Moac Word Lesson 1 Guided Notes

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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word

Guided Notes
I. Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Pd: ______
1. Starting Word
a. Microsoft Word is a word ____________________ tool for creating
diferent tyes of ____________________ t!at are used in t!e wor"
b. $ro% t!e des"to& you can launc! Word 'y clic"ing t!e Word
rogra% __________ or 'y c!oosing Microsoft Word fro% t!e
c. W!en Word is launc!ed& t!e rogra% oens wit! a 'lan"
d. T!e 'lin"ing ____________________ in t!e uer(left corner of t!is
docu%ent is w!ere you will 'egin creating your te)t#
e. W!en you lace your cursor near it& t!e insertion oint c!anges
to a large *I&+ w!ic! is called t!e ____________________.
2. Working with Onscreen Tools
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. T!e Word ./1/ window !as %any onscreen tools to !el you
____________ and ____________ docu%ents 0uic"ly and e1ciently#
b. A ____________________ is an instruction t!at you gi2e to Word 'y
clic"ing a 'utton or entering infor%ation into a co%%and 'o)#
c. ____________________& a tool t!at relaces so%e of t!e "ey'oard
s!ortcuts fro% earlier 2ersions of Microsoft Word#
3. Using the Ribbon
a. In Word ./1/& t!e ____________________ is di2ided into eig!t
____________________& or areas of acti2ity#
b. In turn& eac! ta' contains se2eral ____________________, or
collections of related Word co%%ands#
c. In all 31ce ./1/ rogra%s& t!e 4i''on is conte)tual& w!ic!
%eans it dislays co%%ands related to t!e tye of docu%ent or o'5ect
t!at you !a2e oen and on screen
d. 6o%%and 'o)es wit! s%all dro(down arrows !a2e a dro(down
____________________, or list of otions& associated wit! t!e%7 you clic"
t!e dro(down arrow to roduce t!is %enu#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
e. Most grous !a2e a dialog box ____________________ 8a s%all
arrow in t!e lower(rig!t corner of t!e grou8t!at you clic" to launc! a
____________________ t!at dislays additional otions or infor%ation you
can use to e)ecute a co%%and#
4. Using the Mini Toolbar
a. ____________________, a s%all tool'ar wit! oular co%%ands t!at
aears w!en you oint to selected te)t#
b. 9ou also learn to dislay t!e ____________________ menu& w!ic!
contains a list of useful co%%ands#
5. Using the Qick !ccess Toolbar
a. T!e Quick Access Toolbar contains t!e co%%ands t!at users
access %ost often& suc! as ______________& __________& and __________.
b. 9ou can ____________________ t!e contents of t!e :uic" Access
Tool'ar 'y clic"ing t!e dro(down arrow on t!e rig!t side of t!e tool'ar
and c!oosing otions fro% t!e %enu t!at aears#
6. Using "e#Ti$s
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. In Word ./1/& ____________________ relace so%e "ey'oard
s!ortcuts used in re2ious 2ersions of Word#
b. <2ery co%%and on t!e 4i''on and t!e :uic" Access Tool'ar !as
a =eyTi#
c. To dislay =eyTis& ress t!e ____________________7 =eyTis t!en
aear as s%all letters and nu%'ers !o2ering o2er t!eir associated
d. T!e s%all s0uare la'els t!at contain t!is infor%ation are called
7. So%tware Orientation
a. >efore you 'egin wor"ing in ____________________ 2iew& you need
to 'e fa%iliar wit! Microsoft?s 31ce new user interface @UIA#
b. W!en you Brst launc! Microsoft Word and clic" t!e $ile ta'& you
will see t!e ____________________ 2iew#
8. O$ening &ackstage 'iew
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. Backstage view ofers 0uic" access to co%%ands for
erfor%ing %any Ble ____________________ tas"s8suc! as
____________________& closing& ___________& rinting& and s!aring Word
docu%ents8all dislayed in a single na2igation ane t!at can 'e
custo%iDed to %eet your needs#
b. In >ac"stage 2iew& co%%ands ena'le you to wor" wit! docu%ent
____________________& grant er%issions& sa2e docu%ents in -E$ or
ot!er for%ats& s!are docu%ents& and wor" wit! te%lates#
c. ____________________ c!ec"er can 'e used to c!ec" w!et!er your
docu%ent can 'e read 'y indi2iduals wit! a disa'ility# 9ou can also
rint and ____________________ a docu%ent in one action in >ac"stage
