Assignment 2

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System analyst uses many graphical techniques to describe an information system.One popular method is to draw a set of data flow diagrams. The deliverable orend product of data and process modeling is a logical model that will supportbusiness operations and meet user needs. In SAD the vehicle for analysing the logical structure of an organisation’sinformation is the ogical Data !odel "D!#. A ogical Data !odel is a way of
 representing what that information is really all about$ how itrelates to other information and business concepts$ and how business rules areapplied to its use in the system. The D! is possibly the most important andultimately the most rigorous product of an entire SAD pro%ect.
TAS  A!St"dent need to #ns$e% #ll %el#ted "estion toget'e% t'e (#se st"dy $it't'ei% "nde%st#nding!
&.To show the details of system flow or process$ systems analysts uselogical modeling to represent the user requirements that can meet theirob%ectives. '(plain with e(ample of the diagram the usage of
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types of logic modeling in analysis phase. i.Structured 'nglishii.Decision Treeiii.Decision Table"&) mar*s#).+ased on question A "&#$ discuss any
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 benefits of using these logicmodeling in presenting the system process towards user and organi,ation."&) mar*s#
B!De-elo. # D#t# Flo$ Di#g%#m!
+ased on your -lass '(ercise of Data low Diagram$ draw a conte(t diagram and alevel/0 data flow diagram. /-onte(t diagram "&0 mar*s#/evel O DD "&1 mar*s#

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