What Is Diabetic Retinopathy

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What is diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy results FROM the effects of the diabetes on blood vessels in the retina, the tissue
which lines the inner eye. Diabetes causes retinal blood vessels to leak and grow abnormally.

There are two main stages of diabetic retinopathy: non-proliferative and proliferative. In non-
proliferative diabetic retinopathy, patients may have normal vision. The damaged retinal vessels leak
fluid. Fat and protein particles may leak FROM these vessels and become deposited in the retina in
patches known as retinal exudates. The retinal blood vessels may bleed INTO the retina and result in
tiny hemorrhages. If any of the leaky fluid accumulates in the central part of the retina (called the
macula), the vision is affected. This condition is called macular edema.

In proliferative diabetic retinopathy, patients grow new abnormal blood vessels which extend over the
surface of the retina. These vessels occasionally invade the gelatinous contents of the eye, the
vitreous. The proliferating blood vessels frequently break, causing vitreous bleeding that may
significantly decrease vision. Fibrous tissue may grow over the new blood vessels and distort vision.
Occasionally, the tissue may contract and pull the retina off the inner surface of the eye, causing a
tractional retinal detachment.

The final metabolic pathway causing DR is unknown. There are several theories. Electrolytic
imbalance caused by the high aldose reductase levels leads to cell death, especially retinal pericytes,
which cause microaneurysm formation. Apart from this, thickening of the capillary basement
membrane and increased deposition of extracellular matrix components contribute to the development
of abnormal retinal hemodynamics. In diffuse type of diabetic macular edema (DME), breakdown of
the inner blood- retinal barrier results in accumulation of extracellular fluid.
Increased retinal leukostasis has been reported and it causes capillary occlusions and dropout, non-
perfusion, endothelial cell damage and vascular leakage due to its less deformable nature.
Currently, there has been a great interest in vasoproliferative factors, which induce
neovascularization. It has been shown that retinal ischemia stimulates a pathologic neovascularization
mediated by angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which results in
proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). VEGFs are released by retinal pigment epithelium, pericytes
and endothelial cells of the retina.
Clinical manifestation of diabetic retinopathy
Non-proliferative and proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) is characterized by the presence of: (i)
microaneurysms, which are the first clinically detectable lesions of DR located in the inner nuclear
layer of the retina, (ii) dot and blot hemorrhages, which are located in the middle retinal layers, (iii)
hard exudates, which are located between the inner plexiform and inner nuclear layer of the retina,
(iv) vascular changes such as beading, looping and sausage like segmentation of the veins, (v) cotton
wool spots, also called soft exudates or nerve fiber infarcts, result from capillary occlusion of the
retinal nerve fiber layer, (vi) intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), which are dilated
capillaries that seem to function as collateral channels, frequently seen adjacent to the areas of
capillary closure, (vii) retinal edema characterized by accumulation of fluid between the outer
plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer, which may later involve the entire layers of the retina.
In the natural course, approximately 50% of patients with very severe NPDR progress to PDR within
1 year. PDR is characterized by the presence of neovascularization. New vessels may proliferate on
the optic nerve head (new vessels at disc - NVD) and along the course of the major vascular arcades
(new vessels elsewhere - NVE). The new vessels mostly grow along the posterior hyaloid and sudden
vitreous contraction may result in rupture of these fragile vessels. When the vitreous detachment
occurs, the new vessels are pulled anteriorly along with the underlying retina, resulting in tractional
retinal detachment. On the other hand, vitreous might detach completely without any pull on the
retina and new vessels regress, thus resulting in the development of an end-stage disease.
ETDRS has classified NPDR into mild, moderate, severe and very severe and PDR into early PDR
and high-risk PDR. This is as follows:
A. Mild NPDR: Presence of at least one microaneurysm, definition not met for B, C, D, E, or F.
B. Moderate NPDR: Hemorrhages and/or microaneurysms more than standard photo 2A,
presence of soft exudates, venous beading, IRMA definitely present, definition not met for C,
D, E, or F.
C. Severe NPDR: Hemorrhages and/or microaneurysms more than standard photo 2A in all four
quadrants, or venous beading in two or more quadrants, or IRMA > standard photo 8A in at
least one quadrant, definition not met for D, E, or F.
D. Very severe NPDR: Any two or more of the changes seen in severe NPDR, definition not met
for E, or F.
E. Early PDR: Presence of new vessels, definition not met for F.
F. High-risk PDR: Includes any of the following characteristics - neovascularization of disc
(NVD) > 1/3
to 1/4
disc diameter, NVD < 1/3
to 1/4
disc diameter with vitreous/ pre-
retinal hemorrhage, NVE with vitreous/pre-retinal hemorrhage. High-risk characteristics
(HRC) were defined by DRS, as the patient, if not treated urgently, is at a high risk of severe
visual loss.
International Clinical Diabetic Retinopathy Disease Severity scale has developed an easily
understandable scale to classify NPDR. This scale is based on findings observed upon dilated
ophthalmoscopy, which includes no apparent retinopathy - no abnormalities, mild NPDR -
microaneurysms only, moderate NPDR - more than just microaneurysms but less than severe NPDR
and severe NPDR includes any of the following such as 20 intraretinal hemorrhages in each of four
quadrants, definite venous beading in two or more quadrants, prominent IRMA in one or more
quadrants and no signs of PDR.
Diabetic macular edema
Macular edema or retinal thickening is an important manifestation of DR and the most common cause
of moderate visual loss. The intraretinal fluid comes from leaking microaneurysms or diffuses from
capillary incompetence areas. Sometimes the pockets of fluid are so large that they can be seen as
cystoid macular edema (CME).
Diabetic macular edema is retinal thickening within two disc diameters of the center of macula. DME
patients were categorized into clinically significant macular edema (CSME) or non-CSME by
ETDRS. CSME includes any one of the following lesions:
1. Retinal thickening at or within 500 microns from the center of macula.
2. Hard exudates at or within 500 microns from the center of macula associated with thickening
of the adjacent retina.
3. An area or areas of retinal thickening at least one disc area in size, at least a part of which is
within one disc diameter of the center of macula.
International clinical diabetic macular edema severity scale has devised a simpler classification for
the understanding of general ophthalmologist. The severity scale includes no DME present (no retinal
thickening or hard exudates in the posterior pole), DME present (retinal thickening or hard exudates
in the posterior pole). It is further classified as mild, moderate or severe depending upon the severity
of macular edema.
Ancillary investigations
Diabetic retinopathy is essentially a clinical diagnosis. Slit lamp biomicroscopy, dilated fundus
evaluation with a direct ophthalmoscope and indirect ophthalmoscope or contact/non- contact slit
lamp biomicroscopic examination are essential in the diagnosis of DR. However, several ancillary
investigations are required to aid the diagnosis, plan and execute the treatment and to document the
lesions for research purposes. Stereoscopic fundus photographs may be required for research
purposes and are especially useful for the assessment of macular edema.

