Asg 2 PDF - Final Compressed
Asg 2 PDF - Final Compressed
Asg 2 PDF - Final Compressed
" Agree
From Harbeck, 2012
Studies show that people read information
differently on the web than they do in print.
o For example, website users only tend to read small amounts of
information at a time, and they are less likely to read all of the
information especially if the information is poorly organized
or if there is too much text on a page.
Users are less likely to read information that
they must scroll down to find. (Harbeck, 2012)
From Hufngton Post,
The content should provide valuable and
useful information to the reader. It should
teach them at least one or two things or
answer at least one question they have.
This can be adjusted depending on where
the content will be published
o such as a bIog, vebsile, add or sociaI media) and
vhal lhe main urose of lhe conlenl is.
You have to keep in mind that real people
are reading this content, so it has to be
interesting; the content needs to catch
and keep their attention from the title to
the last period
The content must be relevant to the niche,
business, or company that it's being
written about
Examples Of
Interesting Website
Screen Shots
Source from The Hunglon Iosl, 2014
Source from Harbeck, 2012
Il's a simIe vebsile as il is easy lo access.
Iasier for readers lo read
Nol messy
Slraighl lo lhe oinl
Iiclure from Hongkial, 2014
SimIe design
Calures auenlion of lhe readers easiIy
Iiclure from Iuegg, 2014
Another way to ensure the user knows where they are
is by highlighting the icons in a darker color as an
indication for the currently opened subpage, as
shown by Bloom Search Marketings website.
Iiclure from Ioom Search Markeling, 2014
75B s website, while innovative in their use of icons
instead of words, is confusing because while mousing
over one icon, the user might have forgotten what the
other icons are for.
Iiclure from 75