Delphi Method

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Attempting to predict the future has been the ambition of countless individuals since antiquity. In
the business sector, accurately predicting the future of demand, cash fows, and other factors is cru-
cial. Yet in many instances, such as projecting the effects of a new product or technology, quantitative
forecasting methods are not an option because historical data is typically not available. In such cases a
reliable forecast must be obtained using qualitative means. The Delphi Method is a reliable and unique
methodology appropriate for these instances.
In 1948, the United States Air Force realized the need to anticipate future advancements in
technology to protect America. The RAND project was formed to tackle these predictions. The existing
methods of forecasting were insuffcient to adequately prepare the needed report, because no historical
data for this subject was available. As they explored new methods of forecasting, the Delphi method was
born. Today businesses, governmental agencies, and organizations use the Delphi method to forecast
future events and make appropriate plans for the future.
The Delphi method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative processes that draws mainly
upon the opinions of identifed experts to develop theories and projections for the future. A group of
experts is drawn from several disciplines and professions. A multiple-round survey system is adminis-
tered to this group over an extended period of time. The goal of this method is to reach a consensus
among the group by the end of this multiple-round questionnaire process. The uniqueness of Delphi
lies in its reliability, given the variableness of human opinion, and in its ability to be administered
remotely and without direct participant interaction. It is best used for a fairly simple assessment of new
products and developments, but it is one of the most complex methodologies available.
The frst step toward implementing the Delphi method is to organize the process in a very specifc
and thorough manner. Questionnaires should be designed, administrative processes determined, and
The Delphi Method:
A qualitative means to a better future
by Jared Bourgeois, Laura Pugmire, Keara Stevenson, Nathan Swanson, and Benjamin Swanson
methods fail
Steps in
the Delphi
1. Identify
total costs evaluated before starting the actual procedures. When a complete
outline for the process is fnished, the expert-selection process can begin.
The size of the project being completed will determine the number of expert panels the Delphi
Method requires, but each panel should consist of approximately 10 to 18 members. The size of the
panel is ultimately determined by the needs and budget of those administering the process. A simple
random sampling of respondents is not adequate to form this panel. Unlike traditional statistical survey-
ing, the goal is not to select a representative sample of the population. The whole premise behind the
Delphi theory is that the panel members are in fact experts in their feld in order to yield more accurate
results. The criteria that qualifes an individual as a panel expert is determined by those administering
the process.
Once the expert selection process is fnished, a questionnaire is distributed to each panel member
for completion. The members are encouraged to draw upon their experiences, and use any historical
data, research, or other available resources to help in answering the posed questions. However, panel
experts should not consult others regarding questionnaire material, in part to avoid accidental contact
with other members of the panel.
The frst questionnaire usually consists of one or two questions. These are meant to be open-end-
ed questions related to the issue being researched. The experts give their opinion and return the ques-
tionnaire to the panel director. The panel director then reviews the responses and uses this information
to develop more specifc questions to be used in the second questionnaire.
The second questionnaire has two major parts: frst, the results and responses from the frst ques-
tionnaire are presented in an orderly format (such as a list or table). The experts rank the result items to
establish priorities, and are allowed to review their responses in light of the opinions of other experts,
add comments, and change their responses if desired. Second, the new questions formulated by the
panel director are posed to the panel. Panel members then return the answers to these questions, along
with any revisions to their previous answers, to the panel director. It is in this questionnaire that they
2. Select
3. Administer
4a. Evaluate
are able to explain the reasoning behind their responses. The panel director once again processes this
information and prepares the third questionnaire.
The third and all subsequent questionnaires contain three major parts. First, they include the an-
swers to all previous questions, along with some statistical data so experts can view how their responses
related to those of other panel members. Second, they include comments and reasoning that panel
members included with their answers. Third, they provide an opportunity for experts to review and
revise any of their previous answers. Once again, panel members fll out the questionnaire and return it
to the panel director.
This process continues until a consensus is reached by the group. Usually a minimum of three
questionnaires is needed to reach a consensus, but the number of questionnaires could be fve or more.
A key ingredient to this process is the anonymity of the panel members. No member knows the identity
of the other panel members. This allows a true consensus to be reached and eliminates many problems
that arise from bias and peer infuence among the participants.
As stated previously, the Delphi Method was created and frst applied in the early 50s when the
United States Air Force wanted to prepare for the possibility of an atomic war with the Soviet Union.
The goal was to project how many atomic bombs that the Soviet Union would deploy in the event of
war. The results from the frst round of expert responses showed estimates ranging from 50 to 5000
bombs. After proceeding through four more iterations of the survey and response process, that estimate
reached a consensus: 167 to 360 bombs. Using the repeated-ranking process of the Delphi methodol-
ogy, a professional and focused prediction was obtained.
Other examples where the Delphi method has been used include the forecasting of the long-term
impact of modern terrorism on U.S. Society, the effectiveness of an AIDS vaccination in Switzerland,
predicting the use and extent of information technology, and projecting how future events will affect the
U.S. lodging industry. In each example, the long-term effects of a newly-introduced idea is desired, but
not obtainable by quantitative means.
5. Interpret
The Delphi Method is a qualitative method used for forecasting in situations in which historical
data are unavailable or which explore far into the future. The Delphi Methodology is carried out by
identifying the problem, selecting a panel of experts to consult, administering various iterations of the
questionnaire and evaluation process, and drawing conclusions based on the experts consensus. Using
this methodology under the appropriate circumstances will give reliable and professional guidance to
many of the questions that businesses face today.
The Delphi Method is used in many modern studies and various valuable explanations and examples
are available for study and review. Below are a few excellent sources:
Dalkey, N.C. & Helmer, O. (1963, April). An experimental application of the Delphi method to
the user of experts. Management science, 9, 3, pp. 458-67.
Dalkey, N.C.; Rourke, D.L.; Lewis, R.; Snyder, D. (1972). Studies in the quality of life. Lexington,
Massachusetts: Lexington Books.
Helmer, Olaf. (1966, April). The Delphi Method for Systematizing Judgments About the Future.
Insititute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles.
Ludwig, Barbara. Oct. 1997. Predicting the Future: Have you considered using the Delphi
Methodology? Journal of Extension.
Okoli, C.; S.D. Pawlowski: The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design consider-
ations and applications. Information & Management 42 (2004) 15-29.

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