SituationalInterviewQuestions Answers

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The passages discuss strategies for leading projects, prioritizing work, addressing team issues and poor performance.

I would ask for feedback and take everyone's opinions into account before beginning. I would also explain how the company will benefit to help gain support.

I would determine what must be completed for each project, how long each will take, and if the new deadline can be met. If not, I would request reassignment while recommending another take over my current duties.


Team members you've been assigned to lead during a new project object
to your vision and ideas for implementing it. What would you specifically
do to resolve the problem?

Answer: I usually ask for feedback about my ideas and take into account
everyone's opinions prior to beginning a new project. When possible, I organize
meetings with group members to discuss my plans and explain how the company
will benefit after the project is successfully completed. Likewise, I make it clear to
team members that policy changes can be made if they are dissatisfied after
beginning a new project.

2. You're responsible for an important project near completion but
receive another important one that must be completed immediately. How
do you multi-task and prioritize?

Answer: Before beginning the new project, I determine what must be completed
and estimate how long it will take and what resources are needed to successfully
complete it. If I'm confident it cannot be completed by the deadline, I would
request that a superior be assigned the project, while recommending another co-
worker to take responsibility of a project the superior is working on.

3. When a subordinate is performing below average, what specific steps
do you take to correct the problem?

Answer: I begin by determining what factors have contributed to the poor
performance. After that is determined, I conclude whether the cause is work
related or personal. When the problem is related to the individual's private life, I
determine whether it's possible or appropriate for me to recommend solutions.

Additionally, when dealing with a subordinate's personal problems, I attempt to
estimate how much productivity has been lost due to problem. I then proceed to
address the importance of remaining productive while handling the problem and
encouraging the individual to do what is necessary to resolve the issue.

4. Near the end of the year, you're responsible for ensuring a large
amount of work be finished before the new year. A subordinate decides
to use sick hours to take an entire week off of work. What do you
specifically do to address the problem?

Answer: I review if, and how much, vacation time the worker used during the
year. If the individual has used few vacation hours, I do not report the situation
to my superiors, while encouraging the individual to remain at work during the
week. If the individual has lied about being sick in the past to take time off work,
I would refer the situation to the human resources department.

5. What would you do if you realized a project you completed just before
deadline did not meet all of the project specifications?

Answer: First, I would not expect this ever to happen as I always review all
project specs, time requirements, and deadlines prior to starting any new
assignment to ensure my work is done on time, within budget, and that it meets
all project specifications. If it ever were to occur, I would bring the issue to the
attention of my superiors and ask for a realistic extension to make sure the
project met all specifications. I would the review my project planning process to
see what went wrong, why the project was not done on time according to specs
and take steps to make sure it never happened again.

6. Suppose you don't see eye to eye with your supervisor on how to deal
with a certain problem? How would you handle the situation?

Answer: I would first try and put myself in my supervisor's shoes and view the
problems from his or her perspective. If I was still struggling to see eye to eye
with my supervisor's assessment and/or solution to the problem, I would analyze
the problem and come up with a few other ways to address the problem. In
private, I would then discuss the problem with my supervisor and suggest how I
think it should be addressed.

7. If hired, what steps would you take to make important job related

1. I would first determine if the decision is one that would benefit the company.
2. I would assess if and how the decision would fit within the scope of the
company's core values.
3. I would assess a how decision might negatively impact the company.

8. What would you do if you knew your boss was absolutely wrong about
an important work related issue?

Answer: It would depend on a number of factors, including the personality of my
boss, how critical the issue is and the overall situation.

If my boss did not like having his authority brought into question or challenged,
or was prone to anger, I would probably never tell him he's wrong. I would simply
be polite, try to understand his perspectve and what he is wanting to get
accomplished, handle the situation the way I know it needs to be handled, and
then provide my boss with the results he desired.

If my boss was a little more open to outside suggestion, or constructive criticism,
I would first validate his opinion/view by sincerely considering his perspective and
letting him know I understand why he might feel the way he does. I would then
suggest that there might be a better, more efficient, or more effective way to
accomplish what he wants.

