Sample Meet and Confer Letter For California
Sample Meet and Confer Letter For California
Sample Meet and Confer Letter For California
Any Party
Any Street
Any Town, CA 99999
RE: John Doe v. John Poe
Dear ____:
On __________________, I served upon you, on eha!" o" your #!$ents,
_____________w$th "or% $nterro&ator$es, spe#$a! $nterro&ator$es, re'uests "or produ#t$on
o" do#u%ents and re'uests "or ad%$ss$on. To date no responses have een re#e$ved.
I have &ranted you severa! e(tens$ons, the %ost re#ent e$n& unt$! ________________.I
have st$!! not re#e$ved any responses. As you are %ore than ___ days !ate on %y %ost
prev$ous e(tens$on I %ust $ns$st that your #!$ent)s prov$de %e w$th the$r ver$"$ed
responses, w$thout o*e#t$ons.
+e adv$sed that Code of Civil Procedure , -.-/..0.1d2 states that "a$!$n& to respond to an
author$3ed %ethod o" d$s#overy $s an ause o" the d$s#overy pro#ess. 4urther, as your
#!$ent)s have "a$!ed to serve t$%e!y responses they have wa$ved any r$&ht to o*e#t$ons,
pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure , -./..-9. "or the "or% and spe#$a! $nterro&ator$es,
and Code of Civil Procedure , -./0./.. "or the re'uests "or produ#t$on o" do#u%ents,
and Code of Civil Procedure , -.//.-5. "or the re'uests "or ad%$ss$on.
A##ord$n&!y, I re'uest that your #!$ents su%$t ver$"$ed responses to %y "or% and spe#$a!
$nterro&ator$es, re'uests "or produ#t$on o" do#u%ents, and re'uests "or ad%$ss$on,
w$thout o*e#t$ons, w$th$n 0. days "ro% the date o" th$s !etter.
It $s %y s$n#ere $ntent$on to sett!e th$s %atter a%$#a!y w$thout the need "or *ud$#$a!
$ntervent$on. 6owever, as I a% ent$t!ed to your #!$ent)s ver$"$ed d$s#overy responses $n the
event I do not re#e$ve your #!$ent)s ver$"$ed responses, w$thout o*e#t$ons, w$th$n 0. days
"ro% the date o" th$s !etter I w$!! have no #ho$#e ut to "$!e %ot$ons to #o%pe! w$th the
Court and as7 "or attorney "ees and san#t$ons "or your #!$ent)s "a$!ure to #o%p!y.
8ery tru!y yours,
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