The document outlines the selection procedure for recruitment exams for Assistant Review Officer and Routine Grade Clerk positions. It describes a two-stage selection process, with Test 1 being a 2-hour objective test of 150 multiple choice questions, and Test 2 being a 15-minute computer-based writing test for the top 5 scoring candidates per vacancy. Final merit lists will be made based on combined scores of Test 1 and Test 2. The document also provides syllabus details and general instructions regarding the recruitment and selection process.
The document outlines the selection procedure for recruitment exams for Assistant Review Officer and Routine Grade Clerk positions. It describes a two-stage selection process, with Test 1 being a 2-hour objective test of 150 multiple choice questions, and Test 2 being a 15-minute computer-based writing test for the top 5 scoring candidates per vacancy. Final merit lists will be made based on combined scores of Test 1 and Test 2. The document also provides syllabus details and general instructions regarding the recruitment and selection process.
& ROUTINE GRADE CLERK RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION 2014 Advertisement No. :-A.R.O. & R.G.C./01/2014 dated 19.07.2014 5. SELECTION PROCEDURE:- There will be two stages of examination for both categories of posts:- Test 1 Objective type test comprising of 150 Questions on OMR Answer sheet with maximum marks as 150. The duration of the objective type test shall be of 02 (two) hours. There shall be no Negative marking in objective type test. Separate objective type test shall be held for both the posts on same date in two different sessions. Test 2 Five candidates against every vacancy, in each category in order of merit prepared on the basis of objective type test (Test 1) shall be called to participate in Computer Knowledge test i.e. Test 2. Test 2 shall be held at Allahabad which shall be of 15 (Fifteen) minutes duration with maximum marks as 50. The candidates shall be provided a topic to be disclosed on the date of examination. He/She would be required to write a letter/essay in Hindi or English on the Computer to be provided individually within the aforesaid period, he/she shall then print the text of his/her letter/essay with the help of the printer and should handover the same for evaluation. The minimum marks to be obtained in Test 2 for being eligible for final selection shall be 17 (Seventeen). Date, Time and Venue of Computer Knowledge Test shall be uploaded on the website in due course of the process. No interview shall be held for selection of both the aforementioned posts. Syllabus for written examination (Test 1) shall be as follows: Test 1 Written Examination (150 MCQ Type Questions) Time : 02 Hours (Objective Type Test on OMR Answer Sheets) Syllabus Maximum Marks (A) General Science 150 (B) History of India (C) Indian National Movement (D) Indian Polity, Economy and Culture (E) Indian Agriculture, Commerce and Trade (F) Population, Ecology and Urbanisation (in India Context) (G) World Geography & Geography and Resources of India (H) Current National and International Important Events (I) General Intelligentsia (J) Special Knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Living and Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh (K) Knowledge of General English and General Hindi of Graduation Level (L) Elementary Knowledge of Computers. Test2 Time : 15 minutes Computer Knowledge Test 50 GRAND TOTAL 200 The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for examination. The question paper will be printed in both English and Hindi languages. The Selection Committee has discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks in any or all parts of papers for written examination (Test 1) and Computer Knowledge Test (Test 2). Decision of the Selection Committee shall be final in this regard. 6. Separate final merit lists of the Assistant Review Officer and Routine Grade Clerk shall be prepared on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in the respective written examination (Objective Type) (Test 1) and Computer Knowledge test (Test 2) which will determine their position. If two or more candidates secure equal marks, the candidate older in age shall be placed above. Both the select lists shall hold good for the period of one year. 7. General Instructions : i. Honble Selection Committee reserves right to alter the number of vacancies, modify examination process and fixing the minimum cut off marks without assigning any reasons thereof. Vacancies calculated and indicated in advertisement are subject to change. Instructions are to be complied with strictly by the candidates in the examination. ii. Selection Committee decision shall be final in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of examination process, allotment of examination centers, selection and allotment of posts etc. iii. The result shall be displayed on the website and information with regard to the next stage of examination shall be made available on the website. Candidates are advised to go through the website regularly for latest updated information. iv. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that the candidates dont fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that they have suppressed/twisted or truncated any material facts, their candidature shall stand cancelled without giving any reasons and notice to the candidate. If any of these shortcomings is detected even after appointment, their services shall be liable to be terminated and he/she shall be liable for criminal proceedings. v. The character of a person for direct recruitment to the service must be such as to render him/her suitable in all respect for appointment to the service. Persons dismissed by the Union Government or by a State Government or by a Local Authority or a Government Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or state Government will be deemed to be ineligible for the appointment. vi. No person shall be recruited to the establishment unless he/she is in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his/her official duties. Before a candidate recruited directly is finally approved for appointment to the establishment he/she shall be required to produce a medical certificate of physical fitness from whom the appointing authority specifies. vii. No recommendation for selection either written or oral other than those required will be taken into consideration. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support directly or indirectly for his/her candidature by other means will disqualify him/her for appointment. viii.The candidates are required to fill in the online application form with correct and complete information carefully. If any incomplete or false information is given, then the candidate will be responsible for the same and on the basis of false and incomplete information, the application form shall be rejected at any stage of the selection without giving any reasons/notice. On furnishing any false certificates or indicating wrong category/sub-category regarding caste in the application form or in case of any other default, the High Court, Allahabad shall reject the candidature at any stage of the selection and shall take all necessary action. ix. All the candidates who are already in Central/State Government Service or in any Central/State Government undertaking or in any type of other organization established and governed by the Central/State Government, shall have to produce NOC as and when called for. x. A Male candidate who has more than one wife living or a female candidate who has married a person having a wife living shall not be eligible for recruitment to the establishment. xi. The candidates shall produce certificates, issued by competent authority, in the support of claiming reservation, categories and caste on prescribed proforma as per rules applicable thereto. The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen (E.S.M.) category have to submit his/her certificate mentioned thereon date of enrollment/appointment in service and date of retirement/discharge from the service. The Ex-Servicemen (E.S.M.) candidate will also have to give undertaking to the effect that he has not availed the benefits of reservation provided under Ex-Servicemen (E.S.M.) category for any post established and run by the Central/State Government. Physically challenged candidates shall have to submit certificate issued by the Competent authority/Board indicating physical disability not less than 40%. Sportsmen claiming reservation in recruitment should submit certificate being skilled player as prescribed in Rule 23-A of The Allahabad High Court Officers and Staff (Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 1976. xii. Information uploaded on the website shall not be provided to the candidate under R.T.I. Act. The uploaded information on the website shall be remained for a specific period. Therefore, the candidates are advised to download the uploaded information and keep up with them for future.
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