Machine Elements

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ME 338 Spring 2014 Homework #1 Due: 1/30/2014

1. (5 Points) A vertical force P on the

foot pedal of the bell crank is
required to produce a tension T of
445 N in the vertical control rod.
a. Draw a free body diagram
labelling all forces and
their numerical values
b. Determine the
corresponding bearing
reactions at A and B

2. (5 Points) A freeway sign
measuring 12ft by 6ft is supported
on a single mast as
shown. The sign
supporting the
framework and mast
together weigh 500lb
with center of gravity
10ft away from the
vertical centerline of the
mast. When the sign is
subjected to the direct
blast of a 75 mi/hr wind,
an average pressure
difference of 17.5 lb/ft2
is developed between
the front and the back
sides of the sign with
the resultant of the
wind-pressure forces
acting at the center of
the sign
a. Draw a free body
b. Determine the
magnitudes of
the force and moment reactions at the base of the mast

3. (5 Points) Immovable Valve Handle(see figure below): The handle of a valve is struck
with a hammer in attempts to loosen it. This is obviously stressful for the handle. The
hammer has mass of 1kg and the valve handle has mass of 0.1kg. What is the impact
force felt at the handle? The stiffness of the handle is 60,000 N/m and the hammer is
swung at 2 m/s.
ME 338 Spring 2014 Homework #1 Due: 1/30/2014

4. (5 Points) The shaft shown in the figure above is 200mm long between ball bearings A
and B. Belt forces are applied to a sheave in the center as shown below. The left end of
the shaft is connected to a clutch by means of a flexible coupling. Nothing is attached to
the right end.
a. Draw a free body diagram and also the shear and moment diagrams
b. Determine and make a sketch showing the stresses acting on the top and side
elements T and S, located adjacent to the sheave (Neglect any stress
c. Draw Mohrs circle and determine the principal stresses

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