in their own words.
Discuss with students: How do you feel about Wilsons story? What
does it make you think about?
Graphic Organizer
If students havent yet been exposed to
graphic organizers, I would provide one
for them. Eventually, I would like them
to create their own graphic displays.
An example of a graphic organizer is this
snowman. Text boxes would be placed
on top of it for the main idea and
supporting details; or students can write
words or phrases that stick out in the
Graphic Organizer, cont.
As students are more exposed to graphic
organizers they can create a newspaper
article, from the 1800s, sighting the
new discovery of a way to photograph
snow crystals. They could include a short
biography about Willie Bentley.
I would provide examples of this on the
board. However, as much as possible,
students should be responsible for what
goes in the article and share their
progress with their peers.
Modeling Interpretation
Watch a short video made by meteorologist Mish Michaels
This is a 3-minute video taken in Vermont to recreate the
life of the Snowflake Man.
He died a poor man, but rich with satisfaction.
What does this mean?
Discuss meteorologists and snowstorms
What do you think these mean? (similes)
snow was as beautiful as butterflies
Snow in Vermont is as common as dirt.
Ongoing, informal assessments will be taking place
throughout the lesson. Questions and discussions can
assess comprehension. I can use their news article as a
sample of their work to share with homeroom teachers
and parents. As a Title teacher, I do not assign grades, but
I can still use this as an assessment of their skills and
knowledge gained and the effort put into the project.
Assessment, cont.
Students will also be able to assess themselves through a personal
comprehension self-assessment:
! Remembering (main idea) Willie Bentley discovered a way to
capture snowflakes in photographs
! Understanding (author is telling you) Willie was fascinated by
nature and loved sharing his snow crystals
! Applying connect to personal understandings
! Analyzing how is this similar/ different to what you have heard
! Evaluating authority of the author
! Creating how has the author changed your understanding?
At the end of the lesson
! Students will write on a note card (or share out loud)
one important idea that they learned, a question they
have, or a thought about a character, event, or other
element in the reading.

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