d. Fere is a 'rief o2er2iew of t!e co%%ands t!at aear in t!e
>ac"stage 2iew na2igation aneG
i. _____________: Sa2es t!e current docu%ent using t!e new Word
ii. _____________: Sa2es a docu%ent in a seciBc for%at @Word HI(
.//;& #df& #t)t& #rtf& #!t%& and so onA and ena'les you to sa2e
docu%ents in %ultile locations& suc! as a US> Jas! dri2e& !ard
dri2e& networ" location& des"to& 6E& or EKE#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
iii. ____________________: 3ens an e)isting docu%ent fro% any
target location7 if you oen a docu%ent created in an earlier
2ersion of Word& 6o%ati'ility Mode auto%atically acti2ates @t!e
title 'ar indicates w!en 6o%ati'ility Mode is acti2eA#
iv. ____________________: 6loses an oen docu%ent @t!e rogra%
re%ains oenA#
v. ____________________: T!e otions in t!is grou @s!own on Slide
..A reare and %ar" docu%ents as Bnal so t!at no c!anges can
'e %ade to t!e%7 rotect docu%ents wit! a assword or
restricted er%issions7 add a digital signature7 insect t!e
docu%ent for sensiti2e infor%ation7 c!ec" docu%ent accessi'ility
and co%ati'ility7 %anage diferent 2ersions of a docu%ent7 and
reare docu%ents for distri'ution#
vi. ____________________: Eislays recently oened docu%ents for
0uic" access#
vii. ____________________: 6reates a new docu%ent& 'log& or te%late#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
viii. ____________________: 3fers se2eral sets of otions8t!e Print
otions ena'le you to send docu%ents straig!t to a default
rinter and c!oose t!e nu%'er of coies to rint7 t!e -rinter
otions ena'le you to c!oose a rinter and set rinter roerties7
t!e ____________________ otions ena'le you to set docu%ent
roerties @orientation& collation& and so onA7 and t!e
____________________ screen ena'les you to 2isually c!ec" your
docu%ent for errors 'efore rinting#
ix. ____________________: S!ares docu%ents 'y sa2ing and sending
t!e% in e%ail& -E$& N-S& or ot!er for%ats& or 'y sa2ing t!e% to a
docu%ent %anage%ent ser2ice @a useful tool for colla'orating
wit! ot!ers and u'lis!ing 'log ostsA#
x. ____________________: -ro2ides suort and tools for wor"ing wit!
xi. ____________________: -ro2ides Word docu%ent and setting
otions& including general otions& docu%ent rooBng otions&
sa2e otions& language references& editing otions& and otions
for %anaging add(ins and te%lates and for "eeing docu%ents
9. Using the Microso%t Word (el$ &tton
a. Microsoft Word !as otions for accessing t!e ____________________
features installed and a2aila'le on your co%uter#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
b. If you are connected to t!e Internet& you also can c!oose to use
Microsoft?s ____________________ Fel features#
c. Microsoft Word Fel wor"s %uc! li"e an Internet
____________________ and !as %any of t!e sa%e 'uttons& suc! as >ac"&
$orward& Sto& 4efres!& Fo%e& and -rint#
d. A 0uic" way to Bnd Fel infor%ation is to ____________________ a
word or words into t!e searc! ____________________ and t!en clic" t!e
Searc! 'utton#
e. Word will dislay a list of ____________________ toics as lin"s#
f.T!e ____________________ Status menu in t!e lower(rig!t corner of
Word Fel lets you deter%ine w!et!er t!e Fel screen dislays
content a2aila'le at 31ce 3nline @you %ust 'e connected to t!e
Internet to access t!is content& w!ic! ofers t!e %ost u(to(date !el
a2aila'leA or only t!ose toics currently installed on your co%uter#
g. T!e Searc! dro(down %enu ena'les you to secify t!e
____________________ of toics you want to searc!& including All Word&
Word Fel& Word Te%lates& Word Training& or Ee2eloer 4eferences#
9ou can rint Fel infor%ation wit!in t!e Word Fel %ain window 'y
clic"ing t!e -rint 'utton#
10. )reating a Docment
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. W!en you start ____________________ te)t at t!e
____________________ oint in an oen docu%ent& you !a2e 'egun to
create a Word docu%ent#
b. As you tye& Word inserts te)t to t!e ____________________ of t!e
insertion oint and uses t!e rogra%?s ____________________ for %argins
and line sacing#
c. Word also !as a nu%'er of ____________________ and auto%atic
features to %a"e creating a docu%ent easier& including nonrinting
