A Review of Use of Antibiotics

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Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
iMedPub Journals
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org
A review of use of antibiotics in
dentistry and recommendations
for rational antibiotic usage by
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Government Dental College &
Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Corresponding author:
[email protected]
Dr. Akilesh Ramasamy
Dentists commonly prescribe antibiotics for controlling and treating
dental infections. But there is a widespread abuse of antibiotics in
medical and dental eld. The inappropriate use of antibiotics results
in increased treatment costs, increased risk of adverse events related
to the antibiotic used and most importantly development and propa-
gation of antimicrobial resistance. The denitive indications for use of
antibiotics in dentistry are limited and specic. This review discusses
the various principles and rationale behind antibiotic therapy in differ-
ent elds of dentistry with stress on rational antibiotic use in dentistry
Dentistry is a comprehensive speciality devoted to resolving dental
infections or restoring and rehabilitating tooth structure lost to such
bacterial processes. The use of antibiotics is an integral part of den-
tistry and prescribing antibiotics is a privilege that must not be abused.
Irrational use of antibiotics will lead to an increased burden on the
patient and the society by increasing treatment costs, adverse events
and also the risk of development of resistant bacterial species. Anti-
biotic abuse has already been considered as a pandemic community
issue by World Health Organization (WHO) [1], whilst the abuse of
antibiotics by dentists is worldwide as shown by many reports [25].
The oral cavity is a complex biological ecosystem with very large num-
ber of organisms living in a biolm [6]. The interaction of the organisms
are complex and the change from health to disease state is associ-
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 2 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
ated with a change in the balance of the ecosystem
usually from the resident facultative anaerobes to
obligate anaerobes for most pulpal and periodontal
diseases [7]. Even though only a few of the micro-
organisms cause odontogenic infections, in disease
state, many other non pathogenic bacterial species
contribute by maintaining an ecosystem favourable
for survival and growth of the pathogenic species.
The onset of disease is due to a shift in microbial
ora. Understanding this ecological principle is im-
portant while treating oral and dental infections.
Micro-organisms in a biolm are consistently more
resistant to usual dosage of antibiotics by 1000-
1500 fold [8].
Management of odontogenic infections involves
three phases; diagnosis, infection control and re-
habilitation/restoration. Antibiotics are useful in the
infection control phase. Based on the data collected
and interpreted in the diagnostic phase, infection
control phase involves removal of the infectious foci
and resolving the infection. This will include use
of antibiotics/antiseptic agents as well as surgical
methods to resolve the infection. Until resolution of
the infection, the response to the treatment should
be assessed often.
Most dental pain is the result of infection induced
inammatory process in a closed compartment as
in the pulp and the apical periodontal region or in
sensitive and highly innervated soft tissue like the
periosteum space, gingiva and periodontium. The
general principle of management of all infectious
processes is the removal of the foci of infection.
Control of dental infections is by mechanical re-
moval of the foci of infection. It can be achieved
by removal of the infected pulp, scaling and root
planning and drainage of the pus by incision when
the soft tissue spaces are involved. Usually a com-
bination of one or more of these techniques are
utilised for maximum benet. This, when supported
by appropriate use of anti-inammatory agents can
result in prompt relief of pain as well as the infec-
tion. Antibiotics do not contribute to pain relief as
they have no action on the inammatory process
that causes the pain [911]. With appropriate mea-
sures to remove the foci of infection, antibiotics are
not necessary in most cases. An old surgical credo
is pus cannot be cured by penicillin.
Principles of antibiotic usage

In recent times, antimicrobial stewardship has been
given lots of importance at the patient level and at
the community level. Antimicrobial stewardship is
dened as the optimal selection, dosage, and du-
ration of antimicrobial treatment that results in the
best clinical outcome for the treatment or preven-
tion of infection, with minimal toxicity to the patient
and minimal impact on subsequent resistance. Jo-
seph and Rodvold [12] summarised the 4 D's of an-
timicrobial therapy which is given in Table 1. An
important consideration in starting antimicrobial
therapy is to assess if the infection is localized and
if the patient has an adequate immune response to
control the bacteria if supported surgically. These
considerations are summarised in Table 2.
