0611 Newsletter June 2011

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Were all High Priests?

While driving one afternoon through heavy traffic I just happened to overhear a radio Pastor
proclaiming that all believers were High Priests? But are we really High Priests? According to
the Mosaic covenant (1) Aaron and his Sons were first and only called to the Kohaneem Gadol
position (2). In fact in the past a search for this Jewish linage was conducted and they had found
that within the kohaneem DNA or genes was a special trait that only stemmed from within this
ancient family of priests (3).Showing G-ds divine validation, choice and signature for this special
family to exist as his own Holy and personal servants (4). This is who G-d called to the High
Priest office, but now how do we reconcile that all believers today are also High Priest? Actually
NO believer can be per-say a High priest. A quick scope through the Brit hadasha (NC) informs
us that we only have EhHAD-(ONE) Kohen Gadol (High Priest) (5a). His name is Yeshua
(Jesus) as for anyone else making this claim I do believe..
Orah Shel Yeshua

I IY YA AR R- -S SI IV VA AN N 5 57 77 71 1 J JU UN NE E 2 20 01 11 1
Jewish Christian Discipleship Ministry
I In ns si id de e t th hi is s L Le et tt te er r
Midrash with the Rabbi
Inspirational reading
Shabbat Devotional
Hebrew Perspectives
News on Israel
Ministry Updates
Yishayahu-Is 60:1-2
Shabbat Devotional
S Sc cr ri ip p r re ef f
Reading portions for JUNE 2011
C Cl li ic ck k f fo or r m mo or re e
Sat 7

Sat 14

Sat 21

Sat 28

Did Abraham set the
standard for tithing?
Inspirational Reading
In this month I would like to dedicate this proportional message to a wonderful group of believers
who had been struggling with tithe issues. Lots of times we will hear messages among some
church teachers or preachers on tithing. But every time they speak on the subject they will revert
back to the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) to justify that one MUST tithe 10% (a). This is such a confusing

S Sc cr ri ip p r re ef f
C Cl li ic ck k f fo or r m mo or re e
issue as well as hot topic for some. But looking into the matter Brit hadasha (NC) followers must keep this in mind. WE Jewish
believers and graphed in believers are NOT under the law, but are under grace!(b)Saying or using Old testament scripture to guilt trip
or manipulate followers into supporting the church is very errant. The story of Avraham (Abraham) for instance in (Breysheet- Genesis)(c) is
not a biblical basis or justification for all believers to now give 10% just because Abraham did it long before the tithe was under the Mosaic Law.
The truth is that,(one) Avraham was not commanded to give a 10% tithe, (two) the gift was a onetime offering or freewill offering of 10% in
thankfulness for delivering him the victory over his enemies (d). For we never hear about Abraham before then or even after that, that the
practice of giving 10% was mandatory for all or was it done weekly, monthly, yearly etc. (three) Abraham gave his gift to one person not to a
church, temple treasury or store house.(four) Abraham gave this 10% not out of his personal income but out of the spoils of war. If any person
should use this to insist on 10% tithing they should correctly teach going to war and then dividing and giving to G-d 10% tribute from this, not
insist that Abraham set the standard for tithing long before the Law. Lastly another among many scriptures that are used to ..
Osy is a teaching, discipleship, evangelistic ministry. Its focus is to share the full richness of both the Tenach (OT) and gospel from a Jewish Christian perspective (Rom 1:16). Osy mission
is to educate and inform the body of Messiah Yeshua about its biblical Hebraic heritage, its relationship to Israel and G-ds chosen people. Building love relationships and bringing
understanding between the Jewish community and Christian community, to glorify in unity the G-d of Israel through our Messiah in everything we do (Rom 2:9). To clearly reveal and
demonstrate the ultimate love of Messiah Yeshua (Yohanan-John 13:34-35).

Read the Article click
Hebraic Perspectives

Read the Article click Portion Gen 14:18
This months Hebrew word is Elyon (High or Most High), which is a word that
often serves as an epithet for El Elyon=G-d most High.
S Sc cr ri ip p r re ef f
Canada appears to have prevented the G8 from endorsing
U.S. President Barack Obama's plan for a Palestinian state
based on Israel's 1967 borders, but Prime Minister Stephen
Harper's office denies it was at the behest of the Israeli.

Read the Ministry Updates
This Months Hebrew word is:
Nvyla (Elyon) High
Which Hebrew definition means: Most high, hightest, upper, above,
Bringing You the GoodNews Message
MIDRASH WITH THE RABBI-Knowledge for the believer

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