Air Preheater
Air Preheater
Air Preheater
7- 2
8.7.1 Introduction
This procedure provides a systematic approach for conducting routine
Air Heater performance tests on tubular and rotary regenerative air
Air heater leakage % can be determined using this procedure, which
is defined as the weight of air passing from the airside to the gas side
of the air heater. This index is an indicator of the condition of the air
heaters seals. As air heater seals wear, air heater leakage increases.
The increase in air heater leakage increases the station service power
requirements of the forced draft and induced draft fans, increasing
unit net heat rate and at times limiting unit capacity.
Air heater gas side efficiency can also be determined using this
procedure and is defined as the ratio of the temperature drop,
corrected for leakage, to the temperature head, expressed as a
Gas side efficiency is an indicator of the internal condition of the air
heater. As conditions inside the air heater worsen (baskets wear, ash
pluggage, etc), the air heater gas side efficiency decreases. This is
generally accompanied by an increase in exit gas temperature and a
decrease in air heater air outlet temperature, resulting in an increase
in unit heat rate.
X-Ratio depends on the moisture in coal, air infiltration, air & gas
mass flow rates, leakage from the setting and specific heats of air &
flue gas. X-ratio does not provide a measure of thermal performance of
the air heater, but is a measure of the operating conditions.
A low X-ratio indicates excessive gas weight through the air heater or
that airflow is bypassing the air heater. A lower than design X-ratio
leads to higher than design gas outlet temperature & can be used as
an indication of excessive tempering air to the mills or excessive boiler
8.7.2 Objective
1. To identify abnormal changes in air heater leakage or efficiency and
provide information for identifying the cause of performance
2. To provide information to allow accounting for the contribution of
air heater performance degradation to unit heat rate and capacity.
3. To crosscheck the readings of important station instruments
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8.7.3 Parameters for AH Performance Monitoring
Parameters Units
Unit Load MW
Feed water and / or Main Steam flow T/hr
Total Air flow T/hr
Coal Flow T/hr
Mills in service Nos.
Avg. Flue Gas O2 - AH Inlet %
Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - AH Inlet %
Avg. Flue Gas O2 - AH Out %
Avg. Flue Gas CO2 - AH Out %
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - AH In C
Avg. Flue Gas Temp - AH Out C
Avg. Primary Air to AH Temp In C
Avg. Primary Air from AH Temp Out C
Avg. Secondary Air to AH Temp In C
Avg. Secondary Air from AH Temp Out C
Pressure Drop across Flue gas path mmWC
Pressure Drop across Primary air path mmWC
Pressure Drop across Secondary air path mmWC
Total Secondary Air Flow T/hr
Total Primary Air Flow T/hr
Design Ambient / Ref Air Temp C
FD/ID/PA fan current A
8.7.4 Test Procedure Unit Operation- Operating Conditions of Test Runs
Test runs are conducted at an easily repeatable level at defined
baseline conditions at full load with same number of mills in
service and same total air levels as previous tests. The operating
conditions for each test run are as follows.
i. No furnace or air heater soot blowing is done during the test.
ii. Unit operation is kept steady for at least 60 minutes prior to
the test.
iii. Steam coil Air heaters (SCAPH) steam supply is kept isolated
and gas recirculation dampers if any, are tightly shut.
8.7- 4
iv. No mill change over is done during the test.
v. All air and gas side damper positions should be checked and
vi. The test is abandoned in case of any oil support during the
test period.
vii. Eco hopper de-ashing or Bottom hopper de-ashing is not
done during the test.
viii. Regenerative system should be in service with normal
operation. Test Duration
The test run duration will be the time required to complete two
traverses for temperature and gas analysis. Two separate test crews
should sample the gas inlet and outlet ducts simultaneously. Measurement Locations
The number and type of instruments required for conducting this test
depend on the unit being tested. The following table lists the
measurement locations.
Measurement Temperature Gas Analyzers Pressure
AH Gas Inlet Yes Yes Yes
AH Gas Outlet Yes Yes Yes
AH Air Inlet Yes Yes
AH Air Outlet Yes Yes Traverse Locations Gas side
i. The gas inlet traverse plane should be located as close as possible
to the air heater inlet. This is done to ensure that any air ingress
from the intervening duct / an expansion joint is not included in
air heater performance assessment.
ii. The gas outlet traverse plane should be located as far downstream
from the air preheater as possible, to allow mixing of the flow to
reduce temperature and 0
stratification. However, it should not
be located downstream of other equipment or access ways that
might contribute to air ingress (e.g. Mechanical collectors, ESPs,
manways, ID fans).
iii. ASME PTC 19.10 provides guidelines for the number, location and
orientation of ductwork ports.