In the presence of purulence, signs of inamma-
tion, abscess or draining sinus tracts, the lesion/
infection responds to local debridement measures
in a healthy patient [12,13]. In an otherwise healthy
patient, infections that have not crossed the dento-
alveolar regions are amenable to treatment without
Table 1. 4 Ds of antimicrobial therapy [12].
right Drug
right Dose
De-escalation to pathogen-directed therapy,
right Duration of therapy
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
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antibiotics. The infections that are about to breach
the dentoalveolar regions and threaten to extend
into deeper hard tissues or into the soft tissue fas-
cial spaces in the head and neck region will need
use of appropriate antibiotics along with surgical
therapy [1416].
Antibiotics appropriate
for dental use

Different antibiotic prescribing trends are in practice
among dentists [4,5,17]. Understanding the phar-
macokinetics and pharmacodynamics is important
for appropriate use of the antibiotics. In spite of
a large of number of newer antibiotics being in-
troduced in the market, there are a very few an-
tibiotics that are useful in dental infections. Most
infections of dental origin still respond to penicillin
group of antibiotics [18] and routine use of newer
antibiotics only adds to the cost and risk of anti-
biotic resistance to these agents. Aminopenicillins
are not active against anaerobes but odontogenic
infections that show anaerobic pathogenic bacteria
still respond to these antibiotics and these antibiot-
ics may act by changing the ecological niche that
will result in death of the pathogenic anaerobes as
well. [13]. Adding a drug with anaerobic cover like
metronidazole has a synergistic effect. [19]. A list of
drugs useful in dentistry are listed in Table 3. Bacte-
ricidal antibiotics are preferred when the host is im-
mune compromised as bacteriostatic drugs require
Table 2. Considerations for antimicrobial therapy [13]
Indicated clinical conditions
for antimicrobial therapy
Non-indicated clinical conditions for antimicrobial
1. Pyrexia within last 24 hours indicates a systemic
response to the infection
1. Pain (Analgesics/ Anti-inammatory drugs are indicated)
2. Systemic symptoms like malaise, fatigue, weakness,
dizziness, rapid respiration and local tender
lymphadenopathy indicate an impending sepsis
2. Oedema (Anti-inammatory drugs indicated)
3. Trismus indicates spread to perimandibular spaces and
can extend to secondary spaces that can be potentially
dangerous. Also trismus makes intraoral procedures
difcult, which must wait until the trismus is relieved.
3. Redness/heat (Anti-inammatory drugs indicated)
4. As a prophylaxis in patients with systemic conditions like
rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis, heart / orthopaedic
4. Purulence (Resolved by drainage of pus / debridement)
5. In patients with any kind of immunocompromise AIDS,
cancer, autoimmune diseases, corticosteroid therapy,
patients with immune compromised diseases like cyclic
neutropenia, pancytopenia, uncontrolled diabetes to
name a few common ones.
5. Abscess localized (e.g., alveolar abscesses, periodontal
abscesses) (Resolves by incision and drainage)
6. After solid Organ transplant/grafts (cardiac/renal/bone
marrow/liver/osseous implants)
6. Draining sinus tract. (Removal of foci of infection resolves
drainage and sinus tract may heal on its own or may have
to be surgically excised.)
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 4 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
Table 3. Antibiotics useful in Dental Practice
Antibiotic used Cidal/Static Important characteristic
Amoxicillin Cidal
- Better oral tolerance.
- Less chances of toxicity.
- Most odontogenic infections still respond to this drug.
Amoxicillin + clavulanate Cidal
- Similar to amoxicillin with additional Beta lactamase
Cephalosporins Cidal
Useful in selective cases of penicillin allergy and have good
activity against most oral pathogens but (should not used
in cases of patients showing Type I hypersensitivity to
penicillin group of drugs)
Metronidazole Cidal
Active against obligate anaerobes but no activity against
facultative anaerobes like Streptococci. Useful in stage of
abscess formation.
