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1. (a) Explain how you would check a level for adjus!en usin" he #classical$
wo%pe" es.
(&) 'our saions () *) + and , were se ou in a srai"h line such ha (* -
*+ - +, - ./ !. 0 ilin" level was se up a ( and readin"s of 1.123 ! and
1.3.4 ! were o&served on a saff held verically a * and +) respecively. 5he
level was hen se up a , and readin"s of 1./1. ! and 1.677 ! were o&served
on he saff held verically in urn a saions * and +. 5he &u&&le was adjused o
&e a he cenre of is run for each readin".
8heck he overall adjus!en of he level.
1. (oins 0) 9) 8 and : define a recan"le wih 09 - :8 - 1/ ! and 0: - 98-
23 !. (oin E lies on 0:) such ha 0E - 17 ! and E: - .. !. 0 level is se up
a E and saff readin"s of 1.6.7 ! and /.433 ! are o&ained a 0 and 9
respecively. 5he level is hen !oved o : and saff readin"s of 1../6 !)
1.123 ! and 1.724 ! are o&ained a 0) 9 and 8 respecively. 0ssu!in" he
hei"h of 0 o &e 1// !) calculae he hei"hs of 9 and 8.
.. 0 level is se up a poin ; and readin"s of /.11< and 1.462 are aken on o
wo &ench !arks 0 and 9 respecively. 5he hei"h of 0 is 144.32/ ! a&ove
dau! and of 9 is 147..6 ! a&ove dau!. If he disances ;0 and ;9 are
36.4 ! and ...3 ! respecively) calculae he colli!aion error per 1// !. If a
furher readin" of 1.111 is aken fro! ; on o a poin =) 61.4 ! fro! ;)
calculae he hei"h of =.

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