Supervision 1 Readings

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Core texts:

Daniel, G. E., and Renfrew, C. 1988. The Idea of Prehistory. Edinburgh Edinburgh !ni"ersity
Dia#$%ndreu, &. '((). % *orld +istory of ,ineteenth -entury %r-haeology. ./ford ./ford
!ni"ersity Press
Trigger 0., 1989. % +istory of %r-haeologi-al Thought. Ca1bridge Ca1bridge !ni"ersity Press.
Chaps 2 and 3
&urray, T. 1999. En-y-lo2edia of %r-haeology. The Great %r-haeologists. 3Entries for 4ohn %ubrey,
*illia1 Ca1den, Edward 5lwyd, *illia1 6tu7eley, 4ohann *in-7el1ann, 8. Gordon Childe,
%rthur E"ans, Gustaf &ontelius, Gabriel de &ortillet, %ugustus Pitt Ri"ers, 6"en ,ilsson, +einri-h
6-hlie1ann, Daniel *ilson9
:::6-hna22 %., 199;. The Dis-o"ery of the Past. 5ondon 0ritish &useu1 Press. 3I li7e this one9
5andau, &. 198<. +u1an e"olution as narrati"e. %1eri-an 6-ientist )' ';'
Daniel, G. E. 19)=. % +undred and >ifty ?ears of %r-haeology. 5ondon Du-7worth 3Skim9
Dennell, R. 199(. Progressi"e gradualis1, i12erialis1 and a-ade1i- fashion 5ower Palaeolithi-
ar-haeology in the '(
-entury. %nti@uity ;< =<9$==8.
In addition, choose ONE OR TWO THINGS on marxism rom amon! these:
0ender, 0. 1989. The roots of ine@uality. In &iller, D., Rowlands, &. and Tilley, C.3eds.9,
Do1ination and Resistan-e. 5ondon !nwin +y1an 8A
*ard Gailey, C. '((A. Co11unity, state and @uestions of so-ial e"olution in &ar/Bs CEthnologi-al
,oteboo7sD. %nthro2ologi-a <=319 <=
&-Guire, R. 199A. %r-haeology and &ar/is1. %r-haeologi-al &ethod and Theory =1(1$1=).
&-Guire, R. 199'. % &ar/ist %r-haeology. 5ondon Else"ier.
&iller, D. and Tilley, C. 198<. Ideology, 2ower and 2rehistory %n introdu-tion. In &iller, D. and
Tilley, C. 3eds.9 Ideology, Power and Prehistory. Ca1bridgeCa1bridge !ni"ersity Press
Eohl, P. 1981. &aterialist a22roa-hes in 2rehistory. %nnual Re"iew of %nthro2ology 1( 89
Patterson, T. '((<. &ar/Bs Ghost Con"ersations with %r-haeologists. ./ford 0erg.
6aunders, T. 199(. Prestige and e/-hange %lthusser and 6tru-tural &ar/ists. In 0a7er, >. and
Tho1as, 4. 3eds.9, *riting the Past in the Present. 5a12eter 6aint Da"idBs !ni"ersity College ;9$
62riggs, &. 3ed.9 198<. &ar/ist Pers2e-ti"es in %r-haeology. Ca1bridge Ca1bridge !ni"ersity
and ONE OR TWO THINGS on Chi"de and #$ Chi"de
e%!%Trigger, 0. 198(. Gordon Childe Re"olutions in %r-haeology. 5ondon Tha1es and +udson

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