Clindamycin Static
Useful in penicillin allergic patients and has a wide
spectrum of activity including anaerobes. Useful in penicillin
allergic infections. Risk of superinfection.
Tetracyclines Static
High concentrations achieved in bone and gingival tissues.
Topical formulations available for use in periodontology
Aminoglycosides Cidal/static
- Injectable drugs
- Active against gram negative odontogenic infections
- Used in combination with other drugs in severe
odontogenic infections
- Ototoxicity and hepatotixicity.
Macrolides antibiotics Static
Rapid antimicrobial resistance develops with these newer
antibiotics and so they must be avoided in dental settings
when better choices are available.
Fluoroquinolones Cidal
Moxioxacin has been found to be active against most
odontogenic micro-organisms. [90]. Useful in minor
infections in penicillin allergic patients, but better
alternatives are available and hence not recommended for
routine use.
the host's immune system to completely eradicate
the infection [20].
If the decision to prescribe an antibiotic is made,
it may be necessary to use microbiological testing
to choose the appropriate antibiotic. Microbiologi-
cal testing by culture and sensitivity tests will help
choose the best antibiotic. Samples are collected
in an appropriate manner after consultation with
the lab and sent immediately, preferably before
starting any antibiotics. After collection of sample,
treatment should be started immediately by use of
empiric antibiotics. For minor infections, amoxicillin
or amoxicillin/clavulanate is sufcient. A combina-
tion of beta-lactamase resistant penicillin group of
drug and metronidazole is started in cases of seri-
ous odontogenic infections along with appropriate
surgical therapy [16,19,21,22]. Routine culture and
sensitivity are not recommended in minor odonto-
genic infections. These infections respond well to
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 5
empiric antibiotic therapy with penicillin group of
drugs. It and so routine culture and sensitivity is not
cost effective [21]. In case of severe infections or
infections showing rapid spread, culture and sensi-
tivity might be recommended. One must remember
that waiting is wasting in these scenarios. Empiric
antibiotic therapy is started and later changed, if
necessary, based on culture and sensitivity reports.
Appropriate dosage/frequency
and duration
Discussing the detailed pharmacology of these
drugs is beyond the scope of this article but a brief
discussion of an important pharmacological prole
of antibiotics may be helpful.
Antibiotics can have a concentration-dependent
killing or a time-dependent killing. The concentra-
tion-dependent drugs cause bacterial death when
present above a particular concentration. Increasing
the concentration will result in faster killing. Thus a
single high dose may sufce to achieve the effect.
e.g, metronidazole. Time-dependent drugs have
their best effect when present at therapeutic levels
for a particular period of time. The therapeutic level
of the drug must be maintained for long periods to
achieve best effect. Increasing the concentration of
the drug may have no effect on its efcacy. These
drugs may be better used by increasing the fre-
quency of administration rather than increasing the
dose. Penicillin group of drugs belong to this prole
[13]. This suggests the question of whether 250 mg
of amoxicillin given 4 times a day is more benecial
than 500 mg of amoxicillin given 3 times a day Or is
250 mg of amoxicillin given thrice a day sufcient?
And in each of these settings, what is the recom-
mended duration of therapy ? Different prescribing
trends are present without adequate evidence of
their efcacy as there are no clear studies on the
best dosages and frequencies as applicable to den-
Higher dose of antibiotic given for a shorter dura-
tion are advocated in recent years [4 ]. This regimen
would avoid selection of antibiotic resistant species
and the risk of allergy or adverse events are not
signicantly raised for most dental specic antibiot-
ics. Selection of antibiotic resistant species is com-
mon after using lower dose of antibiotics for longer
periods of time. But before this, the rst question
to ask oneself is whether an antibiotic is indicated
in that particular clinical setting in that particular
patient [3].
A brief tabulation of management of most common
conditions treated by a dentist with their manage-
ment principles is listed in Table 4.