c!aracters& Auto6o%lete& and Word Wra#
d. T!e ____________________ defaults are set to one(inc! to& 'otto%&
left& and rig!t %argins7 t!e ____________________ sacing is set to 1#1L7
and t!e sacing after is set to ______ oints#
11. Dis$la#ing Non$rinting )haracters
a. W!en docu%ents are for%atted& Word inserts
____________________ characters& w!ic! are sy%'ols for certain
for%atting co%%ands& suc! as ____________________ @ P A&
____________________ and ta's @QA& and ____________________ @ R A
'etween words#
b. T!ese sy%'ols can !el you create and edit your docu%ent#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
c. >y default& t!ese sy%'ols are ____________________#
12. Using !to)om$lete
a. T!e AutoComplete co%%and auto%atically co%letes t!e te)t
of t!e current _______________& day of t!e ________________& and
b. W!en you "ey t!e Brst four c!aracters of t!e day of t!e wee"& a
ScreenTi aears wit! a suggestion for t!e co%leted te)t7 ress
<nter to accet t!e suggestion#
c. Auto6o%lete ____________________ t!e a%ount of ti%e sent
"eying content or !rases in a docu%ent#
13. "e#ing Docment Te*t
a. =eying docu%ent te)t is easy in Word#
b. Word sets default %argins and line(sacing %easure%ents for
newly created docu%ents& and ____________________ auto%atically
wras te)t to t!e ne)t line as it reac!es t!e rig!t %argin#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
c. To searate aragra!s and create 'lan" lines& all you need to do
is ress <nter#
d. In t!is lesson& you create a letter using t!e >loc" Style for%at
wit! %i)ed unctuation# >e sure to "ey t!e docu%ent e)actly as s!own
in t!e stes t!at follow#
e. W!en sending rofessional corresondence to custo%ers& it is
good 'usiness ractice to ensure t!e docu%ent is in an acceta'le
for%at and ____________________ free#
f.T!e ____________________ letter for%at !as oen or %i)ed unctuation
and is co%%on to %any 'usiness docu%ents#
g. ____________________ for%at aligns te)t along t!e left %argin&
including t!e date& inside address& salutation& 'ody of t!e letter&
closing& and signature#
h. ___________ punctuation re0uires no unctuation after t!e
salutation or t!e closing& w!ereas ____________ punctuation re0uires a
colon after t!e salutation and a co%%a after t!e closing#
14. Sa+ing a Docment
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. >y default& newly created docu%ents are sa2ed wit! a seciBc
Blena%e closely related to t!e content of t!e docu%ent#
b. After editing an e)isting docu%ent& you can c!oose to sa2e t!at
docu%ent wit! a new Blena%e in a seciBc ____________________
c. In so%e cases& you %ay want to sa2e t!e original and edited
docu%ents in t!e sa%e target location 'ut wit! diferent Blena%es#
d. =eeing t!e original docu%ent will allow you to reference it at a
future date#
15. Sa+ing a Docment %or the ,irst Time
a. W!en sa2ing a docu%ent for t!e Brst ti%e& you %ust secify a
_________________& t!e _________________& and a target _________________
w!ere t!e docu%ent will 'e stored#
b. T!e Blena%e s!ould !el users Bnd and ____________________ t!e
Ble& and t!e Ble location s!ould 'e con2enient for t!e Ble?s
____________________ users#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
c. 9ou can sa2e Bles to orta'le storage de2ices suc! as 6Es&
EKEs& and US> Jas! dri2es& to your co%uter?s des"to or !ard dri2e&
or to a networ" location#
16. Sa+ing a Docment in a ,older
a. ____________________ !el you organiDe t!e docu%ents you create
in Word#
b. Always re%e%'er to c!ec" t!e full location __________________
listed in t!e Sa2e As _________________ 'ar to 'e certain t!at you !a2e
identiBed t!e rig!t target location#
17. Sa+ing a Docment with a Di-erent Name
a. 9ou can use t!e Sa2e As co%%and to sa2e a coy of your
docu%ent wit! a new ____________________& to sa2e t!e docu%ent in a
new target ___________________& or to sa2e t!e docu%ent as a diferent
18. Showing ,ile .*tensions
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. Word gi2es you t!e otion of sa2ing your docu%ent in a nu%'er
of for%ats& including as a Word te%late& as a We' age& in 4ic! Te)t
$or%at& and as a -E$ @-orta'le Eocu%ent $or%atA Ble& w!ic!