Fundus fluorescein angiography
Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) is not required for identification of lesions like NVD or NVE,
as these lesions are identified clinically. FFA is used to classify and treat DME into focal and diffuse
variety. It also aids in diagnosis of CME. ETDRS has documented the angiographic risk factors for
progression of NPDR to PDR. These include widespread capillary loss, capillary dilatation and
fluorescein leakage as documented on FFA. It aids in differentiating IRMAs from new vessels.
IRMAs do not leak on FFA while new vessels leak profusely.

Optical coherence tomography
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) generates cross-sectional image of the retina, which is
comparable to histological sections. OCT is more sensitive than clinical fundus evaluation in
diagnosing CSME. OCT provides us with quantitative measurement of thickness in the posterior pole
area with reasonable accuracy, thus aiding in establishing the diagnosis of CSME. The repeatability
and accuracy of OCT is very helpful in assessing and prognosticating the response of CSME to any
Diabetic macular edema is classified into different morphological patterns based on OCT. In a study
it has been shown that OCT findings correlate reasonably with FFA features.
Non-mydriatic fundus photography
Digital non-mydriatic camera is being increasingly used for screening patients that can be
subsequently reviewed by the experts to determine the need for referral to an ophthalmologist.

How to diagnose diabetic retinopathy
Screening test for diabetic retinopathy
Ophthalmoscopy is the most commonly used technique to screen for DR. When performed by an
ophthalmologist, the specificity of direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy was high, but the sensitivity
was low (34-50%), particularly for early retinopathy, in comparison to 7-field stereo photographic
Digital imaging
Digital imaging makes fundus photography easier and more widely accessible. It may be used to
obtain fundus images through non-dilated pupils. Mydriasis is usually necessary in older patients.
Single-field fundus photography with interpretation by trained readers could serve as a screening tool
to identify patients with DR.
Telemedical screening
A major advantage of digital technologies is the ability to transmit images to a centralized reading
center for grading. The Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston has developed the Joslin Vision Network
(JVN), which includes a remote imaging system, a centralized grading center and a data storage
system. Implementing retinal imaging technology in a primary care setting results in a significant
increase in the rate of DR surveillance and in the rate of laser treatment for DR.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2636123/
2. http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/25/suppl_1/s90.full
3. http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/26/suppl_1/s99.full
4. http://bjo.bmj.com/content/88/4/444.full
5. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn.ophthalmology/2013/343560/

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