Antibiotics In Endodontic
Most endodontic practice deals with acute and
chronic pulpal and periapical pathologies. Evidence
has shown that antibiotics have no effect on the
pain in case.[10,23,24] Antibiotics are not useful
in most endodontic infections because it is doubt-
ful that systemic antibiotics are able to achieve an
adequate therapeutic concentration within the ne-
crotic pulp [25]. Meticulous endodontic technique
by avoiding over instrumentation will avoid periapi-
cal infections and are ups during the endodontic
therapies [26]. Pain during endodontic treatment
can be avoided by careful instrumentation. Non-
steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be
helpful to obtain pain relief [27]. Where endodontic
treatment is not feasible or in patients with non-
restorable tooth, extraction of the tooth will resolve
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 6 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
Table 4. Management of common dental conditions.
Condition Treatment Approach Antibiotics
Uncomplicated endodontic lesion - Debridement of root canal No
Soft tissue swelling of endodontic origin
(apical abscess / alveolar abscess)
- Debridement of root canal
- Incision and drainage.
Endodontic lesion conned to the bone
(apical periodontitis)
-Trephination of bone to relieve pressure
and speed healing
Periodontal abscess
- Scaling / removal of irritant
- Drainage of pus
Chronic periodontitis/ Gingivitis Scaling and root planing No
NUG without systemic complications in
healthy patients.
- Debridement
- Irrigation
- Scaling and root planing
NUG with systemic complications or in
immune compromised patients / ANUP / HIV
associated NUG/NUP
-Scaling and root planing
-Systemic Antibiotics
Yes. Metronidazole is rst choice.
Penicillin group of drugs may be
additional adjuvants [35]
Aggressive periodontal diseases / Refractory
periodontal conditions
- Debridement
- Scaling and root planing
May be considered early in
generalized aggressive periodontitis
Localized abscess
- Incision and Drainage
- Removal of foci of infection
Fascial space infections
- Incision and drainage
- Removal of foci of infection
Complicated endodontic / periodontic
lesions with signs of systemic spread of
infection /involvement of fascial spaces
- Removal of foci of infection
- Incision and drainage
Systemically compromised patients with
immune defects
Removal of foci of infection by any
appropriate means
Yes (use of bactericidal drugs
Prior to uncomplicated / complicated
- No
Prior to periodontal surgeries / endodontic
- No
Prior to Regenerative periodontal therapy
with membranes / grafting
- May be *
Prior to implant surgery -
Not necessary in case of single
implant placement.
* not supported by strong high quality evidence, NUG Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, NUP Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis,
HIV Human Immunodeciency Virus
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 7
the infectious process. As for endodontic surgeries,
they do not require use of antibiotics in healthy pa-
tients usually, but may be used if deemed necessary
by the clinician. [3]. Postoperative anti-inammatory
drugs will be sufcient to control pain. Postsurgical
infection is not common after endodontic surgeries
Acute peri-radicular abscess is a common endodon-
tic infection. A recent review concluded that there
is insufcient evidence to recommend use of anti-
biotics in cases of apical periodontitis or in acute
peri-radicular abscesses [11]. In the management of
acute peri-radicular abscesses, the abscess should
rst be drained by performing a pulpectomy or
incision and drainage, and relieving any traumatic
occlusion. If adequate drainage is achieved via inci-
sion and drainage, debridement, and medication of
the canal system, antibiotics are not required gener-
ally [31,32]. In the event of systemic complications,
such as fever, lymphadenopathy, or cellulitis or in
an immunocompromised patient, antibiotics may be
prescribed in addition to drainage of infection. [32].
