Turbo Assembler

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A small program written in Turbo assembler

; This program stores the numbers 3 and 4 in registers ax and bx

; The sum of registers ax and bx is stored in register bx
; The contents of register bx is moved to register dx
; Then dx is converted to ASCII and printed to the screen
.model small ; se the small memor! model
.stac" 3##h ; Include a stac" segment
.data ; $eginning of data segment
sum db % the sum of 3 and 4 is &% ; String to print to the screen
.code ; Start of code
start ' ; Starting address label
mov ax()data ; *et data segment address
mov ds(ax ; +oad data segment register
mov ax(4 ; ,ove 4 into register ax
mov bx(3 ; ,ove 3 into register bx
add bx(ax ; Add ax to bx and store the sum in bx
mov ah( #-h ; .ispla! string
mov dx(offset sum ; The string
int /0h ; Call $.1S
mov dx(bx ; ,ove the sum of 3 and 4 to register dx
add dl( 2#2 ; Convert binar! to ASCII
mov ah( /h ; .ispla! character service routine
int /0h ; Call $.1S
; 3xit the program
exit ' mov ah(4Ch ; 3xit process
int /0h ; Call $.1S
end start ; 3nd of start

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