safeguards t!e docu%ent and reser2es t!e intended for%atting for
2iewing and rinting#
b. A docu%ent?s Ble tye is e%'edded in t!e Blena%e as a Ble
____________________# $ile e)tensions are associated wit! certain
c. T!e ________________________ dro(down list s!ows t!e Ble tye
for%ats a2aila'le in Windows I#
19. )hoosing a Di-erent ,ile ,ormat
a. T!e Ble for%at you c!oose can ena'le users wor"ing in an
____________________ 2ersion of Word to oen and edit your docu%ent
wit!out losing its te)t for%atting#
20. )on+erting a Docment
a. ____________________ Mode ena'les you to wor" in a docu%ent
created in an earlier 2ersion of Word wit!out sa2ing t!e Ble in a
diferent Ble for%at#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
21. Pre+iewing and Printing a Docment
a. T!e -rint co%%and is located on t!e _____________ ta' in
__________________ 2iew#
b. T!ere are ________ grous of rinting otions a2aila'le& w!ic!
ena'le you to rint t!e docu%ent @eit!er to a Ble or to a rinterA and to
c!oose a seciBc rinter& t!e nu%'er of coies to 'e rinted& t!e
docu%ent?s orientation& and ot!er rint settings#
c. T!e ____________________ ane gi2es you an oortunity to see
w!at your rinted docu%ent will loo" li"e so you can correct errors
'efore rinting#
22. Pre+iewing in &ackstage
a. >efore rinting your docu%ent& you need to ____________________
its contents so you can correct any te)t or layout errors#
b. T!e -rint co%%and feature includes t!ree sets of otionsG
____________________& ____________________& and ____________________#
c. 6!oosing t!e -rint co%%and auto%atically rints t!e docu%ent
to t!e default rinter#
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
d. T!e -rinter otions ena'le you to select a rinter& rint to Ble& or
c!ange rinter roerties#
e. Use t!e Settings otions to rint only seciBc ages or selections
of t!e docu%ent& collate it& and so on#
23. )hoosing a Printer
a. If your co%uter is connected to %ultile rinters& you %ay need
to c!oose a ____________________ rinter for your docu%ent#
24. Setting Print O$tions
a. -rint Settings otions ena'le you to select t!e nu%'er of coies
to 'e rinted7 to rint only selected content& t!e current age& or a
custo% range7 and to select fro% a nu%'er of ot!er otions for
rinting roerties& collation& and age layout#
b. 6!anges to Settings otions aly to t!e current docu%ent#
25. )losing a Docment and )losing Word
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MSITA Word Lesson 1 Understanding Word
Guided Notes
a. ____________________ a docu%ent re%o2es it fro% t!e screen#
b. It is a good idea to close a docu%ent ____________________ e)iting
a rogra% or turning of your co%uter#
c. ____________________ your wor" 'efore closing will allow you to
_________________ wor"ing on your docu%ent at a later date#
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