Anyibiotics in Periodontal practice
Periodontitis is a bacterial infection and this has
been used as a justication for the repeated routine
use of antibiotics in periodontology. But the clinical
relevance of bacteria being present in the tissues
is still not clearly dened in periodontal infections
and it is inappropriate to make clinical treatment
such as to use adjunctive systemic antibiotics on
this premise alone. Montiero et al., [33] conducted
a survey regarding the use of systemic antibiotics
by dentists for periodontal diseases and concluded
that many dentists still use systemic antibiotics in-
correctly, without regard to evidence in published
literature, for inappropriate indications and using
inappropriate protocols that are ineffective in peri-
odontal therapy. There is considerable controversy
on the use of microbial testing in periodontology.
While some authors suggest that after appropri-
ate and thorough mechanotherapy, microbial test-
ing should be undertaken before starting antibiotic
therapy [13] the benet of microbial testing has also
been questioned [34].
Gingivitis and chronic periodontitis
Gingivitis is a local infectious process and responds
well to local mechanotherapy and antibiotic therapy
is contraindicated [35]. Routine use of systemic an-
tibiotics in treatment of chronic periodontitis is not
justied in normal healthy patients. The risks of sys-
temic antibiotics outweigh the benets for use in
periodontal diseases [13]. Periodontal pockets can
be treated by local irrigation of antiseptic / antibiotic
solutions. The removal of the calculus and infected
tissue by scaling and root planing procedure with
irrigation removes the infectious foci and resolves
the inammation. The main objective would be to
disrupt the biolm mechanically.
The interrelationship between periodontitis and gly-
cemic control may be considered bidirectional [36].
Oral hygiene education and mechanical debride-
ment of plaque and calculus combined with regular
maintenance is important. When possible, a HbA1c
of less than 10% should be established before sur-
gical treatment is performed and systemic antibiot-
ics are not needed routinely. Also, periodontal treat-
ment seems to improve glycemic control [37,38], It
was found that additional use of doxycycline did not
offer signicant benet in glycemic control [37], but
when doxycycline was used, the topical local deliv-
ery of doxycycline offered better glycemic control
(decrease by 10.5%) [39] than systemic doxycycline
(decrease by 4.7%) [40].
Aggressive periodontal diseases

Systemic therapy for treatment of the periodontal
condition in conjunction with local therapy is indi-
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 8 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
cated in patients with aggressive periodontitis to
eliminate the bacteria that invade the gingival tis-
sues and can repopulate the pocket after scaling
and root planing. The use of antibiotics is benecial
only after the biolm has been disrupted by ap-
propriate mechanotherapy and antibiotics should be
used only after proper mechanotherapy has been
used and has been unsuccessful. The use of combi-
nation of amoxicillin and metronidazole in aggres-
sive periodontal diseases is well supported [4144],
however well designed controlled clinical trials are
limited as shown in a recent review [45].
Acute lesions of gingiva/periodontium

The two most common acute gingival infections are
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) and herpetic
gingivostomatitis. Herpetic gingivostomatitis is a viral
infection but may be complicated by superinfection
with bacteria. These diseases occur most often in
healthy patients, but patients with depressed immu-
nologic responses have an increased risk for these
gingival entities. Both may appear similar and the
treatment by debridement is effective for NUG but
may exacerbate herpetic gingivostomatitis. On the
other hand, antiviral therapy is effective for herpetic
gingival lesions but not for NUG. [35].
Necrotizing lesions cause extensive tissue destruc-
tion and necrosis. The treatment is mainly removal
of the necrotic tissue with pain control. Antibiotics
are not recommended in NUG patients who do not
have systemic complications. [35,46]. However, in
patients with immunologic deciencies or patients
with evidence of spread beyond the gingival tissues
as in necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (NUP) then
systemic antibiotics are indicated especially when
local root planing and curettage is not possible im-
mediately. [35]. Regular daily follow up and debride-
ment with irrigation is required for management of
this lesion.
Necrotizing lesions of the gingiva and periodontium
can progress dramatically in Human Immunode-
ciency Virus (HIV) positive patients, thus it is nec-
essary to utilize thorough local therapy combined
with local use of antimicrobial mouthwashes such
as chlorhexidine and meticulous oral hygiene by the
patient. Systemic antibiotics may be used especially
when systemic complications ensue or anticipated.
