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Sorting Lesson Plan

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Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

USF Elementary Lesson Plan Template

1. Lesson Goals: All objectives must be written as what you expect your students to DO. Do not use the words KNOW or UNDERSTAND. All
objectives declared must be those you are committed to systematically assessing, as stated in your Evaluation Plan (Part 7).
What is the Essential
Question (Big Idea) all
students are investigating?
What can you observe about objects?
What are your objectives for
student learning in this
Students will be able to sort objects by color, shape, and other observable properties.
Why have you chosen these
These objectives have been chosen because they align with the standard, as well as the skills the students already have,
What Standards (National or
State) relate to this lesson?
SC.K.P.8.1: Sort objects by observable properties, such as shape, color, temperature (hot or cold),
weight (heavy or light), and texture.
2. Content Knowledge
Provide an overview/explain
what teachers should know
about this topic. What prior
knowledge is necessary to
master the objective(s)? Is
there a learning trajectory in
the lesson (in other words, is
there a logical sequence of
steps that students must take
to master the content)? What
connections can be made to
other disciplines? What real
world connections can be
The teacher should know the different ways objects can be sorted.
The learning trajectory includes
1. Sorting by color
2. Sorting by shape
3. Sorting by other properties
What is the underlying
content knowledge that you
want students to understand?

What misconceptions do
students typically have about
this concept?

Rationale and Relevance
(Connection to Students
It is important for students to sort objects because it is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. They will be sorting
objects throughout the rest of their schooling experience, as well as in the outside world.

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship
Knowledge, Skills,
Experience) Why is it
important for students to
learn this concept?
3. Levels of Differentiation
Name, and then explain
how your organized this
lesson to address the
interests, readiness
levels, culture and/or
learning profiles/styles of
your students. Explain
why you made these
choices. Your rationale
must contain clear
evidence of your
understanding of
differentiating instruction,
culturally responsive pedagogy
your classroom
curriculum, and your
knowledge and
understanding of your
unique learners.
How does your lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
I will first be reading a book called, Grandmas Button Box, which will connect with the students will be
interested in.
How does your lesson connect to/ reflect the local communities?

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional content support during this lesson?
Differentiated instruction will be done throughout the lesson. I will be walking around and monitoring student
work. The students who need help with receive extra attention from the teachers circulating the room.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support during this lesson?

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson?
What are the various ways
that you will group students
during this lesson and why
have you chosen each
grouping method?

What students need specific
accommodations in this
List individual students of significance who continue to need special support to be successful during instruction. Then list the specific
accommodations you are planning to use for each of these unique learners. Remember, accommodations are not the same as differentiating
instruction, although the two can overlap.
Students initials Accommodation
KL May need support using the manipulitives. She may need teacher guidance throughout lesson.
GC May need support focusing. I will be monitoring his engagement and attention throughout lesson,
keeping him on track.

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

4. Methods
What teaching method(s) will
you use for this lesson?
1. Read aloud 2. Modeling 3. Independent practice
Why have you chosen this
method or these methods?

What specific co-teaching
method are you

5. Activities: What are the specific teaching behaviors that will occur during each portion of the lesson? Remember, if you have different groups doing different
activities, each groups activity sequence must be clearly explained in separate sections. This is often the longest section of your lesson plan and will need to
be written exhaustively. Please also include the timing each activity will take, your plan for transitions between activities, and strategies to support time
management and classroom management.
What activities have you
planned for each phase of
your teaching method?
What is the role of the
teacher? What is the role
of the student? What
student data will be
collected during each
1. Students will sit at circle rug, I will go over anchor chart of how we sort from yesterday. I will then read the book
Grandmpas Button Box
2. We will discuss the different ways objects can be sorted. I will do a turn and talk for them to discuss the different
ways objects can be sorted, and the ways the objects were sorted in the book.
3. I will then explain to the students that they will be sorting by SHAPE today.
4. I will call each student back to their desks by table color.
5. Each student will have a cup of manipulatives, of all different colors and all different shapes.
6. The students will sort the manipulatives by shape
7. I will walk around and monitor progress and understanding.
8. Once all shapes are sorted, I will model on ELMO how to sketch their sorting manipulatives in their science
9. Students will sketch what they have sorted.
10. I will walk around and monitor understanding.

Adapted from University of Florida Pathwise Instruction Plan: Pre-internship

6. Materials: List the primary materials and resources will you use to support each students success in meeting the learning goals (this can include people, as
What instructional materials
will you use, if any?
Grandmas Button Box by Linda Williams Aber
Manipulative cups
Science Journals

Why have you chosen these

7. Evaluation Plan: A comprehensive data collection plan is needed that demonstrates how you intend to provide multiple kinds of evidence to
document student learning in an ongoing manner.
How do you plan to evaluate
student learning on the
content of this lesson? List
the combination of
evaluation/assessment data
you plan to collect before,
during, and after the lesson
(Examples: responses to
test/quiz questions and/or
scores, student work
products or performances,
teachers journal,
observations and field notes,
Formative: Based on discussion and partipation during activity I will assess the students knowledge. I will also be
walking around and monitoring the students understanding.
Summative: At the end of the unit, their will be an assessment on sorting. I will collect science journals to check for

8. Resources

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