Navigating Maintenance Super User - LAB1B40Y

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Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
Job Title
Te Job Title !list"#o$rCompan%&com'($b)ect*+A,-----. is responsible /or ens$ring tat tis
0oc$ment is necessar% an0 tat it re/lects act$al practice&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007 !ll rights reserve"
Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User 2#$%&#'$("oc
)**ective 0%+&(+0( ,age & o* - .ev &
Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User
1& 1a2igate to Maintenance ($per 3ser&
4& (elect 5ome&
6& (elect Organi7ation8 EM1&
4& E-plain te 1oti/ications area o/ te 5ome page&
5& (elect te Assets tab an0 e-plain te (imple an0 A02ance0 searc /$nctionalit%&
9& (earc /or an Asset $sing te (imple (earc& E-plain tat :e can searc /or bot Capital an0
;eb$il0able <n2entor%&
=& (elect te asset an0 so: te /ollo:ing b% selecting te appropriate selection in te 0rop
0o:n list>
Asset Details
Con/ig$ration 5istor%
?or@ ;eA$ests
Meter ;ea0ings
?or@ Or0ers
8& (elect te ?or@ ;eA$ests tab&
9& (elect an Asset 1$mber an0 select Go&
10& Disc$ss o: te ?or@ ;eA$ests are associate0 :it te c$rrent asset& Te st$0ents a2e
alrea0% a0 e-ercises in creating an0 $p0ating ?or@ ;eA$ests8 b$t remin0 tem tat te%
can 2ie:8 create8 an0 $p0ate ?or@ ;eA$est in/ormation&
11& (elect te ?or@ Or0ers tab&
14& Enter an0 Asset 1$mber an0 ten coose Go&
16& E-plain tat te res$lts are ?or@ Or0ers tat are associate0 :it te c$rrent asset&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007 !ll rights reserve"
Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User 2#$%&#'$("oc
)**ective 0%+&(+0( ,age 2 o* - .ev &
14& (elect te Create ?or@ Or0er Ccreates an Eas% ?or@ Or0erD b$tton an0 e-plain te /ollo:ing
;eA$est 1$mber
?or@ Or0er T%pe
Acti2it% T%pe
Acti2it% Ca$se
Acti2it% (o$re
(ce0$le0 (tart Date an0 Times
(ce0$le0 D$ration Co$rsD
O:ning Department
15& (elect te ?or@ Elan tab&
19& Enter an Assigne0 Department an0 Date ;ange8 ten coose Go&
1=& (elect a :or@ or0er /rom te list o/ ?or@ Or0ers an0 e-plain tat ?or@ Or0erFs 0etails&
18& 1a2igate bac@ to te ?or@ Elan :in0o: an0 select a ?or@ Or0er& (elect te Manage
Operations b$tton an0 e-plain te Operations page&
19& Mention tat (tores :ill be 0isc$sse0 later&
Copyright Oracle Corporation, 2007 !ll rights reserve"
Demo - Navigating Maintenance Super User 2#$%&#'$("oc
)**ective 0%+&(+0( ,age - o* - .ev &

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