Whenever possible, antibiotics should be avoided
in signicantly immunocompromised individuals to
minimize the risk of opportunistic infections (i.e.,
candidiasis), superinfection, and micro-organism
drug resistance [35,46,47].
Periodontal abscess
Periodontal abscesses can often be managed by
curetting the pocket under local anaesthesia to re-
move plaque or any other aetiologic material. The
use of systemic antibiotics may be indicated when
patients have elevated temperatures or show signs
of cellulitis and have systemic disease/immuno-
Table 5. Signs/symptoms of severe head and neck infections.
Signs/symptoms of systemic spread pyrexia, malaise and worsening of general condition.
Rapid onset and progress
Infection in immunocompromised patients.
Large swelling involving submental/submandibular or parapharyngeal spaces potential airway compromise
Presence of trismus indicates involvement of perimandibular spaces and is a serious sign.
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 9
compromised condition. [35,47]. Antibiotic therapy
alone without subsequent drainage and subgingival
scaling is contraindicated. [35].
Periodontal surgeries
Systemic antibiotics are generally used after recon-
structive periodontal therapy, although denitive
information on the advisability of this measure is
still lacking [4851].
Simple routine periodontal surgeries do not need
antibiotics in the postoperative period. Regenera-
tive therapies using bone grafts, allografts and peri-
odontal membranes sometimes require the use of
antibiotics to prevent infection of the bone graft
or the foreign material (membranes). Even though
studies seem to suggest no additional benet [49
52], current practice recommends use of antibiotics
in this scenario. [35]. High dose for a short term,
would be benecial not exceeding 5 days, would
be sufcient in most instances [35]. Consideration
for peri-implant infections are tabulated in Table 6.
Topical antibiotics in Periodontology
There is a need to reduce the widespread and re-
peated use of topical antibiotics as advocated by
some manufacturers. Topical antimicrobial therapy
should be used with same caution as applied to
systemic therapy. Their indications are similar to sys-
temic antibiotic therapy in periodontology [13].
Table 6. Considerations for peri implant infections.
Condition Criteria for diagnosis Treatment
Peri-implant Mucositis
Bleeding on probing
Peri-implantitis pocket depth < 4 mm
No bone loss
A + B
Peri-implantitis graded according Renvert et al. [92]
Peri-implantitis Grade 0
Failed implant
Implant fracture
Implant mobility > 1 mm horizontal movability
Peri-implantitis Grade 1 (mild)
+/- Suppuration
Peri implant pocket depth < 4 mm
Bone loss < 2 mm
Foreign Body in implant sulcus - ? cement
A + B
Peri-implantitis Grade 2
+/- Suppuration
PPD 4-6 mm
Bone loss < 2 mm
A + B
Peri-implantitis Grade 3
+/- Suppuration
PPD > 6 mm
Bone loss > 2 mm
A + B + C
BOP = bleeding on probing; PPD = Peri implant pocket depth.
A Mechanical debridement (plastic scalers, rubber cup, air-abrasives), oral hygiene re-education & local antisepsis with chlorhexidine
0.10.2%, irrigation of Peri implant pocket with anti septic agents/antibiotic slurry and application of local antiseptic agent like
chlorhexidine gel.
B Removal of abutment.
C Surgical access & Systemic antibiotic.
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 10 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
Antibiotics in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Antibiotics in minor oral surgery
Most oral surgical procedures in general dental
practice and in the clinical practice involves simple
or complicated extraction of teeth, preprosthetic
hard tissue and soft tissue procedures, periapical
surgeries, implant placements and soft tissue biopsy
procedures. These surgical procedures are deemed
clean contaminated procedures. Clean procedures
usually do not have risk of postprocedural infec-
tions. Excellent aseptic precautions can reduce the
infection risk to about 3% to 5% [53]. Antibiotics
cannot reduce the risk of infection to below 1%
and may not be warranted. Even though antibiot-
ics are routinely used as surgical prophylaxis and
in the postprocedural period, there is not enough
evidence that such usages have a more favourable
outcome in oral surgery. In general there is overuse
of antibiotic prophylaxis in minor oral surgery [54
56,56]. A recent review concludes that about 12 pa-
tients have to be treated with antibiotic to prevent
one infection and that the risks of antibiotic use
signicantly outweigh the benets. [57]. The use of
prophylactic antibiotics prior to implant placement
is controversial. A systematic review supports the
use of 2 g amoxicillin as presurgical prophylaxis [58]
while a few other studies conclude that there is no
added benet [5961]. There is no evidence that
implant failure is prevented by antibiotic usage [13].