8.7- 5 Traverse Locations Air side
i. The air inlet traverse plane should be located after any air heating
coils and as close as possible to the air heater inlet. Since the
entering air temperature is usually uniform, a single probe with 2
/ 3 temperature measurement points is adequate.
ii. The air outlet traverse plane should be located as far downstream
from the air heater as possible to allow mixing of the flow to
reduce the gas stratification.
Economi zer
Locati ons
Test Ports
8.7- 6 Ports and Probes
Typical Test Port and probe sketches are provided below.
d/6 +i
d/2 +i
5/6 d+i
6 mm dia hole for thermocouple wire tip
circular stiffener plates
i. Tubes numbered 1,2 & 3 are carbon steel 3/8 OD tubes and
tube no. 4 is carbon steel 12-15 mm OD
ii. Tubes numbered 1, 2 & 3 are for gas sampling while tube no. 4 is
for carrying thermocouple wires for temperature measurement.
iii. Tube no. 4 has 2 no. 6 mm dia hole for thermocouple wire tip
protrusion (made elliptical for ease in wire insertion)
iv. If d is flue gas duct width at the test cross-section then lengths of
tube 1, 2 & 3/4 from flange is d/6 +i , d/2+i, 5d/6 +i respectively
(i is the thickness of the insulation + flange).
v. Tube protrusions beyond the flange are 80 mm for tube 1 and
120 mm for tube 2 & 150 mm for tubes 3 & 4 (approx.).
vi. The probe flanges match the port flanges. Data Collection Control Room Data
A separate test log for control room data is created in unit DAS for
data collection at an interval of five minutes or less and averaged over
the test period.
Flue Gas Duct
Duct Insulation
100 mm
8.7- 7 Flue Gas & Air Temperatures
The online measurements of flue gas and air temperatures at air
heater inlet and outlet are used for efficiency computations. Its
important to ensure that the online measurements of air and flue gas
temperatures are representative of average temperatures in the duct.
The on line feedback of flue gas exit temperature after air heaters can
be affected by gas stratification and may require more number of
thermocouples than presently installed.
In some layouts, the online thermocouples for flue gas temperature
measurement are mounted too close to air heaters in a cluster and
need to be relocated for representative measurement. Similarly the
location and number of temperature sensors on airside at air heater
inlet and outlet should be reviewed to obtain a representative average.
The new locations can be decided only by doing multiple point
temperature measurements in a plane perpendicular to the flow in the
respective ducts. The number of measurement points is determined as
per ASME PTC 19.10, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analysis and would vary
with duct configuration and size. Flue Gas Composition
A representative value of flue gas composition (O
/ CO
/CO) is
obtained by grid sampling of the flue gas at multiple points in a plane
perpendicular to the flow at air heater inlet and outlet using a
portable gas analyser. Two complete sets of data are collected for each
traverse plane during each test run to ensure data repeatability. A
typical cross section of the flue gas duct with an 18-point grid is
shown here along with a typical probe. Each dot indicates a sampling
point for measurement of gas composition and temperature.(Fig-8.7.3)
Flue gas samples are drawn by a vacuum pump from the test grid
probes and sent to a portable gas analyzer through a gas conditioning
8.7- 8
system. Typically gas-conditioning system consists of a wash bottle,
partially filled with water for cleaning the sample, a condenser to
condense the water vapor out of the gas sample and a desiccant
column to remove any water vapor that got through the condenser. Special Test Instruments
The portable analysers should be calibrated prior to the tests with
calibration gases. Purity grade Nitrogen should be used for Zero
calibration, while span calibration should be done with standard
calibration gases.
The instrument accuracy requirements are summarized in the
following table.
Measurement Resolution Accuracy
Static Pressure 2 mmWC 2 mmWC
Temperature 0.1 deg C 1.0 deg
Gas Analysers O2 0.1% +/- 1.0%
- CO2 0.1% +/- 1.0%
- CO 1ppm +/- 2%
Calibration gases Range O2 Around 4%
CO2 14 16%
CO 100 to 200
A thermocouple (such as chromelalumel) and digital thermometer Analysis & Report
The test values can be compared with the design / PG test and
historical values. The comparison can also help in detection of
measurement errors, if any. The air heater gas side efficiency, air
heater leakage, corrected exit gas temperature and measured exit gas
temperature, gas side to air side differential pressure and gas side
pressure drop can be plotted on a time line graph showing historical,
design, and possibly acceptance test data.
If a significant reduction in air heater gas side efficiency occurs and
operator controllable parameters (air heater soot blowing, damper
adjustments, etc) are determined not to be responsible, an internal
inspection of the air heater should be performed at the next available
shutdown. Possible causes of performance degradation include:
bypass, isolation or recirculation dampers mispositioned, air heater
baskets corroded/eroded/fouled air heater baskets. A fouled air
heater will experience a significant increase in gas side pressure drop.
Generally, a decrease in gas side efficiency will increase the measured
exit gas temperature.