1. 1. Describe a time on any job in which you were faced with stresses which tested your coping skills. What
did you do?
2. 2. Tell me a time in which you had to not finish a task because of a lack of information. How did you
handle it?
3. 3. Give an example of a time in which you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision.
4. 4. Relate a time in which you had to use your verbal communication skills in order to get an important
point across.
5. 5. Describe a job experience in which you had to speak up to be sure that other people knew what you
thought or felt.
6. 6. Can you tell me a time in which you felt you were able to build motivation in your co-workers or
7. 7. Give me an example of a specific occasion in which you had to conform to a policy with which you did
not agree.
8. 8. Describe a situation in which you felt it necessary to be very attentive and vigilant to your environment.
9. 9. Provide an example of a time in which you had to use your fact-finding skills to gain information for
solving a problem.
10. 10. Give me a time in which you had to set an important goal in the past and tell me about your success in
reaching it.
11. 11. Describe the most significant piece of writing which you have had to complete.
12. 12. Tell me an example of a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job
13. 13. Can you tell me a time when you were able to effectively read another person and guide your actions
by your understanding of their individual needs or values?
14. 14. What did you do in your last job in order to be effective with your organization and planning? Be
15. 15. Describe the most creative work-related project which you have carried out.
16. 16. Tell me a time in which you felt it was necessary to change your actions in order to respond to the needs
of another person.
17. 17. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.
18. 18. Tell me a time when you had to carefully analyze a situation in order to be effective in guiding your
19. 19. What did you do in your last job to contribute toward a teamwork environment? Be specific.
20. 20. Give me an example on any job in which you faced a problemand tell me how you went about solving it.
21. 21. Describe a situation in which you were able to positively influence the actions of others in a desired
22. 22. When working on a team, what role do you usually take? Why?
23. 23. Tell me of a time when you had to take initiative to develop an innovative project to achieve better
24. 24. Give me two examples of when you did more than was required in any job experience.
25. 25. By providing an example, how did you handle a time where others on your team were negative.
26. 26. Everyone has to bend or break rules sometimes. Recall an example of when you had to do this.
27. 27. Describe the process you went through to make one or two of the most important decisions of your
professional life.
28. 28. Have you ever been the latitude to make a decision for your boss? If so under what circumstances?
29. 29. What process do you use to establish priorities? Be specific.
30. 30. Describe an experience in which you had to pull together resources which are not under your control.
31. 31. Give me a time when one of your suggestions was put into practiceby your supervisor.
32. 32. Tell me a time when you had to implement changein your area of responsibility. What did you do to get
them underway?
33. 33. What ways have you found to make your job easier or more rewarding?
34. 34. Give an example when you persuaded management to do something they were first reluctant to do.
What was the result?
35. 35. Provide an example of how you resolved a conflict with you and another person when you disagreed
with each other.
36. 36. Describe in any job experience how you developed rapport with your peers and your supervisor.
37. 37. Tell me about a time when you have had to utilize a system to informyour supervisor and teammates.
38. 38. Give some examples of ways you minimize stress in your life.
39. 39. By providing an example, tell me when you have had to handle a variety of assignments. Describe the
40. 40. Describe the most creative way you have solved a customers problem.
41. 41. Tell me about an accomplishment that you are very proud of and why it means so much to you.
42. 42. Provide me with an example of a time when you had to teach someone a new skill or procedure.
43. 43. Describe a job experience when you successfully communicated with someone that did not personally
like you.
44. 44. Tell me about a time when your supervisor was not satisfied with the quality of your work. What
actions did you take?
45. 45. Describe a typical day. How do you decide what to work on and what goals to accomplish?
46. 46. Give me an example of a time when your schedule was interrupted by unforeseen circumstances. How
did you handle it?
47. 47. Describe for me a situation when you failed to meet a deadline. What things did you fail to do? What
did you learn?
48. 48. Tell me a time when you were on a team and one of your teammates was not pulling his/her weight.
How did you handle it?
49. 49. By providing an example, tell me of a situation where you had to use your ability to negotiate.
50. 50. Describe for me a job experience when you had to serve as the leader in order to accomplish a goal.

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