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Life Science Syllabus

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Dennis Lane Last updated: August 18

, 2014
[email protected] www.thesienelane.o!
"oie!ail: #0$%&&8%80&' (ou)u*e: MrLanes+iene,lass
Grade Earth Science Syllabus
-elo!e to &
grade .arth +iene/ )his 0ear we will e1plore the !0steries o2 li2e and our *iosphere 3past,
present and 2uture. )his s0lla*us is !eant to in2or! 0ou a*out what to e1pet 2or this lass. A2ter reading
this together 4parent5guardian and student6, please 2ill%out and sign the *otto! slip and return it to lass within
one week.
Instructor Information and Communication:
7lease 2eel 2ree to ontat !e at an0 point during the shool 0ear with an0 8uestions or onerns. 9 a! a*le to
!eet with 0ou to answer an0 8uestions or gi:e e1tra help *e2ore and a2ter shool; howe:er, please !ake
arrange!ents ahead o2 ti!e to ensure that 9 a! a:aila*le.
.!ail: [email protected] "oie!ail: #0$%&&8%80&' 47lease note that 9 will not answer alls
during instrutional ti!e6
-e*site: www.thesienelane.o!, (ou an also reah the we*site through the ,edar <idge 7age teaher
(ou)u*e ,hannel: MrLanes+iene,lass
Course Description and Goals:
)his 0ear we will *e 2ousing on li2e siene3the stud0 o2 li:ing things around 0ou/ )hroughout the 0ear we will
integrate the pratie, nature o2 siene, and engineering with our other topis and learn these onepts in an
*iologial onte1t.
Materials for Each Class:
One ,o!position =ote*ook and 2older e1lusi:e to siene
Loose Lea2 =ote*ook 7aper
+hool planner
,o!pleted assign!ents
>+? )hu!* dri:e
Grading Policy:
9 ha:e high e1petations 2or all students and e1pet e:er0one@s personal *est, and 9 *elie:e all students an
reah their desired grade through hard work/ )he grading sale is as 2ollows:
A: 100%A0B ?: 8A%80B ,: 'A%'0B D: &A%&0B C: #AB and *elow
,ourse grades are deter!ined on a weighted sale as 2ollows:
)ests58uiDDes5La*s and other assess!ents%%A0B
.:idene 4Eo!ework5lass work6%%10B
7ratie % 0B
?0 ha:ing an assess!ent%*ased grading s0ste!, grades are *etter aligned with the grading poli0 set *0 the
distrit and state o2 Oregon. Cor e1a!ple, an A 4A0%100B6 !eans Fde!onstrates e1eptional appliation o2 all
Mr. Dennis Lane Last updated: August 18
, 2014
[email protected] www.thesienelane.o!
"oie!ail: #0$%&&8%80&' (ou)u*e: MrLanes+iene,lass
ritial learningsG; a ? 480%8AB6 !eans Fde!onstrates appliation o2 !ost ritial learningsG; a , 4'0%'AB6
!eans Fde!onstrates appliation o2 so!e ritial learningsG; and a D 4&0%&AB6 !eans Fde!onstrates appliation
o2 a 2ew ritial learningsG. There are no etra credit opportunities! +tudents !a0 earn a higher grade *0
o!pleting retakes and doing *etter on assess!ents.
Assess!ents inlude all 8uiDDes, tests, so!e la*s, and so!e proHets. +o!e assess!ents will *e proHets where
students an show their knowledge in a di22erent 2or!at other than a paper5penil test. A2ter all 8uiDDes,
retakes will *e a:aila*le a2ter students ha:e shown to re%learn the !aterial. )he reason 2or this is students
need to learn the !aterial, regardless how long it takes. )here are =O retakes a2ter the tri!ester 2inal.
#ome$or% Policy:
.:en though ho!ework will ount 2or less o2 a student@s grade, it is still i!portant that the ho!ework is
o!pleted to help the learning take plae. +tudents will do *etter on the assess!ents i2 the prior work and
learning ha:e taken plae. 9 e1pet students to do all ho!ework assign!ents and to turn the! in *e2ore the end
o2 the unit.
&ate 'or% Policy:
+tudents will not *e graded down *ased upon turning an assign!ent in late. All assign!ents 2or a gi:en unit will
*e aepted 2or 2ull redit at an0 ti!e *e2ore the 2inal assess!ent. )his gi:es students an opportunit0 to
de!onstrate their knowledge on their own pae. +tudents will need to turn in all assign!ents in order to retake
an assess!ent.
9n order to retake a 8uiD or test, students are re8uired to do so!e Fre!ediationG work independentl0 4there is a
2or! to 2ollow 2or eah 8uiD6. )his inludes reading, stud0 ti!e, a stud0 guide, et. During this Fre!ediationG
ti!e, students are also enouraged to o!e to !e with an0 8uestions or 2or one%on%one tutoring. Last, students
need to shedule a retake ti!e 4*e2ore shool, during 7athwa0s, during stud0 hall6 and turn in their re%take
2or!, whih will show !e what the0 ha:e done to re%learn the !aterial.
)nline Grades:
)his 0ear we are using a new grade s0ste! alled +0nerg0. )his s0ste! allows 2or parents and students to
!onitor grades throughout the 0ear and o!!uniate with teahers. 7arents an aess these grade through a
progra! alled 7arent"ue, while the students an aess grades through +tudent"ue. )hese an *e aessed
through the internet or through downloading an App. More in2or!ation on these progra!s is a:aila*le at the
*lipped Classroom +ideos
)here are so !an0 topis to o:er, and so little ti!e. 9n order allow students to learn at their own pae and
their own st0le 9 a! e1peri!enting this 0ear with the F2lipped lassroo!G !odel. 9n this !odel students will
Mr. Dennis Lane Last updated: August 18
, 2014
[email protected] www.thesienelane.o!
"oie!ail: #0$%&&8%80&' (ou)u*e: MrLanes+iene,lass
wath :ideos online 2or ho!ework to learn a*out new onepts and ideas, while in lass we will work on appl0ing
what the0 learned 2ro! the :ideos. )his also allows parents to wath and help students with the !aterial in
lass. 9 a! reall0 e1ited to see how this will pla0 out in the o!ing 0ear. All :ideos an *e seen on the lass
(ou)u*e :ideo hannel along with other :arious shool proHets.
Classroom Epectations:
?e kind and respet2ul to all others and e8uip!ent.
Alwa0s do 0our personal *est.
?e prepared 2or lass: read0 to learn, on%ti!e, with !aterials and o!pleted assign!ents.
A*ide *0 all shool and lassroo! poliies and proedures.
Discipline Policy:
+tudents are e1peted to 2ollow *0 all shool and lassroo! e1petations. )he 2irst :iolation will result in a
re!inder and ontinuing o22enses an result in a :isit to the planning enter, a !eeting with the teaher, a
phone all ho!e, and5or a re2erral.
7lease 2ill out o!pletel0 and return O=L( this *otto! portion to the teaher. +tudents, put the rest o2 the
s0lla*us in 0our siene 2older.
9, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,ha:e read Mr. Lane@s entire s0lla*us.
4Print studentJs 2ull na!e6
4+tudentJs signature6
47arent5KuardianJs signature6
(es5=o: M0 hild has internet aess at ho!e 2or aade!i purposes 4ould *e a ell phone, o!puter, ta*let,
or others6.
,)TE: Please return the bottom section of this page by September --. /0-1!

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