Stopbadfit Approach - Ioc

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1. Symbol
What symbols are present in this extract? How do these symbols create meaning?

2. Theme
What major theme(s) is present in this extract? How does it fit with the theme(s) of the
larger body of work?

3. Organization
How is the text divided and structured? Does this structure have impact on meaning?
Does the title of the work relate to the passage? If so, how?

4. Progression
How does the text itself progress? Does the tone shift? Do characters develop? Do
actions develop? Is there some sort of change, transformation, epiphany, important
event, or important interaction? How does the progression in the poem connect to the
progression of the work as a whole?

5. Big Three
a. Speaker: Who is it? Is he/she reliable? Is there subtext in the dialogue?
b. Audience: Who is it? What is the intended effect of the text on the audience?
c. Situation: What happened, why, where, when, how, etc?

6. Atmosphere
What is the mood of the text? Why is this important? Consider how diction, imagery, and
tone contribute to the overall mood of the text. Does this change/shift at any point?

7. Diction
Does the author choose certain words for a desired effect? Is there any repetition of
important words? Are parts of the text colloquial or formal?

8. Figurative Language
Is there figurative language in this text? What kinds? What effect does it have?

9. Imagery
Does the author appeal to your sense of sight? Smell? Taste? Touch? Sound? How does
s/he do this? What effect does it have?

10. Tone
What is the attitude of the speaker, author, or narrator, and how is the tone revealed?
Some example tone words:
Amiable Complimentary Accusatory Condemnatory Amused Ironic
Authoritative Enthusiastic Agitated/Angry Condescending Comical Wry
Confident Hopeful Apathetic Desperate Cynical Teasing
Compassionate Playful Arrogant Judgmental Mocking Sardonic
Light-hearted Reverent Belligerent Harsh/Threatening Sarcastic Scornful

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