Antibiotics in complex odontogenic
Odontogenic infections begin with invasion by
mixed bacterial ora and in the early stages facul-
tative anaerobes such as streptococci predominate
and cellulitis stage is established. Due to the change
in the environment inside the infected regions, there
is a change in the microora from facultative to ob-
ligate anaerobes and there is formation of abscess.
Cellulitis is a rapidly spreading progressive infection
caused by facultative anaerobes whereas abscess is
predominantly an obligate anaerobic infection with
well dened margins, uctuant and is lled with
pus [1316,21].
Severe infections of the head and neck should pref-
erably be seen by a specialist early for combined
antibiotic and surgical management. Severity may
be indicated by signs/symptoms listed in Table 5.
Penicillin group of drugs remain the drugs of choice
for early stages of odontogenic infections. After for-
mation of abscess, drugs with anaerobic spectrum
like metronidazole or clindamycin are indicated. As
a general rule, if infection has been present for
more than 2-3 days, it can be expected to have pro-
gressed to obligate anaerobic infection and addition
of metronidazole along with amoxicillin is benecial
[16,19,21]. A short course of high dose antibiotics
combined with surgical drainage and daily debride-
ment/irrigation as indicated results in quicker resolu-
tion of the infection. In general it's recommended
that the antibiotic therapy should be continued at
least 2-3 days beyond resolution of symptoms. [21].
Antibiotic use in maxillofacial trauma
The general consideration is that wound closure
of clean and clean contaminated wounds like intra
oral mucosal lacerations or that can be rendered
clean do not require routine use of antibiotics. Dirty
wounds or infected wounds would need a debride-
ment before closure or may be treated by delayed
primary closure or left to heal by secondary inten-
tion. Antibiotics are not a substitute for surgical de-
bridement. Routine use of surgical prophylaxis does
not seem to offer additional benet in reduction of
infections [6265]. Surgeries performed with due
care for surgical asepsis do not require prophylactic
dose of antibiotics beyond the rst 24 hours. In-
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 11
fected wounds and fractures/hardware should be
treated as any maxillofacial infection and the same
considerations are applicable including surgical re-
moval of the infectious foci with adjunctive use of
Concept of surgical prophylaxis in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery
The decision to use prophylactic antibiotics in non-
infected cases should also be based on whether
patients have any signicant medical risk factors
that could adversely affect their humoral and cellu-
lar immune mechanisms, and whether any systemic
risks are associated with the bacteremia that ac-
companies tooth extraction. For patients in whom
postoperative infection may be anticipated the use
of chemoprophylaxis is recommended. There is no
evidence that the use of antibiotics beyond 24-48
hours has any additional benet. [66]. The classical
studies on antibiotic prophylaxis recommend that
the duration of the prophylaxis drug should NOT
exceed 24 hours. Antibiotics given after that do not
have a signicant benet and risk of adverse events
and complications increase beyond that period.
The prophylactic dose of antibiotic is usually double
the recommended dose [67]. The dose should be
administered prior to surgery such that the peak
concentration occurs at the time of taking the in-
cision. Average peak serum levels are reached 60
-120 minutes after oral administration of amoxicillin
and immediately after intravenous administration
of amoxicillin [68,69]. Therefore, oral amoxicillin 1
gram (double the therapeutic dose of 500 mg) is
recommended at least 1 hour prior to surgery (as
the levels peak at about 60120 minutes after ad-
ministration) are cases done under local anaesthesia.
