Littlehampton Beach, Acrylic Art Lesson

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Littlehampton Beach, Acrylic Art Lesson

This demonstration shows the development of a very large painting (1.5m x .75m) using
acrylics on canvas. The commission required an afternoon scene of Littlehampton each!
loo"ing #est along the $each towards the har$our entrance. The su$stantial canvas was
made for me $y %ngmering &raming and the first 'o$ was to prime it with four coats of gesso
primer. The general composition was discussed with the client! who fortunately gave me
plenty of scope for the final detail. The original idea of a sunset was dropped $ecause the
resulting silhouettes in the foreground would lac" colour and $ecause the sun sets well
inland ( not conveniently over the sea)
*icture 1! The hori+on line was esta$lished and a $old s"y painted.
*icture ,! -ext the distant $lue.grey trees etc.! are put in followed $y the sand dunes of #est
each and the initial painting of the sea. % $and of light is suggested on the sea! where it
meets the s"y.
*icture /! The 0oastguard $uilding and Lighthouse are added together with the $rea"water.
The sea is made more interesting with the addition of some small waves and the
underpainting for the $each is put in.
*icture 1! -ow the groynes can $e added and some more wor" carried out on the
foreground. -ote the perspective ( the viewing point is slightly higher than a standing adult to
allow more of the sea and $each to $e visi$le and to avoid all the groynes overlapping.
*icture 5! 2ome sailing dinghies are now added! including one on the $each to add some
colour and interest in the middle distance. 3ore detail and texture is added to the groynes.
The picture is now ready for the focal point to $e placed and you will notice the immediate
impact of adding a colourful dinghy in the foreground ( see pic 4.
The completed picture! acrylic on canvas 1.5m x .75m! commissioned $y 3r #. 5onaldson.
This was a very en'oya$le painting to wor" on even though the $lan" canvas was a little
intimidating initially)

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