8.7- 9
Bi-sector regenerative air heaters with proper seal clearances should
have leakage rates between 6% to 8% while the leakage rates for tri-
sector air heaters should be between 10 - 13%. The leakage levels
depend on the differential pressure between the air and gas side of the
air heater, the degree of air heater pluggage and the condition of the
seals. A significant increase in air heater leakage warrants a physical
inspection of the air heater. Possible causes of increased leakage are
axial and radial seal mechanical damage or wear; sector plate
mechanical damage or warping; rotor eccentricity or excessive air to
gas side differential pressure. Typically recuperative air heaters
should have zero leakage, but tube failures due to corrosion or
mechanical damage can result in leakage. If the unit is equipped with
bypass dampers or recirculation dampers, they should also be
inspected. Generally, an increase in air heater leakage will cause a
decrease in the measured exit gas temperature.
All test instrument readings should be compared to station
instrument readings to determine if any station instruments need
calibration / up gradation.
The economic impact of increased air heater leakage is typically
reflected in increased station service power consumption of FD and ID
fans. In extreme cases unit de-rating may be caused due to
insufficient fan capacities.
The results should include a narrative describing any unusual
findings, plots of performance indices on a time line graph showing
historical, design and/or acceptance test data with analysis of
variations, if any, and the test data listed in a tabular form. Measurement of Flue gas Oxygen and Temperature at
ESP Inlet and ID fan Outlet
Air ingress from eroded ducts, openings, and expansion joints
increases the flue gas volume and leads to loss of draught margins.
Increase in oxygen percentage in the flue gas and drop in temperature
of the flue gas provides an indication of the increase in air ingress.
Along with the air heater tests, the oxygen in flue gas at ESP inlet and
ID fans outlet is measured separately in each duct and compared to
the average oxygen in flue gas at air heater outlet. Air ingress
quantification is done with the same formulae as those used for
calculation of AH leakage.
Air ingress = O2out - O2in * 0.9 * 100 = 6.5 - 5.7 * 90
(21- O2out) 21 - 6.5
= 4.96 %
8.7- 10
8.7.5 References
ASME PTC 4.3 Air Heaters
ASME PTC 19.10, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analysis
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8.7.6 Annexure I - AH Performance Indices Computation
1. Air heater leakage is determined by an empirical approximation as
AL = (CO
ge CO
gl) x 0.9 x 100
AL = air heater leakage (%)
ge = percent CO
in gas entering air heater
gl = percent CO
in gas leaving air heater
measurement is preferred due to high absolute values; In case of
any measurement errors, the resultant influence on leakage
calculation is small. Alternatively, the air heater leakage may also be
determined from the following equation:
AL = (O
gl O
ge) x 0.9 x 100
(21 - O
AL = air heater leakage (%)
ge = percent O
in gas entering air heater (2.8 %)
gl = percent O
in gas leaving air heater (5.7 %)
= 5.7 2.8 * 90
= 17.1 %
The numerical average of the air heaters gas inlet, gas outlet and air
inlet temperatures is calculated. Then the corrected air heater gas
outlet temperature is calculated using the following formula.
Tgnl = AL x Cpa x (Tgl Tae) + Tgl
100 x Cpg
Tgnl = gas outlet temperature corrected for no leakage
Cpa = the mean specific heat between Tae and Tgl
Tae = temperature of air entering air heater (36.1 C)
Tgl = temp of gas leaving air heater (133.8 C)
Cpg = mean specific heat between Tgl and Tgnl
Tgnl = 17.1 * (133.8 36.1) + 133.8 = 150.5 C
2. The gas side efficiency is defined as the ratio of the temperature
drop, corrected for leakage, to the temperature head, expressed as a
percentage. Temperature drop is obtained by subtracting the corrected
8.7- 12
gas outlet temperature from the gas inlet temperature. Temperature
head is obtained by subtracting air inlet temperature from the gas
inlet temperature. The corrected gas outlet temperature is defined as
the outlet gas temperature calculated for no air heater leakage.
Gas Side Efficiency (GSE) = (Temp drop / Temperature head) * 100
GSE = Tge Tgnl x 100
Tge - Tae
Tae = Temperature of air entering air heater (36.1 C)
Tgnl = gas out temp corrected for no leakage (150.5 C)
GSE = (333.5-150.5) / (333.5-36.1) X100 = 61.5 %
3. X ratio is the ratio of heat capacity of air passing through the
air heater to the heat capacity of flue gas passing through the air
heater and is calculated using the following formulae
= Wair out * Cpa
Wgas in * Cpg
= Tgas in - Tgas out (no leakage)
Tair out - Tair in
= (333.5 150.5) / (288 36.1) = 0.73
(AH leakage 17.1%, Gas In Temp 333.5 C, Gas Out Temp
133.8 C , Air In Temp 36.1 C, Air Out Temp 288 C )