Intravenous (IV) antibiotics can be given just prior
to or a few minutes prior to taking the incision as
immediately high levels are attained in the blood. IV
administration is useful in cases done under general
anaesthesia conveniently administered at the time
of induction. The concept of antibiotic re-dosing
may be applicable to complex surgeries of longer
durations which is rare in usual dental practice. Use
of multiple drugs have not been found to be bene-
cial [66]. To In patients who are allergic to penicillin,
clindamycin may be used [54,7072].
Pediatric considerations
Healthy paediatric population require the same con-
sideration as healthy adults. There is often misuse
of antibiotics in treating children [25]. They are com-
monly over-prescribed and over/underdosed. More
often, dentists give in to request from the parent
and ll a prescription for antibiotic even when not
denitely indicated.
Antibiotic usage in compromised patients
The rationale behind using antibiotics in medically
compromised patients with immune defect is that
they are at a higher risk of infection and infections
are more difcult to manage in this group of pa-
tients [13,57]. Studies in this population without
antibiotics is not possible nor ethical. The use of
antibiotics when used rationally may be benecial
in this group of patients. In neutropenic patients
antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended by some
especially when absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
drop below 1000-1500/microlitre [46,7376], while
others feel it's not recommended [77]. In general a
denite guideline/recommendation is lacking in this
regard. [78]. So, the decision has to be made on a
case by case basis in consultation with the treat-
ing physician/medical expert. These patients benet
with a bactericidal drug as their immune system
may not be able to clear the infection efciently
with bacteriostatic drugs [20].
Vol. 4 No. 2:1
doi: 10.3823/748
This article is available from: www.iajaa.org 12 Received 18 July 2014; accepted 22 August 2914
Consideration for chemoprophylaxis in
certain systemic conditions
Bacteremia occurs whenever there is manipulation
of gingival tissue, integrity of the mucosal barrier
is breached and during endodontic instrumenta-
tion. This can be potentially dangerous in patients
with prosthetic cardiac valves or untreated cardiac
valve/septal defects and in patients with allograft
prosthetic joints. The indications for infective en-
docarditis prophylaxis are constantly being revised.
Regional variations exist in the recommendations
through the world and the dentist should follow
the latest regional/national guidelines when pres-
ent. It may be prudent to consult with the treating
physician before any procedure is planned or refer
to any card/pamphlet with instruction that the pa-
tient may carry as is customary in certain parts of
the world. But over the past few years the patients
for whom infective endocarditis prophylaxis is rec-
ommended has been decreased [7983]. This is due
to the lack of denite evidence linking infective en-
docarditis and the dental procedures [8487]. The
stress has been placed on cumulative bacteremia
that occurs due to daily activities like brushing and
ossing more than the bacteremia that occurs due
to dental procedures [80,82,84]. Maintaining oral
health in these at-risk patients can decrease occur-
rence of infective endocarditis [80,82,83].
Recent guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis in pat-
ents with prosthetic joints has been issued which
also recommends against the routine practice of
antibiotic prophylaxis in these patients due to in-
sufcient evidence for linking dental procedures to
periprosthetic infections [88,89]. The recommenda-
tion is for maintenance of good oral hygiene. A
detailed discussion of these special topics is beyond
the scope of this article and the reader is encour-
aged to read through the references cited for a de-
tailed discussion.
To summarise, the denitive indications for antibiot-
ics in dentistry are limited and specic (see Table
4). Most odontogenic infections can be managed
by removal of the focus of infection and they re-
spond well to specic limited arsenal of antibiot-
ics like amoxicillin and metronidazole. Appropriate
antibiotic stewardship and rational prescription of
antibiotics by dentists is urgently needed in view of
the pandemic issue of antimicrobial resistance. Edu-
cation in this regard is necessary during the training
as well as in continuing dental education programs
to curb antibiotic abuse.
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