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Template 2014 (For Computing)

Azam Zubairi is a computer science graduate from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi with experience in web development, programming, and project management. He has strong technical skills including graphics, programming, databases, and frameworks. Additionally, he has good leadership, presentation, and communication skills. He was awarded a Merit Scholarship for securing the highest grade in Business Administration and Funds Management. His final year projects included an online healthcare platform approved by the Ministry of Health, Pakistan and an ERP for Patel Hospital Karachi.

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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
44 views1 page

Template 2014 (For Computing)

Azam Zubairi is a computer science graduate from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi with experience in web development, programming, and project management. He has strong technical skills including graphics, programming, databases, and frameworks. Additionally, he has good leadership, presentation, and communication skills. He was awarded a Merit Scholarship for securing the highest grade in Business Administration and Funds Management. His final year projects included an online healthcare platform approved by the Ministry of Health, Pakistan and an ERP for Patel Hospital Karachi.

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Azam Zubairi

Date of Birth : October 29, 1989

Residential Address: 14A/2, 8
Gizri Lane, Phase IV, DHA, Karachi, Paistan
Contact Details : !21"#$#9%%11 & Mobile: !#!!"2$!92$9
E-Mail : aza'(z)bairi*+'ai,(co'

References will be gladly furnished uon re!uest
Interests &
2i'e 'ana+e'ent si,,s an. abi,it3 to 4or )n.er 1ress)re
Goo. ,ea.ershi1, 1resentation an. co'')nication si,,s
"rahics tools: A.obe too,s 5Photosho1, Pre'ier, A6ter 766ects8, /acro'e.ia 59reehan.8, A:D 03ste's
#rogramming tools: Asse'b,3, :;:<<,:=
($E% &ramewor': V>(?72, A0P(?72
#ro(ect Management tools: /icroso6t O66ice Visio, 7nter1rise Architect)re, /0 Pro@ect
Data Bases: Orac,e 9i, 0AL 1,)s ,/0 Access

/erit 0cho,arshi1: >>A %th se'ester 5A)+ 2!1!8
A4ar.e. :or1orate Go,. /e.a, 6or sec)rin+ the hi+hest +ra.e in B2reas)r3 an. 9)n.s /ana+e'entC " 2!1!
Final Year
7"'e.icina,, an on,ine co''on 1,at6or' 6or hos1ita,s, .octors, 1har'ace)tica,s, 1atients an. citizens o6 Paistan to interact,
a11roDe. b3 /inistr3 o6 Hea,th, Paistan as :0"I
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